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 * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
 * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
 * distributed with this work for additional information
 * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
 * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
 * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
 * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.


import static;

import java.util.Calendar;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.EnumSet;
import java.util.GregorianCalendar;
import java.util.TimeZone;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentLinkedQueue;

import org.apache.commons.configuration.SubsetConfiguration;
import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration;
import org.apache.hadoop.fs.Path;
import org.apache.hadoop.metrics2.AbstractMetric;
import org.apache.hadoop.metrics2.MetricsRecord;
import org.apache.hadoop.metrics2.MetricsSink;
import org.apache.hadoop.metrics2.MetricsTag;
import org.apache.hadoop.metrics2.lib.DefaultMetricsSystem;


 * Helper class to create WASB file systems backed by either a mock in-memory
 * implementation or a real Azure Storage account. See RunningLiveWasbTests.txt
 * for instructions on how to connect to a real Azure Storage account.
public final class AzureBlobStorageTestAccount {

    private static final String ACCOUNT_KEY_PROPERTY_NAME = "";
    private static final String SAS_PROPERTY_NAME = "";
    private static final String TEST_CONFIGURATION_FILE_NAME = "azure-test.xml";
    private static final String TEST_ACCOUNT_NAME_PROPERTY_NAME = "";
    public static final String MOCK_ACCOUNT_NAME = "";
    public static final String MOCK_CONTAINER_NAME = "mockContainer";
    public static final String WASB_AUTHORITY_DELIMITER = "@";
    public static final String WASB_SCHEME = "wasb";
    public static final String PATH_DELIMITER = "/";
    public static final String AZURE_ROOT_CONTAINER = "$root";
    public static final String MOCK_WASB_URI = "wasb://" + MOCK_CONTAINER_NAME + WASB_AUTHORITY_DELIMITER
            + MOCK_ACCOUNT_NAME + "/";
    private static final String USE_EMULATOR_PROPERTY_NAME = "";

    private static final String KEY_DISABLE_THROTTLING = "";
    private static final String KEY_READ_TOLERATE_CONCURRENT_APPEND = "";
    public static final String DEFAULT_PAGE_BLOB_DIRECTORY = "pageBlobs";
    public static final String DEFAULT_ATOMIC_RENAME_DIRECTORIES = "/atomicRenameDir1,/atomicRenameDir2";

    private CloudStorageAccount account;
    private CloudBlobContainer container;
    private CloudBlockBlob blob;
    private NativeAzureFileSystem fs;
    private AzureNativeFileSystemStore storage;
    private MockStorageInterface mockStorage;
    private String pageBlobDirectory;
    private static final ConcurrentLinkedQueue<MetricsRecord> allMetrics = new ConcurrentLinkedQueue<MetricsRecord>();
    private static boolean metricsConfigSaved = false;

    private AzureBlobStorageTestAccount(NativeAzureFileSystem fs, CloudStorageAccount account,
            CloudBlobContainer container) {
        this.account = account;
        this.container = container;
        this.fs = fs;

     * Create a test account with an initialized storage reference.
     * @param storage
     *          -- store to be accessed by the account
     * @param account
     *          -- Windows Azure account object
     * @param container
     *          -- Windows Azure container object
    private AzureBlobStorageTestAccount(AzureNativeFileSystemStore storage, CloudStorageAccount account,
            CloudBlobContainer container) {
        this.account = account;
        this.container = container; = storage;

     * Create a test account sessions with the default root container.
     * @param fs
     *          - file system, namely WASB file system
     * @param account
     *          - Windows Azure account object
     * @param blob
     *          - block blob reference
    private AzureBlobStorageTestAccount(NativeAzureFileSystem fs, CloudStorageAccount account,
            CloudBlockBlob blob) {

        this.account = account;
        this.blob = blob;
        this.fs = fs;

    private AzureBlobStorageTestAccount(NativeAzureFileSystem fs, MockStorageInterface mockStorage) {
        this.fs = fs;
        this.mockStorage = mockStorage;

    private static void addRecord(MetricsRecord record) {

    public static String getMockContainerUri() {
        return String.format("http://%s/%s", AzureBlobStorageTestAccount.MOCK_ACCOUNT_NAME,

