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 * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
 * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
 * distributed with this work for additional information
 * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
 * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
 * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
 * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

package org.apache.giraph.ooc;

import org.apache.commons.lang3.tuple.MutablePair;
import org.apache.commons.lang3.tuple.Pair;
import org.apache.giraph.bsp.CentralizedServiceWorker;
import org.apache.giraph.comm.messages.MessageStore;
import org.apache.giraph.conf.ImmutableClassesGiraphConfiguration;
import org.apache.giraph.conf.IntConfOption;
import org.apache.giraph.edge.OutEdges;
import org.apache.giraph.graph.Vertex;
import org.apache.giraph.partition.Partition;
import org.apache.giraph.partition.PartitionStore;
import org.apache.giraph.utils.ByteArrayOneMessageToManyIds;
import org.apache.giraph.utils.ByteArrayVertexIdEdges;
import org.apache.giraph.utils.ByteArrayVertexIdMessages;
import org.apache.giraph.utils.ExtendedDataOutput;
import org.apache.giraph.utils.PairList;
import org.apache.giraph.utils.VertexIdEdges;
import org.apache.giraph.utils.VertexIdMessages;
import org.apache.giraph.utils.VertexIterator;
import org.apache.giraph.utils.WritableUtils;
import org.apache.giraph.worker.BspServiceWorker;
import org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.Mapper;
import org.apache.log4j.Logger;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Map.Entry;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentMap;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger;
import java.util.concurrent.locks.ReadWriteLock;
import java.util.concurrent.locks.ReentrantReadWriteLock;

import static org.apache.giraph.conf.GiraphConstants.MAX_PARTITIONS_IN_MEMORY;
import static org.apache.giraph.conf.GiraphConstants.ONE_MB;
import static org.apache.giraph.conf.GiraphConstants.PARTITIONS_DIRECTORY;

import static;
import static;
import static;

 * Disk-backed PartitionStore. An instance of this class can be coupled with an
 * out-of-core engine. Out-of-core engine is responsible to determine when to
 * offload and what to offload to disk. The instance of this class handles the
 * interactions with disk.
 * This class provides efficient scheduling mechanism while iterating over
 * partitions. It prefers spilling in-memory processed partitions, but the
 * scheduling can be improved upon further.
 * @param <I> Vertex id
 * @param <V> Vertex data
 * @param <E> Edge data
public class DiskBackedPartitionStore<I extends WritableComparable, V extends Writable, E extends Writable>
        extends PartitionStore<I, V, E> {
     * Minimum size of a buffer (in bytes) to flush to disk. This is used to
     * decide whether vertex/edge buffers are large enough to flush to disk.
    public static final IntConfOption MINIMUM_BUFFER_SIZE_TO_FLUSH = new IntConfOption("giraph.flushBufferSize",
            8 * ONE_MB, "Minimum size of a buffer (in bytes) to flush to disk. ");

    /** Class logger. */
    private static final Logger LOG = Logger.getLogger(DiskBackedPartitionStore.class);

    /** Cached value for MINIMUM_BUFFER_SIZE_TO_FLUSH */
    private final int minBuffSize;

     * States the partition can be found in:
     * INIT: the partition has just been created
     * ACTIVE: there is at least one thread who holds a reference to the partition
     *         and uses it
     * INACTIVE: the partition is not being used by anyone, but it is in memory
     * IN_TRANSIT: the partition is being transferred to disk, the transfer is
     *             not yet complete
     * ON_DISK: the partition resides on disk
    private enum State {

    /** Hash map containing all the partitions  */
    private final ConcurrentMap<Integer, MetaPartition> partitions = Maps.newConcurrentMap();

     * Contains partitions that has been processed in the current iteration cycle,
     * and are not in use by any thread. The 'State' of these partitions can only
    private final Map<State, Set<Integer>> processedPartitions;
     * Contains partitions that has *not* been processed in the current iteration
     * cycle. Similar to processedPartitions, 'State' if these partitions can only
    private final Map<State, Set<Integer>> unProcessedPartitions;

     * Read/Write lock to avoid interleaving of the process of starting a new
     * iteration cycle and the process of spilling data to disk. This is necessary
     * as starting a new iteration changes the data structure holding data that is
     * being spilled to disk. Spilling of different data can happen at the same
     * time (a read lock used for spilling), and cannot be overlapped with
     * change of data structure holding the data.
    private final ReadWriteLock rwLock = new ReentrantReadWriteLock();

    /** Base path where the partition files are written to */
    private final String[] basePaths;
    /** Used to hash partition Ids */
    private final HashFunction hasher = Hashing.murmur3_32();
    /** Maximum number of partition slots in memory */
    private final AtomicInteger maxPartitionsInMem = new AtomicInteger(-1);
    /** Number of slots used */
    private final AtomicInteger numPartitionsInMem = new AtomicInteger(0);

    /** Out-of-core engine */
    private final OutOfCoreEngine oocEngine;
    /** If moving of edges to vertices in INPUT_SUPERSTEP has been started */
    private volatile boolean movingEdges;
    /** Whether the partition store is initialized */
    private volatile AtomicBoolean isInitialized;
    /** Whether the number of partitions are fixed as requested by user */
    private final boolean isNumPartitionsFixed;

     * Map of partition ids to list of input vertex buffers. The map will have an
     * entry only for partitions that are currently out-of-core. We keep the
     * aggregate size of buffers in as part of the values of the map to estimate
     * how much memory would be free if we offload this buffer to disk.
    private final ConcurrentMap<Integer, Pair<Integer, List<ExtendedDataOutput>>> pendingInputVertices = Maps
     * When a partition is out-of-core, and we also offloaded some of its vertex
     * buffers, we have to keep track of how many buffers we offloaded to disk.
     * This contains this value for out-of-core partitions.
    private final ConcurrentMap<Integer, Integer> numPendingInputVerticesOnDisk = Maps.newConcurrentMap();
    /** Lock to avoid overlap of addition and removal on pendingInputVertices */
    private final ReadWriteLock vertexBufferRWLock = new ReentrantReadWriteLock();

     * Similar to vertex buffer, but used for input edges (see comments for
     * pendingInputVertices).
    private final ConcurrentMap<Integer, Pair<Integer, List<VertexIdEdges<I, E>>>> pendingInputEdges = Maps
    /** Similar to numPendingInputVerticesOnDisk but used for edge buffers */
    private final ConcurrentMap<Integer, Integer> numPendingInputEdgesOnDisk = Maps.newConcurrentMap();
    /** Lock to avoid overlap of addition and removal on pendingInputEdges */
    private final ReadWriteLock edgeBufferRWLock = new ReentrantReadWriteLock();

     * For each out-of-core partitions, whether its edge store is also
     * offloaded to disk in INPUT_SUPERSTEP.
    private final ConcurrentMap<Integer, Boolean> hasEdgeStoreOnDisk = Maps.newConcurrentMap();

     * Type of VertexIdMessage class (container for serialized messages) received
     * for a particular message. If we write the received messages to disk before
     * adding them to message store, we need this type when we want to read the
     * messages back from disk (so that we know how to read the messages from
     * disk).
    private enum SerializedMessageClass {
        /** ByteArrayVertexIdMessages */
        /** ByteArrayOneMEssageToManyIds */

     * Similar to vertex buffer and edge buffer, but used for messages (see
     * comments for pendingInputVertices).
    private volatile ConcurrentMap<Integer, Pair<Integer, List<VertexIdMessages<I, Writable>>>> pendingIncomingMessages = Maps
    /** Whether a partition has any incoming message buffer on disk */
    private volatile ConcurrentMap<Integer, Boolean> incomingMessagesOnDisk = Maps.newConcurrentMap();

     * Similar to pendingIncomingMessages, but is used for messages for current
     * superstep instead.
    private volatile ConcurrentMap<Integer, Pair<Integer, List<VertexIdMessages<I, Writable>>>> pendingCurrentMessages = Maps
    /** Similar to incomingMessagesOnDisk for messages for current superstep */
    private volatile ConcurrentMap<Integer, Boolean> currentMessagesOnDisk = Maps.newConcurrentMap();

