Java tutorial
/** * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.apache.hadoop.fs.s3a; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Date; import java.util.EnumSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Objects; import java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService; import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean; import com.amazonaws.AmazonClientException; import com.amazonaws.AmazonServiceException; import com.amazonaws.ClientConfiguration; import com.amazonaws.Protocol; import com.amazonaws.auth.AWSCredentialsProvider; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import com.amazonaws.event.ProgressListener; import com.amazonaws.event.ProgressEvent; import; import; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import org.apache.hadoop.classification.InterfaceAudience; import org.apache.hadoop.classification.InterfaceStability; import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration; import org.apache.hadoop.fs.CreateFlag; import org.apache.hadoop.fs.FSDataInputStream; import org.apache.hadoop.fs.FSDataOutputStream; import org.apache.hadoop.fs.FileAlreadyExistsException; import org.apache.hadoop.fs.FileStatus; import org.apache.hadoop.fs.FileSystem; import org.apache.hadoop.fs.GlobalStorageStatistics; import org.apache.hadoop.fs.LocalFileSystem; import org.apache.hadoop.fs.LocatedFileStatus; import org.apache.hadoop.fs.Path; import org.apache.hadoop.fs.PathFilter; import org.apache.hadoop.fs.RemoteIterator; import org.apache.hadoop.fs.StorageStatistics; import org.apache.hadoop.fs.permission.FsPermission; import org.apache.hadoop.fs.s3native.S3xLoginHelper; import org.apache.hadoop.util.Progressable; import org.apache.hadoop.util.VersionInfo; import static org.apache.hadoop.fs.s3a.Constants.*; import static org.apache.hadoop.fs.s3a.S3AUtils.*; import static org.apache.hadoop.fs.s3a.Statistic.*; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; /** * The core S3A Filesystem implementation. * * This subclass is marked as private as code should not be creating it * directly; use {@link FileSystem#get(Configuration)} and variants to * create one. * * If cast to {@code S3AFileSystem}, extra methods and features may be accessed. * Consider those private and unstable. * * Because it prints some of the state of the instrumentation, * the output of {@link #toString()} must also be considered unstable. */ @InterfaceAudience.Private @InterfaceStability.Evolving public class S3AFileSystem extends FileSystem { /** * Default blocksize as used in blocksize and FS status queries. */ public static final int DEFAULT_BLOCKSIZE = 32 * 1024 * 1024; private URI uri; private Path workingDir; private AmazonS3Client s3; private String bucket; private int maxKeys; private long partSize; private boolean enableMultiObjectsDelete; private TransferManager transfers; private ExecutorService threadPoolExecutor; private long multiPartThreshold; public static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(S3AFileSystem.class); private CannedAccessControlList cannedACL; private String serverSideEncryptionAlgorithm; private S3AInstrumentation instrumentation; private S3AStorageStatistics storageStatistics; private long readAhead; private S3AInputPolicy inputPolicy; private static final AtomicBoolean warnedOfCoreThreadDeprecation = new AtomicBoolean(false); private final AtomicBoolean closed = new AtomicBoolean(false); // The maximum number of entries that can be deleted in any call to s3 private static final int MAX_ENTRIES_TO_DELETE = 1000; /** Called after a new FileSystem instance is constructed. * @param name a uri whose authority section names the host, port, etc. * for this FileSystem * @param conf the configuration */ public void initialize(URI name, Configuration conf) throws IOException { super.initialize(name, conf); setConf(conf); try { instrumentation = new S3AInstrumentation(name); uri = S3xLoginHelper.buildFSURI(name); workingDir = new Path("/user", System.getProperty("")).makeQualified(this.uri, this.getWorkingDirectory()); bucket = name.getHost(); AWSCredentialsProvider credentials = createAWSCredentialProviderSet(name, conf, uri); ClientConfiguration awsConf = new ClientConfiguration(); awsConf.setMaxConnections(intOption(conf, MAXIMUM_CONNECTIONS, DEFAULT_MAXIMUM_CONNECTIONS, 1)); boolean secureConnections = conf.getBoolean(SECURE_CONNECTIONS, DEFAULT_SECURE_CONNECTIONS); awsConf.setProtocol(secureConnections ? Protocol.HTTPS : Protocol.HTTP); awsConf.setMaxErrorRetry(intOption(conf, MAX_ERROR_RETRIES, DEFAULT_MAX_ERROR_RETRIES, 0)); awsConf.setConnectionTimeout(intOption(conf, ESTABLISH_TIMEOUT, DEFAULT_ESTABLISH_TIMEOUT, 0)); awsConf.setSocketTimeout(intOption(conf, SOCKET_TIMEOUT, DEFAULT_SOCKET_TIMEOUT, 0)); int sockSendBuffer = intOption(conf, SOCKET_SEND_BUFFER, DEFAULT_SOCKET_SEND_BUFFER, 2048); int sockRecvBuffer = intOption(conf, SOCKET_RECV_BUFFER, DEFAULT_SOCKET_RECV_BUFFER, 2048); awsConf.setSocketBufferSizeHints(sockSendBuffer, sockRecvBuffer); String signerOverride = conf.getTrimmed(SIGNING_ALGORITHM, ""); if (!signerOverride.isEmpty()) { LOG.debug("Signer override = {}", signerOverride); awsConf.setSignerOverride(signerOverride); } initProxySupport(conf, awsConf, secureConnections); initUserAgent(conf, awsConf); initAmazonS3Client(conf, credentials, awsConf); maxKeys = intOption(conf, MAX_PAGING_KEYS, DEFAULT_MAX_PAGING_KEYS, 1); partSize = conf.getLong(MULTIPART_SIZE, DEFAULT_MULTIPART_SIZE); if (partSize < 5 * 1024 * 1024) { LOG.error(MULTIPART_SIZE + " must be at least 5 MB"); partSize = 5 * 1024 * 1024; } multiPartThreshold = conf.getLong(MIN_MULTIPART_THRESHOLD, DEFAULT_MIN_MULTIPART_THRESHOLD); if (multiPartThreshold < 5 * 1024 * 1024) { LOG.error(MIN_MULTIPART_THRESHOLD + " must be at least 5 MB"); multiPartThreshold = 5 * 1024 * 1024; } //check but do not store the block size longOption(conf, FS_S3A_BLOCK_SIZE, DEFAULT_BLOCKSIZE, 1); enableMultiObjectsDelete = conf.getBoolean(ENABLE_MULTI_DELETE, true); readAhead = longOption(conf, READAHEAD_RANGE, DEFAULT_READAHEAD_RANGE, 0); storageStatistics = (S3AStorageStatistics) GlobalStorageStatistics.INSTANCE .put(S3AStorageStatistics.NAME, new GlobalStorageStatistics.StorageStatisticsProvider() { @Override public StorageStatistics provide() { return new S3AStorageStatistics(); } }); if (conf.get("fs.s3a.threads.core") != null && warnedOfCoreThreadDeprecation.compareAndSet(false, true)) { LoggerFactory.getLogger("org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration.deprecation").warn( "Unsupported option \"fs.s3a.threads.core\"" + " will be ignored {}", conf.get("fs.s3a.threads.core")); } int maxThreads = conf.getInt(MAX_THREADS, DEFAULT_MAX_THREADS); if (maxThreads < 2) { LOG.warn(MAX_THREADS + " must be at least 2: forcing to 2."); maxThreads = 2; } int totalTasks = conf.getInt(MAX_TOTAL_TASKS, DEFAULT_MAX_TOTAL_TASKS); if (totalTasks < 1) { LOG.warn(MAX_TOTAL_TASKS + "must be at least 1: forcing to 1."); totalTasks = 1; } long keepAliveTime = conf.getLong(KEEPALIVE_TIME, DEFAULT_KEEPALIVE_TIME); threadPoolExecutor = new BlockingThreadPoolExecutorService(maxThreads, maxThreads + totalTasks, keepAliveTime, TimeUnit.SECONDS, "s3a-transfer-shared"); initTransferManager(); initCannedAcls(conf); verifyBucketExists(); initMultipartUploads(conf); serverSideEncryptionAlgorithm = conf.getTrimmed(SERVER_SIDE_ENCRYPTION_ALGORITHM); inputPolicy = S3AInputPolicy.getPolicy(conf.getTrimmed(INPUT_FADVISE, INPUT_FADV_NORMAL)); } catch (AmazonClientException e) { throw translateException("initializing ", new Path(name), e); } } /** * Verify that the bucket exists. This does not check permissions, * not even read access. * @throws FileNotFoundException the bucket is absent * @throws IOException any other problem talking to S3 */ protected void verifyBucketExists() throws FileNotFoundException, IOException { try { if (!s3.doesBucketExist(bucket)) { throw new FileNotFoundException("Bucket " + bucket + " does not exist"); } } catch (AmazonS3Exception e) { // this is a sign of a serious startup problem so do dump everything LOG.warn(stringify(e), e); throw translateException("doesBucketExist", bucket, e); } catch (AmazonServiceException e) { // this is a sign of a serious startup problem so do dump everything LOG.warn(stringify(e), e); throw translateException("doesBucketExist", bucket, e); } catch (AmazonClientException e) { throw translateException("doesBucketExist", bucket, e); } } void initProxySupport(Configuration conf, ClientConfiguration awsConf, boolean secureConnections) throws IllegalArgumentException { String proxyHost = conf.getTrimmed(PROXY_HOST, ""); int proxyPort = conf.getInt(PROXY_PORT, -1); if (!proxyHost.isEmpty()) { awsConf.setProxyHost(proxyHost); if (proxyPort >= 0) { awsConf.setProxyPort(proxyPort); } else { if (secureConnections) { LOG.warn("Proxy host set without port. Using HTTPS default 443"); awsConf.setProxyPort(443); } else { LOG.warn("Proxy host set without port. Using HTTP default 80"); awsConf.setProxyPort(80); } } String proxyUsername = conf.getTrimmed(PROXY_USERNAME); String proxyPassword = conf.getTrimmed(PROXY_PASSWORD); if ((proxyUsername == null) != (proxyPassword == null)) { String msg = "Proxy error: " + PROXY_USERNAME + " or " + PROXY_PASSWORD + " set without the other."; LOG.error(msg); throw new IllegalArgumentException(msg); } awsConf.setProxyUsername(proxyUsername); awsConf.setProxyPassword(proxyPassword); awsConf.setProxyDomain(conf.getTrimmed(PROXY_DOMAIN)); awsConf.setProxyWorkstation(conf.getTrimmed(PROXY_WORKSTATION)); if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { LOG.debug( "Using proxy server {}:{} as user {} with password {} on " + "domain {} as workstation {}", awsConf.getProxyHost(), awsConf.getProxyPort(), String.valueOf(awsConf.getProxyUsername()), awsConf.getProxyPassword(), awsConf.getProxyDomain(), awsConf.getProxyWorkstation()); } } else if (proxyPort >= 0) { String msg = "Proxy error: " + PROXY_PORT + " set without " + PROXY_HOST; LOG.error(msg); throw new IllegalArgumentException(msg); } } /** * Get S3A Instrumentation. For test purposes. * @return this instance's instrumentation. */ public S3AInstrumentation getInstrumentation() { return instrumentation; } /** * Initializes the User-Agent header to send in HTTP requests to the S3 * back-end. We always include the Hadoop version number. The user also may * set an optional custom prefix to put in front of the Hadoop version number. * The AWS SDK interally appends its own information, which seems to include * the AWS SDK version, OS and JVM version. * * @param conf Hadoop configuration * @param awsConf AWS SDK configuration */ private void initUserAgent(Configuration conf, ClientConfiguration awsConf) { String userAgent = "Hadoop " + VersionInfo.getVersion(); String userAgentPrefix = conf.getTrimmed(USER_AGENT_PREFIX, ""); if (!userAgentPrefix.isEmpty()) { userAgent = userAgentPrefix + ", " + userAgent; } LOG.debug("Using User-Agent: {}", userAgent); awsConf.setUserAgent(userAgent); } private void initAmazonS3Client(Configuration conf, AWSCredentialsProvider credentials, ClientConfiguration awsConf) throws IllegalArgumentException { s3 = new AmazonS3Client(credentials, awsConf); String endPoint = conf.getTrimmed(ENDPOINT, ""); if (!endPoint.isEmpty()) { try { s3.setEndpoint(endPoint); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { String msg = "Incorrect endpoint: " + e.getMessage(); LOG.error(msg); throw new IllegalArgumentException(msg, e); } } enablePathStyleAccessIfRequired(conf); } private void enablePathStyleAccessIfRequired(Configuration conf) { final boolean pathStyleAccess = conf.getBoolean(PATH_STYLE_ACCESS, false); if (pathStyleAccess) { LOG.debug("Enabling path style access!"); s3.setS3ClientOptions(new S3ClientOptions().withPathStyleAccess(true)); } } private void initTransferManager() { TransferManagerConfiguration transferConfiguration = new TransferManagerConfiguration(); transferConfiguration.setMinimumUploadPartSize(partSize); transferConfiguration.setMultipartUploadThreshold(multiPartThreshold); transferConfiguration.setMultipartCopyPartSize(partSize); transferConfiguration.setMultipartCopyThreshold(multiPartThreshold); transfers = new TransferManager(s3, threadPoolExecutor); transfers.setConfiguration(transferConfiguration); } private void initCannedAcls(Configuration conf) { String cannedACLName = conf.get(CANNED_ACL, DEFAULT_CANNED_ACL); if (!cannedACLName.isEmpty()) { cannedACL = CannedAccessControlList.valueOf(cannedACLName); } else { cannedACL = null; } } private void initMultipartUploads(Configuration conf) throws IOException { boolean purgeExistingMultipart = conf.getBoolean(PURGE_EXISTING_MULTIPART, DEFAULT_PURGE_EXISTING_MULTIPART); long purgeExistingMultipartAge = longOption(conf, PURGE_EXISTING_MULTIPART_AGE, DEFAULT_PURGE_EXISTING_MULTIPART_AGE, 0); if (purgeExistingMultipart) { Date purgeBefore = new Date(new Date().getTime() - purgeExistingMultipartAge * 1000); try { transfers.abortMultipartUploads(bucket, purgeBefore); } catch (AmazonServiceException e) { if (e.getStatusCode() == 403) { instrumentation.errorIgnored(); LOG.debug("Failed to purging multipart uploads against {}," + " FS may be read only", bucket, e); } else { throw translateException("purging multipart uploads", bucket, e); } } } } /** * Return the protocol scheme for the FileSystem. * * @return "s3a" */ @Override public String getScheme() { return "s3a"; } /** * Returns a URI whose scheme and authority identify this FileSystem. */ @Override public URI getUri() { return uri; } @Override public int getDefaultPort() { return Constants.S3A_DEFAULT_PORT; } /** * Returns the S3 client used by this filesystem. * @return AmazonS3Client */ @VisibleForTesting AmazonS3Client getAmazonS3Client() { return s3; } /** * Get the input policy for this FS instance. * @return the input policy */ @InterfaceStability.Unstable public S3AInputPolicy