Java tutorial
/* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package; import org.apache.commons.math3.stat.descriptive.DescriptiveStatistics; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import picocli.CommandLine; import; import; import; import java.nio.file.Files; import java.nio.file.Path; import java.nio.file.Paths; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Formatter; import java.util.Map; import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import static; import static*; import static; import static picocli.CommandLine.Command; import static picocli.CommandLine.Option; /** * Command-line access to Hive Metastore. */ @SuppressWarnings({ "squid:S106", "squid:S1148" }) // Using System.out @Command(name = "BenchmarkTool", mixinStandardHelpOptions = true, version = "1.0", showDefaultValues = true) public class BenchmarkTool implements Runnable { private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(BenchmarkTool.class); private static final TimeUnit scale = TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS; private static final String CSV_SEPARATOR = "\t"; private static final String TEST_TABLE = "bench_table"; @Option(names = { "-H", "--host" }, description = "HMS Host", paramLabel = "URI") private String host; @Option(names = { "-P", "--port" }, description = "HMS Server port") private Integer port = HMS_DEFAULT_PORT; @Option(names = { "-d", "--db" }, description = "database name") private String dbName = "bench_" + System.getProperty(""); @Option(names = { "-t", "--table" }, description = "table name") private String tableName = TEST_TABLE + "_" + System.getProperty(""); @Option(names = { "-N", "--number" }, description = "umber of object instances") private int[] instances = { 100 }; @Option(names = { "-L", "--spin" }, description = "spin count") private int spinCount = 100; @Option(names = { "-W", "--warmup" }, description = "warmup count") private int warmup = 15; @Option(names = { "-l", "--list" }, description = "list matching benchmarks") private boolean doList = false; @Option(names = { "-o", "--output" }, description = "output file") private String outputFile; @Option(names = { "-T", "--threads" }, description = "number of concurrent threads") private int nThreads = 2; @Option(names = { "--confdir" }, description = "configuration directory") private String confDir; @Option(names = { "--sanitize" }, description = "sanitize results (remove outliers)") private boolean doSanitize = false; @Option(names = { "-C", "--csv" }, description = "produce CSV output") private boolean doCSV = false; @Option(names = { "--params" }, description = "number of table/partition parameters") private int nParameters = 0; @Option(names = { "--savedata" }, description = "save raw data in specified dir") private String dataSaveDir; @Option(names = { "--separator" }, description = "CSV field separator") private String csvSeparator = CSV_SEPARATOR; @Option(names = { "-M", "--pattern" }, description = "test name patterns") private Pattern[] matches; @Option(names = { "-E", "--exclude" }, description = "test name patterns to exclude") private Pattern[] exclude; public static void main(String[] args) { BenchmarkTool(), args); } static void saveData(Map<String, DescriptiveStatistics> result, String location, TimeUnit scale) throws IOException { Path dir = Paths.get(location); if (!dir.toFile().exists()) { LOG.debug("creating directory {}", location); Files.createDirectories(dir); } else if (!dir.toFile().isDirectory()) { LOG.error("{} should be a directory", location); } // Create a new file for each benchmark and dump raw data to it. result.forEach((name, data) -> saveDataFile(location, name, data, scale)); } private static void saveDataFile(String location, String name, DescriptiveStatistics data, TimeUnit scale) { long conv = scale.toNanos(1); Path dst = Paths.get(location, name); try (PrintStream output = new PrintStream(dst.toString())) { // Print all values one per line -> output.println(d / conv)); } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { LOG.error("failed to write to {}", dst); } } @Override public void run() {"Using warmup " + warmup + " spin " + spinCount + " nparams " + nParameters + " threads " + nThreads); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); BenchData bData = new BenchData(dbName, tableName); MicroBenchmark bench = new MicroBenchmark(warmup, spinCount); BenchmarkSuite suite = new BenchmarkSuite(); suite.setScale(scale).doSanitize(doSanitize).add("getNid", () -> benchmarkGetNotificationId(bench, bData)) .add("listDatabases", () -> benchmarkListDatabases(bench, bData)) .add("listTables", () -> benchmarkListAllTables(bench, bData)) .add("getTable", () -> benchmarkGetTable(bench, bData)) .add("createTable", () -> benchmarkTableCreate(bench, bData)) .add("dropTable", () -> benchmarkDeleteCreate(bench, bData)) .add("dropTableWithPartitions", () -> benchmarkDeleteWithPartitions(bench, bData, 1, nParameters)) .add("addPartition", () -> benchmarkCreatePartition(bench, bData)) .add("dropPartition", () -> benchmarkDropPartition(bench, bData)) .add("listPartition", () -> benchmarkListPartition(bench, bData)) .add("getPartition", () -> benchmarkGetPartitions(bench, bData, 1)) .add("getPartitionNames", () -> benchmarkGetPartitionNames(bench, bData, 1)) .add("getPartitionsByNames", () -> benchmarkGetPartitionsByName(bench, bData, 1)) .add("renameTable", () -> benchmarkRenameTable(bench, bData, 1)) .add("dropDatabase", () -> benchmarkDropDatabase(bench, bData, 1)); for (int howMany : instances) { suite.add("listTables" + '.' + howMany, () -> benchmarkListTables(bench, bData, howMany)) .add("dropTableWithPartitions" + '.' + howMany, () -> benchmarkDeleteWithPartitions(bench, bData, howMany, nParameters)) .add("listPartitions" + '.' + howMany, () -> benchmarkListManyPartitions(bench, bData, howMany)) .add("getPartitions" + '.' + howMany, () -> benchmarkGetPartitions(bench, bData, howMany)) .add("getPartitionNames" + '.' + howMany, () -> benchmarkGetPartitionNames(bench, bData, howMany)) .add("getPartitionsByNames" + '.' + howMany, () -> benchmarkGetPartitionsByName(bench, bData, howMany)) .add("addPartitions" + '.' + howMany, () -> benchmarkCreatePartitions(bench, bData, howMany)) .add("dropPartitions" + '.' + howMany, () -> benchmarkDropPartitions(bench, bData, howMany)) .add("renameTable" + '.' + howMany, () -> benchmarkRenameTable(bench, bData, howMany)) .add("dropDatabase" + '.' + howMany, () -> benchmarkDropDatabase(bench, bData, howMany)); } if (doList) { suite.listMatching(matches, exclude).forEach(System.out::println); return; }"Using table '{}.{}", dbName, tableName); try (HMSClient client = new HMSClient(getServerUri(host, String.valueOf(port)), confDir)) { bData.setClient(client); if (!client.dbExists(dbName)) { client.createDatabase(dbName); } if (client.tableExists(dbName, tableName)) { client.dropTable(dbName, tableName); } // Arrange various benchmarks in a suite BenchmarkSuite result = suite.runMatching(matches, exclude); Formatter fmt = new Formatter(sb); if (doCSV) { result.displayCSV(fmt, csvSeparator); } else { result.display(fmt); } PrintStream output = System.out; if (outputFile != null) { output = new PrintStream(outputFile); } if (outputFile != null) { // Print results to stdout as well StringBuilder s = new StringBuilder(); Formatter f = new Formatter(s); result.display(f); System.out.print(s); f.close(); } output.print(sb.toString()); fmt.close(); if (dataSaveDir != null) { saveData(result.getResult(), dataSaveDir, scale); } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } }