Java tutorial
/* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.apache.flink.runtime.executiongraph; import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils; import org.apache.flink.api.common.Archiveable; import org.apache.flink.api.common.ArchivedExecutionConfig; import org.apache.flink.api.common.ExecutionConfig; import org.apache.flink.api.common.JobID; import org.apache.flink.api.common.accumulators.Accumulator; import org.apache.flink.api.common.accumulators.AccumulatorHelper; import org.apache.flink.api.common.time.Time; import org.apache.flink.configuration.Configuration; import org.apache.flink.metrics.Gauge; import org.apache.flink.metrics.MetricGroup; import org.apache.flink.metrics.groups.UnregisteredMetricsGroup; import org.apache.flink.runtime.JobException; import org.apache.flink.runtime.StoppingException; import org.apache.flink.runtime.accumulators.AccumulatorSnapshot; import org.apache.flink.runtime.accumulators.StringifiedAccumulatorResult; import org.apache.flink.runtime.blob.BlobKey; import org.apache.flink.runtime.checkpoint.CheckpointCoordinator; import org.apache.flink.runtime.checkpoint.CheckpointIDCounter; import org.apache.flink.runtime.checkpoint.CheckpointStatsSnapshot; import org.apache.flink.runtime.checkpoint.CheckpointStatsTracker; import org.apache.flink.runtime.checkpoint.CompletedCheckpointStore; import org.apache.flink.runtime.concurrent.BiFunction; import org.apache.flink.runtime.concurrent.Future; import org.apache.flink.runtime.concurrent.FutureUtils; import org.apache.flink.runtime.concurrent.FutureUtils.ConjunctFuture; import org.apache.flink.runtime.execution.ExecutionState; import org.apache.flink.runtime.execution.SuppressRestartsException; import org.apache.flink.runtime.executiongraph.restart.RestartStrategy; import org.apache.flink.runtime.instance.SimpleSlot; import org.apache.flink.runtime.instance.SlotProvider; import; import org.apache.flink.runtime.jobgraph.IntermediateDataSetID; import org.apache.flink.runtime.jobgraph.JobStatus; import org.apache.flink.runtime.jobgraph.JobVertex; import org.apache.flink.runtime.jobgraph.JobVertexID; import org.apache.flink.runtime.jobgraph.ScheduleMode; import org.apache.flink.runtime.jobgraph.tasks.ExternalizedCheckpointSettings; import org.apache.flink.runtime.jobgraph.tasks.JobSnapshottingSettings; import org.apache.flink.runtime.jobmanager.scheduler.CoLocationGroup; import org.apache.flink.runtime.jobmanager.scheduler.NoResourceAvailableException; import org.apache.flink.runtime.query.KvStateLocationRegistry; import org.apache.flink.runtime.state.StateBackend; import org.apache.flink.runtime.taskmanager.TaskExecutionState; import org.apache.flink.runtime.util.SerializableObject; import org.apache.flink.runtime.util.SerializedThrowable; import org.apache.flink.util.ExceptionUtils; import org.apache.flink.util.Preconditions; import org.apache.flink.util.SerializedValue; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.NoSuchElementException; import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap; import java.util.concurrent.CopyOnWriteArrayList; import java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException; import java.util.concurrent.Executor; import java.util.concurrent.ScheduledExecutorService; import java.util.concurrent.ScheduledFuture; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicReferenceFieldUpdater; import static org.apache.flink.util.Preconditions.checkNotNull; import static org.apache.flink.util.Preconditions.checkState; /** * The execution graph is the central data structure that coordinates the distributed * execution of a data flow. It keeps representations of each parallel task, each * intermediate result, and the communication between them. * * The execution graph consists of the following constructs: * <ul> * <li>The {@link ExecutionJobVertex} represents one vertex from the JobGraph (usually one operation like * "map" or "join") during execution. It holds the aggregated state of all parallel subtasks. * The ExecutionJobVertex is identified inside the graph by the {@link JobVertexID}, which it takes * from the JobGraph's corresponding JobVertex.