Java tutorial
/* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.apache.giraph.hive.jython; import org.apache.giraph.conf.GiraphConstants; import org.apache.giraph.conf.GiraphTypes; import org.apache.giraph.conf.ImmutableClassesGiraphConfiguration; import org.apache.giraph.conf.StrConfOption; import org.apache.giraph.graph.GraphType; import org.apache.giraph.graph.Language; import org.apache.giraph.hive.common.GiraphHiveConstants; import org.apache.giraph.hive.common.HiveUtils; import org.apache.giraph.hive.common.LanguageAndType; import org.apache.giraph.hive.input.edge.HiveEdgeInputFormat; import org.apache.giraph.hive.input.vertex.HiveVertexInputFormat; import org.apache.giraph.hive.output.HiveVertexOutputFormat; import org.apache.giraph.hive.primitives.PrimitiveValueReader; import org.apache.giraph.hive.primitives.PrimitiveValueWriter; import org.apache.giraph.hive.values.HiveValueReader; import org.apache.giraph.hive.values.HiveValueWriter; import; import; import org.apache.giraph.jython.factories.JythonEdgeValueFactory; import org.apache.giraph.jython.factories.JythonFactoryBase; import org.apache.giraph.jython.factories.JythonIncomingMessageValueFactory; import org.apache.giraph.jython.JythonJob; import org.apache.giraph.jython.factories.JythonOutgoingMessageValueFactory; import org.apache.giraph.jython.JythonUtils; import org.apache.giraph.jython.factories.JythonVertexIdFactory; import org.apache.giraph.jython.factories.JythonVertexValueFactory; import org.apache.giraph.jython.wrappers.JythonWritableWrapper; import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import org.python.core.Py; import org.python.core.PyClass; import org.python.core.PyObject; import org.python.core.PyType; import org.python.util.PythonInterpreter; import com.facebook.hiveio.schema.HiveTableSchema; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import static; import static; import static org.apache.giraph.conf.GiraphConstants.EDGE_INPUT_FORMAT_CLASS; import static org.apache.giraph.conf.GiraphConstants.GRAPH_TYPE_LANGUAGES; import static org.apache.giraph.conf.GiraphConstants.MAX_WORKERS; import static org.apache.giraph.conf.GiraphConstants.MIN_WORKERS; import static org.apache.giraph.conf.GiraphConstants.MESSAGE_COMBINER_CLASS; import static org.apache.giraph.conf.GiraphConstants.VERTEX_INPUT_FORMAT_CLASS; import static org.apache.giraph.conf.GiraphConstants.VERTEX_OUTPUT_FORMAT_CLASS; import static org.apache.giraph.hive.common.GiraphHiveConstants.HIVE_EDGE_INPUT; import static org.apache.giraph.hive.common.GiraphHiveConstants.HIVE_VERTEX_INPUT; import static org.apache.giraph.hive.common.GiraphHiveConstants.HIVE_VERTEX_OUTPUT_DATABASE; import static org.apache.giraph.hive.common.GiraphHiveConstants.HIVE_VERTEX_OUTPUT_PARTITION; import static org.apache.giraph.hive.common.GiraphHiveConstants.HIVE_VERTEX_OUTPUT_PROFILE_ID; import static org.apache.giraph.hive.common.GiraphHiveConstants.HIVE_VERTEX_OUTPUT_TABLE; import static org.apache.giraph.hive.common.GiraphHiveConstants.VERTEX_TO_HIVE_CLASS; import static org.apache.giraph.hive.common.GiraphHiveConstants.VERTEX_VALUE_READER_JYTHON_NAME; import static org.apache.giraph.hive.common.GiraphHiveConstants.VERTEX_VALUE_WRITER_JYTHON_NAME; import static org.apache.giraph.hive.jython.JythonHiveToEdge.EDGE_SOURCE_ID_COLUMN; import static org.apache.giraph.hive.jython.JythonHiveToEdge.EDGE_TARGET_ID_COLUMN; import static org.apache.giraph.hive.jython.JythonHiveToEdge.EDGE_VALUE_COLUMN; import static org.apache.giraph.hive.jython.JythonVertexToHive.VERTEX_VALUE_COLUMN; /** * Plugin to {@link