Source code

Java tutorial


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 * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
 * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
 * distributed with this work for additional information
 * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
 * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
 * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
 * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.
package org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.notifier;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Random;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentMap;

import org.apache.commons.logging.Log;
import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory;
import org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.notifier.NamespaceNotifierClient.NotConnectedToServerException;
import org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.notifier.NamespaceNotifierClient.ServerAlreadyKnownException;
import org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.notifier.NamespaceNotifierClient.ServerNotKnownException;
import org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.notifier.EventType;
import org.apache.thrift.TException;
import org.apache.thrift.protocol.TBinaryProtocol;
import org.apache.thrift.protocol.TProtocol;
import org.apache.thrift.protocol.TProtocolFactory;
import org.apache.thrift.server.TNonblockingServer;
import org.apache.thrift.server.TServer;
import org.apache.thrift.transport.TFramedTransport;
import org.apache.thrift.transport.TNonblockingServerSocket;
import org.apache.thrift.transport.TNonblockingServerTransport;
import org.apache.thrift.transport.TSocket;
import org.apache.thrift.transport.TTransport;
import org.apache.thrift.transport.TTransportException;
import org.apache.thrift.transport.TTransportFactory;


 * Used by the client to subscribe to the namespace notifier server. 
public class NamespaceNotifierClient implements Runnable {
    public static final Log LOG = LogFactory.getLog(NamespaceNotifierClient.class);

    // The object that will get our callbacks
    Watcher watcher;

    String listeningHost;
    int listeningPort;

    // All the watches that this client has placed.
    // Mapping event to the last transaction id received
    ConcurrentMap<NamespaceEventKey, Long> watchedEvents;

    // When we should shutdown
    volatile boolean shouldShutdown = false;

    // The thrift handler implementation
    ClientHandler.Iface handler;

    TServer tserver;

    ConnectionManager connectionManager;

    Random generator;

     * Constructor used when the Namespace Notification Server is running just
     * on one machine.
     * @param watcher The notified component
     * @param host The notification server hostname or IP address
     * @param port The notification server listening port
     * @param listeningPort the port on which this client should start the
     *        thrift service.
     * @throws TException when failing to connect to the server.
    public NamespaceNotifierClient(Watcher watcher, String host, int port, int listeningPort) throws TException {
        this(watcher, Arrays.asList(host), port, listeningPort);

     * Constructor used when the Namespace Notification server is running on
     * multiple machines, but on all machines it's listening on the same port
     * number.
     * @param watcher The notified component
     * @param hosts The notification servers hostnames or IP addresses
     * @param port The notification servers listening port
     * @param listeningPort the port on which this client should start the
     *        thrift service.
     * @throws TException when failing to connect to the server.
    public NamespaceNotifierClient(Watcher watcher, List<String> hosts, int port, int listeningPort)
            throws TException {
        this(watcher, hosts, Arrays.asList(port), listeningPort);

     * Constructor used when the Namespace Notification server is running on
     * multiple machines and it's not listening on the same port number on all
     * machines.
     * @param watcher The notified component
     * @param hosts The notification servers hostnames or IP addresses
     * @param ports The notification servers listening ports
     * @param listeningPort the port on which this client should start the
     *        thrift service.
     * @throws TException when failing to connect to the server.
    public NamespaceNotifierClient(Watcher watcher, List<String> hosts, List<Integer> ports, int listeningPort)
            throws TException {
        this.watcher = watcher;
        watchedEvents = new ConcurrentHashMap<NamespaceEventKey, Long>();

        try {
            listeningHost = InetAddress.getLocalHost().getHostName();
        } catch (UnknownHostException e) {
            throw new TException(e);
        this.listeningPort = listeningPort;
        handler = new ClientHandlerImpl(this);

        // Ensure pseudo-random seed between clients
        long seed = System.currentTimeMillis() + listeningPort + listeningHost.hashCode();
        if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
            LOG.debug(listeningPort + ": using seed " + seed);
        generator = new Random(seed);

        // Setup the Thrift server
        TProtocolFactory protocolFactory = new TBinaryProtocol.Factory();
        TTransportFactory transportFactory = new TFramedTransport.Factory();
        TNonblockingServerTransport serverTransport;
        ClientHandler.Processor<ClientHandler.Iface> processor = new ClientHandler.Processor<ClientHandler.Iface>(
        serverTransport = new TNonblockingServerSocket(listeningPort);

