Java tutorial
/** * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.lib.output; import; import; import org.apache.hadoop.classification.InterfaceAudience; import org.apache.hadoop.classification.InterfaceAudience.Private; import org.apache.hadoop.classification.InterfaceStability; import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration; import org.apache.hadoop.fs.FileStatus; import org.apache.hadoop.fs.FileSystem; import org.apache.hadoop.fs.Path; import org.apache.hadoop.fs.PathFilter; import org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.JobContext; import org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.JobStatus; import org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.MRJobConfig; import org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.OutputCommitter; import org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.TaskAttemptContext; import org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.TaskAttemptID; import; import; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; /** An {@link OutputCommitter} that commits files specified * in job output directory i.e. ${mapreduce.output.fileoutputformat.outputdir}. **/ @InterfaceAudience.Public @InterfaceStability.Stable public class FileOutputCommitter extends PathOutputCommitter { private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(FileOutputCommitter.class); /** * Name of directory where pending data is placed. Data that has not been * committed yet. */ public static final String PENDING_DIR_NAME = "_temporary"; /** * Temporary directory name * * The static variable to be compatible with M/R 1.x */ @Deprecated protected static final String TEMP_DIR_NAME = PENDING_DIR_NAME; public static final String SUCCEEDED_FILE_NAME = "_SUCCESS"; public static final String SUCCESSFUL_JOB_OUTPUT_DIR_MARKER = "mapreduce.fileoutputcommitter.marksuccessfuljobs"; public static final String FILEOUTPUTCOMMITTER_ALGORITHM_VERSION = "mapreduce.fileoutputcommitter.algorithm.version"; public static final int FILEOUTPUTCOMMITTER_ALGORITHM_VERSION_DEFAULT = 2; // Skip cleanup _temporary folders under job's output directory public static final String FILEOUTPUTCOMMITTER_CLEANUP_SKIPPED = "mapreduce.fileoutputcommitter.cleanup.skipped"; public static final boolean FILEOUTPUTCOMMITTER_CLEANUP_SKIPPED_DEFAULT = false; // Ignore exceptions in cleanup _temporary folder under job's output directory public static final String FILEOUTPUTCOMMITTER_CLEANUP_FAILURES_IGNORED = "mapreduce.fileoutputcommitter.cleanup-failures.ignored"; public static final boolean FILEOUTPUTCOMMITTER_CLEANUP_FAILURES_IGNORED_DEFAULT = false; // Number of attempts when failure happens in commit job public static final String FILEOUTPUTCOMMITTER_FAILURE_ATTEMPTS = "mapreduce.fileoutputcommitter.failures.attempts"; // default value to be 1 to keep consistent with previous behavior public static final int FILEOUTPUTCOMMITTER_FAILURE_ATTEMPTS_DEFAULT = 1; // Whether tasks should delete their task temporary directories. This is // purely an optimization for filesystems without O(1) recursive delete, as // commitJob will recursively delete the entire job temporary directory. // HDFS has O(1) recursive delete, so this parameter is left false by default. // Users of object stores, for example, may want to set this to true. Note: // this is only used if mapreduce.fileoutputcommitter.algorithm.version=2 public static final String FILEOUTPUTCOMMITTER_TASK_CLEANUP_ENABLED = "mapreduce.fileoutputcommitter.task.cleanup.enabled"; public static final boolean FILEOUTPUTCOMMITTER_TASK_CLEANUP_ENABLED_DEFAULT = false; private Path outputPath = null; private Path workPath = null; private final int algorithmVersion; private final boolean skipCleanup; private final boolean ignoreCleanupFailures; /** * Create a file output committer * @param outputPath the job's output path, or null if you want the output * committer to act as a noop. * @param context the task's context * @throws IOException */ public FileOutputCommitter(Path outputPath, TaskAttemptContext context) throws IOException { this(outputPath, (JobContext) context); if (getOutputPath() != null) { workPath = Preconditions.checkNotNull(getTaskAttemptPath(context, getOutputPath()), "Null task attempt path in %s and output path %s", context, outputPath); } } /** * Create a file output committer * @param outputPath the job's output path, or null if you want the output * committer to act as a noop. * @param context the task's context * @throws IOException */ @Private public FileOutputCommitter(Path outputPath, JobContext