HiveJythonRunner} to use Hive. */ public class HiveJythonUtils { /** Logger */ private static final Logger LOG = Logger.getLogger(HiveJythonUtils.class); /** Don't construct */ private HiveJythonUtils() { } /** * Process command line arguments * * @param args cmdline args * @param conf {@link Configuration} * @return remaining cmdline args to process */ public static String[] processArgs(String[] args, Configuration conf) { HiveUtils.addHadoopClasspathToTmpJars(conf); HiveUtils.addHiveSiteXmlToTmpFiles(conf); HiveUtils.addHiveSiteCustomXmlToTmpFiles(conf); return moveHiveconfOptionsToConf(args, conf); } /** * Remove -hiveconf options from cmdline * * @param args cmdline args * @param conf Configuration * @return cmdline args without -hiveconf options */ private static String[] moveHiveconfOptionsToConf(String[] args, Configuration conf) { int start = 0; while (start < args.length) { if (args[start].endsWith("hiveconf")) { HiveUtils.processHiveconfOption(conf, args[start + 1]); start += 2; } else { break; } } return Arrays.copyOfRange(args, start, args.length); } /** * Parse set of Jython scripts from local files * * @param interpreter PythonInterpreter to use * @param paths Jython files to parse * @return JythonJob * @throws */ public static JythonJob parseJythonFiles(PythonInterpreter interpreter, String... paths) throws IOException { return parseJythonFiles(interpreter, Arrays.asList(paths)); } /** * Parse set of Jython scripts from local files * * @param interpreter PythonInterpreter to use * @param paths Jython files to parse * @return JythonJob * @throws IOException */ public static JythonJob parseJythonFiles(PythonInterpreter interpreter, List<String> paths) throws IOException { InputStream[] streams = new InputStream[paths.size()]; for (int i = 0; i < paths.size(); ++i) {"Reading jython file " + paths.get(i)); streams[i] = new FileInputStream(paths.get(i)); } JythonJob jythonJob; try { jythonJob = parseJythonStreams(interpreter, streams); } finally { for (InputStream stream : streams) { Closeables.close(stream, true); } } return jythonJob; } /** * Parse scripts from Jython InputStreams * * @param interpreter PythonInterpreter * @param streams InputStreams to parse * @return JythonJob */ public static JythonJob parseJythonStreams(PythonInterpreter interpreter, InputStream... streams) { for (InputStream stream : streams) { readJythonStream(interpreter, stream); } PyObject pyPrepare = interpreter.get("prepare"); JythonJob jythonJob = new JythonJob(); pyPrepare._jcall(new Object[] { jythonJob }); return jythonJob; } /** * Execute a Jython script * * @param interpreter Jython interpreter to use * @param jythonStream {@link} with Jython code * @throws */ private static void readJythonStream(PythonInterpreter interpreter, InputStream jythonStream) { try { interpreter.execfile(jythonStream); } finally { try { jythonStream.close(); } catch (IOException e) { LOG.error("Failed to close jython stream " + jythonStream); } } } /** * Set arbitrary option of unknown type in Configuration * * @param conf Configuration * @param key String key * @param value Object to set */ private static void setOption(Configuration conf, String key, Object value) { if (value instanceof Boolean) { conf.getBoolean(key, (Boolean) value); } else if (value instanceof Byte || value instanceof Short || value instanceof Integer) { conf.setInt(key, ((Number) value).intValue()); } else if (value instanceof Long) { conf.setLong(key, (Long) value); } else if (value instanceof Float || value instanceof Double) { conf.setFloat(key, ((Number) value).floatValue()); } else if (value instanceof