Java tutorial
/** * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.apache.hadoop.hive.jdbc; import static org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.exec.ExplainTask.EXPL_COLUMN_NAME; import static org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.processors.SetProcessor.SET_COLUMN_NAME; import java.sql.Connection; import java.sql.DatabaseMetaData; import java.sql.DriverManager; import java.sql.DriverPropertyInfo; import java.sql.PreparedStatement; import java.sql.ResultSet; import java.sql.ResultSetMetaData; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.sql.Statement; import java.sql.Types; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Date; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import junit.framework.TestCase; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import org.apache.hadoop.fs.Path; import org.apache.hadoop.hive.conf.HiveConf; /** * TestJdbcDriver. * */ public class TestJdbcDriver extends TestCase { private static final Log LOG = LogFactory.getLog(TestJdbcDriver.class); private static final String driverName = "org.apache.hadoop.hive.jdbc.HiveDriver"; private static final String tableName = "testHiveJdbcDriver_Table"; private static final String tableComment = "Simple table"; private static final String viewName = "testHiveJdbcDriverView"; private static final String viewComment = "Simple view"; private static final String partitionedTableName = "testHiveJdbcDriverPartitionedTable"; private static final String partitionedColumnName = "partcolabc"; private static final String partitionedColumnValue = "20090619"; private static final String partitionedTableComment = "Partitioned table"; private static final String dataTypeTableName = "testdatatypetable"; private static final String dataTypeTableComment = "Table with many column data types"; private final HiveConf conf; private final Path dataFilePath; private final Path dataTypeDataFilePath; private Connection con; private boolean standAloneServer = false; public TestJdbcDriver(String name) { super(name); conf = new HiveConf(TestJdbcDriver.class); String dataFileDir = conf.get("").replace('\\', '/').replace("c:", ""); dataFilePath = new Path(dataFileDir, "kv1.txt"); dataTypeDataFilePath = new Path(dataFileDir, "datatypes.txt"); standAloneServer = "true".equals(System.getProperty("test.service.standalone.server")); } @Override protected void setUp() throws Exception { super.setUp(); Class.forName(driverName); if (standAloneServer) { // get connection con = DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:hive://localhost:10000/default", "", ""); } else { con = DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:hive://", "", ""); } assertNotNull("Connection is null", con); assertFalse("Connection should not be closed", con.isClosed()); Statement stmt = con.createStatement(); assertNotNull("Statement is null", stmt); stmt.executeQuery("set = false"); // drop table. ignore error. try { stmt.executeQuery("drop table " + tableName); } catch (Exception ex) { fail(ex.toString()); } // create table ResultSet res = stmt.executeQuery("create table " + tableName + " (under_col int comment 'the under column', value string) comment '" + tableComment + "'"); assertFalse(; // load data res = stmt.executeQuery("load data local inpath '" + dataFilePath.toString() + "' into table " + tableName); assertFalse(; // also initialize a paritioned table to test against. // drop table. ignore error. try { stmt.executeQuery("drop table " + partitionedTableName); } catch (Exception ex) { fail(ex.toString()); } res = stmt.executeQuery("create table " + partitionedTableName + " (under_col int, value string) comment '" + partitionedTableComment + "' partitioned by (" + partitionedColumnName + " STRING)"); assertFalse(; // load data res = stmt.executeQuery( "load data local inpath '" + dataFilePath.toString() + "' into table " + partitionedTableName + " PARTITION (" + partitionedColumnName + "=" + partitionedColumnValue + ")"); assertFalse(; // drop table. ignore error. try { stmt.executeQuery("drop table " + dataTypeTableName); } catch (Exception ex) { fail(ex.toString()); } res = stmt.executeQuery("create table " + dataTypeTableName + " (c1 int, c2 boolean, c3 double, c4 string," + " c5 array<int>, c6 map<int,string>, c7 map<string,string>," + " c8 struct<r:string,s:int,t:double>," + " c9 tinyint, c10 smallint, c11 float, c12 bigint," + " c13 array<array<string>>," + " c14 map<int, map<int,int>>," + " c15 struct<r:int,s:struct<a:int,b:string>>," + " c16 array<struct<m:map<string,string>,n:int>>," + " c17 timestamp, " + " c18 decimal(16,7)," + " c19 binary," + " c20 date) comment'" + dataTypeTableComment + "' partitioned by (dt STRING)"); assertFalse(; // load data res = stmt.executeQuery("load data local inpath '" + dataTypeDataFilePath.toString() + "' into table " + dataTypeTableName + " PARTITION (dt='20090619')"); assertFalse(; // drop view. ignore