     * Lock to avoid overlap of addition and removal of pending message buffers
    private final ReadWriteLock messageBufferRWLock = new ReentrantReadWriteLock();

     * Constructor
     * @param conf Configuration
     * @param context Context
     * @param serviceWorker service worker reference
    public DiskBackedPartitionStore(ImmutableClassesGiraphConfiguration<I, V, E> conf,
            Mapper<?, ?, ?, ?>.Context context, CentralizedServiceWorker<I, V, E> serviceWorker) {
        super(conf, context, serviceWorker);
        this.minBuffSize = MINIMUM_BUFFER_SIZE_TO_FLUSH.get(conf);
        int userMaxNumPartitions = MAX_PARTITIONS_IN_MEMORY.get(conf);
        if (userMaxNumPartitions > 0) {
            this.isNumPartitionsFixed = true;
            oocEngine = null;
        } else {
            this.isNumPartitionsFixed = false;
            this.oocEngine = new AdaptiveOutOfCoreEngine<I, V, E>(conf, serviceWorker);
        this.movingEdges = false;
        this.isInitialized = new AtomicBoolean(false);

        this.processedPartitions = Maps.newHashMap();
        this.processedPartitions.put(State.INACTIVE, Sets.<Integer>newLinkedHashSet());
        this.processedPartitions.put(State.IN_TRANSIT, Sets.<Integer>newLinkedHashSet());
        this.processedPartitions.put(State.ON_DISK, Sets.<Integer>newLinkedHashSet());

        this.unProcessedPartitions = Maps.newHashMap();
        this.unProcessedPartitions.put(State.INACTIVE, Sets.<Integer>newLinkedHashSet());
        this.unProcessedPartitions.put(State.IN_TRANSIT, Sets.<Integer>newLinkedHashSet());
        this.unProcessedPartitions.put(State.ON_DISK, Sets.<Integer>newLinkedHashSet());

        // Take advantage of multiple disks
        String[] userPaths = PARTITIONS_DIRECTORY.getArray(conf);
        basePaths = new String[userPaths.length];
        int i = 0;
        for (String path : userPaths) {
            basePaths[i++] = path + "/" + conf.get("", "Unknown Job");
        if (LOG.isInfoEnabled()) {
  "DiskBackedPartitionStore with isStaticGraph=" + conf.isStaticGraph()
                    + ((userMaxNumPartitions > 0)
                            ? (" with maximum " + userMaxNumPartitions + " partitions in memory.")
                            : "."));

     * @return maximum number of partitions allowed in memory
    public int getNumPartitionSlots() {
        return maxPartitionsInMem.get();

     * @return number of partitions in memory
    public int getNumPartitionInMemory() {
        return numPartitionsInMem.get();

     * Sets the maximum number of partitions allowed in memory
     * @param numPartitions Number of partitions to allow in memory
    public void setNumPartitionSlots(int numPartitions) {

    public void initialize() {
        // "initialize" is called right before partition assignment in setup
        // process. However, it might be the case that this worker is a bit slow
        // and other workers start sending vertices/edges (in input superstep)
        // to this worker before the initialize is called. So, we put a guard in
        // necessary places to make sure the 'initialize' is called at a proper time
        // and also only once.
        if (isInitialized.compareAndSet(false, true)) {
            // Set the maximum number of partition slots in memory if unset
            if (maxPartitionsInMem.get() == -1) {
                // Check if master has not done partition assignment yet (may happen in
                // test codes)
                if (maxPartitionsInMem.get() == 0) {
                    LOG.warn("initialize: partitions assigned to this worker is not " + "known yet");
                    if (maxPartitionsInMem.get() == 0) {
                if (LOG.isInfoEnabled()) {
          "initialize: set the max number of partitions in memory " + "to "
                            + maxPartitionsInMem.get());

    public Iterable<Integer> getPartitionIds() {
        return Iterables.unmodifiableIterable(partitions.keySet());

    public boolean hasPartition(final Integer id) {
        return partitions.containsKey(id);

    public int getNumPartitions() {
        return partitions.size();

    public long getPartitionVertexCount(Integer partitionId) {
        MetaPartition meta = partitions.get(partitionId);
        if (meta == null) {
            return 0;
        } else if (meta.getState() == State.ON_DISK) {
            return meta.getVertexCount();
        } else {
            return meta.getPartition().getVertexCount();

    public long getPartitionEdgeCount(Integer partitionId) {
        MetaPartition meta = partitions.get(partitionId);
        if (meta == null) {
            return 0;
        } else if (meta.getState() == State.ON_DISK) {
            return meta.getEdgeCount();
        } else {
            return meta.getPartition().getEdgeCount();

     * Spill one partition to disk.
    private void swapOnePartitionToDisk() {
        Integer partitionId;
        // The only partitions in memory are IN_TRANSIT, ACTIVE, and INACTIVE ones.
        // If a partition is currently in transit, it means an OOC thread is
        // pushing the partition to disk, or a compute thread is swapping the
        // partition to open up space for another partition. So, such partitions
        // eventually will free up space in memory. However, this method is usually
        // called at critical points where freeing up space in memory is crucial.
        // So, we should look into a partition to swap amongst other in-memory
        // partitions. An in-memory partition that is not in-transit can be in
        // three states:
        //   1) already processed, which we can simply swap it to disk,
        //   2) non-processed but active (means someone is in the middle of
        //      processing the partition). In this case we cannot touch the
        //      partition until its processing is done.
        //   3) un-processed and inactive. It is bad to swap this partition to disk
        //      as someone will load it again for processing in future. But, this
        //      method is called to strictly swap a partition to disk. So, if there
        //      is no partition in state 1, we should swap a partition in state 3 to
        //      disk.
        synchronized (processedPartitions) {
            partitionId = popFromSet(processedPartitions.get(State.INACTIVE));
        if (partitionId == null) {
            synchronized (unProcessedPartitions) {
                partitionId = popFromSet(unProcessedPartitions.get(State.INACTIVE));
            if (partitionId == null) {
                // At this point some partitions are being processed and we should
                // wait until their processing is done
                synchronized (processedPartitions) {
                    partitionId = popFromSet(processedPartitions.get(State.INACTIVE));
                    while (partitionId == null) {
                        try {
                            // Here is the only place we wait on 'processedPartition', and
                            // this wait is only for INACTIVE entry of the map. So, only at
                            // times where a partition is added to INACTIVE entry of this map,
                            // we should call '.notifyAll()'. Although this might seem a bad
                            // practice, decoupling the INACTIVE entry from this map makes the
                            // synchronization mechanism cumbersome and error-prone.
                        } catch (InterruptedException e) {
                            throw new IllegalStateException("swapOnePartitionToDisk: Caught"
                                    + "InterruptedException while waiting on a partition to"
                                    + "become inactive in memory and swapping it to disk");
                        partitionId = popFromSet(processedPartitions.get(State.INACTIVE));

        if (LOG.isInfoEnabled()) {
  "swapOnePartitionToDisk: decided to swap partition " + partitionId + " to disk");
        MetaPartition swapOutPartition = partitions.get(partitionId);
                "swapOnePartitionToDisk: the partition is not found to spill to disk " + "(impossible)");

        // Since the partition is popped from the maps, it is not going to be
        // processed (or change its process state) until spilling of the partition
        // is done (the only way to access a partition is through
        // processedPartitions or unProcessedPartitions Map, so once a partition is
        // popped from a map, there is no need for synchronization on that
        // partition).
        Map<State, Set<Integer>> ownerMap = (swapOutPartition.isProcessed()) ? processedPartitions
                : unProcessedPartitions;

        // Here is the *only* place that holds a lock on an in-transit partition.
        // Anywhere else in the code should call wait() on the in-transit partition
        // to release the lock. This is an important optimization as we are no
        // longer have to keep the lock while partition is being transferred to
        // disk.
        synchronized (swapOutPartition) {
            synchronized (ownerMap) {

        try {
            if (LOG.isInfoEnabled()) {
      "swapOnePartitionToDisk: start swapping partition " + partitionId + " to disk.");
            if (LOG.isInfoEnabled()) {
      "swapOnePartitionToDisk: done swapping partition " + partitionId + " to disk.");
        } catch (IOException e) {
            throw new IllegalStateException(
                    "swapOnePartitionToDisk: Failed while offloading partition " + partitionId);

        synchronized (swapOutPartition) {
            synchronized (ownerMap) {
                boolean stillInMap = ownerMap.get(State.IN_TRANSIT).remove(partitionId);
                // If a compute thread gets an IN_TRANSIT partition (as the last resort
                // to get the next partition to process), 'swapOutPartition' may no
                // longer be in its map. But, if it is in its own map, we should update
                // the map.
                if (stillInMap) {
            // notifying all threads that are waiting for this partition to spill to
            // disk.

