Source code

Java tutorial


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 * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
 * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
 * distributed with this work for additional information
 * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
 * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
 * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
 * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.
package org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.server.datanode;

import java.nio.channels.FileChannel;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Random;
import java.util.concurrent.Callable;
import java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException;
import java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService;
import java.util.concurrent.Executors;
import java.util.concurrent.Future;
import java.util.concurrent.locks.ReentrantReadWriteLock;


import org.apache.commons.logging.Log;
import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory;
import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration;
import org.apache.hadoop.fs.DF;
import org.apache.hadoop.fs.DU;
import org.apache.hadoop.fs.DU.NamespaceSliceDU;
import org.apache.hadoop.fs.FileUtil;
import org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.protocol.Block;
import org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.protocol.FSConstants;
import org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.server.common.Storage;
import org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.server.common.GenerationStamp;
import org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.server.common.Storage.StorageDirectory;
import org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.server.datanode.BlockInlineChecksumReader.GenStampAndChecksum;
import org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.server.datanode.DataNode;
import org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.server.datanode.DirectoryScanner.ScanDifference;
import org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.server.datanode.NamespaceMap.BlockBucket;
import org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.server.datanode.metrics.FSDatasetMBean;
import org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.server.protocol.BlockFlags;
import org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.server.protocol.BlockRecoveryInfo;
import org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.server.protocol.InterDatanodeProtocol;
import org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.util.LightWeightHashSet;
import org.apache.hadoop.metrics.util.MBeanUtil;
import org.apache.hadoop.util.DataChecksum;
import org.apache.hadoop.util.VersionInfo;
import org.apache.hadoop.util.DiskChecker;
import org.apache.hadoop.util.DiskChecker.DiskErrorException;
import org.apache.hadoop.util.DiskChecker.DiskOutOfSpaceException;

 * FSDataset manages a set of data blocks.  Each block
 * has a unique name and an extent on disk.
public class FSDataset implements FSConstants, FSDatasetInterface {

    public static final Log LOG = LogFactory.getLog(FSDataset.class);

    interface FSDatasetDeltaInterface {
        void addBlock(int namespaceId, Block block);

        void removeBlock(int namespaceId, Block block);

        void updateBlock(int namespaceId, Block oldBlock, Block newBlock);

    static String[] getFileNames(File[] files) {
        String[] fileNames = new String[files.length];
        for (int i = 0; i < files.length; i++) {
            fileNames[i] = files[i].getName();
        return fileNames;

    static Block getBlockFromNames(File blockFiles[], String[] blockFilesNames, int index) throws IOException {
        if (Block.isSeparateChecksumBlockFilename(blockFilesNames[index])) {
            long genStamp = BlockWithChecksumFileReader.getGenerationStampFromSeperateChecksumFile(blockFilesNames,
            return new Block(blockFiles[index], blockFiles[index].length(), genStamp);
        } else if (Block.isInlineChecksumBlockFilename(blockFilesNames[index])) {
            // TODO: We might want to optimize it.
            GenStampAndChecksum sac = BlockInlineChecksumReader
            long blockLengh = BlockInlineChecksumReader.getBlockSizeFromFileLength(blockFiles[index].length(),
                    sac.checksumType, sac.bytesPerChecksum);

            return new Block(blockFiles[index], blockLengh, sac.generationStamp);
        return null;

     * A NamespaceSlice represents a portion of a namespace stored on a volume.  
     * Taken together, all BNamespaceSlices sharing a namespaceID across a 
     * cluster represent a single namespace.
    class NamespaceSlice {
        private final int namespaceId;
        private final FSVolume volume; // volume to which this namespaceSlice belongs to
        private final FSDir dataDir; // StorageDirectory/current/nsid/current/finalized
        private final File detachDir; // directory store Finalized replica
        private final File rbwDir; // directory store RBW replica
        private final File tmpDir; // directory store Temporary replica
        private final NamespaceSliceDU dfsUsage;
        private volatile boolean blockCrcFileLoaded;

         * @param namespaceId
         * @param volume {@link FSVolume} to which this NamespaceSlice belongs to
         * @param nsDir directory corresponding to the NameSpaceSlice
         * @param conf
         * @throws IOException
        NamespaceSlice(int namespaceId, FSVolume volume, File nsDir, Configuration conf, boolean supportAppends)
                throws IOException {
            this.namespaceId = namespaceId;
            this.volume = volume;
            File nsDirCur = new File(nsDir, DataStorage.STORAGE_DIR_CURRENT);
            File dataDirFile = new File(nsDirCur, DataStorage.STORAGE_DIR_FINALIZED);
            this.dataDir = new FSDir(namespaceId, dataDirFile, volume);

            this.detachDir = new File(nsDir, "detach");
            if (detachDir.exists()) {
                recoverDetachedBlocks(dataDirFile, detachDir);

            // Files that were being written when the datanode was last shutdown
            // are now moved back to the data directory. It is possible that
            // in the future, we might want to do some sort of datanode-local
            // recovery for these blocks. For example, crc validation.
            this.tmpDir = new File(nsDir, "tmp");
            if (tmpDir.exists()) {
                // rename tmpDir to prepare delete
                File toDeleteDir = new File(tmpDir.getParent(), DELETE_FILE_EXT + tmpDir.getName());
                if (tmpDir.renameTo(toDeleteDir)) {
                    // asyncly delete the renamed directory
                    asyncDiskService.deleteAsyncFile(volume, toDeleteDir);
                } else {
                    // rename failed, let's synchronously delete the directory
                    DataNode.LOG.warn("Deleted " + tmpDir.getPath());

            this.rbwDir = new File(nsDirCur, DataStorage.STORAGE_DIR_RBW);
            // Files that were being written when the datanode was last shutdown
            // should not be deleted if append mode is enabled.
            if (rbwDir.exists()) {

            if (!rbwDir.mkdirs()) {
                if (!rbwDir.isDirectory()) {
                    throw new IOException("Mkdirs failed to create " + rbwDir.toString());
            if (!tmpDir.mkdirs()) {
                if (!tmpDir.isDirectory()) {
                    throw new IOException("Mkdirs failed to create " + tmpDir.toString());
            if (!detachDir.mkdirs()) {
                if (!detachDir.isDirectory()) {
                    throw new IOException("Mkdirs failed to create " + detachDir.toString());
            this.dfsUsage = volume.dfsUsage.addNamespace(namespaceId, nsDir, conf);
            this.blockCrcFileLoaded = false;

        void getBlockInfo(LightWeightHashSet<Block> blocks) throws IOException {

        boolean isBlockCrcFileLoaded() {
            return blockCrcFileLoaded;

        void setBlockCrcFileLoaded(boolean blockCrcFileLoaded) {
            this.blockCrcFileLoaded = blockCrcFileLoaded;

         * Recover detached files on datanode restart. If a detached block
         * does not exist in the original directory, then it is moved to the
         * original directory.
        private void recoverDetachedBlocks(File dataDir, File dir) throws IOException {
            File contents[] = dir.listFiles();

            if (contents == null) {
            for (int i = 0; i < contents.length; i++) {
                if (!contents[i].isFile()) {
                    throw new IOException("Found " + contents[i] + " in " + dir + " but it is not a file.");

                // If the original block file still exists, then no recovery
                // is needed.
                File blk = new File(dataDir, contents[i].getName());
                if (!blk.exists()) {
                    if (!contents[i].renameTo(blk)) {
                        throw new IOException("Unable to recover detached file " + contents[i]);
                if (!contents[i].delete()) {
                    throw new IOException("Unable to cleanup detached file " + contents[i]);

        void getBlocksBeingWrittenInfo(LightWeightHashSet<Block> blockSet) throws IOException {
            if (rbwDir == null) {

            File[] blockFiles = rbwDir.listFiles();
            if (blockFiles == null) {
            String[] blockFileNames = getFileNames(blockFiles);
            for (int i = 0; i < blockFiles.length; i++) {
                if (!blockFiles[i].isDirectory()) {
                    // get each block in the rbwDir directory
                    Block block = FSDataset.getBlockFromNames(blockFiles, blockFileNames, i);
                    if (block != null) {
                        // add this block to block set
                        if (DataNode.LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
                            DataNode.LOG.debug("recoverBlocksBeingWritten for block " + block);

         * Recover blocks that were being written when the datanode
         * was earlier shut down. These blocks get re-inserted into
         * ongoingCreates. Also, send a blockreceived message to the NN
         * for each of these blocks because these are not part of a 
         * block report.
        private void recoverBlocksBeingWritten(File bbw) throws IOException {
            FSDir fsd = new FSDir(namespaceId, bbw, this.volume);
            LightWeightHashSet<BlockAndFile> blockSet = new LightWeightHashSet<BlockAndFile>();
            for (BlockAndFile b : blockSet) {
                File f = b.pathfile; // full path name of block file
                try {
                    boolean isInlineChecksum = Block.isInlineChecksumBlockFilename(f.getName());
                    int checksumType = DataChecksum.CHECKSUM_UNKNOWN;
                    int bytesPerChecksum = -1;
                    if (isInlineChecksum) {
                        GenStampAndChecksum sac = BlockInlineChecksumReader
                        checksumType = sac.checksumType;
                        bytesPerChecksum = sac.bytesPerChecksum;
                    DatanodeBlockInfo binfo = new DatanodeBlockInfo(volume, f, DatanodeBlockInfo.UNFINALIZED, true,
                            isInlineChecksum, checksumType, bytesPerChecksum, false, 0);

                    volumeMap.add(namespaceId, b.block, binfo);
                    volumeMap.addOngoingCreates(namespaceId, b.block,
                            new ActiveFile(binfo, true, ActiveFile.UNKNOWN_SIZE, false));
                } finally {
                if (DataNode.LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
                            "recoverBlocksBeingWritten for block " + b.block + "namespaceId: " + namespaceId);

        File getDirectory() {
            return dataDir.getDirectory().getParentFile();

        File getCurrentDir() {
            return dataDir.getDirectory();

        File getRbwDir() {
            return rbwDir;

        void decDfsUsed(long value) {

        long getDfsUsed() throws IOException {
            return dfsUsage.getUsed();

         * Temporary files. They get moved to the finalized block directory when
         * the block is finalized.
        File createTmpFile(Block b) throws IOException {
            File f = new File(tmpDir, b.getBlockName());
            return FSDataset.createTmpFile(b, f);

        File createDetachFile(Block b) throws IOException {
            File f = new File(detachDir, b.getBlockName());
            return FSDataset.createTmpFile(b, f);

        File getTmpFile(Block b) throws IOException {
            File f = new File(tmpDir, b.getBlockName());
            return f;

         * Temporary files. They get moved to the finalized block directory when
         * the block is finalized.
        File createTmpFile(Block b, boolean replicationRequest, boolean inlineChecksum, int checksumType,
                int bytesPerChecksum) throws IOException {
            File f = null;
            String fileName;
            if (inlineChecksum) {
                fileName = BlockInlineChecksumWriter.getInlineChecksumFileName(b, checksumType, bytesPerChecksum);
            } else {
                fileName = b.getBlockName();
            if (!replicationRequest) {
                f = new File(rbwDir, fileName);
            } else {
                f = new File(tmpDir, fileName);
            return FSDataset.createTmpFile(b, f);

         * RBW files. They get moved to the finalized block directory when
         * the block is finalized.
        File createRbwFile(Block b) throws IOException {
            File f = new File(rbwDir, b.getBlockName());
            return FSDataset.createTmpFile(b, f);

        File addBlock(Block b, File f, boolean inlineChecksum, int checksumType, int bytesPerChecksum)
                throws IOException {
            File blockFile = dataDir.addBlock(namespaceId, b, f, inlineChecksum, checksumType, bytesPerChecksum);
            long spaceAdded;
            if (!inlineChecksum) {
                File metaFile = BlockWithChecksumFileWriter.getMetaFile(blockFile, b);
                spaceAdded = b.getNumBytes() + metaFile.length();
            } else {
                spaceAdded = blockFile.length();
            return blockFile;

        void checkDirs() throws DiskErrorException {

        void clearPath(File f) {

        public String toString() {
            return dataDir.getDirectory().getAbsolutePath();

        public void shutdown() {

     * A data structure than encapsulates a Block along with the full pathname
     * of the block file
    static class BlockAndFile implements Comparable<BlockAndFile> {
        final Block block;
        final File pathfile;

        BlockAndFile(File fullpathname, Block block) {
            this.pathfile = fullpathname;
            this.block = block;

        public int compareTo(BlockAndFile o) {
            return this.block.compareTo(o.block);

     * A node type that can be built into a tree reflecting the
     * hierarchy of blocks on the local disk.
    class FSDir {
        File dir;
        int numBlocks = 0;
        volatile FSDir childrenDirs[];
        int lastChildIdx = 0;

        File getDirectory() {
            return dir;

