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 * Copyright 2010 The Apache Software Foundation
 * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
 * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
 * distributed with this work for additional information
 * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
 * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
 * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
 * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.
package org.apache.hadoop.hbase.master;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Comparator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.NavigableSet;
import java.util.Random;
import java.util.TreeMap;
import java.util.TreeSet;

import org.apache.commons.logging.Log;
import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory;
import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration;
import org.apache.hadoop.fs.BlockLocation;
import org.apache.hadoop.fs.FileStatus;
import org.apache.hadoop.fs.FileSystem;
import org.apache.hadoop.fs.Path;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.HRegionInfo;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.HServerAddress;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.HServerInfo;

 * Makes decisions about the placement and movement of Regions across
 * RegionServers.
 * <p>Cluster-wide load balancing will occur only when there are no regions in
 * transition and according to a fixed period of a time using {@link #balanceCluster(Map)}.
 * <p>Inline region placement with {@link #immediateAssignment} can be used when
 * the Master needs to handle closed regions that it currently does not have
 * a destination set for.  This can happen during master failover.
 * <p>On cluster startup, bulk assignment can be used to determine
 * locations for all Regions in a cluster.
 * <p>This classes produces plans for the {@link AssignmentManager} to execute.
public class LoadBalancer {
    private static final Log LOG = LogFactory.getLog(LoadBalancer.class);
    private static final Random RANDOM = new Random(System.currentTimeMillis());
    // slop for regions
    private float slop;

    LoadBalancer(Configuration conf) {
        this.slop = conf.getFloat("hbase.regions.slop", (float) 0.0);
        if (slop < 0)
            slop = 0;
        else if (slop > 1)
            slop = 1;

    static class RegionPlanComparator implements Comparator<RegionPlan> {
        public int compare(RegionPlan l, RegionPlan r) {
            long diff = r.getRegionInfo().getRegionId() - l.getRegionInfo().getRegionId();
            if (diff < 0)
                return -1;
            if (diff > 0)
                return 1;
            return 0;

    static RegionPlanComparator rpComparator = new RegionPlanComparator();

     * Generate a global load balancing plan according to the specified map of
     * server information to the most loaded regions of each server.
     * The load balancing invariant is that all servers are within 1 region of the
     * average number of regions per server.  If the average is an integer number,
     * all servers will be balanced to the average.  Otherwise, all servers will
     * have either floor(average) or ceiling(average) regions.
     * The algorithm is currently implemented as such:
     * <ol>
     * <li>Determine the two valid numbers of regions each server should have,
     *     <b>MIN</b>=floor(average) and <b>MAX</b>=ceiling(average).
     * <li>Iterate down the most loaded servers, shedding regions from each so
     *     each server hosts exactly <b>MAX</b> regions.  Stop once you reach a
     *     server that already has &lt;= <b>MAX</b> regions.
     *     <p>
     *     Order the regions to move from most recent to least.
     * <li>Iterate down the least loaded servers, assigning regions so each server
     *     has exactly </b>MIN</b> regions.  Stop once you reach a server that
     *     already has &gt;= <b>MIN</b> regions.
     *     Regions being assigned to underloaded servers are those that were shed
     *     in the previous step.  It is possible that there were not enough
     *     regions shed to fill each underloaded server to <b>MIN</b>.  If so we
     *     end up with a number of regions required to do so, <b>neededRegions</b>.
     *     It is also possible that we were able fill each underloaded but ended
     *     up with regions that were unassigned from overloaded servers but that
     *     still do not have assignment.
     *     If neither of these conditions hold (no regions needed to fill the
     *     underloaded servers, no regions leftover from overloaded servers),
     *     we are done and return.  Otherwise we handle these cases below.
     * <li>If <b>neededRegions</b> is non-zero (still have underloaded servers),
     *     we iterate the most loaded servers again, shedding a single server from
     *     each (this brings them from having <b>MAX</b> regions to having
     *     <b>MIN</b> regions).
     * <li>We now definitely have more regions that need assignment, either from
     *     the previous step or from the original shedding from overloaded servers.
     *     Iterate the least loaded servers filling each to <b>MIN</b>.
     * <li>If we still have more regions that need assignment, again iterate the
     *     least loaded servers, this time giving each one (filling them to
     *     </b>MAX</b>) until we run out.
     * <li>All servers will now either host <b>MIN</b> or <b>MAX</b> regions.
     *     In addition, any server hosting &gt;= <b>MAX</b> regions is guaranteed
     *     to end up with <b>MAX</b> regions at the end of the balancing.  This
     *     ensures the minimal number of regions possible are moved.
     * </ol>
     * TODO: We can at-most reassign the number of regions away from a particular
     *       server to be how many they report as most loaded.
     *       Should we just keep all assignment in memory?  Any objections?
     *       Does this mean we need HeapSize on HMaster?  Or just careful monitor?
     *       (current thinking is we will hold all assignments in memory)
     * @param clusterState Map of regionservers and their load/region information to
     *                   a list of their most loaded regions
     * @return a list of regions to be moved, including source and destination,
     *         or null if cluster is already balanced
    public List<RegionPlan> balanceCluster(Map<HServerInfo, List<HRegionInfo>> clusterState) {
        long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis();

