Source code

Java tutorial


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 * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
 * contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
 * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
 * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
 * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
 * the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

/* $Id: 1293736 2012-02-26 02:29:01Z gadams $ */


// Java
import org.xml.sax.Attributes;

import org.apache.commons.logging.Log;
import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory;

import org.apache.xmlgraphics.util.QName;

import org.apache.fop.apps.FopFactory;

 * Class containing the collection of properties for a given FObj.
public abstract class PropertyList {

    private static boolean[] inheritableProperty;

    /** reference to the parent FO's propertyList **/
    protected PropertyList parentPropertyList = null;
    private FObj fobj = null;

    private static Log log = LogFactory.getLog(PropertyList.class);

     * Basic constructor.
     * @param fObjToAttach  the FO this PropertyList should be attached to
     * @param parentPropertyList the PropertyList belonging to the new objects
     * parent
    public PropertyList(FObj fObjToAttach, PropertyList parentPropertyList) {
        this.fobj = fObjToAttach;
        this.parentPropertyList = parentPropertyList;

     * @return the FObj object to which this propertyList is attached
    public FObj getFObj() {
        return this.fobj;

     * @return the FObj object attached to the parentPropertyList
    public FObj getParentFObj() {
        if (parentPropertyList != null) {
            return parentPropertyList.getFObj();
        } else {
            return null;

     * @return the FObj object attached to the parentPropetyList
    public PropertyList getParentPropertyList() {
        return parentPropertyList;

     * Return the value explicitly specified on this FO.
     * @param propId The id of the property whose value is desired.
     * @return The value if the property is explicitly set or set by
     * a shorthand property, otherwise null.
     * @throws PropertyException ...
    public Property getExplicitOrShorthand(int propId) throws PropertyException {
        /* Handle request for one part of a compound property */
        Property p = getExplicit(propId);
        if (p == null) {
            p = getShorthand(propId);
        return p;

     * Return the value explicitly specified on this FO.
     * @param propId The ID of the property whose value is desired.
     * @return The value if the property is explicitly set, otherwise null.
    public abstract Property getExplicit(int propId);

     * Set an value defined explicitly on this FO.
     * @param propId The ID of the property to set.
     * @param value The value of the property.
    public abstract void putExplicit(int propId, Property value);

     * Return the value of this property inherited by this FO.
     * Implements the inherited-property-value function.
     * The property must be inheritable!
     * @param propId The ID of the property whose value is desired.
     * @return The inherited value, otherwise null.
     * @throws PropertyException ...
    public Property getInherited(int propId) throws PropertyException {

        if (isInherited(propId)) {
            return getFromParent(propId);
        } else {
            // return the "initial" value
            return makeProperty(propId);

     * Return the property on the current FlowObject. If it isn't set explicitly,
     * this will try to compute it based on other properties, or if it is
     * inheritable, to return the inherited value. If all else fails, it returns
     * the default value.
     * @param propId The Constants ID of the property whose value is desired.
     * @return the Property corresponding to that name
     * @throws PropertyException if there is a problem evaluating the property
    public Property get(int propId) throws PropertyException {
        return get(propId, true, true);

     * Return the property on the current FlowObject. Depending on the passed flags,
     * this will try to compute it based on other properties, or if it is
     * inheritable, to return the inherited value. If all else fails, it returns
     * the default value.
     * @param propId    the property's id
     * @param bTryInherit   true for inherited properties, or when the inherited
     *                      value is needed
     * @param bTryDefault   true when the default value may be used as a last resort
     * @return the property
     * @throws PropertyException if there is a problem evaluating the property
    public Property get(int propId, boolean bTryInherit, boolean bTryDefault) throws PropertyException {

        PropertyMaker propertyMaker = findMaker(propId & Constants.PROPERTY_MASK);
        if (propertyMaker != null) {
            return propertyMaker.get(propId & Constants.COMPOUND_MASK, this, bTryInherit, bTryDefault);
        return null;

     * Return the "nearest" specified value for the given property.
     * Implements the from-nearest-specified-value function.
     * @param propId The ID of the property whose value is desired.
     * @return The computed value if the property is explicitly set on some
     * ancestor of the current FO, else the initial value.
     * @throws PropertyException if there an error occurred when getting the property
    public Property getNearestSpecified(int propId) throws PropertyException {
        Property p = null;
        PropertyList pList = parentPropertyList;

        while (pList != null) {
            p = pList.getExplicit(propId);
            if (p != null) {
                return p;
            } else {
                pList = pList.parentPropertyList;