     * Decrement maximum number of partitions allowed in memory by one and pushes
     * one partition to disk if necessary.
    public void spillOnePartition() {
        if (maxPartitionsInMem.getAndDecrement() <= numPartitionsInMem.get()) {

    public Partition<I, V, E> getNextPartition() {
        Integer partitionId;
        // We prioritize accesses to currently in-memory partitions first. If there
        // is no such partition, we choose amongst on-disk partitions. This is a
        // preferable choice over in-transit partitions since we can start bringing
        // on-disk partitions to memory right away, while if we choose in-transit
        // partitions, we first have to wait for the transit to be complete, and
        // then bring the partition back in memory again.
        synchronized (unProcessedPartitions) {
            partitionId = popFromSet(unProcessedPartitions.get(State.INACTIVE));
            if (partitionId == null) {
                partitionId = popFromSet(unProcessedPartitions.get(State.ON_DISK));
                if (partitionId == null) {
                    partitionId = popFromSet(unProcessedPartitions.get(State.IN_TRANSIT));

        // Check if we are at the end of the current iteration cycle
        if (partitionId == null) {
            return null;

        MetaPartition meta = partitions.get(partitionId);
        checkNotNull(meta, "getNextPartition: partition " + partitionId + " does not exist (impossible)");

        // The only time we iterate through all partitions in INPUT_SUPERSTEP is
        // when we want to move
        // edges from edge store to vertices. So, we check if we have anything in
        // edge store for the chosen partition, and if there is no edge store for
        // this partition, we skip processing it. This avoids unnecessary loading
        // of on-disk partitions that does not have edge store.
        if (movingEdges) {
            boolean shouldProcess = false;
            synchronized (meta) {
                if (meta.getState() == State.INACTIVE) {
                    shouldProcess = edgeStore.hasPartitionEdges(partitionId);
                } else { // either ON_DISK or IN_TRANSIT
                    Integer numBuf = numPendingInputEdgesOnDisk.get(partitionId);
                    Boolean hasStore = hasEdgeStoreOnDisk.get(partitionId);
                    shouldProcess = (numBuf != null && numBuf != 0) || (hasStore != null && hasStore);
                if (!shouldProcess) {
                    synchronized (processedPartitions) {
                        if (meta.getState() == State.INACTIVE) {
            if (!shouldProcess) {
                return getNextPartition();
        return meta.getPartition();

     * Method that gets a partition from the store.
     * The partition is produced as a side effect of the computation and is
     * reflected inside the META object provided as parameter.
     * This function is thread-safe since it locks the whole computation
     * on the MetaPartition provided.
     * When a thread tries to access an element on disk, it waits until space
     * becomes available in memory by swapping partitions to disk.
     * @param meta meta partition container with the partition itself
    private void getPartition(MetaPartition meta) {
        int partitionId = meta.getId();
        synchronized (meta) {
            boolean partitionInMemory = false;
            while (!partitionInMemory) {
                switch (meta.getState()) {
                case INACTIVE:
                    // Check if the message store for the current superstep is in memory,
                    // and if not, load it from the disk.
                    Boolean messagesOnDisk = currentMessagesOnDisk.get(partitionId);
                    if (messagesOnDisk != null && messagesOnDisk) {
                        try {
                        } catch (IOException e) {
                            throw new IllegalStateException("getPartition: failed while "
                                    + "loading messages of current superstep for partition " + partitionId);
                    partitionInMemory = true;
                case IN_TRANSIT:
                    try {
                        // Wait until the partition transfer to disk is complete
                    } catch (InterruptedException e) {
                        throw new IllegalStateException(
                                "getPartition: exception " + "while waiting on IN_TRANSIT partition " + partitionId
                                        + " to" + " fully spill to disk.");
                case ON_DISK:
                    boolean spaceAvailable = false;

                    while (numPartitionsInMem.get() >= maxPartitionsInMem.get()) {

                    // Reserve the space in memory for the partition
                    if (numPartitionsInMem.incrementAndGet() <= maxPartitionsInMem.get()) {
                        spaceAvailable = true;
                    } else {

                    if (spaceAvailable) {
                        Partition<I, V, E> partition;
                        try {
                            if (LOG.isInfoEnabled()) {
                      "getPartition: start reading partition " + partitionId + " from disk");
                            partition = loadPartition(meta);
                            if (LOG.isInfoEnabled()) {
                      "getPartition: done reading partition " + partitionId + " from disk");
                        } catch (IOException e) {
                            LOG.error("getPartition: Failed while Loading Partition " + "from disk: "
                                    + e.getMessage());
                            throw new IllegalStateException(e);
                        partitionInMemory = true;
                    throw new IllegalStateException(
                            "illegal state " + meta.getState() + " for partition " + meta.getId());

    public void prepareSuperstep() {
        pendingCurrentMessages = pendingIncomingMessages;
        currentMessagesOnDisk = incomingMessagesOnDisk;
        pendingIncomingMessages = Maps.newConcurrentMap();
        incomingMessagesOnDisk = Maps.newConcurrentMap();

     * Spill message buffers (either buffers for messages for current superstep,
     * or buffers for incoming messages) of a given partition to disk. Note that
     * the partition should be ON_DISK or IN_TRANSIT.
     * @param partitionId Id of the partition to spill its message buffers
     * @throws IOException
    public void spillPartitionMessages(Integer partitionId) throws IOException {
        spillMessages(partitionId, pendingCurrentMessages, serviceWorker.getSuperstep());
        spillMessages(partitionId, pendingIncomingMessages, serviceWorker.getSuperstep() + 1);

     * Spill message buffers of a particular type of message (current or incoming
     * buffer) for a partition to disk.
     * @param partitionId Id of the partition to spill the messages for
     * @param pendingMessages The map to get the message buffers from
     * @param superstep Superstep of which we want to offload messages. This is
     *                  equal to current superstep number if we want to offload
     *                  buffers for currentMessageStore, and is equal to next
     *                  superstep number if we want to offload buffer for
     *                  incomingMessageStore
     * @throws IOException
    private void spillMessages(Integer partitionId,
            ConcurrentMap<Integer, Pair<Integer, List<VertexIdMessages<I, Writable>>>> pendingMessages,
            long superstep) throws IOException {
        Pair<Integer, List<VertexIdMessages<I, Writable>>> entry;
        entry = pendingMessages.remove(partitionId);
        if (entry != null && entry.getLeft() < minBuffSize) {
            pendingMessages.put(partitionId, entry);
            entry = null;

        if (entry == null) {

        // Sanity check
                "spillMessages: the message buffer that is supposed to be flushed to " + "disk does not exist.");

        File file = new File(getPendingMessagesBufferPath(partitionId, superstep));

        FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream(file, true);
        BufferedOutputStream bos = new BufferedOutputStream(fos);
        DataOutputStream dos = new DataOutputStream(bos);
        for (VertexIdMessages<I, Writable> messages : entry.getRight()) {
            SerializedMessageClass messageClass;
            if (messages instanceof ByteArrayVertexIdMessages) {
                messageClass = SerializedMessageClass.BYTE_ARRAY_VERTEX_ID_MESSAGES;
            } else if (messages instanceof ByteArrayOneMessageToManyIds) {
                messageClass = SerializedMessageClass.BYTE_ARRAY_ONE_MESSAGE_TO_MANY_IDS;
            } else {
                throw new IllegalStateException("spillMessages: serialized message " + "type is not supported");