String) { conf.set(key, value.toString()); } else if (value instanceof Class) { conf.set(key, ((Class) value).getName()); } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Don't know how to handle option key: " + key + ", value: " + value + ", value type: " + value.getClass()); } } /** * Write JythonJob to Configuration * * @param jythonJob JythonJob * @param conf Configuration * @param interpreter PythonInterpreter * @return name of Job */ public static String writeJythonJobToConf(JythonJob jythonJob, Configuration conf, PythonInterpreter interpreter) { checkJob(jythonJob); JythonUtils.init(conf, jythonJob.getComputation_name()); if (jythonJob.getMessageCombiner() != null) { MESSAGE_COMBINER_CLASS.set(conf, jythonJob.getMessageCombiner()); } conf.setInt(MIN_WORKERS, jythonJob.getWorkers()); conf.setInt(MAX_WORKERS, jythonJob.getWorkers()); String javaOptions = Joiner.on(' ').join(jythonJob.getJava_options()); conf.set("", javaOptions); Map<String, Object> options = jythonJob.getGiraph_options(); for (Map.Entry<String, Object> entry : options.entrySet()) { setOption(conf, entry.getKey(), entry.getValue()); } setPool(conf, jythonJob); initHiveReadersWriters(conf, jythonJob, interpreter); initGraphTypes(conf, jythonJob, interpreter); initOutput(conf, jythonJob); initVertexInputs(conf, jythonJob); initEdgeInputs(conf, jythonJob); String name = jythonJob.getName(); if (name == null) { name = jythonJob.getComputation_name(); } return name; } /** * Set the hadoop mapreduce pool * * @param conf Configuration * @param job the job info */ private static void setPool(Configuration conf, JythonJob job) { if (job.getPool() == null) { if (job.getWorkers() < 50) { job.setPool("graph.test"); } else { job.setPool("graph.production"); } } conf.set("mapred.fairscheduler.pool", job.getPool()); } /** * Check that the job is valid * * @param jythonJob JythonJob */ private static void checkJob(JythonJob jythonJob) { checkNotNull(jythonJob.getComputation_name(), "computation_name cannot be null"); checkTypeNotNull(jythonJob.getVertex_id(), GraphType.VERTEX_ID); checkTypeNotNull(jythonJob.getVertex_value(), GraphType.VERTEX_VALUE); checkTypeNotNull(jythonJob.getEdge_value(), GraphType.EDGE_VALUE); checkMessageTypes(jythonJob); } /** * Check if job has edge inputs * * @param jythonJob JythonJob * @return true if job has edge inputs, false otherwise */ private static boolean hasEdgeInputs(JythonJob jythonJob) { return !jythonJob.getEdge_inputs().isEmpty(); } /** * Check if job has vertex inputs * * @param jythonJob JythonJob * @return true if job has vertex inputs, false otherwise */ private static boolean hasVertexInputs(JythonJob jythonJob) { return !jythonJob.getVertex_inputs().isEmpty(); } /** * Check that type is present * * @param typeHolder TypeHolder * @param graphType GraphType */ private static void checkTypeNotNull(JythonJob.TypeHolder typeHolder, GraphType graphType) { checkNotNull(typeHolder.getType(), graphType + ".type not present"); } /** * Initialize the job types * * @param conf Configuration * @param jythonJob the job info * @param interpreter PythonInterpreter to use */ private static void initGraphTypes(Configuration conf, JythonJob jythonJob, PythonInterpreter interpreter) { GiraphTypes types = new GiraphTypes(); types.setVertexIdClass(initValueType(conf, GraphType.VERTEX_ID, jythonJob.getVertex_id().getType(), new JythonVertexIdFactory(), interpreter)); types.setVertexValueClass(initValueType(conf, GraphType.VERTEX_VALUE, jythonJob.getVertex_value().getType(), new