        // If no explicit value found on any of the ancestor-nodes,
        // return initial (default) value.
        return makeProperty(propId);

     * Return the value of this property on the parent of this FO.
     * Implements the from-parent function.
     * @param propId The Constants ID of the property whose value is desired.
     * @return The computed value on the parent or the initial value if this
     * FO is the root or is in a different namespace from its parent.
     * @throws PropertyException ...
    public Property getFromParent(int propId) throws PropertyException {
        if (parentPropertyList != null) {
            return parentPropertyList.get(propId);
        } else {
            return makeProperty(propId);

     * Select a writing mode dependent property ID based on value of writing mode property.
     * @param lrtb the property ID to return under lrtb writingmode.
     * @param rltb the property ID to return under rltb writingmode.
     * @param tbrl the property ID to return under tbrl writingmode.
     * @param tblr the property ID to return under tblr writingmode.
     * @return one of the property IDs, depending on the writing mode.
    public int selectFromWritingMode(int lrtb, int rltb, int tbrl, int tblr) {
        int propID;
        try {
            switch (get(Constants.PR_WRITING_MODE).getEnum()) {
            case Constants.EN_LR_TB:
                propID = lrtb;
            case Constants.EN_RL_TB:
                propID = rltb;
            case Constants.EN_TB_RL:
                propID = tbrl;
            case Constants.EN_TB_LR:
                propID = tblr;
                propID = -1;
        } catch (PropertyException e) {
            propID = -1;
        return propID;

    private String addAttributeToList(Attributes attributes, String attributeName) throws ValidationException {
        String attributeValue = attributes.getValue(attributeName);
        if (attributeValue != null) {
            convertAttributeToProperty(attributes, attributeName, attributeValue);
        return attributeValue;

     * <p>Adds the attributes, passed in by the parser to the PropertyList.</p>
     * <p>Note that certain attributes are given priority in terms of order of
     * processing due to conversion dependencies, where the order is as follows:</p>
     * <ol>
     * <li>writing-mode</li>
     * <li>column-number</li>
     * <li>number-columns-spanned</li>
     * <li>font</li>
     * <li>font-size</li>
     * <li><emph>all others in order of appearance</emph></li>
     * </ol>
     * @param attributes Collection of attributes passed to us from the parser.
     * @throws ValidationException if there is an attribute that does not
     *          map to a property id (strict validation only)
    public void addAttributesToList(Attributes attributes) throws ValidationException {
         * Give writing-mode highest conversion priority.
        addAttributeToList(attributes, "writing-mode");

         * If column-number/number-columns-spanned are specified, then we
         * need them before all others (possible from-table-column() on any
         * other property further in the list...
        addAttributeToList(attributes, "column-number");
        addAttributeToList(attributes, "number-columns-spanned");

         * If font-size is set on this FO, must set it first, since
         * other attributes specified in terms of "ems" depend on it.
        String checkValue = addAttributeToList(attributes, "font");
        if (checkValue == null || "".equals(checkValue)) {
             * font shorthand wasn't specified, so still need to process
             * explicit font-size
            addAttributeToList(attributes, "font-size");

        String attributeNS;
        String attributeName;
        String attributeValue;
        FopFactory factory = getFObj().getUserAgent().getFactory();
        for (int i = 0; i < attributes.getLength(); i++) {
            /* convert all attributes with the same namespace as the fo element
             * the "xml:lang" and "xml:base" properties are special cases */
            attributeNS = attributes.getURI(i);
            attributeName = attributes.getQName(i);
            attributeValue = attributes.getValue(i);
            if (attributeNS == null || attributeNS.length() == 0 || "xml:lang".equals(attributeName)
                    || "xml:base".equals(attributeName)) {
                convertAttributeToProperty(attributes, attributeName, attributeValue);
            } else if (!factory.isNamespaceIgnored(attributeNS)) {
                ElementMapping mapping = factory.getElementMappingRegistry().getElementMapping(attributeNS);
                QName attr = new QName(attributeNS, attributeName);
                if (mapping != null) {
                    if (mapping.isAttributeProperty(attr) && mapping.getStandardPrefix() != null) {
                                mapping.getStandardPrefix() + ":" + attr.getLocalName(), attributeValue);
                    } else {
                        getFObj().addForeignAttribute(attr, attributeValue);
                } else {

