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 * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
 * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
 * distributed with this work for additional information
 * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
 * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
 * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
 * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * <p/>
 * <p/>
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

package org.apache.hadoop.mapred.gridmix;

import org.apache.commons.logging.Log;
import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory;
import org.apache.hadoop.classification.InterfaceAudience;
import org.apache.hadoop.classification.InterfaceStability;
import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration;
import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration.DeprecationDelta;
import org.apache.hadoop.fs.FileSystem;
import org.apache.hadoop.fs.Path;
import org.apache.hadoop.fs.permission.FsAction;
import org.apache.hadoop.fs.permission.FsPermission;
import org.apache.hadoop.mapred.JobConf;
import org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.MRJobConfig;

import java.nio.charset.Charset;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Comparator;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;

 * Emulation of Distributed Cache Usage in gridmix.
 * <br> Emulation of Distributed Cache Load in gridmix will put load on
 * TaskTrackers and affects execution time of tasks because of localization of
 * distributed cache files by TaskTrackers.
 * <br> Gridmix creates distributed cache files for simulated jobs by launching
 * a MapReduce job {@link GenerateDistCacheData} in advance i.e. before
 * launching simulated jobs.
 * <br> The distributed cache file paths used in the original cluster are mapped
 * to unique file names in the simulated cluster.
 * <br> All HDFS-based distributed cache files generated by gridmix are
 * public distributed cache files. But Gridmix makes sure that load incurred due
 * to localization of private distributed cache files on the original cluster
 * is also faithfully simulated. Gridmix emulates the load due to private
 * distributed cache files by mapping private distributed cache files of
 * different users in the original cluster to different public distributed cache
 * files in the simulated cluster.
 * <br> The configuration properties like
 * {@link MRJobConfig#CACHE_FILES}, {@link MRJobConfig#CACHE_FILE_VISIBILITIES},
 * {@link MRJobConfig#CACHE_FILES_SIZES} and
 * {@link MRJobConfig#CACHE_FILE_TIMESTAMPS} obtained from trace are used to
 *  decide
 * <li> file size of each distributed cache file to be generated
 * <li> whether a distributed cache file is already seen in this trace file
 * <li> whether a distributed cache file was considered public or private.
 * <br>
 * <br> Gridmix configures these generated files as distributed cache files for
 * the simulated jobs.
class DistributedCacheEmulator {
    private static final Log LOG = LogFactory.getLog(DistributedCacheEmulator.class);

    static final long AVG_BYTES_PER_MAP = 128 * 1024 * 1024L;// 128MB

    private Path distCachePath;

     * Map between simulated cluster's distributed cache file paths and their
     * file sizes. Unique distributed cache files are entered into this map.
     * 2 distributed cache files are considered same if and only if their
     * file paths, visibilities and timestamps are same.
    private Map<String, Long> distCacheFiles = new HashMap<String, Long>();

     * Configuration property for whether gridmix should emulate
     * distributed cache usage or not. Default value is true.
    static final String GRIDMIX_EMULATE_DISTRIBUTEDCACHE = "gridmix.distributed-cache-emulation.enable";

    // Whether to emulate distributed cache usage or not
    boolean emulateDistributedCache = true;

    // Whether to generate distributed cache data or not
    boolean generateDistCacheData = false;

    Configuration conf; // gridmix configuration

    private static final Charset charsetUTF8 = Charset.forName("UTF-8");

    // Pseudo local file system where local FS based distributed cache files are
    // created by gridmix.
    FileSystem pseudoLocalFs = null;

        // Need to handle deprecation of these MapReduce-internal configuration
        // properties as MapReduce doesn't handle their deprecation.
        Configuration.addDeprecations(new DeprecationDelta[] {
                new DeprecationDelta("mapred.cache.files.filesizes", MRJobConfig.CACHE_FILES_SIZES),
                new DeprecationDelta("mapred.cache.files.visibilities", MRJobConfig.CACHE_FILE_VISIBILITIES) });