     * Looks through all partitions already on disk, and see if any of them has
     * enough pending message in its buffer in memory. This can be message buffer
     * of current superstep, or incoming superstep. If so, put that partition
     * along with an approximate amount of memory it took (in bytes) in a list to
     * return.
     * @return List of pairs (partitionId, sizeInByte) of the partitions where
     *         their pending messages are worth flushing to disk
    public PairList<Integer, Integer> getOocPartitionIdsWithPendingMessages() {
        PairList<Integer, Integer> pairList = new PairList<>();
        Set<Integer> partitionIds = Sets.newHashSet();
        // First, iterating over pending incoming messages
        if (pendingIncomingMessages != null) {
            for (Entry<Integer, Pair<Integer, List<VertexIdMessages<I, Writable>>>> entry : pendingIncomingMessages
                    .entrySet()) {
                if (entry.getValue().getLeft() > minBuffSize) {
                    pairList.add(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue().getLeft());
        // Second, iterating over pending current messages (i.e. pending incoming
        // messages of previous superstep)
        if (pendingCurrentMessages != null) {
            for (Entry<Integer, Pair<Integer, List<VertexIdMessages<I, Writable>>>> entry : pendingCurrentMessages
                    .entrySet()) {
                if (entry.getValue().getLeft() > minBuffSize && !partitionIds.contains(entry.getKey())) {
                    pairList.add(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue().getLeft());
        return pairList;

    public <M extends Writable> void addPartitionCurrentMessages(int partitionId, VertexIdMessages<I, M> messages)
            throws IOException {
        // Current messages are only added to the store in the event of partition
        // migration. Presumably the partition has just migrated and its data is
        // still available in memory. Note that partition migration only happens at
        // the beginning of a superstep.
        ((MessageStore<I, M>) currentMessageStore).addPartitionMessages(partitionId, messages);

    public <M extends Writable> void addPartitionIncomingMessages(int partitionId, VertexIdMessages<I, M> messages)
            throws IOException {
        if (conf.getIncomingMessageClasses().useMessageCombiner()) {
            ((MessageStore<I, M>) incomingMessageStore).addPartitionMessages(partitionId, messages);
        } else {
            MetaPartition meta = partitions.get(partitionId);
            checkNotNull(meta, "addPartitionIncomingMessages: trying to add " + "messages to partition "
                    + partitionId + " which does not exist " + "in the partition set of this worker!");

            synchronized (meta) {
                switch (meta.getState()) {
                case INACTIVE:
                case ACTIVE:
                    // A partition might be in memory, but its message store might still
                    // be on disk. This happens because while we are loading the partition
                    // to memory, we only load its current messages, not the incoming
                    // messages. If a new superstep has been started, while the partition
                    // is still in memory, the incoming message store in the previous
                    // superstep (which is the current messages in the current superstep)
                    // is on disk.
                    // This may also happen when a partition is offloaded to disk while
                    // it was unprocessed, and then again loaded in the same superstep for
                    // processing.
                    Boolean isMsgOnDisk = incomingMessagesOnDisk.get(partitionId);
                    if (isMsgOnDisk == null || !isMsgOnDisk) {
                        ((MessageStore<I, M>) incomingMessageStore).addPartitionMessages(partitionId, messages);
                    // Continue to IN_TRANSIT and ON_DISK cases as the partition is in
                    // memory, but it's messages are not yet loaded
                    // CHECKSTYLE: stop FallThrough
                case IN_TRANSIT:
                case ON_DISK:
                    // CHECKSTYLE: resume FallThrough
                    List<VertexIdMessages<I, Writable>> newMessages = new ArrayList<VertexIdMessages<I, Writable>>();
                    newMessages.add((VertexIdMessages<I, Writable>) messages);
                    int length = messages.getSerializedSize();
                    Pair<Integer, List<VertexIdMessages<I, Writable>>> newPair = new MutablePair<>(length,
                    Pair<Integer, List<VertexIdMessages<I, Writable>>> oldPair = pendingIncomingMessages
                            .putIfAbsent(partitionId, newPair);
                    if (oldPair != null) {
                        synchronized (oldPair) {
                            MutablePair<Integer, List<VertexIdMessages<I, Writable>>> pair = (MutablePair<Integer, List<VertexIdMessages<I, Writable>>>) oldPair;
                            pair.setLeft(pair.getLeft() + length);
                            pair.getRight().add((VertexIdMessages<I, Writable>) messages);
                    // In the case that the number of partitions is asked to be fixed by
                    // the user, we should offload the message buffers as necessary.
                    if (isNumPartitionsFixed && pendingIncomingMessages.get(partitionId).getLeft() > minBuffSize) {
                        try {
                        } catch (IOException e) {
                            throw new IllegalStateException("addPartitionIncomingMessages: "
                                    + "spilling message buffers for partition " + partitionId + " failed!");
                    throw new IllegalStateException("addPartitionIncomingMessages: " + "illegal state "
                            + meta.getState() + " for partition " + meta.getId());

     * Spills edge store generated for specified partition in INPUT_SUPERSTEP
     * Note that the partition should be ON_DISK or IN_TRANSIT.
     * @param partitionId Id of partition to spill its edge buffer
    public void spillPartitionInputEdgeStore(Integer partitionId) throws IOException {
        if (movingEdges) {
        Pair<Integer, List<VertexIdEdges<I, E>>> entry;

        // Look at the comment for the similar logic in
        // 'spillPartitionInputVertexBuffer' for why this lock is necessary.
        entry = pendingInputEdges.remove(partitionId);

        // Check if the intermediate edge store has already been moved to vertices
        if (entry == null) {

        // Sanity check
        checkState(!entry.getRight().isEmpty(), "spillPartitionInputEdgeStore: the edge buffer that is supposed to "
                + "be flushed to disk does not exist.");

        List<VertexIdEdges<I, E>> bufferList = entry.getRight();
        Integer numBuffers = numPendingInputEdgesOnDisk.putIfAbsent(partitionId, bufferList.size());
        if (numBuffers != null) {
            numPendingInputEdgesOnDisk.replace(partitionId, numBuffers + bufferList.size());

        File file = new File(getPendingEdgesBufferPath(partitionId));
        FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream(file, true);
        BufferedOutputStream bos = new BufferedOutputStream(fos);
        DataOutputStream dos = new DataOutputStream(bos);
        for (VertexIdEdges<I, E> edges : entry.getRight()) {

     * Looks through all partitions already on disk, and see if any of them has
     * enough pending edges in its buffer in memory. If so, put that
     * partition along with an approximate amount of memory it took (in bytes) in
     * a list to return.
     * @return List of pairs (partitionId, sizeInByte) of the partitions where
     *         their pending edge store in input superstep in worth flushing to
     *         disk
    public PairList<Integer, Integer> getOocPartitionIdsWithPendingInputEdges() {
        PairList<Integer, Integer> pairList = new PairList<>();
        if (!movingEdges) {
            for (Entry<Integer, Pair<Integer, List<VertexIdEdges<I, E>>>> entry : pendingInputEdges.entrySet()) {
                if (entry.getValue().getLeft() > minBuffSize) {
                    pairList.add(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue().getLeft());
        return pairList;

    public void addPartitionEdges(Integer partitionId, VertexIdEdges<I, E> edges) {
        if (!isInitialized.get()) {