    public static String toMockUri(String path) {
        return String.format("http://%s/%s/%s", AzureBlobStorageTestAccount.MOCK_ACCOUNT_NAME,
                AzureBlobStorageTestAccount.MOCK_CONTAINER_NAME, path);

    public static String toMockUri(Path path) {
        // Remove the first SEPARATOR
        return toMockUri(path.toUri().getRawPath().substring(1));

    public static Path pageBlobPath() {
        return new Path("/" + DEFAULT_PAGE_BLOB_DIRECTORY);

    public static Path pageBlobPath(String fileName) {
        return new Path(pageBlobPath(), fileName);

    public Number getLatestMetricValue(String metricName, Number defaultValue) throws IndexOutOfBoundsException {
        boolean found = false;
        Number ret = null;
        for (MetricsRecord currentRecord : allMetrics) {
            // First check if this record is coming for my file system.
            if (wasGeneratedByMe(currentRecord)) {
                for (AbstractMetric currentMetric : currentRecord.metrics()) {
                    if ( {
                        found = true;
                        ret = currentMetric.value();
        if (!found) {
            if (defaultValue != null) {
                return defaultValue;
            throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException(metricName);
        return ret;

     * Checks if the given record was generated by my WASB file system instance.
     * @param currentRecord The metrics record to check.
     * @return
    private boolean wasGeneratedByMe(MetricsRecord currentRecord) {
        String myFsId = fs.getInstrumentation().getFileSystemInstanceId().toString();
        for (MetricsTag currentTag : currentRecord.tags()) {
            if ("wasbFileSystemId")) {
                return currentTag.value().equals(myFsId);
        return false;

     * Gets the blob reference to the given blob key.
     * @param blobKey
     *          The blob key (no initial slash).
     * @return The blob reference.
    public CloudBlockBlob getBlobReference(String blobKey) throws Exception {
        return container.getBlockBlobReference(String.format(blobKey));

     * Acquires a short lease on the given blob in this test account.
     * @param blobKey
     *          The key to the blob (no initial slash).
     * @return The lease ID.
    public String acquireShortLease(String blobKey) throws Exception {
        return getBlobReference(blobKey).acquireLease(60, null);

     * Releases the lease on the container.
     * @param leaseID
     *          The lease ID.
    public void releaseLease(String leaseID, String blobKey) throws Exception {
        AccessCondition accessCondition = new AccessCondition();

    private static void saveMetricsConfigFile() {
        if (!metricsConfigSaved) {
            new org.apache.hadoop.metrics2.impl.ConfigBuilder()
                    .add("azure-file-system.sink.azuretestcollector.class", StandardCollector.class.getName())
            metricsConfigSaved = true;

    public static AzureBlobStorageTestAccount createMock() throws Exception {
        return createMock(new Configuration());

    public static AzureBlobStorageTestAccount createMock(Configuration conf) throws Exception {
        AzureNativeFileSystemStore store = new AzureNativeFileSystemStore();
        MockStorageInterface mockStorage = new MockStorageInterface();
        NativeAzureFileSystem fs = new NativeAzureFileSystem(store);
        // register the fs provider.

        fs.initialize(new URI(MOCK_WASB_URI), conf);
        AzureBlobStorageTestAccount testAcct = new AzureBlobStorageTestAccount(fs, mockStorage);
        return testAcct;

     * Set the page blob directories configuration to the default if it is not
     * already set. Some tests may set it differently (e.g. the page blob
     * tests in TestNativeAzureFSPageBlobLive).
     * @param conf The configuration to conditionally update.
    private static void configurePageBlobDir(Configuration conf) {
        if (conf.get(AzureNativeFileSystemStore.KEY_PAGE_BLOB_DIRECTORIES) == null) {
            conf.set(AzureNativeFileSystemStore.KEY_PAGE_BLOB_DIRECTORIES, "/" + DEFAULT_PAGE_BLOB_DIRECTORY);

    /** Do the same for the atomic rename directories configuration */
    private static void configureAtomicRenameDir(Configuration conf) {
        if (conf.get(AzureNativeFileSystemStore.KEY_ATOMIC_RENAME_DIRECTORIES) == null) {

