Java tutorial
/* * * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.apache.hadoop.hbase.coprocessor; import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.HBaseTestingUtility; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.HConstants; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.MediumTests; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.TableName; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.Durability; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.HTable; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.Put; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.Scan; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.coprocessor.AggregationClient; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.coprocessor.DoubleColumnInterpreter; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.filter.Filter; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.filter.PrefixFilter; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.protobuf.generated.HBaseProtos.DoubleMsg; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.protobuf.generated.HBaseProtos.EmptyMsg; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.util.Bytes; import org.junit.AfterClass; import org.junit.BeforeClass; import org.junit.Test; import org.junit.experimental.categories.Category; /** * A test class to test DoubleColumnInterpreter for AggregateProtocol */ @Category(MediumTests.class) public class TestDoubleColumnInterpreter { protected static Log myLog = LogFactory.getLog(TestDoubleColumnInterpreter.class); /** * Creating the test infrastructure. */ private static final TableName TEST_TABLE = TableName.valueOf("TestTable"); private static final byte[] TEST_FAMILY = Bytes.toBytes("TestFamily"); private static final byte[] TEST_QUALIFIER = Bytes.toBytes("TestQualifier"); private static final byte[] TEST_MULTI_CQ = Bytes.toBytes("TestMultiCQ"); private static byte[] ROW = Bytes.toBytes("testRow"); private static final int ROWSIZE = 20; private static final int rowSeperator1 = 5; private static final int rowSeperator2 = 12; private static byte[][] ROWS = makeN(ROW, ROWSIZE); private static HBaseTestingUtility util = new HBaseTestingUtility(); private static Configuration conf = util.getConfiguration(); /** * A set up method to start the test cluster. AggregateProtocolImpl is registered and will be * loaded during region startup. * @throws Exception */ @BeforeClass public static void setupBeforeClass() throws Exception { conf.set(CoprocessorHost.REGION_COPROCESSOR_CONF_KEY, "org.apache.hadoop.hbase.coprocessor.AggregateImplementation"); util.startMiniCluster(2); HTable table = util.createTable(TEST_TABLE, TEST_FAMILY); util.createMultiRegions(util.getConfiguration(), table, TEST_FAMILY, new byte[][] { HConstants.EMPTY_BYTE_ARRAY, ROWS[rowSeperator1], ROWS[rowSeperator2] }); /** * The testtable has one CQ which is always populated and one variable CQ for each row rowkey1: * CF:CQ CF:CQ1 rowKey2: CF:CQ CF:CQ2 */ for (int i = 0; i < ROWSIZE; i++) { Put put = new Put(ROWS[i]); put.setDurability(Durability.SKIP_WAL); Double d = new Double(i); put.add(TEST_FAMILY, TEST_QUALIFIER, Bytes.toBytes(d)); table.put(put); Put p2 = new Put(ROWS[i]); put.setDurability(Durability.SKIP_WAL); p2.add(TEST_FAMILY, Bytes.add(TEST_MULTI_CQ, Bytes.toBytes(d)), Bytes.toBytes(d * 0.10)); table.put(p2); } table.close(); } /** * Shutting down the cluster * @throws Exception */ @AfterClass public static void tearDownAfterClass() throws Exception { util.shutdownMiniCluster(); } /** * an infrastructure method to prepare rows for the testtable. * @param base * @param n * @return */ private static byte[][] makeN(byte[] base, int