Java tutorial
/** * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.exec.tez; import; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.LinkedHashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Objects; import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration; import org.apache.hadoop.fs.Path; import org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.exec.Utilities; import; import; import org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.plan.MapWork; import org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.plan.PartitionDesc; import org.apache.hadoop.mapred.FileSplit; import org.apache.hadoop.mapred.InputSplit; import org.apache.hadoop.mapred.JobConf; import org.apache.hadoop.mapred.split.SplitLocationProvider; import org.apache.hadoop.mapred.split.TezGroupedSplit; import org.apache.hadoop.mapred.split.TezMapredSplitsGrouper; import org.apache.tez.dag.api.TaskLocationHint; import; import; import; /** * SplitGrouper is used to combine splits based on head room and locality. It * also enforces restrictions around schema, file format and bucketing. */ public class SplitGrouper { private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(SplitGrouper.class); // TODO This needs to be looked at. Map of Map to Map... Made concurrent for now since split generation // can happen in parallel. private static final Map<Map<Path, PartitionDesc>, Map<Path, PartitionDesc>> cache = new ConcurrentHashMap<>(); private final TezMapredSplitsGrouper tezGrouper = new TezMapredSplitsGrouper(); /** * group splits for each bucket separately - while evenly filling all the * available slots with tasks */ public Multimap<Integer, InputSplit> group(Configuration conf, Multimap<Integer, InputSplit> bucketSplitMultimap, int availableSlots, float waves, SplitLocationProvider splitLocationProvider) throws IOException { // figure out how many tasks we want for each bucket Map<Integer, Integer> bucketTaskMap = estimateBucketSizes(availableSlots, waves, bucketSplitMultimap.asMap()); // allocate map bucket id to grouped splits Multimap<Integer, InputSplit> bucketGroupedSplitMultimap = ArrayListMultimap.<Integer, InputSplit>create(); // use the tez grouper to combine splits once per bucket for (int bucketId : bucketSplitMultimap.keySet()) { Collection<InputSplit> inputSplitCollection = bucketSplitMultimap.get(bucketId); InputSplit[] rawSplits = inputSplitCollection.toArray(new InputSplit[0]); InputSplit[] groupedSplits = tezGrouper.getGroupedSplits(conf, rawSplits, bucketTaskMap.get(bucketId), HiveInputFormat.class.getName(), new ColumnarSplitSizeEstimator(), splitLocationProvider);"Original split count is " + rawSplits.length + " grouped split count is " + groupedSplits.length + ", for bucket: " + bucketId); for (InputSplit inSplit : groupedSplits) { bucketGroupedSplitMultimap.put(bucketId, inSplit); } } return bucketGroupedSplitMultimap; } /** * Create task location hints from a set of input splits * @param splits the actual splits * @param consistentLocations whether to re-order locations for each split, if it's a file split * @return taskLocationHints - 1 per input split specified * @throws IOException */ public List<TaskLocationHint> createTaskLocationHints(InputSplit[] splits, boolean consistentLocations) throws IOException { List<TaskLocationHint> locationHints = Lists.newArrayListWithCapacity(splits.length); for (InputSplit split : splits) { String rack = (split instanceof TezGroupedSplit) ? ((TezGroupedSplit) split).getRack() : null; if (rack == null) { String[] locations = split.getLocations(); if (locations != null && locations.length > 0) { // Worthwhile only if more than 1 split, consistentGroupingEnabled and is a FileSplit if (consistentLocations && locations.length > 1 && split instanceof FileSplit) { Arrays.sort(locations); FileSplit fileSplit = (FileSplit) split; Path path = fileSplit.getPath(); long startLocation = fileSplit.getStart(); int hashCode = Objects.hash(path, startLocation); int startIndex = hashCode % locations.length; LinkedHashSet<String> locationSet = new LinkedHashSet<>(locations.length); // Set up the locations starting from startIndex, and wrapping around the sorted array. for (int i = 0; i < locations.length; i++) { int index = (startIndex + i) % locations.length; locationSet.add(locations[index]); } locationHints.add(TaskLocationHint.createTaskLocationHint(locationSet, null)); } else { locationHints.add(TaskLocationHint.createTaskLocationHint( new LinkedHashSet<String>(Arrays.asList(split.getLocations())), null)); } } else { locationHints.add(TaskLocationHint.createTaskLocationHint(null, null)); } } else { locationHints.add(TaskLocationHint.createTaskLocationHint(null, Collections.singleton(rack))); } } return locationHints; } /** Generate groups of splits, separated by schema evolution boundaries */ public