        TNonblockingServer.Args serverArgs = new TNonblockingServer.Args(serverTransport);
        tserver = new TNonblockingServer(serverArgs);

        connectionManager = new ConnectionManager(hosts, ports, this); + ": Successfully initialized namespace" + " notifier client");

     * Called by the ConnectionManager when the connection state changed.
     * The connection lock is hold when calling this method, so no
     * other methods from the ConnectionManager should be called here.
     * @param newState the new state
     * @return when the new state is DISCONNECTED_HIDDEN or DISCONNECTED_VISIBLE,
     *         then the return value is ignored. If the new state is CONNECTED,
     *         then the return value shows if the NamespaceNotifierClient accepts
     *         or not the new server. If it isn't accepted, the ConnectionManager
     *         will try connecting to another server. 
    boolean connectionStateChanged(int newState) {
        switch (newState) {
        case ConnectionManager.CONNECTED:
   + ": Switched to CONNECTED state.");
            // Try to resubscribe all the watched events
            try {
                return resubscribe();
            } catch (Exception e) {
                LOG.error(listeningPort + ": Resubscribing failed", e);
                return false;
        case ConnectionManager.DISCONNECTED_VISIBLE:
   + ": Switched to DISCONNECTED_VISIBLE state");
            for (NamespaceEventKey eventKey : watchedEvents.keySet())
                watchedEvents.put(eventKey, -1L);
        case ConnectionManager.DISCONNECTED_HIDDEN:
   + ": Switched to DISCONNECTED_HIDDEN state.");

        return true;

    long getCurrentConnectionToken() {
        return connectionManager.getConnectionToken();

     * Adds the specified server to the pool of known servers.
     * @param host
     * @param port
     * @throws ServerAlreadyKnownException if the server is already in the pool
     *         of known servers.
    public void addServer(String host, int port) throws ServerAlreadyKnownException {
        connectionManager.addServer(host, port);

     * Removes the specified server from the pool of known servers.
     * @param host
     * @param port
     * @throws ServerNotKnownException if the server isn't in the pool of
     *         known servers.
    public void removeServer(String host, int port) throws ServerNotKnownException {
        connectionManager.removeServer(host, port);

     * Sets the value of the timeout after which we will consider a server
     * failed.
     * @param timeout the value in milliseconds for the timeout after which
     *        we will consider the server failed. Defaults to 50000 (50 seconds).
    public void setServerTimeout(long timeout) {

     * Sets the value of the time between consecutive connect retries. The
     * connection is retried only after Watcher.connectionFailed was called.
     * @param retryTime the retry time in milliseconds.
    public void setConnectRetryTime(long retryTime) {

     * The watcher (given in the constructor) will be notified when an
     * event of the given type and at the given path will happen. He will
     * keep receiving notifications until the watch is removed with
     * {@link #removeWatch(String, EventType)}.
     * The subscription is considered done if the method doesn't throw an
     * exception (even if Watcher.connectionFailed is called before this
     * method returns).
     * @param path the path where the watch is placed. For the FILE_ADDED event
     *        type, this represents the path of the directory under which the
     *        file will be created.
     * @param watchType the type of the event for which we want to receive the
     *        notifications.
     * @param transactionId the transaction id of the last received notification.
     *        Notifications will from and excluding the notification with this
     *        transaction id. If this is -1, then all notifications that
     *        happened after this method returns will be received and some
     *        of the notifications between the time the method was called
     *        and the time the method returns may be received.
     * @throws WatchAlreadyPlacedException if the watch already exists for this
     *         path and type.
     * @throws NotConnectedToServerException when the Watcher.connectionSuccessful
     *         method was not called (the connection to the server isn't
     *         established yet) at start-up or after a Watcher.connectionFailed
     *         call. The Watcher.connectionFailed could of happened anytime
     *         since the last Watcher.connectionSuccessful call until this
     *         method returns.
     * @throws TransactionIdTooOldException when the requested transaction id
     *         is too old and not loosing notifications can't be guaranteed.
     *         A solution would be a manual scanning and then calling the
     *         method again with -1 as the transactionId parameter.
    public void placeWatch(String path, EventType watchType, long transactionId)
            throws TransactionIdTooOldException, NotConnectedToServerException, InterruptedException,
            WatchAlreadyPlacedException {
        NamespaceEventKey eventKey = new NamespaceEventKey(path, watchType);
        Object connectionLock = connectionManager.getConnectionLock(); + ": Placing watch: " + NotifierUtils.asString(eventKey) + " ...");
        if (watchedEvents.containsKey(eventKey)) {
            LOG.warn(listeningPort + ": Watch already exists at " + NotifierUtils.asString(eventKey));
            throw new WatchAlreadyPlacedException();

