Source code

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// $Id: 306760 2005-10-06 11:42:47 +0530 (Thu, 06 Oct 2005) rana_b $
 * Copyright 2004 The Apache Software Foundation
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.
package org.apache.ftpserver.gui;

import java.awt.BorderLayout;
import java.awt.Color;
import java.awt.Dimension;
import java.awt.FlowLayout;
import java.awt.Font;
import java.awt.event.ActionEvent;
import java.awt.event.ActionListener;
import java.awt.event.ItemEvent;
import java.awt.event.ItemListener;

import javax.swing.JButton;
import javax.swing.JComboBox;
import javax.swing.JLabel;
import javax.swing.JPanel;
import javax.swing.JScrollPane;
import javax.swing.JTextPane;
import javax.swing.SwingUtilities;
import javax.swing.text.Document;
import javax.swing.text.SimpleAttributeSet;
import javax.swing.text.StyleConstants;

import org.apache.commons.logging.Log;
import org.apache.ftpserver.FtpLogFactory;
import org.apache.ftpserver.interfaces.IFtpConfig;
import org.apache.ftpserver.util.IoUtils;

 * This logger panel writes the log messages.
 * @author <a href="">Rana Bhattacharyya</a>
public class LoggerPanel extends PluginPanel implements Log {

    private static final long serialVersionUID = 5988947217051710193L;
    private static final int MAX_CHARS = 8192;

    private final static Color COLOR_DEBUG = new Color(63, 127, 95);
    private final static Color COLOR_INFO = new Color(0, 0, 0);
    private final static Color COLOR_WARN = new Color(245, 150, 45);
    private final static Color COLOR_ERROR = new Color(255, 0, 0);

    private final static String[] LEVELS = new String[] { "TRACE", "DEBUG", "INFO ", "WARN ", "ERROR", "FATAL",
            "NONE " };

    private final static int LEVEL_TRACE = 0;
    private final static int LEVEL_DEBUG = 1;
    private final static int LEVEL_INFO = 2;
    private final static int LEVEL_WARN = 3;
    private final static int LEVEL_ERROR = 4;
    private final static int LEVEL_FATAL = 5;

    private int m_logLevel = LEVEL_INFO;

    private IFtpConfig m_ftpConfig;

    private JComboBox m_logCombo;
    private JTextPane m_logTxt;
    private Document m_doc;

    private SimpleAttributeSet m_debugAttr;
    private SimpleAttributeSet m_infoAttr;
    private SimpleAttributeSet m_warnAttr;
    private SimpleAttributeSet m_errorAttr;

     * Constructor - set the container.
    public LoggerPanel(PluginPanelContainer container) {

        // create style attributes
        m_debugAttr = new SimpleAttributeSet();
        StyleConstants.setForeground(m_debugAttr, COLOR_DEBUG);

        m_infoAttr = new SimpleAttributeSet();
        StyleConstants.setForeground(m_infoAttr, COLOR_INFO);

        m_warnAttr = new SimpleAttributeSet();
        StyleConstants.setForeground(m_warnAttr, COLOR_WARN);

        m_errorAttr = new SimpleAttributeSet();
        StyleConstants.setForeground(m_errorAttr, COLOR_ERROR);


     * Return appropriate attribute.
    private SimpleAttributeSet getAttributeSet(int level) {

        SimpleAttributeSet attr = null;
        switch (level) {
        case LEVEL_TRACE:
        case LEVEL_DEBUG:
            attr = m_debugAttr;

        case LEVEL_INFO:
            attr = m_infoAttr;

        case LEVEL_WARN:
            attr = m_warnAttr;

        case LEVEL_ERROR:
        case LEVEL_FATAL:
            attr = m_errorAttr;

            attr = m_infoAttr;
        return attr;

     * Initialize UI components.
    private void initComponents() {

        setLayout(new BorderLayout());

        // add top combo panel
        JPanel topPanel = new JPanel(new FlowLayout(FlowLayout.CENTER));
        add(topPanel, BorderLayout.NORTH);

        JLabel comboLab = new JLabel("Log Level :: ");

        m_logCombo = new JComboBox(LEVELS);
        Dimension dim = new Dimension(90, 22);
        m_logCombo.setToolTipText("Set Log Level");
        m_logCombo.addItemListener(new ItemListener() {
            public void itemStateChanged(ItemEvent evt) {
                m_logLevel = m_logCombo.getSelectedIndex();

        // add text pane
        m_logTxt = new JTextPane();
        m_logTxt.setFont(new Font("Monospaced", Font.PLAIN, 12));
        m_doc = m_logTxt.getDocument();

        JPanel noWrapPanel = new JPanel(new BorderLayout());
        add(new JScrollPane(noWrapPanel), BorderLayout.CENTER);

        // add clear button panel
        JPanel bottomPanel = new JPanel(new FlowLayout(FlowLayout.CENTER));
        add(bottomPanel, BorderLayout.SOUTH);

        JButton clearAction = new JButton("Clear");
        clearAction.addActionListener(new ActionListener() {
            public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent evt) {
                try {
                    m_doc.remove(0, m_doc.getLength());
                } catch (Exception ex) {

     * Refresh the ftp configuration
    public void refresh(IFtpConfig ftpConfig) {

        // remove old log messages
        try {
            m_doc.remove(0, m_doc.getLength());
        } catch (Exception ex) {

        // remove from the previous log factory
        if (m_ftpConfig != null) {
            FtpLogFactory factory = (FtpLogFactory) m_ftpConfig.getLogFactory();
            if (factory != null) {

        // add this logger
        m_ftpConfig = ftpConfig;
        if (ftpConfig != null) {
            FtpLogFactory factory = (FtpLogFactory) ftpConfig.getLogFactory();