getInputPolicy() { return inputPolicy; } /** * Change the input policy for this FS. * @param inputPolicy new policy */ @InterfaceStability.Unstable public void setInputPolicy(S3AInputPolicy inputPolicy) { Objects.requireNonNull(inputPolicy, "Null inputStrategy"); LOG.debug("Setting input strategy: {}", inputPolicy); this.inputPolicy = inputPolicy; } public S3AFileSystem() { super(); } /* Turns a path (relative or otherwise) into an S3 key */ private String pathToKey(Path path) { if (!path.isAbsolute()) { path = new Path(workingDir, path); } if (path.toUri().getScheme() != null && path.toUri().getPath().isEmpty()) { return ""; } return path.toUri().getPath().substring(1); } private Path keyToPath(String key) { return new Path("/" + key); } /** * Check that a Path belongs to this FileSystem. * Unlike the superclass, this version does not look at authority, * only hostnames. * @param path to check * @throws IllegalArgumentException if there is an FS mismatch */ @Override public void checkPath(Path path) { S3xLoginHelper.checkPath(getConf(), getUri(), path, getDefaultPort()); } @Override protected URI canonicalizeUri(URI rawUri) { return S3xLoginHelper.canonicalizeUri(rawUri, getDefaultPort()); } /** * Opens an FSDataInputStream at the indicated Path. * @param f the file name to open * @param bufferSize the size of the buffer to be used. */ public FSDataInputStream open(Path f, int bufferSize) throws IOException { LOG.debug("Opening '{}' for reading.", f); final FileStatus fileStatus = getFileStatus(f); if (fileStatus.isDirectory()) { throw new FileNotFoundException("Can't open " + f + " because it is a directory"); } return new FSDataInputStream(new S3AInputStream(bucket, pathToKey(f), fileStatus.getLen(), s3, statistics, instrumentation, readAhead, inputPolicy)); } /** * Create an FSDataOutputStream at the indicated Path with write-progress * reporting. * @param f the file name to open * @param permission the permission to set. * @param overwrite if a file with this name already exists, then if true, * the file will be overwritten, and if false an error will be thrown. * @param bufferSize the size of the buffer to be used. * @param replication required block replication for the file. * @param blockSize the requested block size. * @param progress the progress reporter. * @throws IOException in the event of IO related errors. * @see #setPermission(Path, FsPermission) */ @Override public FSDataOutputStream create(Path f, FsPermission permission, boolean overwrite, int bufferSize, short replication, long blockSize, Progressable progress) throws IOException { String key = pathToKey(f); S3AFileStatus status = null; try { // get the status or throw an FNFE status = getFileStatus(f); // if the thread reaches here, there is something at the path if (status.isDirectory()) { // path references a directory: automatic error throw new FileAlreadyExistsException(f + " is a directory"); } if (!overwrite) { // path references a file and overwrite is disabled throw new FileAlreadyExistsException(f + " already exists"); } LOG.debug("Overwriting file {}", f); } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { // this means the file is not found } instrumentation.fileCreated(); if (getConf().getBoolean(FAST_UPLOAD, DEFAULT_FAST_UPLOAD)) { return new FSDataOutputStream(new S3AFastOutputStream(s3, this, bucket, key, progress, cannedACL, partSize, multiPartThreshold, threadPoolExecutor), statistics); } // We pass null to FSDataOutputStream so it won't count writes that // are being buffered to a file return new FSDataOutputStream(new S3AOutputStream(getConf(), this, key, progress), null); } /** * {@inheritDoc} * @throws FileNotFoundException if the parent directory is not present -or * is not a directory. */ @Override public FSDataOutputStream createNonRecursive(Path path, FsPermission permission, EnumSet<CreateFlag> flags, int bufferSize, short replication, long blockSize, Progressable progress) throws IOException { Path parent = path.getParent(); if (parent != null) { // expect this to raise an exception if there is no parent if (!getFileStatus(parent).isDirectory()) { throw new FileAlreadyExistsException("Not a directory: " + parent); } } return create(path, permission, flags.contains(CreateFlag.OVERWRITE), bufferSize, replication, blockSize, progress); } /** * Append to an existing file (optional operation). * @param f the existing file to be appended. * @param bufferSize the size of the buffer to be used. * @param progress for reporting progress if it is not null. * @throws IOException indicating that append is not supported. */ public FSDataOutputStream append(Path f, int bufferSize, Progressable progress) throws IOException { throw new IOException("Not supported"); } /** * Renames Path src to Path dst. Can take place on local fs * or remote DFS. * * Warning: S3 does not support renames. This method does a copy which can * take S3 some time to execute with large files and directories. Since * there is no Progressable passed in, this can time out jobs. * * Note: This implementation differs with other S3 drivers. Specifically: * Fails if src is a file and dst is a directory. * Fails if src is a directory and dst is a file. * Fails if the parent of dst does not exist or is a file. * Fails if dst is a directory that is not empty. * * @param src path to be renamed * @param dst new path after rename * @throws IOException on IO failure * @return true if rename is successful */ public boolean rename(Path src, Path dst) throws IOException { try { return innerRename(src, dst); } catch (AmazonClientException e) { throw translateException("rename(" + src + ", " + dst + ")", src, e); } } /** * The inner rename operation. See {@link #rename(Path, Path)} for * the description of the operation. * @param src path to be renamed * @param dst new path after rename * @return true if rename is successful * @throws IOException on IO failure. * @throws AmazonClientException on failures inside the AWS SDK */ private boolean innerRename(Path src, Path dst) throws IOException, AmazonClientException { LOG.debug("Rename path {} to {}", src, dst); incrementStatistic(INVOCATION_RENAME); String srcKey = pathToKey(src); String dstKey = pathToKey(dst); if (srcKey.isEmpty() || dstKey.isEmpty()) { LOG.debug("rename: source {} or dest {}, is empty", srcKey, dstKey); return false; } S3AFileStatus srcStatus; try { srcStatus = getFileStatus(src); } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { LOG.error("rename: src not found {}", src); return false; } if (srcKey.equals(dstKey)) { LOG.debug("rename: src and dst refer to the same file or directory: {}", dst); return srcStatus.isFile(); } S3AFileStatus dstStatus = null; try { dstStatus = getFileStatus(dst); if (srcStatus.isDirectory() && dstStatus.isFile()) { LOG.debug("rename: src {} is a directory and dst {} is a file", src, dst); return false; } if (dstStatus.isDirectory() && !dstStatus.isEmptyDirectory()) { return false; } } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { LOG.debug("rename: destination path {} not found", dst); // Parent must exist Path parent = dst.getParent(); if (!pathToKey(parent).isEmpty()) { try { S3AFileStatus dstParentStatus = getFileStatus(dst.getParent()); if (!dstParentStatus.isDirectory()) { return false; } } catch (FileNotFoundException e2) { LOG.debug("rename: destination path {} has no parent {}", dst, parent); return false; } } } // Ok! Time to start if (srcStatus.isFile()) { LOG.debug("rename: renaming file {} to {}", src, dst); if (dstStatus != null && dstStatus.isDirectory()) { String newDstKey = dstKey; if (!newDstKey.endsWith("/")) { newDstKey = newDstKey + "/"; } String filename = srcKey.substring(pathToKey(src.getParent()).length() + 1); newDstKey = newDstKey + filename; copyFile(srcKey, newDstKey, srcStatus.getLen()); } else { copyFile(srcKey, dstKey, srcStatus.getLen()); } innerDelete(srcStatus, false); } else { LOG.debug("rename: renaming directory {} to {}", src, dst); // This is a directory to directory copy if (!dstKey.endsWith("/")) { dstKey = dstKey + "/"; } if (!srcKey.endsWith("/")) { srcKey = srcKey + "/"; } //Verify dest is not a child of the source directory if (dstKey.startsWith(srcKey)) { LOG.debug("cannot rename a directory {}" + " to a subdirectory of self: {}", srcKey, dstKey); return false; } List<DeleteObjectsRequest.KeyVersion> keysToDelete = new ArrayList<>(); if (dstStatus != null && dstStatus.isEmptyDirectory()) { // delete unnecessary fake directory. keysToDelete.add(new DeleteObjectsRequest.KeyVersion(dstKey)); } ListObjectsRequest request = new ListObjectsRequest(); request.setBucketName(bucket); request.setPrefix(srcKey); request.setMaxKeys(maxKeys); ObjectListing objects = listObjects(request); while (true) { for (S3ObjectSummary summary : objects.getObjectSummaries()) { keysToDelete.add(new DeleteObjectsRequest.KeyVersion(summary.getKey())); String newDstKey = dstKey + summary.getKey().substring(srcKey.length()); copyFile(summary.getKey(), newDstKey, summary.getSize()); if (keysToDelete.size() == MAX_ENTRIES_TO_DELETE) { removeKeys(keysToDelete, true); } } if (objects.isTruncated()) { objects = continueListObjects(objects); } else { if (!keysToDelete.isEmpty()) { removeKeys(keysToDelete, false); } break; } } } if (src.getParent() != dst.getParent()) { deleteUnnecessaryFakeDirectories(dst.getParent()); createFakeDirectoryIfNecessary(src.getParent()); } return true; } /** * Low-level call to get at the object metadata. * @param path path to the object * @return metadata * @throws IOException IO and object access problems. */ @VisibleForTesting public ObjectMetadata getObjectMetadata(Path path) throws IOException { return getObjectMetadata(pathToKey(path)); } /** * Increment a statistic by 1. * @param statistic The operation to increment */ protected void incrementStatistic(Statistic statistic) { incrementStatistic(statistic, 1); } /** * Increment a statistic by a specific value. * @param statistic The operation to increment * @param count the count to increment */ protected void incrementStatistic(Statistic statistic, long count) { instrumentation.incrementCounter(statistic, count); storageStatistics.incrementCounter(statistic, count); } /** * Request object metadata; increments counters in the process. * @param key key * @return the metadata */ protected ObjectMetadata getObjectMetadata(String key) { incrementStatistic(OBJECT_METADATA_REQUESTS); ObjectMetadata meta = s3.getObjectMetadata(bucket, key); incrementReadOperations(); return meta; } /** * Initiate a {@code listObjects} operation, incrementing metrics * in the process. * @param request request to initiate * @return the results */ protected ObjectListing listObjects(ListObjectsRequest request) { incrementStatistic(OBJECT_LIST_REQUESTS); incrementReadOperations(); return s3.listObjects(request); } /** * List the next set of objects. * @param objects paged result * @return the next result object */ protected ObjectListing continueListObjects(ObjectListing objects) { incrementStatistic(OBJECT_LIST_REQUESTS); incrementReadOperations(); return s3.listNextBatchOfObjects(objects); } /** * Increment read operations. */ public void incrementReadOperations() { statistics.incrementReadOps(1); } /** * Increment the write operation counter. * This is somewhat inaccurate, as it appears to be invoked more * often than needed in progress callbacks. */ public void incrementWriteOperations() { statistics.incrementWriteOps(1); } /** * Delete an object. * Increments the {@code OBJECT_DELETE_REQUESTS} and write * operation statistics. * @param key key to blob to delete. */ private void deleteObject(String key) { incrementWriteOperations(); incrementStatistic(OBJECT_DELETE_REQUESTS); s3.deleteObject(bucket, key); } /** * Perform a bulk object delete operation. * Increments the {@code OBJECT_DELETE_REQUESTS} and write * operation statistics. * @param deleteRequest keys to delete on the s3-backend */ private void deleteObjects(DeleteObjectsRequest deleteRequest) { incrementWriteOperations(); incrementStatistic(OBJECT_DELETE_REQUESTS, 1); s3.deleteObjects(deleteRequest); } /** * Create a putObject request. * Adds the ACL and metadata * @param key key of object * @param metadata metadata header * @param srcfile source file * @return the request */ public PutObjectRequest newPutObjectRequest(String key, ObjectMetadata metadata, File srcfile) { PutObjectRequest putObjectRequest = new PutObjectRequest(bucket, key, srcfile); putObjectRequest.setCannedAcl(cannedACL); putObjectRequest.setMetadata(metadata); return putObjectRequest; } /** * Create a {@link PutObjectRequest} request. * The metadata is assumed to have been configured with the size of the * operation. * @param key key of object * @param metadata metadata header * @param inputStream source data. * @return the request */ PutObjectRequest newPutObjectRequest(String key, ObjectMetadata metadata, InputStream inputStream) { PutObjectRequest putObjectRequest = new PutObjectRequest(bucket, key, inputStream, metadata); putObjectRequest.setCannedAcl(cannedACL); return putObjectRequest; } /** * Create a new object metadata instance. * Any standard metadata headers are added here, for example: * encryption. * @return a new metadata instance */ public ObjectMetadata newObjectMetadata() { final ObjectMetadata om = new ObjectMetadata(); if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(serverSideEncryptionAlgorithm)) { om.setSSEAlgorithm(serverSideEncryptionAlgorithm); } return om; } /** * Create a new object metadata instance. * Any standard metadata headers are added here, for example: * encryption. * * @param length length of data to set in header. * @return a new metadata instance */ public ObjectMetadata newObjectMetadata(long length) { final ObjectMetadata om = newObjectMetadata(); om.setContentLength(length); return om; } /** * PUT an object, incrementing the put requests and put bytes * counters. * It does not