     * @param conf gridmix configuration
     * @param ioPath &lt;ioPath&gt;/distributedCache/ is the gridmix Distributed
     *               Cache directory
    public DistributedCacheEmulator(Configuration conf, Path ioPath) {
        this.conf = conf;
        distCachePath = new Path(ioPath, "distributedCache");
        this.conf.setClass("fs.pseudo.impl", PseudoLocalFs.class, FileSystem.class);

     * This is to be called before any other method of DistributedCacheEmulator.
     * <br> Checks if emulation of distributed cache load is needed and is feasible.
     *  Sets the flags generateDistCacheData and emulateDistributedCache to the
     *  appropriate values.
     * <br> Gridmix does not emulate distributed cache load if
     * <ol><li> the specific gridmix job type doesn't need emulation of
     * distributed cache load OR
     * <li> the trace is coming from a stream instead of file OR
     * <li> the distributed cache dir where distributed cache data is to be
     * generated by gridmix is on local file system OR
     * <li> execute permission is not there for any of the ascendant directories
     * of &lt;ioPath&gt; till root. This is because for emulation of distributed
     * cache load, distributed cache files created under
     * &lt;ioPath/distributedCache/&gt; should be considered by hadoop
     * as public distributed cache files.
     * <li> creation of pseudo local file system fails.</ol>
     * <br> For (2), (3), (4) and (5), generation of distributed cache data
     * is also disabled.
     * @param traceIn trace file path. If this is '-', then trace comes from the
     *                stream stdin.
     * @param jobCreator job creator of gridmix jobs of a specific type
     * @param generate  true if -generate option was specified
     * @throws IOException
    void init(String traceIn, JobCreator jobCreator, boolean generate) throws IOException {
        emulateDistributedCache = jobCreator.canEmulateDistCacheLoad()
                && conf.getBoolean(GRIDMIX_EMULATE_DISTRIBUTEDCACHE, true);
        generateDistCacheData = generate;

        if (generateDistCacheData || emulateDistributedCache) {
            if ("-".equals(traceIn)) {// trace is from stdin
                LOG.warn("Gridmix will not emulate Distributed Cache load because "
                        + "the input trace source is a stream instead of file.");
                emulateDistributedCache = generateDistCacheData = false;
            } else if (FileSystem.getLocal(conf).getUri().getScheme().equals(distCachePath.toUri().getScheme())) {// local FS
                LOG.warn("Gridmix will not emulate Distributed Cache load because "
                        + "<iopath> provided is on local file system.");
                emulateDistributedCache = generateDistCacheData = false;
            } else {
                // Check if execute permission is there for all the ascendant
                // directories of distCachePath till root.
                FileSystem fs = FileSystem.get(conf);
                Path cur = distCachePath.getParent();
                while (cur != null) {
                    if (cur.toString().length() > 0) {
                        FsPermission perm = fs.getFileStatus(cur).getPermission();
                        if (!perm.getOtherAction().and(FsAction.EXECUTE).equals(FsAction.EXECUTE)) {
                            LOG.warn("Gridmix will not emulate Distributed Cache load "
                                    + "because the ascendant directory (of distributed cache " + "directory) " + cur
                                    + " doesn't have execute permission " + "for others.");
                            emulateDistributedCache = generateDistCacheData = false;
                    cur = cur.getParent();

        // Check if pseudo local file system can be created
        try {
            pseudoLocalFs = FileSystem.get(new URI("pseudo:///"), conf);
        } catch (URISyntaxException e) {
            LOG.warn("Gridmix will not emulate Distributed Cache load because "
                    + "creation of pseudo local file system failed.");
            emulateDistributedCache = generateDistCacheData = false;

     * @return true if gridmix should emulate distributed cache load
    boolean shouldEmulateDistCacheLoad() {
        return emulateDistributedCache;

     * @return true if gridmix should generate distributed cache data
    boolean shouldGenerateDistCacheData() {
        return generateDistCacheData;

     * @return the distributed cache directory path
    Path getDistributedCacheDir() {
        return distCachePath;