        FSDir[] getChildren() {
            return childrenDirs;

        public FSDir() {

        public FSDir(int namespaceId, File dir) throws IOException {
            this(namespaceId, dir, null);

        public FSDir(int namespaceId, File dir, FSVolume volume) throws IOException {
            this.dir = dir;
            this.childrenDirs = null;
            if (!dir.exists()) {
                if (!dir.mkdirs()) {
                    throw new IOException("Mkdirs failed to create " + dir.toString());
            } else {
                File[] files = dir.listFiles();
                String[] filesNames = getFileNames(files);
                int numChildren = 0;
                for (int i = 0; i < files.length; i++) {
                    File file = files[i];
                    String fileName = filesNames[i];
                    if (isPendingDeleteFilename(fileName)) {
                        // Should not cause throwing an exception.    
                        // Obsolete files are not included in the block report.   
                        asyncDiskService.deleteAsyncFile(volume, file);
                    } else if (file.isDirectory()) {
                    } else if (Block.isSeparateChecksumBlockFilename(fileName)) {
                        if (volume != null) {
                            long blkSize = file.length();
                            long genStamp = BlockWithChecksumFileReader
                                    .getGenerationStampFromSeperateChecksumFile(filesNames, fileName);
                            volumeMap.add(namespaceId, new Block(file, blkSize, genStamp),
                                    new DatanodeBlockInfo(volume, file, blkSize, true, false,
                                            DataChecksum.CHECKSUM_UNKNOWN, -1, false, 0));
                    } else if (Block.isInlineChecksumBlockFilename(fileName)) {
                        if (volume != null) {
                            GenStampAndChecksum sac = BlockInlineChecksumReader
                            long blkSize = BlockInlineChecksumReader.getBlockSizeFromFileLength(file.length(),
                                    sac.checksumType, sac.bytesPerChecksum);
                            volumeMap.add(namespaceId, new Block(file, blkSize, sac.generationStamp),
                                    new DatanodeBlockInfo(volume, file, blkSize, true, true, sac.checksumType,
                                            sac.bytesPerChecksum, false, 0));
                if (numChildren > 0) {
                    FSDir[] newChildren = new FSDir[numChildren];
                    int curdir = 0;
                    for (int idx = 0; idx < files.length; idx++) {
                        String fileName = files[idx].getName();
                        if (files[idx].isDirectory() && !isPendingDeleteFilename(fileName)) {
                            newChildren[curdir] = new FSDir(namespaceId, files[idx], volume);
                    childrenDirs = newChildren;

        public File addBlock(int namespaceId, Block b, File src, boolean inlineChecksum, int checksumType,
                int bytesPerChecksum) throws IOException {
            //First try without creating subdirectories
            File file = addBlock(namespaceId, b, src, false, false, inlineChecksum, checksumType, bytesPerChecksum);
            return (file != null) ? file
                    : addBlock(namespaceId, b, src, true, true, inlineChecksum, checksumType, bytesPerChecksum);

        private File addBlock(int namespaceId, Block b, File src, boolean createOk, boolean resetIdx,
                boolean inlineChecksum, int checksumType, int bytesPerChecksum) throws IOException {
            if (numBlocks < maxBlocksPerDir) {
                File dest;
                if (!inlineChecksum) {
                    dest = new File(dir, b.getBlockName());
                    File metaData = BlockWithChecksumFileWriter.getMetaFile(src, b);
                    File newmeta = BlockWithChecksumFileWriter.getMetaFile(dest, b);
                    if (!metaData.renameTo(newmeta)) {
                        throw new IOException("could not move file " + metaData.getAbsolutePath() + " to "
                                + newmeta.getAbsolutePath());
                    if (DataNode.LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
                        DataNode.LOG.debug("addBlock: Moved " + metaData + " to " + newmeta);
                } else {
                    dest = new File(dir,
                            BlockInlineChecksumWriter.getInlineChecksumFileName(b, checksumType, bytesPerChecksum));
                if (!src.renameTo(dest)) {
                    throw new IOException(
                            "could not move files for " + b + " from tmp to " + dest.getAbsolutePath());
                // fsyncIfPossible parent directory to persist rename.
                if (datanode.syncOnClose) {
                if (DataNode.LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
                    DataNode.LOG.debug("addBlock: Moved " + src + " to " + dest);

                numBlocks += 1;
                return dest;

            FSDir[] children = this.getChildren();
            if (lastChildIdx < 0 && resetIdx) {
                //reset so that all children will be checked
                lastChildIdx = random.nextInt(children.length);

            if (lastChildIdx >= 0 && children != null) {
                //Check if any child-tree has room for a block.
                for (int i = 0; i < children.length; i++) {
                    int idx = (lastChildIdx + i) % children.length;
                    File file = children[idx].addBlock(namespaceId, b, src, false, resetIdx, inlineChecksum,
                            checksumType, bytesPerChecksum);
                    if (file != null) {
                        lastChildIdx = idx;
                        return file;
                lastChildIdx = -1;

            if (!createOk) {
                return null;

            if (children == null || children.length == 0) {
                // make sure children is immutable once initialized.
                FSDir[] newChildren = new FSDir[maxBlocksPerDir];
                for (int idx = 0; idx < maxBlocksPerDir; idx++) {
                    newChildren[idx] = new FSDir(namespaceId, new File(dir, DataStorage.BLOCK_SUBDIR_PREFIX + idx));
                childrenDirs = children = newChildren;

            //now pick a child randomly for creating a new set of subdirs.
            lastChildIdx = random.nextInt(children.length);
            return children[lastChildIdx].addBlock(namespaceId, b, src, true, false, inlineChecksum, checksumType,

         * Populate the given blockSet with any child blocks
         * found at this node.
         * @throws IOException 
        public void getBlockInfo(LightWeightHashSet<Block> blockSet) throws IOException {
            FSDir[] children = this.getChildren();
            if (children != null) {
                for (int i = 0; i < children.length; i++) {

            File blockFiles[] = dir.listFiles();
            String[] blockFilesNames = getFileNames(blockFiles);

            for (int i = 0; i < blockFiles.length; i++) {
                Block block = getBlockFromNames(blockFiles, blockFilesNames, i);
                if (block != null) {

         * Populate the given blockSet with any child blocks
         * found at this node. With each block, return the full path
         * of the block file.
         * @throws IOException 
        void getBlockAndFileInfo(LightWeightHashSet<BlockAndFile> blockSet) throws IOException {
            FSDir[] children = this.getChildren();
            if (children != null) {
                for (int i = 0; i < children.length; i++) {

            File blockFiles[] = dir.listFiles();
            String[] blockFilesNames = getFileNames(blockFiles);
            for (int i = 0; i < blockFiles.length; i++) {
                Block block = getBlockFromNames(blockFiles, blockFilesNames, i);
                if (block != null) {
                    blockSet.add(new BlockAndFile(blockFiles[i].getAbsoluteFile(), block));

         * check if a data directory is healthy
         * @throws DiskErrorException
        public void checkDirTree() throws DiskErrorException {

            FSDir[] children = this.getChildren();
            if (children != null) {
                for (int i = 0; i < children.length; i++) {

        void clearPath(File f) {
            String root = dir.getAbsolutePath();
            String dir = f.getAbsolutePath();
            if (dir.startsWith(root)) {
                String[] dirNames = dir.substring(root.length()).split(File.separator + "subdir");
                if (clearPath(f, dirNames, 1))
            clearPath(f, null, -1);

         * dirNames is an array of string integers derived from
         * usual directory structure data/subdirN/subdirXY/subdirM ...
         * If dirName array is non-null, we only check the child at
         * the children[dirNames[idx]]. This avoids iterating over
         * children in common case. If directory structure changes
         * in later versions, we need to revisit this.
        private boolean clearPath(File f, String[] dirNames, int idx) {
            if ((dirNames == null || idx == dirNames.length) && dir.compareTo(f) == 0) {
                return true;

            FSDir[] children = this.getChildren();
            if (dirNames != null) {
                //guess the child index from the directory name
                if (idx > (dirNames.length - 1) || children == null) {
                    return false;
                int childIdx;
                try {
                    childIdx = Integer.parseInt(dirNames[idx]);
                } catch (NumberFormatException ignored) {
                    // layout changed? we could print a warning.
                    return false;
                return (childIdx >= 0 && childIdx < children.length)
                        ? children[childIdx].clearPath(f, dirNames, idx + 1)
                        : false;

            //guesses failed. back to blind iteration.
            if (children != null) {
                for (int i = 0; i < children.length; i++) {
                    if (children[i].clearPath(f, null, -1)) {
                        return true;
            return false;

        public String toString() {
            FSDir[] children = this.getChildren();
            return "FSDir{" + "dir=" + dir + ", children=" + (children == null ? null : Arrays.asList(children))
                    + "}";

     * A map from namespace ID to NamespaceSlice object
     * Only three operations are supported: add a namespace, remove a namespace
     * and get a snapshot of the list of the namespace map, which is an immutable
     * object.
     * No extra locking is allowed in this object
    class NamespaceMap {
         * Any object referred here needs to be immutable. Every time this map is
         * updated, a new map is created and the reference here is changed to the
         * new map.
        private Map<Integer, NamespaceSlice> namespaceMap = new HashMap<Integer, NamespaceSlice>();;

         * It is the only method a caller is supposed to access namespaceMap. This
         * method will return a immutable map. It is a snapshot.
         * @return
        private synchronized Map<Integer, NamespaceSlice> getNamespaceMapSnapshot() {
            return namespaceMap;

        public synchronized void addNamespace(int namespaceId, NamespaceSlice ns) throws IOException {
            // add a new name-space by copying all the entries to a new map.
            Map<Integer, NamespaceSlice> newMap = new HashMap<Integer, NamespaceSlice>(namespaceMap);
            newMap.put(namespaceId, ns);
            namespaceMap = newMap;

        public synchronized void removeNamespace(int namespaceId) {
            Map<Integer, NamespaceSlice> newMap = new HashMap<Integer, NamespaceSlice>(namespaceMap);
            namespaceMap = newMap;

    public class FSVolume {
        private final NamespaceMap namespaceMap;
        private final File currentDir; // <StorageDirectory>/current
        private final DF usage;
        private final long reserved;
        private final FSDataset dataset;
        private DU dfsUsage;
        private final ExecutorService nativeIOExecutor;

        FSVolume(FSDataset dataset, File currentDir, Configuration conf) throws IOException {
            this.currentDir = currentDir;
            File parent = currentDir.getParentFile();
            this.usage = new DF(parent, conf);
            this.reserved = usage.getReserved();
            this.dataset = dataset;
            this.namespaceMap = new NamespaceMap();
            this.dfsUsage = new DU(currentDir, conf);
            this.nativeIOExecutor = Executors.newSingleThreadExecutor();

        public Future<?> submitNativeIOTask(Runnable task) {
            return nativeIOExecutor.submit(task);

         * It is the only method a caller is supposed to access namespaceMap.
         * This method will return a immutable map. It is a snapshot.
         * @return
        private Map<Integer, NamespaceSlice> getNamespaceMapSnapshot() {
            return namespaceMap.getNamespaceMapSnapshot();

        NamespaceSlice getNamespaceSlice(int namespaceId) {
            return getNamespaceMapSnapshot().get(namespaceId);

        /** Return storage directory corresponding to the volume */
        public File getDir() {
            return currentDir.getParentFile();

        public File getBlockCrcFile(int namespaceId) {
            NamespaceSlice ns = getNamespaceSlice(namespaceId);
            if (ns == null) {
                return null;
            return new File(ns.getDirectory(), Storage.STORAGE_BLOCK_CRC);

        public File getBlockCrcTmpFile(int namespaceId) {
            NamespaceSlice ns = getNamespaceSlice(namespaceId);
            if (ns == null) {
                return null;
            return new File(ns.getDirectory(), Storage.STORAGE_TMP_BLOCK_CRC);

        public File getCurrentDir() {
            return currentDir;

        public File getRbwDir(int namespaceId) throws IOException {
            NamespaceSlice ns = getNamespaceSlice(namespaceId);
            return ns.getRbwDir();

        void setNamespaceBlockCrcLoaded(int namespaceId, boolean loaded) {
            NamespaceSlice ns = getNamespaceSlice(namespaceId);
            if (ns != null) {

        boolean isNamespaceBlockCrcLoaded(int namespaceId) {
            NamespaceSlice ns = getNamespaceSlice(namespaceId);
            if (ns != null) {
                return ns.isBlockCrcFileLoaded();
            } else {
                // if the namespace is not added
                return false;

        void decDfsUsed(int namespaceId, long value) {
            // this lock is put in FSVolume since it is called only ReplicaFileDeleteWork
            NamespaceSlice ns = getNamespaceSlice(namespaceId);
            if (ns != null) {

        long getDfsUsed() throws IOException {
            long dfsUsed = 0;
            for (NamespaceSlice ns : getNamespaceMapSnapshot().values()) {
                dfsUsed += ns.getDfsUsed();
            return dfsUsed;

        long getNSUsed(int namespaceId) throws IOException {
            return getNamespaceMapSnapshot().get(namespaceId).getDfsUsed();

        long getCapacity() throws IOException {
            if (reserved > usage.getCapacity()) {
                return 0;

            return usage.getCapacity() - reserved;

        long getAvailable() throws IOException {
            long remaining = getCapacity() - getDfsUsed();
            long available = usage.getAvailable();
            if (remaining > available) {
                remaining = available;
            return (remaining > 0) ? remaining : 0;

        long getReserved() {
            return this.reserved;

