Java tutorial
/** * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with this * work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. The ASF * licenses this file to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT * WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the * License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under * the License. */ package org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.server.blockmanagement; import io.hops.exception.StorageException; import io.hops.exception.TransactionContextException; import io.hops.metadata.HdfsStorageFactory; import io.hops.metadata.common.FinderType; import io.hops.metadata.hdfs.dal.BlockInfoDataAccess; import io.hops.metadata.hdfs.entity.Replica; import io.hops.metadata.hdfs.entity.ReplicaBase; import io.hops.transaction.EntityManager; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import org.apache.hadoop.classification.InterfaceAudience; import org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.protocol.Block; import org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.server.common.HdfsServerConstants; import org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.server.common.HdfsServerConstants.BlockUCState; import org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.server.namenode.INodeFile; import org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.server.protocol.DatanodeStorage; import java.util.*; /** * BlockInfo class maintains for a given * block the {@link BlockCollection} it is part of and datanodes where the * replicas of the block are stored. */ @InterfaceAudience.Private public class BlockInfo extends Block { public static final BlockInfo[] EMPTY_ARRAY = {}; private static final List<Replica> EMPTY_REPLICAS_ARRAY = new ArrayList<>(); public static enum Finder implements FinderType<BlockInfo> { ByBlockIdAndINodeId, ByINodeId, ByINodeIds, ByMaxBlockIndexForINode, ByBlockIdsAndINodeIds, ByINodeIdAndIndex; @Override public Class getType() { return BlockInfo.class; } @Override public Annotation getAnnotated() { switch (this) { case ByBlockIdAndINodeId: return Annotation.PrimaryKey; case ByBlockIdsAndINodeIds: return Annotation.Batched; case ByMaxBlockIndexForINode: return Annotation.PrunedIndexScan; case ByINodeId: case ByINodeIdAndIndex: return Annotation.PrunedIndexScan; case ByINodeIds: return Annotation.BatchedPrunedIndexScan; default: throw new IllegalStateException(); } } } public static enum Order implements Comparator<BlockInfo> { ByBlockIndex() { @Override public int compare(BlockInfo o1, BlockInfo o2) { if (o1.getBlockIndex() == o2.getBlockIndex()) { throw new IllegalStateException( "A file cannot have 2 blocks with the same index. index = " + o1.getBlockIndex() + " blk1_id = " + o1.getBlockId() + " blk2_id = " + o2.getBlockId()); } if (o1.getBlockIndex() < o2.getBlockIndex()) { return -1; } else { return 1; } } }, ByBlockId() { @Override public int compare(BlockInfo o1, BlockInfo o2) { if (o1.getBlockId() == o2.getBlockId()) { return 0; } if (o1.getBlockId() < o2.getBlockId()) { return -1; } else { return 1; } } }, ByGenerationStamp() { @Override public int compare(BlockInfo o1, BlockInfo o2) { if (o1.getGenerationStamp() == o2.getGenerationStamp()) { throw new IllegalStateException("A file cannot have 2 blocks with the same generation stamp"); } if (o1.getGenerationStamp() < o2.getGenerationStamp()) { return -1; } else { return 1; } } }; @Override public abstract int compare(BlockInfo o1, BlockInfo o2); public Comparator acsending() { return this; } public Comparator descending() { return Collections.reverseOrder(this); } } public static int NON_EXISTING_ID = -1; protected BlockCollection bc; private int blockIndex = -1; private long timestamp = 1; protected long inodeId = NON_EXISTING_ID; public BlockInfo(Block blk, long inodeId) { super(blk); this.inodeId = inodeId; if (blk instanceof BlockInfo) { this.bc = ((BlockInfo) blk).bc; this.blockIndex = ((BlockInfo) blk).blockIndex; this.timestamp = ((BlockInfo) blk).timestamp; if (inodeId != ((BlockInfo) blk).inodeId) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("inodeId does not match"); } } } public BlockInfo() { this.bc = null; } /** * Copy construction. This is used to convert BlockInfoUnderConstruction * * @param from * BlockInfo to copy from. */ protected BlockInfo(BlockInfo from) { super(from); this.bc = from.bc; this.blockIndex = from.blockIndex; this.timestamp = from.timestamp; this.inodeId = from.inodeId; } public BlockCollection getBlockCollection() throws StorageException, TransactionContextException { //Every time get block collection is called, get it from DB //Why? some times it happens that the inode is deleted and copy //of the block is lying around is some secondary data structure ( not block_info ) //if we call get block collection op of that copy then it should return null BlockCollection bc = (BlockCollection) EntityManager.find(INodeFile.Finder.ByINodeIdFTIS, inodeId); this.bc = bc; if (bc == null) { this.inodeId = NON_EXISTING_ID; } return