     * Create distributed cache directories.
     * Also create a file that contains the list of distributed cache files
     * that will be used as distributed cache files for all the simulated jobs.
     * @param jsp job story producer for the trace
     * @return exit code
     * @throws IOException
    int setupGenerateDistCacheData(JobStoryProducer jsp) throws IOException {

        return buildDistCacheFilesList(jsp);

     * Create distributed cache directory where distributed cache files will be
     * created by the MapReduce job {@link GenerateDistCacheData#JOB_NAME}.
     * @throws IOException
    private void createDistCacheDirectory() throws IOException {
        FileSystem fs = FileSystem.get(conf);
        FileSystem.mkdirs(fs, distCachePath, new FsPermission((short) 0777));

     * Create the list of unique distributed cache files needed for all the
     * simulated jobs and write the list to a special file.
     * @param jsp job story producer for the trace
     * @return exit code
     * @throws IOException
    private int buildDistCacheFilesList(JobStoryProducer jsp) throws IOException {
        // Read all the jobs from the trace file and build the list of unique
        // distributed cache files.
        JobStory jobStory;
        while ((jobStory = jsp.getNextJob()) != null) {
            if (jobStory.getOutcome() == Pre21JobHistoryConstants.Values.SUCCESS
                    && jobStory.getSubmissionTime() >= 0) {

        return writeDistCacheFilesList();

     * For the job to be simulated, identify the needed distributed cache files by
     * mapping original cluster's distributed cache file paths to the simulated cluster's
     * paths and add these paths in the map {@code distCacheFiles}.
     * JobStory should contain distributed cache related properties like
     * <li> {@link MRJobConfig#CACHE_FILES}
     * <li> {@link MRJobConfig#CACHE_FILE_VISIBILITIES}
     * <li> {@link MRJobConfig#CACHE_FILES_SIZES}
     * <li> {@link MRJobConfig#CACHE_FILE_TIMESTAMPS}
     * <li> {@link MRJobConfig#CLASSPATH_FILES}
     * <li> {@link MRJobConfig#CACHE_ARCHIVES}
     * <li> {@link MRJobConfig#CACHE_ARCHIVES_VISIBILITIES}
     * <li> {@link MRJobConfig#CACHE_ARCHIVES_SIZES}
     * <li> {@link MRJobConfig#CACHE_ARCHIVES_TIMESTAMPS}
     * <li> {@link MRJobConfig#CLASSPATH_ARCHIVES}
     * <li> {@link MRJobConfig#CACHE_SYMLINK}
     * @param jobdesc JobStory of original job obtained from trace
     * @throws IOException
    void updateHDFSDistCacheFilesList(JobStory jobdesc) throws IOException {

        // Map original job's distributed cache file paths to simulated cluster's
        // paths, to be used by this simulated job.
        JobConf jobConf = jobdesc.getJobConf();

        String[] files = jobConf.getStrings(MRJobConfig.CACHE_FILES);
        if (files != null) {

            String[] fileSizes = jobConf.getStrings(MRJobConfig.CACHE_FILES_SIZES);
            String[] visibilities = jobConf.getStrings(MRJobConfig.CACHE_FILE_VISIBILITIES);
            String[] timeStamps = jobConf.getStrings(MRJobConfig.CACHE_FILE_TIMESTAMPS);

            FileSystem fs = FileSystem.get(conf);
            String user = jobConf.getUser();
            for (int i = 0; i < files.length; i++) {
                // Check if visibilities are available because older hadoop versions
                // didn't have public, private Distributed Caches separately.
                boolean visibility = (visibilities == null) || Boolean.parseBoolean(visibilities[i]);
                if (isLocalDistCacheFile(files[i], user, visibility)) {
                    // local FS based distributed cache file.
                    // Create this file on the pseudo local FS on the fly (i.e. when the
                    // simulated job is submitted).
                // distributed cache file on hdfs
                String mappedPath = mapDistCacheFilePath(files[i], timeStamps[i], visibility, user);