        MetaPartition meta = new MetaPartition(partitionId);
        MetaPartition temp = partitions.putIfAbsent(partitionId, meta);
        if (temp != null) {
            meta = temp;

        boolean createPartition = false;
        synchronized (meta) {
            switch (meta.getState()) {
            case INIT:
                Partition<I, V, E> partition = conf.createPartition(partitionId, context);
                // This is set to processed so that in the very next iteration cycle,
                // when startIteration is called, all partitions seem to be processed
                // and ready for the next iteration cycle. Otherwise, startIteration
                // fails in its sanity check due to finding an unprocessed partition.
                synchronized (processedPartitions) {
                createPartition = true;
                // Continue to INACTIVE case to add the edges to the partition
                // CHECKSTYLE: stop FallThrough
            case INACTIVE:
                // CHECKSTYLE: resume FallThrough
                edgeStore.addPartitionEdges(partitionId, edges);
            case IN_TRANSIT:
            case ON_DISK:
                // Adding edges to in-memory buffer of the partition
                List<VertexIdEdges<I, E>> newEdges = new ArrayList<VertexIdEdges<I, E>>();
                int length = edges.getSerializedSize();
                Pair<Integer, List<VertexIdEdges<I, E>>> newPair = new MutablePair<>(length, newEdges);
                Pair<Integer, List<VertexIdEdges<I, E>>> oldPair = pendingInputEdges.putIfAbsent(partitionId,
                if (oldPair != null) {
                    synchronized (oldPair) {
                        MutablePair<Integer, List<VertexIdEdges<I, E>>> pair = (MutablePair<Integer, List<VertexIdEdges<I, E>>>) oldPair;
                        pair.setLeft(pair.getLeft() + length);
                // In the case that the number of partitions is asked to be fixed by the
                // user, we should offload the edge store as necessary.
                if (isNumPartitionsFixed && pendingInputEdges.get(partitionId).getLeft() > minBuffSize) {
                    try {
                    } catch (IOException e) {
                        throw new IllegalStateException("addPartitionEdges: spilling " + "edge store for partition "
                                + partitionId + " failed!");
                throw new IllegalStateException(
                        "illegal state " + meta.getState() + " for partition " + meta.getId());
        // If creation of a new partition is violating the policy of maximum number
        // of partitions in memory, we should spill a partition to disk.
        if (createPartition && numPartitionsInMem.get() > maxPartitionsInMem.get()) {

     * Spills vertex buffer generated for specified partition in INPUT_SUPERSTEP
     * Note that the partition should be ON_DISK or IN_TRANSIT.
     * @param partitionId Id of partition to spill its vertex buffer
    public void spillPartitionInputVertexBuffer(Integer partitionId) throws IOException {
        if (movingEdges) {
        Pair<Integer, List<ExtendedDataOutput>> entry;
        // Synchronization on the concurrent map is necessary to avoid inconsistent
        // structure while execution of this method is interleaved with the
        // execution of addPartitionVertices. For instance, consider
        // the case where a thread wants to modify the value of an entry in
        // addPartitionVertices while another thread is running this
        // method removing the entry from the map. If removal and offloading the
        // entry's value to disk happens first, the modification by former thread
        // would be lost.
        entry = pendingInputVertices.remove(partitionId);

        // Check if vertex buffer has already been merged with the partition
        if (entry == null) {
        // Sanity check
        checkState(!entry.getRight().isEmpty(), "spillPartitionInputVertexBuffer: the vertex buffer that is "
                + "supposed to be flushed to disk does not exist.");

        List<ExtendedDataOutput> bufferList = entry.getRight();
        Integer numBuffers = numPendingInputVerticesOnDisk.putIfAbsent(partitionId, bufferList.size());
        if (numBuffers != null) {
            numPendingInputVerticesOnDisk.replace(partitionId, numBuffers + bufferList.size());

        File file = new File(getPendingVerticesBufferPath(partitionId));
        FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream(file, true);
        BufferedOutputStream bos = new BufferedOutputStream(fos);
        DataOutputStream dos = new DataOutputStream(bos);
        for (ExtendedDataOutput extendedDataOutput : bufferList) {
            WritableUtils.writeExtendedDataOutput(extendedDataOutput, dos);

     * Looks through all partitions already on disk, and see if any of them has
     * enough pending vertices in its buffer in memory. If so, put that
     * partition along with an approximate amount of memory it took (in bytes) in
     * a list to return.
     * @return List of pairs (partitionId, sizeInByte) of the partitions where
     *         their pending vertex buffer in input superstep is worth flushing to
     *         disk
    public PairList<Integer, Integer> getOocPartitionIdsWithPendingInputVertices() {
        PairList<Integer, Integer> pairList = new PairList<>();
        if (!movingEdges) {
            for (Entry<Integer, Pair<Integer, List<ExtendedDataOutput>>> entry : pendingInputVertices.entrySet()) {
                if (entry.getValue().getLeft() > minBuffSize) {
                    pairList.add(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue().getLeft());
        return pairList;

    public void addPartitionVertices(Integer partitionId, ExtendedDataOutput extendedDataOutput) {
        if (!isInitialized.get()) {

        MetaPartition meta = new MetaPartition(partitionId);
        MetaPartition temp = partitions.putIfAbsent(partitionId, meta);
        if (temp != null) {
            meta = temp;

        boolean createPartition = false;
        synchronized (meta) {
            switch (meta.getState()) {
            case INIT:
                Partition<I, V, E> partition = conf.createPartition(partitionId, context);
                // Look at the comments in 'addPartitionVertices' for why we set the
                // this to true.
                synchronized (processedPartitions) {
                createPartition = true;
                // Continue to INACTIVE case to add the vertices to the partition
                // CHECKSTYLE: stop FallThrough
            case INACTIVE:
                // CHECKSTYLE: resume FallThrough
                meta.getPartition().addPartitionVertices(new VertexIterator<I, V, E>(extendedDataOutput, conf));
            case IN_TRANSIT:
            case ON_DISK:
                // Adding vertices to in-memory buffer of the partition
                List<ExtendedDataOutput> vertices = new ArrayList<ExtendedDataOutput>();
                int length = extendedDataOutput.getPos();
                Pair<Integer, List<ExtendedDataOutput>> newPair = new MutablePair<>(length, vertices);
                Pair<Integer, List<ExtendedDataOutput>> oldPair = pendingInputVertices.putIfAbsent(partitionId,
                if (oldPair != null) {
                    synchronized (oldPair) {
                        MutablePair<Integer, List<ExtendedDataOutput>> pair = (MutablePair<Integer, List<ExtendedDataOutput>>) oldPair;
                        pair.setLeft(pair.getLeft() + length);
                // In the case that the number of partitions is asked to be fixed by the
                // user, we should offload the edge store as necessary.
                if (isNumPartitionsFixed && pendingInputVertices.get(partitionId).getLeft() > minBuffSize) {
                    try {
                    } catch (IOException e) {
                        throw new IllegalStateException("addPartitionVertices: spilling "
                                + "vertex buffer for partition " + partitionId + " failed!");
                throw new IllegalStateException(
                        "illegal state " + meta.getState() + " for partition " + meta.getId());
        // If creation of a new partition is violating the policy of maximum number
        // of partitions in memory, we should spill a partition to disk.
        if (createPartition && numPartitionsInMem.get() > maxPartitionsInMem.get()) {

    public void putPartition(Partition<I, V, E> partition) {
        checkArgument(partition != null);

        Integer id = partition.getId();
        MetaPartition meta = partitions.get(id);
        checkNotNull(meta, "putPartition: partition to put does " + "not exist in the store (impossible)");
        synchronized (meta) {
            checkState(meta.getState() == State.ACTIVE,
                    "It is not possible to put back a partition which is not ACTIVE. " + "meta = "
                            + meta.toString());

            synchronized (processedPartitions) {
                // Notify OOC threads waiting for a partition to become available to put
                // on disk.

    public Partition<I, V, E> removePartition(Integer partitionId) {
        if (hasPartition(partitionId)) {
            MetaPartition meta = partitions.remove(partitionId);
            // Since this method is called outside of the iteration cycle, all
            // partitions in the store should be in the processed state.
                    "removePartition: partition that is about to remove is not in "
                            + "processed list (impossible)");

            return meta.getPartition();
        return null;

    public boolean addPartition(Partition<I, V, E> partition) {
        if (!isInitialized.get()) {

        Integer id = partition.getId();
        MetaPartition meta = new MetaPartition(id);
        MetaPartition temp = partitions.putIfAbsent(id, meta);
        if (temp != null) {
            return false;

        if (LOG.isInfoEnabled()) {
  "addPartition: partition " + id + " is  added to the store.");

        synchronized (processedPartitions) {
        // Swapping partitions to disk if addition of this partition violates the
        // requirement on the number of partitions.
        if (numPartitionsInMem.get() > maxPartitionsInMem.get()) {
        return true;

    public void shutdown() {
        // Sanity check to check there is nothing left from previous superstep
                        && unProcessedPartitions.get(State.IN_TRANSIT).isEmpty()
                        && unProcessedPartitions.get(State.ON_DISK).isEmpty(),
                "shutdown: There are some unprocessed partitions left from the "
                        + "previous superstep. This should not be possible.");

        for (MetaPartition meta : partitions.values()) {
            synchronized (meta) {
                while (meta.getState() == State.IN_TRANSIT) {
                    try {
                    } catch (InterruptedException e) {
                        throw new IllegalStateException("shutdown: exception while"
                                + "waiting on an IN_TRANSIT partition to be written on disk");
                if (meta.getState() == State.ON_DISK) {

        if (oocEngine != null) {

    public void startIteration() {
        if (!isInitialized.get()) {
        if (LOG.isInfoEnabled()) {
  "startIteration: with " + numPartitionsInMem.get()
                    + " partitions in memory, there can be maximum " + maxPartitionsInMem
                    + " partitions in memory out of " + partitions.size() + " that " + "belongs to this worker.");
        // Sanity check to make sure nothing left unprocessed from previous
        // superstep
                        && unProcessedPartitions.get(State.IN_TRANSIT).isEmpty()
                        && unProcessedPartitions.get(State.ON_DISK).isEmpty(),
                "startIteration: There are some unprocessed and/or "
                        + "in-transition partitions left from the previous superstep. "
                        + "This should not be possible.");

        for (MetaPartition meta : partitions.values()) {
            // Sanity check
            checkState(meta.isProcessed(), "startIteration: " + "meta-partition " + meta
                    + " has not been processed in the " + "previous superstep.");

            // The only case where a partition can be IN_TRANSIT is where it is still
            // being offloaded to disk, and it happens only in swapOnePartitionToDisk,
            // where we at least hold a read lock while transfer is in progress. Since
            // the write lock is held in this section, no partition should be
            // IN_TRANSIT.
            checkState(meta.getState() != State.IN_TRANSIT,
                    "startIteration: meta-partition " + meta + " is still IN_TRANSIT " + "(impossible)");


        processedPartitions.put(State.INACTIVE, Sets.<Integer>newLinkedHashSet());
        processedPartitions.put(State.IN_TRANSIT, Sets.<Integer>newLinkedHashSet());
        processedPartitions.put(State.ON_DISK, Sets.<Integer>newLinkedHashSet());
        rwLock.writeLock().unlock();"startIteration: done preparing the iteration");

    public void moveEdgesToVertices() {
        movingEdges = true;
        movingEdges = false;

     * Pops an entry from the specified set. This is guaranteed that the set is
     * being accessed from within a lock.
     * @param set set to pop an entry from
     * @return popped entry from the given set
    private Integer popFromSet(Set<Integer> set) {
        if (!set.isEmpty()) {
            Iterator<Integer> it = set.iterator();
            Integer id =;
            return id;
        return null;

     * Allows more partitions to be stored in memory.
     * @param numPartitionsToIncrease How many more partitions to allow in the
     *                                store
    public void increasePartitionSlots(Integer numPartitionsToIncrease) {
        if (LOG.isInfoEnabled()) {
  "increasePartitionSlots: allowing partition store to have " + numPartitionsToIncrease
                    + " more partitions. Now, partition store " + "can have up to " + maxPartitionsInMem.get()
                    + " partitions.");

    public String toString() {
        StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
        for (MetaPartition e : partitions.values()) {
            sb.append(e.toString() + "\n");
        return sb.toString();

     * Writes vertex data (Id, value and halted state) to stream.
     * @param output The output stream
     * @param vertex The vertex to serialize
     * @throws IOException
    private void writeVertexData(DataOutput output, Vertex<I, V, E> vertex) throws IOException {


     * Writes vertex edges (Id, edges) to stream.
     * @param output The output stream
     * @param vertex The vertex to serialize
     * @throws IOException
    private void writeOutEdges(DataOutput output, Vertex<I, V, E> vertex) throws IOException {

        OutEdges<I, E> edges = (OutEdges<I, E>) vertex.getEdges();

     * Read vertex data from an input and initialize the vertex.
     * @param in The input stream
     * @param vertex The vertex to initialize
     * @throws IOException
    private void readVertexData(DataInput in, Vertex<I, V, E> vertex) throws IOException {

        I id = conf.createVertexId();
        V value = conf.createVertexValue();
        OutEdges<I, E> edges = conf.createAndInitializeOutEdges(0);
        vertex.initialize(id, value, edges);
        if (in.readBoolean()) {
        } else {

     * Read vertex edges from an input and set them to the vertex.
     * @param in The input stream
     * @param partition The partition owning the vertex
     * @throws IOException
    private void readOutEdges(DataInput in, Partition<I, V, E> partition) throws IOException {

        I id = conf.createVertexId();
        Vertex<I, V, E> v = partition.getVertex(id);
        OutEdges<I, E> edges = (OutEdges<I, E>) v.getEdges();

     * Load messages for a given partition for the current superstep to memory.
     * @param partitionId Id of the partition to load the messages for
     * @throws IOException
    private void loadMessages(int partitionId) throws IOException {
        // Messages for current superstep
        if (currentMessageStore != null && !conf.getOutgoingMessageClasses().useMessageCombiner()) {
            checkState(!currentMessageStore.hasMessagesForPartition(partitionId), "loadMessages: partition "
                    + partitionId + " is on disk, " + "but its message store is in memory (impossible)");
            // First, reading the message store for the partition if there is any
            File file = new File(getMessagesPath(partitionId, serviceWorker.getSuperstep()));
            if (file.exists()) {
                if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
                    LOG.debug("loadMessages: loading message store of partition " + partitionId);
                FileInputStream filein = new FileInputStream(file);
                BufferedInputStream bufferin = new BufferedInputStream(filein);
                DataInputStream inputStream = new DataInputStream(bufferin);
                currentMessageStore.readFieldsForPartition(inputStream, partitionId);
                checkState(file.delete(), "loadMessages: failed to delete %s.", file.getAbsolutePath());

            Pair<Integer, List<VertexIdMessages<I, Writable>>> pendingMessages = pendingCurrentMessages

            // Second, reading message buffers (incoming messages in previous
            // superstep)
            file = new File(getPendingMessagesBufferPath(partitionId, serviceWorker.getSuperstep()));
            if (file.exists()) {
                FileInputStream filein = new FileInputStream(file);
                BufferedInputStream bufferin = new BufferedInputStream(filein);
                DataInputStream inputStream = new DataInputStream(bufferin);
                while (true) {
                    int type;
                    try {
                        type = inputStream.readInt();
                    } catch (EOFException e) {
                        // Reached end of file, so all the records are read.
                    SerializedMessageClass messageClass = SerializedMessageClass.values()[type];
                    VertexIdMessages<I, Writable> vim;
                    switch (messageClass) {
                    case BYTE_ARRAY_VERTEX_ID_MESSAGES:
                        vim = new ByteArrayVertexIdMessages<>(conf.createOutgoingMessageValueFactory());
                    case BYTE_ARRAY_ONE_MESSAGE_TO_MANY_IDS:
                        vim = new ByteArrayOneMessageToManyIds<>(conf.createOutgoingMessageValueFactory());
                        throw new IllegalStateException("loadMessages: unsupported " + "serialized message type!");
                    currentMessageStore.addPartitionMessages(partitionId, vim);
                checkState(!file.delete(), "loadMessages: failed to delete %s", file.getAbsolutePath());

