Java tutorial
/** * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package; import; import; import java.nio.charset.CharacterCodingException; import java.sql.Date; import java.sql.Timestamp; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import org.apache.hadoop.hive.common.type.HiveDecimal; import org.apache.hadoop.hive.common.type.HiveIntervalDayTime; import org.apache.hadoop.hive.common.type.HiveIntervalYearMonth; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import org.apache.hadoop.hive.serde2.lazy.LazyBinary; import org.apache.hadoop.hive.serde2.lazy.LazyByte; import org.apache.hadoop.hive.serde2.lazy.LazyInteger; import org.apache.hadoop.hive.serde2.lazy.LazyLong; import org.apache.hadoop.hive.serde2.lazy.LazySerDeParameters; import org.apache.hadoop.hive.serde2.lazy.LazyShort; import org.apache.hadoop.hive.serde2.lazy.LazyUtils; import org.apache.hadoop.hive.serde2.typeinfo.CharTypeInfo; import org.apache.hadoop.hive.serde2.typeinfo.DecimalTypeInfo; import org.apache.hadoop.hive.serde2.typeinfo.PrimitiveTypeInfo; import org.apache.hadoop.hive.serde2.typeinfo.VarcharTypeInfo; import; import org.apache.hive.common.util.TimestampParser; /* * Directly deserialize with the caller reading field-by-field the LazySimple (text) * serialization format. * * The caller is responsible for calling the read method for the right type of each field * (after calling readCheckNull). * * Reading some fields require a results object to receive value information. A separate * results object is created by the caller at initialization per different field even for the same * type. * * Some type values are by reference to either bytes in the deserialization buffer or to * other type specific buffers. So, those references are only valid until the next time set is * called. */ public class LazySimpleDeserializeRead implements DeserializeRead { public static final Log LOG = LogFactory.getLog(LazySimpleDeserializeRead.class.getName()); private PrimitiveTypeInfo[] primitiveTypeInfos; private LazySerDeParameters lazyParams; private byte separator; private boolean lastColumnTakesRest; private boolean isEscaped; private byte escapeChar; private byte[] nullSequenceBytes; private boolean isExtendedBooleanLiteral; private byte[] bytes; private int start; private int offset; private int end; private int fieldCount; private int fieldIndex; private int fieldStart; private int fieldLength; private boolean saveBool; private byte saveByte; private short saveShort; private int saveInt; private long saveLong; private float saveFloat; private double saveDouble; private byte[] saveBytes; private int saveBytesStart; private int saveBytesLength; private Date saveDate; private Timestamp saveTimestamp; private HiveIntervalYearMonth saveIntervalYearMonth; private HiveIntervalDayTime saveIntervalDayTime; private HiveDecimal saveDecimal; private DecimalTypeInfo saveDecimalTypeInfo; private Text tempText; private TimestampParser timestampParser; private boolean readBeyondConfiguredFieldsWarned; private boolean readBeyondBufferRangeWarned; private boolean bufferRangeHasExtraDataWarned; public LazySimpleDeserializeRead(PrimitiveTypeInfo[] primitiveTypeInfos, byte separator, LazySerDeParameters lazyParams) { this.primitiveTypeInfos = primitiveTypeInfos; this.separator = separator; this.lazyParams = lazyParams; lastColumnTakesRest = lazyParams.isLastColumnTakesRest(); isEscaped = lazyParams.isEscaped(); escapeChar = lazyParams.getEscapeChar(); nullSequenceBytes = lazyParams.getNullSequence().getBytes(); isExtendedBooleanLiteral = lazyParams.isExtendedBooleanLiteral(); fieldCount = primitiveTypeInfos.length; tempText = new Text(); readBeyondConfiguredFieldsWarned = false; readBeyondBufferRangeWarned = false; bufferRangeHasExtraDataWarned = false; } // Not public since we must have the field count so every 8 fields NULL bytes can be navigated. private