                // No need to add a distributed cache file path to the list if
                // (1) the mapped path is already there in the list OR
                // (2) the file with the mapped path already exists.
                // In any of the above 2 cases, file paths, timestamps, file sizes and
                // visibilities match. File sizes should match if file paths and
                // timestamps match because single file path with single timestamp
                // should correspond to a single file size.
                if (distCacheFiles.containsKey(mappedPath) || fs.exists(new Path(mappedPath))) {
                distCacheFiles.put(mappedPath, Long.valueOf(fileSizes[i]));

     * Check if the file path provided was constructed by MapReduce for a
     * distributed cache file on local file system.
     * @param filePath path of the distributed cache file
     * @param user job submitter of the job for which &lt;filePath&gt; is a
     *             distributed cache file
     * @param visibility <code>true</code> for public distributed cache file
     * @return true if the path provided is of a local file system based
     *              distributed cache file
    static boolean isLocalDistCacheFile(String filePath, String user, boolean visibility) {
        return (!visibility && filePath.contains(user + "/.staging"));

     * Map the HDFS based distributed cache file path from original cluster to
     * a unique file name on the simulated cluster.
     * <br> Unique  distributed file names on simulated cluster are generated
     * using original cluster's <li>file path, <li>timestamp and <li> the
     * job-submitter for private distributed cache file.
     * <br> This implies that if on original cluster, a single HDFS file
     * considered as two private distributed cache files for two jobs of
     * different users, then the corresponding simulated jobs will have two
     * different files of the same size in public distributed cache, one for each
     * user. Both these simulated jobs will not share these distributed cache
     * files, thus leading to the same load as seen in the original cluster.
     * @param file distributed cache file path
     * @param timeStamp time stamp of dist cachce file
     * @param isPublic true if this distributed cache file is a public
     *                 distributed cache file
     * @param user job submitter on original cluster
     * @return the mapped path on simulated cluster
    private String mapDistCacheFilePath(String file, String timeStamp, boolean isPublic, String user) {
        String id = file + timeStamp;
        if (!isPublic) {
            // consider job-submitter for private distributed cache file
            id = id.concat(user);
        return new Path(distCachePath, MD5Hash.digest(id).toString()).toUri().getPath();

     * Write the list of distributed cache files in the decreasing order of
     * file sizes into the sequence file. This file will be input to the job
     * {@link GenerateDistCacheData}.
     * Also validates if -generate option is missing and distributed cache files
     * are missing.
     * @return exit code
     * @throws IOException
    private int writeDistCacheFilesList() throws IOException {
        // Sort the distributed cache files in the decreasing order of file sizes.
        List dcFiles = new ArrayList(distCacheFiles.entrySet());
        Collections.sort(dcFiles, new Comparator() {
            public int compare(Object dc1, Object dc2) {
                return ((Comparable) ((Map.Entry) (dc2)).getValue()).compareTo(((Map.Entry) (dc1)).getValue());

        // write the sorted distributed cache files to the sequence file
        FileSystem fs = FileSystem.get(conf);
        Path distCacheFilesList = new Path(distCachePath, "_distCacheFiles.txt");
        conf.set(GenerateDistCacheData.GRIDMIX_DISTCACHE_FILE_LIST, distCacheFilesList.toString());
        SequenceFile.Writer src_writer = SequenceFile.createWriter(fs, conf, distCacheFilesList, LongWritable.class,
                BytesWritable.class, SequenceFile.CompressionType.NONE);

        // Total number of unique distributed cache files
        int fileCount = dcFiles.size();
        long byteCount = 0;// Total size of all distributed cache files
        long bytesSync = 0;// Bytes after previous sync;used to add sync marker

        for (Iterator it = dcFiles.iterator(); it.hasNext();) {
            Map.Entry entry = (Map.Entry);
            LongWritable fileSize = new LongWritable(Long.parseLong(entry.getValue().toString()));
            BytesWritable filePath = new BytesWritable(entry.getKey().toString().getBytes(charsetUTF8));

            byteCount += fileSize.get();
            bytesSync += fileSize.get();
            if (bytesSync > AVG_BYTES_PER_MAP) {
                bytesSync = fileSize.get();
            src_writer.append(fileSize, filePath);
        if (src_writer != null) {
        // Set delete on exit for 'dist cache files list' as it is not needed later.