            // Third, applying message buffers already in memory
            if (pendingMessages != null) {
                for (VertexIdMessages<I, Writable> vim : pendingMessages.getRight()) {
                    currentMessageStore.addPartitionMessages(partitionId, vim);
            currentMessagesOnDisk.put(partitionId, false);

     * Load a partition from disk. It deletes the files after the load,
     * except for the edges, if the graph is static.
     * @param meta meta partition to load the partition of
     * @return The partition
     * @throws IOException
    private Partition<I, V, E> loadPartition(MetaPartition meta) throws IOException {
        Integer partitionId = meta.getId();
        long numVertices = meta.getVertexCount();
        Partition<I, V, E> partition = conf.createPartition(partitionId, context);

        // Vertices
        File file = new File(getVerticesPath(partitionId));
        if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
            LOG.debug("loadPartition: loading partition vertices " + partition.getId() + " from "
                    + file.getAbsolutePath());

        FileInputStream filein = new FileInputStream(file);
        BufferedInputStream bufferin = new BufferedInputStream(filein);
        DataInputStream inputStream = new DataInputStream(bufferin);
        for (int i = 0; i < numVertices; ++i) {
            Vertex<I, V, E> vertex = conf.createVertex();
            readVertexData(inputStream, vertex);
        checkState(file.delete(), "loadPartition: failed to delete %s", file.getAbsolutePath());

        // Edges
        file = new File(getEdgesPath(partitionId));

        if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
            LOG.debug("loadPartition: loading partition edges " + partition.getId() + " from "
                    + file.getAbsolutePath());

        filein = new FileInputStream(file);
        bufferin = new BufferedInputStream(filein);
        inputStream = new DataInputStream(bufferin);
        for (int i = 0; i < numVertices; ++i) {
            readOutEdges(inputStream, partition);
        // If the graph is static and it is not INPUT_SUPERSTEP, keep the file
        // around.
        if (!conf.isStaticGraph() || serviceWorker.getSuperstep() == BspServiceWorker.INPUT_SUPERSTEP) {
            checkState(file.delete(), "loadPartition: failed to delete %s", file.getAbsolutePath());

        // Load message for the current superstep

        // Input vertex buffers
        // First, applying vertex buffers on disk (since they came earlier)
        Integer numBuffers = numPendingInputVerticesOnDisk.remove(partitionId);
        if (numBuffers != null) {
            file = new File(getPendingVerticesBufferPath(partitionId));
            if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
                LOG.debug("loadPartition: loading " + numBuffers + " input vertex " + "buffers of partition "
                        + partitionId + " from " + file.getAbsolutePath());
            filein = new FileInputStream(file);
            bufferin = new BufferedInputStream(filein);
            inputStream = new DataInputStream(bufferin);
            for (int i = 0; i < numBuffers; ++i) {
                ExtendedDataOutput extendedDataOutput = WritableUtils.readExtendedDataOutput(inputStream, conf);
                partition.addPartitionVertices(new VertexIterator<I, V, E>(extendedDataOutput, conf));
            checkState(file.delete(), "loadPartition: failed to delete %s", file.getAbsolutePath());
        // Second, applying vertex buffers already in memory
        Pair<Integer, List<ExtendedDataOutput>> vertexPair;
        vertexPair = pendingInputVertices.remove(partitionId);
        if (vertexPair != null) {
            for (ExtendedDataOutput extendedDataOutput : vertexPair.getRight()) {
                partition.addPartitionVertices(new VertexIterator<I, V, E>(extendedDataOutput, conf));

        // Edge store
        if (serviceWorker.getSuperstep() == BspServiceWorker.INPUT_SUPERSTEP) {
                    "loadPartition: partition is written to disk in INPUT_SUPERSTEP, "
                            + "but it is not clear whether its edge store is on disk or not " + "(impossible)");

            if (hasEdgeStoreOnDisk.remove(partitionId)) {
                file = new File(getEdgeStorePath(partitionId));
                if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
                    LOG.debug("loadPartition: loading edge store of partition " + partitionId + " from "
                            + file.getAbsolutePath());
                filein = new FileInputStream(file);
                bufferin = new BufferedInputStream(filein);
                inputStream = new DataInputStream(bufferin);
                edgeStore.readPartitionEdgeStore(partitionId, inputStream);
                checkState(file.delete(), "loadPartition: failed to delete %s", file.getAbsolutePath());

            // Input edge buffers
            // First, applying edge buffers on disk (since they came earlier)
            numBuffers = numPendingInputEdgesOnDisk.remove(partitionId);
            if (numBuffers != null) {
                file = new File(getPendingEdgesBufferPath(partitionId));
                if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
                    LOG.debug("loadPartition: loading " + numBuffers + " input edge " + "buffers of partition "
                            + partitionId + " from " + file.getAbsolutePath());
                filein = new FileInputStream(file);
                bufferin = new BufferedInputStream(filein);
                inputStream = new DataInputStream(bufferin);
                for (int i = 0; i < numBuffers; ++i) {
                    VertexIdEdges<I, E> vertexIdEdges = new ByteArrayVertexIdEdges<I, E>();
                    edgeStore.addPartitionEdges(partitionId, vertexIdEdges);
                checkState(file.delete(), "loadPartition: failed to delete %s", file.getAbsolutePath());
            // Second, applying edge buffers already in memory
            Pair<Integer, List<VertexIdEdges<I, E>>> edgePair = null;
            edgePair = pendingInputEdges.remove(partitionId);
            if (edgePair != null) {
                for (VertexIdEdges<I, E> vertexIdEdges : edgePair.getRight()) {
                    edgeStore.addPartitionEdges(partitionId, vertexIdEdges);
        return partition;

     * Write a partition to disk.
     * @param meta meta partition containing the partition to offload
     * @throws IOException
    private void offloadPartition(MetaPartition meta) throws IOException {
        Partition<I, V, E> partition = meta.getPartition();
        int partitionId = meta.getId();
        File file = new File(getVerticesPath(partitionId));
        File parent = file.getParentFile();
        if (!parent.exists() && !parent.mkdirs() && LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
            LOG.debug("offloadPartition: directory " + parent.getAbsolutePath() + " already exists.");

        checkState(file.createNewFile(), "offloadPartition: file %s already exists.", parent.getAbsolutePath());

        if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
            LOG.debug("offloadPartition: writing partition vertices " + partitionId + " to "
                    + file.getAbsolutePath());

        FileOutputStream fileout = new FileOutputStream(file);
        BufferedOutputStream bufferout = new BufferedOutputStream(fileout);
        DataOutputStream outputStream = new DataOutputStream(bufferout);
        for (Vertex<I, V, E> vertex : partition) {
            writeVertexData(outputStream, vertex);

        // Avoid writing back edges if we have already written them once and
        // the graph is not changing.
        // If we are in the input superstep, we need to write the files
        // at least the first time, even though the graph is static.
        file = new File(getEdgesPath(partitionId));
        if (serviceWorker.getSuperstep() == BspServiceWorker.INPUT_SUPERSTEP
                || meta.getPrevVertexCount() != partition.getVertexCount() || !conf.isStaticGraph()
                || !file.exists()) {


            if (!file.createNewFile() && LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
                LOG.debug("offloadPartition: file " + file.getAbsolutePath() + " already exists.");

            if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
                LOG.debug("offloadPartition: writing partition edges " + partitionId + " to "
                        + file.getAbsolutePath());

            fileout = new FileOutputStream(file);
            bufferout = new BufferedOutputStream(fileout);
            outputStream = new DataOutputStream(bufferout);
            for (Vertex<I, V, E> vertex : partition) {
                writeOutEdges(outputStream, vertex);

        if (currentMessageStore != null && !conf.getOutgoingMessageClasses().useMessageCombiner()
                && currentMessageStore.hasMessagesForPartition(partitionId)) {
            writeMessageData(currentMessageStore, currentMessagesOnDisk, partitionId, serviceWorker.getSuperstep());
        if (incomingMessageStore != null && !conf.getIncomingMessageClasses().useMessageCombiner()
                && incomingMessageStore.hasMessagesForPartition(partitionId)) {
            writeMessageData(incomingMessageStore, incomingMessagesOnDisk, partitionId,
                    serviceWorker.getSuperstep() + 1);