context) throws IOException { super(outputPath, context); Configuration conf = context.getConfiguration(); algorithmVersion = conf.getInt(FILEOUTPUTCOMMITTER_ALGORITHM_VERSION, FILEOUTPUTCOMMITTER_ALGORITHM_VERSION_DEFAULT);"File Output Committer Algorithm version is " + algorithmVersion); if (algorithmVersion != 1 && algorithmVersion != 2) { throw new IOException("Only 1 or 2 algorithm version is supported"); } // if skip cleanup skipCleanup = conf.getBoolean(FILEOUTPUTCOMMITTER_CLEANUP_SKIPPED, FILEOUTPUTCOMMITTER_CLEANUP_SKIPPED_DEFAULT); // if ignore failures in cleanup ignoreCleanupFailures = conf.getBoolean(FILEOUTPUTCOMMITTER_CLEANUP_FAILURES_IGNORED, FILEOUTPUTCOMMITTER_CLEANUP_FAILURES_IGNORED_DEFAULT);"FileOutputCommitter skip cleanup _temporary folders under " + "output directory:" + skipCleanup + ", ignore cleanup failures: " + ignoreCleanupFailures); if (outputPath != null) { FileSystem fs = outputPath.getFileSystem(context.getConfiguration()); this.outputPath = fs.makeQualified(outputPath); } } /** * @return the path where final output of the job should be placed. This * could also be considered the committed application attempt path. */ @Override public Path getOutputPath() { return this.outputPath; } /** * @return the path where the output of pending job attempts are * stored. */ private Path getPendingJobAttemptsPath() { return getPendingJobAttemptsPath(getOutputPath()); } /** * Get the location of pending job attempts. * @param out the base output directory. * @return the location of pending job attempts. */ private static Path getPendingJobAttemptsPath(Path out) { return new Path(out, PENDING_DIR_NAME); } /** * Get the Application Attempt Id for this job * @param context the context to look in * @return the Application Attempt Id for a given job. */ private static int getAppAttemptId(JobContext context) { return context.getConfiguration().getInt(MRJobConfig.APPLICATION_ATTEMPT_ID, 0); } /** * Compute the path where the output of a given job attempt will be placed. * @param context the context of the job. This is used to get the * application attempt id. * @return the path to store job attempt data. */ public Path getJobAttemptPath(JobContext context) { return getJobAttemptPath(context, getOutputPath()); } /** * Compute the path where the output of a given job attempt will be placed. * @param context the context of the job. This is used to get the * application attempt id. * @param out the output path to place these in. * @return the path to store job attempt data. */ public static Path getJobAttemptPath(JobContext context, Path out) { return getJobAttemptPath(getAppAttemptId(context), out); } /** * Compute the path where the output of a given job attempt will be placed. * @param appAttemptId the ID of the application attempt for this job. * @return the path to store job attempt data. */ protected Path getJobAttemptPath(int appAttemptId) { return getJobAttemptPath(appAttemptId, getOutputPath()); } /** * Compute the path where the output of a given job attempt will be placed. * @param appAttemptId the ID of the application attempt for this job. * @return the path to store job attempt data. */ private static Path getJobAttemptPath(int appAttemptId, Path out) { return new Path(getPendingJobAttemptsPath(out), String.valueOf(appAttemptId)); } /** * Compute the path where the output of pending task attempts are stored. * @param context the context of the job with pending tasks. * @return the path where the output of pending task attempts are stored. */ private Path getPendingTaskAttemptsPath(JobContext context) { return getPendingTaskAttemptsPath(context, getOutputPath()); } /** * Compute the path where the output of pending task attempts are stored. * @param context the context of the job with pending tasks. * @return the path where the output of pending task attempts are stored. */ private static Path getPendingTaskAttemptsPath(JobContext context, Path out) { return new Path(getJobAttemptPath(context, out), PENDING_DIR_NAME); } /** * Compute the path where the output of a task attempt is stored until * that task is committed. * * @param context the context of the task attempt. * @return the path where a task attempt should be stored. */ public Path getTaskAttemptPath(TaskAttemptContext context) { return new Path(getPendingTaskAttemptsPath(context), String.valueOf(context.getTaskAttemptID())); } /** * Compute the path where the output of a task attempt is stored until * that task is committed. * * @param context the context of the task attempt. * @param out The output path to put things in. * @return