     * Validates a property name.
     * @param propertyName  the property name to check
     * @return true if the base property name and the subproperty name (if any)
     *           can be correctly mapped to an id
    protected boolean isValidPropertyName(String propertyName) {

        int propId = FOPropertyMapping.getPropertyId(findBasePropertyName(propertyName));
        int subpropId = FOPropertyMapping.getSubPropertyId(findSubPropertyName(propertyName));

        return !(propId == -1 || (subpropId == -1 && findSubPropertyName(propertyName) != null));

     * @param attributes Collection of attributes
     * @param attributeName Attribute name to convert
     * @param attributeValue Attribute value to assign to property
     * @throws ValidationException in case the property name is invalid
     *          for the FO namespace
    private void convertAttributeToProperty(Attributes attributes, String attributeName, String attributeValue)
            throws ValidationException {

        if (attributeName.startsWith("xmlns:") || "xmlns".equals(attributeName)) {
            /* Ignore namespace declarations if the XML parser/XSLT processor
             * reports them as 'regular' attributes */

        if (attributeValue != null) {
            /* Handle "compound" properties, ex. space-before.minimum */
            String basePropertyName = findBasePropertyName(attributeName);
            String subPropertyName = findSubPropertyName(attributeName);

            int propId = FOPropertyMapping.getPropertyId(basePropertyName);
            int subpropId = FOPropertyMapping.getSubPropertyId(subPropertyName);

            if (propId == -1 || (subpropId == -1 && subPropertyName != null)) {
                handleInvalidProperty(new QName(null, attributeName));
            FObj parentFO = fobj.findNearestAncestorFObj();

            PropertyMaker propertyMaker = findMaker(propId);
            if (propertyMaker == null) {
                log.warn("No PropertyMaker registered for " + attributeName + ". Ignoring property.");

            try {
                Property prop = null;
                if (subPropertyName == null) { // base attribute only found
                    /* Do nothing if the base property has already been created.
                     * This is e.g. the case when a compound attribute was
                     * specified before the base attribute; in these cases
                     * the base attribute was already created in
                     * findBaseProperty()
                    if (getExplicit(propId) != null) {
                    prop = propertyMaker.make(this, attributeValue, parentFO);
                } else { // e.g. "leader-length.maximum"
                    Property baseProperty = findBaseProperty(attributes, parentFO, propId, basePropertyName,
                    prop = propertyMaker.make(baseProperty, subpropId, this, attributeValue, parentFO);
                if (prop != null) {
                    putExplicit(propId, prop);
            } catch (PropertyException e) {
                fobj.getFOValidationEventProducer().invalidPropertyValue(this, fobj.getName(), attributeName,
                        attributeValue, e, fobj.locator);

    private Property findBaseProperty(Attributes attributes, FObj parentFO, int propId, String basePropertyName,
            PropertyMaker propertyMaker) throws PropertyException {

        /* If the baseProperty has already been created, return it
         * e.g. <fo:leader xxxx="120pt" xxxx.maximum="200pt"... />

        Property baseProperty = getExplicit(propId);

        if (baseProperty != null) {
            return baseProperty;

        /* Otherwise If it is specified later in this list of Attributes, create it now
         * e.g. <fo:leader xxxx.maximum="200pt" xxxx="200pt"... />
        String basePropertyValue = attributes.getValue(basePropertyName);

        if (basePropertyValue != null && propertyMaker != null) {
            baseProperty = propertyMaker.make(this, basePropertyValue, parentFO);
            return baseProperty;

        return null; // could not find base property

     * Handles an invalid property.
     * @param attr the invalid attribute
     * @throws ValidationException if an exception needs to be thrown depending on the
     *                  validation settings
    protected void handleInvalidProperty(QName attr) throws ValidationException {
        if (!attr.getQName().startsWith("xmlns")) {
            fobj.getFOValidationEventProducer().invalidProperty(this, fobj.getName(), attr, true, fobj.locator);

     * Finds the first or base part (up to any period) of an attribute name.
     * For example, if input is "space-before.minimum", should return
     * "space-before".
     * @param attributeName String to be atomized
     * @return the base portion of the attribute
    protected static String findBasePropertyName(String attributeName) {
        int separatorCharIndex = attributeName.indexOf('.');
        String basePropertyName = attributeName;
        if (separatorCharIndex > -1) {
            basePropertyName = attributeName.substring(0, separatorCharIndex);
        return basePropertyName;