</li> * <li>The {@link ExecutionVertex} represents one parallel subtask. For each ExecutionJobVertex, there are * as many ExecutionVertices as the parallelism. The ExecutionVertex is identified by * the ExecutionJobVertex and the number of the parallel subtask</li> * <li>The {@link Execution} is one attempt to execute a ExecutionVertex. There may be multiple Executions * for the ExecutionVertex, in case of a failure, or in the case where some data needs to be recomputed * because it is no longer available when requested by later operations. An Execution is always * identified by an {@link ExecutionAttemptID}. All messages between the JobManager and the TaskManager * about deployment of tasks and updates in the task status always use the ExecutionAttemptID to * address the message receiver.</li> * </ul> */ public class ExecutionGraph implements AccessExecutionGraph, Archiveable<ArchivedExecutionGraph> { private static final AtomicReferenceFieldUpdater<ExecutionGraph, JobStatus> STATE_UPDATER = AtomicReferenceFieldUpdater .newUpdater(ExecutionGraph.class, JobStatus.class, "state"); /** The log object used for debugging. */ static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(ExecutionGraph.class); static final String RESTARTING_TIME_METRIC_NAME = "restartingTime"; // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** The lock used to secure all access to mutable fields, especially the tracking of progress * within the job. */ private final SerializableObject progressLock = new SerializableObject(); /** Job specific information like the job id, job name, job configuration, etc. */ private final JobInformation jobInformation; /** Serialized version of the job specific information. This is done to avoid multiple * serializations of the same data when creating a TaskDeploymentDescriptor. */ private final SerializedValue<JobInformation> serializedJobInformation; /** The executor which is used to execute futures. */ private final ScheduledExecutorService futureExecutor; /** The executor which is used to execute blocking io operations */ private final Executor ioExecutor; /** {@code true} if all source tasks are stoppable. */ private boolean isStoppable = true; /** All job vertices that are part of this graph */ private final ConcurrentHashMap<JobVertexID, ExecutionJobVertex> tasks; /** All vertices, in the order in which they were created **/ private final List<ExecutionJobVertex> verticesInCreationOrder; /** All intermediate results that are part of this graph */ private final ConcurrentHashMap<IntermediateDataSetID, IntermediateResult> intermediateResults; /** The currently executed tasks, for callbacks */ private final ConcurrentHashMap<ExecutionAttemptID, Execution> currentExecutions; /** Listeners that receive messages when the entire job switches it status * (such as from RUNNING to FINISHED) */ private final List<JobStatusListener> jobStatusListeners; /** Listeners that receive messages whenever a single task execution changes its status */ private final List<ExecutionStatusListener> executionListeners; /** Timestamps (in milliseconds as returned by {@code System.currentTimeMillis()} when * the execution graph transitioned into a certain state. The index into this array is the * ordinal of the enum value, i.e. the timestamp when the graph went into state "RUNNING" is * at {@code stateTimestamps[RUNNING.ordinal()]}. */ private final long[] stateTimestamps; /** The timeout for all messages that require a response/acknowledgement */ private final Time rpcCallTimeout; /** Strategy to use for restarts */ private final RestartStrategy restartStrategy; /** The slot provider to use for allocating slots for tasks as they are needed */ private final SlotProvider slotProvider; /** The classloader for the user code. Needed for calls into user code classes */ private final ClassLoader userClassLoader; /** Registered KvState instances reported by the TaskManagers. */ private final KvStateLocationRegistry kvStateLocationRegistry; // ------ Configuration of the Execution ------- /** Flag to indicate whether the scheduler may queue tasks for execution, or needs to be able * to deploy them immediately. */ private boolean allowQueuedScheduling = false; /** The mode of scheduling. Decides how to select the initial set of tasks to be deployed. * May indicate to deploy all sources, or to deploy everything, or to deploy via backtracking * from results than need to be materialized. */ private ScheduleMode scheduleMode = ScheduleMode.LAZY_FROM_SOURCES; private final Time scheduleAllocationTimeout; // ------ Execution status and progress. These values are volatile, and accessed under the lock ------- /** Current status of the job execution */ private volatile JobStatus state = JobStatus.CREATED; /** The exception that caused the job to