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 * Copyright 2010 The Apache Software Foundation Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF)
 * under one or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with this work
 * for additional information regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file to you under
 * the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
 * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in
 * writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
 * WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific
 * language governing permissions and limitations under the License.

package org.apache.hadoop.hbase.ipc.bak;

import org.apache.commons.logging.Log;
import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory;
import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.HRegionInfo;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.Operation;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.UserProvider;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.ipc.VersionedProtocol;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.monitoring.MonitoredRPCHandler;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.regionserver.HRegionServer;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.util.Bytes;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.util.Objects;
import org.apache.hadoop.ipc.RPC;
import org.apache.zookeeper.KeeperException;

import java.lang.reflect.*;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;

/** An RpcEngine implementation for Writable data. */
class MonitoredRpcEngine implements RpcEngine {
    // LOG is NOT in hbase subpackage intentionally so that the default HBase
    // DEBUG log level does NOT emit RPC-level logging.
    private static final Log LOG = LogFactory.getLog("org.apache.hadoop.ipc.RPCEngine");

    private static class Invoker implements InvocationHandler {
        private Class<? extends VersionedProtocol> protocol;
        private InetSocketAddress address;
        private User ticket;
        private HBaseClient client;
        final private int rpcTimeout;

        public Invoker(HBaseClient client, Class<? extends VersionedProtocol> protocol, InetSocketAddress address,
                User ticket, Configuration conf, int rpcTimeout) {
            this.protocol = protocol;
            this.address = address;
            this.ticket = ticket;
            this.client = client;
            this.rpcTimeout = rpcTimeout;

        public Object invoke(Object proxy, Method method, Object[] args) throws Throwable {
            final boolean logDebug = LOG.isDebugEnabled();
            long startTime = 0;
            if (logDebug) {
                startTime = System.currentTimeMillis();

            HbaseObjectWritable value = (HbaseObjectWritable) Invocation(method, protocol, args),
                    address, protocol, ticket, rpcTimeout);
            if (logDebug) {
                // FIGURE HOW TO TURN THIS OFF!
                long callTime = System.currentTimeMillis() - startTime;
                LOG.debug("Call: " + method.getName() + " " + callTime);
            return value.get();

    private Configuration conf;
    private HBaseClient client;
    private UserProvider userProvider;

    public void setConf(Configuration config) {
        this.conf = config;
        // check for an already created client
        if (this.client != null) {
        this.client = new HBaseClient(HbaseObjectWritable.class, conf);
        this.userProvider = UserProvider.instantiate(config);

    public Configuration getConf() {
        return conf;

     * Construct a client-side proxy object that implements the named protocol, talking to a server at
     * the named address.
    public <T extends VersionedProtocol> T getProxy(Class<T> protocol, long clientVersion, InetSocketAddress addr,
            Configuration conf, int rpcTimeout) throws IOException {
        if (this.client == null) {
            throw new IOException("Client must be initialized by calling setConf(Configuration)");

        T proxy = (T) Proxy.newProxyInstance(protocol.getClassLoader(), new Class[] { protocol }, new Invoker(
                client, protocol, addr, userProvider.getCurrent(), conf, HBaseRPC.getRpcTimeout(rpcTimeout)));

         * TODO: checking protocol version only needs to be done once when we setup a new
         * HBaseClient.Connection. Doing it every time we retrieve a proxy instance is resulting in
         * unnecessary RPC traffic.
        long serverVersion = ((VersionedProtocol) proxy).getProtocolVersion(protocol.getName(), clientVersion);
        if (serverVersion != clientVersion) {
            throw new HBaseRPC.VersionMismatch(protocol.getName(), clientVersion, serverVersion);

        return proxy;

    /** Expert: Make multiple, parallel calls to a set of servers. */
    public Object[] call(Method method, Object[][] params, InetSocketAddress[] addrs,
            Class<? extends VersionedProtocol> protocol, User ticket, Configuration conf)
            throws IOException, InterruptedException {
        if (this.client == null) {
            throw new IOException("Client must be initialized by calling setConf(Configuration)");

        Invocation[] invocations = new Invocation[params.length];
        for (int i = 0; i < params.length; i++) {
            invocations[i] = new Invocation(method, protocol, params[i]);

        Writable[] wrappedValues =, addrs, protocol, ticket);

        if (method.getReturnType() == Void.TYPE) {
            return null;