bc; } public void setBlockCollection(BlockCollection bc) throws StorageException, TransactionContextException { this.bc = bc; if (bc != null) { setINodeId(bc.getId()); } } /** * Count the number of data-nodes the block belongs to. */ public int numNodes(DatanodeManager datanodeMgr) throws StorageException, TransactionContextException { return getReplicas(datanodeMgr).size(); } /** * Returns the Storages on which the replicas of this block are stored. * @param datanodeMgr * @return array of storages that store a replica of this block */ public DatanodeStorageInfo[] getStorages(DatanodeManager datanodeMgr) throws StorageException, TransactionContextException { List<Replica> replicas = getReplicas(datanodeMgr); return getStorages(datanodeMgr, replicas); } /** * Returns the Storages on which the replicas of this block are stored. * @param datanodeMgr * @return array of storages that store a replica of this block */ public DatanodeStorageInfo[] getStorages(DatanodeManager datanodeMgr, final DatanodeStorage.State state) throws StorageException, TransactionContextException { List<Replica> replicas = getReplicas(datanodeMgr); return getStorages(datanodeMgr, replicas, state); } /** * Returns the storage on the given node which stores this block, or null * if it can't find such a storage. */ public DatanodeStorageInfo getStorageOnNode(DatanodeDescriptor node) throws TransactionContextException, StorageException { DatanodeStorageInfo[] storagesOnNode = node.getStorageInfos(); for (DatanodeStorageInfo s : storagesOnNode) { if (this.isReplicatedOnStorage(s)) { return s; } } return null; } private List<Replica> getReplicasNoCheck() throws StorageException, TransactionContextException { List<Replica> replicas = (List<Replica>) EntityManager.findList(Replica.Finder.ByBlockIdAndINodeId, getBlockId(), getInodeId()); if (replicas == null) { replicas = EMPTY_REPLICAS_ARRAY; } else { Collections.sort(replicas, Replica.Order.ByStorageId); } return replicas; } List<Replica> getReplicas(DatanodeManager datanodeMgr) throws StorageException, TransactionContextException { List<Replica> replicas = getReplicasNoCheck(); getDatanodes(datanodeMgr, replicas); //getReplicasNoCheck return a sorted list of replicas. //There is no need to sort the list again after removing the dead replicas. //Collections.sort(replicas, Replica.Order.ByStorageId); return replicas; } /** * Adds new replica for this block. * @return the replica stored, or null if it is already stored on this storage */ boolean addStorage(DatanodeStorageInfo storage) throws StorageException, TransactionContextException { Replica replica = new Replica(storage.getSid(), getBlockId(), getInodeId(), HashBuckets.getInstance().getBucketForBlock(this)); update(replica); return true; } void removeAllReplicas() throws StorageException, TransactionContextException { for (Replica replica : getReplicasNoCheck()) { remove(replica); //update the block report hashes HashBuckets hashBuckets = HashBuckets.getInstance(); hashBuckets.undoHash(replica.getStorageId(), HdfsServerConstants.ReplicaState.FINALIZED, this); } } /** * removes a replica of this block related to storageId * * @return */ Replica removeReplica(DatanodeStorageInfo storage) throws StorageException, TransactionContextException { List<Replica> replicas = getReplicasNoCheck(); Replica replica = null; for (Replica r : replicas) { if (r.getStorageId() == storage.getSid()) { replica = r; remove(r); break; } } return replica; } Replica removeReplica(int sid) throws StorageException, TransactionContextException { List<Replica> replicas = getReplicasNoCheck(); Replica replica = null; for (Replica r : replicas) { if (r.getStorageId() == sid) { replica = r; remove(r); break; } } return replica; } /** * Returns the storage id of the version of the replica stored on the datanode * return null if this block does not have a replica on the given datanode. * @param dn * @return */ public Integer getReplicatedOnDatanode(DatanodeDescriptor dn) throws StorageException, TransactionContextException { DatanodeStorageInfo[] storages = dn.getStorageInfos(); Set<Integer> sids = new HashSet<>(); for (DatanodeStorageInfo s : storages) { sids.add(s.getSid()); } List<Replica> list = (List<Replica>) EntityManager.findList(Replica.Finder.ByBlockIdAndINodeId, getBlockId(), getInodeId()); if (list != null) { for (Replica replica : list) { if (sids.contains(replica.getStorageId())) { return replica.getStorageId(); } } } return null; } boolean isReplicatedOnStorage(DatanodeStorageInfo storage) throws StorageException, TransactionContextException { Replica replica = EntityManager.find(Replica.Finder.ByBlockIdAndStorageId, getBlockId(), storage.getSid()); return replica != null; } /** * BlockInfo represents a block that is not being constructed. In order to * start modifying the block, the BlockInfo should be converted to * {@link BlockInfoUnderConstruction}. * * @return {@link BlockUCState#COMPLETE} */ public BlockUCState getBlockUCState() { return BlockUCState.COMPLETE; } /** * Is this block complete? * * @return true