fail. This is set to the first root exception * that was not recoverable and triggered job failure */ private volatile Throwable failureCause; /** The number of job vertices that have reached a terminal state */ private volatile int numFinishedJobVertices; // ------ Fields that are relevant to the execution and need to be cleared before archiving ------- /** The coordinator for checkpoints, if snapshot checkpoints are enabled */ private CheckpointCoordinator checkpointCoordinator; /** Checkpoint stats tracker separate from the coordinator in order to be * available after archiving. */ @SuppressWarnings("NonSerializableFieldInSerializableClass") private CheckpointStatsTracker checkpointStatsTracker; // ------ Fields that are only relevant for archived execution graphs ------------ private String jsonPlan; // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Constructors // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * This constructor is for tests only, because it does not include class loading information. */ ExecutionGraph(ScheduledExecutorService futureExecutor, Executor ioExecutor, JobID jobId, String jobName, Configuration jobConfig, SerializedValue<ExecutionConfig> serializedConfig, Time timeout, RestartStrategy restartStrategy, SlotProvider slotProvider) throws IOException { this(futureExecutor, ioExecutor, jobId, jobName, jobConfig, serializedConfig, timeout, restartStrategy, Collections.<BlobKey>emptyList(), Collections.<URL>emptyList(), slotProvider, ExecutionGraph.class.getClassLoader(), new UnregisteredMetricsGroup()); } public ExecutionGraph(ScheduledExecutorService futureExecutor, Executor ioExecutor, JobID jobId, String jobName, Configuration jobConfig, SerializedValue<ExecutionConfig> serializedConfig, Time timeout, RestartStrategy restartStrategy, List<BlobKey> requiredJarFiles, List<URL> requiredClasspaths, SlotProvider slotProvider, ClassLoader userClassLoader, MetricGroup metricGroup) throws IOException { checkNotNull(futureExecutor); checkNotNull(jobId); checkNotNull(jobName); checkNotNull(jobConfig); this.jobInformation = new JobInformation(jobId, jobName, serializedConfig, jobConfig, requiredJarFiles, requiredClasspaths); // serialize the job information to do the serialisation work only once this.serializedJobInformation = new SerializedValue<>(jobInformation); this.futureExecutor = Preconditions.checkNotNull(futureExecutor); this.ioExecutor = Preconditions.checkNotNull(ioExecutor); this.slotProvider = Preconditions.checkNotNull(slotProvider, "scheduler"); this.userClassLoader = Preconditions.checkNotNull(userClassLoader, "userClassLoader"); this.tasks = new ConcurrentHashMap<>(16); this.intermediateResults = new ConcurrentHashMap<>(16); this.verticesInCreationOrder = new ArrayList<>(16); this.currentExecutions = new ConcurrentHashMap<>(16); this.jobStatusListeners = new CopyOnWriteArrayList<>(); this.executionListeners = new CopyOnWriteArrayList<>(); this.stateTimestamps = new long[JobStatus.values().length]; this.stateTimestamps[JobStatus.CREATED.ordinal()] = System.currentTimeMillis(); this.rpcCallTimeout = checkNotNull(timeout); this.scheduleAllocationTimeout = checkNotNull(timeout); this.restartStrategy = restartStrategy; metricGroup.gauge(RESTARTING_TIME_METRIC_NAME, new RestartTimeGauge()); this.kvStateLocationRegistry = new KvStateLocationRegistry(jobId, getAllVertices()); } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Configuration of Data-flow wide execution settings // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Gets the number of job vertices currently held by this execution graph. * @return The current number of job vertices. */ public int getNumberOfExecutionJobVertices() { return this.verticesInCreationOrder.size(); } public boolean isQueuedSchedulingAllowed() { return this.allowQueuedScheduling; } public void setQueuedSchedulingAllowed(boolean allowed) { this.allowQueuedScheduling = allowed; } public void setScheduleMode(ScheduleMode scheduleMode) { this.scheduleMode = scheduleMode; } public ScheduleMode getScheduleMode() { return scheduleMode; } @Override public boolean isArchived() { return false; } public void enableCheckpointing(long interval, long checkpointTimeout, long minPauseBetweenCheckpoints, int maxConcurrentCheckpoints, ExternalizedCheckpointSettings externalizeSettings, List<ExecutionJobVertex> verticesToTrigger, List<ExecutionJobVertex> verticesToWaitFor, List<ExecutionJobVertex> verticesToCommitTo, CheckpointIDCounter