Java tutorial
/* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.apache.gora.infinispan.query; import org.apache.avro.util.Utf8; import org.apache.commons.lang.builder.ToStringBuilder; import org.apache.gora.filter.MapFieldValueFilter; import org.apache.gora.filter.SingleFieldValueFilter; import; import org.apache.gora.persistency.impl.PersistentBase; import org.apache.gora.query.PartitionQuery; import org.apache.gora.query.Query; import org.apache.gora.query.impl.QueryBase; import; import org.infinispan.avro.client.Support; import org.infinispan.avro.hotrod.QueryBuilder; import org.infinispan.avro.hotrod.RemoteQuery; import org.infinispan.query.dsl.FilterConditionContext; import org.infinispan.query.dsl.SortOrder; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.List; /** * Infinispan specific implementation of the {@link Query} interface. * * @author Pierre Sutra */ public class InfinispanQuery<K, T extends PersistentBase> extends QueryBase<K, T> implements PartitionQuery<K, T>, Cloneable { public static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(InfinispanQuery.class); private static final String ADDR_DELIMITATOR = ";"; private RemoteQuery q; private InetSocketAddress location; private long offset; protected String sortingField; protected boolean isAscendant; public InfinispanQuery() { super(null); this.localFilterEnabled = false; this.setOffset(-1); this.isAscendant = true; this.sortingField = ""; } public InfinispanQuery(InfinispanStore<K, T> dataStore) { super(dataStore); this.localFilterEnabled = false; this.setOffset(-1); this.isAscendant = true; this.sortingField = ""; } public boolean isBuilt() { LOG.debug("isBuilt()"); return q != null; } public void rebuild() { LOG.debug("rebuild()"); q = null; build(); } public void build() { LOG.debug("build()"); FilterConditionContext context = null; if (q != null) { LOG.trace("Query already built; ignoring."); return; } QueryBuilder qb = ((InfinispanStore<K, T>) dataStore).getClient().getQueryBuilder(); if (filter instanceof MapFieldValueFilter) { MapFieldValueFilter mfilter = (MapFieldValueFilter) filter; if (!(mfilter.getMapKey() instanceof Utf8)) throw new IllegalAccessError("Invalid map key, must be a string."); if (mfilter.getOperands().size() > 1) throw new IllegalAccessError("MapFieldValueFilter operand not supported."); if (!(mfilter.getOperands().get(0) instanceof String)) throw new IllegalAccessError("Invalid operand, must be a string."); String value = mfilter.getMapKey() + Support.DELIMITER + mfilter.getOperands().get(0).toString(); switch (mfilter.getFilterOp()) { case EQUALS: if (value.equals("*")) { context = qb.having(mfilter.getFieldName()).like(value); } else { context = qb.having(mfilter.getFieldName()).eq(value); } if (!((MapFieldValueFilter) filter).isFilterIfMissing()) { LOG.warn("Forcing isFilterMissing to true"); ((MapFieldValueFilter) filter).setFilterIfMissing(true); } break; case NOT_EQUALS: if (value.equals("*")) { context = qb.not().having(mfilter.getFieldName()).like(value); } else { context = qb.not().having(mfilter.getFieldName()).eq(value); } if (!((MapFieldValueFilter) filter).isFilterIfMissing()) { LOG.warn("Forcing isFilterMissing to false"); ((MapFieldValueFilter) filter).setFilterIfMissing(false); } break; default: throw new IllegalAccessError("FilterOp not supported.."); } } else if (filter instanceof SingleFieldValueFilter) { SingleFieldValueFilter sfilter = (SingleFieldValueFilter) filter; if (sfilter.getOperands().size() > 1) throw new IllegalAccessError("SingleFieldValueFilter operand not supported."); Object value = sfilter.getOperands().get(0); switch (sfilter.getFilterOp()) { case EQUALS: if (value.equals("*")) { context = qb.having(sfilter.getFieldName()).like((String) value); } else { context = qb.having(sfilter.getFieldName()).eq(value); } break; case NOT_EQUALS: if (value.equals("*")) { context = qb.not().having(sfilter.getFieldName()).like((String) value); } else { context = qb.not().having(sfilter.getFieldName()).eq(value); } break; case LESS: context = qb.having(sfilter.getFieldName()).lt(value); break; case LESS_OR_EQUAL: context = qb.having(sfilter.getFieldName()).lte(value); break; case GREATER: context = qb.having(sfilter.getFieldName()).gt(value); break; case GREATER_OR_EQUAL: context = qb.having(sfilter.getFieldName()).gte(value); break; default: throw new IllegalAccessError("FilterOp not supported.."); } } else if (filter != null) { throw new IllegalAccessError("Filter not supported."); } if (this.startKey == this.endKey && this.startKey != null) { (context == null ? qb : context.and()).having(getPrimaryFieldName()).eq(this.startKey); } else { if (this.startKey != null && this.endKey != null) context = (context == null ? qb : context.and()).having(getPrimaryFieldName()) .between(this.startKey, this.endKey); else if (this.startKey != null) context = (context == null ? qb : context.and()).having(getPrimaryFieldName()) .between(this.startKey, null); else if (this.endKey != null) (context == null ? qb : context.and()).having(getPrimaryFieldName()).between(null, this.endKey); } // if projection enabled, keep the primary field. if (fields != null && fields.length > 0) { String[] fieldsWithPrimary; List<String> fieldsList = new ArrayList<>(Arrays.asList(fields)); if (!fieldsList.contains(getPrimaryFieldName())) { fieldsWithPrimary = Arrays.copyOf(fields, fields.length + 1); fieldsWithPrimary[fields.length] = getPrimaryFieldName(); } else { fieldsWithPrimary = fieldsList.toArray(new String[] {}); } qb.setProjection(fieldsWithPrimary); } qb.orderBy((getSortingField().equals("")) ? getPrimaryFieldName() : getSortingField(), isAscendant ? SortOrder.ASC : SortOrder.DESC); if (this.getOffset() >= 0) qb.startOffset(this.getOffset()); if (this.getLimit() > 0) qb.maxResults((int) this.getLimit()); q = (RemoteQuery); if (location != null) q.setLocation(location); } public List<T> list() { LOG.debug("list()"); if (!isBuilt()) build(); return q.list(); } public List<PartitionQuery<K, T>> split() { LOG.debug("split()"); if (!isBuilt()) build(); List<PartitionQuery<K, T>> splits = new ArrayList<>(); QueryBuilder qb = ((InfinispanStore<K, T>) dataStore).getClient().getQueryBuilder(); Collection<RemoteQuery> Queries = qb.split(this.q); for (RemoteQuery Query : Queries) { InfinispanQuery<K, T> split = (InfinispanQuery<K, T>) this.clone(); split.q = Query; split.location = Query.getLocation(); splits.add(split); } LOG.trace(splits.toString()); return splits; } public int getResultSize() { return q.getResultSize(); } public String getPrimaryFieldName() { return ((InfinispanStore) dataStore).getPrimaryFieldName(); } @Override public Object clone() { InfinispanQuery<K, T> query = null; try { query = (InfinispanQuery<K, T>) super.clone(); } catch (CloneNotSupportedException e) { // not reachable. } query.setDataStore(this.getDataStore()); query.setFilter(this.getFilter()); query.setFields(this.getFields()); query.setKeyRange(this.getStartKey(), this.getEndKey()); query.setConf(this.getConf()); query.setStartTime(this.getStartTime()); query.setEndTime(this.getEndTime()); query.setLocalFilterEnabled(this.isLocalFilterEnabled()); query.setLimit(this.getLimit()); query.setOffset(this.getOffset()); query.setQueryString(this.getQueryString()); query.setSortingField(this.getSortingField()); query.setSortingOrder(this.getSortingOrder()); query.q = this.q; query.location = this.location; return query; } @Override public String[] getLocations() { if (location == null) return new String[0]; String[] result = new String[1]; result[0] = location.getHostString(); return result; } public InetSocketAddress getLocation() { return location; } // FIXME use the write non-null fields function. @Override @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public void readFields(DataInput in) throws IOException { super.readFields(in); sortingField = WritableUtils.readString(in); isAscendant = in.readBoolean(); String locationString = WritableUtils.readString(in); if (!locationString.equals("")) location = new InetSocketAddress(locationString.split(ADDR_DELIMITATOR)[0], Integer.valueOf(locationString.split(ADDR_DELIMITATOR)[1])); } @Override public void write(DataOutput out) throws IOException { super.write(out); WritableUtils.writeString(out, getSortingField()); out.writeBoolean(isAscendant); if (location != null) WritableUtils.writeString(out, location.getHostName() + ADDR_DELIMITATOR + location.getPort()); else WritableUtils.writeString(out, ""); } @Override public String toString() { ToStringBuilder builder = new ToStringBuilder(this); builder.append("dataStore", dataStore); builder.append("location", location == null ? null : location.toString()); builder.append("fields", fields); builder.append("startKey", startKey); builder.append("endKey", endKey); builder.append("filter", filter); builder.append("limit", limit); builder.append("offset", offset); builder.append("localFilterEnabled", localFilterEnabled); return builder.toString(); } public long getOffset() { return offset; } public void setOffset(long offset) { this.offset = offset; } public String getQueryString() { return queryString; } public void setQueryString(String queryString) { this.queryString = queryString; } public String getSortingField() { return sortingField; } public void setSortingField(String field) { sortingField = field; } public boolean getSortingOrder() { return isAscendant; } public void setSortingOrder(boolean isAscendant) { this.isAscendant = isAscendant; } }