        // Make a map sorted by load and count regions
        TreeMap<HServerInfo, List<HRegionInfo>> serversByLoad = new TreeMap<HServerInfo, List<HRegionInfo>>(
                new HServerInfo.LoadComparator());
        int numServers = clusterState.size();
        if (numServers == 0) {
            LOG.debug("numServers=0 so skipping load balancing");
            return null;
        int numRegions = 0;
        // Iterate so we can count regions as we build the map
        for (Map.Entry<HServerInfo, List<HRegionInfo>> server : clusterState.entrySet()) {
            numRegions += server.getKey().getLoad().getNumberOfRegions();
            serversByLoad.put(server.getKey(), server.getValue());

        // Check if we even need to do any load balancing
        float average = (float) numRegions / numServers; // for logging
        // HBASE-3681 check sloppiness first
        int floor = (int) Math.floor(average * (1 - slop));
        int ceiling = (int) Math.ceil(average * (1 + slop));
        if (serversByLoad.lastKey().getLoad().getNumberOfRegions() <= ceiling
                && serversByLoad.firstKey().getLoad().getNumberOfRegions() >= floor) {
            // Skipped because no server outside (min,max) range
  "Skipping load balancing.  servers=" + numServers + " " + "regions=" + numRegions + " average="
                    + average + " " + "mostloaded=" + serversByLoad.lastKey().getLoad().getNumberOfRegions()
                    + " leastloaded=" + serversByLoad.lastKey().getLoad().getNumberOfRegions());
            return null;
        int min = numRegions / numServers;
        int max = numRegions % numServers == 0 ? min : min + 1;

        // Balance the cluster
        // TODO: Look at data block locality or a more complex load to do this
        List<RegionPlan> regionsToMove = new ArrayList<RegionPlan>();
        int regionidx = 0; // track the index in above list for setting destination

        // Walk down most loaded, pruning each to the max
        int serversOverloaded = 0;
        Map<HServerInfo, BalanceInfo> serverBalanceInfo = new TreeMap<HServerInfo, BalanceInfo>();
        for (Map.Entry<HServerInfo, List<HRegionInfo>> server : serversByLoad.descendingMap().entrySet()) {
            HServerInfo serverInfo = server.getKey();
            int regionCount = serverInfo.getLoad().getNumberOfRegions();
            if (regionCount <= max) {
                serverBalanceInfo.put(serverInfo, new BalanceInfo(0, 0));
            List<HRegionInfo> regions = randomize(server.getValue());
            int numToOffload = Math.min(regionCount - max, regions.size());
            int numTaken = 0;
            for (int i = regions.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
                HRegionInfo hri = regions.get(i);
                // Don't rebalance meta regions.
                if (hri.isMetaRegion())
                regionsToMove.add(new RegionPlan(hri, serverInfo, null));
                if (numTaken >= numToOffload)
            serverBalanceInfo.put(serverInfo, new BalanceInfo(numToOffload, (-1) * numTaken));

        // Walk down least loaded, filling each to the min
        int serversUnderloaded = 0; // number of servers that get new regions
        int neededRegions = 0; // number of regions needed to bring all up to min
        for (Map.Entry<HServerInfo, List<HRegionInfo>> server : serversByLoad.entrySet()) {
            int regionCount = server.getKey().getLoad().getNumberOfRegions();
            if (regionCount >= min) {
            int numToTake = min - regionCount;
            int numTaken = 0;
            while (numTaken < numToTake && regionidx < regionsToMove.size()) {
            serverBalanceInfo.put(server.getKey(), new BalanceInfo(0, numTaken));
            // If we still want to take some, increment needed
            if (numTaken < numToTake) {
                neededRegions += (numToTake - numTaken);