checkpointIDCounter, CompletedCheckpointStore checkpointStore, String checkpointDir, StateBackend metadataStore, CheckpointStatsTracker statsTracker) { // simple sanity checks if (interval < 10 || checkpointTimeout < 10) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(); } if (state != JobStatus.CREATED) { throw new IllegalStateException("Job must be in CREATED state"); } ExecutionVertex[] tasksToTrigger = collectExecutionVertices(verticesToTrigger); ExecutionVertex[] tasksToWaitFor = collectExecutionVertices(verticesToWaitFor); ExecutionVertex[] tasksToCommitTo = collectExecutionVertices(verticesToCommitTo); // disable to make sure existing checkpoint coordinators are cleared try { disableSnaphotCheckpointing(); } catch (Throwable t) { LOG.error("Error while shutting down checkpointer."); } checkpointStatsTracker = checkNotNull(statsTracker, "CheckpointStatsTracker"); // create the coordinator that triggers and commits checkpoints and holds the state checkpointCoordinator = new CheckpointCoordinator(jobInformation.getJobId(), interval, checkpointTimeout, minPauseBetweenCheckpoints, maxConcurrentCheckpoints, externalizeSettings, tasksToTrigger, tasksToWaitFor, tasksToCommitTo, checkpointIDCounter, checkpointStore, checkpointDir, ioExecutor); checkpointCoordinator.setCheckpointStatsTracker(checkpointStatsTracker); // interval of max long value indicates disable periodic checkpoint, // the CheckpointActivatorDeactivator should be created only if the interval is not max value if (interval != Long.MAX_VALUE) { // the periodic checkpoint scheduler is activated and deactivated as a result of // job status changes (running -> on, all other states -> off) registerJobStatusListener(checkpointCoordinator.createActivatorDeactivator()); } } /** * Disables checkpointing. * * <p>The shutdown of the checkpoint coordinator might block. Make sure that calls to this * method don't block the job manager actor and run asynchronously. */ public void disableSnaphotCheckpointing() throws Exception { if (state != JobStatus.CREATED) { throw new IllegalStateException("Job must be in CREATED state"); } if (checkpointCoordinator != null) { checkpointCoordinator.shutdown(state); checkpointCoordinator = null; checkpointStatsTracker = null; } } @Override public CheckpointCoordinator getCheckpointCoordinator() { return checkpointCoordinator; } public KvStateLocationRegistry getKvStateLocationRegistry() { return kvStateLocationRegistry; } public RestartStrategy getRestartStrategy() { return restartStrategy; } @Override public JobSnapshottingSettings getJobSnapshottingSettings() { if (checkpointStatsTracker != null) { return checkpointStatsTracker.getSnapshottingSettings(); } else { return null; } } @Override public CheckpointStatsSnapshot getCheckpointStatsSnapshot() { if (checkpointStatsTracker != null) { return checkpointStatsTracker.createSnapshot(); } else { return null; } } private ExecutionVertex[] collectExecutionVertices(List<ExecutionJobVertex> jobVertices) { if (jobVertices.size() == 1) { ExecutionJobVertex jv = jobVertices.get(0); if (jv.getGraph() != this) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Can only use ExecutionJobVertices of this ExecutionGraph"); } return jv.getTaskVertices(); } else { ArrayList<ExecutionVertex> all = new ArrayList<ExecutionVertex>(); for (ExecutionJobVertex jv : jobVertices) { if (jv.getGraph() != this) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Can only use ExecutionJobVertices of this ExecutionGraph"); } all.addAll(Arrays.asList(jv.getTaskVertices())); } return all.toArray(new ExecutionVertex[all.size()]); } } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Properties and Status of the Execution Graph // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Returns a list of BLOB keys referring to the JAR files required to run this job * @return list of BLOB keys referring to the JAR files required to run this job */ public Collection<BlobKey> getRequiredJarFiles() { return jobInformation.getRequiredJarFileBlobKeys(); } /** * Returns a list of classpaths referring to the directories/JAR files required to run this job * @return list of classpaths referring to the directories/JAR files required to run this job */ public Collection<URL> getRequiredClasspaths() { return jobInformation.getRequiredClasspathURLs(); } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- public void setJsonPlan(String jsonPlan) { this.jsonPlan = jsonPlan; } @Override public String getJsonPlan() { return