        String getMount() throws IOException {
            return usage.getMount();

        String getFileSystem() throws IOException {
            return usage.getFilesystem();

        File addBlock(int namespaceId, Block b, File f, boolean inlineChecksum, int checksumType,
                int bytesPerChecksum) throws IOException {
            NamespaceSlice ns = getNamespaceSlice(namespaceId);
            return ns.addBlock(b, f, inlineChecksum, checksumType, bytesPerChecksum);

        void checkDirs() throws DiskErrorException {
            for (NamespaceSlice ns : getNamespaceMapSnapshot().values()) {

         * Temporary files. They get moved to the finalized block directory when
         * the block is finalized.
        File createTmpFile(int namespaceId, Block b) throws IOException {
            NamespaceSlice ns = getNamespaceSlice(namespaceId);
            return ns.createTmpFile(b);

        File getTmpFile(int namespaceId, Block b) throws IOException {
            NamespaceSlice ns = getNamespaceSlice(namespaceId);
            return ns.getTmpFile(b);

         * Temporary files. They get moved to the finalized block directory when
         * the block is finalized.
        File createTmpFile(int namespaceId, Block b, boolean replicationRequest, boolean inlineChecksum,
                int checksumType, int bytesPerChecksum) throws IOException {
            NamespaceSlice ns = getNamespaceSlice(namespaceId);
            return ns.createTmpFile(b, replicationRequest, inlineChecksum, checksumType, bytesPerChecksum);

         * Files used for copy-on-write. They need recovery when datanode
         * restarts.
        File createDetachFile(int namespaceId, Block b, String filename) throws IOException {
            NamespaceSlice ns = getNamespaceSlice(namespaceId);
            return ns.createDetachFile(b);

        public void addNamespace(int namespaceId, String nsDir, Configuration conf, boolean supportAppends)
                throws IOException {
            File nsdir = new File(currentDir, nsDir);
            NamespaceSlice ns = new NamespaceSlice(namespaceId, this, nsdir, conf, supportAppends);
            namespaceMap.addNamespace(namespaceId, ns);

        void getBlocksBeingWrittenInfo(int namespaceId, LightWeightHashSet<Block> blockSet) throws IOException {
            NamespaceSlice ns = getNamespaceSlice(namespaceId);
            if (ns == null) {

        public void shutdownNamespace(int namespaceId) {
            NamespaceSlice ns = getNamespaceSlice(namespaceId);
            if (ns != null) {

        void getBlockInfo(int namespaceId, LightWeightHashSet<Block> blockSet) throws IOException {
            NamespaceSlice ns = getNamespaceSlice(namespaceId);

        public void shutdown() {
            for (NamespaceSlice ns : getNamespaceMapSnapshot().values()) {

        void clearPath(int namespaceId, File f) throws IOException {
            NamespaceSlice ns = getNamespaceSlice(namespaceId);

        public String toString() {
            return currentDir.getAbsolutePath();

     * This class maintain a list of FSVolume objects.
     * Only three operations are supported: add volumes, remove volumes,
     * and get a snapshot of the list of the volumes, which is an immutable
     * object.
    static class FSVolumeList {
        volatile FSVolume[] fsVolumes = null;

        public FSVolumeList(FSVolume[] volumes) {
            fsVolumes = volumes;

        public synchronized void addVolumes(FSVolume[] volArray) {
            if (volArray == null || volArray.length == 0) {

            int size = fsVolumes.length + volArray.length;
            FSVolume fsvs[] = new FSVolume[size];
            int idx = 0;
            for (; idx < fsVolumes.length; idx++) {
                fsvs[idx] = fsVolumes[idx];
            for (; idx < size; idx++) {
                fsvs[idx] = volArray[idx - fsVolumes.length];
            fsVolumes = fsvs;

        public synchronized void removeVolumes(List<FSVolume> removed_vols) {
            // repair array - copy non null elements
            int removed_size = (removed_vols == null) ? 0 : removed_vols.size();
            if (removed_size > 0) {
                FSVolume fsvs[] = new FSVolume[fsVolumes.length - removed_size];
                for (int idx = 0, idy = 0; idx < fsVolumes.length; idx++) {
                    if (!removed_vols.contains(fsVolumes[idx])) {
                        fsvs[idy] = fsVolumes[idx];
                fsVolumes = fsvs; // replace array of volumes

        public FSVolume[] getVolumeListSnapshot() {
            return fsVolumes;

    static class FSVolumeSet {
        final FSVolumeList volumeList;
        int curVolume = 0;

        ExecutorService scannersExecutor;
        boolean supportAppends;

        private FSVolumeSet(FSVolume[] volumes, int threads, boolean supportAppends) {
            this.volumeList = new FSVolumeList(volumes);
            this.supportAppends = supportAppends;
            if (threads > 1) {
                scannersExecutor = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(threads);

        public boolean isValidDir(File currentDir) {
            FSVolume[] volumes = this.getVolumes();
            for (int idx = 0; idx < volumes.length; idx++) {
                if (volumes[idx].getCurrentDir().equals(currentDir)) {
                    return true;
            return false;

        protected void addVolumes(FSVolume[] volArray) {

        protected int numberOfVolumes() {
            return getVolumes().length;

        public FSVolume[] getVolumes() {
            return volumeList.getVolumeListSnapshot();

        boolean isValid(FSVolume volume) {
            for (FSVolume vol : volumeList.getVolumeListSnapshot()) {
                if (vol == volume) {
                    return true;
            return false;

        private FSVolume getNextVolume(long blockSize) throws IOException {
            FSVolume[] volumes = this.getVolumes();

            if (volumes.length < 1) {
                throw new DiskOutOfSpaceException("No more available volumes");

            // since volumes could've been removed because of the failure
            // make sure we are not out of bounds
            if (curVolume >= volumes.length) {
                curVolume = 0;

            int startVolume = curVolume;

            while (true) {
                FSVolume volume = volumes[curVolume];
                curVolume = (curVolume + 1) % volumes.length;
                if (volume.getAvailable() > blockSize) {
                    return volume;
                if (curVolume == startVolume) {
                    throw new DiskOutOfSpaceException("Insufficient space for an additional block");

        private long getDfsUsed() throws IOException {
            long dfsUsed = 0L;
            FSVolume[] volumes = this.getVolumes();

            for (int idx = 0; idx < volumes.length; idx++) {
                dfsUsed += volumes[idx].getDfsUsed();
            return dfsUsed;

        private long getNSUsed(int namespaceId) throws IOException {
            long dfsUsed = 0L;
            FSVolume[] volumes = this.getVolumes();

            for (int idx = 0; idx < volumes.length; idx++) {
                dfsUsed += volumes[idx].getNSUsed(namespaceId);
            return dfsUsed;

        private long getCapacity() throws IOException {
            long capacity = 0L;
            FSVolume[] volumes = this.getVolumes();

            for (int idx = 0; idx < volumes.length; idx++) {
                capacity += volumes[idx].getCapacity();
            return capacity;

        private long getRemaining() throws IOException {
            long remaining = 0L;
            FSVolume[] volumes = this.getVolumes();

            for (int idx = 0; idx < volumes.length; idx++) {
                remaining += volumes[idx].getAvailable();
            return remaining;

        private void getBlocksBeingWrittenInfo(int namespaceId, LightWeightHashSet<Block> blockSet)
                throws IOException {
            long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
            FSVolume[] volumes = this.getVolumes();

            if (scannersExecutor != null) {
                synchronized (scannersExecutor) {
                    List<Future<LightWeightHashSet<Block>>> builders = new ArrayList<Future<LightWeightHashSet<Block>>>();
                    for (int idx = 0; idx < volumes.length; idx++) {
                                .submit(new BlocksBeingWrittenInfoBuilder(volumes[idx], namespaceId)));
                    for (Future<LightWeightHashSet<Block>> future : builders) {
                        try {
                        } catch (ExecutionException ex) {
                            DataNode.LOG.error("Error generating block being written info from volumes ",
                            throw new IOException(ex);
                        } catch (InterruptedException iex) {
                            DataNode.LOG.error("Error waiting for generating block being written info", iex);
                            throw new IOException(iex);
            } else {
                for (int idx = 0; idx < volumes.length; idx++) {
                    volumes[idx].getBlocksBeingWrittenInfo(namespaceId, blockSet);
            long scanTime = (System.currentTimeMillis() - startTime) / 1000;
  "Finished generating blocks being written report for " + volumes.length
                    + " volumes in " + scanTime + " seconds");

        private void getBlockInfo(int namespaceId, LightWeightHashSet<Block> blockSet) {
            long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
            FSVolume[] volumes = this.getVolumes();

            if (scannersExecutor != null) {
                synchronized (scannersExecutor) {
                    List<Future<LightWeightHashSet<Block>>> builders = new ArrayList<Future<LightWeightHashSet<Block>>>();
                    for (int idx = 0; idx < volumes.length; idx++) {
                        builders.add(scannersExecutor.submit(new BlockInfoBuilder(volumes[idx], namespaceId)));
                    for (Future<LightWeightHashSet<Block>> future : builders) {
                        try {
                        } catch (ExecutionException ex) {
                            DataNode.LOG.error("Error scanning volumes ", ex.getCause());
                        } catch (InterruptedException iex) {
                            DataNode.LOG.error("Error waiting for scan", iex);
            } else {
                for (int idx = 0; idx < volumes.length; idx++) {
                    try {
                        volumes[idx].getBlockInfo(namespaceId, blockSet);
                    } catch (IOException e) {
                        DataNode.LOG.error("Error scanning volumes ", e.getCause());
            long scanTime = (System.currentTimeMillis() - startTime) / 1000;
  "Finished generating block report for " + volumes.length + " volumes in " + scanTime
                    + " seconds");

         * goes over all the volumes and checkDir eachone of them
         * if one throws DiskErrorException - removes from the list of active 
         * volumes. 
         * @return list of all the removed volumes
        private List<FSVolume> checkDirs() {
            List<FSVolume> removed_vols = null;

            FSVolume[] fsVolumes = this.getVolumes();
            for (int idx = 0; idx < fsVolumes.length; idx++) {
                FSVolume fsv = fsVolumes[idx];
                try {
                } catch (DiskErrorException e) {
                    DataNode.LOG.warn("Removing failed volume " + fsv + ": ", e);
                    if (removed_vols == null) {
                        removed_vols = new ArrayList<FSVolume>();

            if (removed_vols != null && removed_vols.size() > 0) {
      "Completed FSVolumeSet.checkDirs. Removed=" + removed_vols.size()
                        + "volumes. List of current volumes: " + toString());

            return removed_vols;

        private List<FSVolume> removeBVolumes(List<File> directories) {
            ArrayList<FSVolume> removed_vols = new ArrayList<FSVolume>();
            if (directories != null && directories.size() > 0) {
                FSVolume[] fsVolumes = this.getVolumes();
                for (int idx = 0; idx < fsVolumes.length; idx++) {
                    FSVolume fsv = fsVolumes[idx];
                    if (directories.contains(fsv.getDir())) {
      "Completed FSVolumeSet.removeVolumes. Removed=" + removed_vols.size()
                        + "volumes. List of current volumes: " + toString());
            return removed_vols;

        private void addNamespace(int namespaceId, String nsDir, Configuration conf) throws IOException {
            FSVolume[] volumes = this.getVolumes();

            for (FSVolume v : volumes) {
                v.addNamespace(namespaceId, nsDir, conf, supportAppends);

        private void removeNamespace(int namespaceId) {
            FSVolume[] volumes = this.getVolumes();

            for (FSVolume v : volumes) {

        public String toString() {
            StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
            FSVolume[] volumes = this.getVolumes();

            for (int idx = 0; idx < volumes.length; idx++) {
                if (idx != volumes.length - 1) {
            return sb.toString();

    private static class BlockInfoBuilder implements Callable<LightWeightHashSet<Block>> {
        FSVolume volume;
        int namespaceId;

        public BlockInfoBuilder(FSVolume volume, int namespaceId) {
            this.volume = volume;
            this.namespaceId = namespaceId;

        public LightWeightHashSet<Block> call() throws Exception {
            LightWeightHashSet<Block> result = new LightWeightHashSet<Block>();
            volume.getBlockInfo(namespaceId, result);
            return result;

    private static class BlocksBeingWrittenInfoBuilder implements Callable<LightWeightHashSet<Block>> {
        FSVolume volume;
        int namespaceId;

        public BlocksBeingWrittenInfoBuilder(FSVolume volume, int namespaceId) {
            this.volume = volume;
            this.namespaceId = namespaceId;

        public LightWeightHashSet<Block> call() throws Exception {
            LightWeightHashSet<Block> result = new LightWeightHashSet<Block>();
            volume.getBlocksBeingWrittenInfo(namespaceId, result);
            return result;
    // FSDataSet