LazySimpleDeserializeRead() { } /* * The primitive type information for all fields. */ public PrimitiveTypeInfo[] primitiveTypeInfos() { return primitiveTypeInfos; } /* * Set the range of bytes to be deserialized. */ @Override public void set(byte[] bytes, int offset, int length) { this.bytes = bytes; this.offset = offset; start = offset; end = offset + length; fieldIndex = -1; } /* * Reads the NULL information for a field. * * @return Returns true when the field is NULL; reading is positioned to the next field. * Otherwise, false when the field is NOT NULL; reading is positioned to the field data. */ @Override public boolean readCheckNull() { if (++fieldIndex >= fieldCount) { // Reading beyond the specified field count produces NULL. if (!readBeyondConfiguredFieldsWarned) { // Warn only once."Reading beyond configured fields! Configured " + fieldCount + " fields but " + " reading more (NULLs returned). Ignoring similar problems."); readBeyondConfiguredFieldsWarned = true; } return true; } if (offset > end) { // We must allow for an empty field at the end, so no strict >= checking. if (!readBeyondBufferRangeWarned) { // Warn only once. int length = end - start;"Reading beyond buffer range! Buffer range " + start + " for length " + length + " but reading more (NULLs returned)." + " Ignoring similar problems."); readBeyondBufferRangeWarned = true; } // char[] charsBuffer = new char[end - start]; // for (int c = 0; c < charsBuffer.length; c++) { // charsBuffer[c] = (char) (bytes[start + c] & 0xFF); // } return true; } fieldStart = offset; while (true) { if (offset >= end) { fieldLength = offset - fieldStart; break; } if (bytes[offset] == separator) { fieldLength = (offset++ - fieldStart); break; } if (isEscaped && bytes[offset] == escapeChar && offset + 1 < end) { // Ignore the char after escape char. offset += 2; } else { offset++; } } char[] charField = new char[fieldLength]; for (int c = 0; c < charField.length; c++) { charField[c] = (char) (bytes[fieldStart + c] & 0xFF); } // Is the field the configured string representing NULL? if (nullSequenceBytes != null) { if (fieldLength == nullSequenceBytes.length) { int i = 0; while (true) { if (bytes[fieldStart + i] != nullSequenceBytes[i]) { break; } i++; if (i >= fieldLength) { return true; } } } } switch (primitiveTypeInfos[fieldIndex].getPrimitiveCategory()) { case BOOLEAN: { int i = fieldStart; if (fieldLength == 4) { if ((bytes[i] == 'T' || bytes[i] == 't') && (bytes[i + 1] == 'R' || bytes[i + 1] == 'r') && (bytes[i + 2] == 'U' || bytes[i + 1] == 'u') && (bytes[i + 3] == 'E' || bytes[i + 3] == 'e')) { saveBool = true; } else { // No boolean value match for 5 char field. return true; } } else if (fieldLength == 5) { if ((bytes[i] == 'F' || bytes[i] == 'f') && (bytes[i + 1] == 'A' || bytes[i + 1] == 'a') && (bytes[i + 2] == 'L' || bytes[i + 2] == 'l') && (bytes[i + 3] == 'S' || bytes[i + 3] == 's') && (bytes[i + 4] == 'E' || bytes[i + 4] == 'e')) { saveBool = false; } else { // No boolean value match for 4 char field. return true; } } else if (isExtendedBooleanLiteral && fieldLength == 1) { byte b = bytes[fieldStart]; if (b == '1' || b == 't' || b == 'T') { saveBool = true; } else if (b == '0' || b == 'f' || b == 'F') { saveBool = false; } else { // No boolean value match for extended 1 char field. return true; } } else { // No boolean value match for other lengths. return true; } } break; case BYTE: try { saveByte = LazyByte.parseByte(bytes, fieldStart, fieldLength, 10); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { logExceptionMessage(bytes, fieldStart, fieldLength, "TINYINT"); return true; } // if (!parseLongFast()) { // return true; // } // saveShort = (short) saveLong; // if (saveShort != saveLong) { // return true; // } break; case SHORT: try { saveShort = LazyShort.parseShort(bytes, fieldStart, fieldLength, 10); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { logExceptionMessage(bytes, fieldStart, fieldLength, "SMALLINT"); return true; } // if (!parseLongFast()) { // return true; // } // saveShort = (short) saveLong; // if (saveShort != saveLong) { // return true; // } break; case INT: try { saveInt = LazyInteger.parseInt(bytes, fieldStart, fieldLength, 10); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { logExceptionMessage(bytes, fieldStart, fieldLength, "INT"); return true; } // if (!parseLongFast()) { // return true; // } // saveInt = (int) saveLong; // if (saveInt != saveLong) { // return true; // } break; case LONG: try { saveLong = LazyLong.parseLong(bytes, fieldStart, fieldLength, 10); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { logExceptionMessage(bytes, fieldStart, fieldLength, "BIGINT"); return true; } // if (!parseLongFast()) { // return true; // } break; case FLOAT: { String byteData = null; try { byteData = Text.decode(bytes, fieldStart, fieldLength); saveFloat = Float.parseFloat(byteData); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { LOG.debug("Data not in the Float data type range so converted to null. Given data is :" + byteData, e); return true; } catch (CharacterCodingException e) { LOG.debug("Data not in the Float data type range so converted to null.", e); return true; } } // if (!parseFloat()) { // return true; // } break; case DOUBLE: { String byteData = null; try { byteData = Text.decode(bytes, fieldStart, fieldLength); saveDouble = Double.parseDouble(byteData); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { LOG.debug("Data not in the Double data type range so converted to null. Given data is :" + byteData, e); return true; } catch (CharacterCodingException e) { LOG.debug("Data not in the Double data type range so converted to null.", e); return true; } } // if (!parseDouble()) { // return true; // } break; case STRING: case CHAR: case VARCHAR: if (isEscaped) { LazyUtils.copyAndEscapeStringDataToText(bytes, fieldStart, fieldLength, escapeChar, tempText); saveBytes = tempText.getBytes(); saveBytesStart = 0; saveBytesLength = tempText.getLength(); } else { // if the data is not escaped, simply copy the data. saveBytes = bytes; saveBytesStart = fieldStart; saveBytesLength = fieldLength; } break; case BINARY: { byte[] recv = new byte[fieldLength]; System.arraycopy(bytes, fieldStart, recv, 0, fieldLength); byte[] decoded = LazyBinary.decodeIfNeeded(recv); // use the original bytes in case decoding should fail decoded = decoded.length > 0 ? decoded : recv; saveBytes = decoded; saveBytesStart = 0; saveBytesLength = decoded.length; } break; case DATE: { String s = null; try { s = Text.decode(bytes, fieldStart, fieldLength); saveDate = Date.valueOf(s); } catch (Exception e) { logExceptionMessage(bytes, fieldStart, fieldLength, "DATE"); return true; } } // if (!parseDate()) { // return true; // } break; case TIMESTAMP: { String s = null; try { s = new String(bytes, fieldStart, fieldLength, "US-ASCII"); } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) { LOG.error(e); s = ""; } if (s.compareTo("NULL") == 0) { logExceptionMessage(bytes, fieldStart, fieldLength, "TIMESTAMP"); return true; } else { try { if (timestampParser == null) { timestampParser = new TimestampParser(); } saveTimestamp = timestampParser.parseTimestamp(s); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { logExceptionMessage(bytes, fieldStart, fieldLength, "TIMESTAMP"); return true; } } } // if (!parseTimestamp()) { // return true; // } break; case INTERVAL_YEAR_MONTH: { String s = null; try { s = Text.decode(bytes, fieldStart, fieldLength); saveIntervalYearMonth = HiveIntervalYearMonth.valueOf(s); } catch (Exception e) { logExceptionMessage(bytes, fieldStart, fieldLength, "INTERVAL_YEAR_MONTH"); return true; } } // if (!parseIntervalYearMonth()) { // return true; // } break; case INTERVAL_DAY_TIME: { String s = null; try { s = Text.decode(bytes, fieldStart, fieldLength); saveIntervalDayTime = HiveIntervalDayTime.valueOf(s); } catch (Exception e) { logExceptionMessage(bytes, fieldStart, fieldLength, "INTERVAL_DAY_TIME"); return true; } } // if (!parseIntervalDayTime()) { // return true; // } break; case DECIMAL: { String byteData = null; try { byteData = Text.decode(bytes, fieldStart, fieldLength); } catch (CharacterCodingException e) { LOG.debug("Data not in the HiveDecimal data type range so converted to null.", e); return true; } saveDecimal = HiveDecimal.create(byteData); saveDecimalTypeInfo = (DecimalTypeInfo) primitiveTypeInfos[fieldIndex]; int precision = saveDecimalTypeInfo.getPrecision(); int scale = saveDecimalTypeInfo.getScale(); saveDecimal = HiveDecimal.enforcePrecisionScale(saveDecimal, precision, scale); if (saveDecimal == null) { LOG.debug("Data not in the HiveDecimal data type range so converted to null. Given data is :" + byteData); return true; } } // if (!parseDecimal()) { // return true; // } break; default: throw new Error( "Unexpected primitive category " + primitiveTypeInfos[fieldIndex].getPrimitiveCategory()); } return false; } public void logExceptionMessage(byte[] bytes, int bytesStart, int bytesLength, String dataType) { try { if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { String byteData = Text.decode(bytes, bytesStart, bytesLength); LOG.debug("Data not in the " + dataType + " data type range so converted to null. Given data is :" + byteData, new Exception("For debugging purposes")); } } catch (CharacterCodingException e1) { LOG.debug("Data not in the " + dataType + " data type range so converted to null.", e1); } } /* * Call this method after all fields have been read to check for extra fields. */ public void extraFieldsCheck() { if (offset < end) { // We did not consume all of the byte range. if (!bufferRangeHasExtraDataWarned) { // Warn only once. int length = end - start;"Not all fields were read in the buffer range! Buffer range " + start + " for length " + length + " but reading more (NULLs returned)." + " Ignoring similar problems."); bufferRangeHasExtraDataWarned = true; } } } /* * Read integrity warning flags. */ @Override public boolean readBeyondConfiguredFieldsWarned() { return readBeyondConfiguredFieldsWarned; } @Override public boolean readBeyondBufferRangeWarned() { return readBeyondBufferRangeWarned; } @Override public boolean bufferRangeHasExtraDataWarned() { return bufferRangeHasExtraDataWarned; } /* * BOOLEAN. */ @Override public boolean readBoolean() { return saveBool; } /* * BYTE. */ @Override public byte readByte() { return saveByte; } /* * SHORT. */ @Override public short readShort() { return saveShort; } /* * INT. */ @Override public int readInt() { return saveInt; } /* * LONG. */ @Override public long readLong() { return saveLong; } /* * FLOAT. */ @Override public float readFloat() { return saveFloat; } /* * DOUBLE. */ @Override public double readDouble() { return saveDouble; } /* * STRING. * * Can be used to read CHAR and VARCHAR when the caller takes responsibility for * truncation/padding issues. */ // This class is for internal use. private class LazySimpleReadStringResults extends ReadStringResults { public LazySimpleReadStringResults() { super(); } } // Reading a STRING field require a results object to receive value information. A separate // results object is created by the caller at initialization per different bytes field. @Override public ReadStringResults createReadStringResults() { return new LazySimpleReadStringResults(); } @Override public void readString(ReadStringResults readStringResults) { readStringResults.bytes = saveBytes; readStringResults.start = saveBytesStart; readStringResults.length = saveBytesLength; } /* * CHAR. */ // This class is for internal use. private static class LazySimpleReadHiveCharResults extends ReadHiveCharResults { // Use our STRING reader. public LazySimpleReadStringResults