jsonPlan; } public SlotProvider getSlotProvider() { return slotProvider; } public SerializedValue<JobInformation> getSerializedJobInformation() { return serializedJobInformation; } @Override public JobID getJobID() { return jobInformation.getJobId(); } @Override public String getJobName() { return jobInformation.getJobName(); } @Override public boolean isStoppable() { return this.isStoppable; } public Configuration getJobConfiguration() { return jobInformation.getJobConfiguration(); } public ClassLoader getUserClassLoader() { return this.userClassLoader; } @Override public JobStatus getState() { return state; } public Throwable getFailureCause() { return failureCause; } @Override public String getFailureCauseAsString() { return ExceptionUtils.stringifyException(failureCause); } @Override public ExecutionJobVertex getJobVertex(JobVertexID id) { return this.tasks.get(id); } @Override public Map<JobVertexID, ExecutionJobVertex> getAllVertices() { return Collections.unmodifiableMap(this.tasks); } @Override public Iterable<ExecutionJobVertex> getVerticesTopologically() { // we return a specific iterator that does not fail with concurrent modifications // the list is append only, so it is safe for that final int numElements = this.verticesInCreationOrder.size(); return new Iterable<ExecutionJobVertex>() { @Override public Iterator<ExecutionJobVertex> iterator() { return new Iterator<ExecutionJobVertex>() { private int pos = 0; @Override public boolean hasNext() { return pos < numElements; } @Override public ExecutionJobVertex next() { if (hasNext()) { return verticesInCreationOrder.get(pos++); } else { throw new NoSuchElementException(); } } @Override public void remove() { throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); } }; } }; } public Map<IntermediateDataSetID, IntermediateResult> getAllIntermediateResults() { return Collections.unmodifiableMap(this.intermediateResults); } @Override public Iterable<ExecutionVertex> getAllExecutionVertices() { return new Iterable<ExecutionVertex>() { @Override public Iterator<ExecutionVertex> iterator() { return new AllVerticesIterator(getVerticesTopologically().iterator()); } }; } @Override public long getStatusTimestamp(JobStatus status) { return this.stateTimestamps[status.ordinal()]; } /** * Returns the ExecutionContext associated with this ExecutionGraph. * * @return ExecutionContext associated with this ExecutionGraph */ public Executor getFutureExecutor() { return futureExecutor; } /** * Merges all accumulator results from the tasks previously executed in the Executions. * @return The accumulator map */ public Map<String, Accumulator<?, ?>> aggregateUserAccumulators() { Map<String, Accumulator<?, ?>> userAccumulators = new HashMap<String, Accumulator<?, ?>>(); for (ExecutionVertex vertex : getAllExecutionVertices()) { Map<String, Accumulator<?, ?>> next = vertex.getCurrentExecutionAttempt().getUserAccumulators(); if (next != null) { AccumulatorHelper.mergeInto(userAccumulators, next); } } return userAccumulators; } /** * Gets the accumulator results. */ public Map<String, Object> getAccumulators() throws IOException { Map<String, Accumulator<?, ?>> accumulatorMap = aggregateUserAccumulators(); Map<String, Object> result = new HashMap<>(); for (Map.Entry<String, Accumulator<?, ?>> entry : accumulatorMap.entrySet()) { result.put(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue().getLocalValue()); } return result; } /** * Gets a serialized accumulator map. * @return The accumulator map with serialized accumulator values. * @throws IOException */ @Override public Map<String, SerializedValue<Object>> getAccumulatorsSerialized() throws IOException { Map<String, Accumulator<?, ?>> accumulatorMap = aggregateUserAccumulators(); Map<String, SerializedValue<Object>> result = new HashMap<String, SerializedValue<Object>>(); for (Map.Entry<String, Accumulator<?, ?>> entry : accumulatorMap.entrySet()) { result.put(entry.getKey(), new SerializedValue<Object>(entry.getValue().getLocalValue())); } return result; } /** * Returns the a stringified version of the user-defined accumulators. * @return an Array containing the StringifiedAccumulatorResult objects */ @Override public StringifiedAccumulatorResult[] getAccumulatorResultsStringified() { Map<String, Accumulator<?, ?