     * Creates a test account that goes against the storage emulator.
     * @return The test account, or null if the emulator isn't setup.
    public static AzureBlobStorageTestAccount createForEmulator() throws Exception {
        NativeAzureFileSystem fs = null;
        CloudBlobContainer container = null;
        Configuration conf = createTestConfiguration();
        if (!conf.getBoolean(USE_EMULATOR_PROPERTY_NAME, false)) {
            // Not configured to test against the storage emulator.
            System.out.println("Skipping emulator Azure test because configuration "
                    + "doesn't indicate that it's running." + " Please see RunningLiveWasbTests.txt for guidance.");
            return null;
        CloudStorageAccount account = CloudStorageAccount.getDevelopmentStorageAccount();
        fs = new NativeAzureFileSystem();
        String containerName = String.format("wasbtests-%s-%tQ", System.getProperty(""), new Date());
        container = account.createCloudBlobClient().getContainerReference(containerName);

        // Set account URI and initialize Azure file system.
        URI accountUri = createAccountUri(DEFAULT_STORAGE_EMULATOR_ACCOUNT_NAME, containerName);
        fs.initialize(accountUri, conf);

        // Create test account initializing the appropriate member variables.
        AzureBlobStorageTestAccount testAcct = new AzureBlobStorageTestAccount(fs, account, container);

        return testAcct;

    public static AzureBlobStorageTestAccount createOutOfBandStore(int uploadBlockSize, int downloadBlockSize)
            throws Exception {


        CloudBlobContainer container = null;
        Configuration conf = createTestConfiguration();
        CloudStorageAccount account = createTestAccount(conf);
        if (null == account) {
            return null;

        String containerName = String.format("wasbtests-%s-%tQ", System.getProperty(""), new Date());

        // Create the container.
        container = account.createCloudBlobClient().getContainerReference(containerName);

        String accountName = conf.get(TEST_ACCOUNT_NAME_PROPERTY_NAME);

        // Ensure that custom throttling is disabled and tolerate concurrent
        // out-of-band appends.
        conf.setBoolean(KEY_DISABLE_THROTTLING, true);
        conf.setBoolean(KEY_READ_TOLERATE_CONCURRENT_APPEND, true);

        // Set account URI and initialize Azure file system.
        URI accountUri = createAccountUri(accountName, containerName);

        // Set up instrumentation.
        String sourceName = NativeAzureFileSystem.newMetricsSourceName();
        String sourceDesc = "Azure Storage Volume File System metrics";

        AzureFileSystemInstrumentation instrumentation = new AzureFileSystemInstrumentation(conf);

        AzureFileSystemMetricsSystem.registerSource(sourceName, sourceDesc, instrumentation);

        // Create a new AzureNativeFileSystemStore object.
        AzureNativeFileSystemStore testStorage = new AzureNativeFileSystemStore();

        // Initialize the store with the throttling feedback interfaces.
        testStorage.initialize(accountUri, conf, instrumentation);

        // Create test account initializing the appropriate member variables.
        AzureBlobStorageTestAccount testAcct = new AzureBlobStorageTestAccount(testStorage, account, container);

        return testAcct;

     * Sets the mock account key in the given configuration.
     * @param conf
     *          The configuration.
    public static void setMockAccountKey(Configuration conf) {
        setMockAccountKey(conf, MOCK_ACCOUNT_NAME);

     * Sets the mock account key in the given configuration.
     * @param conf
     *          The configuration.
    public static void setMockAccountKey(Configuration conf, String accountName) {
        conf.set(ACCOUNT_KEY_PROPERTY_NAME + accountName, Base64.encode(new byte[] { 1, 2, 3 }));

    private static URI createAccountUri(String accountName) throws URISyntaxException {
        return new URI(WASB_SCHEME + ":" + PATH_DELIMITER + PATH_DELIMITER + accountName);

    private static URI createAccountUri(String accountName, String containerName) throws URISyntaxException {
        return new URI(WASB_SCHEME + ":" + PATH_DELIMITER + PATH_DELIMITER + containerName
                + WASB_AUTHORITY_DELIMITER + accountName);

    public static AzureBlobStorageTestAccount create() throws Exception {
        return create("");

    public static AzureBlobStorageTestAccount create(String containerNameSuffix) throws Exception {
        return create(containerNameSuffix, EnumSet.of(CreateOptions.CreateContainer));