     * This can be displayed only when the server is running.
    public boolean canBeDisplayed() {
        return (m_ftpConfig != null);

     * Get the string representation.
    public String toString() {
        return "Log";

     * Dispose - does nothing
    public void dispose() {

    ////////////////// Logger implementation //////////////////
     * Check log enable. 
    private boolean isEnabled(int level) {
        return m_logLevel <= level;

     * Is trace enebled?
    public boolean isTraceEnabled() {
        return isEnabled(LEVEL_TRACE);

     * Is debug enabled?
    public boolean isDebugEnabled() {
        return isEnabled(LEVEL_DEBUG);

     * Is info enabled?
    public boolean isInfoEnabled() {
        return isEnabled(LEVEL_INFO);

     * Is warn enabled?
    public boolean isWarnEnabled() {
        return isEnabled(LEVEL_WARN);

     * Is error enabled?
    public boolean isErrorEnabled() {
        return isEnabled(LEVEL_ERROR);

     * Is fatal enabled?
    public boolean isFatalEnabled() {
        return isEnabled(LEVEL_FATAL);

     * Write message
    private void write(final int level, final String message) {
        SwingUtilities.invokeLater(new Runnable() {
            public void run() {
                try {
                    // clear if already the char count exceeds
                    int docLen = m_doc.getLength();
                    if (docLen > MAX_CHARS) {
                        m_doc.remove(0, docLen);
                        docLen = 0;

                    // insert string
                    SimpleAttributeSet attr = getAttributeSet(level);
                    m_doc.insertString(docLen, message, attr);
                } catch (Exception ex) {

     * Write trace message.
    public void trace(Object msg) {
        if (isEnabled(LEVEL_TRACE)) {
            msg = '[' + LEVELS[LEVEL_TRACE] + ']' + String.valueOf(msg) + '\n';
            write(LEVEL_TRACE, String.valueOf(msg));

     * Write trace message.
    public void trace(Object msg, Throwable t) {
        if (isEnabled(LEVEL_TRACE)) {
            msg = '[' + LEVELS[LEVEL_TRACE] + ']' + String.valueOf(msg) + '\n';
            write(LEVEL_TRACE, String.valueOf(msg));
            write(LEVEL_TRACE, IoUtils.getStackTrace(t));

     * Write debug message.
    public void debug(Object msg) {
        if (isEnabled(LEVEL_DEBUG)) {
            msg = '[' + LEVELS[LEVEL_DEBUG] + ']' + String.valueOf(msg) + '\n';
            write(LEVEL_DEBUG, String.valueOf(msg));

     * Write debug message.
    public void debug(Object msg, Throwable t) {
        if (isEnabled(LEVEL_DEBUG)) {
            msg = '[' + LEVELS[LEVEL_DEBUG] + ']' + String.valueOf(msg) + '\n';
            write(LEVEL_DEBUG, String.valueOf(msg));
            write(LEVEL_DEBUG, IoUtils.getStackTrace(t));

     * Write info message.
    public void info(Object msg) {
        if (isEnabled(LEVEL_INFO)) {
            msg = '[' + LEVELS[LEVEL_INFO] + ']' + String.valueOf(msg) + '\n';
            write(LEVEL_INFO, String.valueOf(msg));

     * Write info message.
    public void info(Object msg, Throwable t) {
        if (isEnabled(LEVEL_INFO)) {
            msg = '[' + LEVELS[LEVEL_INFO] + ']' + String.valueOf(msg) + '\n';
            write(LEVEL_INFO, String.valueOf(msg));
            write(LEVEL_INFO, IoUtils.getStackTrace(t));

     * Write warning message.
    public void warn(Object msg) {
        if (isEnabled(LEVEL_WARN)) {
            msg = '[' + LEVELS[LEVEL_WARN] + ']' + String.valueOf(msg) + '\n';
            write(LEVEL_WARN, String.valueOf(msg));

     * Write warning message.
    public void warn(Object msg, Throwable t) {
        if (isEnabled(LEVEL_WARN)) {
            msg = '[' + LEVELS[LEVEL_WARN] + ']' + String.valueOf(msg) + '\n';
            write(LEVEL_WARN, String.valueOf(msg));
            write(LEVEL_WARN, IoUtils.getStackTrace(t));

     * Write error message.
    public void error(Object msg) {
        if (isEnabled(LEVEL_ERROR)) {
            msg = '[' + LEVELS[LEVEL_ERROR] + ']' + String.valueOf(msg) + '\n';
            write(LEVEL_ERROR, String.valueOf(msg));

     * Write error message.
    public void error(Object msg, Throwable t) {
        if (isEnabled(LEVEL_ERROR)) {
            msg = '[' + LEVELS[LEVEL_ERROR] + ']' + String.valueOf(msg) + '\n';
            write(LEVEL_ERROR, String.valueOf(msg));
            write(LEVEL_ERROR, IoUtils.getStackTrace(t));

     * Write fatal message.
    public void fatal(Object msg) {
        if (isEnabled(LEVEL_FATAL)) {
            msg = '[' + LEVELS[LEVEL_FATAL] + ']' + String.valueOf(msg) + '\n';
            write(LEVEL_FATAL, String.valueOf(msg));

     * Write fatal message.
    public void fatal(Object msg, Throwable t) {
        if (isEnabled(LEVEL_FATAL)) {
            msg = '[' + LEVELS[LEVEL_FATAL] + ']' + String.valueOf(msg) + '\n';
            write(LEVEL_FATAL, String.valueOf(msg));
            write(LEVEL_FATAL, IoUtils.getStackTrace(t));