update the other counters, * as existing code does that as progress callbacks come in. * Byte length is calculated from the file length, or, if there is no * file, from the content length of the header. * @param putObjectRequest the request * @return the upload initiated */ public Upload putObject(PutObjectRequest putObjectRequest) { long len; if (putObjectRequest.getFile() != null) { len = putObjectRequest.getFile().length(); } else { len = putObjectRequest.getMetadata().getContentLength(); } incrementPutStartStatistics(len); return transfers.upload(putObjectRequest); } /** * Upload part of a multi-partition file. * Increments the write and put counters * @param request request * @return the result of the operation. */ public UploadPartResult uploadPart(UploadPartRequest request) { incrementPutStartStatistics(request.getPartSize()); return s3.uploadPart(request); } /** * At the start of a put/multipart upload operation, update the * relevant counters. * * @param bytes bytes in the request. */ public void incrementPutStartStatistics(long bytes) { LOG.debug("PUT start {} bytes", bytes); incrementWriteOperations(); incrementStatistic(OBJECT_PUT_REQUESTS); if (bytes > 0) { incrementStatistic(OBJECT_PUT_BYTES, bytes); } } /** * Callback for use in progress callbacks from put/multipart upload events. * Increments those statistics which are expected to be updated during * the ongoing upload operation. * @param key key to file that is being written (for logging) * @param bytes bytes successfully uploaded. */ public void incrementPutProgressStatistics(String key, long bytes) { LOG.debug("PUT {}: {} bytes", key, bytes); incrementWriteOperations(); if (bytes > 0) { statistics.incrementBytesWritten(bytes); } } /** * A helper method to delete a list of keys on a s3-backend. * * @param keysToDelete collection of keys to delete on the s3-backend * @param clearKeys clears the keysToDelete-list after processing the list * when set to true */ private void removeKeys(List<DeleteObjectsRequest.KeyVersion> keysToDelete, boolean clearKeys) throws AmazonClientException { if (enableMultiObjectsDelete) { deleteObjects(new DeleteObjectsRequest(bucket).withKeys(keysToDelete)); instrumentation.fileDeleted(keysToDelete.size()); } else { for (DeleteObjectsRequest.KeyVersion keyVersion : keysToDelete) { deleteObject(keyVersion.getKey()); } instrumentation.fileDeleted(keysToDelete.size()); } if (clearKeys) { keysToDelete.clear(); } } /** * Delete a Path. This operation is at least {@code O(files)}, with * added overheads to enumerate the path. It is also not atomic. * * @param f the path to delete. * @param recursive if path is a directory and set to * true, the directory is deleted else throws an exception. In * case of a file the recursive can be set to either true or false. * @return true if delete is successful else false. * @throws IOException due to inability to delete a directory or file. */ public boolean delete(Path f, boolean recursive) throws IOException { try { return innerDelete(getFileStatus(f), recursive); } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { LOG.debug("Couldn't delete {} - does not exist", f); instrumentation.errorIgnored(); return false; } catch (AmazonClientException e) { throw translateException("delete", f, e); } } /** * Delete an object. See {@link #delete(Path, boolean)}. * * @param status fileStatus object * @param recursive if path is a directory and set to * true, the directory is deleted else throws an exception. In * case of a file the recursive can be set to either true or false. * @return true if delete is successful else false. * @throws IOException due to inability to delete a directory or file. * @throws AmazonClientException on failures inside the AWS SDK */ private boolean innerDelete(S3AFileStatus status, boolean recursive) throws IOException, AmazonClientException { Path f = status.getPath(); LOG.debug("Delete path {} - recursive {}", f, recursive); String key = pathToKey(f); if (status.isDirectory()) { LOG.debug("delete: Path is a directory: {}", f); if (!recursive && !status.isEmptyDirectory()) { throw new IOException("Path is a folder: " + f + " and it is not an empty directory"); } if (!key.endsWith("/")) { key = key + "/"; } if (key.equals("/")) {"s3a cannot delete the root directory"); return false; } if (status.isEmptyDirectory()) { LOG.debug("Deleting fake empty directory {}", key); deleteObject(key); instrumentation.directoryDeleted(); } else { LOG.debug("Getting objects for directory prefix {} to delete", key); ListObjectsRequest request = new ListObjectsRequest(); request.setBucketName(bucket); request.setPrefix(key); // Hopefully not setting a delimiter will cause this to find everything //request.setDelimiter("/"); request.setMaxKeys(maxKeys); ObjectListing objects = listObjects(request); List<DeleteObjectsRequest.KeyVersion> keys = new ArrayList<>(objects.getObjectSummaries().size()); while (true) { for (S3ObjectSummary summary : objects.getObjectSummaries()) { keys.add(new DeleteObjectsRequest.KeyVersion(summary.getKey())); LOG.debug("Got object to delete {}", summary.getKey()); if (keys.size() == MAX_ENTRIES_TO_DELETE) { removeKeys(keys, true); } } if (objects.isTruncated()) { objects = continueListObjects(objects); } else { if (!keys.isEmpty()) { removeKeys(keys, false); } break; } } } } else { LOG.debug("delete: Path is a file"); instrumentation.fileDeleted(1); deleteObject(key); } createFakeDirectoryIfNecessary(f.getParent()); return true; } private void createFakeDirectoryIfNecessary(Path f) throws IOException, AmazonClientException { String key = pathToKey(f); if (!key.isEmpty() && !exists(f)) { LOG.debug("Creating new fake directory at {}", f); createFakeDirectory(key); } } /** * List the statuses of the files/directories in the given path if the path is * a directory. * * @param f given path * @return the statuses of the files/directories in the given patch * @throws FileNotFoundException when the path does not exist; * IOException see specific implementation */ public FileStatus[] listStatus(Path f) throws FileNotFoundException, IOException { try { return innerListStatus(f); } catch (AmazonClientException e) { throw translateException("listStatus", f, e); } } /** * List the statuses of the files/directories in the given path if the path is * a directory. * * @param f given path * @return the statuses of the files/directories in the given patch * @throws FileNotFoundException when the path does not exist; * @throws IOException due to an IO problem. * @throws AmazonClientException on failures inside the AWS SDK */ public FileStatus[] innerListStatus(Path f) throws FileNotFoundException, IOException, AmazonClientException { String key = pathToKey(f); LOG.debug("List status for path: {}", f); incrementStatistic(INVOCATION_LIST_STATUS); final List<FileStatus> result = new ArrayList<FileStatus>(); final FileStatus fileStatus = getFileStatus(f); if (fileStatus.isDirectory()) { if (!key.isEmpty()) { key = key + "/"; } ListObjectsRequest request = new ListObjectsRequest(); request.setBucketName(bucket); request.setPrefix(key); request.setDelimiter("/"); request.setMaxKeys(maxKeys); LOG.debug("listStatus: doing listObjects for directory {}", key); ObjectListing objects = listObjects(request); Path fQualified = f.makeQualified(uri, workingDir); while (true) { for (S3ObjectSummary summary : objects.getObjectSummaries()) { Path keyPath = keyToPath(summary.getKey()).makeQualified(uri, workingDir); // Skip over keys that are ourselves and old S3N _$folder$ files if (keyPath.equals(fQualified) || summary.getKey().endsWith(S3N_FOLDER_SUFFIX)) { LOG.debug("Ignoring: {}", keyPath); } else { S3AFileStatus status = createFileStatus(keyPath, summary, getDefaultBlockSize(keyPath)); result.add(status); LOG.debug("Adding: {}", status); } } for (String prefix : objects.getCommonPrefixes()) { Path keyPath = keyToPath(prefix).makeQualified(uri, workingDir); if (!keyPath.equals(f)) { result.add(new S3AFileStatus(true, false, keyPath)); LOG.debug("Adding: rd: {}", keyPath); } } if (objects.isTruncated()) { LOG.debug("listStatus: list truncated - getting next batch"); objects = continueListObjects(objects); } else { break; } } } else { LOG.debug("Adding: rd (not a dir): {}", f); result.add(fileStatus); } return result.toArray(new FileStatus[result.size()]); } /** * Set the current working directory for the given file system. All relative * paths will be resolved relative to it. * * @param newDir the current working directory. */ public void setWorkingDirectory(Path newDir) { workingDir = newDir; } /** * Get the current working directory for the given file system. * @return the directory pathname */ public Path getWorkingDirectory() { return workingDir; } /** * * Make the given path and all non-existent parents into * directories. Has the semantics of Unix {@code 'mkdir -p'}. * Existence of the directory hierarchy is not an error. * @param path path to create * @param permission to apply to f * @return true if a directory was created * @throws FileAlreadyExistsException there is a file at the path specified * @throws IOException other IO problems */ // TODO: If we have created an empty file at /foo/bar and we then call // mkdirs for /foo/bar/baz/roo what happens to the empty file /foo/bar/? public boolean mkdirs(Path path, FsPermission permission) throws IOException, FileAlreadyExistsException { try { return innerMkdirs(path, permission); } catch (AmazonClientException e) { throw translateException("innerMkdirs", path, e); } } /** * * Make the given path and all non-existent parents into * directories. * See {@link #mkdirs(Path, FsPermission)} * @param f path to create * @param permission to apply to f * @return true if a directory was created * @throws FileAlreadyExistsException there is a file at the path specified * @throws IOException other IO problems * @throws AmazonClientException on failures inside the AWS SDK */ // TODO: If we have created an empty file at /foo/bar and we then call // mkdirs for /foo/bar/baz/roo what happens to the empty file /foo/bar/? private boolean innerMkdirs(Path f, FsPermission permission) throws IOException, FileAlreadyExistsException, AmazonClientException { LOG.debug("Making directory: {}", f); incrementStatistic(INVOCATION_MKDIRS); FileStatus fileStatus; try { fileStatus = getFileStatus(f); if (fileStatus.isDirectory()) { return true; } else { throw new FileAlreadyExistsException("Path is a file: " + f); } } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { Path fPart = f.getParent(); do { try { fileStatus = getFileStatus(fPart); if (fileStatus.isDirectory()) { break; } if (fileStatus.isFile()) { throw new FileAlreadyExistsException( String.format("Can't make directory for path '%s' since it is a file.", fPart)); } } catch (FileNotFoundException fnfe) { instrumentation.errorIgnored(); } fPart = fPart.getParent(); } while (fPart != null); String key = pathToKey(f); createFakeDirectory(key); return true; } } /** * Return a file status object that represents the path. * @param f The path we want information from * @return a FileStatus object * @throws when the path does not exist; * @throws IOException on other problems. */ public S3AFileStatus getFileStatus(Path f) throws IOException { String key = pathToKey(f); incrementStatistic(INVOCATION_GET_FILE_STATUS); LOG.debug("Getting path status for {} ({})", f, key); if (!key.isEmpty()) { try { ObjectMetadata meta = getObjectMetadata(key); if (objectRepresentsDirectory(key, meta.getContentLength())) { LOG.debug("Found exact file: fake directory"); return new S3AFileStatus(true, true, f.makeQualified(uri, workingDir)); } else { LOG.debug("Found exact file: normal file"); return new S3AFileStatus(meta.getContentLength(), dateToLong(meta.getLastModified()), f.makeQualified(uri, workingDir), getDefaultBlockSize(f.makeQualified(uri, workingDir))); } } catch (AmazonServiceException e) { if (e.getStatusCode() != 404) { throw translateException("getFileStatus", f, e); } } catch (AmazonClientException e) { throw translateException("getFileStatus", f, e); } // Necessary? if (!key.endsWith("/")) { String newKey = key + "/"; try { ObjectMetadata meta = getObjectMetadata(newKey); if (objectRepresentsDirectory(newKey, meta.getContentLength())) { LOG.debug("Found file (with /): fake directory"); return new S3AFileStatus(true, true, f.makeQualified(uri, workingDir)); } else { LOG.warn("Found file (with /): real file? should not happen: {}", key); return new S3AFileStatus(meta.getContentLength(), dateToLong(meta.getLastModified()), f.makeQualified(uri, workingDir), getDefaultBlockSize(f.makeQualified(uri, workingDir))); } } catch (AmazonServiceException e) { if (e.getStatusCode() != 404) { throw translateException("getFileStatus", newKey, e); } } catch (AmazonClientException e) { throw translateException("getFileStatus", newKey, e); } } } try { if (!key.isEmpty() && !key.endsWith("/")) { key = key + "/"; } ListObjectsRequest request = new ListObjectsRequest(); request.setBucketName(bucket); request.setPrefix(key); request.setDelimiter("/"); request.setMaxKeys(1); ObjectListing objects = listObjects(request); if (!objects.getCommonPrefixes().isEmpty() || !objects.getObjectSummaries().isEmpty()) { if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { LOG.debug("Found path as directory (with /): {}/{}", objects.getCommonPrefixes().size(), objects.getObjectSummaries().size()); for (S3ObjectSummary summary : objects.getObjectSummaries()) { LOG.debug("Summary: {} {}", summary.getKey(), summary.getSize()); } for (String prefix : objects.getCommonPrefixes()) { LOG.debug("Prefix: {}", prefix); } } return new S3AFileStatus(true, false, f.makeQualified(uri, workingDir)); } else if (key.isEmpty()) { LOG.debug("Found root directory"); return new S3AFileStatus(true, true, f.makeQualified(uri, workingDir)); } } catch (AmazonServiceException e) { if (e.getStatusCode() != 404) { throw translateException("getFileStatus", key, e); } } catch (AmazonClientException e) { throw translateException("getFileStatus", key, e); } LOG.debug("Not Found: {}", f); throw new FileNotFoundException("No such file or directory: " + f); } /** * The src file is on the local disk. Add it to FS at * the given dst name. * * This version doesn't need to create a temporary file to calculate the md5. * Sadly this doesn't seem to be used by the shell cp :( * * delSrc indicates if the source should be removed * @param delSrc whether to delete the src * @param overwrite whether to overwrite an existing file * @param src path * @param dst path * @throws IOException IO problem * @throws FileAlreadyExistsException the destination file exists and * overwrite==false * @throws AmazonClientException failure in the AWS SDK */ @Override public void copyFromLocalFile(boolean delSrc, boolean overwrite, Path src, Path dst) throws IOException { try { innerCopyFromLocalFile(delSrc, overwrite, src, dst); } catch (AmazonClientException e) { throw translateException("copyFromLocalFile(" + src + ", " + dst + ")", src, e); } } /** * The src file is on the local disk. Add it to FS at * the given dst name. * * This version doesn't need to create a temporary file to calculate the md5. * Sadly this doesn't seem to be used by the shell cp :( * * delSrc indicates if the source should be removed * @param delSrc whether to delete the src * @param overwrite whether to overwrite an existing file * @param src path * @param dst path * @throws IOException IO problem * @throws FileAlreadyExistsException the destination file exists and * overwrite==false * @throws AmazonClientException failure in the AWS SDK */ private void innerCopyFromLocalFile(boolean delSrc, boolean overwrite, Path src, Path dst) throws IOException, FileAlreadyExistsException, AmazonClientException { incrementStatistic(INVOCATION_COPY_FROM_LOCAL_FILE); final String key = pathToKey(dst); if (!overwrite && exists(dst)) { throw new FileAlreadyExistsException(dst + " already exists"); } LOG.debug("Copying local file from {} to {}", src, dst); // Since we have a local file, we don't need to stream into a temporary file LocalFileSystem local = getLocal(getConf()); File srcfile = local.pathToFile(src); final ObjectMetadata om = newObjectMetadata(); PutObjectRequest putObjectRequest = newPutObjectRequest(key, om, srcfile); Upload up = putObject(putObjectRequest); ProgressableProgressListener listener = new ProgressableProgressListener(this, key, up, null); up.addProgressListener(listener); try { up.waitForUploadResult(); } catch (InterruptedException e) { throw new InterruptedIOException("Interrupted copying " + src + " to " + dst + ", cancelling"); } listener.uploadCompleted(); // This will delete unnecessary fake parent directories finishedWrite(key); if (delSrc) { local.delete(src, false); } } /** * Close the filesystem. This shuts down all transfers. * @throws IOException IO problem */ @Override public void close() throws IOException { if (closed.getAndSet(true)) { // already closed return; } try { super.close(); } finally { if (transfers != null) { transfers.shutdownNow(true); transfers = null; } } } /** * Override getCanonicalServiceName because we don't support token in S3A. */ @Override public String getCanonicalServiceName() { // Does not support Token return null; } /** * Copy a single object in the bucket via a COPY operation. * @param srcKey source object path * @param dstKey destination object path * @param size object size * @throws AmazonClientException on failures inside the AWS SDK * @throws InterruptedIOException the operation was interrupted * @throws IOException Other IO problems */ private void copyFile(String srcKey, String dstKey, long size) throws IOException, InterruptedIOException, AmazonClientException { LOG.debug("copyFile {} -> {} ", srcKey, dstKey); try { ObjectMetadata srcom = getObjectMetadata(srcKey); ObjectMetadata dstom = cloneObjectMetadata(srcom); if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(serverSideEncryptionAlgorithm)) { dstom.setSSEAlgorithm(serverSideEncryptionAlgorithm); } CopyObjectRequest copyObjectRequest = new CopyObjectRequest(bucket, srcKey, bucket, dstKey); copyObjectRequest.setCannedAccessControlList(cannedACL); copyObjectRequest.setNewObjectMetadata(dstom); ProgressListener progressListener = new ProgressListener() { public void progressChanged(ProgressEvent progressEvent) { switch (progressEvent.getEventType()) { case TRANSFER_PART_COMPLETED_EVENT: incrementWriteOperations(); break; default: break; } } }; Copy copy = transfers.copy(copyObjectRequest); copy.addProgressListener(progressListener); try { copy.waitForCopyResult(); incrementWriteOperations(); instrumentation.filesCopied(1, size); } catch (InterruptedException e) { throw new InterruptedIOException( "Interrupted copying " + srcKey + " to " + dstKey + ", cancelling"); } } catch (AmazonClientException e) { throw translateException("copyFile(" + srcKey + ", " + dstKey + ")", srcKey, e); } } /** * Perform post-write actions. * @param key key written to */ public void finishedWrite(String key) { LOG.debug("Finished write to {}", key); deleteUnnecessaryFakeDirectories(keyToPath(key).getParent()); } /** * Delete mock parent directories which are no longer needed. * This code swallows IO exceptions encountered * @param f path */ private void deleteUnnecessaryFakeDirectories(Path f) { while (true) { String key = ""; try { key = pathToKey(f); if (key.isEmpty()) { break; } S3AFileStatus status = getFileStatus(f); if (status.isDirectory() && status.isEmptyDirectory()) { LOG.debug("Deleting fake directory {}/", key); deleteObject(key + "/"); } } catch (IOException | AmazonClientException e) { LOG.debug("While deleting key {} ", key, e); instrumentation.errorIgnored(); } if (f.isRoot()) { break; } f = f.getParent(); } } private void createFakeDirectory(final String objectName) throws AmazonClientException, AmazonServiceException, InterruptedIOException { if (!objectName.endsWith("/")) { createEmptyObject(objectName + "/"); } else { createEmptyObject(objectName); } } // Used to create an empty file that represents an empty directory private void createEmptyObject(final String objectName) throws AmazonClientException, AmazonServiceException, InterruptedIOException { final InputStream im = new InputStream() { @Override public int read() throws IOException { return -1; } }; PutObjectRequest putObjectRequest = newPutObjectRequest(objectName, newObjectMetadata(0L), im); Upload upload = putObject(putObjectRequest); try { upload.waitForUploadResult(); } catch (InterruptedException e) { throw new InterruptedIOException("Interrupted creating " + objectName); } incrementPutProgressStatistics(objectName, 0); instrumentation.directoryCreated(); } /** * Creates a copy of the passed {@link ObjectMetadata}. * Does so without using the {@link ObjectMetadata#clone()} method, * to avoid copying unnecessary headers. * @param source the {@link ObjectMetadata} to