        synchronized (connectionLock) {

            if (!subscribe(path, watchType, transactionId)) {
                if (!subscribe(path, watchType, transactionId)) {
                    // Since we are failing visible to the client, then there isn't
                    // a need to request from a given txId
                    watchedEvents.put(eventKey, -1L);

            watchedEvents.put(eventKey, transactionId);

     * Removes a previously placed watch for a particular event type from the 
     * given path. If the watch is not actually present at that path before
     * calling the method, nothing will happen.
     * To remove the watch for all event types at this path, use
     * {@link #removeAllWatches(String)}.
     * @param path the path from which the watch is removed. For the FILE_ADDED event
     *        type, this represents the path of the directory under which the
     *        file will be created.
     * @param watchType the type of the event for which don't want to receive
     *        notifications from now on.
     * @return true if successfully removed watch. false if the watch wasn't
     *         placed before calling this method.
     * @throws WatchNotPlacedException if the watch wasn't placed before calling
     *         this method.
     * @throws NotConnectedToServerException when the Watcher.connectionSuccessful
     *         method was not called (the connection to the server isn't
     *         established yet) at start-up or after a Watcher.connectionFailed
     *         call. The Watcher.connectionFailed could of happened anytime
     *         since the last Watcher.connectionSuccessfull call until this
     *         method returns.
    public void removeWatch(String path, EventType watchType)
            throws NotConnectedToServerException, InterruptedException, WatchNotPlacedException {
        NamespaceEvent event = new NamespaceEvent(path, watchType.getByteValue());
        NamespaceEventKey eventKey = new NamespaceEventKey(path, watchType);
        Object connectionLock = connectionManager.getConnectionLock();
        ServerHandler.Client server; + ": removeWatch: Removing watch from " + NotifierUtils.asString(eventKey) + " ...");
        if (!watchedEvents.containsKey(eventKey)) {
            LOG.warn(listeningPort + ": removeWatch: watch doesen't exist at " + NotifierUtils.asString(eventKey)
                    + " ...");
            throw new WatchNotPlacedException();

        synchronized (connectionLock) {
            server = connectionManager.getServer();

            try {
                server.unsubscribe(connectionManager.getId(), event);
            } catch (InvalidClientIdException e1) {
                LOG.warn(listeningPort + ": removeWatch: server deleted us", e1);
            } catch (ClientNotSubscribedException e2) {
                LOG.error(listeningPort + ": removeWatch: event not subscribed", e2);
            } catch (TException e3) {
                LOG.error(listeningPort + ": removeWatch: failed communicating to" + " server", e3);


        if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
            LOG.debug(listeningPort + ": Unsubscribed from " + NotifierUtils.asString(eventKey));

     * Tests if a watch is placed at the given path and of the given type.
     * @param path the path where we should test if a watch is placed. For the
     *        FILE_ADDED event type, this represents the path of the directory
     *        under which the file will be created.
     * @param watchType the type of the event for which we test if a watch is
     *        present.
     * @return <code>true</code> if a watch is placed, <code>false</code>
     *         otherwise.
    public boolean haveWatch(String path, EventType watchType) {
        return watchedEvents.containsKey(new NamespaceEventKey(path, watchType));

     * @return true if notifications were received for all subscribed events,
     *         false otherwise.
    boolean receivedNotificationsForAllEvents() {
        return !watchedEvents.values().contains(-1L);