n) { byte[][] ret = new byte[n][]; for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { ret[i] = Bytes.add(base, Bytes.toBytes(i)); } return ret; } /** * ****************** Test cases for Median ********************** */ /** * @throws Throwable */ @Test(timeout = 300000) public void testMedianWithValidRange() throws Throwable { AggregationClient aClient = new AggregationClient(conf); Scan scan = new Scan(); scan.addColumn(TEST_FAMILY, TEST_QUALIFIER); final ColumnInterpreter<Double, Double, EmptyMsg, DoubleMsg, DoubleMsg> ci = new DoubleColumnInterpreter(); double median = aClient.median(TEST_TABLE, ci, scan); assertEquals(8.00, median, 0.00); } /** * ***************Test cases for Maximum ******************* */ /** * give max for the entire table. * @throws Throwable */ @Test(timeout = 300000) public void testMaxWithValidRange() throws Throwable { AggregationClient aClient = new AggregationClient(conf); Scan scan = new Scan(); scan.addColumn(TEST_FAMILY, TEST_QUALIFIER); final ColumnInterpreter<Double, Double, EmptyMsg, DoubleMsg, DoubleMsg> ci = new DoubleColumnInterpreter(); double maximum = aClient.max(TEST_TABLE, ci, scan); assertEquals(19.00, maximum, 0.00); } /** * @throws Throwable */ @Test(timeout = 300000) public void testMaxWithValidRange2() throws Throwable { AggregationClient aClient = new AggregationClient(conf); Scan scan = new Scan(); scan.addColumn(TEST_FAMILY, TEST_QUALIFIER); scan.setStartRow(ROWS[5]); scan.setStopRow(ROWS[15]); final ColumnInterpreter<Double, Double, EmptyMsg, DoubleMsg, DoubleMsg> ci = new DoubleColumnInterpreter(); double max = aClient.max(TEST_TABLE, ci, scan); assertEquals(14.00, max, 0.00); } @Test(timeout = 300000) public void testMaxWithValidRangeWithNoCQ() throws Throwable { AggregationClient aClient = new AggregationClient(conf); Scan scan = new Scan(); scan.addFamily(TEST_FAMILY); final ColumnInterpreter<Double, Double, EmptyMsg, DoubleMsg, DoubleMsg> ci = new DoubleColumnInterpreter(); double maximum = aClient.max(TEST_TABLE, ci, scan); assertEquals(19.00, maximum, 0.00); } @Test(timeout = 300000) public void testMaxWithValidRange2WithNoCQ() throws Throwable { AggregationClient aClient = new AggregationClient(conf); Scan scan = new Scan(); scan.addFamily(TEST_FAMILY); scan.setStartRow(ROWS[6]); scan.setStopRow(ROWS[7]); final ColumnInterpreter<Double, Double, EmptyMsg, DoubleMsg, DoubleMsg> ci = new DoubleColumnInterpreter(); double max = aClient.max(TEST_TABLE, ci, scan); assertEquals(6.00, max, 0.00); } @Test(timeout = 300000) public void testMaxWithValidRangeWithNullCF() { AggregationClient aClient = new AggregationClient(conf); final ColumnInterpreter<Double, Double, EmptyMsg, DoubleMsg, DoubleMsg> ci = new DoubleColumnInterpreter(); Scan scan = new Scan(); Double max = null; try { max = aClient.max(TEST_TABLE, ci, scan); } catch (Throwable e) { max = null; } assertEquals(null, max);// CP will throw an IOException about the // null column family, and max will be set to 0 } @Test(timeout = 300000) public void testMaxWithInvalidRange() { AggregationClient aClient = new AggregationClient(conf); final ColumnInterpreter<Double, Double, EmptyMsg, DoubleMsg, DoubleMsg> ci = new DoubleColumnInterpreter(); Scan scan = new Scan(); scan.setStartRow(ROWS[4]); scan.setStopRow(ROWS[2]); scan.addColumn(TEST_FAMILY, TEST_QUALIFIER); double max = Double.MIN_VALUE; ; try { max = aClient.max(TEST_TABLE, ci, scan); } catch (Throwable e) { max = 0.00; } assertEquals(0.00, max, 0.00);// control should go to the catch block } @Test(timeout = 300000) public void testMaxWithInvalidRange2() throws Throwable { double max = Double.MIN_VALUE; Scan scan = new