    //Find better place?
    public static final String METADATA_EXTENSION = ".meta";
    public static final short FORMAT_VERSION_NON_INLINECHECKSUM = 1;
    public static final short FORMAT_VERSION_INLINECHECKSUM = 2;
    public static final String DELETE_FILE_EXT = "toDelete.";

    static class ActiveFile implements ReplicaToRead, ReplicaBeingWritten, Cloneable {
        static final long UNKNOWN_SIZE = -1;

        DatanodeBlockInfo datanodeBlockInfo;
        final List<Thread> threads = new ArrayList<Thread>(2);
        private volatile long bytesReceived;
        private volatile long bytesAcked;
        private volatile long bytesOnDisk;
        private volatile boolean finalized;
        private volatile BlockCrcUpdater crcUpdater;

         * Set to true if this file was recovered during datanode startup.
         * This may indicate that the file has been truncated (eg during
         * underlying filesystem journal replay)
        final boolean wasRecoveredOnStartup;

        ActiveFile(DatanodeBlockInfo datanodeBlockInfo, List<Thread> list, long expectedSize, boolean enable)
                throws IOException {
            this(datanodeBlockInfo, false, expectedSize, enable);
            if (list != null) {

         * Create an ActiveFile from a file on disk during DataNode startup.
         * This factory method is just to make it clear when the purpose
         * of this constructor is.
         * @throws IOException 
        private ActiveFile(DatanodeBlockInfo datanodeBlockInfo, boolean recovery, long expectedSize, boolean enable)
                throws IOException {
            this.datanodeBlockInfo = datanodeBlockInfo;
            long sizeFromDisk;

            if (!isInlineChecksum()) {
                sizeFromDisk = getDataFile().length();
            } else {
                GenStampAndChecksum sac = BlockInlineChecksumReader
                sizeFromDisk = BlockInlineChecksumReader.getBlockSizeFromFileLength(getDataFile().length(),
                        sac.checksumType, sac.bytesPerChecksum);
            if (expectedSize != UNKNOWN_SIZE && sizeFromDisk != expectedSize) {
                throw new IOException("File " + getDataFile() + " on disk size " + sizeFromDisk
                        + " doesn't match expected size " + expectedSize);
            bytesReceived = bytesAcked = bytesOnDisk = sizeFromDisk;
            crcUpdater = new BlockCrcUpdater(this.getBytesPerChecksum(), enable && bytesReceived == 0);
            wasRecoveredOnStartup = recovery;
            finalized = false;

        public long getBytesVisible() {
            return bytesAcked;

        public void setBytesAcked(long value) {
            bytesAcked = value;

        public long getBytesWritten() {
            return bytesOnDisk;

        public void setBytesOnDisk(long value) {
            bytesOnDisk = value;

        public long getBytesReceived() {
            return bytesReceived;

        public void setBytesReceived(long length) {
            bytesReceived = length;

        public File getDataFileToRead() {
            return datanodeBlockInfo.getDataFileToRead();

        private File getDataFile() {
            return datanodeBlockInfo.getBlockDataFile().getFile();

        public String toString() {
            return getClass().getSimpleName() + "(file=" + getDataFile() + ", threads=" + threads + ")";

        public ActiveFile getClone() throws CloneNotSupportedException {
            return (ActiveFile) super.clone();

        public boolean isInlineChecksum() {
            return datanodeBlockInfo.isInlineChecksum();

        public int getChecksumType() {
            return datanodeBlockInfo.getChecksumType();

        public int getBytesPerChecksum() {
            return datanodeBlockInfo.getBytesPerChecksum();

        public InputStream getBlockInputStream(DataNode datanode, long offset) throws IOException {
            return datanodeBlockInfo.getBlockInputStream(datanode, offset);

        public boolean isFinalized() {
            return finalized;

        protected void blockFinalize() {
            this.finalized = true;

        public int getBlockCrc() throws IOException {
            throw new IOException("Block not finalized.");

        public void updateBlockCrc(long offset, int length, int crc) {
            crcUpdater.updateBlockCrc(offset, length, crc);

        public boolean hasBlockCrcInfo() {
            return false;

        BlockCrcUpdater getCrcUpdater() {
            return crcUpdater;

        public BlockDataFile getBlockDataFile() throws IOException {
            return datanodeBlockInfo.getBlockDataFile();

     * Check if a file is scheduled for deletion
     * name should be obtained by File.getName()
    static boolean isPendingDeleteFilename(String name) {
        return name.startsWith(DELETE_FILE_EXT);

    public Block getStoredBlock(int namespaceId, long blkid) throws IOException {
        return getStoredBlock(namespaceId, blkid, false);

    /** {@inheritDoc} */
    public Block getStoredBlock(int namespaceId, long blkid, boolean useOnDiskLength) throws IOException {
        try {
            ReplicaToRead replica = getReplicaToRead(namespaceId, new Block(blkid));
            if (replica == null) {
                return null;
            File blockfile = replica.getDataFileToRead();
            if (blockfile == null) {
                return null;

            File metafile = null;
            if (!replica.isInlineChecksum()) {
                metafile = BlockWithChecksumFileWriter.findMetaFile(blockfile, true);
                if (metafile == null) {
                    return null;
            Block block = new Block(blkid);
            if (useOnDiskLength) {
            } else {
            if (replica.isInlineChecksum()) {
            } else {
                        BlockWithChecksumFileReader.parseGenerationStampInMetaFile(blockfile, metafile));
            return block;
        } finally {

    FSVolumeSet volumes;
    private DataNode datanode;
    private Configuration conf;
    private int maxBlocksPerDir = 0;
    private boolean initialized = false;

    VolumeMap volumeMap;
    BlockCrcMapFlusher blockCrcMapFlusher;
    Thread blockCrcMapFlusherThread = null;
    static Random random = new Random();
    FSDatasetAsyncDiskService asyncDiskService;
    ReentrantReadWriteLock lock = new ReentrantReadWriteLock(true);
    private boolean shouldHardLinkBlockCopy;
    private int validVolsRequired;

    //this constructor is used to create PersistedSimulatedFSDataset
    public FSDataset() {

     * An FSDataset has a directory where it loads its data files.
    public FSDataset(DataNode datanode, Configuration conf, int numNamespaces) {
        this.datanode = datanode;
        this.conf = conf;
        this.maxBlocksPerDir = conf.getInt("dfs.datanode.numblocks", 64);
        volumeMap = new VolumeMap(numNamespaces);

    void setDatasetDelta(FSDatasetDeltaInterface stateChangeCallback) {

    public void initialize(DataStorage storage) throws IOException {
        try {
            if (initialized) {

            // The number of volumes required for operation is the total number 
            // of volumes configured minus the number of failed volumes we can
            // tolerate.
            String[] dataDirs = DataNode.getListOfDataDirs(conf);
            int volsConfigured = (dataDirs == null) ? 0 : dataDirs.length;
            final int volFailuresTolerated = conf.getInt("dfs.datanode.failed.volumes.tolerated",
                    volsConfigured - 1);
            this.validVolsRequired = volsConfigured - volFailuresTolerated;
            if (validVolsRequired < 1 || validVolsRequired > storage.getNumStorageDirs()) {
                throw new DiskErrorException("Too many failed volumes - " + "current valid volumes: "
                        + storage.getNumStorageDirs() + ", volumes configured: " + volsConfigured
                        + ", volume failures tolerated: " + volFailuresTolerated);
            File[] roots = new File[storage.getNumStorageDirs()];
            for (int idx = 0; idx < storage.getNumStorageDirs(); idx++) {
                roots[idx] = storage.getStorageDir(idx).getCurrentDir();
            asyncDiskService = new FSDatasetAsyncDiskService(roots, conf);
            FSVolume[] volArray = new FSVolume[storage.getNumStorageDirs()];
            for (int idx = 0; idx < storage.getNumStorageDirs(); idx++) {
                volArray[idx] = new FSVolume(this, storage.getStorageDir(idx).getCurrentDir(), conf);
      "FSDataset added volume - " + storage.getStorageDir(idx).getCurrentDir());
            int threads = conf.getInt("dfs.datanode.blockscanner.threads", 1);
            volumes = new FSVolumeSet(volArray, threads, datanode.isSupportAppends());
            blockCrcMapFlusher = new BlockCrcMapFlusher(datanode, volumeMap, volumes,
                    conf.getLong("dfs.block.crc.flush.interval", 600000));
            blockCrcMapFlusherThread = new Thread(blockCrcMapFlusher, "Block Crc Flusher");
            initialized = true;
        } finally {
        shouldHardLinkBlockCopy = conf.getBoolean("dfs.datanode.blkcopy.hardlink", true);

    private class VolumeThread extends Thread {
        private Configuration conf;
        private FSVolume volume;
        private boolean hasError = false;
        private Map<Integer, String> namespaceIdDir;
        private boolean supportAppends;

        private VolumeThread(FSVolume volume, Configuration conf, Map<Integer, String> namespaceIdDir,
                boolean supportAppends) {
            this.namespaceIdDir = namespaceIdDir;
            this.volume = volume;
            this.conf = conf;
            this.supportAppends = supportAppends;


        public void run() {
  "Start building volume: " + volume);
            try {
                for (Integer namespaceId : namespaceIdDir.keySet()) {
                    volume.addNamespace(namespaceId, namespaceIdDir.get(namespaceId), conf, supportAppends);
            } catch (IOException ioe) {
                DataNode.LOG.error("Error building volume : " + volume, ioe);
                hasError = true;
  "Finish building volume for " + volume);

    private void createVolumes(FSVolumeSet volumes, DataStorage storage, Configuration conf, VolumeMap volumeMap,
            Map<Integer, String> namespaceIdDir) throws IOException {
        FSVolume[] myVolumes = volumes.getVolumes();

        ArrayList<VolumeThread> scanners = new ArrayList<VolumeThread>(myVolumes.length);

        for (FSVolume volume : myVolumes) {
            scanners.add(new VolumeThread(volume, conf, namespaceIdDir, volumes.supportAppends));

        for (VolumeThread vt : scanners) {
        boolean hasError = false;
        for (VolumeThread vt : scanners) {
            try {
            } catch (InterruptedException e) {
                throw (InterruptedIOException) new InterruptedIOException().initCause(e);
            if (!hasError && vt.hasError) {
                hasError = true;

        if (hasError) {
            throw new IOException("Error creating volumes");

     * Return the total space used by dfs datanode
    public long getDfsUsed() throws IOException {
        return volumes.getDfsUsed();

     * Return the total space used by one namespace in dfs datanode
    public long getNSUsed(int namespaceId) throws IOException {
        return volumes.getNSUsed(namespaceId);

     * Return true - if there are still valid volumes 
     * on the DataNode
    public boolean hasEnoughResource() {
        return volumes.numberOfVolumes() >= this.validVolsRequired;

     * Return total capacity, used and unused
    public long getCapacity() throws IOException {
        return volumes.getCapacity();

     * Return how many bytes can still be stored in the FSDataset
    public long getRemaining() throws IOException {
        return volumes.getRemaining();

     * Find the block's on-disk length
    public long getFinalizedBlockLength(int namespaceId, Block b) throws IOException {
        DatanodeBlockInfo info = volumeMap.get(namespaceId, b);
        if (info == null) {
            throw new IOException("Can't find block " + b + " in volumeMap");
        return info.getFinalizedSize();

    public long getOnDiskLength(int namespaceId, Block b) throws IOException {
        ReplicaToRead rtr = this.getReplicaToRead(namespaceId, b);
        if (rtr == null) {
            throw new IOException("Can't find block " + b + " in volumeMap");
        return rtr.getBytesWritten();

    public ReplicaBeingWritten getReplicaBeingWritten(int namespaceId, Block b) throws IOException {
        try {
            return volumeMap.getOngoingCreates(namespaceId, b);
        } finally {

     * Get File name for a given block.
    public File getBlockFile(int namespaceId, Block b) throws IOException {
        File f = validateBlockFile(namespaceId, b);
        if (f == null) {
            if (InterDatanodeProtocol.LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
                InterDatanodeProtocol.LOG.debug("b=" + b + ", volumeMap=" + volumeMap);
            throw new IOException("Block " + b + ", namespace= " + namespaceId + " is not valid.");
        return f;

     * Make a copy of the block if this block is linked to an existing
     * snapshot. This ensures that modifying this block does not modify
     * data in any existing snapshots.
     * @param block Block
     * @param numLinks Detach if the number of links exceed this value
     * @throws IOException
     * @return - true if the specified block was detached
    public boolean detachBlock(int namespaceId, Block block, int numLinks) throws IOException {
        DatanodeBlockInfo info = null;

        try {
            info = volumeMap.get(namespaceId, block);
        } finally {

        return info.detachBlock(namespaceId, block, numLinks);