     * Called right after a reconnect to resubscribe to all events. Must be
     * called with the connection lock acquired.
    private boolean resubscribe() throws TransactionIdTooOldException, InterruptedException {
        for (NamespaceEventKey eventKey : watchedEvents.keySet()) {
            NamespaceEvent event = eventKey.getEvent();
            if (!subscribe(event.getPath(), EventType.fromByteValue(event.getType()),
                    watchedEvents.get(eventKey))) {
                return false;
        return true;

     * Should be called with the connection lock acquired and only in the
     * <code>CONNECTED</code> state.
     * @param path
     * @param watchType
     * @param transactionId
     * @return true if connected, false otherwise. 
     * @throws TransactionIdTooOldException
    private boolean subscribe(String path, EventType watchType, long transactionId)
            throws TransactionIdTooOldException, InterruptedException {
        ServerHandler.Client server = connectionManager.getServer();
        NamespaceEvent event = new NamespaceEvent(path, watchType.getByteValue());

        if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
            LOG.debug(listeningPort + ": subscribe: Trying to subscribe for " + NotifierUtils.asString(event)
                    + " ... from txId " + transactionId);

        for (int retries = 0; retries < 3; retries++) {
            try {
                server.subscribe(connectionManager.getId(), event, transactionId);
                if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
                    LOG.debug(listeningPort + ": subscribe: successful");
                return true;
            } catch (TransactionIdTooOldException e) {
                LOG.warn(listeningPort + ": Failed to subscribe [1]", e);
                throw e;
            } catch (InvalidClientIdException e) {
                LOG.warn(listeningPort + ": Failed to subscribe [2]", e);
            } catch (TException e) {
                LOG.warn(listeningPort + ": Failed to subscribe [3]", e);

        return false;

    public void run() { + ": Running ...");
        new Thread(connectionManager).start(); + ": Starting thrift server on port " + listeningPort);

    public void shutdown() {
        shouldShutdown = true;
        ServerHandler.Client server = connectionManager.getServer();

        try {
        } catch (InvalidClientIdException e1) {
            LOG.warn(listeningPort + ": Server deleted us before shutdown", e1);
        } catch (TException e2) {
            LOG.warn(listeningPort + ": Failed to unregister client gracefully", e2);


     * Raised when the client tries server related operations, but the
     * Watcher.connectionSuccessful method was not called.
    static public class NotConnectedToServerException extends Exception {
        private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;

        public NotConnectedToServerException(String arg) {

        public NotConnectedToServerException() {

     * Called when the placeWatch method is called, but the watch is already
     * present.
    static public class WatchAlreadyPlacedException extends Exception {
        private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;

        public WatchAlreadyPlacedException(String arg) {

        public WatchAlreadyPlacedException() {

     * Called when the removeWatch method is called, but the watch wasn't placed.
    static public class WatchNotPlacedException extends Exception {
        private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;

        public WatchNotPlacedException(String arg) {

        public WatchNotPlacedException() {

     * Called when the addServer method tries to add a server which is already
     * stored in the internal data structures.
    static public class ServerAlreadyKnownException extends Exception {
        private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;

        public ServerAlreadyKnownException(String arg) {

        public ServerAlreadyKnownException() {

     * Called when the removeServer method tries to remove a server which is not
     * stored in the internal data structures.
    static public class ServerNotKnownException extends Exception {
        private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;

        public ServerNotKnownException(String arg) {

        public ServerNotKnownException() {

class ConnectionManager implements Runnable {
    public static final Log LOG = LogFactory.getLog(NamespaceNotifierClient.class);

    static final int SOCKET_TIMEOUT = 35000;
    static final long DEFAULT_SERVER_TIMEOUT = 50000;
    static final int DEFAULT_CONNECT_RETRY_TIME = 1000;

    public static final int CONNECTED = 0;
    public static final int DISCONNECTED_HIDDEN = 1;
    public static final int DISCONNECTED_VISIBLE = 2;

    private int state = DISCONNECTED_VISIBLE;

    int listeningPort;

    // This lock is hold when doing operations that may modify the 
    // connection state
    private Object connectionLock = new Object();

    // Used to wait and notify of when we should start retrying the connection
    // with the server.
    private Object retryConnectionCondition = new Object();

    // Connection to notification servers information
    private List<Map.Entry<String, Integer>> servers;