>> accumulatorMap = aggregateUserAccumulators(); return StringifiedAccumulatorResult.stringifyAccumulatorResults(accumulatorMap); } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Actions // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- public void attachJobGraph(List<JobVertex> topologiallySorted) throws JobException { if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { LOG.debug(String.format( "Attaching %d topologically sorted vertices to existing job graph with %d " + "vertices and %d intermediate results.", topologiallySorted.size(), tasks.size(), intermediateResults.size())); } final long createTimestamp = System.currentTimeMillis(); for (JobVertex jobVertex : topologiallySorted) { if (jobVertex.isInputVertex() && !jobVertex.isStoppable()) { this.isStoppable = false; } // create the execution job vertex and attach it to the graph ExecutionJobVertex ejv = new ExecutionJobVertex(this, jobVertex, 1, rpcCallTimeout, createTimestamp); ejv.connectToPredecessors(this.intermediateResults); ExecutionJobVertex previousTask = this.tasks.putIfAbsent(jobVertex.getID(), ejv); if (previousTask != null) { throw new JobException( String.format("Encountered two job vertices with ID %s : previous=[%s] / new=[%s]", jobVertex.getID(), ejv, previousTask)); } for (IntermediateResult res : ejv.getProducedDataSets()) { IntermediateResult previousDataSet = this.intermediateResults.putIfAbsent(res.getId(), res); if (previousDataSet != null) { throw new JobException(String.format( "Encountered two intermediate data set with ID %s : previous=[%s] / new=[%s]", res.getId(), res, previousDataSet)); } } this.verticesInCreationOrder.add(ejv); } } public void scheduleForExecution() throws JobException { if (transitionState(JobStatus.CREATED, JobStatus.RUNNING)) { switch (scheduleMode) { case LAZY_FROM_SOURCES: scheduleLazy(slotProvider); break; case EAGER: scheduleEager(slotProvider, scheduleAllocationTimeout); break; default: throw new JobException("Schedule mode is invalid."); } } else { throw new IllegalStateException("Job may only be scheduled from state " + JobStatus.CREATED); } } private void scheduleLazy(SlotProvider slotProvider) throws NoResourceAvailableException { // simply take the vertices without inputs. for (ExecutionJobVertex ejv : this.tasks.values()) { if (ejv.getJobVertex().isInputVertex()) { ejv.scheduleAll(slotProvider, allowQueuedScheduling); } } } /** * * * @param slotProvider The resource provider from which the slots are allocated * @param timeout The maximum time that the deployment may take, before a * TimeoutException is thrown. */ private void scheduleEager(SlotProvider slotProvider, final Time timeout) { checkState(state == JobStatus.RUNNING, "job is not running currently"); // Important: reserve all the space we need up front. // that way we do not have any operation that can fail between allocating the slots // and adding them to the list. If we had a failure in between there, that would // cause the slots to get lost final ArrayList<ExecutionAndSlot[]> resources = new ArrayList<>(getNumberOfExecutionJobVertices()); final boolean queued = allowQueuedScheduling; // we use this flag to handle failures in a 'finally' clause // that allows us to not go through clumsy cast-and-rethrow logic boolean successful = false; try { // collecting all the slots may resize and fail in that operation without slots getting lost final ArrayList<Future<SimpleSlot>> slotFutures = new ArrayList<>(getNumberOfExecutionJobVertices()); // allocate the slots (obtain all their futures for (ExecutionJobVertex ejv : getVerticesTopologically()) { // these calls are not blocking, they only return futures ExecutionAndSlot[] slots = ejv.allocateResourcesForAll(slotProvider, queued); // we need to first add the slots to this list, to be safe on release resources.add(slots); for (ExecutionAndSlot ens : slots) { slotFutures.add(ens.slotFuture); } } // this future is complete once all slot futures are complete. // the future fails once one slot future fails. final ConjunctFuture allAllocationsComplete = FutureUtils.combineAll(slotFutures); // make sure that we fail if the allocation timeout was exceeded final ScheduledFuture<?