JythonVertexValueFactory(), interpreter)); types.setEdgeValueClass(initValueType(conf, GraphType.EDGE_VALUE, jythonJob.getEdge_value().getType(), new JythonEdgeValueFactory(), interpreter)); types.setIncomingMessageValueClass(initValueType(conf, GraphType.INCOMING_MESSAGE_VALUE, jythonJob.getIncoming_message_value().getType(), new JythonIncomingMessageValueFactory(), interpreter)); types.setOutgoingMessageValueClass(initValueType(conf, GraphType.OUTGOING_MESSAGE_VALUE, jythonJob.getOutgoing_message_value().getType(), new JythonOutgoingMessageValueFactory(), interpreter)); types.writeTo(conf); } /** * Initialize a graph type (IVEMM) * * @param conf Configuration * @param graphType GraphType * @param jythonOrJavaClass jython or java class given by user * @param jythonFactory Jactory for making Jython types * @param interpreter PythonInterpreter * @return Class for Configuration */ private static Class initValueType(Configuration conf, GraphType graphType, Object jythonOrJavaClass, JythonFactoryBase jythonFactory, PythonInterpreter interpreter) { Class<? extends Writable> writableClass = graphType.interfaceClass(); LanguageAndType langType = processUserType(jythonOrJavaClass, interpreter); switch (langType.getLanguage()) { case JAVA: GRAPH_TYPE_LANGUAGES.set(conf, graphType, Language.JAVA); checkImplements(langType, writableClass, interpreter); return langType.getJavaClass(); case JYTHON: GRAPH_TYPE_LANGUAGES.set(conf, graphType, Language.JYTHON); String jythonClassName = langType.getJythonClassName(); PyObject jythonClass = interpreter.get(jythonClassName); if (jythonClass == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Could not find Jython class " + jythonClassName + " for parameter " + graphType); } PyObject valuePyObj = jythonClass.__call__(); // Check if the Jython type implements Writable. If so, just use it // directly. Otherwise, wrap it in a class that does using pickle. Object pyWritable = valuePyObj.__tojava__(writableClass); if (pyWritable.equals(Py.NoConversion)) { GiraphConstants.GRAPH_TYPES_NEEDS_WRAPPERS.set(conf, graphType, true); jythonFactory.useThisFactory(conf, jythonClassName); return JythonWritableWrapper.class; } else { GiraphConstants.GRAPH_TYPES_NEEDS_WRAPPERS.set(conf, graphType, false); jythonFactory.useThisFactory(conf, jythonClassName); return writableClass; } default: throw new IllegalArgumentException("Don't know how to handle " + LanguageAndType.class.getSimpleName() + " with language " + langType.getLanguage()); } } /** * Check that the incoming / outgoing message value types are present. * * @param jythonJob JythonJob */ private static void checkMessageTypes(JythonJob jythonJob) { checkMessageType(jythonJob.getIncoming_message_value(), GraphType.INCOMING_MESSAGE_VALUE, jythonJob); checkMessageType(jythonJob.getOutgoing_message_value(), GraphType.OUTGOING_MESSAGE_VALUE, jythonJob); } /** * Check that given message value type is present. * * @param msgTypeHolder Incoming or outgoing message type holder * @param graphType The graph type * @param jythonJob JythonJob */ private static void checkMessageType(JythonJob.TypeHolder msgTypeHolder, GraphType graphType, JythonJob jythonJob) { if (msgTypeHolder.getType() == null) { Object msgValueType = jythonJob.getMessage_value().getType(); checkNotNull(msgValueType, graphType + ".type and " + "message_value.type cannot both be empty"); msgTypeHolder.setType(msgValueType); } } /** * Check that the vertex ID, vertex value, and edge value Hive info is valid. * * @param conf Configuration * @param jythonJob JythonJob * @param interpreter PythonInterpreter */ private static void initHiveReadersWriters(Configuration conf, JythonJob