    // The server thrift object (if we are connected to a server)
    private ServerHandler.Client server = null;

    private long connectionToken;

    // The id of the server we are currently connected to
    volatile String serverId;

    // The id currently assigned to us by the server we are connected to.
    volatile long id;

    private volatile long serverTimeout = DEFAULT_SERVER_TIMEOUT;

    private volatile int connectRetryTime = DEFAULT_CONNECT_RETRY_TIME;

    ServerTracker tracker;

    NamespaceNotifierClient notifierClient;

    public ConnectionManager(List<String> hosts, List<Integer> ports, NamespaceNotifierClient notifierClient) {
        serverId = null;
        id = -1;
        tracker = new ServerTracker();
        this.notifierClient = notifierClient;
        this.listeningPort = notifierClient.listeningPort;

        servers = new ArrayList<Map.Entry<String, Integer>>();
        for (int i = 0; i < hosts.size(); i++) {
            String host = hosts.get(i);
            int port = ports.get(ports.size() == 0 ? 0 : i);
            servers.add(Maps.immutableEntry(host, port));

        // So clients try have different priority for servers, avoiding
        // all the clients connecting to one server.
        Collections.shuffle(servers, notifierClient.generator);

    private int getServerPosition(String host, int port) {
        for (int i = 0; i < servers.size(); i++) {
            Map.Entry<String, Integer> serverEntry = servers.get(i);
            if (serverEntry.getKey().equals(host) && serverEntry.getValue() == port) {
                return i;
        return -1;

    void addServer(String host, int port) throws ServerAlreadyKnownException {
        if (getServerPosition(host, port) != -1) {
            throw new ServerAlreadyKnownException("Already got " + host + ":" + port);

        // Put in a random position to ensure load balancing across servers
        int position = notifierClient.generator.nextInt(servers.size() + 1);
        servers.add(position, Maps.immutableEntry(host, port));

    void removeServer(String host, int port) throws ServerNotKnownException {
        int position = getServerPosition(host, port);
        if (position == -1) {
            throw new ServerNotKnownException("Unknown host " + host + ":" + port);

    void setServerTimeout(long timeout) {
        serverTimeout = timeout;

    void setConnectRetryTime(long retryTime) {

    long getId() {
        return id;

    String getServerId() {
        return serverId;

    ServerHandler.Client getServer() {
        return server;

     * Gets the current connection state.
     * @param connectionLockHold if the connection lock returned by
     *        getConnectionLock is being hold at the moment within
     *        a synchronized block.
     * @return the current state (CONNECTED, DISCONNECTED_HIDDEN or
    int getConnectionState(boolean connectionLockHold) {
        if (connectionLockHold) {
            return state;
        synchronized (connectionLock) {
            return state;

     * @return The most recently generated connection token.
    long getConnectionToken() {
        return connectionToken;

     * @return An object that is being hold with synchronized() when doing
     *         operations that may change the connection state. Holding
     *         this object thus guarantees that no connection state changes
     *         will occur while doing so.
    Object getConnectionLock() {
        return connectionLock;

     * Must be called holding the connection lock returned by getConnectionLock.
     * It waits until the current connection state is CONNECTED. If it ever
     * gets to DISCONNECTED_VISIBLE it will raise an exception. If the current
     * state is CONNECTED, then it will return without waiting.
     * @throws InterruptedException
     * @throws NotConnectedToServerException when we got into a
     *         DISCONNECTED_VISIBLE state.
    void waitForTransparentConnect() throws InterruptedException, NotConnectedToServerException {
        if (state == DISCONNECTED_VISIBLE) {
            LOG.warn(listeningPort + ": waitForTransparentConnect: got visible" + " disconnected state");
            throw new NotConnectedToServerException();

