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 * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
 * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
 * distributed with this work for additional information
 * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
 * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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package org.apache.hadoop.mapred;


import org.apache.hadoop.classification.InterfaceAudience;
import org.apache.hadoop.classification.InterfaceStability;
import org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.TaskType;

 * TaskAttemptID represents the immutable and unique identifier for 
 * a task attempt. Each task attempt is one particular instance of a Map or
 * Reduce Task identified by its TaskID. 
 * TaskAttemptID consists of 2 parts. First part is the 
 * {@link TaskID}, that this TaskAttemptID belongs to.
 * Second part is the task attempt number. <br> 
 * An example TaskAttemptID is : 
 * <code>attempt_200707121733_0003_m_000005_0</code> , which represents the
 * zeroth task attempt for the fifth map task in the third job 
 * running at the jobtracker started at <code>200707121733</code>.
 * <p>
 * Applications should never construct or parse TaskAttemptID strings
 * , but rather use appropriate constructors or {@link #forName(String)} 
 * method. 
 * @see JobID
 * @see TaskID
public class TaskAttemptID extends org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.TaskAttemptID {

     * Constructs a TaskAttemptID object from given {@link TaskID}.  
     * @param taskId TaskID that this task belongs to  
     * @param id the task attempt number
    public TaskAttemptID(TaskID taskId, int id) {
        super(taskId, id);

     * Constructs a TaskId object from given parts.
     * @param jtIdentifier jobTracker identifier
     * @param jobId job number 
     * @param isMap whether the tip is a map 
     * @param taskId taskId number
     * @param id the task attempt number
     * @deprecated Use {@link #TaskAttemptID(String, int, TaskType, int, int)}.
    public TaskAttemptID(String jtIdentifier, int jobId, boolean isMap, int taskId, int id) {
        this(jtIdentifier, jobId, isMap ? TaskType.MAP : TaskType.REDUCE, taskId, id);

     * Constructs a TaskId object from given parts.
     * @param jtIdentifier jobTracker identifier
     * @param jobId job number 
     * @param type the TaskType 
     * @param taskId taskId number
     * @param id the task attempt number
    public TaskAttemptID(String jtIdentifier, int jobId, TaskType type, int taskId, int id) {
        this(new TaskID(jtIdentifier, jobId, type, taskId), id);

    public TaskAttemptID() {
        super(new TaskID(), 0);

     * Downgrade a new TaskAttemptID to an old one
     * @param old the new id
     * @return either old or a new TaskAttemptID constructed to match old
    public static TaskAttemptID downgrade(org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.TaskAttemptID old) {
        if (old instanceof TaskAttemptID) {
            return (TaskAttemptID) old;
        } else {
            return new TaskAttemptID(TaskID.downgrade(old.getTaskID()), old.getId());

    public TaskID getTaskID() {
        return (TaskID) super.getTaskID();

    public JobID getJobID() {
        return (JobID) super.getJobID();

    public static TaskAttemptID read(DataInput in) throws IOException {
        TaskAttemptID taskId = new TaskAttemptID();
        return taskId;

    /** Construct a TaskAttemptID object from given string 
     * @return constructed TaskAttemptID object or null if the given String is null
     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the given string is malformed
    public static TaskAttemptID forName(String str) throws IllegalArgumentException {
        return (TaskAttemptID) org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.TaskAttemptID.forName(str);

     * Returns a regex pattern which matches task attempt IDs. Arguments can 
     * be given null, in which case that part of the regex will be generic.  
     * For example to obtain a regex matching <i>all task attempt IDs</i> 
     * of <i>any jobtracker</i>, in <i>any job</i>, of the <i>first 
     * map task</i>, we would use :
     * <pre> 
     * TaskAttemptID.getTaskAttemptIDsPattern(null, null, true, 1, null);
     * </pre>
     * which will return :
     * <pre> "attempt_[^_]*_[0-9]*_m_000001_[0-9]*" </pre> 
     * @param jtIdentifier jobTracker identifier, or null
     * @param jobId job number, or null
     * @param isMap whether the tip is a map, or null 
     * @param taskId taskId number, or null
     * @param attemptId the task attempt number, or null
     * @return a regex pattern matching TaskAttemptIDs
    public static String getTaskAttemptIDsPattern(String jtIdentifier, Integer jobId, Boolean isMap, Integer taskId,
            Integer attemptId) {
        return getTaskAttemptIDsPattern(jtIdentifier, jobId, isMap ? TaskType.MAP : TaskType.REDUCE, taskId,

     * Returns a regex pattern which matches task attempt IDs. Arguments can 
     * be given null, in which case that part of the regex will be generic.  
     * For example to obtain a regex matching <i>all task attempt IDs</i> 
     * of <i>any jobtracker</i>, in <i>any job</i>, of the <i>first 
     * map task</i>, we would use :
     * <pre> 
     * TaskAttemptID.getTaskAttemptIDsPattern(null, null, TaskType.MAP, 1, null);
     * </pre>
     * which will return :
     * <pre> "attempt_[^_]*_[0-9]*_m_000001_[0-9]*" </pre> 
     * @param jtIdentifier jobTracker identifier, or null
     * @param jobId job number, or null
     * @param type the {@link TaskType} 
     * @param taskId taskId number, or null
     * @param attemptId the task attempt number, or null
     * @return a regex pattern matching TaskAttemptIDs
    public static String getTaskAttemptIDsPattern(String jtIdentifier, Integer jobId, TaskType type, Integer taskId,
            Integer attemptId) {
        StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(ATTEMPT).append(SEPARATOR);
        builder.append(getTaskAttemptIDsPatternWOPrefix(jtIdentifier, jobId, type, taskId, attemptId));
        return builder.toString();

    static StringBuilder getTaskAttemptIDsPatternWOPrefix(String jtIdentifier, Integer jobId, TaskType type,
            Integer taskId, Integer attemptId) {
        StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();
        builder.append(TaskID.getTaskIDsPatternWOPrefix(jtIdentifier, jobId, type, taskId)).append(SEPARATOR)
                .append(attemptId != null ? attemptId : "[0-9]*");
        return builder;