jythonJob, PythonInterpreter interpreter) { if (!userTypeIsJavaPrimitiveWritable(jythonJob.getVertex_id())) { checkTypeWithHive(jythonJob.getVertex_id(), GraphType.VERTEX_ID); LanguageAndType idReader = processUserType(jythonJob.getVertex_id().getHive_reader(), interpreter); checkImplements(idReader, JythonHiveReader.class, interpreter); checkArgument(idReader.getLanguage() == Language.JYTHON); GiraphHiveConstants.VERTEX_ID_READER_JYTHON_NAME.set(conf, idReader.getJythonClassName()); LanguageAndType idWriter = processUserType(jythonJob.getVertex_id().getHive_writer(), interpreter); checkImplements(idWriter, JythonHiveWriter.class, interpreter); checkArgument(idWriter.getLanguage() == Language.JYTHON); GiraphHiveConstants.VERTEX_ID_WRITER_JYTHON_NAME.set(conf, idWriter.getJythonClassName()); } if (hasVertexInputs(jythonJob) && !userTypeIsJavaPrimitiveWritable(jythonJob.getVertex_value())) { checkTypeWithHive(jythonJob.getVertex_value(), GraphType.VERTEX_VALUE); LanguageAndType valueReader = processUserType(jythonJob.getVertex_value().getHive_reader(), interpreter); checkImplements(valueReader, JythonHiveReader.class, interpreter); checkArgument(valueReader.getLanguage() == Language.JYTHON); VERTEX_VALUE_READER_JYTHON_NAME.set(conf, valueReader.getJythonClassName()); LanguageAndType valueWriter = processUserType(jythonJob.getVertex_value().getHive_writer(), interpreter); checkImplements(valueWriter, JythonHiveWriter.class, interpreter); checkArgument(valueWriter.getLanguage() == Language.JYTHON); VERTEX_VALUE_WRITER_JYTHON_NAME.set(conf, valueWriter.getJythonClassName()); } if (hasEdgeInputs(jythonJob) && !userTypeIsJavaPrimitiveWritable(jythonJob.getEdge_value())) { checkNotNull(jythonJob.getEdge_value().getHive_reader(), "edge_value.hive_reader cannot be null"); LanguageAndType edgeReader = processUserType(jythonJob.getEdge_value().getHive_reader(), interpreter); checkImplements(edgeReader, JythonHiveReader.class, interpreter); checkArgument(edgeReader.getLanguage() == Language.JYTHON); GiraphHiveConstants.EDGE_VALUE_READER_JYTHON_NAME.set(conf, edgeReader.getJythonClassName()); } } /** * Verify Jython class is present and implements the Java type * * @param interpreter PythonInterpreter * @param valueFromUser Jython class or name of class * @return name of Jython class */ private static LanguageAndType processUserType(Object valueFromUser, PythonInterpreter interpreter) { // user gave a Class object, should be either Java or Jython class name if (valueFromUser instanceof Class) { Class valueClass = (Class) valueFromUser; String jythonClassName = extractJythonClass(valueClass); if (jythonClassName != null) { // Jython class return processJythonType(jythonClassName, interpreter); } else { // Java class return; } // user gave a string, should be either Java or Jython class name } else if (valueFromUser instanceof String) { String valueStr = (String) valueFromUser; Class valueClass; try { // Try to find Java class with name valueClass = Class.forName(valueStr); return; } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) { // Java class not found, try to find a Jython one return processJythonType(valueStr, interpreter); } // user gave a PyClass, process as a Jython class } else if (valueFromUser instanceof PyClass) { PyClass userPyClass = (PyClass) valueFromUser; return processJythonType(userPyClass.