copy * @return a copy of {@link ObjectMetadata} with only relevant attributes */ private ObjectMetadata cloneObjectMetadata(ObjectMetadata source) { // This approach may be too brittle, especially if // in future there are new attributes added to ObjectMetadata // that we do not explicitly call to set here ObjectMetadata ret = newObjectMetadata(source.getContentLength()); // Possibly null attributes // Allowing nulls to pass breaks it during later use if (source.getCacheControl() != null) { ret.setCacheControl(source.getCacheControl()); } if (source.getContentDisposition() != null) { ret.setContentDisposition(source.getContentDisposition()); } if (source.getContentEncoding() != null) { ret.setContentEncoding(source.getContentEncoding()); } if (source.getContentMD5() != null) { ret.setContentMD5(source.getContentMD5()); } if (source.getContentType() != null) { ret.setContentType(source.getContentType()); } if (source.getExpirationTime() != null) { ret.setExpirationTime(source.getExpirationTime()); } if (source.getExpirationTimeRuleId() != null) { ret.setExpirationTimeRuleId(source.getExpirationTimeRuleId()); } if (source.getHttpExpiresDate() != null) { ret.setHttpExpiresDate(source.getHttpExpiresDate()); } if (source.getLastModified() != null) { ret.setLastModified(source.getLastModified()); } if (source.getOngoingRestore() != null) { ret.setOngoingRestore(source.getOngoingRestore()); } if (source.getRestoreExpirationTime() != null) { ret.setRestoreExpirationTime(source.getRestoreExpirationTime()); } if (source.getSSEAlgorithm() != null) { ret.setSSEAlgorithm(source.getSSEAlgorithm()); } if (source.getSSECustomerAlgorithm() != null) { ret.setSSECustomerAlgorithm(source.getSSECustomerAlgorithm()); } if (source.getSSECustomerKeyMd5() != null) { ret.setSSECustomerKeyMd5(source.getSSECustomerKeyMd5()); } for (Map.Entry<String, String> e : source.getUserMetadata().entrySet()) { ret.addUserMetadata(e.getKey(), e.getValue()); } return ret; } /** * Return the number of bytes that large input files should be optimally * be split into to minimize I/O time. * @deprecated use {@link #getDefaultBlockSize(Path)} instead */ @Deprecated public long getDefaultBlockSize() { return getConf().getLong(FS_S3A_BLOCK_SIZE, DEFAULT_BLOCKSIZE); } @Override public String toString() { final StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder("S3AFileSystem{"); sb.append("uri=").append(uri); sb.append(", workingDir=").append(workingDir); sb.append(", inputPolicy=").append(inputPolicy); sb.append(", partSize=").append(partSize); sb.append(", enableMultiObjectsDelete=").append(enableMultiObjectsDelete); sb.append(", maxKeys=").append(maxKeys); if (cannedACL != null) { sb.append(", cannedACL=").append(cannedACL.toString()); } sb.append(", readAhead=").append(readAhead); sb.append(", blockSize=").append(getDefaultBlockSize()); sb.append(", multiPartThreshold=").append(multiPartThreshold); if (serverSideEncryptionAlgorithm != null) { sb.append(", serverSideEncryptionAlgorithm='").append(serverSideEncryptionAlgorithm).append('\''); } sb.append(", statistics {").append(statistics).append("}"); sb.append(", metrics {").append(instrumentation.dump("{", "=", "} ", true)).append("}"); sb.append('}'); return sb.toString(); } /** * Get the partition size for multipart operations. * @return the value as set during initialization */ public long getPartitionSize() { return partSize; } /** * Get the threshold for multipart files. * @return the value as set during initialization */ public long getMultiPartThreshold() { return multiPartThreshold; } /** * Override superclass so as to add statistic collection. * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public FileStatus[] globStatus(Path pathPattern) throws IOException { incrementStatistic(INVOCATION_GLOB_STATUS); return super.globStatus(pathPattern); } /** * Override superclass so as to add statistic collection. * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public FileStatus[] globStatus(Path pathPattern, PathFilter filter) throws IOException { incrementStatistic(INVOCATION_GLOB_STATUS); return super.globStatus(pathPattern, filter); } /** * Override superclass so as to add statistic collection. * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public RemoteIterator<LocatedFileStatus> listLocatedStatus(Path f) throws FileNotFoundException, IOException { incrementStatistic(INVOCATION_LIST_LOCATED_STATUS); return super.listLocatedStatus(f); } @Override public RemoteIterator<LocatedFileStatus> listFiles(Path f, boolean recursive) throws FileNotFoundException, IOException { incrementStatistic(INVOCATION_LIST_FILES); return super.listFiles(f, recursive); } /** * Override superclass so as to add statistic collection. * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public boolean exists(Path f) throws IOException { incrementStatistic(INVOCATION_EXISTS); return super.exists(f); } /** * Override superclass so as to add statistic collection. * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public boolean isDirectory(Path f) throws IOException { incrementStatistic(INVOCATION_IS_DIRECTORY); return super.isDirectory(f); } /** * Override superclass so as to add statistic collection. * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public boolean isFile(Path f) throws IOException { incrementStatistic(INVOCATION_IS_FILE); return super.isFile(f); } /** * Get a integer option >= the minimum allowed value. * @param conf configuration * @param key key to look up * @param defVal default value * @param min minimum value * @return the value * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the value is below the minimum */ static int intOption(Configuration conf, String key, int defVal, int min) { int v = conf.getInt(key, defVal); Preconditions.checkArgument(v >= min, String.format("Value of %s: %d is below the minimum value %d", key, v, min)); return v; } /** * Get a long option >= the minimum allowed value. * @param conf configuration * @param key key to look up * @param defVal default value * @param min minimum value * @return the value * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the value is below the minimum */ static long longOption(Configuration conf, String key, long defVal, long min) { long v = conf.getLong(key, defVal); Preconditions.checkArgument(v >= min, String.format("Value of %s: %d is below the minimum value %d", key, v, min)); return v; } /** * This is a simple encapsulation of the * S3 access key and secret. */ static class AWSAccessKeys { private String accessKey = null; private String accessSecret = null; /** * Constructor. * @param key - AWS access key * @param secret - AWS secret key */ public AWSAccessKeys(String key, String secret) { accessKey = key; accessSecret = secret; } /** * Return the AWS access key. * @return key */ public String getAccessKey() { return accessKey; } /** * Return the AWS secret key. * @return secret */ public String getAccessSecret() { return accessSecret; } } }