the path where a task attempt should be stored. */ public static Path getTaskAttemptPath(TaskAttemptContext context, Path out) { return new Path(getPendingTaskAttemptsPath(context, out), String.valueOf(context.getTaskAttemptID())); } /** * Compute the path where the output of a committed task is stored until * the entire job is committed. * @param context the context of the task attempt * @return the path where the output of a committed task is stored until * the entire job is committed. */ public Path getCommittedTaskPath(TaskAttemptContext context) { return getCommittedTaskPath(getAppAttemptId(context), context); } public static Path getCommittedTaskPath(TaskAttemptContext context, Path out) { return getCommittedTaskPath(getAppAttemptId(context), context, out); } /** * Compute the path where the output of a committed task is stored until the * entire job is committed for a specific application attempt. * @param appAttemptId the id of the application attempt to use * @param context the context of any task. * @return the path where the output of a committed task is stored. */ protected Path getCommittedTaskPath(int appAttemptId, TaskAttemptContext context) { return new Path(getJobAttemptPath(appAttemptId), String.valueOf(context.getTaskAttemptID().getTaskID())); } private static Path getCommittedTaskPath(int appAttemptId, TaskAttemptContext context, Path out) { return new Path(getJobAttemptPath(appAttemptId, out), String.valueOf(context.getTaskAttemptID().getTaskID())); } private static class CommittedTaskFilter implements PathFilter { @Override public boolean accept(Path path) { return !PENDING_DIR_NAME.equals(path.getName()); } } /** * Get a list of all paths where output from committed tasks are stored. * @param context the context of the current job * @return the list of these Paths/FileStatuses. * @throws IOException */ private FileStatus[] getAllCommittedTaskPaths(JobContext context) throws IOException { Path jobAttemptPath = getJobAttemptPath(context); FileSystem fs = jobAttemptPath.getFileSystem(context.getConfiguration()); return fs.listStatus(jobAttemptPath, new CommittedTaskFilter()); } /** * Get the directory that the task should write results into. * @return the work directory * @throws IOException */ public Path getWorkPath() throws IOException { return workPath; } /** * Create the temporary directory that is the root of all of the task * work directories. * @param context the job's context */ public void setupJob(JobContext context) throws IOException { if (hasOutputPath()) { Path jobAttemptPath = getJobAttemptPath(context); FileSystem fs = jobAttemptPath.getFileSystem(context.getConfiguration()); if (!fs.mkdirs(jobAttemptPath)) { LOG.error("Mkdirs failed to create " + jobAttemptPath); } } else { LOG.warn("Output Path is null in setupJob()"); } } /** * The job has completed, so do works in commitJobInternal(). * Could retry on failure if using algorithm 2. * @param context the job's context */ public void commitJob(JobContext context) throws IOException { int maxAttemptsOnFailure = isCommitJobRepeatable(context) ? context.getConfiguration() .getInt(FILEOUTPUTCOMMITTER_FAILURE_ATTEMPTS, FILEOUTPUTCOMMITTER_FAILURE_ATTEMPTS_DEFAULT) : 1; int attempt = 0; boolean jobCommitNotFinished = true; while (jobCommitNotFinished) { try { commitJobInternal(context); jobCommitNotFinished = false; } catch (Exception e) { if (++attempt >= maxAttemptsOnFailure) { throw e; } else { LOG.warn("Exception get thrown in job commit, retry (" + attempt + ") time.", e); } } } } /** * The job has completed, so do following commit job, include: * Move all committed tasks to the final output dir (algorithm 1 only). * Delete the temporary directory, including all of the work directories. * Create a _SUCCESS file to make it as successful. * @param context the job's context */ @VisibleForTesting protected void commitJobInternal(JobContext context) throws IOException { if (hasOutputPath()) { Path finalOutput = getOutputPath(); FileSystem fs = finalOutput.getFileSystem(context.getConfiguration()); if (algorithmVersion == 1) { for (FileStatus stat : getAllCommittedTaskPaths(context)) { mergePaths(fs, stat, finalOutput); } } if (skipCleanup) {"Skip cleanup the _temporary folders under job's output " + "directory in commitJob."); } else { // delete the _temporary folder and create a _done file in the o/p // folder try { cleanupJob(context); } catch (IOException e) { if (ignoreCleanupFailures) { // swallow exceptions in cleanup as user configure to make sure // commitJob could be success even when cleanup get failure. LOG.error("Error