> timeoutCancelHandle = futureExecutor.schedule(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { // When the timeout triggers, we try to complete the conjunct future with an exception. // Note that this is a no-op if the future is already completed int numTotal = allAllocationsComplete.getNumFuturesTotal(); int numComplete = allAllocationsComplete.getNumFuturesCompleted(); String message = "Could not allocate all requires slots within timeout of " + timeout + ". Slots required: " + numTotal + ", slots allocated: " + numComplete; allAllocationsComplete.completeExceptionally(new NoResourceAvailableException(message)); } }, timeout.getSize(), timeout.getUnit()); allAllocationsComplete.handleAsync(new BiFunction<Void, Throwable, Void>() { @Override public Void apply(Void ignored, Throwable throwable) { try { // we do not need the cancellation timeout any more timeoutCancelHandle.cancel(false); if (throwable == null) { // successfully obtained all slots, now deploy for (ExecutionAndSlot[] jobVertexTasks : resources) { for (ExecutionAndSlot execAndSlot : jobVertexTasks) { // the futures must all be ready - this is simply a sanity check final SimpleSlot slot; try { slot = execAndSlot.slotFuture.getNow(null); checkNotNull(slot); } catch (ExecutionException | NullPointerException e) { throw new IllegalStateException("SlotFuture is incomplete " + "or erroneous even though all futures completed"); } // actual deployment execAndSlot.executionAttempt.deployToSlot(slot); } } } else { // let the exception handler deal with this throw throwable; } } catch (Throwable t) { // we catch everything here to make sure cleanup happens and the // ExecutionGraph notices // we need to go into recovery and make sure to release all slots try { fail(t); } finally { ExecutionGraphUtils.releaseAllSlotsSilently(resources); } } // Wouldn't it be nice if we could return an actual Void object? // return (Void) Unsafe.getUnsafe().allocateInstance(Void.class); return null; } }, futureExecutor); // from now on, slots will be rescued by the the futures and their completion, or by the timeout successful = true; } finally { if (!successful) { // we come here only if the 'try' block finished with an exception // we release the slots (possibly failing some executions on the way) and // let the exception bubble up ExecutionGraphUtils.releaseAllSlotsSilently(resources); } } } public void cancel() { while (true) { JobStatus current = state; if (current == JobStatus.RUNNING || current == JobStatus.CREATED) { if (transitionState(current, JobStatus.CANCELLING)) { for (ExecutionJobVertex ejv : verticesInCreationOrder) { ejv.cancel(); } return; } } // Executions are being canceled. Go into cancelling and wait for // all vertices to be in their final state. else if (current == JobStatus.FAILING) { if (transitionState(current, JobStatus.CANCELLING)) { return; } } // All vertices have been cancelled and it's safe to directly go // into the canceled state. else if (current == JobStatus.RESTARTING) { synchronized (progressLock) { if (transitionState(current, JobStatus.CANCELED)) { postRunCleanup(); progressLock.notifyAll();"Canceled during restart."); return; } } } else { // no need to treat other states return; } } } public void stop() throws StoppingException { if (this.isStoppable) { for (ExecutionVertex ev : this.getAllExecutionVertices()) { if (ev.getNumberOfInputs() == 0) { // send signal to sources only ev.stop(); } } } else { throw new StoppingException("This job is not stoppable."); } } /** * Suspends the current ExecutionGraph. * * The JobStatus will be directly set to SUSPENDED iff the current state is not a terminal * state. All ExecutionJobVertices will be canceled and the postRunCleanup is executed. * * The SUSPENDED state is a local terminal state which stops the execution of the job but does * not remove the job from the HA job store so that it can be recovered by another JobManager. * * @param suspensionCause Cause of the suspension */ public void suspend(Throwable suspensionCause) { while (true) { JobStatus currentState = state; if (currentState.isGloballyTerminalState()) { // stay in a terminal state return; } else if (transitionState(currentState, JobStatus.SUSPENDED, suspensionCause)) { this.failureCause = suspensionCause; for (ExecutionJobVertex ejv : verticesInCreationOrder) { ejv.cancel(); } synchronized (progressLock) { postRunCleanup(); progressLock.notifyAll();"Job {} has been suspended.", getJobID()); } return; } } } public void fail(Throwable t) { while (true) { JobStatus current = state; // stay in these states if (current == JobStatus.FAILING || current == JobStatus.SUSPENDED || current.isGloballyTerminalState()) { return; } else if (current == JobStatus.RESTARTING) { this.failureCause = t; if (tryRestartOrFail()) { return; } // concurrent job status change, let's check again } else if (transitionState(current, JobStatus.FAILING, t)) { this.failureCause = t; if (!verticesInCreationOrder.isEmpty()) { // cancel all. what is failed