    /** {@inheritDoc} */
    public void updateBlock(int namespaceId, Block oldblock, Block newblock) throws IOException {
        if (oldblock.getBlockId() != newblock.getBlockId()) {
            throw new IOException("Cannot update oldblock (=" + oldblock + ") to newblock (=" + newblock + ").");

        // Protect against a straggler updateblock call moving a block backwards
        // in time.
        boolean isValidUpdate = (newblock.getGenerationStamp() > oldblock.getGenerationStamp())
                || (newblock.getGenerationStamp() == oldblock.getGenerationStamp()
                        && newblock.getNumBytes() == oldblock.getNumBytes());

        if (!isValidUpdate) {
            throw new IOException("Cannot update oldblock=" + oldblock + " to newblock=" + newblock
                    + " since generation stamps must " + "increase, or else length must not change.");

        for (;;) {
            final List<Thread> threads = tryUpdateBlock(namespaceId, oldblock, newblock);
            if (threads == null) {
      "Updated Block: namespaceid: " + namespaceId + " oldBlock: " + oldblock
                        + " newBlock: " + newblock);

  "Waiting other threads to update block: namespaceid: " + namespaceId + " oldBlock: "
                    + oldblock + " newBlock: " + newblock);

     * Try to interrupt all of the given threads, and join on them.
     * If interrupted, returns false, indicating some threads may
     * still be running.
    private boolean interruptAndJoinThreads(List<Thread> threads) {
        // interrupt and wait for all ongoing create threads
        for (Thread t : threads) {
        for (Thread t : threads) {
            try {
            } catch (InterruptedException e) {
                DataNode.LOG.warn("interruptOngoingCreates: t=" + t, e);
                return false;
        return true;

     * Return a list of active writer threads for the given block.
     * @return null if there are no such threads or the file is
     * not being created
    private ArrayList<Thread> getActiveThreads(int namespaceId, Block block) {
        try {
            //check ongoing create threads
            final ActiveFile activefile = volumeMap.getOngoingCreates(namespaceId, block);
            if (activefile != null && !activefile.threads.isEmpty()) {
                //remove dead threads
                for (Iterator<Thread> i = activefile.threads.iterator(); i.hasNext();) {
                    final Thread t =;
                    if (!t.isAlive()) {

                //return living threads
                if (!activefile.threads.isEmpty()) {
                    return new ArrayList<Thread>(activefile.threads);
        } finally {
        return null;

    private void setDataFileForBlock(int namespaceId, Block block, File newDataFile) {
        DatanodeBlockInfo info = volumeMap.get(namespaceId, block);
        if (info != null) {

     * Try to update an old block to a new block.
     * If there are ongoing create threads running for the old block,
     * the threads will be returned without updating the block.
     * @return ongoing create threads if there is any. Otherwise, return null.
    private List<Thread> tryUpdateBlock(int namespaceId, Block oldblock, Block newblock) throws IOException {
        try {
            //check ongoing create threads
            ArrayList<Thread> activeThreads = getActiveThreads(namespaceId, oldblock);
            if (activeThreads != null) {
                return activeThreads;

            DatanodeBlockInfo binfo = volumeMap.get(namespaceId, oldblock);
            if (binfo == null) {
                throw new IOException(
                        "Block " + oldblock + " doesn't exist or has been recovered to a new generation ");

            File blockFile = binfo.getBlockDataFile().getFile();

            long oldgs;
            File oldMetaFile = null;
            if (binfo.isInlineChecksum()) {
                oldgs = BlockInlineChecksumReader.getGenerationStampFromInlineChecksumFile(blockFile.getName());
            } else {
                oldMetaFile = BlockWithChecksumFileWriter.findMetaFile(blockFile);
                oldgs = BlockWithChecksumFileReader.parseGenerationStampInMetaFile(blockFile, oldMetaFile);

            // First validate the update

            //update generation stamp
            if (oldgs > newblock.getGenerationStamp()) {
                throw new IOException("Cannot update block (id=" + newblock.getBlockId()
                        + ") generation stamp from " + oldgs + " to " + newblock.getGenerationStamp());

            //update length
            if (newblock.getNumBytes() > oldblock.getNumBytes()) {
                throw new IOException("Cannot update block file (=" + blockFile + ") length from "
                        + oldblock.getNumBytes() + " to " + newblock.getNumBytes());

            // Although we've waited for the active threads all dead before updating
            // the map so there should be no data race there, we still create new
            // ActiveFile object to make sure in case another thread holds it,
            // it won't cause any problem for us.
            try {
                volumeMap.copyOngoingCreates(namespaceId, oldblock);
            } catch (CloneNotSupportedException e) {
                // It should never happen.
                throw new IOException("Cannot clone ActiveFile object", e);

            // Now perform the update
            File tmpMetaFile = null;
            if (!binfo.isInlineChecksum()) {
                // rename meta file to a tmp file
                tmpMetaFile = new File(oldMetaFile.getParent(),
                        oldMetaFile.getName() + "_tmp" + newblock.getGenerationStamp());
                if (!oldMetaFile.renameTo(tmpMetaFile)) {
                    throw new IOException("Cannot rename block meta file to " + tmpMetaFile);

            long oldBlockLength;
            if (!binfo.isInlineChecksum()) {
                oldBlockLength = blockFile.length();
            } else {
                oldBlockLength = BlockInlineChecksumReader.getBlockSizeFromFileLength(blockFile.length(),
                        binfo.getChecksumType(), binfo.getBytesPerChecksum());
            ActiveFile file = null;
            if (newblock.getNumBytes() < oldBlockLength) {
                if (!binfo.isInlineChecksum()) {
                    new BlockWithChecksumFileWriter(binfo.getBlockDataFile(), tmpMetaFile)
                            .truncateBlock(oldBlockLength, newblock.getNumBytes());
                } else {
                    new BlockInlineChecksumWriter(binfo.getBlockDataFile(), binfo.getChecksumType(),
                            binfo.getBytesPerChecksum(), datanode.writePacketSize)
                file = volumeMap.getOngoingCreates(namespaceId, oldblock);
                if (file != null) {
                } else {
                    // This should never happen unless called from unit tests.

            String newDataFileName;
            if (!binfo.isInlineChecksum()) {
                //rename the tmp file to the new meta file (with new generation stamp)
                File newMetaFile = BlockWithChecksumFileWriter.getMetaFile(blockFile, newblock);
                if (!tmpMetaFile.renameTo(newMetaFile)) {
                    throw new IOException("Cannot rename tmp meta file to " + newMetaFile);
            } else {
                newDataFileName = BlockInlineChecksumWriter.getInlineChecksumFileName(newblock,
                        binfo.getChecksumType(), binfo.getBytesPerChecksum());
                File newDataFile = new File(blockFile.getParent(), newDataFileName);
                if (!blockFile.renameTo(newDataFile)) {
                    throw new IOException("Cannot rename data file to " + newDataFileName);
                // fsyncIfPossible parent directory to persist rename.
                if (datanode.syncOnClose) {
                setDataFileForBlock(namespaceId, oldblock, newDataFile);

            if (volumeMap.getOngoingCreates(namespaceId, oldblock) != null) {
                ActiveFile af = volumeMap.removeOngoingCreates(namespaceId, oldblock);
                volumeMap.addOngoingCreates(namespaceId, newblock, af);
            volumeMap.update(namespaceId, oldblock, newblock);

            // paranoia! verify that the contents of the stored block 
            // matches the block file on disk.
            validateBlockMetadata(namespaceId, newblock);
            return null;
        } finally {

    private final static String DISK_ERROR = "Possible disk error on file creation: ";

    /** Get the cause of an I/O exception if caused by a possible disk error
     * @param ioe an I/O exception
     * @return cause if the I/O exception is caused by a possible disk error;
     *         null otherwise.
    static IOException getCauseIfDiskError(IOException ioe) {
        if (ioe.getMessage() != null && ioe.getMessage().startsWith(DISK_ERROR)) {
            return (IOException) ioe.getCause();
        } else {
            return null;

     * Start writing to a block file
     * If isRecovery is true and the block pre-exists, then we kill all
        volumeMap.put(b, v);
        volumeMap.put(b, v);
     * other threads that might be writing to this block, and then reopen the file.
     * If replicationRequest is true, then this operation is part of a block
     * replication request.
    public DatanodeBlockWriter writeToBlock(int namespaceId, Block b, Block newBlock, boolean isRecovery,
            boolean replicationRequest, int checksumType, int bytesPerChecksum) throws IOException {
        // Make sure the block isn't a valid one - we're still creating it!
        if (isValidBlock(namespaceId, b, false)) {
            if (!isRecovery) {
                throw new BlockAlreadyExistsException("Block " + b + " is valid, and cannot be written to.");
            // If the block was successfully finalized because all packets
            // were successfully processed at the Datanode but the ack for
            // some of the packets were not received by the client. The client 
            // re-opens the connection and retries sending those packets.
            // The other reason is that an "append" is occurring to this block.
            detachBlock(namespaceId, b, 1);
        long blockSize = b.getNumBytes();

        // Serialize access to /tmp, and check if file already there.
        File f = null;
        List<Thread> threads = null;
        long expectedFileSize = ActiveFile.UNKNOWN_SIZE;
        boolean inlineChecksum = datanode.useInlineChecksum;
        DatanodeBlockInfo binfo;
        FSVolume v = null;
        Block targetBlock = b;
        if (newBlock != null && newBlock != b) {
            targetBlock = newBlock;

        try {

            // Is it already in the create process?
            ActiveFile activeFile = volumeMap.getOngoingCreates(namespaceId, b);
            if (activeFile != null) {
                f = activeFile.getDataFile();
                threads = activeFile.threads;
                expectedFileSize = activeFile.getBytesWritten();
                inlineChecksum = activeFile.isInlineChecksum();

                if (!isRecovery) {
                    throw new BlockAlreadyExistsException("Block " + b
                            + " has already been started (though not completed), and thus cannot be created.");
                } else {
                    for (Thread thread : threads) {
                volumeMap.removeOngoingCreates(namespaceId, b);
            if (!isRecovery) {
                if (newBlock != null && b != newBlock) {
                    throw new IOException("newBlock is not allowed except append case. ");
                v = volumes.getNextVolume(blockSize);
                // create temporary file to hold block in the designated volume
                f = createTmpFile(namespaceId, v, b, replicationRequest, inlineChecksum, checksumType,
            } else if (f != null) {
      "Reopen already-open Block for append " + b);
                if (newBlock != null && b != newBlock) {
                    throw new IOException("newBlock is not allowed except append case. ");
                // create or reuse temporary file to hold block in the designated volume
                DatanodeBlockInfo oldBinfo = volumeMap.get(namespaceId, b);
                inlineChecksum = oldBinfo.isInlineChecksum();
                v = oldBinfo.getBlockDataFile().getVolume();
                volumeMap.add(namespaceId, b, new DatanodeBlockInfo(v, f, DatanodeBlockInfo.UNFINALIZED, true,
                        inlineChecksum, checksumType, bytesPerChecksum, false, 0));
            } else {
                // reopening block for appending to it.
      "Reopen Block for append " + b);
                if (newBlock == null) {
                    throw new IOException("newBlock is required for append af file to write. ");
                DatanodeBlockInfo oldBinfo = volumeMap.get(namespaceId, b);
                inlineChecksum = oldBinfo.isInlineChecksum();
                v = oldBinfo.getBlockDataFile().getVolume();
                f = createTmpFile(namespaceId, v, newBlock, replicationRequest, inlineChecksum, checksumType,
                File blkfile = getBlockFile(namespaceId, b);

                if (!inlineChecksum) {
                    File oldmeta = BlockWithChecksumFileReader.getMetaFile(this, namespaceId, b);
                    File newmeta = BlockWithChecksumFileWriter.getMetaFile(f, newBlock);

                    // rename meta file to tmp directory
                    DataNode.LOG.debug("Renaming " + oldmeta + " to " + newmeta);
                    if (!oldmeta.renameTo(newmeta)) {
                        throw new IOException("Block " + b + " reopen failed. " + " Unable to move meta file  "
                                + oldmeta + " to tmp dir " + newmeta);