in cleanup job, manually cleanup is needed.", e); } else { // throw back exception to fail commitJob. throw e; } } } // True if the job requires output.dir marked on successful job. // Note that by default it is set to true. if (context.getConfiguration().getBoolean(SUCCESSFUL_JOB_OUTPUT_DIR_MARKER, true)) { Path markerPath = new Path(outputPath, SUCCEEDED_FILE_NAME); // If job commit is repeatable and previous/another AM could write // mark file already, we need to set overwritten to be true explicitly // in case other FS implementations don't overwritten by default. if (isCommitJobRepeatable(context)) { fs.create(markerPath, true).close(); } else { fs.create(markerPath).close(); } } } else { LOG.warn("Output Path is null in commitJob()"); } } /** * Merge two paths together. Anything in from will be moved into to, if there * are any name conflicts while merging the files or directories in from win. * @param fs the File System to use * @param from the path data is coming from. * @param to the path data is going to. * @throws IOException on any error */ private void mergePaths(FileSystem fs, final FileStatus from, final Path to) throws IOException { if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { LOG.debug("Merging data from " + from + " to " + to); } FileStatus toStat; try { toStat = fs.getFileStatus(to); } catch (FileNotFoundException fnfe) { toStat = null; } if (from.isFile()) { if (toStat != null) { if (!fs.delete(to, true)) { throw new IOException("Failed to delete " + to); } } if (!fs.rename(from.getPath(), to)) { throw new IOException("Failed to rename " + from + " to " + to); } } else if (from.isDirectory()) { if (toStat != null) { if (!toStat.isDirectory()) { if (!fs.delete(to, true)) { throw new IOException("Failed to delete " + to); } renameOrMerge(fs, from, to); } else { //It is a directory so merge everything in the directories for (FileStatus subFrom : fs.listStatus(from.getPath())) { Path subTo = new Path(to, subFrom.getPath().getName()); mergePaths(fs, subFrom, subTo); } } } else { renameOrMerge(fs, from, to); } } } private void renameOrMerge(FileSystem fs, FileStatus from, Path to) throws IOException { if (algorithmVersion == 1) { if (!fs.rename(from.getPath(), to)) { throw new IOException("Failed to rename " + from + " to " + to); } } else { fs.mkdirs(to); for (FileStatus subFrom : fs.listStatus(from.getPath())) { Path subTo = new Path(to, subFrom.getPath().getName()); mergePaths(fs, subFrom, subTo); } } } @Override @Deprecated public void cleanupJob(JobContext context) throws IOException { if (hasOutputPath()) { Path pendingJobAttemptsPath = getPendingJobAttemptsPath(); FileSystem fs = pendingJobAttemptsPath.getFileSystem(context.getConfiguration()); // if job allow repeatable commit and pendingJobAttemptsPath could be // deleted by previous AM, we should tolerate FileNotFoundException in // this case. try { fs.delete(pendingJobAttemptsPath, true); } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { if (!isCommitJobRepeatable(context)) { throw e; } } } else { LOG.warn("Output Path is null in cleanupJob()"); } } /** * Delete the temporary directory, including all of the work directories. * @param context the job's context */ @Override public void abortJob(JobContext context, JobStatus.State state) throws IOException { // delete the _temporary folder cleanupJob(context); } /** * No task setup required. */ @Override public void setupTask(TaskAttemptContext context) throws IOException { // FileOutputCommitter's setupTask doesn't do anything. Because the // temporary task directory is created on demand when the // task is writing. } /** * Move the files from the work directory to the job output directory * @param context the task context */ @Override public void commitTask(TaskAttemptContext context) throws IOException { commitTask(context, null); } @Private public void commitTask(TaskAttemptContext context, Path taskAttemptPath) throws IOException { TaskAttemptID attemptId = context.getTaskAttemptID(); if (hasOutputPath()) { context.progress(); if (taskAttemptPath == null) { taskAttemptPath = getTaskAttemptPath(context); } FileSystem fs = taskAttemptPath.getFileSystem(context.getConfiguration()); FileStatus taskAttemptDirStatus; try { taskAttemptDirStatus = fs.getFileStatus(taskAttemptPath); } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { taskAttemptDirStatus = null; } if (taskAttemptDirStatus != null) { if (algorithmVersion == 1) { Path committedTaskPath = getCommittedTaskPath(context); if (fs.exists(committedTaskPath)) { if (!fs.delete(committedTaskPath, true)) { throw