        Object[] values = (Object[]) Array.newInstance(method.getReturnType(), wrappedValues.length);
        for (int i = 0; i < values.length; i++) {
            if (wrappedValues[i] != null) {
                values[i] = ((HbaseObjectWritable) wrappedValues[i]).get();

        return values;

    public void close() {
        if (this.client != null) {

     * Construct a server for a protocol implementation instance listening on a port and address.
    public Server getServer(Class<? extends VersionedProtocol> protocol, Object instance, Class<?>[] ifaces,
            String bindAddress, int port, int numHandlers, int metaHandlerCount, boolean verbose,
            Configuration conf, int highPriorityLevel) throws IOException {
        return new Server(instance, ifaces, conf, bindAddress, port, numHandlers, metaHandlerCount, verbose,

    /** An RPC Server. */
    public static class Server extends HBaseServer implements Schedulable {
        private Object instance;
        private Class<?> implementation;
        private Class<?>[] ifaces;
        private boolean verbose;
        private boolean authorize = false;

        // for JSON encoding
        private static ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper();

        private static final String WARN_RESPONSE_TIME = "hbase.ipc.warn.response.time";
        private static final String WARN_RESPONSE_SIZE = "hbase.ipc.warn.response.size";

        /** Default value for above params */
        private static final int DEFAULT_WARN_RESPONSE_TIME = 10000; // milliseconds
        private static final int DEFAULT_WARN_RESPONSE_SIZE = 100 * 1024 * 1024;

        /** Names for suffixed metrics */
        private static final String ABOVE_ONE_SEC_METRIC = ".aboveOneSec.";

        private final int warnResponseTime;
        private final int warnResponseSize;

        private static final String QUEUE_DUMP_INTERVAL = "hbase.ipc.queue.dump.interval";
        private static final long DEFAULT_QUEUE_DUMP_INTERVAL = 10 * 1000;

        private static final String QUEUE_DUMP_ZNODE = "hbase.ipc.queue.dump.znode";
        private static final String QUEUE_DUMP_ZNODE_DEDAULT = "/hbase_monitored";

        private int maxQueueLength;

        private SimpleMonitorThread monitor;

        private static String classNameBase(String className) {
            String[] names = className.split("\\.", -1);
            if (names == null || names.length == 0) {
                return className;
            return names[names.length - 1];

         * Construct an RPC server.
         * @param instance the instance whose methods will be called
         * @param conf the configuration to use
         * @param bindAddress the address to bind on to listen for connection
         * @param port the port to listen for connections on
         * @param numHandlers the number of method handler threads to run
         * @param verbose whether each call should be logged
         * @throws e
        public Server(Object instance, final Class<?>[] ifaces, Configuration conf, String bindAddress, int port,
                int numHandlers, int metaHandlerCount, boolean verbose, int highPriorityLevel) throws IOException {
            super(bindAddress, port, Invocation.class, numHandlers, metaHandlerCount, conf,
                    classNameBase(instance.getClass().getName()), highPriorityLevel);
  "Initialize monitored rpc server.");
            this.instance = instance;
            this.implementation = instance.getClass();
            // this.verbose = verbose;
            this.verbose = true;

            this.ifaces = ifaces;

            // create metrics for the advertised interfaces this server implements.
            String[] metricSuffixes = new String[] { ABOVE_ONE_SEC_METRIC };
            this.rpcMetrics.createMetrics(this.ifaces, false, metricSuffixes);

            this.authorize = conf.getBoolean(ServiceAuthorizationManager.SERVICE_AUTHORIZATION_CONFIG, false);

            this.warnResponseTime = conf.getInt(WARN_RESPONSE_TIME, DEFAULT_WARN_RESPONSE_TIME);
            this.warnResponseSize = conf.getInt(WARN_RESPONSE_SIZE, DEFAULT_WARN_RESPONSE_SIZE);