                // rename block file to tmp directory
                DataNode.LOG.debug("Renaming " + blkfile + " to " + f);
                if (!blkfile.renameTo(f)) {
                    if (!f.delete()) {
                        throw new IOException("Block " + b + " reopen failed. " + " Unable to remove file " + f);
                    if (!blkfile.renameTo(f)) {
                        throw new IOException("Block " + b + " reopen failed. " + " Unable to move block file "
                                + blkfile + " to tmp dir " + f);
                // fsyncIfPossible parent directory to persist rename.
                if (datanode.syncOnClose) {
            if (f == null) {
                DataNode.LOG.warn("Block " + b + " reopen failed " + " Unable to locate tmp file.");
                throw new IOException("Block " + b + " reopen failed " + " Unable to locate tmp file.");
            // If this is a replication request, then this is not a permanent
            // block yet, it could get removed if the datanode restarts. If this
            // is a write or append request, then it is a valid block.
            if (replicationRequest) {
                binfo = new DatanodeBlockInfo(v, f, DatanodeBlockInfo.UNFINALIZED, false, inlineChecksum,
                        checksumType, bytesPerChecksum, false, 0);
            } else {
                binfo = new DatanodeBlockInfo(v, f, DatanodeBlockInfo.UNFINALIZED, true, inlineChecksum,
                        checksumType, bytesPerChecksum, false, 0);
            if (newBlock != null && newBlock != b) {
                volumeMap.remove(namespaceId, b);

            volumeMap.add(namespaceId, targetBlock, binfo);
            volumeMap.addOngoingCreates(namespaceId, targetBlock,
                    new ActiveFile(binfo, threads, expectedFileSize, datanode.updateBlockCrcWhenWrite));

        } finally {

        try {
            if (threads != null) {
                for (Thread thread : threads) {
        } catch (InterruptedException e) {
            throw new IOException("Recovery waiting for thread interrupted.");

        // Finally, allow a writer to the block file
        // REMIND - mjc - make this a filter stream that enforces a max
        // block size, so clients can't go crazy
        if (DataNode.LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
            DataNode.LOG.debug("writeTo blockfile is " + f + " of size " + f.length());
        if (inlineChecksum) {
            return new BlockInlineChecksumWriter(binfo.getBlockDataFile(), checksumType, bytesPerChecksum,
        } else {
            File metafile = BlockWithChecksumFileWriter.getMetaFile(f, targetBlock);
            if (DataNode.LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
                DataNode.LOG.debug("writeTo metafile is " + metafile + " of size " + metafile.length());
            return new BlockWithChecksumFileWriter(binfo.getBlockDataFile(), metafile);

    File createTmpFile(int namespaceId, FSVolume vol, Block blk, boolean replicationRequest, boolean inlineChecksum,
            int checksumType, int bytePerChecksum) throws IOException {
        try {
            if (vol == null) {
                vol = volumeMap.get(namespaceId, blk).getBlockDataFile().getVolume();
                if (vol == null) {
                    throw new IOException("Could not find volume for block " + blk);
            return vol.createTmpFile(namespaceId, blk, replicationRequest, inlineChecksum, checksumType,
        } finally {

    // REMIND - mjc - eventually we should have a timeout system
    // in place to clean up block files left by abandoned clients.
    // We should have some timer in place, so that if a blockfile
    // is created but non-valid, and has been idle for >48 hours,
    // we can GC it safely.

     * Complete the block write!
    @Override // FSDatasetInterface
    public void finalizeBlock(int namespaceId, Block b) throws IOException {
        finalizeBlockInternal(namespaceId, b, true);

    public void finalizeBlockIfNeeded(int namespaceId, Block b) throws IOException {
        finalizeBlockInternal(namespaceId, b, true);

     * Complete the block write!
    public void finalizeBlockInternal(int namespaceId, Block b, boolean reFinalizeOk) throws IOException {
        DatanodeBlockInfo binfo = volumeMap.get(namespaceId, b);
        try {
            ActiveFile activeFile = volumeMap.getOngoingCreates(namespaceId, b);
            if (activeFile == null) {
                if (reFinalizeOk) {
                } else {
                    throw new IOException("Block " + b + " is already finalized.");
            File f = activeFile.getDataFile();
            if (f == null || !f.exists()) {
                throw new IOException("No temporary file " + f + " for block " + b);
            FSVolume v = binfo.getBlockDataFile().getVolume();
            if (v == null) {
                throw new IOException("No volume for temporary file " + f + " for block " + b);

            File dest = null;
            dest = v.addBlock(namespaceId, b, f, activeFile.isInlineChecksum(), binfo.getChecksumType(),
            volumeMap.add(namespaceId, b,
                    new DatanodeBlockInfo(v, dest, activeFile.getBytesWritten(), true,
                            activeFile.isInlineChecksum(), binfo.getChecksumType(), binfo.getBytesPerChecksum(),
            ActiveFile af = volumeMap.removeOngoingCreates(namespaceId, b);
        } finally {

    private boolean isBlockFinalizedInternal(int namespaceId, Block b, boolean validate) {
        DatanodeBlockInfo blockInfo = volumeMap.get(namespaceId, b);

        // We skip the check for validate case to avoid redundant codes
        // but keep old codes' behavior. Though it looks like a bug, but we
        // would fix it in a separate patch.
        if (!validate && blockInfo == null) {
            return false; // block is not finalized
        FSVolume v = blockInfo.getBlockDataFile().getVolume();
        if (v == null) {
            DataNode.LOG.warn("No volume for block " + b);
            return false; // block is not finalized
        ActiveFile activeFile = volumeMap.getOngoingCreates(namespaceId, b);
        if (activeFile != null) {
            if (validate) {
                File f = activeFile.getDataFile();
                if (f == null || !f.exists()) {
                    // we should never get into this position.
                    DataNode.LOG.warn("No temporary file " + f + " for block " + b);
            return false; // block is not finalized
        return true; // block is finalized

     * is this block finalized? Returns true if the block is already
     * finalized, otherwise returns false.
    public boolean isBlockFinalized(int namespaceId, Block b) {
        return isBlockFinalizedInternal(namespaceId, b, false);

     * is this block finalized? Returns true if the block is already
     * finalized, otherwise returns false.
    private boolean isBlockFinalizedWithLock(int namespaceId, Block b) {
        try {
            return isBlockFinalizedInternal(namespaceId, b, true);
        } finally {

     * Remove the temporary block file (if any)
    public void unfinalizeBlock(int namespaceId, Block b) throws IOException {
        try {
            // remove the block from in-memory data structure
            ActiveFile activefile = volumeMap.removeOngoingCreates(namespaceId, b);
            if (activefile == null) {
            volumeMap.remove(namespaceId, b);

            // delete the on-disk temp file
            File metaFile = null;
            if (!activefile.isInlineChecksum()) {
                metaFile = BlockWithChecksumFileWriter.getMetaFile(activefile.getDataFileToRead(), b);
            if (delBlockFromDisk(activefile.getDataFileToRead(), metaFile, b)) {
                DataNode.LOG.warn("Block " + b + " unfinalized and removed. ");
        } finally {

     * Remove a block from disk
     * @param blockFile block file
     * @param metaFile block meta file
     * @param b a block
     * @return true if on-disk files are deleted; false otherwise
    private boolean delBlockFromDisk(File blockFile, File metaFile, Block b) {
        if (blockFile == null) {
            DataNode.LOG.warn("No file exists for block: " + b);
            return true;

        if (!blockFile.delete()) {
            DataNode.LOG.warn("Not able to delete the block file: " + blockFile);
            return false;
        } else { // remove the meta file
            if (metaFile != null && !metaFile.delete()) {
                DataNode.LOG.warn("Not able to delete the meta block file: " + metaFile);
                return false;
        return true;

    * Return a table of blocks being written data
     * @throws IOException 
    public Block[] getBlocksBeingWrittenReport(int namespaceId) throws IOException {
        LightWeightHashSet<Block> blockSet = new LightWeightHashSet<Block>();
        volumes.getBlocksBeingWrittenInfo(namespaceId, blockSet);
        Block blockTable[] = new Block[blockSet.size()];
        int i = 0;
        for (Iterator<Block> it = blockSet.iterator(); it.hasNext(); i++) {
            blockTable[i] =;
        return blockTable;

     * Get the list of finalized blocks from in-memory blockmap for a block pool.
    public Block[] getBlockReport(int namespaceId) throws IOException {
        ArrayList<Block> ret = new ArrayList<Block>();
        org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.server.datanode.NamespaceMap nm = volumeMap.getNamespaceMap(namespaceId);
        if (nm == null) {
            return new Block[0];
        int n = nm.getNumBucket();
        for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
            BlockBucket bb = nm.getBucket(i);
        return ret.toArray(new Block[ret.size()]);

     * Check whether the given block is a valid one.
    public boolean isValidBlock(int namespaceId, Block b, boolean checkSize) throws IOException {
        File f = null;
        try {
            f = getValidateBlockFile(namespaceId, b, checkSize);
        } catch (IOException e) {
            DataNode.LOG.warn("Block " + b + " is not valid:", e);

        return ((f != null) ? isBlockFinalizedWithLock(namespaceId, b) : false);

    public boolean isValidVolume(File currentDir) throws IOException {
        return volumes.isValidDir(currentDir);

     * Find the file corresponding to the block and return it if it exists.
    File validateBlockFile(int namespaceId, Block b) throws IOException {
        return getValidateBlockFile(namespaceId, b, false);

     * Find the file corresponding to the block and return it if it exists.
    File getValidateBlockFile(int namespaceId, Block b, boolean checkSize) throws IOException {
        //Should we check for metadata file too?
        DatanodeBlockInfo blockInfo = this.getDatanodeBlockInfo(namespaceId, b);
        File f = null;
        if (blockInfo != null) {
            if (checkSize) {
            f = blockInfo.getBlockDataFile().getFile();
            assert f != null;

            if (f.exists()) {
                return f;

            // if file is not null, but doesn't exist - possibly disk failed

        if (InterDatanodeProtocol.LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
            InterDatanodeProtocol.LOG.debug("b=" + b + ", f=" + ((f == null) ? "null" : f));
        return null;

    /** {@inheritDoc} */
    public void validateBlockMetadata(int namespaceId, Block b) throws IOException {
        DatanodeBlockInfo info;
        try {
            info = volumeMap.get(namespaceId, b);
        } finally {
        if (info == null) {
            throw new IOException("Block " + b + " does not exist in volumeMap.");

        File f = info.getDataFileToRead();
        // Try to find out block size
        long localBlockSize;
        if (f == null) {
            f = info.getBlockDataFile().getTmpFile(namespaceId, b);
            if (f == null) {
                throw new IOException("Block " + b + " does not exist on disk.");
            if (!f.exists()) {
                throw new IOException("Block " + b + " block file " + f + " does not exist on disk.");
            if (info.isInlineChecksum()) {
                // TODO: do we want to do it?
                localBlockSize = BlockInlineChecksumReader.getBlockSizeFromFileLength(f.length(),
                        info.getChecksumType(), info.getBytesPerChecksum());
            } else {
                localBlockSize = f.length();
        } else {
            if (info.isFinalized()) {
                localBlockSize = info.getFinalizedSize();
            } else {
                if (info.isInlineChecksum()) {
                    // TODO: do we want to do it?
                    localBlockSize = BlockInlineChecksumReader.getBlockSizeFromFileLength(f.length(),
                            info.getChecksumType(), info.getBytesPerChecksum());
                } else {
                    localBlockSize = f.length();

        if (b.getNumBytes() > localBlockSize) {
            throw new IOException("Block " + b + " length is " + b.getNumBytes()
                    + " does not match block file length " + f.length());
        long stamp;
        DataChecksum dcs;
        if (!info.isInlineChecksum()) {
            File meta = BlockWithChecksumFileWriter.getMetaFile(f, b);
            if (meta == null) {
                throw new IOException("Block " + b + " metafile does not exist.");
            if (!meta.exists()) {
                throw new IOException("Block " + b + " metafile " + meta + " does not exist on disk.");
            long metaFileSize = meta.length();
            if (metaFileSize == 0 && localBlockSize > 0) {
                throw new IOException("Block " + b + " metafile " + meta + " is empty.");
            stamp = BlockWithChecksumFileReader.parseGenerationStampInMetaFile(f, meta);
            if (metaFileSize == 0) {
                // no need to check metadata size for 0 size file
            dcs = BlockMetadataHeader.readHeader(meta).getChecksum();
            // verify that checksum file has an integral number of checkum values.
            int checksumsize = dcs.getChecksumSize();
            long actual = metaFileSize - BlockMetadataHeader.getHeaderSize();
            long numChunksInMeta = actual / checksumsize;
            if (actual % checksumsize != 0) {
                throw new IOException("Block " + b + " has a checksum file of size " + metaFileSize
                        + " but it does not align with checksum size of " + checksumsize);
            int bpc = dcs.getBytesPerChecksum();
            long minDataSize = (numChunksInMeta - 1) * bpc;
            long maxDataSize = numChunksInMeta * bpc;
            if (localBlockSize > maxDataSize || localBlockSize <= minDataSize) {
                throw new IOException(
                        "Block " + b + " is of size " + f.length() + " but has " + (numChunksInMeta + 1)
                                + " checksums and each checksum size is " + checksumsize + " bytes.");
        } else {
            stamp = BlockInlineChecksumReader.getGenerationStampFromInlineChecksumFile(f.getName());
            if (localBlockSize == 0) {
                // no need to check metadata size for 0 size file
            // TODO: What verification we can do here?
        if (stamp != b.getGenerationStamp()) {
            throw new IOException("Block " + b + " genstamp is " + b.getGenerationStamp()
                    + " does not match meta file stamp " + stamp);
        // We could crc-check the entire block here, but it will be a costly 
        // operation. Instead we rely on the above check (file length mismatch)
        // to detect corrupt blocks.

     * We're informed that a block is no longer valid.  We
     * could lazily garbage-collect the block, but why bother?
     * just get rid of it.
    public void invalidate(int namespaceId, Block invalidBlks[]) throws IOException {
        boolean error = false;
        for (int i = 0; i < invalidBlks.length; i++) {
            File f = null;
            FSVolume v;
            boolean inlineChecksum;
            DatanodeBlockInfo dinfo = null;
            try {
                dinfo = volumeMap.get(namespaceId, invalidBlks[i]);
                if (dinfo == null) {
                    // It is possible that after block reports, Datanodes receive
                    // duplicate invalidate requests from name-node. We just skip
                    // the block. In the end of the function, we don't throw an exception,
                    // since no need for a disk check.
          "Unexpected error trying to delete block " + invalidBlks[i]
                            + ". BlockInfo not found in volumeMap.");
                inlineChecksum = dinfo.isInlineChecksum();
                f = dinfo.getDataFileToRead();
                v = dinfo.getBlockDataFile().getVolume();
                if (f == null) {
                    DataNode.LOG.warn("Unexpected error trying to delete block " + invalidBlks[i]
                            + ". Block not found in blockMap."
                            + ((v == null) ? " " : " Block found in volumeMap."));
                    error = true;
                if (v == null) {
                    DataNode.LOG.warn("Unexpected error trying to delete block " + invalidBlks[i]
                            + ". No volume for this block." + " Block found in blockMap. " + f + ".");
                    error = true;
                File parent = f.getParentFile();
                if (parent == null) {
                    DataNode.LOG.warn("Unexpected error trying to delete block " + invalidBlks[i]
                            + ". Parent not found for file " + f + ".");
                    error = true;
                //TODO ???
                v.clearPath(namespaceId, parent);
                volumeMap.remove(namespaceId, invalidBlks[i]);
            } finally {

            // close the File Channel

            //rename the files to be deleted
            //for safety we add prefix instead of suffix,
            //so the valid block files still start with "blk_"
            File blockFileRenamed = new File(f.getParent() + File.separator + DELETE_FILE_EXT + f.getName());

            File metaFile = null;
            File metaFileRenamed = null;

            if (!inlineChecksum) {
                metaFile = BlockWithChecksumFileWriter.getMetaFile(f, invalidBlks[i]);
                metaFileRenamed = new File(
                        metaFile.getParent() + File.separator + DELETE_FILE_EXT + metaFile.getName());

            if ((!f.renameTo(blockFileRenamed)) || (!inlineChecksum && !metaFile.renameTo(metaFileRenamed))) {
                DataNode.LOG.warn("Unexpected error trying to delete block " + invalidBlks[i]
                        + ". Cannot rename files for deletion.");
                error = true;

            if (invalidBlks[i].getNumBytes() != BlockFlags.NO_ACK) {
                datanode.notifyNamenodeDeletedBlock(namespaceId, invalidBlks[i]);
            // Delete the block asynchronously to make sure we can do it fast enough
            asyncDiskService.deleteAsync(v, blockFileRenamed, metaFileRenamed, invalidBlks[i].toString(),
        if (error) {
            throw new IOException("Error in deleting blocks.");

     * Turn the block identifier into a filename.
    public File getFile(int namespaceId, Block b) {
        try {
            DatanodeBlockInfo info = volumeMap.get(namespaceId, b);
            if (info != null) {
                return info.getDataFileToRead();
            return null;
        } finally {

    public DatanodeBlockInfo getDatanodeBlockInfo(int namespaceId, Block b) {
        return volumeMap.get(namespaceId, b);

    public ReplicaToRead getReplicaToRead(int namespaceId, Block block) {
        try {
            ActiveFile activefile = volumeMap.getOngoingCreates(namespaceId, block);
            if (activefile != null) {
                return activefile;
            DatanodeBlockInfo info = volumeMap.get(namespaceId, block);
            if (info == null) {
                if (DataNode.LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
                    DataNode.LOG.debug("volumeMap=" + volumeMap);
            return info;
        } finally {

     * check if a data directory is healthy
     * if some volumes failed - make sure to remove all the blocks that belong
     * to these volumes
     * @throws DiskErrorException
    public void checkDataDir() throws DiskErrorException {
        long total_blocks = 0, removed_blocks = 0;
        List<FSVolume> failed_vols = null;

        failed_vols = volumes.checkDirs();

        //if there no failed volumes return
        if (failed_vols == null)

        // else 
        // remove related blocks
        long mlsec = System.currentTimeMillis();
        try {
        } finally {
        mlsec = System.currentTimeMillis() - mlsec;
        DataNode.LOG.warn(">>>>>>>>>>>>Removed " + removed_blocks + " out of " + total_blocks + "(took " + mlsec
                + " millisecs)");

        // report the error
        StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
        for (FSVolume fv : failed_vols) {
            sb.append(fv.toString() + ";");

        throw new DiskErrorException("DataNode failed volumes:" + sb);


     * remove directories that are given from the list of volumes to use.
     * This function also makes sure to remove all the blocks that belong to
     * these volumes.
    public void removeVolumes(Configuration conf, List<File> directories) throws Exception {
        if (directories == null || directories.isEmpty()) {
            DataNode.LOG.warn("There were no directories to remove. Exiting ");
        List<FSVolume> volArray = null;
        try {
            volArray = volumes.removeBVolumes(directories);
        } finally {
        // remove related blocks
        long mlsec = System.currentTimeMillis();
        try {
        } finally {
        mlsec = System.currentTimeMillis() - mlsec;
        DataNode.LOG.warn(">>>>>>>>>Removing these blocks took " + mlsec + " millisecs in refresh<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< ");
        StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
        for (FSVolume fv : volArray) {
            sb.append(fv.toString() + ";");
        throw new DiskErrorException("These volumes were removed: " + sb);

    public void addVolumes(Configuration conf, int namespaceId, String nsDir, Collection<StorageDirectory> dirs)
            throws Exception {
        if (dirs == null || dirs.isEmpty()) {
        FSVolume[] volArray = new FSVolume[dirs.size()];
        File[] dirArray = new File[dirs.size()];
        int idx = 0;
        for (Iterator<StorageDirectory> iter = dirs.iterator(); iter.hasNext(); idx++) {
            dirArray[idx] =;
            volArray[idx] = new FSVolume(this, dirArray[idx], conf);

        try {
            for (FSVolume vol : volArray) {
                vol.addNamespace(namespaceId, nsDir, conf, datanode.isSupportAppends());
        } finally {

        asyncDiskService.insertDisk(dirArray, conf);

    public String toString() {
        return "FSDataset{dirpath='" + volumes + "'}";

    ObjectName mbeanName;
    ObjectName versionBeanName;
    Random rand = new Random();

     * Register the FSDataset MBean using the name
     *        "hadoop:service=DataNode,name=FSDatasetState-<storageid>"
    void registerMBean(final String storageId) {
        // We wrap to bypass standard mbean naming convetion.
        // This wraping can be removed in java 6 as it is more flexible in
        // package naming for mbeans and their impl.
        StandardMBean bean;
        String storageName;
        if (storageId == null || storageId.equals("")) {// Temp fix for the uninitialized storage
            storageName = "UndefinedStorageId" + rand.nextInt();
        } else {
            storageName = storageId;
        try {
            bean = new StandardMBean(this, FSDatasetMBean.class);
            mbeanName = MBeanUtil.registerMBean("DataNode", "FSDatasetState-" + storageName, bean);
            versionBeanName = VersionInfo.registerJMX("DataNode");
        } catch (NotCompliantMBeanException e) {
        }"Registered FSDatasetStatusMBean");

    public void shutdown() {
        if (blockCrcMapFlusher != null) {
        if (blockCrcMapFlusherThread != null) {
            try {
                this.blockCrcMapFlusherThread = null;
            } catch (InterruptedException ie) {
        if (mbeanName != null)
        if (versionBeanName != null) {
        if (asyncDiskService != null) {

        if (volumes != null) {
            try {
                if (volumes.scannersExecutor != null) {

                for (FSVolume volume : volumes.getVolumes()) {
                    if (volume != null) {
            } finally {

    public void addNamespace(int namespaceId, String nsDir, Configuration conf) throws IOException {"Adding namespace " + namespaceId);
        try {
            volumes.addNamespace(namespaceId, nsDir, conf);
        } finally {

        // Load block CRCs file files
        int numBuckets = volumeMap.getNumBuckets(namespaceId);
        for (FSVolume volume : volumes.getVolumes()) {
            try {
                File blockCrcFile = volume.getBlockCrcFile(namespaceId);

                if (blockCrcFile == null || !blockCrcFile.exists()) {
                int numUpdated = 0;
                FileInputStream fis = new FileInputStream(blockCrcFile);
                try {
                    BlockCrcFileReader reader = new BlockCrcFileReader(new DataInputStream(fis));
                    if (reader.getNumBuckets() != numBuckets) {
                        // TODO: support it if needed. Now it's not clear whether we will
                        // ever need it.
                                "Do not yet support loading block CRCs if bucket size changes: bucket size on disk: "
                                        + reader.getNumBuckets());
                    } else {
                        numUpdated += volumeMap.updateBlockCrc(namespaceId, reader);
                } finally {
      "Finish loading Block CRC file for namespace " + namespaceId + " volume " + volume
                        + " " + numUpdated + " blocks' CRC updated.");
            } catch (IOException ioe) {
                DataNode.LOG.warn("IOException when try to load block CRC fle from volume" + volume.getDir(), ioe);
            } finally {
                volume.setNamespaceBlockCrcLoaded(namespaceId, true);

    public void removeNamespace(int namespaceId) {"Removing namespace " + namespaceId);
        try {
            if (volumeMap != null) {
            if (volumes != null) {
        } finally {

    public String getStorageInfo() {
        return toString();

    public BlockRecoveryInfo startBlockRecovery(int namespaceId, long blockId) throws IOException {
        Block stored = getStoredBlock(namespaceId, blockId, true);

        if (stored == null) {
            return null;

        // It's important that this loop not be synchronized - otherwise
        // this will deadlock against the thread it's joining against!
        while (true) {
            DataNode.LOG.debug("Interrupting active writer threads for block " + stored);
            List<Thread> activeThreads = getActiveThreads(namespaceId, stored);
            if (activeThreads == null)
            if (interruptAndJoinThreads(activeThreads))

        try {
            // now that writers are stopped, re-fetch the block's meta info
            stored = getStoredBlock(namespaceId, blockId, true);

            if (stored == null) {
                return null;

            ActiveFile activeFile = volumeMap.getOngoingCreates(namespaceId, stored);
            boolean isRecovery = (activeFile != null) && activeFile.wasRecoveredOnStartup;

            BlockRecoveryInfo info = new BlockRecoveryInfo(stored, isRecovery);
            if (DataNode.LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
                DataNode.LOG.debug("getBlockMetaDataInfo successful block=" + stored + " length "
                        + stored.getNumBytes() + " genstamp " + stored.getGenerationStamp());

            // paranoia! verify that the contents of the stored block
            // matches the block file on disk.
            validateBlockMetadata(namespaceId, stored);
            return info;
        } finally {

     * Copies a file as fast as possible. Tries to do a hardlink instead of a copy
     * if the hardlink parameter is specified.
     * @param src
     *          the source file for copying
     * @param dst
     *          the destination file for copying
     * @param hardlink
     *          whether or not to attempt a hardlink
     * @throws IOException
    public void copyFile(File src, File dst, boolean hardlink) throws IOException {

        if (src == null || dst == null) {
            throw new IOException("src/dst file is null");

        try {
            if (hardlink && shouldHardLinkBlockCopy) {
                // Remove destination before hard linking, since this file might already
                // exist and a hardlink would fail as a result.
                if (dst.exists()) {
                    if (!dst.delete()) {
                        throw new IOException("Deletion of file : " + dst + " failed");
      , dst);
      "Hard Link Created from : " + src + " to " + dst);
        } catch (IOException e) {
                    .warn("Hard link failed from : " + src + " to " + dst + " continuing with regular file copy");

        FileChannel input = null;
        FileChannel output = null;
        try {
            // This improves copying performance a lot, it uses native buffers
            // for copying.
            input = new FileInputStream(src).getChannel();
            output = new FileOutputStream(dst).getChannel();
            if (input == null || output == null) {
                throw new IOException("Could not create file channels for src : " + src + " dst : " + dst);
            long bytesLeft = input.size();
            long position = 0;
            while (bytesLeft > 0) {
                long bytesWritten = output.transferFrom(input, position, bytesLeft);
                bytesLeft -= bytesWritten;
                position += bytesWritten;
            if (datanode.syncOnClose) {
        } finally {
            if (input != null) {
            if (output != null) {