Scan(); scan.addColumn(TEST_FAMILY, TEST_QUALIFIER); scan.setStartRow(ROWS[4]); scan.setStopRow(ROWS[4]); try { AggregationClient aClient = new AggregationClient(conf); final ColumnInterpreter<Double, Double, EmptyMsg, DoubleMsg, DoubleMsg> ci = new DoubleColumnInterpreter(); max = aClient.max(TEST_TABLE, ci, scan); } catch (Exception e) { max = 0.00; } assertEquals(0.00, max, 0.00);// control should go to the catch block } @Test(timeout = 300000) public void testMaxWithFilter() throws Throwable { Double max = 0.00d; AggregationClient aClient = new AggregationClient(conf); Scan scan = new Scan(); scan.addColumn(TEST_FAMILY, TEST_QUALIFIER); Filter f = new PrefixFilter(Bytes.toBytes("foo:bar")); scan.setFilter(f); final ColumnInterpreter<Double, Double, EmptyMsg, DoubleMsg, DoubleMsg> ci = new DoubleColumnInterpreter(); max = aClient.max(TEST_TABLE, ci, scan); assertEquals(null, max); } /** * **************************Test cases for Minimum *********************** */ /** * @throws Throwable */ @Test(timeout = 300000) public void testMinWithValidRange() throws Throwable { AggregationClient aClient = new AggregationClient(conf); Scan scan = new Scan(); scan.addColumn(TEST_FAMILY, TEST_QUALIFIER); scan.setStartRow(HConstants.EMPTY_START_ROW); scan.setStopRow(HConstants.EMPTY_END_ROW); final ColumnInterpreter<Double, Double, EmptyMsg, DoubleMsg, DoubleMsg> ci = new DoubleColumnInterpreter(); double min = aClient.min(TEST_TABLE, ci, scan); assertEquals(0.00, min, 0.00); } /** * @throws Throwable */ @Test(timeout = 300000) public void testMinWithValidRange2() throws Throwable { AggregationClient aClient = new AggregationClient(conf); Scan scan = new Scan(); scan.addColumn(TEST_FAMILY, TEST_QUALIFIER); scan.setStartRow(ROWS[5]); scan.setStopRow(ROWS[15]); final ColumnInterpreter<Double, Double, EmptyMsg, DoubleMsg, DoubleMsg> ci = new DoubleColumnInterpreter(); double min = aClient.min(TEST_TABLE, ci, scan); assertEquals(5.00, min, 0.00); } @Test(timeout = 300000) public void testMinWithValidRangeWithNoCQ() throws Throwable { AggregationClient aClient = new AggregationClient(conf); Scan scan = new Scan(); scan.addFamily(TEST_FAMILY); scan.setStartRow(HConstants.EMPTY_START_ROW); scan.setStopRow(HConstants.EMPTY_END_ROW); final ColumnInterpreter<Double, Double, EmptyMsg, DoubleMsg, DoubleMsg> ci = new DoubleColumnInterpreter(); double min = aClient.min(TEST_TABLE, ci, scan); assertEquals(0.00, min, 0.00); } @Test(timeout = 300000) public void testMinWithValidRange2WithNoCQ() throws Throwable { AggregationClient aClient = new AggregationClient(conf); Scan scan = new Scan(); scan.addFamily(TEST_FAMILY); scan.setStartRow(ROWS[6]); scan.setStopRow(ROWS[7]); final ColumnInterpreter<Double, Double, EmptyMsg, DoubleMsg, DoubleMsg> ci = new DoubleColumnInterpreter(); double min = aClient.min(TEST_TABLE, ci, scan); assertEquals(0.60, min, 0.001); } @Test(timeout = 300000) public void testMinWithValidRangeWithNullCF() { AggregationClient aClient = new AggregationClient(conf); Scan scan = new Scan(); scan.setStartRow(ROWS[5]); scan.setStopRow(ROWS[15]); final ColumnInterpreter<Double, Double, EmptyMsg, DoubleMsg, DoubleMsg> ci = new DoubleColumnInterpreter(); Double min = null; try { min = aClient.min(TEST_TABLE, ci, scan); } catch (Throwable e) { min = null; } assertEquals(null, min);// CP will throw an IOException about the // null column family, and min will be set to 0 } @Test(timeout = 300000) public void testMinWithInvalidRange() { AggregationClient aClient = new AggregationClient(conf); Double min = null; Scan scan = new Scan(); scan.addFamily(TEST_FAMILY); scan.setStartRow(ROWS[4]); scan.setStopRow(ROWS[2]); final ColumnInterpreter<Double, Double, EmptyMsg, DoubleMsg, DoubleMsg> ci = new DoubleColumnInterpreter(); try { min = aClient.min(TEST_TABLE, ci, scan); } catch (Throwable e) { } assertEquals(null, min);// control should go to the catch block } @Test(timeout = 300000) public void testMinWithInvalidRange2() { AggregationClient aClient = new AggregationClient(conf); Scan scan = new Scan(); scan.addFamily(TEST_FAMILY); scan.setStartRow(ROWS[6]); scan.setStopRow(ROWS[6]); final ColumnInterpreter<Double, Double, EmptyMsg, DoubleMsg, DoubleMsg> ci = new DoubleColumnInterpreter(); Double min = null; try { min = aClient.min(TEST_TABLE, ci, scan); } catch (Throwable e) { } assertEquals(null, min);// control should go to the catch block } @Test(timeout = 300000) public void testMinWithFilter() throws Throwable { AggregationClient aClient = new AggregationClient(conf); Scan scan = new Scan(); scan.addColumn(TEST_FAMILY, TEST_QUALIFIER); Filter f = new PrefixFilter(Bytes.toBytes("foo:bar")); scan.setFilter(f); final ColumnInterpreter<Double, Double, EmptyMsg, DoubleMsg, DoubleMsg> ci = new DoubleColumnInterpreter(); Double min = null; min = aClient.min(TEST_TABLE, ci, scan); assertEquals(null, min); } /** * *************** Test cases for Sum ********************* */ /** * @throws Throwable */ @Test(timeout = 300000) public void testSumWithValidRange() throws Throwable { AggregationClient aClient = new AggregationClient(conf); Scan scan = new Scan(); scan.addColumn(TEST_FAMILY, TEST_QUALIFIER); final ColumnInterpreter<Double, Double, EmptyMsg, DoubleMsg, DoubleMsg> ci = new DoubleColumnInterpreter(); double sum = aClient.sum(TEST_TABLE, ci, scan); assertEquals(190.00, sum, 0.00); } /** * @throws Throwable */ @Test(timeout = 300000) public void testSumWithValidRange2() throws Throwable { AggregationClient aClient = new AggregationClient(conf); Scan scan = new Scan(); scan.addColumn(TEST_FAMILY, TEST_QUALIFIER); scan.setStartRow(ROWS[5]); scan.setStopRow(ROWS[15]); final ColumnInterpreter<Double, Double, EmptyMsg, DoubleMsg, DoubleMsg> ci = new DoubleColumnInterpreter(); double sum = aClient.sum(TEST_TABLE, ci, scan); assertEquals(95.00, sum, 0.00); } @Test(timeout = 300000) public void testSumWithValidRangeWithNoCQ() throws Throwable { AggregationClient aClient = new AggregationClient(conf); Scan scan = new Scan(); scan.addFamily(TEST_FAMILY); final ColumnInterpreter<Double, Double, EmptyMsg, DoubleMsg, DoubleMsg> ci = new DoubleColumnInterpreter(); double sum = aClient.sum(TEST_TABLE, ci, scan); assertEquals(209.00, sum, 0.00); // 190 + 19 } @Test(timeout = 300000) public void testSumWithValidRange2WithNoCQ() throws Throwable { AggregationClient aClient = new AggregationClient(conf); Scan scan = new Scan(); scan.addFamily(TEST_FAMILY); scan.setStartRow(ROWS[6]); scan.setStopRow(ROWS[7]); final ColumnInterpreter<Double, Double, EmptyMsg, DoubleMsg, DoubleMsg> ci = new DoubleColumnInterpreter(); double sum = aClient.sum(TEST_TABLE, ci, scan); assertEquals(6.60, sum, 0.00); // 6 + 60 } @Test(timeout = 300000) public void testSumWithValidRangeWithNullCF() { AggregationClient aClient = new AggregationClient(conf); Scan scan = new Scan(); scan.setStartRow(ROWS[6]); scan.setStopRow(ROWS[7]); final ColumnInterpreter<Double, Double, EmptyMsg, DoubleMsg, DoubleMsg> ci = new DoubleColumnInterpreter(); Double sum = null; try { sum = aClient.sum(TEST_TABLE, ci, scan); } catch (Throwable e) { } assertEquals(null, sum);// CP will throw an IOException about the // null column family, and max will be set to 0 } @Test(timeout = 300000) public void testSumWithInvalidRange() { AggregationClient aClient = new AggregationClient(conf); Scan scan = new Scan(); scan.addFamily(TEST_FAMILY); scan.setStartRow(ROWS[6]); scan.setStopRow(ROWS[2]); final