Java tutorial
/** * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.apache.hadoop.yarn.server.resourcemanager.scheduler.fair; import static org.apache.hadoop.yarn.util.resource.ResourceUtils.RESOURCE_REQUEST_VALUE_PATTERN; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Map; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import org.apache.hadoop.classification.InterfaceAudience.Private; import org.apache.hadoop.classification.InterfaceStability.Evolving; import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration; import org.apache.hadoop.util.StringUtils; import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.api.records.Resource; import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.api.records.ResourceInformation; import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.conf.YarnConfiguration; import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.exceptions.ResourceNotFoundException; import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.server.utils.BuilderUtils; import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.util.UnitsConversionUtil; import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.util.resource.ResourceUtils; import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.util.resource.Resources; @Private @Evolving public class FairSchedulerConfiguration extends Configuration { public static final Log LOG = LogFactory.getLog(FairSchedulerConfiguration.class.getName()); /** * Resource Increment request grant-able by the FairScheduler. * This property is looked up in the yarn-site.xml. * @deprecated The preferred way to configure the increment is by using the * yarn.resource-types.{RESOURCE_NAME}.increment-allocation property, * for memory: yarn.resource-types.memory-mb.increment-allocation */ @Deprecated public static final String RM_SCHEDULER_INCREMENT_ALLOCATION_MB = YarnConfiguration.YARN_PREFIX + "scheduler.increment-allocation-mb"; @Deprecated public static final int DEFAULT_RM_SCHEDULER_INCREMENT_ALLOCATION_MB = 1024; /** * Resource Increment request grant-able by the FairScheduler. * This property is looked up in the yarn-site.xml. * @deprecated The preferred way to configure the increment is by using the * yarn.resource-types.{RESOURCE_NAME}.increment-allocation property, * for CPU: yarn.resource-types.vcores.increment-allocation */ @Deprecated public static final String RM_SCHEDULER_INCREMENT_ALLOCATION_VCORES = YarnConfiguration.YARN_PREFIX + "scheduler.increment-allocation-vcores"; @Deprecated public static final int DEFAULT_RM_SCHEDULER_INCREMENT_ALLOCATION_VCORES = 1; /** Threshold for container size for making a container reservation as a * multiple of increment allocation. Only container sizes above this are * allowed to reserve a node */ public static final String RM_SCHEDULER_RESERVATION_THRESHOLD_INCREMENT_MULTIPLE = YarnConfiguration.YARN_PREFIX + "scheduler.reservation-threshold.increment-multiple"; public static final float DEFAULT_RM_SCHEDULER_RESERVATION_THRESHOLD_INCREMENT_MULTIPLE = 2f; private static final String CONF_PREFIX = "yarn.scheduler.fair."; public static final String ALLOCATION_FILE = CONF_PREFIX + "allocation.file"; protected static final String DEFAULT_ALLOCATION_FILE = "fair-scheduler.xml"; /** Whether pools can be created that were not specified in the FS configuration file */ protected static final String ALLOW_UNDECLARED_POOLS = CONF_PREFIX + "allow-undeclared-pools"; protected static final boolean DEFAULT_ALLOW_UNDECLARED_POOLS = true; /** Whether to use the user name as the queue name (instead of "default") if * the request does not specify a queue. */ protected static