error. try { stmt.executeQuery("drop view " + viewName); } catch (Exception ex) { fail(ex.toString()); } // create view res = stmt.executeQuery( "create view " + viewName + " comment '" + viewComment + "' as select * from " + tableName); assertFalse(; } @Override protected void tearDown() throws Exception { super.tearDown(); // drop table Statement stmt = con.createStatement(); assertNotNull("Statement is null", stmt); ResultSet res = stmt.executeQuery("drop table " + tableName); assertFalse(; res = stmt.executeQuery("drop table " + partitionedTableName); assertFalse(; res = stmt.executeQuery("drop table " + dataTypeTableName); assertFalse(; con.close(); assertTrue("Connection should be closed", con.isClosed()); Exception expectedException = null; try { con.createStatement(); } catch (Exception e) { expectedException = e; } assertNotNull("createStatement() on closed connection should throw exception", expectedException); } /** * verify 'explain ...' resultset * @throws SQLException */ public void testExplainStmt() throws SQLException { Statement stmt = con.createStatement(); ResultSet res = stmt.executeQuery("explain select c1, c2, c3, c4, c5 as a, c6, c7, c8, c9, c10, c11, c12, " + "c1*2, sentences(null, null, null) as b from " + dataTypeTableName + " limit 1"); ResultSetMetaData md = res.getMetaData(); assertEquals(md.getColumnCount(), 1); // only one result column assertEquals(md.getColumnLabel(1), EXPL_COLUMN_NAME); // verify the column name //verify that there is data in the resultset assertTrue("Nothing returned explain",; } public void testPrepareStatement() { String sql = "from (select count(1) from " + tableName + " where 'not?param?not?param' <> 'not_param??not_param' and ?=? " + " and 1=? and 2=? and 3.0=? and 4.0=? and 'test\\'string\"'=? and 5=? and ?=? " + " and date '2012-01-01' = date ?" + " ) t select '2011-03-25' ddate,'China',true bv, 10 num limit 10"; /////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////// correct testcase //////////////////// executed twice: once with the typed ps setters, once with the generic setObject ////////////////////////////////////////////// try { PreparedStatement ps = createPreapredStatementUsingSetXXX(sql); ResultSet res = ps.executeQuery(); assertPreparedStatementResultAsExpected(res); ps.close(); ps = createPreapredStatementUsingSetObject(sql); res = ps.executeQuery(); assertPreparedStatementResultAsExpected(res); ps.close(); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); fail(e.toString()); } /////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////// other failure testcases ////////////////////////////////////////////// // set nothing for prepared sql Exception expectedException = null; try { PreparedStatement ps = con.prepareStatement(sql); ps.executeQuery(); } catch (Exception e) { expectedException = e; } assertNotNull("Execute the un-setted sql statement should throw exception", expectedException); // set some of parameters for prepared sql, not all of them. expectedException = null; try { PreparedStatement ps = con.prepareStatement(sql); ps.setBoolean(1, true); ps.setBoolean(2, true); ps.executeQuery(); } catch (Exception e) { expectedException = e; } assertNotNull("Execute the invalid setted sql statement should throw exception", expectedException); // set the wrong type parameters for prepared sql. expectedException = null; try { PreparedStatement ps = con.prepareStatement(sql); // wrong type here ps.setString(1, "wrong"); assertTrue(true); ResultSet res = ps.executeQuery(); if (! { throw new Exception("there must be a empty result set"); } } catch (Exception e) { expectedException = e; } assertNotNull("Execute the invalid setted sql statement should throw exception", expectedException); // setObject to the yet unknown type java.util.Date expectedException = null; try { PreparedStatement ps = con.prepareStatement(sql); ps.setObject(1, new Date()); ps.executeQuery(); } catch (Exception e) { expectedException = e; } assertNotNull("Setting to an unknown type should throw an exception", expectedException); } private PreparedStatement createPreapredStatementUsingSetObject(String sql) throws SQLException { PreparedStatement ps = con.prepareStatement(sql); ps.setObject(1, true); //setBoolean ps.setObject(2, true); //setBoolean ps.setObject(3, Short.valueOf("1")); //setShort ps.setObject(4, 2); //setInt ps.setObject(5, 3f); //setFloat ps.setObject(6, Double.valueOf(4)); //setDouble ps.setObject(7, "test'string\""); //setString ps.setObject(8, 5L); //setLong ps.setObject(9, (byte) 1); //setByte ps.setObject(10, (byte) 1); //setByte ps.setString(11, "2012-01-01"); //setString ps.setMaxRows(2); return ps; } private PreparedStatement createPreapredStatementUsingSetXXX(String sql) throws SQLException { PreparedStatement ps = con.prepareStatement(sql); ps.setBoolean(1, true); //setBoolean ps.setBoolean(2, true); //setBoolean ps.setShort(3, Short.valueOf("1")); //setShort