__name__, interpreter); // user gave a PyType, process as Jython class } else if (valueFromUser instanceof PyType) { PyType userPyType = (PyType) valueFromUser; return processJythonType(userPyType.getName(), interpreter); // Otherwise, don't know how to handle this, so error } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Don't know how to handle " + valueFromUser + " of class " + valueFromUser.getClass() + ", needs to be Class or String"); } } /** * Check that a type implements a Java interface * * @param langType type with langauge * @param interfaceClass java interface class * @param interpreter PythonInterpreter */ private static void checkImplements(LanguageAndType langType, Class interfaceClass, PythonInterpreter interpreter) { switch (langType.getLanguage()) { case JAVA: checkArgument(interfaceClass.isAssignableFrom(langType.getJavaClass()), langType.getJavaClass().getSimpleName() + " needs to implement " + interfaceClass.getSimpleName()); break; case JYTHON: PyObject pyClass = interpreter.get(langType.getJythonClassName()); PyObject pyObj = pyClass.__call__(); Object converted = pyObj.__tojava__(interfaceClass); checkArgument(!Py.NoConversion.equals(converted), "Jython class " + langType.getJythonClassName() + " does not implement " + interfaceClass.getSimpleName() + " interface"); break; default: throw new IllegalArgumentException("Don't know how to handle " + "language " + langType.getLanguage()); } } /** * Verify Jython class is present and implements specified type * * @param jythonName Jython class name * @param interpreter PythonInterpreter * @return language and type specification */ private static LanguageAndType processJythonType(String jythonName, PythonInterpreter interpreter) { PyObject pyClass = interpreter.get(jythonName); checkNotNull(pyClass, "Jython class " + jythonName + " not found"); return LanguageAndType.jython(jythonName); } /** * Check that the given value type is valid * * @param typeWithHive value type * @param graphType GraphType */ private static void checkTypeWithHive(JythonJob.TypeWithHive typeWithHive, GraphType graphType) { if (typeWithHive.getHive_reader() == null) { checkNotNull(typeWithHive.getHive_io(), graphType + ".hive_reader and " + graphType + ".hive_io cannot both be empty"); typeWithHive.setHive_reader(typeWithHive.getHive_io()); } if (typeWithHive.getHive_writer() == null) { checkNotNull(typeWithHive.getHive_io(), graphType + ".hive_writer and " + graphType + ".hive_io cannot both be empty"); typeWithHive.setHive_writer(typeWithHive.getHive_io()); } } /** * Create a graph value (IVEMM) reader * * @param <T> graph value type * @param schema {@link com.facebook.hiveio.schema.HiveTableSchema} * @param columnOption option for column name * @param conf {@link ImmutableClassesGiraphConfiguration} * @param graphType GraphType creating a reader for * @param jythonClassNameOption option for jython class option * @return {@link org.apache.giraph.hive.values.HiveValueReader} */ public static <T extends Writable> HiveValueReader<T> newValueReader(HiveTableSchema schema, StrConfOption columnOption, ImmutableClassesGiraphConfiguration conf, GraphType graphType, StrConfOption jythonClassNameOption) { HiveValueReader<T> reader; if (HiveJythonUtils.isPrimitiveWritable(graphType.get(conf))) { reader = PrimitiveValueReader.create(conf, graphType, columnOption, schema); } else if (jythonClassNameOption.contains(conf)) { reader = JythonColumnReader.create(conf, jythonClassNameOption, columnOption, schema); } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Don't know how to read " + graphType + " of class " + graphType.get(conf) + " which is not primitive and" + " no " + JythonHiveReader.class.getSimpleName() + " is set"); } return reader; } /** * Create a graph value (IVEMM) writer * * @param <T> writable type * @param schema {@link HiveTableSchema} * @param