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 * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
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package org.apache.giraph.comm.messages.with_source;

import java.util.Map;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentMap;
import org.apache.giraph.conf.ImmutableClassesGiraphConfiguration;
import org.apache.giraph.bsp.CentralizedServiceWorker;
import org.apache.giraph.factories.MessageValueFactory;
import org.apache.giraph.utils.EmptyIterable;

 * Abstract class for {@link MessageWithSourceStore} which allows any kind
 * of object to hold messages (and source) for one vertex. Simple in memory
 * message store implemented with a three level concurrent hash map.
 * @param <I> Vertex id
 * @param <M> Message data
 * @param <T> Type of object holding messages (WITHOUT source) for one vertex
public abstract class SimpleMessageWithSourceStore<I extends WritableComparable, M extends Writable, T>
        implements MessageWithSourceStore<I, M> {

    /** Message class */
    protected final MessageValueFactory<M> messageValueFactory;
    /** Service worker */
    protected final CentralizedServiceWorker<I, ?, ?> service;
     * YH: Map from partition id to map from destination vertex id
     * to map from source vertex id to corresponding message(s)
     * Notationally: map -> partitionMap/dstMap -> srcMap -> msg
    protected final ConcurrentMap<Integer, ConcurrentMap<I, ConcurrentMap<I, T>>> map;
    /** Giraph configuration */
    protected final ImmutableClassesGiraphConfiguration<I, ?, ?> config;

     * Constructor
     * @param messageValueFactory Message class held in the store
     * @param service Service worker
     * @param config Giraph configuration
    public SimpleMessageWithSourceStore(MessageValueFactory<M> messageValueFactory,
            CentralizedServiceWorker<I, ?, ?> service, ImmutableClassesGiraphConfiguration<I, ?, ?> config) {
        this.messageValueFactory = messageValueFactory;
        this.service = service;
        this.config = config;
        map = new MapMaker().concurrencyLevel(config.getNettyServerExecutionConcurrency()).makeMap();

     * Get messages as an iterable from message storage
     * @param sourceMap Map of source vertex ids to messages
     * @return Messages (with source) as an iterable
    protected abstract Iterable<MessageWithSource<I, M>> getMessagesAsIterable(ConcurrentMap<I, T> sourceMap);

     * Get messages as an iterable from message storage
     * @param sourceMap Map of source vertex ids to messages
     * @return Messages (no source) as an iterable
    protected abstract Iterable<M> getMessagesWithoutSourceAsIterable(ConcurrentMap<I, T> sourceMap);

     * Get number of messages in partition map
     * @param partitionMap Partition map in which to count messages
     * @return Number of messages in partition map
    protected abstract int getNumberOfMessagesIn(ConcurrentMap<I, ConcurrentMap<I, T>> partitionMap);

     * Write message storage to {@link DataOutput}
     * @param messages Message storage
     * @param out Data output
     * @throws IOException
    protected abstract void writeMessages(T messages, DataOutput out) throws IOException;

     * Read message storage from {@link DataInput}
     * @param in Data input
     * @return Message storage
     * @throws IOException
    protected abstract T readFieldsForMessages(DataInput in) throws IOException;

     * Get id of partition which holds vertex with selected id
     * @param vertexId Id of vertex
     * @return Id of partiton
    protected int getPartitionId(I vertexId) {
        return service.getVertexPartitionOwner(vertexId).getPartitionId();

     * If there is already a map of messages related to the partition id
     * return that map, otherwise create a new one, put it in global map and
     * return it.
     * @param partitionId Id of partition
     * @return Message map for this partition
    protected ConcurrentMap<I, ConcurrentMap<I, T>> getOrCreatePartitionMap(int partitionId) {
        ConcurrentMap<I, ConcurrentMap<I, T>> partitionMap = map.get(partitionId);
        if (partitionMap == null) {
            ConcurrentMap<I, ConcurrentMap<I, T>> tmpMap = new MapMaker()
            partitionMap = map.putIfAbsent(partitionId, tmpMap);
            if (partitionMap == null) {
                partitionMap = tmpMap;
        return partitionMap;

     * YH: If there is already a map of sources related to the destination
     * vertex id, then return that map. Otherwise create a new one, put it
     * in the partition map, and return it.
     * @param partitionMap Message map for this partition
     * @param dstId Id of the destination vertex (receiver)
     * @param cloneDstId True if dstId must be cloned/copied before storage
     * @return Source map for the destination vertex
    protected ConcurrentMap<I, T> getOrCreateSourceMap(ConcurrentMap<I, ConcurrentMap<I, T>> partitionMap, I dstId,
            boolean cloneDstId) {
        ConcurrentMap<I, T> srcMap = partitionMap.get(dstId);

        if (srcMap == null) {
            ConcurrentMap<I, T> tmpMap = new MapMaker()