ColumnInterpreter<Double, Double, EmptyMsg, DoubleMsg, DoubleMsg> ci = new DoubleColumnInterpreter(); Double sum = null; try { sum = aClient.sum(TEST_TABLE, ci, scan); } catch (Throwable e) { } assertEquals(null, sum);// control should go to the catch block } @Test(timeout = 300000) public void testSumWithFilter() throws Throwable { AggregationClient aClient = new AggregationClient(conf); Filter f = new PrefixFilter(Bytes.toBytes("foo:bar")); Scan scan = new Scan(); scan.addFamily(TEST_FAMILY); scan.setFilter(f); final ColumnInterpreter<Double, Double, EmptyMsg, DoubleMsg, DoubleMsg> ci = new DoubleColumnInterpreter(); Double sum = null; sum = aClient.sum(TEST_TABLE, ci, scan); assertEquals(null, sum); } /** * ****************************** Test Cases for Avg ************** */ /** * @throws Throwable */ @Test(timeout = 300000) public void testAvgWithValidRange() throws Throwable { AggregationClient aClient = new AggregationClient(conf); Scan scan = new Scan(); scan.addColumn(TEST_FAMILY, TEST_QUALIFIER); final ColumnInterpreter<Double, Double, EmptyMsg, DoubleMsg, DoubleMsg> ci = new DoubleColumnInterpreter(); double avg = aClient.avg(TEST_TABLE, ci, scan); assertEquals(9.5, avg, 0); } /** * @throws Throwable */ @Test(timeout = 300000) public void testAvgWithValidRange2() throws Throwable { AggregationClient aClient = new AggregationClient(conf); Scan scan = new Scan(); scan.addColumn(TEST_FAMILY, TEST_QUALIFIER); scan.setStartRow(ROWS[5]); scan.setStopRow(ROWS[15]); final ColumnInterpreter<Double, Double, EmptyMsg, DoubleMsg, DoubleMsg> ci = new DoubleColumnInterpreter(); double avg = aClient.avg(TEST_TABLE, ci, scan); assertEquals(9.5, avg, 0); } @Test(timeout = 300000) public void testAvgWithValidRangeWithNoCQ() throws Throwable { AggregationClient aClient = new AggregationClient(conf); Scan scan = new Scan(); scan.addFamily(TEST_FAMILY); final ColumnInterpreter<Double, Double, EmptyMsg, DoubleMsg, DoubleMsg> ci = new DoubleColumnInterpreter(); double avg = aClient.avg(TEST_TABLE, ci, scan); assertEquals(10.45, avg, 0.01); } @Test(timeout = 300000) public void testAvgWithValidRange2WithNoCQ() throws Throwable { AggregationClient aClient = new AggregationClient(conf); Scan scan = new Scan(); scan.addFamily(TEST_FAMILY); scan.setStartRow(ROWS[6]); scan.setStopRow(ROWS[7]); final ColumnInterpreter<Double, Double, EmptyMsg, DoubleMsg, DoubleMsg> ci = new DoubleColumnInterpreter(); double avg = aClient.avg(TEST_TABLE, ci, scan); assertEquals(6 + 0.60, avg, 0); } @Test(timeout = 300000) public void testAvgWithValidRangeWithNullCF() { AggregationClient aClient = new AggregationClient(conf); Scan scan = new Scan(); final ColumnInterpreter<Double, Double, EmptyMsg, DoubleMsg, DoubleMsg> ci = new DoubleColumnInterpreter(); Double avg = null; try { avg = aClient.avg(TEST_TABLE, ci, scan); } catch (Throwable e) { } assertEquals(null, avg);// CP will throw an IOException about the // null column family, and max will be set to 0 } @Test(timeout = 300000) public void testAvgWithInvalidRange() { AggregationClient aClient = new AggregationClient(conf); Scan scan = new Scan(); scan.addColumn(TEST_FAMILY, TEST_QUALIFIER); scan.setStartRow(ROWS[5]); scan.setStopRow(ROWS[1]); final ColumnInterpreter<Double, Double, EmptyMsg, DoubleMsg, DoubleMsg> ci = new DoubleColumnInterpreter(); Double avg = null; try { avg = aClient.avg(TEST_TABLE, ci, scan); } catch (Throwable e) { } assertEquals(null, avg);// control should go to the catch block } @Test(timeout = 300000) public void testAvgWithFilter() throws Throwable { AggregationClient aClient = new AggregationClient(conf); Scan scan = new