     * Finds the second or sub part (portion past any period) of an attribute
     * name. For example, if input is "space-before.minimum", should return
     * "minimum".
     * @param attributeName String to be atomized
     * @return the sub portion of the attribute
    protected static String findSubPropertyName(String attributeName) {
        int separatorCharIndex = attributeName.indexOf('.');
        String subpropertyName = null;
        if (separatorCharIndex > -1) {
            subpropertyName = attributeName.substring(separatorCharIndex + 1);
        return subpropertyName;

     * @param propId ID of property
     * @return new Property object
     * @throws PropertyException if there's a problem while processing the property
    private Property getShorthand(int propId) throws PropertyException {
        PropertyMaker propertyMaker = findMaker(propId);

        if (propertyMaker != null) {
            return propertyMaker.getShorthand(this);
        } else {
            //log.error("no Maker for " + propertyName);
            return null;

     * @param propId ID of property
     * @return new Property object
     * @throws PropertyException if there's a problem while processing the property
    private Property makeProperty(int propId) throws PropertyException {
        PropertyMaker propertyMaker = findMaker(propId);
        if (propertyMaker != null) {
            return propertyMaker.make(this);
        } else {
            //log.error("property " + propertyName
            //                       + " ignored");
        return null;

     * @param propId ID of property
     * @return isInherited value from the requested Property.Maker
    private boolean isInherited(int propId) {
        if (inheritableProperty == null) {
            inheritableProperty = new boolean[Constants.PROPERTY_COUNT + 1];
            PropertyMaker maker = null;
            for (int prop = 1; prop <= Constants.PROPERTY_COUNT; prop++) {
                maker = findMaker(prop);
                inheritableProperty[prop] = (maker != null && maker.isInherited());

        return inheritableProperty[propId];

     * @param propId Id of property
     * @return the Property.Maker for this property
    private PropertyMaker findMaker(int propId) {

        if (propId < 1 || propId > Constants.PROPERTY_COUNT) {
            return null;
        } else {
            return FObj.getPropertyMakerFor(propId);

     * Constructs a BorderAndPadding object.
     * @return a BorderAndPadding object
     * @throws PropertyException if there's a problem while processing the properties
    public CommonBorderPaddingBackground getBorderPaddingBackgroundProps() throws PropertyException {
        return CommonBorderPaddingBackground.getInstance(this);

     * Constructs a CommonHyphenation object.
     * @return the CommonHyphenation object
     * @throws PropertyException if there's a problem while processing the properties
    public CommonHyphenation getHyphenationProps() throws PropertyException {
        return CommonHyphenation.getInstance(this);

     * Constructs a CommonMarginBlock object.
     * @return the CommonMarginBlock object
     * @throws PropertyException if there's a problem while processing the properties
    public CommonMarginBlock getMarginBlockProps() throws PropertyException {
        return new CommonMarginBlock(this);

     * Constructs a CommonMarginInline object.
     * @return the CommonMarginInline object
     * @throws PropertyException if there's a problem while processing the properties
    public CommonMarginInline getMarginInlineProps() throws PropertyException {
        return new CommonMarginInline(this);

     * Constructs a CommonAural object.
     * @return the CommonAural object
     * @throws PropertyException if there's a problem while processing the properties
    public CommonAural getAuralProps() throws PropertyException {
        CommonAural props = new CommonAural(this);
        return props;

     * Constructs a RelativePositionProps objects.
     * @return a RelativePositionProps object
     * @throws PropertyException if there's a problem while processing the properties
    public CommonRelativePosition getRelativePositionProps() throws PropertyException {
        return new CommonRelativePosition(this);

     * Constructs a CommonAbsolutePosition object.
     * @return the CommonAbsolutePosition object
     * @throws PropertyException if there's a problem while processing the properties
    public CommonAbsolutePosition getAbsolutePositionProps() throws PropertyException {
        return new CommonAbsolutePosition(this);

     * Constructs a CommonFont object.
     * @return A CommonFont object
     * @throws PropertyException if there's a problem while processing the properties
    public CommonFont getFontProps() throws PropertyException {
        return CommonFont.getInstance(this);

     * Constructs a CommonTextDecoration object.
     * @return a CommonTextDecoration object
     * @throws PropertyException if there's a problem while processing the properties
    public CommonTextDecoration getTextDecorationProps() throws PropertyException {
        return CommonTextDecoration.createFromPropertyList(this);