readStringResults; public LazySimpleReadHiveCharResults() { super(); } public HiveCharWritable getHiveCharWritable() { return hiveCharWritable; } } // Reading a CHAR field require a results object to receive value information. A separate // results object is created by the caller at initialization per different CHAR field. @Override public ReadHiveCharResults createReadHiveCharResults() { return new LazySimpleReadHiveCharResults(); } public void readHiveChar(ReadHiveCharResults readHiveCharResults) throws IOException { LazySimpleReadHiveCharResults LazySimpleReadHiveCharResults = (LazySimpleReadHiveCharResults) readHiveCharResults; if (!LazySimpleReadHiveCharResults.isInit()) { LazySimpleReadHiveCharResults.init((CharTypeInfo) primitiveTypeInfos[fieldIndex]); } if (LazySimpleReadHiveCharResults.readStringResults == null) { LazySimpleReadHiveCharResults.readStringResults = new LazySimpleReadStringResults(); } LazySimpleReadStringResults readStringResults = LazySimpleReadHiveCharResults.readStringResults; // Read the bytes using our basic method. readString(readStringResults); // Copy the bytes into our Text object, then truncate. HiveCharWritable hiveCharWritable = LazySimpleReadHiveCharResults.getHiveCharWritable(); hiveCharWritable.getTextValue().set(readStringResults.bytes, readStringResults.start, readStringResults.length); hiveCharWritable.enforceMaxLength(LazySimpleReadHiveCharResults.getMaxLength()); readHiveCharResults.bytes = hiveCharWritable.getTextValue().getBytes(); readHiveCharResults.start = 0; readHiveCharResults.length = hiveCharWritable.getTextValue().getLength(); } /* * VARCHAR. */ // This class is for internal use. private static class LazySimpleReadHiveVarcharResults extends ReadHiveVarcharResults { // Use our bytes reader. public LazySimpleReadStringResults readStringResults; public LazySimpleReadHiveVarcharResults() { super(); } public HiveVarcharWritable getHiveVarcharWritable() { return hiveVarcharWritable; } } // Reading a VARCHAR field require a results object to receive value information. A separate // results object is created by the caller at initialization per different VARCHAR field. @Override public ReadHiveVarcharResults createReadHiveVarcharResults() { return new LazySimpleReadHiveVarcharResults(); } public void readHiveVarchar(ReadHiveVarcharResults readHiveVarcharResults) throws IOException { LazySimpleReadHiveVarcharResults lazySimpleReadHiveVarvarcharResults = (LazySimpleReadHiveVarcharResults) readHiveVarcharResults; if (!lazySimpleReadHiveVarvarcharResults.isInit()) { lazySimpleReadHiveVarvarcharResults.init((VarcharTypeInfo) primitiveTypeInfos[fieldIndex]); } if (lazySimpleReadHiveVarvarcharResults.readStringResults == null) { lazySimpleReadHiveVarvarcharResults.readStringResults = new LazySimpleReadStringResults(); } LazySimpleReadStringResults readStringResults = lazySimpleReadHiveVarvarcharResults.readStringResults; // Read the bytes using our basic method. readString(readStringResults); // Copy the bytes into our Text object, then truncate. HiveVarcharWritable hiveVarcharWritable = lazySimpleReadHiveVarvarcharResults.getHiveVarcharWritable(); hiveVarcharWritable.getTextValue().set(readStringResults.bytes, readStringResults.start, readStringResults.length); hiveVarcharWritable.enforceMaxLength(lazySimpleReadHiveVarvarcharResults.getMaxLength()); readHiveVarcharResults.bytes = hiveVarcharWritable.getTextValue().getBytes(); readHiveVarcharResults.start = 0; readHiveVarcharResults.length = hiveVarcharWritable.getTextValue().getLength(); } /* * BINARY. */ // This class is for internal use. private class LazySimpleReadBinaryResults extends ReadBinaryResults { public LazySimpleReadBinaryResults() { super(); } } // Reading a BINARY field require a results object to receive value information. A separate // results object is created by the caller at initialization per different bytes field. @Override