Multimap<Integer, InputSplit> generateGroupedSplits(JobConf jobConf, Configuration conf, InputSplit[] splits, float waves, int availableSlots, SplitLocationProvider locationProvider) throws Exception { return generateGroupedSplits(jobConf, conf, splits, waves, availableSlots, null, true, locationProvider); } /** Generate groups of splits, separated by schema evolution boundaries */ public Multimap<Integer, InputSplit> generateGroupedSplits(JobConf jobConf, Configuration conf, InputSplit[] splits, float waves, int availableSlots, String inputName, boolean groupAcrossFiles, SplitLocationProvider locationProvider) throws Exception { MapWork work = populateMapWork(jobConf, inputName); // ArrayListMultimap is important here to retain the ordering for the splits. Multimap<Integer, InputSplit> bucketSplitMultiMap = ArrayListMultimap.<Integer, InputSplit>create(); int i = 0; InputSplit prevSplit = null; for (InputSplit s : splits) { // this is the bit where we make sure we don't group across partition // schema boundaries if (schemaEvolved(s, prevSplit, groupAcrossFiles, work)) { ++i; prevSplit = s; } bucketSplitMultiMap.put(i, s); }"# Src groups for split generation: " + (i + 1)); // group them into the chunks we want Multimap<Integer, InputSplit> groupedSplits =, bucketSplitMultiMap, availableSlots, waves, locationProvider); return groupedSplits; } /** * get the size estimates for each bucket in tasks. This is used to make sure * we allocate the head room evenly */ private Map<Integer, Integer> estimateBucketSizes(int availableSlots, float waves, Map<Integer, Collection<InputSplit>> bucketSplitMap) { // mapping of bucket id to size of all splits in bucket in bytes Map<Integer, Long> bucketSizeMap = new HashMap<Integer, Long>(); // mapping of bucket id to number of required tasks to run Map<Integer, Integer> bucketTaskMap = new HashMap<Integer, Integer>(); // TODO HIVE-12255. Make use of SplitSizeEstimator. // The actual task computation needs to be looked at as well. // compute the total size per bucket long totalSize = 0; boolean earlyExit = false; for (int bucketId : bucketSplitMap.keySet()) { long size = 0; for (InputSplit s : bucketSplitMap.get(bucketId)) { // the incoming split may not be a file split when we are re-grouping TezGroupedSplits in // the case of SMB join. So in this case, we can do an early exit by not doing the // calculation for bucketSizeMap. Each bucket will assume it can fill availableSlots * waves // (preset to 0.5) for SMB join. if (!(s instanceof FileSplit)) { bucketTaskMap.put(bucketId, (int) (availableSlots * waves)); earlyExit = true; continue; } FileSplit fsplit = (FileSplit) s; size += fsplit.getLength(); totalSize += fsplit.getLength(); } bucketSizeMap.put(bucketId, size); } if (earlyExit) { return bucketTaskMap; } // compute the number of tasks for (int bucketId : bucketSizeMap.keySet()) { int numEstimatedTasks = 0; if (totalSize != 0) { // availableSlots * waves => desired slots to fill // sizePerBucket/totalSize => weight for particular bucket. weights add // up to 1. numEstimatedTasks = (int) (availableSlots * waves * bucketSizeMap.get(bucketId) / totalSize); }"Estimated number of tasks: " + numEstimatedTasks + " for bucket " + bucketId); if (numEstimatedTasks == 0) { numEstimatedTasks = 1; } bucketTaskMap.put(bucketId, numEstimatedTasks); } return bucketTaskMap; } private static MapWork populateMapWork(JobConf jobConf, String inputName) { MapWork work = null; if (inputName != null) { work = (MapWork) Utilities.getMergeWork(jobConf, inputName); // work can still be null if there is no merge work for this input } if (work == null) { work = Utilities.getMapWork(jobConf); } return work; } private boolean schemaEvolved(InputSplit s, InputSplit prevSplit, boolean groupAcrossFiles, MapWork work) throws IOException { boolean retval = false; Path path = ((FileSplit) s).getPath(); PartitionDesc pd = HiveFileFormatUtils.getPartitionDescFromPathRecursively(work.getPathToPartitionInfo(), path, cache); String currentDeserializerClass = pd.getDeserializerClassName(); Class<?> currentInputFormatClass = pd.getInputFileFormatClass(); Class<?> previousInputFormatClass = null; String previousDeserializerClass = null; if (prevSplit != null) { Path prevPath = ((FileSplit) prevSplit).getPath(); if (!groupAcrossFiles) { return !path.equals(prevPath); } PartitionDesc prevPD = HiveFileFormatUtils .getPartitionDescFromPathRecursively(work.getPathToPartitionInfo(), prevPath, cache); previousDeserializerClass = prevPD.getDeserializerClassName(); previousInputFormatClass = prevPD.getInputFileFormatClass(); } if ((currentInputFormatClass != previousInputFormatClass) || (!currentDeserializerClass.equals(previousDeserializerClass))) { retval = true; } if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { LOG.debug("Adding split " + path + " to src new group? " + retval); } return retval; } }