ps.setInt(4, 2); //setInt ps.setFloat(5, 3f); //setFloat ps.setDouble(6, Double.valueOf(4)); //setDouble ps.setString(7, "test'string\""); //setString ps.setLong(8, 5L); //setLong ps.setByte(9, (byte) 1); //setByte ps.setByte(10, (byte) 1); //setByte ps.setString(11, "2012-01-01"); //setString ps.setMaxRows(2); return ps; } private void assertPreparedStatementResultAsExpected(ResultSet res) throws SQLException { assertNotNull(res); while ( { assertEquals("2011-03-25", res.getString("ddate")); assertEquals("10", res.getString("num")); assertEquals((byte) 10, res.getByte("num")); assertEquals("2011-03-25", res.getDate("ddate").toString()); assertEquals(Double.valueOf(10).doubleValue(), res.getDouble("num"), 0.1); assertEquals(10, res.getInt("num")); assertEquals(Short.valueOf("10").shortValue(), res.getShort("num")); assertEquals(10L, res.getLong("num")); assertEquals(true, res.getBoolean("bv")); Object o = res.getObject("ddate"); assertNotNull(o); o = res.getObject("num"); assertNotNull(o); } res.close(); assertTrue(true); } public final void testSelectAll() throws Exception { doTestSelectAll(tableName, -1, -1); // tests not setting maxRows (return all) doTestSelectAll(tableName, 0, -1); // tests setting maxRows to 0 (return all) } public final void testSelectAllPartioned() throws Exception { doTestSelectAll(partitionedTableName, -1, -1); // tests not setting maxRows // (return all) doTestSelectAll(partitionedTableName, 0, -1); // tests setting maxRows to 0 // (return all) } public final void testSelectAllMaxRows() throws Exception { doTestSelectAll(tableName, 100, -1); } public final void testSelectAllFetchSize() throws Exception { doTestSelectAll(tableName, 100, 20); } public void testNullType() throws Exception { Statement stmt = con.createStatement(); try { ResultSet res = stmt.executeQuery("select null from " + dataTypeTableName); assertTrue(; assertNull(res.getObject(1)); } finally { stmt.close(); } } public void testDataTypes() throws Exception { Statement stmt = con.createStatement(); ResultSet res = stmt.executeQuery("select * from " + dataTypeTableName + " order by c1"); ResultSetMetaData meta = res.getMetaData(); // row 1 assertTrue(; // skip the last (partitioning) column since it is always non-null for (int i = 1; i < meta.getColumnCount(); i++) { assertNull(res.getObject(i)); } // row 2 assertTrue(; assertEquals(-1, res.getInt(1)); assertEquals(false, res.getBoolean(2)); assertEquals(-1.1d, res.getDouble(3)); assertEquals("", res.getString(4)); assertEquals("[]", res.getString(5)); assertEquals("{}", res.getString(6)); assertEquals("{}", res.getString(7)); assertEquals("[null, null, null]", res.getString(8)); assertEquals(-1, res.getByte(9)); assertEquals(-1, res.getShort(10)); assertEquals(-1.0f, res.getFloat(11)); assertEquals(-1, res.getLong(12)); assertEquals("[]", res.getString(13)); assertEquals("{}", res.getString(14)); assertEquals("[null, null]", res.getString(15)); assertEquals("[]", res.getString(16)); assertEquals(null, res.getString(17)); assertEquals(null, res.getTimestamp(17)); assertEquals(null, res.getBigDecimal(18)); assertEquals(null, res.getString(20)); assertEquals(null, res.getDate(20)); // row 3 assertTrue(; assertEquals(1, res.getInt(1)); assertEquals(true, res.getBoolean(2)); assertEquals(1.1d, res.getDouble(3)); assertEquals("1", res.getString(4)); assertEquals("[1, 2]", res.getString(5)); assertEquals("{1=x, 2=y}", res.getString(6)); assertEquals("{k=v}", res.getString(7)); assertEquals("[a, 9, 2.2]", res.getString(8)); assertEquals(1, res.getByte(9)); assertEquals(1, res.getShort(10)); assertEquals(1.0f, res.getFloat(11)); assertEquals(1, res.getLong(12)); assertEquals("[[a, b], [c, d]]", res.getString(13)); assertEquals("{1={11=12, 13=14}, 2={21=22}}", res.getString(14)); assertEquals("[1, [2, x]]", res.getString(15)); assertEquals("[[{}, 1], [{c=d, a=b}, 2]]", res.getString(16)); assertEquals("2012-04-22 09:00:00.123456789", res.getString(17)); assertEquals("2012-04-22 09:00:00.123456789", res.getTimestamp(17).toString()); assertEquals("123456789.0123456", res.getBigDecimal(18).toString()); assertEquals("2013-01-01", res.getString(20)); assertEquals("2013-01-01", res.getDate(20).toString()); // test getBoolean rules on non-boolean columns assertEquals(true, res.getBoolean(1)); assertEquals(true, res.getBoolean(4)); // no more rows assertFalse(; } private void doTestSelectAll(String tableName, int maxRows, int fetchSize) throws Exception { boolean isPartitionTable = tableName.equals(partitionedTableName); Statement stmt = con.createStatement(); if (maxRows >= 0) { stmt.setMaxRows(maxRows); } if (fetchSize > 0) { stmt.setFetchSize(fetchSize); assertEquals(fetchSize, stmt.getFetchSize()); } // JDBC says that 0 means return all, which is the default int expectedMaxRows = maxRows < 1 ? 