        // If none needed to fill all to min and none left to drain all to max,
        // we are done
        if (neededRegions == 0 && regionidx == regionsToMove.size()) {
            long endTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
  "Calculated a load balance in " + (endTime - startTime) + "ms. " + "Moving "
                    + regionsToMove.size() + " regions off of " + serversOverloaded + " overloaded servers onto "
                    + serversUnderloaded + " less loaded servers");
            return regionsToMove;

        // Need to do a second pass.
        // Either more regions to assign out or servers that are still underloaded

        // If we need more to fill min, grab one from each most loaded until enough
        if (neededRegions != 0) {
            // Walk down most loaded, grabbing one from each until we get enough
            for (Map.Entry<HServerInfo, List<HRegionInfo>> server : serversByLoad.descendingMap().entrySet()) {
                BalanceInfo balanceInfo = serverBalanceInfo.get(server.getKey());
                int idx = balanceInfo == null ? 0 : balanceInfo.getNextRegionForUnload();
                if (idx >= server.getValue().size())
                HRegionInfo region = server.getValue().get(idx);
                if (region.isMetaRegion())
                    continue; // Don't move meta regions.
                regionsToMove.add(new RegionPlan(region, server.getKey(), null));
                if (--neededRegions == 0) {
                    // No more regions needed, done shedding

        // Now we have a set of regions that must be all assigned out
        // Assign each underloaded up to the min, then if leftovers, assign to max

        // Walk down least loaded, assigning to each to fill up to min
        for (Map.Entry<HServerInfo, List<HRegionInfo>> server : serversByLoad.entrySet()) {
            int regionCount = server.getKey().getLoad().getNumberOfRegions();
            if (regionCount >= min)
            BalanceInfo balanceInfo = serverBalanceInfo.get(server.getKey());
            if (balanceInfo != null) {
                regionCount += balanceInfo.getNumRegionsAdded();
            if (regionCount >= min) {
            int numToTake = min - regionCount;
            int numTaken = 0;
            while (numTaken < numToTake && regionidx < regionsToMove.size()) {

        // If we still have regions to dish out, assign underloaded to max
        if (regionidx != regionsToMove.size()) {
            for (Map.Entry<HServerInfo, List<HRegionInfo>> server : serversByLoad.entrySet()) {
                int regionCount = server.getKey().getLoad().getNumberOfRegions();
                if (regionCount >= max) {
                if (regionidx == regionsToMove.size()) {

        long endTime = System.currentTimeMillis();

        if (regionidx != regionsToMove.size() || neededRegions != 0) {
            // Emit data so can diagnose how balancer went astray.
            LOG.warn("regionidx=" + regionidx + ", regionsToMove=" + regionsToMove.size() + ", numServers="
                    + numServers + ", serversOverloaded=" + serversOverloaded + ", serversUnderloaded="
                    + serversUnderloaded);
            StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
            for (Map.Entry<HServerInfo, List<HRegionInfo>> e : clusterState.entrySet()) {
                if (sb.length() > 0)
                    sb.append(", ");
                sb.append(" ");
            LOG.warn("Input " + sb.toString());

        // All done!"Calculated a load balance in " + (endTime - startTime) + "ms. " + "Moving " + regionsToMove.size()
                + " regions off of " + serversOverloaded + " overloaded servers onto " + serversUnderloaded
                + " less loaded servers");

        return regionsToMove;

     * @param regions
     * @return Randomization of passed <code>regions</code>
    static List<HRegionInfo> randomize(final List<HRegionInfo> regions) {
        Collections.shuffle(regions, RANDOM);
        return regions;

     * Stores additional per-server information about the regions added/removed
     * during the run of the balancing algorithm.
     * For servers that receive additional regions, we are not updating the number
     * of regions in HServerInfo once we decide to reassign regions to a server,
     * but we need this information later in the algorithm.  This is stored in
     * <b>numRegionsAdded</b>.
     * For servers that shed regions, we need to track which regions we have
     * already shed.  <b>nextRegionForUnload</b> contains the index in the list
     * of regions on the server that is the next to be shed.
    private static class BalanceInfo {

        private final int nextRegionForUnload;
        private final int numRegionsAdded;

        public BalanceInfo(int nextRegionForUnload, int numRegionsAdded) {
            this.nextRegionForUnload = nextRegionForUnload;
            this.numRegionsAdded = numRegionsAdded;

        public int getNextRegionForUnload() {
            return nextRegionForUnload;

        public int getNumRegionsAdded() {
            return numRegionsAdded;