Scan(); scan.addColumn(TEST_FAMILY, TEST_QUALIFIER); Filter f = new PrefixFilter(Bytes.toBytes("foo:bar")); scan.setFilter(f); final ColumnInterpreter<Double, Double, EmptyMsg, DoubleMsg, DoubleMsg> ci = new DoubleColumnInterpreter(); Double avg = null; avg = aClient.avg(TEST_TABLE, ci, scan); assertEquals(Double.NaN, avg, 0); } /** * ****************** Test cases for STD ********************** */ /** * @throws Throwable */ @Test(timeout = 300000) public void testStdWithValidRange() throws Throwable { AggregationClient aClient = new AggregationClient(conf); Scan scan = new Scan(); scan.addColumn(TEST_FAMILY, TEST_QUALIFIER); final ColumnInterpreter<Double, Double, EmptyMsg, DoubleMsg, DoubleMsg> ci = new DoubleColumnInterpreter(); double std = aClient.std(TEST_TABLE, ci, scan); assertEquals(5.766, std, 0.05d); } /** * need to change this * @throws Throwable */ @Test(timeout = 300000) public void testStdWithValidRange2() throws Throwable { AggregationClient aClient = new AggregationClient(conf); Scan scan = new Scan(); scan.addColumn(TEST_FAMILY, TEST_QUALIFIER); scan.setStartRow(ROWS[5]); scan.setStopRow(ROWS[15]); final ColumnInterpreter<Double, Double, EmptyMsg, DoubleMsg, DoubleMsg> ci = new DoubleColumnInterpreter(); double std = aClient.std(TEST_TABLE, ci, scan); assertEquals(2.87, std, 0.05d); } /** * need to change this * @throws Throwable */ @Test(timeout = 300000) public void testStdWithValidRangeWithNoCQ() throws Throwable { AggregationClient aClient = new AggregationClient(conf); Scan scan = new Scan(); scan.addFamily(TEST_FAMILY); final ColumnInterpreter<Double, Double, EmptyMsg, DoubleMsg, DoubleMsg> ci = new DoubleColumnInterpreter(); double std = aClient.std(TEST_TABLE, ci, scan); assertEquals(6.342, std, 0.05d); } @Test(timeout = 300000) public void testStdWithValidRange2WithNoCQ() throws Throwable { AggregationClient aClient = new AggregationClient(conf); Scan scan = new Scan(); scan.addFamily(TEST_FAMILY); scan.setStartRow(ROWS[6]); scan.setStopRow(ROWS[7]); final ColumnInterpreter<Double, Double, EmptyMsg, DoubleMsg, DoubleMsg> ci = new DoubleColumnInterpreter(); double std = aClient.std(TEST_TABLE, ci, scan); System.out.println("std is:" + std); assertEquals(0, std, 0.05d); } @Test(timeout = 300000) public void testStdWithValidRangeWithNullCF() { AggregationClient aClient = new AggregationClient(conf); Scan scan = new Scan(); scan.setStartRow(ROWS[6]); scan.setStopRow(ROWS[17]); final ColumnInterpreter<Double, Double, EmptyMsg, DoubleMsg, DoubleMsg> ci = new DoubleColumnInterpreter(); Double std = null; try { std = aClient.std(TEST_TABLE, ci, scan); } catch (Throwable e) { } assertEquals(null, std);// CP will throw an IOException about the // null column family, and max will be set to 0 } @Test public void testStdWithInvalidRange() { AggregationClient aClient = new AggregationClient(conf); Scan scan = new Scan(); scan.addFamily(TEST_FAMILY); scan.setStartRow(ROWS[6]); scan.setStopRow(ROWS[1]); final ColumnInterpreter<Double, Double, EmptyMsg, DoubleMsg, DoubleMsg> ci = new DoubleColumnInterpreter(); Double std = null; try { std = aClient.std(TEST_TABLE, ci, scan); } catch (Throwable e) { } assertEquals(null, std);// control should go to the catch block } @Test(timeout = 300000) public void testStdWithFilter() throws Throwable { AggregationClient aClient = new AggregationClient(conf); Filter f = new PrefixFilter(Bytes.toBytes("foo:bar")); Scan scan = new Scan(); scan.addFamily(TEST_FAMILY); scan.setFilter(f); final ColumnInterpreter<Double, Double, EmptyMsg, DoubleMsg, DoubleMsg> ci = new DoubleColumnInterpreter(); Double std = null; std = aClient.std(TEST_TABLE, ci, scan); assertEquals(Double.NaN, std, 0); } }