new IOException("Could not delete " + committedTaskPath); } } if (!fs.rename(taskAttemptPath, committedTaskPath)) { throw new IOException("Could not rename " + taskAttemptPath + " to " + committedTaskPath); }"Saved output of task '" + attemptId + "' to " + committedTaskPath); } else { // directly merge everything from taskAttemptPath to output directory mergePaths(fs, taskAttemptDirStatus, outputPath);"Saved output of task '" + attemptId + "' to " + outputPath); if (context.getConfiguration().getBoolean(FILEOUTPUTCOMMITTER_TASK_CLEANUP_ENABLED, FILEOUTPUTCOMMITTER_TASK_CLEANUP_ENABLED_DEFAULT)) { LOG.debug(String.format("Deleting the temporary directory of '%s': '%s'", attemptId, taskAttemptPath)); if (!fs.delete(taskAttemptPath, true)) { LOG.warn("Could not delete " + taskAttemptPath); } } } } else { LOG.warn("No Output found for " + attemptId); } } else { LOG.warn("Output Path is null in commitTask()"); } } /** * Delete the work directory * @throws IOException */ @Override public void abortTask(TaskAttemptContext context) throws IOException { abortTask(context, null); } @Private public void abortTask(TaskAttemptContext context, Path taskAttemptPath) throws IOException { if (hasOutputPath()) { context.progress(); if (taskAttemptPath == null) { taskAttemptPath = getTaskAttemptPath(context); } FileSystem fs = taskAttemptPath.getFileSystem(context.getConfiguration()); if (!fs.delete(taskAttemptPath, true)) { LOG.warn("Could not delete " + taskAttemptPath); } } else { LOG.warn("Output Path is null in abortTask()"); } } /** * Did this task write any files in the work directory? * @param context the task's context */ @Override public boolean needsTaskCommit(TaskAttemptContext context) throws IOException { return needsTaskCommit(context, null); } @Private public boolean needsTaskCommit(TaskAttemptContext context, Path taskAttemptPath) throws IOException { if (hasOutputPath()) { if (taskAttemptPath == null) { taskAttemptPath = getTaskAttemptPath(context); } FileSystem fs = taskAttemptPath.getFileSystem(context.getConfiguration()); return fs.exists(taskAttemptPath); } return false; } @Override @Deprecated public boolean isRecoverySupported() { return true; } @Override public boolean isCommitJobRepeatable(JobContext context) throws IOException { return algorithmVersion == 2; } @Override public void recoverTask(TaskAttemptContext context) throws IOException { if (hasOutputPath()) { context.progress(); TaskAttemptID attemptId = context.getTaskAttemptID(); int previousAttempt = getAppAttemptId(context) - 1; if (previousAttempt < 0) { throw new IOException("Cannot recover task output for first attempt..."); } Path previousCommittedTaskPath = getCommittedTaskPath(previousAttempt, context); FileSystem fs = previousCommittedTaskPath.getFileSystem(context.getConfiguration()); if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { LOG.debug("Trying to recover task from " + previousCommittedTaskPath); } if (algorithmVersion == 1) { if (fs.exists(previousCommittedTaskPath)) { Path committedTaskPath = getCommittedTaskPath(context); if (!fs.delete(committedTaskPath, true) && fs.exists(committedTaskPath)) { throw new IOException("Could not delete " + committedTaskPath); } //Rename can fail if the parent directory does not yet exist. Path committedParent = committedTaskPath.getParent(); fs.mkdirs(committedParent); if (!fs.rename(previousCommittedTaskPath, committedTaskPath)) { throw new IOException( "Could not rename " + previousCommittedTaskPath + " to " + committedTaskPath); } } else { LOG.warn(attemptId + " had no output to recover."); } } else { // essentially a no-op, but for backwards compatibility // after upgrade to the new fileOutputCommitter, // check if there are any output left in committedTaskPath try { FileStatus from = fs.getFileStatus(previousCommittedTaskPath);"Recovering task for upgrading scenario, moving files from " + previousCommittedTaskPath + " to " + outputPath); mergePaths(fs, from, outputPath); } catch (FileNotFoundException ignored) { }"Done recovering task " + attemptId); } } else { LOG.warn("Output Path is null in recoverTask()"); } } @Override public String toString() { final StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder("FileOutputCommitter{"); sb.append(super.toString()).append("; "); sb.append("outputPath=").append(outputPath); sb.append(", workPath=").append(workPath); sb.append(", algorithmVersion=").append(algorithmVersion); sb.append(", skipCleanup=").append(skipCleanup); sb.append(", ignoreCleanupFailures=").append(ignoreCleanupFailures); sb.append('}'); return sb.toString(); } }