     * Generates a bulk assignment plan to be used on cluster startup using a
     * simple round-robin assignment.
     * <p>
     * Takes a list of all the regions and all the servers in the cluster and
     * returns a map of each server to the regions that it should be assigned.
     * <p>
     * Currently implemented as a round-robin assignment.  Same invariant as
     * load balancing, all servers holding floor(avg) or ceiling(avg).
     * TODO: Use block locations from HDFS to place regions with their blocks
     * @param regions all regions
     * @param servers all servers
     * @return map of server to the regions it should take, or null if no
     *         assignment is possible (ie. no regions or no servers)
    public static Map<HServerInfo, List<HRegionInfo>> roundRobinAssignment(List<HRegionInfo> regions,
            List<HServerInfo> servers) {
        if (regions.size() == 0 || servers.size() == 0) {
            return null;
        Map<HServerInfo, List<HRegionInfo>> assignments = new TreeMap<HServerInfo, List<HRegionInfo>>();
        int numRegions = regions.size();
        int numServers = servers.size();
        int max = (int) Math.ceil((float) numRegions / numServers);
        int serverIdx = 0;
        if (numServers > 1) {
            serverIdx = RANDOM.nextInt(numServers);
        int regionIdx = 0;
        for (int j = 0; j < numServers; j++) {
            HServerInfo server = servers.get((j + serverIdx) % numServers);
            List<HRegionInfo> serverRegions = new ArrayList<HRegionInfo>(max);
            for (int i = regionIdx; i < numRegions; i += numServers) {
                serverRegions.add(regions.get(i % numRegions));
            assignments.put(server, serverRegions);
        return assignments;

     * Generates a bulk assignment startup plan, attempting to reuse the existing
     * assignment information from META, but adjusting for the specified list of
     * available/online servers available for assignment.
     * <p>
     * Takes a map of all regions to their existing assignment from META.  Also
     * takes a list of online servers for regions to be assigned to.  Attempts to
     * retain all assignment, so in some instances initial assignment will not be
     * completely balanced.
     * <p>
     * Any leftover regions without an existing server to be assigned to will be
     * assigned randomly to available servers.
     * @param regions regions and existing assignment from meta
     * @param servers available servers
     * @return map of servers and regions to be assigned to them
    public static Map<HServerInfo, List<HRegionInfo>> retainAssignment(Map<HRegionInfo, HServerAddress> regions,
            List<HServerInfo> servers) {
        Map<HServerInfo, List<HRegionInfo>> assignments = new TreeMap<HServerInfo, List<HRegionInfo>>();
        // Build a map of server addresses to server info so we can match things up
        Map<HServerAddress, HServerInfo> serverMap = new TreeMap<HServerAddress, HServerInfo>();
        for (HServerInfo server : servers) {
            serverMap.put(server.getServerAddress(), server);
            assignments.put(server, new ArrayList<HRegionInfo>());
        for (Map.Entry<HRegionInfo, HServerAddress> region : regions.entrySet()) {
            HServerAddress hsa = region.getValue();
            HServerInfo server = hsa == null ? null : serverMap.get(hsa);
            if (server != null) {
            } else {
        return assignments;

     * Find the block locations for all of the files for the specified region.
     * Returns an ordered list of hosts that are hosting the blocks for this
     * region.  The weight of each host is the sum of the block lengths of all
     * files on that host, so the first host in the list is the server which
     * holds the most bytes of the given region's HFiles.
     * TODO: Make this work.  Need to figure out how to match hadoop's hostnames
     *       given for block locations with our HServerAddress.
     * TODO: Use the right directory for the region
     * TODO: Use getFileBlockLocations on the files not the directory
     * @param fs the filesystem
     * @param region region
     * @return ordered list of hosts holding blocks of the specified region
     * @throws IOException if any filesystem errors
    private List<String> getTopBlockLocations(FileSystem fs, HRegionInfo region) throws IOException {
        String encodedName = region.getEncodedName();
        Path path = new Path("/hbase/table/" + encodedName);
        FileStatus status = fs.getFileStatus(path);
        BlockLocation[] blockLocations = fs.getFileBlockLocations(status, 0, status.getLen());
        Map<HostAndWeight, HostAndWeight> hostWeights = new TreeMap<HostAndWeight, HostAndWeight>(
                new HostAndWeight.HostComparator());
        for (BlockLocation bl : blockLocations) {
            String[] hosts = bl.getHosts();
            long len = bl.getLength();
            for (String host : hosts) {
                HostAndWeight haw = hostWeights.get(host);
                if (haw == null) {
                    haw = new HostAndWeight(host, len);
                    hostWeights.put(haw, haw);
                } else {
        NavigableSet<HostAndWeight> orderedHosts = new TreeSet<HostAndWeight>(new HostAndWeight.WeightComparator());
        List<String> topHosts = new ArrayList<String>(orderedHosts.size());
        for (HostAndWeight haw : orderedHosts.descendingSet()) {
        return topHosts;