final String USER_AS_DEFAULT_QUEUE = CONF_PREFIX + "user-as-default-queue"; protected static final boolean DEFAULT_USER_AS_DEFAULT_QUEUE = true; protected static final float DEFAULT_LOCALITY_THRESHOLD = -1.0f; /** Cluster threshold for node locality. */ protected static final String LOCALITY_THRESHOLD_NODE = CONF_PREFIX + "locality.threshold.node"; protected static final float DEFAULT_LOCALITY_THRESHOLD_NODE = DEFAULT_LOCALITY_THRESHOLD; /** Cluster threshold for rack locality. */ protected static final String LOCALITY_THRESHOLD_RACK = CONF_PREFIX + "locality.threshold.rack"; protected static final float DEFAULT_LOCALITY_THRESHOLD_RACK = DEFAULT_LOCALITY_THRESHOLD; /** * Delay for node locality. * @deprecated Continuous scheduling is known to cause locking issue inside * Only used when {@link #CONTINUOUS_SCHEDULING_ENABLED} is enabled */ @Deprecated protected static final String LOCALITY_DELAY_NODE_MS = CONF_PREFIX + "locality-delay-node-ms"; @Deprecated protected static final long DEFAULT_LOCALITY_DELAY_NODE_MS = -1L; /** * Delay for rack locality. * @deprecated Continuous scheduling is known to cause locking issue inside * Only used when {@link #CONTINUOUS_SCHEDULING_ENABLED} is enabled */ @Deprecated protected static final String LOCALITY_DELAY_RACK_MS = CONF_PREFIX + "locality-delay-rack-ms"; @Deprecated protected static final long DEFAULT_LOCALITY_DELAY_RACK_MS = -1L; /** * Enable continuous scheduling or not. * @deprecated Continuous scheduling is known to cause locking issue inside * the scheduler in larger cluster, more than 100 nodes, use * {@link #ASSIGN_MULTIPLE} to improve container allocation ramp up. */ @Deprecated protected static final String CONTINUOUS_SCHEDULING_ENABLED = CONF_PREFIX + "continuous-scheduling-enabled"; @Deprecated protected static final boolean DEFAULT_CONTINUOUS_SCHEDULING_ENABLED = false; /** * Sleep time of each pass in continuous scheduling (5ms in default). * @deprecated Continuous scheduling is known to cause locking issue inside * Only used when {@link #CONTINUOUS_SCHEDULING_ENABLED} is enabled */ @Deprecated protected static final String CONTINUOUS_SCHEDULING_SLEEP_MS = CONF_PREFIX + "continuous-scheduling-sleep-ms"; @Deprecated protected static final int DEFAULT_CONTINUOUS_SCHEDULING_SLEEP_MS = 5; /** Whether preemption is enabled. */ protected static final String PREEMPTION = CONF_PREFIX + "preemption"; protected static final boolean DEFAULT_PREEMPTION = false; protected static final String PREEMPTION_THRESHOLD = CONF_PREFIX + "preemption.cluster-utilization-threshold"; protected static final float DEFAULT_PREEMPTION_THRESHOLD = 0.8f; protected static final String WAIT_TIME_BEFORE_KILL = CONF_PREFIX + "waitTimeBeforeKill"; protected static final int DEFAULT_WAIT_TIME_BEFORE_KILL = 15000; /** * Postfix for resource allocation increments in the * yarn.resource-types.{RESOURCE_NAME}.increment-allocation property. */ static final String INCREMENT_ALLOCATION = ".increment-allocation"; /** * Configurable delay (ms) before an app's starvation is considered after * it is identified. This is to give the scheduler enough time to * allocate containers post preemption. This delay is added to the * {@link #WAIT_TIME_BEFORE_KILL} and enough heartbeats. * * This is intended to be a backdoor on production clusters, and hence * intentionally not documented. */ protected static final String WAIT_TIME_BEFORE_NEXT_STARVATION_CHECK_MS = CONF_PREFIX + "waitTimeBeforeNextStarvationCheck"; protected static final long DEFAULT_WAIT_TIME_BEFORE_NEXT_STARVATION_CHECK_MS = 10000; /** Whether to assign multiple containers in one check-in. */ public static final String