            // YH: if needed, clone the dest vertex id. This is needed when the
            // original object is user-accessible and/or can be invalidated on
            // some iterator's next() call up the call chain.
            I safeDstId = cloneDstId ? WritableUtils.clone(dstId, config) : dstId;

            srcMap = partitionMap.putIfAbsent(safeDstId, tmpMap);
            if (srcMap == null) {
                srcMap = tmpMap;

        return srcMap;

    public Iterable<I> getPartitionDestinationVertices(int partitionId) {
        ConcurrentMap<I, ?> partitionMap = map.get(partitionId);
        return (partitionMap == null) ? EmptyIterable.<I>get() : partitionMap.keySet();

    public boolean hasMessagesForVertex(I vertexId) {
        ConcurrentMap<I, ?> partitionMap = map.get(getPartitionId(vertexId));
        return partitionMap != null && partitionMap.containsKey(vertexId);

    public boolean hasMessagesForPartition(int partitionId) {
        ConcurrentMap<I, ?> partitionMap = map.get(partitionId);
        return partitionMap != null && !partitionMap.isEmpty();

    public boolean hasMessages() {
        for (ConcurrentMap<I, ?> partitionMap : map.values()) {
            if (!partitionMap.isEmpty()) {
                return true;
        return false;

    // TODO-YH: lots of duplicated code... consolidate?
    // YH: MessageStore's overriden functions return MessageWithSource<I, M>
    public Iterable<MessageWithSource<I, M>> getVertexMessages(I vertexId) throws IOException {
        ConcurrentMap<I, ConcurrentMap<I, T>> partitionMap = map.get(getPartitionId(vertexId));
        if (partitionMap == null) {
            return EmptyIterable.<MessageWithSource<I, M>>get();

        // srcMap (partitionMap.get(vertexId)) is always non-null, as
        // destination vertex only exists if it received a message,
        // and a message always has a source
        ConcurrentMap<I, T> srcMap = partitionMap.get(vertexId);
        return (srcMap == null) ? EmptyIterable.<MessageWithSource<I, M>>get() : getMessagesAsIterable(srcMap);

    public Iterable<MessageWithSource<I, M>> removeVertexMessages(I vertexId) throws IOException {
        ConcurrentMap<I, ConcurrentMap<I, T>> partitionMap = map.get(getPartitionId(vertexId));
        if (partitionMap == null) {
            return EmptyIterable.<MessageWithSource<I, M>>get();

        ConcurrentMap<I, T> srcMap = partitionMap.remove(vertexId);
        return (srcMap == null) ? EmptyIterable.<MessageWithSource<I, M>>get() : getMessagesAsIterable(srcMap);

    // YH: MessageWithSourceStore's overriden functions return only M
    public Iterable<M> getVertexMessagesWithoutSource(I vertexId) throws IOException {
        ConcurrentMap<I, ConcurrentMap<I, T>> partitionMap = map.get(getPartitionId(vertexId));
        if (partitionMap == null) {
            return EmptyIterable.<M>get();

        ConcurrentMap<I, T> srcMap = partitionMap.get(vertexId);
        return (srcMap == null) ? EmptyIterable.<M>get() : getMessagesWithoutSourceAsIterable(srcMap);

    public Iterable<M> removeVertexMessagesWithoutSource(I vertexId) throws IOException {
        ConcurrentMap<I, ConcurrentMap<I, T>> partitionMap = map.get(getPartitionId(vertexId));
        if (partitionMap == null) {
            return EmptyIterable.<M>get();

        ConcurrentMap<I, T> srcMap = partitionMap.remove(vertexId);
        return (srcMap == null) ? EmptyIterable.<M>get() : getMessagesWithoutSourceAsIterable(srcMap);

    public void writePartition(DataOutput out, int partitionId) throws IOException {
        ConcurrentMap<I, ConcurrentMap<I, T>> partitionMap = map.get(partitionId);
        out.writeBoolean(partitionMap != null);
        if (partitionMap != null) {
            for (Map.Entry<I, ConcurrentMap<I, T>> entry : partitionMap.entrySet()) {
                ConcurrentMap<I, T> srcMap = entry.getValue();

                // srcMap is always non-null, as destination vertex only exists
                // if it received a message, and a message always has a source
                for (Map.Entry<I, T> srcEntry : srcMap.entrySet()) {
                    writeMessages(srcEntry.getValue(), out);

    public void readFieldsForPartition(DataInput in, int partitionId) throws IOException {
        if (in.readBoolean()) {
            ConcurrentMap<I, ConcurrentMap<I, T>> partitionMap = Maps.newConcurrentMap();
            int numVertices = in.readInt();
            for (int v = 0; v < numVertices; v++) {
                I dstId = config.createVertexId();
                ConcurrentMap<I, T> srcMap = Maps.newConcurrentMap();

                int numSrc = in.readInt();
                for (int s = 0; s < numSrc; s++) {
                    I srcId = config.createVertexId();
                    srcMap.put(srcId, readFieldsForMessages(in));
                partitionMap.put(dstId, srcMap);
            map.put(partitionId, partitionMap);

    public void clearVertexMessages(I vertexId) throws IOException {
        ConcurrentMap<I, ?> partitionMap = map.get(getPartitionId(vertexId));
        if (partitionMap != null) {

    public void clearPartition(int partitionId) throws IOException {

    public void clearAll() throws IOException {