            String oldMaxQueueSize = this.conf.get("ipc.server.max.queue.size");
            if (oldMaxQueueSize == null) {
                this.maxQueueLength = this.conf.getInt("ipc.server.max.callqueue.length", numHandlers * 10);
            } else {
                LOG.warn("ipc.server.max.queue.size was renamed " + "ipc.server.max.callqueue.length, "
                        + "please update your configuration");
                this.maxQueueLength = Integer.getInteger(oldMaxQueueSize);

            long interval = conf.getLong(QUEUE_DUMP_INTERVAL, DEFAULT_QUEUE_DUMP_INTERVAL);
            String zNode = this.conf.get(QUEUE_DUMP_ZNODE, QUEUE_DUMP_ZNODE_DEDAULT);
            try {
                monitor = new SimpleMonitorThread(conf, interval, bindAddress, port, zNode, this);
            } catch (IOException e) {
                LOG.error("Failed to initialize monitor thread.", e);

        public void start() {
  "Starting monitoring thread.");

        public void stop() {
  "Stopping monitoring thread.");
            if (monitor != null) {
                try {
                } catch (KeeperException e) {
                    // TODO Auto-generated catch block
                    LOG.error("Error ocuppies when closing monitor thread.", e);

        public Writable call(Class<? extends VersionedProtocol> protocol, Writable param, long receivedTime,
                MonitoredRPCHandler status) throws IOException {
            try {
                Invocation call = (Invocation) param;
                if (call.getMethodName() == null) {
                    throw new IOException("Could not find requested method, the usual "
                            + "cause is a version mismatch between client and server.");
                if (verbose)
                    log("Call: " + call);
                status.setRPC(call.getMethodName(), call.getParameters(), receivedTime);
                status.resume("Servicing call");

                Method method = protocol.getMethod(call.getMethodName(), call.getParameterClasses());

                // Verify protocol version.
                // Bypass the version check for VersionedProtocol
                if (!method.getDeclaringClass().equals(VersionedProtocol.class)) {
                    long clientVersion = call.getProtocolVersion();
                    ProtocolSignature serverInfo = ((VersionedProtocol) instance).getProtocolSignature(
                            protocol.getCanonicalName(), call.getProtocolVersion(), call.getClientMethodsHash());
                    long serverVersion = serverInfo.getVersion();
                    if (serverVersion != clientVersion) {
                        LOG.warn("Version mismatch: client version=" + clientVersion + ", server version="
                                + serverVersion);
                        throw new RPC.VersionMismatch(protocol.getName(), clientVersion, serverVersion);
                Object impl = null;
                if (protocol.isAssignableFrom(this.implementation)) {
                    impl = this.instance;
                } else {
                    throw new HBaseRPC.UnknownProtocolException(protocol);

                long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
                Object[] params = call.getParameters();
                Object value = method.invoke(impl, params);
                int processingTime = (int) (System.currentTimeMillis() - startTime);
                int qTime = (int) (startTime - receivedTime);
                // if (TRACELOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
                TRACELOG.debug("Call #" + CurCall.get().id + "; Served: " + protocol.getSimpleName() + "#"
                        + call.getMethodName() + " queueTime=" + qTime + " processingTime=" + processingTime
                        + " contents=" + Objects.describeQuantity(params));
                // }
      , processingTime);
                if (verbose)
                    log("Return: " + value);

                HbaseObjectWritable retVal = new HbaseObjectWritable(method.getReturnType(), value);
                long responseSize = retVal.getWritableSize();
                // log any RPC responses that are slower than the configured warn
                // response time or larger than configured warning size
                boolean tooSlow = (processingTime > warnResponseTime && warnResponseTime > -1);
                boolean tooLarge = (responseSize > warnResponseSize && warnResponseSize > -1);
                if (tooSlow || tooLarge) {
                    // when tagging, we let TooLarge trump TooSmall to keep output simple
                    // note that large responses will often also be slow.
                    logResponse(call, (tooLarge ? "TooLarge" : "TooSlow"), status.getClient(), startTime,
                            processingTime, qTime, responseSize);
                    // provides a count of log-reported slow responses
                    if (tooSlow) {
                if (processingTime > 1000) {
                    // we use a hard-coded one second period so that we can clearly
                    // indicate the time period we're warning about in the name of the
                    // metric itself
           + ABOVE_ONE_SEC_METRIC, processingTime);

                return retVal;
            } catch (InvocationTargetException e) {
                Throwable target = e.getTargetException();
                if (target instanceof IOException) {
                    throw (IOException) target;
                IOException ioe = new IOException(target.toString());
                throw ioe;
            } catch (Throwable e) {
                if (!(e instanceof IOException)) {
                    LOG.error("Unexpected throwable object ", e);
                IOException ioe = new IOException(e.toString());
                throw ioe;