ASSIGN_MULTIPLE = CONF_PREFIX + "assignmultiple"; protected static final boolean DEFAULT_ASSIGN_MULTIPLE = false; /** Whether to give more weight to apps requiring many resources. */ protected static final String SIZE_BASED_WEIGHT = CONF_PREFIX + "sizebasedweight"; protected static final boolean DEFAULT_SIZE_BASED_WEIGHT = false; /** Maximum number of containers to assign on each check-in. */ public static final String DYNAMIC_MAX_ASSIGN = CONF_PREFIX + "dynamic.max.assign"; private static final boolean DEFAULT_DYNAMIC_MAX_ASSIGN = true; /** * Specify exact number of containers to assign on each heartbeat, if dynamic * max assign is turned off. */ protected static final String MAX_ASSIGN = CONF_PREFIX + "max.assign"; protected static final int DEFAULT_MAX_ASSIGN = -1; /** The update interval for calculating resources in FairScheduler .*/ public static final String UPDATE_INTERVAL_MS = CONF_PREFIX + "update-interval-ms"; public static final int DEFAULT_UPDATE_INTERVAL_MS = 500; /** Ratio of nodes available for an app to make an reservation on. */ public static final String RESERVABLE_NODES = CONF_PREFIX + "reservable-nodes"; public static final float RESERVABLE_NODES_DEFAULT = 0.05f; private static final String INVALID_RESOURCE_DEFINITION_PREFIX = "Error reading resource config--invalid resource definition: "; public FairSchedulerConfiguration() { super(); } public FairSchedulerConfiguration(Configuration conf) { super(conf); } public Resource getMinimumAllocation() { int mem = getInt(YarnConfiguration.RM_SCHEDULER_MINIMUM_ALLOCATION_MB, YarnConfiguration.DEFAULT_RM_SCHEDULER_MINIMUM_ALLOCATION_MB); int cpu = getInt(YarnConfiguration.RM_SCHEDULER_MINIMUM_ALLOCATION_VCORES, YarnConfiguration.DEFAULT_RM_SCHEDULER_MINIMUM_ALLOCATION_VCORES); return Resources.createResource(mem, cpu); } public Resource getMaximumAllocation() { int mem = getInt(YarnConfiguration.RM_SCHEDULER_MAXIMUM_ALLOCATION_MB, YarnConfiguration.DEFAULT_RM_SCHEDULER_MAXIMUM_ALLOCATION_MB); int cpu = getInt(YarnConfiguration.RM_SCHEDULER_MAXIMUM_ALLOCATION_VCORES, YarnConfiguration.DEFAULT_RM_SCHEDULER_MAXIMUM_ALLOCATION_VCORES); return Resources.createResource(mem, cpu); } public Resource getIncrementAllocation() { Long memory = null; Integer vCores = null; Map<String, Long> others = new HashMap<>(); ResourceInformation[] resourceTypes = ResourceUtils.getResourceTypesArray(); for (int i = 0; i < resourceTypes.length; ++i) { String name = resourceTypes[i].getName(); String propertyKey = getAllocationIncrementPropKey(name); String propValue = get(propertyKey); if (propValue != null) { Matcher matcher = RESOURCE_REQUEST_VALUE_PATTERN.matcher(propValue); if (matcher.matches()) { long value = Long.parseLong(; String unit =; long valueInDefaultUnits = getValueInDefaultUnits(value, unit, name); others.put(name, valueInDefaultUnits); } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Property " + propertyKey + " is not in \"value [unit]\" format: " + propValue); } } } if (others.containsKey(ResourceInformation.MEMORY_MB.getName())) { memory = others.get(ResourceInformation.MEMORY_MB.getName()); if (get(RM_SCHEDULER_INCREMENT_ALLOCATION_MB) != null) { String overridingKey = getAllocationIncrementPropKey(ResourceInformation.MEMORY_MB.getName()); LOG.warn("Configuration " + overridingKey + "=" + get(overridingKey) + " is overriding the " + RM_SCHEDULER_INCREMENT_ALLOCATION_MB + "=" + get(RM_SCHEDULER_INCREMENT_ALLOCATION_MB) + " property"); } others.remove(ResourceInformation.MEMORY_MB.getName()); } else { memory = getLong(RM_SCHEDULER_INCREMENT_ALLOCATION_MB, DEFAULT_RM_SCHEDULER_INCREMENT_ALLOCATION_MB); } if (others.containsKey(ResourceInformation.VCORES.getName())) { vCores = others.get(ResourceInformation.VCORES.getName()).intValue(); if (get(RM_SCHEDULER_INCREMENT_ALLOCATION_VCORES) != null) { String overridingKey = getAllocationIncrementPropKey(ResourceInformation.VCORES.getName()); LOG.warn("Configuration " + overridingKey + "=" + get(overridingKey) + " is overriding the " + RM_SCHEDULER_INCREMENT_ALLOCATION_VCORES + "=" + get(RM_SCHEDULER_INCREMENT_ALLOCATION_VCORES) + " property"); } others.remove(ResourceInformation.VCORES.getName()); } else { vCores = getInt(RM_SCHEDULER_INCREMENT_ALLOCATION_VCORES, DEFAULT_RM_SCHEDULER_INCREMENT_ALLOCATION_VCORES); } return Resource.newInstance(memory, vCores, others); } private long getValueInDefaultUnits(long value, String unit, String resourceName) { return unit.isEmpty() ? value : UnitsConversionUtil.convert(unit, ResourceUtils.getDefaultUnit(resourceName), value); } private String getAllocationIncrementPropKey(String resourceName) { return YarnConfiguration.RESOURCE_TYPES + "." + resourceName + INCREMENT_ALLOCATION; } public float getReservationThresholdIncrementMultiple() { return getFloat(RM_SCHEDULER_RESERVATION_THRESHOLD_INCREMENT_MULTIPLE, DEFAULT_RM_SCHEDULER_RESERVATION_THRESHOLD_INCREMENT_MULTIPLE); } public float getLocalityThresholdNode() { return getFloat(LOCALITY_THRESHOLD_NODE, DEFAULT_LOCALITY_THRESHOLD_NODE); } public float getLocalityThresholdRack() { return getFloat(LOCALITY_THRESHOLD_RACK, DEFAULT_LOCALITY_THRESHOLD_RACK); } /** * Whether continuous scheduling is turned on. * @deprecated use {@link #ASSIGN_MULTIPLE} to improve container allocation * ramp up. * @return whether continuous scheduling is enabled */ @Deprecated public boolean isContinuousSchedulingEnabled() { return getBoolean(CONTINUOUS_SCHEDULING_ENABLED, DEFAULT_CONTINUOUS_SCHEDULING_ENABLED); } /** * The sleep time of the continuous scheduler thread. * @deprecated linked to {@link #CONTINUOUS_SCHEDULING_ENABLED} deprecation * @return sleep time in ms */ @Deprecated public int getContinuousSchedulingSleepMs() { return getInt(CONTINUOUS_SCHEDULING_SLEEP_MS, DEFAULT_CONTINUOUS_SCHEDULING_SLEEP_MS); } /** * Delay in milliseconds for locality fallback node to rack. * @deprecated linked to {@link #CONTINUOUS_SCHEDULING_ENABLED} deprecation * @return delay in ms */ @Deprecated public long getLocalityDelayNodeMs() { return getLong(LOCALITY_DELAY_NODE_MS, DEFAULT_LOCALITY_DELAY_NODE_MS); } /** * Delay in milliseconds for locality fallback rack to other. * @deprecated linked to {@link #CONTINUOUS_SCHEDULING_ENABLED} deprecation * @return delay in ms */ @Deprecated public long getLocalityDelayRackMs() { return getLong(LOCALITY_DELAY_RACK_MS, DEFAULT_LOCALITY_DELAY_RACK_MS); } public boolean getPreemptionEnabled() { return getBoolean(PREEMPTION, DEFAULT_PREEMPTION); } public float getPreemptionUtilizationThreshold() { return getFloat(PREEMPTION_THRESHOLD, DEFAULT_PREEMPTION_THRESHOLD); } public boolean getAssignMultiple() { return getBoolean(ASSIGN_MULTIPLE, DEFAULT_ASSIGN_MULTIPLE); } public boolean isMaxAssignDynamic() { return getBoolean(DYNAMIC_MAX_ASSIGN, DEFAULT_DYNAMIC_MAX_ASSIGN); } public int getMaxAssign() { return getInt(MAX_ASSIGN, DEFAULT_MAX_ASSIGN); } public boolean getSizeBasedWeight() { return getBoolean(SIZE_BASED_WEIGHT, DEFAULT_SIZE_BASED_WEIGHT); } public long getWaitTimeBeforeNextStarvationCheck() { return getLong(WAIT_TIME_BEFORE_NEXT_STARVATION_CHECK_MS, DEFAULT_WAIT_TIME_BEFORE_NEXT_STARVATION_CHECK_MS); } public int getWaitTimeBeforeKill() { return getInt(WAIT_TIME_BEFORE_KILL, DEFAULT_WAIT_TIME_BEFORE_KILL); } public boolean getUsePortForNodeName() { return