columnOption option for column * @param conf {@link ImmutableClassesGiraphConfiguration} * @param graphType {@link GraphType} * @param jythonClassNameOption option for name of jython class * @return {@link HiveValueWriter} */ public static <T extends Writable> HiveValueWriter<T> newValueWriter(HiveTableSchema schema, StrConfOption columnOption, ImmutableClassesGiraphConfiguration conf, GraphType graphType, StrConfOption jythonClassNameOption) { HiveValueWriter<T> writer; if (HiveJythonUtils.isPrimitiveWritable(graphType.get(conf))) { writer = PrimitiveValueWriter.create(conf, columnOption, schema, graphType); } else if (jythonClassNameOption.contains(conf)) { writer = JythonColumnWriter.create(conf, jythonClassNameOption, columnOption, schema); } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Don't know how to write " + graphType + " of class " + graphType.get(conf) + " which is not primitive and no " + JythonHiveWriter.class.getSimpleName() + " is set"); } return writer; } /** * Extract Jython class name from a user set proxy Jython class. * * For example: * job.vertex_value_type = FakeLPVertexValue * Yields: * org.python.proxies.__main__$FakeLPVertexValue$0 * This method extracts: * FakeLPVertexValue * * @param klass Jython proxy class * @return Jython class name */ private static String extractJythonClass(Class klass) { if (!isJythonClass(klass)) { return null; } Iterable<String> parts = Splitter.on('$').split(klass.getSimpleName()); if (Iterables.size(parts) != 3) { return null; } Iterator<String> partsIter = parts.iterator();; return; } /** * Check if passed in class is a Jython class * * @param klass to check * @return true if Jython class, false otherwise */ private static boolean isJythonClass(Class klass) { return klass.getCanonicalName().startsWith("org.python.proxies"); } /** * Initialize edge input * * @param conf Configuration * @param jythonJob data to initialize */ private static void initEdgeInputs(Configuration conf, JythonJob jythonJob) { List<JythonJob.EdgeInput> edgeInputs = jythonJob.getEdge_inputs(); if (!edgeInputs.isEmpty()) { if (edgeInputs.size() == 1) { EDGE_INPUT_FORMAT_CLASS.set(conf, HiveEdgeInputFormat.class); JythonJob.EdgeInput edgeInput = edgeInputs.get(0); checkEdgeInput(edgeInput);"Setting edge input using: " + edgeInput); HIVE_EDGE_INPUT.getDatabaseOpt().set(conf, jythonJob.getHive_database()); HIVE_EDGE_INPUT.getTableOpt().set(conf, edgeInput.getTable()); if (edgeInput.getPartition_filter() != null) { HIVE_EDGE_INPUT.getPartitionOpt().set(conf, edgeInput.getPartition_filter()); } HIVE_EDGE_INPUT.getClassOpt().set(conf, JythonHiveToEdge.class); EDGE_SOURCE_ID_COLUMN.set(conf, edgeInput.getSource_id_column()); EDGE_TARGET_ID_COLUMN.set(conf, edgeInput.getTarget_id_column()); if (edgeInput.getValue_column() != null) { EDGE_VALUE_COLUMN.set(conf, edgeInput.getValue_column()); } } else { EDGE_INPUT_FORMAT_CLASS.set(conf, MultiEdgeInputFormat.class); throw new IllegalArgumentException("Multiple edge inputs not supported yet: " + edgeInputs); } } } /** * Check that the edge input is valid * * @param edgeInput data to check */ private static void checkEdgeInput(JythonJob.EdgeInput edgeInput) { checkNotNull(edgeInput.getTable(), "EdgeInput table name needs to be set"); checkNotNull(edgeInput.getSource_id_column(), "EdgeInput source ID column needs to be set"); checkNotNull(edgeInput.getTarget_id_column(), "EdgeInput target ID column needs to be set"); } /** * Initialize vertex output info * * @param conf Configuration * @param jythonJob the job info */ private static void initVertexInputs(Configuration