     * Find a volume on the datanode for the destination block to be placed on.
     * It tries to place the destination block on the same volume as the source
     * block since hardlinks can be performed only between two files on the same
     * disk
     * @param srcFileSystem
     *          the file system for srcBlockFile
     * @param srcNamespaceId
     *          the namespace id for srcBlock
     * @param srcBlock
     *          the source block which needs to be hardlinked
     * @param srcBlockFile
     *          the block file for srcBlock
     * @return the FSVolume on which we should put the dstBlock, null if we can't
     *         find such a volume.
     * @throws IOException
    private FSVolume findVolumeForHardLink(String srcFileSystem, int srcNamespaceId, Block srcBlock,
            File srcBlockFile) throws IOException {
        FSVolume dstVol = null;
        if (srcBlockFile == null || !srcBlockFile.exists()) {
            throw new IOException(
                    "File " + srcBlockFile + " is not valid or does not have" + " a valid block file");

        // The source file might not necessarily be a part of the FSVolumeSet of
        // this datanode, it could be part of a FSVolumeSet of another datanode on
        // the same host.
        DatanodeBlockInfo blockInfo = volumeMap.get(srcNamespaceId, srcBlock);
        if (blockInfo != null) {
            dstVol = blockInfo.getBlockDataFile().getVolume();
        } else {
            for (FSVolume volume : volumes.getVolumes()) {
                String volFileSystem = volume.getFileSystem();
                if (volFileSystem.equals(srcFileSystem)) {
                    dstVol = volume;
        return dstVol;

     * Finds a volume for the dstBlock and adds the new block to the FSDataset
     * data structures to indicate we are going to start writing to the block.
     * @param srcFileSystem
     *          the file system for srcBlockFile
     * @param srcBlockFile
     *          the block file for the srcBlock
     * @param srcNamespaceId
     *          the namespace id for source block
     * @param srcBlock
     *          the source block that needs to be copied over
     * @param dstNamespaceId
     *          the namespace id for destination block
     * @param dstBlock
     *          the new destination block that needs to be created for copying
     * @return returns whether or not a hardlink is possible, if hardlink was not
     *         requested this is always false.
     * @throws IOException
    private boolean copyBlockLocalAdd(String srcFileSystem, File srcBlockFile, int srcNamespaceId, Block srcBlock,
            int dstNamespaceId, Block dstBlock) throws IOException {
        boolean hardlink = true;
        File dstBlockFile = null;
        try {
            if (isValidBlock(dstNamespaceId, dstBlock, false)
                    || volumeMap.getOngoingCreates(dstNamespaceId, dstBlock) != null) {
                throw new BlockAlreadyExistsException("Block " + dstBlock + " already exists");

            if (srcBlockFile == null || !srcBlockFile.exists()) {
                throw new IOException(
                        "Block " + srcBlock.getBlockName() + " is not valid or does not have a valid block file");
            boolean inlineChecksum = Block.isInlineChecksumBlockFilename(srcBlockFile.getName());

            FSVolume dstVol = null;
            if (shouldHardLinkBlockCopy) {
                dstVol = findVolumeForHardLink(srcFileSystem, srcNamespaceId, srcBlock, srcBlockFile);

            // Could not find a volume for a hard link, fall back to regular file
            // copy.
            if (dstVol == null) {
                dstVol = volumes.getNextVolume(srcBlock.getNumBytes());
                hardlink = false;

            int checksumType = DataChecksum.CHECKSUM_UNKNOWN;
            int bytesPerChecksum = -1;
            if (inlineChecksum) {
                GenStampAndChecksum sac = BlockInlineChecksumReader
                checksumType = sac.checksumType;
                bytesPerChecksum = sac.bytesPerChecksum;

            List<Thread> threads = null;
            // We do not want to create a BBW, hence treat this as a replication
            // request.
            dstBlockFile = createTmpFile(dstNamespaceId, dstVol, dstBlock, true, inlineChecksum, checksumType,
            DatanodeBlockInfo binfo = new DatanodeBlockInfo(dstVol, dstBlockFile, DatanodeBlockInfo.UNFINALIZED,
                    true, inlineChecksum, checksumType, bytesPerChecksum, false, 0);
            volumeMap.add(dstNamespaceId, dstBlock, binfo);
            volumeMap.addOngoingCreates(dstNamespaceId, dstBlock,
                    new ActiveFile(binfo, threads, ActiveFile.UNKNOWN_SIZE, false));
        } finally {

        if (dstBlockFile == null) {
            throw new IOException("Could not allocate block file for : " + dstBlock.getBlockName());
        return hardlink;

     * Finalize the block in FSDataset.
     * @param dstNamespaceId
     *          the namespace id for dstBlock
     * @param dstBlock
     *          the block that needs to be finalized
     * @param dstBlockFile
     *          the block file for the block that has to be finalized
     * @throws IOException
    private void copyBlockLocalFinalize(int dstNamespaceId, Block dstBlock, File dstBlockFile) throws IOException {
        boolean inlineChecksum = Block.isInlineChecksumBlockFilename(dstBlockFile.getName());
        long blkSize = 0;
        long fileSize = dstBlockFile.length();
        try {
            DatanodeBlockInfo info = volumeMap.get(dstNamespaceId, dstBlock);
            if (info == null) {
                throw new IOException("Could not find information for " + dstBlock);
            if (inlineChecksum) {
                blkSize = BlockInlineChecksumReader.getBlockSizeFromFileLength(fileSize, info.getChecksumType(),
            } else {
                blkSize = fileSize;

            FSVolume dstVol = info.getBlockDataFile().getVolume();
            // Finalize block on disk.
            File dest = dstVol.addBlock(dstNamespaceId, dstBlock, dstBlockFile, info.isInlineChecksum(),
                    info.getChecksumType(), info.getBytesPerChecksum());
            volumeMap.add(dstNamespaceId, dstBlock, new DatanodeBlockInfo(dstVol, dest, blkSize, true,
                    inlineChecksum, info.getChecksumType(), info.getBytesPerChecksum(), false, 0));
            volumeMap.removeOngoingCreates(dstNamespaceId, dstBlock);
        } finally {

    /** {@inheritDoc} */
    public void copyBlockLocal(String srcFileSystem, File srcBlockFile, int srcNamespaceId, Block srcBlock,
            int dstNamespaceId, Block dstBlock) throws IOException {
        File dstBlockFile = null;
        try {
            boolean hardlink = copyBlockLocalAdd(srcFileSystem, srcBlockFile, srcNamespaceId, srcBlock,
                    dstNamespaceId, dstBlock);

            DatanodeBlockInfo binfo = volumeMap.get(dstNamespaceId, dstBlock);
            dstBlockFile = binfo.getDataFileToRead();

            // Copy files.
            copyFile(srcBlockFile, dstBlockFile, hardlink);

            // Copy metafile.
            if (!binfo.isInlineChecksum()) {
                File metaFileSrc = BlockWithChecksumFileWriter.getMetaFile(srcBlockFile, srcBlock);
                File metaFileDst = BlockWithChecksumFileWriter.getMetaFile(dstBlockFile, dstBlock);
                copyFile(metaFileSrc, metaFileDst, hardlink);

            // Finalize block
            copyBlockLocalFinalize(dstNamespaceId, dstBlock, dstBlockFile);
        } catch (BlockAlreadyExistsException be) {
            throw be;
        } catch (IOException e) {
            unfinalizeBlock(dstNamespaceId, dstBlock);
            throw e;

    /** {@inheritDoc} */
    public String getFileSystemForBlock(int namespaceId, Block block) throws IOException {
        if (!isValidBlock(namespaceId, block, false)) {
            throw new IOException("Invalid block");
        return volumeMap.get(namespaceId, block).getBlockDataFile().getVolume().getFileSystem();

    static File createTmpFile(Block b, File f) throws IOException {
        if (f.exists()) {
            throw new IOException("Unexpected problem in creating temporary file for " + b + ".  File " + f
                    + " should not be present, but is.");
        // Create the zero-length temp file
        boolean fileCreated = false;
        try {
            fileCreated = f.createNewFile();
        } catch (IOException ioe) {
            throw (IOException) new IOException(DISK_ERROR + f).initCause(ioe);
        if (!fileCreated) {
            throw new IOException("Unexpected problem in creating temporary file for " + b + ".  File " + f
                    + " should be creatable, but is already present.");
        return f;

    public long size(int namespaceId) {
        try {
            return volumeMap.size(namespaceId);
        } catch (Exception e) {
            return -1;

     * Reconcile the difference between blocks on the disk and blocks in
     * volumeMap
     * Check the given block for inconsistencies. Look at the
     * current state of the block and reconcile the differences as follows:
     * <ul>
     * <li>If the block file is missing, delete the block from volumeMap</li>
     * <li>If the block file exists and the block is missing in volumeMap,
     * add the block to volumeMap <li>
     * <li>If generation stamp does not match, then update the block with right
     * generation stamp</li>
     * <li>If the block length in memory does not match the actual block file length
     * then mark the block as corrupt and update the block length in memory</li>
     * <li>If the file in {@link ReplicaInfo} does not match the file on
     * the disk, update {@link ReplicaInfo} with the correct file</li>
     * </ul>
     * @param blockId Block that differs
     * @param diskFile Block file on the disk
     * @param diskMetaFile Metadata file from on the disk
     * @param vol Volume of the block file
    public void checkAndUpdate(Integer nsid, FSDatasetDelta delta, ScanDifference info) throws IOException {

        long blockId = info.getBlockId();

        try {
            // we don't want delta to record changes we do during reconciliation

            if (delta.get(nsid, blockId) != null) {
                // FIXME Presence of the block in delta means that it was changed
                // somehow
                // during the interval of time right after the difference computation in
                // directory scanner and before acquiring of writeLock in this method.
                // We can probably go through different operations that could happen
                // with the block
                // and write some logic for each of them, but this adds lots of
                // complexity. Instead
                // we just skip reconciliation for the block at this time. If it has
                // problems we're likely
                // to solve them next time
            Block memBlock = new Block(blockId, 0, GenerationStamp.WILDCARD_STAMP);
            DatanodeBlockInfo memBlockInfo = volumeMap.get(nsid, memBlock);
            if (memBlockInfo != null && !memBlockInfo.isFinalized()) {
                // Block is not finalized - ignore the difference

            // We don't have any files for this block on disk
            if (info.getState() == ScanDifference.DISK_FILES_MISSING) {
                if (memBlockInfo == null) {
                volumeMap.remove(nsid, memBlock);
      "checkAndUpdate: removing block: " + memBlock + " for namespace: " + nsid);
                if (datanode.blockScanner != null) {
                    datanode.blockScanner.deleteBlock(nsid, memBlock);

            // We dont' have block in memory, but have some of its files on disk
            if (info.getState() == ScanDifference.MEMORY_BLOCK_MISSING) {
                // if there's a block file, then add it to volumeMap, otherwise
                // remove metaFile if any
                if (info.getBlockFile() != null) {
                    Block newBlock = new Block(blockId, info.getLength(), info.getGenStamp());
                    boolean isInlineChecksum = info.isInlineChecksum();
                    DatanodeBlockInfo diskBlockInfo = null;
                    if (isInlineChecksum) {
                        GenStampAndChecksum sac = BlockInlineChecksumReader
                        diskBlockInfo = new DatanodeBlockInfo(info.getVolume(), info.getBlockFile(),
                                info.getLength(), true, true, sac.checksumType, sac.bytesPerChecksum, false, 0);
                    } else {
                        diskBlockInfo = new DatanodeBlockInfo(info.getVolume(), info.getBlockFile(),
                                info.getLength(), true, false, DataChecksum.CHECKSUM_UNKNOWN, -1, false, 0);
                    volumeMap.add(nsid, newBlock, diskBlockInfo);
          "checkAndUpdate: adding block: " + newBlock + " for namespace: " + nsid + " size: "
                            + diskBlockInfo.getBytesVisible());
                    if (datanode.blockScanner != null) {
                        datanode.blockScanner.addBlock(nsid, newBlock);
                } else {
                    // scheduling a file for deletion
                    asyncDiskService.deleteAsyncFile(info.getVolume(), info.getMetaFile());

            // We have this block in memory and some of its files on disk
            if (info.getState() == ScanDifference.OUT_OF_SYNC) {
                if (info.getBlockFile() == null) {
                    volumeMap.remove(nsid, memBlock);
          "checkAndUpdate: removing block: " + memBlock + " for namespace: " + nsid);
                    if (datanode.blockScanner != null) {
                        datanode.blockScanner.deleteBlock(nsid, memBlock);
                    // scheduling a file for deletion
                    asyncDiskService.deleteAsyncFile(info.getVolume(), info.getMetaFile());
                } else {
                    if (memBlockInfo == null) {
          "checkAndUpdate: updating block: " + memBlockInfo + " for namespace: " + nsid);
        } finally {
            try {
            } finally {