getBoolean(YarnConfiguration.RM_SCHEDULER_INCLUDE_PORT_IN_NODE_NAME, YarnConfiguration.DEFAULT_RM_SCHEDULER_USE_PORT_FOR_NODE_NAME); } public float getReservableNodes() { return getFloat(RESERVABLE_NODES, RESERVABLE_NODES_DEFAULT); } /** * Parses a resource config value in one of three forms: * <ol> * <li>Percentage: "50%" or "40% memory, 60% cpu"</li> * <li>New style resources: "vcores=10, memory-mb=1024" * or "vcores=60%, memory-mb=40%"</li> * <li>Old style resources: "1024 mb, 10 vcores"</li> * </ol> * In new style resources, any resource that is not specified will be * set to {@link Long#MAX_VALUE} or 100%, as appropriate. Also, in the new * style resources, units are not allowed. Units are assumed from the resource * manager's settings for the resources when the value isn't a percentage. * * @param value the resource definition to parse * @return a {@link ConfigurableResource} that represents the parsed value * @throws AllocationConfigurationException if the raw value is not a valid * resource definition */ public static ConfigurableResource parseResourceConfigValue(String value) throws AllocationConfigurationException { return parseResourceConfigValue(value, Long.MAX_VALUE); } /** * Parses a resource config value in one of three forms: * <ol> * <li>Percentage: "50%" or "40% memory, 60% cpu"</li> * <li>New style resources: "vcores=10, memory-mb=1024" * or "vcores=60%, memory-mb=40%"</li> * <li>Old style resources: "1024 mb, 10 vcores"</li> * </ol> * In new style resources, any resource that is not specified will be * set to {@code missing} or 0%, as appropriate. Also, in the new style * resources, units are not allowed. Units are assumed from the resource * manager's settings for the resources when the value isn't a percentage. * * The {@code missing} parameter is only used in the case of new style * resources without percentages. With new style resources with percentages, * any missing resources will be assumed to be 100% because percentages are * only used with maximum resource limits. * * @param value the resource definition to parse * @param missing the value to use for any unspecified resources * @return a {@link ConfigurableResource} that represents the parsed value * @throws AllocationConfigurationException if the raw value is not a valid * resource definition */ public static ConfigurableResource parseResourceConfigValue(String value, long missing) throws AllocationConfigurationException { ConfigurableResource configurableResource; if (value.trim().isEmpty()) { throw new AllocationConfigurationException( "Error reading resource " + "config--the resource string is empty."); } try { if (value.contains("=")) { configurableResource = parseNewStyleResource(value, missing); } else if (value.contains("%")) { configurableResource = parseOldStyleResourceAsPercentage(value); } else { configurableResource = parseOldStyleResource(value); } } catch (RuntimeException ex) { throw new AllocationConfigurationException("Error reading resource config", ex); } return configurableResource; } private static ConfigurableResource parseNewStyleResource(String value, long missing) throws AllocationConfigurationException { final ConfigurableResource configurableResource; boolean asPercent = value.contains("%"); if (asPercent) { configurableResource = new ConfigurableResource(); } else { configurableResource = new ConfigurableResource(missing); } String[] resources = value.split(","); for (String resource : resources) { String[] parts = resource.split("="); if (parts.length != 2) { throw createConfigException(value, "Every resource must be of the form: name=value."); } String resourceName = parts[0].trim(); String resourceValue = parts[1].trim(); try { if (asPercent) { configurableResource.setPercentage(resourceName, findPercentage(resourceValue, "")); } else { configurableResource.setValue(resourceName, Long.parseLong(resourceValue)); } } catch (ResourceNotFoundException ex) { throw createConfigException(value, "The " + "resource name, \"" + resourceName + "\" was not " + "recognized. Please check the value of " + YarnConfiguration.RESOURCE_TYPES + " in the Resource " + "Manager's configuration files.", ex); } catch (NumberFormatException ex) { // This only comes from Long.parseLong() throw createConfigException(value, "The " + "resource values must all be integers. \"" + resourceValue + "\" is not an integer.", ex); } catch (AllocationConfigurationException ex) { // This only comes from findPercentage() throw createConfigException(value, "The " + "resource values must all be percentages. \"" + resourceValue + "\" is either not a number or does not " + "include the '%' symbol.", ex); } } return configurableResource; } private static ConfigurableResource parseOldStyleResourceAsPercentage(String value) throws AllocationConfigurationException { return new ConfigurableResource(getResourcePercentage(StringUtils.toLowerCase(value))); } private static ConfigurableResource parseOldStyleResource(String value) throws AllocationConfigurationException { final String lCaseValue = StringUtils.toLowerCase(value); int memory = findResource(lCaseValue, "mb"); int vcores = findResource(lCaseValue, "vcores"); return new ConfigurableResource(BuilderUtils.newResource(memory, vcores)); } private static double[] getResourcePercentage(String val) throws AllocationConfigurationException { int numberOfKnownResourceTypes = ResourceUtils.getNumberOfKnownResourceTypes(); double[] resourcePercentage = new double[numberOfKnownResourceTypes]; String[] strings = val.split(","); if (strings.length == 1) { double percentage = findPercentage(strings[0], ""); for (int i = 0; i < numberOfKnownResourceTypes; i++) { resourcePercentage[i] = percentage; } } else { resourcePercentage[0] = findPercentage(val, "memory"); resourcePercentage[1] = findPercentage(val, "cpu"); } return resourcePercentage; } private static double findPercentage(String val, String units) throws AllocationConfigurationException { final Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile("((\\d+)(\\.\\d*)?)\\s*%\\s*" + units); Matcher matcher = pattern.matcher(val); if (!matcher.find()) { if (units.equals("")) { throw new AllocationConfigurationException("Invalid percentage: " + val); } else { throw new AllocationConfigurationException("Missing resource: " + units); } } return Double.parseDouble( / 100.0; } private static AllocationConfigurationException createConfigException(String value, String message) { return createConfigException(value, message, null); } private static AllocationConfigurationException createConfigException(String value, String message, Throwable t) { String msg = INVALID_RESOURCE_DEFINITION_PREFIX + value + ". " + message; if (t != null) { return new AllocationConfigurationException(msg, t); } else { return new AllocationConfigurationException(msg); } } public long getUpdateInterval() { return getLong(UPDATE_INTERVAL_MS, DEFAULT_UPDATE_INTERVAL_MS); } private static int findResource(String val, String units) throws AllocationConfigurationException { final Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile("(\\d+)(\\.\\d*)?\\s*" + units); Matcher matcher = pattern.matcher(val); if (!matcher.find()) { throw new AllocationConfigurationException("Missing resource: " + units); } return Integer.parseInt(; } }