        // Writing edge store to disk in the input superstep
        if (serviceWorker.getSuperstep() == BspServiceWorker.INPUT_SUPERSTEP) {
            if (edgeStore.hasPartitionEdges(partitionId)) {
                hasEdgeStoreOnDisk.put(partitionId, true);
                file = new File(getEdgeStorePath(partitionId));
                if (!file.createNewFile() && LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
                    LOG.debug("offloadPartition: file " + file.getAbsolutePath() + " already exists.");

                if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
                    LOG.debug("offloadPartition: writing partition edge store of " + partitionId + " to "
                            + file.getAbsolutePath());

                fileout = new FileOutputStream(file);
                bufferout = new BufferedOutputStream(fileout);
                outputStream = new DataOutputStream(bufferout);
                edgeStore.writePartitionEdgeStore(partitionId, outputStream);
            } else {
                hasEdgeStoreOnDisk.put(partitionId, false);

     * Offload message data of a particular type of store (current or incoming) to
     * disk.
     * @param messageStore The message store to write to disk
     * @param messagesOnDisk Map to update and let others know that this message
     *                       store is on disk
     * @param partitionId Id of the partition we want to offload the message store
     *                    of
     * @param superstep Superstep for which we want to offload message data for.
     *                  It is equal the current superstep number for offloading
     *                  currentMessageStore, and is equal to next superstep
     *                  number for offloading incomingMessageStore
     * @throws IOException
    private void writeMessageData(MessageStore<I, Writable> messageStore,
            ConcurrentMap<Integer, Boolean> messagesOnDisk, int partitionId, long superstep) throws IOException {
        File file = new File(getMessagesPath(partitionId, superstep));
        checkState(!file.exists(), "writeMessageData: message store file for partition " + partitionId
                + " for messages in superstep " + superstep + " already exist (impossible).");

                "offloadPartition: cannot create message store file for " + "partition " + partitionId);

        FileOutputStream fileout = new FileOutputStream(file);
        BufferedOutputStream bufferout = new BufferedOutputStream(fileout);
        DataOutputStream outputStream = new DataOutputStream(bufferout);
        messageStore.writePartition(outputStream, partitionId);
        messagesOnDisk.put(partitionId, true);

     * Delete a partition's files.
     * @param id The id of the partition owning the file.
    private void deletePartitionFiles(Integer id) {
        // File containing vertices
        File file = new File(getVerticesPath(id));
        checkState(!file.exists() || file.delete(),
                "deletePartitionFiles: Failed to delete file " + file.getAbsolutePath());

        // File containing edges
        file = new File(getEdgesPath(id));
        checkState(!file.exists() || file.delete(),
                "deletePartitionFiles: Failed to delete file " + file.getAbsolutePath());

     * Get the path and basename of the storage files.
     * @param partitionId The partition
     * @return The path to the given partition
    private String getPartitionPath(Integer partitionId) {
        int hash = hasher.hashInt(partitionId).asInt();
        int idx = Math.abs(hash % basePaths.length);
        return basePaths[idx] + "/partition-" + partitionId;

     * Get the path to the file where vertices are stored.
     * @param partitionId The partition
     * @return The path to the vertices file
    private String getVerticesPath(Integer partitionId) {
        return getPartitionPath(partitionId) + "_vertices";

     * Get the path to the file where pending vertices in INPUT_SUPERSTEP
     * are stored.
     * @param partitionId The partition
     * @return The path to the file
    private String getPendingVerticesBufferPath(Integer partitionId) {
        return getPartitionPath(partitionId) + "_pending_vertices";

     * Get the path to the file where edge store of a partition in INPUT_SUPERSTEP
     * is stored.
     * @param partitionId The partition
     * @return The path to the file
    private String getEdgeStorePath(Integer partitionId) {
        return getPartitionPath(partitionId) + "_edge_store";

     * Get the path to the file where pending edges in INPUT_SUPERSTEP
     * are stored.
     * @param partitionId The partition
     * @return The path to the file
    private String getPendingEdgesBufferPath(Integer partitionId) {
        return getPartitionPath(partitionId) + "_pending_edges";

     * Get the path to the file where edges are stored.
     * @param partitionId The partition
     * @return The path to the edges file
    private String getEdgesPath(Integer partitionId) {
        return getPartitionPath(partitionId) + "_edges";

     * Get the path to the file where pending incoming messages are stored.
     * @param partitionId The partition
     * @param superstep superstep number
     * @return The path to the file
    private String getPendingMessagesBufferPath(Integer partitionId, long superstep) {
        return getPartitionPath(partitionId) + "_pending_messages_" + superstep;

     * Get the path to the file where messages are stored.
     * @param partitionId The partition
     * @param superstep superstep number
     * @return The path to the file
    private String getMessagesPath(Integer partitionId, long superstep) {
        return getPartitionPath(partitionId) + "_messages_" + superstep;

     * Partition container holding additional meta data associated with each
     * partition.
    private class MetaPartition {
        // ---- META INFORMATION ----
        /** ID of the partition */
        private int id;
        /** State in which the partition is */
        private State state;
        /** Number of vertices contained in the partition */
        private long vertexCount;
        /** Previous number of vertices contained in the partition */
        private long prevVertexCount;
        /** Number of edges contained in the partition */
        private long edgeCount;
         * Whether the partition is already processed in the current iteration
         * cycle
        private boolean isProcessed;

        // ---- PARTITION ----
        /** the actual partition. Depending on the state of the partition,
            this object could be empty. */
        private Partition<I, V, E> partition;

         * Initialization of the metadata enriched partition.
         * @param id id of the partition
        public MetaPartition(int id) {
   = id;
            this.state = State.INIT;
            this.vertexCount = 0;
            this.prevVertexCount = 0;
            this.edgeCount = 0;
            this.isProcessed = false;

            this.partition = null;

         * @return the id
        public int getId() {
            return id;

         * @return the state
        public State getState() {
            return state;

         * This function sets the metadata for on-disk partition.
        public void setOnDisk() {
            this.state = State.ON_DISK;
            this.vertexCount = partition.getVertexCount();
            this.edgeCount = partition.getEdgeCount();
            this.partition = null;

         * @param partition the partition associated to this container
        public void setActive(Partition<I, V, E> partition) {
            if (partition != null) {
                this.partition = partition;
            this.state = State.ACTIVE;
            this.prevVertexCount = this.vertexCount;
            this.vertexCount = 0;

         * @param state the state to set
        public void setState(State state) {
            this.state = state;

         * set previous number of vertexes
         * @param vertexCount number of vertexes
        public void setPrevVertexCount(long vertexCount) {
            this.prevVertexCount = vertexCount;

         * @return the vertexCount
        public long getPrevVertexCount() {
            return prevVertexCount;

         * @return the vertexCount
        public long getVertexCount() {
            return vertexCount;

         * @return the edgeCount
        public long getEdgeCount() {
            return edgeCount;

         * @return true iff the partition is marked as processed.
        public boolean isProcessed() {
            return isProcessed;

         * Set the state of this partition in terms of being already processed or
         * not
         * @param isProcessed whether the partition is processed or not
        public void setProcessed(boolean isProcessed) {
            this.isProcessed = isProcessed;

         * @return the partition
        public Partition<I, V, E> getPartition() {
            return partition;

         * @param partition the partition to set
        public void setPartition(Partition<I, V, E> partition) {
            this.partition = partition;

        public String toString() {
            StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();

            sb.append("Meta Data: { ");
            sb.append("ID: " + id + "; ");
            sb.append("State: " + state + "; ");
            sb.append("Number of Vertices: " + vertexCount + "; ");
            sb.append("Previous number of Vertices: " + prevVertexCount + "; ");
            sb.append("Number of edges: " + edgeCount + "; ");
            sb.append("Is processed: " + isProcessed + "; }");
            sb.append("Partition: " + partition + "; }");

            return sb.toString();