conf, JythonJob jythonJob) { List<JythonJob.VertexInput> vertexInputs = jythonJob.getVertex_inputs(); if (!vertexInputs.isEmpty()) { if (vertexInputs.size() == 1) { VERTEX_INPUT_FORMAT_CLASS.set(conf, HiveVertexInputFormat.class); JythonJob.VertexInput vertexInput = vertexInputs.get(0); checkVertexInput(vertexInput);"Setting vertex input using: " + vertexInput); HIVE_VERTEX_INPUT.getDatabaseOpt().set(conf, jythonJob.getHive_database()); HIVE_VERTEX_INPUT.getTableOpt().set(conf, vertexInput.getTable()); if (vertexInput.getPartition_filter() != null) { HIVE_VERTEX_INPUT.getPartitionOpt().set(conf, vertexInput.getPartition_filter()); } HIVE_VERTEX_INPUT.getClassOpt().set(conf, JythonHiveToVertex.class); JythonHiveToVertex.VERTEX_ID_COLUMN.set(conf, vertexInput.getId_column()); if (vertexInput.getValue_column() != null) { JythonHiveToVertex.VERTEX_VALUE_COLUMN.set(conf, vertexInput.getValue_column()); } } else { VERTEX_INPUT_FORMAT_CLASS.set(conf, MultiVertexInputFormat.class); throw new IllegalArgumentException("Multiple vertex inputs not supported yet: " + vertexInputs); } } } /** * Check that the vertex input info is valid * * @param vertexInput data to check */ private static void checkVertexInput(JythonJob.VertexInput vertexInput) { checkNotNull(vertexInput.getTable(), "VertexInput table name needs to be set"); checkNotNull(vertexInput.getId_column(), "VertexInput ID column needs to be set"); } /** * Check if the writable is holding a primitive type * * @param klass Writable class * @return true if writable is holding primitive */ public static boolean isPrimitiveWritable(Class klass) { return NullWritable.class.equals(klass) || BooleanWritable.class.equals(klass) || ByteWritable.class.equals(klass) || IntWritable.class.equals(klass) || LongWritable.class.equals(klass) || FloatWritable.class.equals(klass) || DoubleWritable.class.equals(klass); } /** * Tell whether the user type given is a primitive writable * * @param typeHolder TypeHolder * @return true if type is a Java primitive writable */ public static boolean userTypeIsJavaPrimitiveWritable(JythonJob.TypeHolder typeHolder) { Object type = typeHolder.getType(); if (type instanceof Class) { return isPrimitiveWritable((Class) type); } else if (type instanceof String) { try { Class klass = Class.forName((String) type); return isPrimitiveWritable(klass); } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) { return false; } } else { return false; } } /** * Initialize output info * * @param conf Configuration * @param jythonJob the job info */ private static void initOutput(Configuration conf, JythonJob jythonJob) { JythonJob.VertexOutput vertexOutput = jythonJob.getVertex_output(); if (vertexOutput.getTable() != null) {"Setting vertex output using: " + vertexOutput); VERTEX_OUTPUT_FORMAT_CLASS.set(conf, HiveVertexOutputFormat.class); VERTEX_TO_HIVE_CLASS.set(conf, JythonVertexToHive.class); JythonVertexToHive.VERTEX_ID_COLUMN.set(conf, vertexOutput.getId_column()); VERTEX_VALUE_COLUMN.set(conf, vertexOutput.getValue_column()); HIVE_VERTEX_OUTPUT_DATABASE.set(conf, jythonJob.getHive_database()); HIVE_VERTEX_OUTPUT_PROFILE_ID.set(conf, "vertex_output_profile"); HIVE_VERTEX_OUTPUT_TABLE.set(conf, vertexOutput.getTable()); if (vertexOutput.getPartition() != null) { HIVE_VERTEX_OUTPUT_PARTITION.set(conf, makePartitionString(vertexOutput.getPartition())); } } } /** * Create partition string * * @param parts partition pieces * @return partition string */ private static String makePartitionString(Map<String, String> parts) { return Joiner.on(",").withKeyValueSeparator("=").join(parts); } }