Java tutorial
/** * Copyright 2010 The Apache Software Foundation * * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.apache.hadoop.hbase; import; import; import; import; import java.util.Set; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import java.util.SortedMap; import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentSkipListMap; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.regionserver.HRegionServer; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.util.Bytes; import; import; /** * HServerInfo is meta info about an {@link HRegionServer}. It is the token * by which a master distingushes a particular regionserver from the rest. * It holds hostname, ports, regionserver startcode, and load. Each server has * a <code>servername</code> where servername is made up of a concatenation of * hostname, port, and regionserver startcode. This servername is used in * various places identifying this regionserver. Its even used as part of * a pathname in the filesystem. As part of the initialization, * master will pass the regionserver the address that it knows this regionserver * by. In subsequent communications, the regionserver will pass a HServerInfo * with the master-supplied address. */ public class HServerInfo implements WritableComparable<HServerInfo> { private static final Log LOG = LogFactory.getLog(HServerInfo.class); /* * This character is used as separator between server hostname and port and * its startcode. Servername is formatted as * <code><hostname> '{@ink #SERVERNAME_SEPARATOR"}' <port> '{@ink #SERVERNAME_SEPARATOR"}' <startcode></code>. */ static final String SERVERNAME_SEPARATOR = ","; private static final Pattern SERVER_NAME_RE = Pattern .compile("^[^,]+" + SERVERNAME_SEPARATOR + "[0-9]{1," + String.valueOf(0xffff).length() + "}" + SERVERNAME_SEPARATOR + "-?[0-9]{1," + String.valueOf(Long.MAX_VALUE).length() + "}"); private HServerAddress serverAddress; private long startCode; private HServerLoad load; // Servername is made of hostname, port and startcode. private String serverName = null; // Hostname of the regionserver. private String hostname; private String cachedHostnamePort = null; private boolean sendSequenceIds = true; // For each region, store the last sequence id that was flushed // from MemStore to an HFile private final SortedMap<byte[], Long> flushedSequenceIdByRegion = new ConcurrentSkipListMap<byte[], Long>( Bytes.BYTES_COMPARATOR); public HServerInfo() { this(new HServerAddress(), 0, "default name"); } /** * Constructor that creates a HServerInfo with a generated startcode and an * empty load. * @param serverAddress An {@link InetSocketAddress} encased in a {@link Writable} * @param infoPort Port the webui runs on. * @param hostname Server hostname. */ public HServerInfo(HServerAddress serverAddress, final String hostname) { this(serverAddress, System.currentTimeMillis(), hostname); } /** Initializes from server address and start code. Used in unit tests. */ HServerInfo(HServerAddress serverAddress, long startCode) { this(serverAddress, startCode, serverAddress.getHostname()); } /** Auto-generates a start code. */ public HServerInfo(final HServerAddress serverAddress) { this(serverAddress, 0, serverAddress.getHostname()); } public HServerInfo(HServerAddress serverAddress, long startCode, String hostname) { this.serverAddress = serverAddress; this.startCode = startCode; this.load = new HServerLoad(); this.hostname = hostname; } /** * Copy-constructor * @param other */ public HServerInfo(HServerInfo other) { this.serverAddress = new HServerAddress(other.getServerAddress()); this.startCode = other.getStartCode(); this.load = other.getLoad(); this.hostname = other.hostname; this.flushedSequenceIdByRegion.putAll(other.flushedSequenceIdByRegion); } public HServerLoad getLoad() { return load; } public void setLoad(HServerLoad load) { this.load = load; } public synchronized HServerAddress getServerAddress() { return new HServerAddress(serverAddress); } public synchronized void setServerAddress(HServerAddress serverAddress) { this.serverAddress = serverAddress; this.serverName = null; } public synchronized long getStartCode() { return startCode; } public String getHostname() { return this.hostname; } public void setFlushedSequenceIdForRegion(byte[] region, long sequenceId) { flushedSequenceIdByRegion.put(region, sequenceId); } public long getFlushedSequenceIdForRegion(byte[] region) { return flushedSequenceIdByRegion.get(region); } public SortedMap<byte[], Long> getFlushedSequenceIdByRegion() { return flushedSequenceIdByRegion; } /** * @return The hostname and port concatenated with a ':' as separator. */ public synchronized String getHostnamePort() { if (this.cachedHostnamePort == null) { this.cachedHostnamePort = getHostnamePort(this.hostname, this.serverAddress.getPort()); } return this.cachedHostnamePort; } /** * @param hostname * @param port * @return The hostname and port concatenated with a ':' as separator. */ public static String getHostnamePort(final String hostname, final int port) { return hostname + ":" + port; } /** * @return Server