    // Create a test account which uses throttling.
    public static AzureBlobStorageTestAccount createThrottled() throws Exception {
        return create("", EnumSet.of(CreateOptions.useThrottling, CreateOptions.CreateContainer));

    public static AzureBlobStorageTestAccount create(Configuration conf) throws Exception {
        return create("", EnumSet.of(CreateOptions.CreateContainer), conf);

    static CloudStorageAccount createStorageAccount(String accountName, Configuration conf, boolean allowAnonymous)
            throws URISyntaxException, KeyProviderException {
        String accountKey = AzureNativeFileSystemStore.getAccountKeyFromConfiguration(accountName, conf);
        StorageCredentials credentials;
        if (accountKey == null && allowAnonymous) {
            credentials = StorageCredentialsAnonymous.ANONYMOUS;
        } else {
            credentials = new StorageCredentialsAccountAndKey(accountName.split("\\.")[0], accountKey);
        if (credentials == null) {
            return null;
        } else {
            return new CloudStorageAccount(credentials);

    public static Configuration createTestConfiguration() {
        return createTestConfiguration(null);

    private static Configuration createTestConfiguration(Configuration conf) {
        if (conf == null) {
            conf = new Configuration();

        return conf;

    public static CloudStorageAccount createTestAccount() throws URISyntaxException, KeyProviderException {
        return createTestAccount(createTestConfiguration());

    static CloudStorageAccount createTestAccount(Configuration conf)
            throws URISyntaxException, KeyProviderException {
        String testAccountName = conf.get(TEST_ACCOUNT_NAME_PROPERTY_NAME);
        if (testAccountName == null) {
            System.out.println("Skipping live Azure test because of missing test account."
                    + " Please see RunningLiveWasbTests.txt for guidance.");
            return null;
        return createStorageAccount(testAccountName, conf, false);

    public static enum CreateOptions {
        UseSas, Readonly, CreateContainer, useThrottling

    public static AzureBlobStorageTestAccount create(String containerNameSuffix,
            EnumSet<CreateOptions> createOptions) throws Exception {
        return create(containerNameSuffix, createOptions, null);

    public static AzureBlobStorageTestAccount create(String containerNameSuffix,
            EnumSet<CreateOptions> createOptions, Configuration initialConfiguration) throws Exception {
        NativeAzureFileSystem fs = null;
        CloudBlobContainer container = null;
        Configuration conf = createTestConfiguration(initialConfiguration);
        CloudStorageAccount account = createTestAccount(conf);
        if (account == null) {
            return null;
        fs = new NativeAzureFileSystem();
        String containerName = String.format("wasbtests-%s-%tQ%s", System.getProperty(""), new Date(),
        container = account.createCloudBlobClient().getContainerReference(containerName);
        if (createOptions.contains(CreateOptions.CreateContainer)) {
        String accountName = conf.get(TEST_ACCOUNT_NAME_PROPERTY_NAME);
        if (createOptions.contains(CreateOptions.UseSas)) {
            String sas = generateSAS(container, createOptions.contains(CreateOptions.Readonly));
            if (!createOptions.contains(CreateOptions.CreateContainer)) {
                // The caller doesn't want the container to be pre-created,
                // so delete it now that we have generated the SAS.
            // Remove the account key from the configuration to make sure we don't
            // cheat and use that.
            conf.set(ACCOUNT_KEY_PROPERTY_NAME + accountName, "");
            // Set the SAS key.
            conf.set(SAS_PROPERTY_NAME + containerName + "." + accountName, sas);

        // Check if throttling is turned on and set throttling parameters
        // appropriately.
        if (createOptions.contains(CreateOptions.useThrottling)) {
            conf.setBoolean(KEY_DISABLE_THROTTLING, false);
        } else {
            conf.setBoolean(KEY_DISABLE_THROTTLING, true);

        // Set account URI and initialize Azure file system.
        URI accountUri = createAccountUri(accountName, containerName);
        fs.initialize(accountUri, conf);

        // Create test account initializing the appropriate member variables.
        AzureBlobStorageTestAccount testAcct = new AzureBlobStorageTestAccount(fs, account, container);

        return testAcct;

    private static String generateContainerName() throws Exception {
        String containerName = String.format("wasbtests-%s-%tQ", System.getProperty(""), new Date());
        return containerName;

    private static String generateSAS(CloudBlobContainer container, boolean readonly) throws Exception {

        // Create a container if it does not exist.

        // Create a new shared access policy.
        SharedAccessBlobPolicy sasPolicy = new SharedAccessBlobPolicy();

        // Create a UTC Gregorian calendar value.
        GregorianCalendar calendar = new GregorianCalendar(TimeZone.getTimeZone("UTC"));

        // Specify the current time as the start time for the shared access
        // signature.
        calendar.setTime(new Date());

        // Use the start time delta one hour as the end time for the shared
        // access signature.
        calendar.add(Calendar.HOUR, 10);

        if (readonly) {
            // Set READ permissions
                    .setPermissions(EnumSet.of(SharedAccessBlobPermissions.READ, SharedAccessBlobPermissions.LIST));
        } else {
            // Set READ and WRITE permissions.
            sasPolicy.setPermissions(EnumSet.of(SharedAccessBlobPermissions.READ, SharedAccessBlobPermissions.WRITE,

        // Create the container permissions.
        BlobContainerPermissions containerPermissions = new BlobContainerPermissions();

        // Turn public access to the container off.


        // Create a shared access signature for the container.
        String sas = container.generateSharedAccessSignature(sasPolicy, null);
        // HACK: when the just generated SAS is used straight away, we get an
        // authorization error intermittently. Sleeping for 1.5 seconds fixes that
        // on my box.

        // Return to caller with the shared access signature.
        return sas;

    public static void primePublicContainer(CloudBlobClient blobClient, String accountName, String containerName,
            String blobName, int fileSize) throws Exception {

        // Create a container if it does not exist. The container name
        // must be lower case.
        CloudBlobContainer container = blobClient.getContainerReference(containerName);


        // Create a new shared access policy.
        SharedAccessBlobPolicy sasPolicy = new SharedAccessBlobPolicy();

        // Set READ and WRITE permissions.
        sasPolicy.setPermissions(EnumSet.of(SharedAccessBlobPermissions.READ, SharedAccessBlobPermissions.WRITE,
                SharedAccessBlobPermissions.LIST, SharedAccessBlobPermissions.DELETE));

        // Create the container permissions.
        BlobContainerPermissions containerPermissions = new BlobContainerPermissions();

        // Turn public access to the container off.

        // Set the policy using the values set above.
        containerPermissions.getSharedAccessPolicies().put("testwasbpolicy", sasPolicy);

        // Create a blob output stream.
        CloudBlockBlob blob = container.getBlockBlobReference(blobName);
        BlobOutputStream outputStream = blob.openOutputStream();

        outputStream.write(new byte[fileSize]);

    public static AzureBlobStorageTestAccount createAnonymous(final String blobName, final int fileSize)
            throws Exception {

        NativeAzureFileSystem fs = null;
        CloudBlobContainer container = null;
        Configuration conf = createTestConfiguration(), noTestAccountConf = new Configuration();

        // Set up a session with the cloud blob client to generate SAS and check the
        // existence of a container and capture the container object.
        CloudStorageAccount account = createTestAccount(conf);
        if (account == null) {
            return null;
        CloudBlobClient blobClient = account.createCloudBlobClient();

        // Capture the account URL and the account name.
        String accountName = conf.get(TEST_ACCOUNT_NAME_PROPERTY_NAME);

        // Generate a container name and create a shared access signature string for
        // it.
        String containerName = generateContainerName();

        // Set up public container with the specified blob name.
        primePublicContainer(blobClient, accountName, containerName, blobName, fileSize);