0 : maxRows; assertNotNull("Statement is null", stmt); assertEquals("Statement max rows not as expected", expectedMaxRows, stmt.getMaxRows()); assertFalse("Statement should not be closed", stmt.isClosed()); ResultSet res; // run some queries res = stmt.executeQuery("select * from " + tableName); assertNotNull("ResultSet is null", res); assertTrue("getResultSet() not returning expected ResultSet", res == stmt.getResultSet()); assertEquals("get update count not as expected", 0, stmt.getUpdateCount()); int i = 0; ResultSetMetaData meta = res.getMetaData(); int expectedColCount = isPartitionTable ? 3 : 2; assertEquals("Unexpected column count", expectedColCount, meta.getColumnCount()); String colQualifier = ((tableName != null) && !tableName.isEmpty()) ? tableName.toLowerCase() + "." : ""; boolean moreRow =; while (moreRow) { try { i++; assertEquals(res.getInt(1), res.getInt(colQualifier + "under_col")); assertEquals(res.getString(1), res.getString(colQualifier + "under_col")); assertEquals(res.getString(2), res.getString(colQualifier + "value")); if (isPartitionTable) { assertEquals(res.getString(3), partitionedColumnValue); assertEquals(res.getString(3), res.getString(colQualifier + partitionedColumnName)); } assertFalse("Last result value was not null", res.wasNull()); assertNull("No warnings should be found on ResultSet", res.getWarnings()); res.clearWarnings(); // verifying that method is supported // System.out.println(res.getString(1) + " " + res.getString(2)); assertEquals("getInt and getString don't align for the same result value", String.valueOf(res.getInt(1)), res.getString(1)); assertEquals("Unexpected result found", "val_" + res.getString(1), res.getString(2)); moreRow =; } catch (SQLException e) { System.out.println(e.toString()); e.printStackTrace(); throw new Exception(e.toString()); } } // supposed to get 500 rows if maxRows isn't set int expectedRowCount = maxRows > 0 ? maxRows : 500; assertEquals("Incorrect number of rows returned", expectedRowCount, i); // should have no more rows assertEquals(false, moreRow); assertNull("No warnings should be found on statement", stmt.getWarnings()); stmt.clearWarnings(); // verifying that method is supported assertNull("No warnings should be found on connection", con.getWarnings()); con.clearWarnings(); // verifying that method is supported stmt.close(); assertTrue("Statement should be closed", stmt.isClosed()); } public void testErrorMessages() throws SQLException { String invalidSyntaxSQLState = "42000"; // These tests inherently cause exceptions to be written to the test output // logs. This is undesirable, since you it might appear to someone looking // at the test output logs as if something is failing when it isn't. Not // sure // how to get around that. doTestErrorCase("SELECTT * FROM " + tableName, "cannot recognize input near 'SELECTT' '*' 'FROM'", invalidSyntaxSQLState, 40000); doTestErrorCase("SELECT * FROM some_table_that_does_not_exist", "Table not found", "42S02", 10001); doTestErrorCase("drop table some_table_that_does_not_exist", "Table not found", "42S02", 10001); doTestErrorCase("SELECT invalid_column FROM " + tableName, "Invalid table alias or column reference", invalidSyntaxSQLState, 10004); doTestErrorCase("SELECT invalid_function(under_col) FROM " + tableName, "Invalid function", invalidSyntaxSQLState, 10011); // TODO: execute errors like this currently don't return good error // codes and messages. This should be fixed. doTestErrorCase("create table " + tableName + " (key int, value string)", "FAILED: Execution Error, return code 1 from org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.exec.DDLTask", "08S01", 1); } private void doTestErrorCase(String sql, String expectedMessage, String expectedSQLState, int expectedErrorCode) throws SQLException { Statement stmt = con.createStatement(); boolean exceptionFound = false; try { stmt.executeQuery(sql); } catch (SQLException e) { assertTrue("Adequate error messaging not found for '" + sql + "': " + e.getMessage(), e.getMessage().contains(expectedMessage)); assertEquals("Expected SQLState not found for '" + sql + "'", expectedSQLState, e.getSQLState()); assertEquals("Expected error code not found for '" + sql + "'", expectedErrorCode, e.getErrorCode()); exceptionFound = true; } assertNotNull("Exception should have been thrown for query: " + sql, exceptionFound); } public void testShowTables() throws SQLException { Statement stmt = con.createStatement(); assertNotNull("Statement is null", stmt); ResultSet res = stmt.executeQuery("show tables"); boolean testTableExists = false; while ( { assertNotNull("table name is null in result set", res.getString(1)); if (tableName.equalsIgnoreCase(res.getString(1))) { testTableExists = true; } } assertTrue("table name " + tableName + " not found in SHOW TABLES result set", testTableExists); } public void testMetaDataGetTables() throws SQLException { Map<String, Object[]> tests = new HashMap<String, Object[]>(); tests.put("test%jdbc%", new Object[] { "testhivejdbcdriver_table", "testhivejdbcdriverpartitionedtable", "testhivejdbcdriverview" }); tests.put("%jdbcdriver\\_table", new