        // Wait until we are not hidden disconnected
        while (state != CONNECTED) {
            switch (state) {
            case CONNECTED:
            case DISCONNECTED_HIDDEN:
            case DISCONNECTED_VISIBLE:
                LOG.warn(listeningPort + ": waitForTransparentConnect: got visible" + " disconnected state");
                throw new NotConnectedToServerException();

    private boolean connect() { + ": Connecting ...");

        synchronized (connectionLock) {
            // Ensure there are no potential lost messages.
            if (state == DISCONNECTED_HIDDEN && !notifierClient.receivedNotificationsForAllEvents()) {
       + ": Didn't received notifications for" + " all events");
                return false;
            } else {
       + ": Received notifications for all events.");

            for (Map.Entry<String, Integer> serverAddr : servers) {
                String host = serverAddr.getKey();
                int port = serverAddr.getValue();
       + ": Trying to connect to " + host + ":" + port);

                ServerHandler.Client serverObj;
                try {
                    serverObj = getServerConnection(host, port);
                } catch (Exception e) {
                    LOG.error(listeningPort + ": Failed to connect to server at " + host + ":" + port, e);

                // The server must answer with this token
                connectionToken = notifierClient.generator.nextLong();
       + ": Generated token: " + connectionToken);

                try {
                    // Before this function returns, the server should make the
                    // registerServer call which if he answers with the correct token,
                    // it will set the serverId to his.
           + ": calling registerClient");
                    serverObj.registerClient(notifierClient.listeningHost, notifierClient.listeningPort,
           + ": registerClient call successful");
                } catch (RampUpException e1) {
           + ": Server " + host + ":" + port + " in ramp up phase");
                } catch (ClientConnectionException e2) {
                    LOG.error(listeningPort + ": The server failed to connect to us", e2);
                } catch (Exception e) {
                    LOG.error(listeningPort + ": Server " + host + ":" + port + " communication failure", e);

                if (serverId == null || serverId.isEmpty()) {
           + ": The server answered with a bad token." + " trying next server ...");
       + ": The server answered with correct token.");
                server = serverObj;

                state = CONNECTED;
                if (!notifierClient.connectionStateChanged(state)) {
                    try {
                    } catch (Exception e) {
                    return false;
       + ": Connection status: SUCCESS");
                return true;

        } + ": Connection status: FAILED");
        return false;

    void failConnection(boolean hiddenToClient) { + ": Failing connection. Hidden to client=" + hiddenToClient);
        serverId = null;
        id = -1;
        server = null;
        if (hiddenToClient) {
            state = DISCONNECTED_HIDDEN;
        } else {
            state = DISCONNECTED_VISIBLE;

        synchronized (retryConnectionCondition) {

    public void run() {
        // Initial connect
        new Thread(tracker).start();

        // Retry on failure
        while (!notifierClient.shouldShutdown) {
            synchronized (retryConnectionCondition) {
                try {
                } catch (InterruptedException e) {
                    if (notifierClient.shouldShutdown) {

            if (getConnectionState(false) == DISCONNECTED_VISIBLE) {

            if (notifierClient.shouldShutdown) {


    void shutdown() {
        synchronized (retryConnectionCondition) {

    private void forceConnect() { + ": ConnectionChecker forcing connect ...");
        while (true) {
   + ": forceConnect loop start ...");
            try {
            } catch (InterruptedException e) {

   + ": forceConnect trying connect ...");
            int prevState = getConnectionState(false);
            if (connect()) {
                if (prevState == DISCONNECTED_VISIBLE) {
   + ": forceConnect done trying connect");
        } + ": forceConnect done");

    private ServerHandler.Client getServerConnection(String host, int port)
            throws TTransportException, IOException {
        TTransport transport;
        TProtocol protocol;
        ServerHandler.Client serverObj;

        transport = new TFramedTransport(new TSocket(host, port, SOCKET_TIMEOUT));
        protocol = new TBinaryProtocol(transport);
        serverObj = new ServerHandler.Client(protocol);;

        return serverObj;

    class ServerTracker implements Runnable {
        volatile long lastReceivedTimestamp = -1;

         * Should be called when a message was received from the server.
        public void messageReceived() {
            lastReceivedTimestamp = System.currentTimeMillis();

        public void run() {
            lastReceivedTimestamp = System.currentTimeMillis();
            while (!notifierClient.shouldShutdown) {
                try {
                } catch (InterruptedException e) {

                synchronized (connectionLock) {
                    if (state != CONNECTED) {

                    if (System.currentTimeMillis() > lastReceivedTimestamp + serverTimeout) {
               + ": ServerTracker: Server timeout." + " Failing connection ...");