        // Capture the blob container object. It should exist after generating the
        // shared access signature.
        container = blobClient.getContainerReference(containerName);
        if (null == container || !container.exists()) {
            final String errMsg = String
                    .format("Container '%s' expected but not found while creating SAS account.");
            throw new Exception(errMsg);

        // Set the account URI.
        URI accountUri = createAccountUri(accountName, containerName);

        // Initialize the Native Azure file system with anonymous credentials.
        fs = new NativeAzureFileSystem();
        fs.initialize(accountUri, noTestAccountConf);

        // Create test account initializing the appropriate member variables.
        AzureBlobStorageTestAccount testAcct = new AzureBlobStorageTestAccount(fs, account, container);

        // Return to caller with test account.
        return testAcct;

    private static CloudBlockBlob primeRootContainer(CloudBlobClient blobClient, String accountName,
            String blobName, int fileSize) throws Exception {

        // Create a container if it does not exist. The container name
        // must be lower case.
        CloudBlobContainer container = blobClient.getContainerReference("https://" + accountName + "/" + "$root");

        // Create a blob output stream.
        CloudBlockBlob blob = container.getBlockBlobReference(blobName);
        BlobOutputStream outputStream = blob.openOutputStream();

        outputStream.write(new byte[fileSize]);

        // Return a reference to the block blob object.
        return blob;

    public static AzureBlobStorageTestAccount createRoot(final String blobName, final int fileSize)
            throws Exception {

        NativeAzureFileSystem fs = null;
        CloudBlobContainer container = null;
        Configuration conf = createTestConfiguration();

        // Set up a session with the cloud blob client to generate SAS and check the
        // existence of a container and capture the container object.
        CloudStorageAccount account = createTestAccount(conf);
        if (account == null) {
            return null;
        CloudBlobClient blobClient = account.createCloudBlobClient();

        // Capture the account URL and the account name.
        String accountName = conf.get(TEST_ACCOUNT_NAME_PROPERTY_NAME);

        // Set up public container with the specified blob name.
        CloudBlockBlob blobRoot = primeRootContainer(blobClient, accountName, blobName, fileSize);

        // Capture the blob container object. It should exist after generating the
        // shared access signature.
        container = blobClient.getContainerReference(AZURE_ROOT_CONTAINER);
        if (null == container || !container.exists()) {
            final String errMsg = String
                    .format("Container '%s' expected but not found while creating SAS account.");
            throw new Exception(errMsg);

        // Set the account URI without a container name.
        URI accountUri = createAccountUri(accountName);

        // Initialize the Native Azure file system with anonymous credentials.
        fs = new NativeAzureFileSystem();
        fs.initialize(accountUri, conf);

        // Create test account initializing the appropriate member variables.
        // Set the container value to null for the default root container.
        AzureBlobStorageTestAccount testAcct = new AzureBlobStorageTestAccount(fs, account, blobRoot);

        // Return to caller with test account.
        return testAcct;

    public void closeFileSystem() throws Exception {
        if (fs != null) {

    public void cleanup() throws Exception {
        if (fs != null) {
            fs = null;
        if (container != null) {
            container = null;
        if (blob != null) {
            // The blob member variable is set for blobs under root containers.
            // Delete blob objects created for root container tests when cleaning
            // up the test account.
            blob = null;

    public NativeAzureFileSystem getFileSystem() {
        return fs;

    public AzureNativeFileSystemStore getStore() {

     * Gets the real blob container backing this account if it's not a mock.
     * @return A container, or null if it's a mock.
    public CloudBlobContainer getRealContainer() {
        return container;

     * Gets the real blob account backing this account if it's not a mock.
     * @return An account, or null if it's a mock.
    public CloudStorageAccount getRealAccount() {
        return account;

     * Gets the mock storage interface if this account is backed by a mock.
     * @return The mock storage, or null if it's backed by a real account.
    public MockStorageInterface getMockStorage() {
        return mockStorage;

    public static class StandardCollector implements MetricsSink {
        public void init(SubsetConfiguration conf) {

        public void putMetrics(MetricsRecord record) {

        public void flush() {

    public void setPageBlobDirectory(String directory) {
        this.pageBlobDirectory = directory;

    public String getPageBlobDirectory() {
        return pageBlobDirectory;