     * Stores the hostname and weight for that hostname.
     * This is used when determining the physical locations of the blocks making
     * up a region.
     * To make a prioritized list of the hosts holding the most data of a region,
     * this class is used to count the total weight for each host.  The weight is
     * currently just the size of the file.
    private static class HostAndWeight {

        private final String host;
        private long weight;

        public HostAndWeight(String host, long weight) {
   = host;
            this.weight = weight;

        public void addWeight(long weight) {
            this.weight += weight;

        public String getHost() {
            return host;

        public long getWeight() {
            return weight;

        private static class HostComparator implements Comparator<HostAndWeight> {
            public int compare(HostAndWeight l, HostAndWeight r) {
                return l.getHost().compareTo(r.getHost());

        private static class WeightComparator implements Comparator<HostAndWeight> {
            public int compare(HostAndWeight l, HostAndWeight r) {
                if (l.getWeight() == r.getWeight()) {
                    return l.getHost().compareTo(r.getHost());
                return l.getWeight() < r.getWeight() ? -1 : 1;

     * Generates an immediate assignment plan to be used by a new master for
     * regions in transition that do not have an already known destination.
     * Takes a list of regions that need immediate assignment and a list of
     * all available servers.  Returns a map of regions to the server they
     * should be assigned to.
     * This method will return quickly and does not do any intelligent
     * balancing.  The goal is to make a fast decision not the best decision
     * possible.
     * Currently this is random.
     * @param regions
     * @param servers
     * @return map of regions to the server it should be assigned to
    public static Map<HRegionInfo, HServerInfo> immediateAssignment(List<HRegionInfo> regions,
            List<HServerInfo> servers) {
        Map<HRegionInfo, HServerInfo> assignments = new TreeMap<HRegionInfo, HServerInfo>();
        for (HRegionInfo region : regions) {
            assignments.put(region, servers.get(RANDOM.nextInt(servers.size())));
        return assignments;

    public static HServerInfo randomAssignment(List<HServerInfo> servers) {
        if (servers == null || servers.isEmpty()) {
            LOG.warn("Wanted to do random assignment but no servers to assign to");
            return null;
        return servers.get(RANDOM.nextInt(servers.size()));

     * Stores the plan for the move of an individual region.
     * Contains info for the region being moved, info for the server the region
     * should be moved from, and info for the server the region should be moved
     * to.
     * The comparable implementation of this class compares only the region
     * information and not the source/dest server info.
    public static class RegionPlan implements Comparable<RegionPlan> {
        private final HRegionInfo hri;
        private final HServerInfo source;
        private HServerInfo dest;

         * Instantiate a plan for a region move, moving the specified region from
         * the specified source server to the specified destination server.
         * Destination server can be instantiated as null and later set
         * with {@link #setDestination(HServerInfo)}.
         * @param hri region to be moved
         * @param source regionserver region should be moved from
         * @param dest regionserver region should be moved to
        public RegionPlan(final HRegionInfo hri, HServerInfo source, HServerInfo dest) {
            this.hri = hri;
            this.source = source;
            this.dest = dest;

         * Set the destination server for the plan for this region.
        public void setDestination(HServerInfo dest) {
            this.dest = dest;

         * Get the source server for the plan for this region.
         * @return server info for source
        public HServerInfo getSource() {
            return source;

         * Get the destination server for the plan for this region.
         * @return server info for destination
        public HServerInfo getDestination() {
            return dest;

         * Get the encoded region name for the region this plan is for.
         * @return Encoded region name
        public String getRegionName() {
            return this.hri.getEncodedName();

        public HRegionInfo getRegionInfo() {
            return this.hri;

         * Compare the region info.
         * @param o region plan you are comparing against
        public int compareTo(RegionPlan o) {
            return getRegionName().compareTo(o.getRegionName());

        public String toString() {
            return "hri=" + this.hri.getRegionNameAsString() + ", src="
                    + (this.source == null ? "" : this.source.getServerName()) + ", dest="
                    + (this.dest == null ? "" : this.dest.getServerName());