public ReadBinaryResults createReadBinaryResults() { return new LazySimpleReadBinaryResults(); } @Override public void readBinary(ReadBinaryResults readBinaryResults) { readBinaryResults.bytes = saveBytes; readBinaryResults.start = saveBytesStart; readBinaryResults.length = saveBytesLength; } /* * DATE. */ // This class is for internal use. private static class LazySimpleReadDateResults extends ReadDateResults { public LazySimpleReadDateResults() { super(); } public DateWritable getDateWritable() { return dateWritable; } } // Reading a DATE field require a results object to receive value information. A separate // results object is created by the caller at initialization per different DATE field. @Override public ReadDateResults createReadDateResults() { return new LazySimpleReadDateResults(); } @Override public void readDate(ReadDateResults readDateResults) { LazySimpleReadDateResults lazySimpleReadDateResults = (LazySimpleReadDateResults) readDateResults; DateWritable dateWritable = lazySimpleReadDateResults.getDateWritable(); dateWritable.set(saveDate); saveDate = null; } /* * INTERVAL_YEAR_MONTH. */ // This class is for internal use. private static class LazySimpleReadIntervalYearMonthResults extends ReadIntervalYearMonthResults { public LazySimpleReadIntervalYearMonthResults() { super(); } public HiveIntervalYearMonthWritable getHiveIntervalYearMonthWritable() { return hiveIntervalYearMonthWritable; } } // Reading a INTERVAL_YEAR_MONTH field require a results object to receive value information. // A separate results object is created by the caller at initialization per different // INTERVAL_YEAR_MONTH field. @Override public ReadIntervalYearMonthResults createReadIntervalYearMonthResults() { return new LazySimpleReadIntervalYearMonthResults(); } @Override public void readIntervalYearMonth(ReadIntervalYearMonthResults readIntervalYearMonthResults) throws IOException { LazySimpleReadIntervalYearMonthResults lazySimpleReadIntervalYearMonthResults = (LazySimpleReadIntervalYearMonthResults) readIntervalYearMonthResults; HiveIntervalYearMonthWritable hiveIntervalYearMonthWritable = lazySimpleReadIntervalYearMonthResults .getHiveIntervalYearMonthWritable(); hiveIntervalYearMonthWritable.set(saveIntervalYearMonth); saveIntervalYearMonth = null; } /* * INTERVAL_DAY_TIME. */ // This class is for internal use. private static class LazySimpleReadIntervalDayTimeResults extends ReadIntervalDayTimeResults { public LazySimpleReadIntervalDayTimeResults() { super(); } public HiveIntervalDayTimeWritable getHiveIntervalDayTimeWritable() { return hiveIntervalDayTimeWritable; } } // Reading a INTERVAL_DAY_TIME field require a results object to receive value information. // A separate results object is created by the caller at initialization per different // INTERVAL_DAY_TIME field. @Override public ReadIntervalDayTimeResults createReadIntervalDayTimeResults() { return new LazySimpleReadIntervalDayTimeResults(); } @Override public void readIntervalDayTime(ReadIntervalDayTimeResults readIntervalDayTimeResults) throws IOException { LazySimpleReadIntervalDayTimeResults lazySimpleReadIntervalDayTimeResults = (LazySimpleReadIntervalDayTimeResults) readIntervalDayTimeResults; HiveIntervalDayTimeWritable hiveIntervalDayTimeWritable = lazySimpleReadIntervalDayTimeResults .getHiveIntervalDayTimeWritable(); hiveIntervalDayTimeWritable.set(saveIntervalDayTime); saveIntervalDayTime = null; } /* * TIMESTAMP. */ // This class is for internal use. private static class LazySimpleReadTimestampResults extends ReadTimestampResults { public LazySimpleReadTimestampResults() { super(); } public TimestampWritable getTimestampWritable() { return timestampWritable; } } // Reading a TIMESTAMP field require a results object to receive value information. A separate // results object is created by the caller at initialization per different TIMESTAMP field. @Override public