name made of the concatenation of hostname, port and * startcode formatted as <code><hostname> ',' <port> ',' <startcode></code> */ public synchronized String getServerName() { if (this.serverName == null) { this.serverName = getServerName(this.hostname, this.serverAddress.getPort(), this.startCode); } return this.serverName; } public static synchronized String getServerName(final String hostAndPort, final long startcode) { int index = hostAndPort.indexOf(":"); if (index <= 0) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Expected <hostname> ':' <port>"); return getServerName(hostAndPort.substring(0, index), Integer.parseInt(hostAndPort.substring(index + 1)), startcode); } /** * @param address Server address * @param startCode Server startcode * @return Server name made of the concatenation of hostname, port and * startcode formatted as <code><hostname> ',' <port> ',' <startcode></code> */ public static String getServerName(HServerAddress address, long startCode) { return getServerName(address.getHostname(), address.getPort(), startCode); } /* * @param hostName * @param port * @param startCode * @return Server name made of the concatenation of hostname, port and * startcode formatted as <code><hostname> ',' <port> ',' <startcode></code> */ public static String getServerName(String hostName, int port, long startCode) { StringBuilder name = new StringBuilder(hostName); name.append(SERVERNAME_SEPARATOR); name.append(port); name.append(SERVERNAME_SEPARATOR); name.append(startCode); return name.toString(); } public void setSendSequenceIds(boolean sendSequenceIds) { this.sendSequenceIds = sendSequenceIds; } /** * @return ServerName and load concatenated. * @see #getServerName() * @see #getLoad() */ @Override public String toString() { return "serverName=" + getServerName() + ", load=(" + this.load.toString() + ")"; } @Override public boolean equals(Object obj) { if (this == obj) { return true; } if (obj == null) { return false; } if (getClass() != obj.getClass()) { return false; } return compareTo((HServerInfo) obj) == 0; } @Override public int hashCode() { return this.getServerName().hashCode(); } public void readFields(DataInput in) throws IOException { this.serverAddress.readFields(in); this.startCode = in.readLong(); this.load.readFields(in); in.readInt(); this.hostname = in.readUTF(); if (sendSequenceIds) { HbaseMapWritable<byte[], Long> sequenceIdsWritable = new HbaseMapWritable<byte[], Long>( flushedSequenceIdByRegion); sequenceIdsWritable.readFields(in); } } public void write(DataOutput out) throws IOException { this.serverAddress.write(out); out.writeLong(this.startCode); this.load.write(out); // Still serializing the info port for backward compatibility but it is not used. out.writeInt(HConstants.DEFAULT_REGIONSERVER_INFOPORT); out.writeUTF(hostname); if (sendSequenceIds) { HbaseMapWritable<byte[], Long> sequenceIdsWritable = new HbaseMapWritable<byte[], Long>( flushedSequenceIdByRegion); sequenceIdsWritable.write(out); } } public int compareTo(HServerInfo o) { return this.getServerName().compareTo(o.getServerName()); } /** * Utility method that does a find of a servername or a hostandport combination * in the passed Set. * @param servers Set of server names * @param serverName Name to look for * @param hostAndPortOnly If <code>serverName</code> is a * <code>hostname ':' port</code> * or <code>hostname , port , startcode</code>. * @return True if <code>serverName</code> found in <code>servers</code> */ public static boolean isServer(final Set<String> servers, final String serverName, final boolean hostAndPortOnly) { if (!hostAndPortOnly) return servers.contains(serverName); String serverNameColonReplaced = serverName.replaceFirst(":", SERVERNAME_SEPARATOR); for (String hostPortStartCode : servers) { int index = hostPortStartCode.lastIndexOf(SERVERNAME_SEPARATOR); String hostPortStrippedOfStartCode = hostPortStartCode.substring(0, index); if (hostPortStrippedOfStartCode.equals(serverNameColonReplaced)) return true; } return false; } /** * Parses a server name of the format * <code><hostname>,<port>,<startcode></code>. We use this when * interpreting znode names. */ public static HServerInfo fromServerName(String serverName) throws IllegalArgumentException { String[] components = serverName.split(SERVERNAME_SEPARATOR); if (components.length != 3) { String msg = "Invalid number of components in server name: " + serverName;; throw new IllegalArgumentException(msg); } String hostName = components[0]; int port; long startCode; try { port = Integer.valueOf(components[1]); startCode = Long.valueOf(components[2]); } catch (NumberFormatException ex) { String msg = "Could not parse server port or start code in server name: " + serverName; throw new IllegalArgumentException(msg); } return new HServerInfo(new HServerAddress(hostName, port), startCode, hostName); } public static boolean isValidServerName(String serverName) { return SERVER_NAME_RE.matcher(serverName).matches(); } public static HServerAddress getAddress(HServerInfo hsi) { return hsi != null ? hsi.getServerAddress() : null; } }