        conf.setInt(GenerateDistCacheData.GRIDMIX_DISTCACHE_FILE_COUNT, fileCount);
        conf.setLong(GenerateDistCacheData.GRIDMIX_DISTCACHE_BYTE_COUNT, byteCount);"Number of HDFS based distributed cache files to be generated is " + fileCount
                + ". Total size of HDFS based distributed cache files " + "to be generated is " + byteCount);

        if (!shouldGenerateDistCacheData() && fileCount > 0) {
            LOG.error("Missing " + fileCount + " distributed cache files under the " + " directory\n"
                    + distCachePath + "\nthat are needed for gridmix"
                    + " to emulate distributed cache load. Either use -generate\noption"
                    + " to generate distributed cache data along with input data OR "
                    + "disable\ndistributed cache emulation by configuring '"
                    + DistributedCacheEmulator.GRIDMIX_EMULATE_DISTRIBUTEDCACHE + "' to false.");
            return Gridmix.MISSING_DIST_CACHE_FILES_ERROR;
        return 0;

     * If gridmix needs to emulate distributed cache load, then configure
     * distributed cache files of a simulated job by mapping the original
     * cluster's distributed cache file paths to the simulated cluster's paths and
     * setting these mapped paths in the job configuration of the simulated job.
     * <br>
     * Configure local FS based distributed cache files through the property
     * "tmpfiles" and hdfs based distributed cache files through the property
     * {@link MRJobConfig#CACHE_FILES}.
     * @param conf configuration for the simulated job to be run
     * @param jobConf job configuration of original cluster's job, obtained from
     *                trace
     * @throws IOException
    void configureDistCacheFiles(Configuration conf, JobConf jobConf) throws IOException {
        if (shouldEmulateDistCacheLoad()) {

            String[] files = jobConf.getStrings(MRJobConfig.CACHE_FILES);
            if (files != null) {
                // hdfs based distributed cache files to be configured for simulated job
                List<String> cacheFiles = new ArrayList<String>();
                // local FS based distributed cache files to be configured for
                // simulated job
                List<String> localCacheFiles = new ArrayList<String>();

                String[] visibilities = jobConf.getStrings(MRJobConfig.CACHE_FILE_VISIBILITIES);
                String[] timeStamps = jobConf.getStrings(MRJobConfig.CACHE_FILE_TIMESTAMPS);
                String[] fileSizes = jobConf.getStrings(MRJobConfig.CACHE_FILES_SIZES);

                String user = jobConf.getUser();
                for (int i = 0; i < files.length; i++) {
                    // Check if visibilities are available because older hadoop versions
                    // didn't have public, private Distributed Caches separately.
                    boolean visibility = (visibilities == null) || Boolean.parseBoolean(visibilities[i]);
                    if (isLocalDistCacheFile(files[i], user, visibility)) {
                        // local FS based distributed cache file.
                        // Create this file on the pseudo local FS.
                        String fileId = MD5Hash.digest(files[i] + timeStamps[i]).toString();
                        long fileSize = Long.parseLong(fileSizes[i]);
                        Path mappedLocalFilePath = PseudoLocalFs.generateFilePath(fileId, fileSize)
                                .makeQualified(pseudoLocalFs.getUri(), pseudoLocalFs.getWorkingDirectory());
                    } else {
                        // hdfs based distributed cache file.
                        // Get the mapped HDFS path on simulated cluster
                        String mappedPath = mapDistCacheFilePath(files[i], timeStamps[i], visibility, user);
                if (cacheFiles.size() > 0) {
                    // configure hdfs based distributed cache files for simulated job
                    conf.setStrings(MRJobConfig.CACHE_FILES, cacheFiles.toArray(new String[cacheFiles.size()]));
                if (localCacheFiles.size() > 0) {
                    // configure local FS based distributed cache files for simulated job
                    conf.setStrings("tmpfiles", localCacheFiles.toArray(new String[localCacheFiles.size()]));