ReadTimestampResults createReadTimestampResults() { return new LazySimpleReadTimestampResults(); } @Override public void readTimestamp(ReadTimestampResults readTimestampResults) { LazySimpleReadTimestampResults lazySimpleReadTimestampResults = (LazySimpleReadTimestampResults) readTimestampResults; TimestampWritable timestampWritable = lazySimpleReadTimestampResults.getTimestampWritable(); timestampWritable.set(saveTimestamp); saveTimestamp = null; } /* * DECIMAL. */ // This class is for internal use. private static class LazySimpleReadDecimalResults extends ReadDecimalResults { HiveDecimal hiveDecimal; public LazySimpleReadDecimalResults() { super(); } @Override public HiveDecimal getHiveDecimal() { return hiveDecimal; } } // Reading a DECIMAL field require a results object to receive value information. A separate // results object is created by the caller at initialization per different DECIMAL field. @Override public ReadDecimalResults createReadDecimalResults() { return new LazySimpleReadDecimalResults(); } @Override public void readHiveDecimal(ReadDecimalResults readDecimalResults) { LazySimpleReadDecimalResults lazySimpleReadDecimalResults = (LazySimpleReadDecimalResults) readDecimalResults; if (!lazySimpleReadDecimalResults.isInit()) { lazySimpleReadDecimalResults.init(saveDecimalTypeInfo); } lazySimpleReadDecimalResults.hiveDecimal = saveDecimal; saveDecimal = null; saveDecimalTypeInfo = null; } private static byte[] maxLongBytes = ((Long) Long.MAX_VALUE).toString().getBytes(); private static int maxLongDigitsCount = maxLongBytes.length; private static byte[] minLongNoSignBytes = ((Long) Long.MIN_VALUE).toString().substring(1).getBytes(); private boolean parseLongFast() { // Parse without using exceptions for better performance. int i = fieldStart; int end = fieldStart + fieldLength; boolean negative = false; if (i >= end) { return false; // Empty field. } if (bytes[i] == '+') { i++; if (i >= end) { return false; } } else if (bytes[i] == '-') { negative = true; i++; if (i >= end) { return false; } } // Skip leading zeros. boolean atLeastOneZero = false; while (true) { if (bytes[i] != '0') { break; } i++; if (i >= end) { saveLong = 0; return true; } atLeastOneZero = true; } // We tolerate and ignore decimal places. if (bytes[i] == '.') { if (!atLeastOneZero) { return false; } saveLong = 0; // Fall through below and verify trailing decimal digits. } else { if (!Character.isDigit(bytes[i])) { return false; } int nonLeadingZeroStart = i; int digitCount = 1; saveLong = Character.digit(bytes[i], 10); i++; while (i < end) { if (!Character.isDigit(bytes[i])) { break; } digitCount++; if (digitCount > maxLongDigitsCount) { return false; } else if (digitCount == maxLongDigitsCount) { // Use the old trick of comparing against number string to check for overflow. if (!negative) { if (byteArrayCompareRanges(bytes, nonLeadingZeroStart, maxLongBytes, 0, digitCount) >= 1) { return false; } } else { if (byteArrayCompareRanges(bytes, nonLeadingZeroStart, minLongNoSignBytes, 0, digitCount) >= 1) { return false; } } } saveLong = (saveLong * 10) + Character.digit(bytes[i], 10); } if (negative) { // Safe because of our number string comparision against min (negative) long. saveLong = -saveLong; } if (i >= end) { return true; } if (bytes[i] != '.') { return false; } } // Fall through to here if we detect the start of trailing decimal digits... // We verify trailing digits only. while (true) { i++; if (i >= end) { break; } if (!Character.isDigit(bytes[i])) { return false; } } return true; } public static int byteArrayCompareRanges(byte[] arg1, int start1, byte[] arg2, int start2, int len) { for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) { // Note the "& 0xff" is just a way to convert unsigned bytes to signed integer. int b1 = arg1[i + start1] & 0xff; int b2 = arg2[i + start2] & 0xff; if (b1 != b2) { return b1 - b2; } } return 0; } }