Object[] { "testhivejdbcdriver_table" }); tests.put("testhivejdbcdriver\\_table", new Object[] { "testhivejdbcdriver_table" }); tests.put("test_ivejdbcdri_er\\_table", new Object[] { "testhivejdbcdriver_table" }); tests.put("test_ivejdbcdri_er_table", new Object[] { "testhivejdbcdriver_table" }); tests.put("test_ivejdbcdri_er%table", new Object[] { "testhivejdbcdriver_table", "testhivejdbcdriverpartitionedtable" }); tests.put("%jdbc%", new Object[] { "testhivejdbcdriver_table", "testhivejdbcdriverpartitionedtable", "testhivejdbcdriverview" }); tests.put("", new Object[] {}); for (String checkPattern : tests.keySet()) { ResultSet rs = con.getMetaData().getTables("default", null, checkPattern, null); int cnt = 0; while ( { String resultTableName = rs.getString("TABLE_NAME"); assertEquals("Get by index different from get by name.", rs.getString(3), resultTableName); assertEquals("Excpected a different table.", tests.get(checkPattern)[cnt], resultTableName); String resultTableComment = rs.getString("REMARKS"); assertTrue("Missing comment on the table.", resultTableComment.length() > 0); String tableType = rs.getString("TABLE_TYPE"); if (resultTableName.endsWith("view")) { assertEquals("Expected a tabletype view but got something else.", "VIEW", tableType); } cnt++; } rs.close(); assertEquals("Received an incorrect number of tables.", tests.get(checkPattern).length, cnt); } // only ask for the views. ResultSet rs = con.getMetaData().getTables("default", null, null, new String[] { "VIEW" }); int cnt = 0; while ( { cnt++; } rs.close(); assertEquals("Incorrect number of views found.", 1, cnt); } public void testMetaDataGetCatalogs() throws SQLException { ResultSet rs = con.getMetaData().getCatalogs(); int cnt = 0; while ( { String catalogname = rs.getString("TABLE_CAT"); assertEquals("Get by index different from get by name", rs.getString(1), catalogname); switch (cnt) { case 0: assertEquals("default", catalogname); break; default: fail("More then one catalog found."); break; } cnt++; } rs.close(); assertEquals("Incorrect catalog count", 1, cnt); } public void testMetaDataGetSchemas() throws SQLException { ResultSet rs = con.getMetaData().getSchemas(); int cnt = 0; while ( { cnt++; } rs.close(); assertEquals("Incorrect schema count", 0, cnt); } public void testMetaDataGetTableTypes() throws SQLException { ResultSet rs = con.getMetaData().getTableTypes(); Set<String> tabletypes = new HashSet(); tabletypes.add("TABLE"); tabletypes.add("EXTERNAL TABLE"); tabletypes.add("VIEW"); int cnt = 0; while ( { String tabletype = rs.getString("TABLE_TYPE"); assertEquals("Get by index different from get by name", rs.getString(1), tabletype); tabletypes.remove(tabletype); cnt++; } rs.close(); assertEquals("Incorrect tabletype count.", 0, tabletypes.size()); assertTrue("Found less tabletypes then we test for.", cnt >= tabletypes.size()); } public void testMetaDataGetColumns() throws SQLException { Map<String[], Integer> tests = new HashMap<String[], Integer>(); tests.put(new String[] { "testhivejdbcdriver\\_table", null }, 2); tests.put(new String[] { "testhivejdbc%", null }, 7); tests.put(new String[] { "testhiveJDBC%", null }, 7); tests.put(new String[] { "testhiveJDB\\C%", null }, 0); tests.put(new String[] { "%jdbcdriver\\_table", null }, 2); tests.put(new String[] { "%jdbcdriver\\_table%", "under\\_col" }, 1); tests.put(new String[] { "%jdbcdriver\\_table%", "under\\_COL" }, 1); tests.put(new String[] { "%jdbcdriver\\_table%", "under\\_co_" }, 1); tests.put(new String[] { "%jdbcdriver\\_table%", "under_col" }, 1); tests.put(new String[] { "%jdbcdriver\\_table%", "und%" }, 1); tests.put(new String[] { "%jdbcdriver\\_table%", "%" }, 2); tests.put(new String[] { "%jdbcdriver\\_table%", "_%" }, 2); for (String[] checkPattern : tests.keySet()) { ResultSet rs = con.getMetaData().getColumns(null, null, checkPattern[0], checkPattern[1]); // validate the metadata for the getColumns result set ResultSetMetaData rsmd = rs.getMetaData(); assertEquals("TABLE_CAT", rsmd.getColumnName(1)); int cnt = 0; while ( { String columnname = rs.getString("COLUMN_NAME"); int ordinalPos = rs.getInt("ORDINAL_POSITION"); switch (cnt) { case 0: assertEquals("Wrong column name found", "under_col", columnname); assertEquals("Wrong ordinal position found", ordinalPos, 1); break; case 1: assertEquals("Wrong column name found", "value", columnname); assertEquals("Wrong ordinal position found", ordinalPos, 2); break; default: break; } cnt++; } rs.close(); assertEquals("Found less columns then we test for.", tests.get(checkPattern).intValue(), cnt); } } /** * Validate the Metadata for the result set of a metadata getColumns call. */ public void testMetaDataGetColumnsMetaData() throws SQLException { ResultSet rs = con.getMetaData().getColumns(null, null, "testhivejdbcdriver\\_table", null); ResultSetMetaData rsmd = rs.getMetaData(); assertEquals("TABLE_CAT", rsmd.getColumnName(1)); assertEquals(Types.VARCHAR, rsmd.getColumnType(1)); assertEquals(Integer.MAX_VALUE, rsmd.getColumnDisplaySize(1)); assertEquals("ORDINAL_POSITION", rsmd.getColumnName(17)); assertEquals(Types.INTEGER, rsmd.getColumnType(17)); assertEquals(11, rsmd.getColumnDisplaySize(17)); } public void testConversionsBaseResultSet() throws SQLException { ResultSet rs = new HiveMetaDataResultSet(Arrays.asList("key"), Arrays.asList("long"), Arrays.asList(1234, "1234", "abc")) { private int cnt = 1; @Override public boolean next() throws SQLException { if (cnt < data.size()) { row = Arrays.asList(data.get(cnt)); cnt++; return true; } else { return false; } } }; while ( { String key = rs.getString("key"); if ("1234".equals(key)) { assertEquals("Converting a string column into a long failed.", rs.getLong("key"), 1234L); assertEquals("Converting a string column into a int failed.", rs.getInt("key"), 1234); } else if ("abc".equals(key)) { Object result = null; Exception expectedException = null; try { result = rs.getLong("key"); } catch (SQLException e) { expectedException = e; } assertTrue("Trying to convert 'abc' into a long should not work.", expectedException != null); try { result = rs.getInt("key"); } catch (SQLException e) { expectedException = e; } assertTrue("Trying to convert 'abc' into a int should not work.", expectedException != null); } } } public void testDescribeTable() throws SQLException { Statement stmt = con.createStatement(); assertNotNull("Statement is null", stmt); ResultSet res = stmt.executeQuery("describe " + tableName);; assertEquals(true, res.getString(1).contains("under_col")); assertEquals(true, res.getString(2).contains("int"));; assertEquals(true, res.getString(1).contains("value")); assertEquals(true, res.getString(2).contains("string")); assertFalse("More results found than expected",; } public void testDatabaseMetaData() throws SQLException { DatabaseMetaData meta = con.getMetaData(); assertEquals("Hive", meta.getDatabaseProductName()); assertEquals("1", meta.getDatabaseProductVersion()); assertEquals(DatabaseMetaData.sqlStateSQL99, meta.getSQLStateType()); assertNull(meta.getProcedures(null, null, null)); assertFalse(meta.supportsCatalogsInTableDefinitions()); assertFalse(meta.supportsSchemasInTableDefinitions()); assertFalse(meta.supportsSchemasInDataManipulation()); assertFalse(meta.supportsMultipleResultSets()); assertFalse(meta.supportsStoredProcedures()); assertTrue(meta.supportsAlterTableWithAddColumn()); } public void testResultSetMetaData() throws SQLException { Statement stmt = con.createStatement(); ResultSet res = stmt.executeQuery("select c1, c2, c3, c4, c5 as a, c6, c7, c8, c9, c10, c11, c12, " + "c1*2, sentences(null, null, null) as b, c17, c18, c20 from " + dataTypeTableName + " limit 1"); ResultSetMetaData meta = res.getMetaData(); ResultSet colRS = con.getMetaData().getColumns(null, null, dataTypeTableName.toLowerCase(), null); assertEquals(17, meta.getColumnCount()); assertTrue(; assertEquals("c1", meta.getColumnName(1)); assertEquals(Types.INTEGER, meta.getColumnType(1)); assertEquals("int", meta.getColumnTypeName(1)); assertEquals(11, meta.getColumnDisplaySize(1)); assertEquals(10, meta.getPrecision(1)); assertEquals(0, meta.getScale(1)); assertEquals("c1", colRS.getString("COLUMN_NAME")); assertEquals(Types.INTEGER, colRS.getInt("DATA_TYPE")); assertEquals("int", colRS.getString("TYPE_NAME").toLowerCase()); assertEquals(meta.getPrecision(1), colRS.getInt("COLUMN_SIZE")); assertEquals(meta.getScale(1), colRS.getInt("DECIMAL_DIGITS")); assertTrue(; assertEquals("c2", meta.getColumnName(2)); assertEquals("boolean", meta.getColumnTypeName(2)); assertEquals(Types.BOOLEAN, meta.getColumnType(2)); assertEquals(1, meta.getColumnDisplaySize(2)); assertEquals(1, meta.getPrecision(2)); assertEquals(0, meta.getScale(2)); assertEquals("c2", colRS.getString("COLUMN_NAME")); assertEquals(Types.BOOLEAN, colRS.getInt("DATA_TYPE")); assertEquals("boolean", colRS.getString("TYPE_NAME").toLowerCase()); assertEquals(meta.getPrecision(2), colRS.getInt("COLUMN_SIZE")); assertEquals(meta.getScale(2), colRS.getInt("DECIMAL_DIGITS")); assertTrue(; assertEquals("c3", meta.getColumnName(3)); assertEquals(Types.DOUBLE, meta.getColumnType(3)); assertEquals("double", meta.getColumnTypeName(3)); assertEquals(25, meta.getColumnDisplaySize(3)); assertEquals(15, meta.getPrecision(3)); assertEquals(15, meta.getScale(3)); assertEquals("c3", colRS.getString("COLUMN_NAME")); assertEquals(Types.DOUBLE, colRS.getInt("DATA_TYPE")); assertEquals("double", colRS.getString("TYPE_NAME").toLowerCase()); assertEquals(meta.getPrecision(3), colRS.getInt("COLUMN_SIZE")); assertEquals(meta.getScale(3), colRS.getInt("DECIMAL_DIGITS")); assertTrue(; assertEquals("c4", meta.getColumnName(4)); assertEquals(Types.VARCHAR, meta.getColumnType(4)); assertEquals("string", meta.getColumnTypeName(4)); assertEquals(Integer.MAX_VALUE, meta.getColumnDisplaySize(4)); assertEquals(Integer.MAX_VALUE, meta.getPrecision(4)); assertEquals(0, meta.getScale(4)); assertEquals("c4", colRS.getString("COLUMN_NAME")); assertEquals(Types.VARCHAR, colRS.getInt("DATA_TYPE")); assertEquals("string", colRS.getString("TYPE_NAME").toLowerCase()); assertEquals(meta.getPrecision(4), colRS.getInt("COLUMN_SIZE")); assertEquals(meta.getScale(4), colRS.getInt("DECIMAL_DIGITS")); assertTrue(; assertEquals("a", meta.getColumnName(5)); assertEquals(Types.VARCHAR, meta.getColumnType(5)); assertEquals("string", meta.getColumnTypeName(5)); assertEquals(Integer.MAX_VALUE, meta.getColumnDisplaySize(5)); assertEquals(Integer.MAX_VALUE, meta.getPrecision(5)); assertEquals(0, meta.getScale(5)); assertEquals("c5", colRS.getString("COLUMN_NAME")); assertEquals(Types.VARCHAR, colRS.getInt("DATA_TYPE")); assertEquals("array<int>", colRS.getString("TYPE_NAME").toLowerCase()); assertEquals(meta.getPrecision(5), colRS.getInt("COLUMN_SIZE")); assertEquals(meta.getScale(5), colRS.getInt("DECIMAL_DIGITS")); assertTrue(; assertEquals("c6", meta.getColumnName(6)); assertEquals(Types.VARCHAR, meta.getColumnType(6)); assertEquals("string", meta.getColumnTypeName(6)); assertEquals(Integer.MAX_VALUE, meta.getColumnDisplaySize(6)); assertEquals(Integer.MAX_VALUE, meta.getPrecision(6)); assertEquals(0, meta.getScale(6)); assertEquals("c6", colRS.getString("COLUMN_NAME")); assertEquals(Types.VARCHAR, colRS.getInt("DATA_TYPE")); assertEquals("map<int,string>", colRS.getString("TYPE_NAME").toLowerCase()); assertEquals(meta.getPrecision(6), colRS.getInt("COLUMN_SIZE")); assertEquals(meta.getScale(6), colRS.getInt("DECIMAL_DIGITS")); assertTrue(; assertEquals("c7", meta.getColumnName(7)); assertEquals(Types.VARCHAR, meta.getColumnType(7)); assertEquals("string", meta.getColumnTypeName(7)); assertEquals(Integer.MAX_VALUE, meta.getColumnDisplaySize(7)); assertEquals(Integer.MAX_VALUE, meta.getPrecision(7)); assertEquals(0, meta.getScale(7)); assertEquals("c7", colRS.getString("COLUMN_NAME")); assertEquals(Types.VARCHAR, colRS.getInt("DATA_TYPE")); assertEquals("map<string,string>", colRS.getString("TYPE_NAME").toLowerCase()); assertEquals(meta.getPrecision(7), colRS.getInt("COLUMN_SIZE")); assertEquals(meta.getScale(7), colRS.getInt("DECIMAL_DIGITS")); assertTrue(; assertEquals("c8", meta.getColumnName(8)); assertEquals(Types.VARCHAR, meta.getColumnType(8)); assertEquals("string", meta.getColumnTypeName(8)); assertEquals(Integer.MAX_VALUE, meta.getColumnDisplaySize(8)); assertEquals(Integer.MAX_VALUE, meta.getPrecision(8)); assertEquals(0, meta.getScale(8)); assertEquals("c8", colRS.getString("COLUMN_NAME")); assertEquals(Types.VARCHAR, colRS.getInt("DATA_TYPE")); assertEquals("struct<r:string,s:int,t:double>", colRS.getString("TYPE_NAME").toLowerCase()); assertEquals(meta.getPrecision(8), colRS.getInt("COLUMN_SIZE")); assertEquals(meta.getScale(8), colRS.getInt("DECIMAL_DIGITS")); assertTrue(; assertEquals("c9", meta.getColumnName(9)); assertEquals(Types.TINYINT, meta.getColumnType(9)); assertEquals("tinyint", meta.getColumnTypeName(9)); assertEquals(4, meta.getColumnDisplaySize(9)); assertEquals(3, meta.getPrecision(9)); assertEquals(0, meta.getScale(9)); assertEquals("c9", colRS.getString("COLUMN_NAME")); assertEquals(Types.TINYINT, colRS.getInt("DATA_TYPE")); assertEquals("tinyint", colRS.getString("TYPE_NAME").toLowerCase()); assertEquals(meta.getPrecision(9), colRS.getInt("COLUMN_SIZE")); assertEquals(meta.getScale(9), colRS.getInt("DECIMAL_DIGITS")); assertTrue(; assertEquals("c10", meta.getColumnName(10)); assertEquals(Types.SMALLINT, meta.getColumnType(10)); assertEquals("smallint", meta.getColumnTypeName(10)); assertEquals(6, meta.getColumnDisplaySize(10)); assertEquals(5, meta.getPrecision(10)); assertEquals(0, meta.getScale(10)); assertEquals("c10", colRS.getString("COLUMN_NAME")); assertEquals(Types.SMALLINT, colRS.getInt("DATA_TYPE")); assertEquals("smallint", colRS.getString("TYPE_NAME").toLowerCase()); assertEquals(meta.getPrecision(10), colRS.getInt("COLUMN_SIZE")); assertEquals(meta.getScale(10), colRS.getInt("DECIMAL_DIGITS")); assertTrue(; assertEquals("c11", meta.getColumnName(11)); assertEquals(Types.FLOAT, meta.getColumnType(11)); assertEquals("float", meta.getColumnTypeName(11)); assertEquals(24, meta.getColumnDisplaySize(11)); assertEquals(7, meta.getPrecision(11)); assertEquals(7, meta.getScale(11)); assertEquals("c11", colRS.getString("COLUMN_NAME")); assertEquals(Types.FLOAT, colRS.getInt("DATA_TYPE")); assertEquals("float", colRS.getString("TYPE_NAME").toLowerCase()); assertEquals(meta.getPrecision(11), colRS.getInt("COLUMN_SIZE")); assertEquals(meta.getScale(11), colRS.getInt("DECIMAL_DIGITS")); assertTrue(; assertEquals("c12", meta.getColumnName(12)); assertEquals(Types.BIGINT, meta.getColumnType(12)); assertEquals("bigint", meta.getColumnTypeName(12)); assertEquals(20, meta.getColumnDisplaySize(12)); assertEquals(19, meta.getPrecision(12)); assertEquals(0, meta.getScale(12)); assertEquals("c12", colRS.getString("COLUMN_NAME")); assertEquals(Types.BIGINT, colRS.getInt("DATA_TYPE")); assertEquals("bigint", colRS.getString("TYPE_NAME").toLowerCase()); assertEquals(meta.getPrecision(12), colRS.getInt("COLUMN_SIZE")); assertEquals(meta.getScale(12), colRS.getInt("DECIMAL_DIGITS")); assertEquals("_c12", meta.getColumnName(13)); assertEquals(Types.INTEGER, meta.getColumnType(13)); assertEquals("int", meta.getColumnTypeName(13)); assertEquals(11, meta.getColumnDisplaySize(13)); assertEquals(10, meta.getPrecision(13)); assertEquals(0, meta.getScale(13)); assertEquals("b", meta.getColumnName(14)); assertEquals(Types.VARCHAR, meta.getColumnType(14)); assertEquals("string", meta.getColumnTypeName(14)); assertEquals(Integer.MAX_VALUE, meta.getColumnDisplaySize(14)); assertEquals(Integer.MAX_VALUE, meta.getPrecision(14)); assertEquals(0, meta.getScale(14)); assertEquals("c17", meta.getColumnName(15)); assertEquals(Types.TIMESTAMP, meta.getColumnType(15)); assertEquals("timestamp", meta.getColumnTypeName(15)); assertEquals(29, meta.getColumnDisplaySize(15)); assertEquals(29, meta.getPrecision(15)); assertEquals(9, meta.getScale(15)); assertEquals("c18", meta.getColumnName(16)); assertEquals(Types.DECIMAL, meta.getColumnType(16)); assertEquals("decimal", meta.getColumnTypeName(16)); assertEquals(Integer.MAX_VALUE, meta.getColumnDisplaySize(16)); assertEquals(Integer.MAX_VALUE, meta.getPrecision(16)); assertEquals(Integer.MAX_VALUE, meta.getScale(16)); assertEquals("c20", meta.getColumnName(17)); assertEquals(Types.DATE, meta.getColumnType(17)); assertEquals("date", meta.getColumnTypeName(17)); assertEquals(10, meta.getColumnDisplaySize(17)); assertEquals(10, meta.getPrecision(17)); assertEquals(0, meta.getScale(17)); for (int i = 1; i <= meta.getColumnCount(); i++) { assertFalse(meta.isAutoIncrement(i)); assertFalse(meta.isCurrency(i)); assertEquals(ResultSetMetaData.columnNullable, meta.isNullable(i)); } } // [url] [host] [port] [db] private static final String[][] URL_PROPERTIES = new String[][] { { "jdbc:hive://", "", "", "default" }, { "jdbc:hive://localhost:10001/default", "localhost", "10001", "default" }, { "jdbc:hive://localhost/notdefault", "localhost", "10000", "notdefault" }, { "jdbc:hive://foo:1243", "foo", "1243", "default" } }; public void testDriverProperties() throws SQLException { HiveDriver driver = new HiveDriver(); for (String[] testValues : URL_PROPERTIES) { DriverPropertyInfo[] dpi = driver.getPropertyInfo(testValues[0], null); assertEquals("unexpected DriverPropertyInfo array size", 3, dpi.length); assertDpi(dpi[0], "HOST", testValues[1]); assertDpi(dpi[1], "PORT", testValues[2]); assertDpi(dpi[2], "DBNAME", testValues[3]); } } private static void assertDpi(DriverPropertyInfo dpi, String name, String value) { assertEquals("Invalid DriverPropertyInfo name", name,; assertEquals("Invalid DriverPropertyInfo value", value, dpi.value); assertEquals("Invalid DriverPropertyInfo required", false, dpi.required); } /** * validate schema generated by "set" command * @throws SQLException */ public void testSetCommand() throws SQLException { // execute set command String sql = "set -v"; Statement stmt = con.createStatement(); ResultSet res = stmt.executeQuery(sql); // Validate resultset columns ResultSetMetaData md = res.getMetaData(); assertEquals(1, md.getColumnCount()); assertEquals(SET_COLUMN_NAME, md.getColumnLabel(1)); //check if there is data in the resultset assertTrue("Nothing returned by set -v",; res.close(); stmt.close(); } public void testShowGrant() throws SQLException { Statement stmt = con.createStatement(); stmt.execute("grant select on table " + dataTypeTableName + " to user hive_test_user"); stmt.execute("show grant user hive_test_user on table " + dataTypeTableName); ResultSet res = stmt.getResultSet(); assertTrue(; assertEquals("default", res.getString(1)); assertEquals(dataTypeTableName, res.getString(2)); assertEquals("", res.getString(3)); // partition assertEquals("", res.getString(4)); // column assertEquals("hive_test_user", res.getString(5)); assertEquals("USER", res.getString(6)); assertEquals("Select", res.getString(7)); assertEquals(false, res.getBoolean(8)); // grant option assertEquals(-1, res.getLong(9)); assertNotNull(res.getString(10)); // grantor assertFalse(; res.close(); } public void testShowRoleGrant() throws SQLException { Statement stmt = con.createStatement(); // drop role. ignore error. try { stmt.execute("drop role role1"); } catch (Exception ex) { LOG.warn("Ignoring error during drop role: " + ex); } stmt.execute("create role role1"); stmt.execute("grant role role1 to user hive_test_user"); stmt.execute("show role grant user hive_test_user"); ResultSet res = stmt.getResultSet(); assertTrue(; assertEquals("public", res.getString(1)); assertTrue(; assertEquals("role1", res.getString(1)); res.close(); } }