         * Logs an RPC response to the LOG file, producing valid JSON objects for client Operations.
         * @param call The call to log.
         * @param tag The tag that will be used to indicate this event in the log.
         * @param clientAddress The address of the client who made this call.
         * @param startTime The time that the call was initiated, in ms.
         * @param processingTime The duration that the call took to run, in ms.
         * @param qTime The duration that the call spent on the queue prior to being initiated, in ms.
         * @param responseSize The size in bytes of the response buffer.
        private void logResponse(Invocation call, String tag, String clientAddress, long startTime,
                int processingTime, int qTime, long responseSize) throws IOException {
            Object params[] = call.getParameters();
            // for JSON encoding
            ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper();
            // base information that is reported regardless of type of call
            Map<String, Object> responseInfo = new HashMap<String, Object>();
            responseInfo.put("starttimems", startTime);
            responseInfo.put("processingtimems", processingTime);
            responseInfo.put("queuetimems", qTime);
            responseInfo.put("responsesize", responseSize);
            responseInfo.put("client", clientAddress);
            responseInfo.put("class", instance.getClass().getSimpleName());
            responseInfo.put("method", call.getMethodName());
            if (params.length == 2 && instance instanceof HRegionServer && params[0] instanceof byte[]
                    && params[1] instanceof Operation) {
                // if the slow process is a query, we want to log its table as well
                // as its own fingerprint
                byte[] tableName = HRegionInfo.parseRegionName((byte[]) params[0])[0];
                responseInfo.put("table", Bytes.toStringBinary(tableName));
                // annotate the response map with operation details
                responseInfo.putAll(((Operation) params[1]).toMap());
                // report to the log file
                LOG.warn("(operation" + tag + "): " + mapper.writeValueAsString(responseInfo));
            } else if (params.length == 1 && instance instanceof HRegionServer && params[0] instanceof Operation) {
                // annotate the response map with operation details
                responseInfo.putAll(((Operation) params[0]).toMap());
                // report to the log file
                LOG.warn("(operation" + tag + "): " + mapper.writeValueAsString(responseInfo));
            } else {
                // can't get JSON details, so just report call.toString() along with
                // a more generic tag.
                responseInfo.put("call", call.toString());
                LOG.warn("(response" + tag + "): " + mapper.writeValueAsString(responseInfo));

        public String dumpStatus() {
            StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
            // double full = ( (double) currentCallSize) / maxQueueLength * 100;
            // String logInfo = String.format("Current call queue size is %d. %.2f full. " ,
            // currentCallSize, full);

            // int currentPriorityCallSize = priorityCallQueue.size();
            // double priorityfull = ( (double) currentPriorityCallSize) / maxQueueLength * 100;
            // logInfo = String.format("Current priority call queue size is %d. %.2f full. ",
            // currentPriorityCallSize, priorityfull);

            // logInfo = String.format("Max queue handler: %d." +
            // "RPC average priority queue time: %d. " +
            // "RPC average priority process time: %d." +
            // "Done %d operations.",
            // rpcMetrics.callQueueLen.get(),
            // rpcMetrics.rpcQueueTime.getPreviousIntervalAverageTime(),
            // rpcMetrics.rpcProcessingTime.getPreviousIntervalAverageTime(),
            // rpcMetrics.rpcQueueTime.getPreviousIntervalNumOps());

            sb.append("maxQueueSize=" + maxQueueLength + "\n");
            sb.append("currentCallQueueUsage=" + rpcMetrics.callQueueLen.get() + "\n");
            sb.append("currentPriorityQueueUsage=" + rpcMetrics.priorityCallQueueLen.get() + "\n");
            sb.append("currentCoprocessorQueueUsage=" + rpcMetrics.coprocessorCallQueueLen.get() + "\n");
            sb.append("averageQueueTime=" + rpcMetrics.rpcQueueTime.getPreviousIntervalAverageTime() + "\n");
            sb.append("averageProcessTime=" + rpcMetrics.rpcProcessingTime.getPreviousIntervalAverageTime() + "\n");
            sb.append("rpcProcessingOps=" + rpcMetrics.rpcProcessingTime.getPreviousIntervalAverageTime() + "\n");
            return sb.toString();

        public void schedule(String info) {
            // TODO Auto-generated method stub

    protected static void log(String value) {
        String v = value;
        if (v != null && v.length() > 55)
            v = v.substring(0, 55) + "...";;