if the state of the block is {@link BlockUCState#COMPLETE} */ public boolean isComplete() { return getBlockUCState().equals(BlockUCState.COMPLETE); } /** * Convert a complete block to an under construction block. * * @return BlockInfoUnderConstruction - an under construction block. */ public BlockInfoUnderConstruction convertToBlockUnderConstruction(BlockUCState s, DatanodeStorageInfo[] targets) throws StorageException, TransactionContextException { if (isComplete()) { return new BlockInfoUnderConstruction(this, this.getInodeId(), s, targets); } // the block is already under construction BlockInfoUnderConstruction ucBlock = (BlockInfoUnderConstruction) this; ucBlock.setBlockUCState(s); ucBlock.setExpectedLocations(targets); return ucBlock; } public long getInodeId() { return inodeId; } public void setINodeIdNoPersistance(long id) { this.inodeId = id; } public void setINodeId(long id) throws StorageException, TransactionContextException { setINodeIdNoPersistance(id); save(); } public int getBlockIndex() { return this.blockIndex; } public void setBlockIndexNoPersistance(int bindex) { this.blockIndex = bindex; } public void setBlockIndex(int bindex) throws StorageException, TransactionContextException { setBlockIndexNoPersistance(bindex); save(); } public long getTimestamp() { return this.timestamp; } public void setTimestampNoPersistance(long ts) { this.timestamp = ts; } public void setTimestamp(long ts) throws StorageException, TransactionContextException { setTimestampNoPersistance(ts); save(); } /** * Returns an array of storages where the replicas are stored */ protected DatanodeStorageInfo[] getStorages(DatanodeManager datanodeMgr, List<? extends ReplicaBase> replicas) { int numLocations = replicas.size(); HashSet<DatanodeStorageInfo> set = new HashSet<>(); for (int i = numLocations - 1; i >= 0; i--) { DatanodeStorageInfo desc = datanodeMgr.getStorage(replicas.get(i).getStorageId()); if (desc != null) { set.add(desc); } else { replicas.remove(i); } } DatanodeStorageInfo[] storages = new DatanodeStorageInfo[set.size()]; return set.toArray(storages); } /** * Returns an array of storages where the replicas are stored */ protected DatanodeStorageInfo[] getStorages(DatanodeManager datanodeMgr, List<? extends ReplicaBase> replicas, final DatanodeStorage.State state) { int numLocations = replicas.size(); HashSet<DatanodeStorageInfo> set = new HashSet<>(); for (int i = numLocations - 1; i >= 0; i--) { DatanodeStorageInfo desc = datanodeMgr.getStorage(replicas.get(i).getStorageId()); if (desc != null && desc.getState().equals(state)) { set.add(desc); } else { replicas.remove(i); } } DatanodeStorageInfo[] storages = new DatanodeStorageInfo[set.size()]; return set.toArray(storages); } protected DatanodeDescriptor[] getDatanodes(DatanodeManager datanodeMgr, List<? extends ReplicaBase> replicas) { int numLocations = replicas.size(); Set<DatanodeDescriptor> datanodes = new HashSet<DatanodeDescriptor>(); for (int i = numLocations - 1; i >= 0; i--) { DatanodeDescriptor dn = datanodeMgr.getDatanodeBySid(replicas.get(i).getStorageId()); if (dn != null) { datanodes.add(dn); } else { replicas.remove(i); } } DatanodeDescriptor[] locations = new DatanodeDescriptor[datanodes.size()]; return datanodes.toArray(locations); } protected void update(Replica replica) throws TransactionContextException, StorageException { EntityManager.update(replica); } public static final Log LOG = LogFactory.getLog(BlockInfo.class); protected void remove(Replica replica) throws StorageException, TransactionContextException { EntityManager.remove(replica); } @Override public int hashCode() { // Super implementation is sufficient return super.hashCode(); } @Override public boolean equals(Object obj) { // Sufficient to rely on super's implementation return (this == obj) || super.equals(obj); } @Override public String toString() { return "bid= " + getBlockId() + " State = " + getBlockUCState(); } public void setBlockId(long bid) throws StorageException, TransactionContextException { setBlockIdNoPersistance(bid); save(); } public void setNumBytes(long len) throws StorageException, TransactionContextException { setNumBytesNoPersistance(len); save(); } public void setGenerationStamp(long stamp) throws StorageException, TransactionContextException { setGenerationStampNoPersistance(stamp); save(); } public void set(long blkid, long len, long genStamp) throws StorageException, TransactionContextException { setNoPersistance(blkid, len, genStamp); save(); } protected void save() throws StorageException, TransactionContextException { EntityManager.update(this); } protected void remove() throws StorageException, TransactionContextException { EntityManager.remove(this); } public static BlockInfo cloneBlock(BlockInfo block) throws StorageException { if (block == null) { throw new StorageException("Unable to create a clone of the Block"); } if (block instanceof BlockInfoUnderConstruction) { return new BlockInfoUnderConstruction(block, block.getInodeId()); } else { return new BlockInfo(block, block.getInodeId()); } } }