will not cancel but stay failed for (ExecutionJobVertex ejv : verticesInCreationOrder) { ejv.cancel(); } } else { // set the state of the job to failed transitionState(JobStatus.FAILING, JobStatus.FAILED, t); } return; } // no need to treat other states } } public void restart() { try { synchronized (progressLock) { JobStatus current = state; if (current == JobStatus.CANCELED) {"Canceled job during restart. Aborting restart."); return; } else if (current == JobStatus.FAILED) {"Failed job during restart. Aborting restart."); return; } else if (current == JobStatus.SUSPENDED) {"Suspended job during restart. Aborting restart."); return; } else if (current != JobStatus.RESTARTING) { throw new IllegalStateException("Can only restart job from state restarting."); } if (slotProvider == null) { throw new IllegalStateException( "The execution graph has not been scheduled before - slotProvider is null."); } this.currentExecutions.clear(); Collection<CoLocationGroup> colGroups = new HashSet<>(); for (ExecutionJobVertex jv : this.verticesInCreationOrder) { CoLocationGroup cgroup = jv.getCoLocationGroup(); if (cgroup != null && !colGroups.contains(cgroup)) { cgroup.resetConstraints(); colGroups.add(cgroup); } jv.resetForNewExecution(); } for (int i = 0; i < stateTimestamps.length; i++) { if (i != JobStatus.RESTARTING.ordinal()) { // Only clear the non restarting state in order to preserve when the job was // restarted. This is needed for the restarting time gauge stateTimestamps[i] = 0; } } numFinishedJobVertices = 0; transitionState(JobStatus.RESTARTING, JobStatus.CREATED); // if we have checkpointed state, reload it into the executions if (checkpointCoordinator != null) { checkpointCoordinator.restoreLatestCheckpointedState(getAllVertices(), false, false); } } scheduleForExecution(); } catch (Throwable t) { LOG.warn("Failed to restart the job.", t); fail(t); } } /** * Restores the latest checkpointed state. * * <p>The recovery of checkpoints might block. Make sure that calls to this method don't * block the job manager actor and run asynchronously. * * @param errorIfNoCheckpoint Fail if there is no checkpoint available * @param allowNonRestoredState Allow to skip checkpoint state that cannot be mapped * to the the ExecutionGraph vertices (if the checkpoint contains state for a * job vertex that is not part of this ExecutionGraph). */ public void restoreLatestCheckpointedState(boolean errorIfNoCheckpoint, boolean allowNonRestoredState) throws Exception { synchronized (progressLock) { if (checkpointCoordinator != null) { checkpointCoordinator.restoreLatestCheckpointedState(getAllVertices(), errorIfNoCheckpoint, allowNonRestoredState); } } } /** * Returns the serializable ArchivedExecutionConfig * @return ArchivedExecutionConfig which may be null in case of errors */ @Override public ArchivedExecutionConfig getArchivedExecutionConfig() { // create a summary of all relevant data accessed in the web interface's JobConfigHandler try { ExecutionConfig executionConfig = jobInformation.getSerializedExecutionConfig() .deserializeValue(userClassLoader); if (executionConfig != null) { return executionConfig.archive(); } } catch (IOException | ClassNotFoundException e) { LOG.error("Couldn't create ArchivedExecutionConfig for job {} ", getJobID(), e); } return null; } /** * For testing: This waits until the job execution has finished. * @throws InterruptedException */ public void waitUntilFinished() throws InterruptedException { synchronized (progressLock) { while (!state.isGloballyTerminalState()) { progressLock.wait(); } } } private boolean transitionState(JobStatus current, JobStatus newState) { return transitionState(current, newState, null); } private boolean transitionState(JobStatus current, JobStatus newState, Throwable error) { if (STATE_UPDATER.compareAndSet(this, current, newState)) {"Job {} ({}) switched from state {} to {}.", getJobName(), getJobID(), current, newState, error); stateTimestamps[newState.ordinal()] = System.currentTimeMillis(); notifyJobStatusChange(newState, error); return true; } else { return false; } } void jobVertexInFinalState() { synchronized (progressLock) { if (numFinishedJobVertices >= verticesInCreationOrder.size()) { throw new IllegalStateException( "All vertices are already finished, cannot transition vertex to finished."); } numFinishedJobVertices++; if (numFinishedJobVertices == verticesInCreationOrder.size()) { // we are done, transition to the final state JobStatus current; while (true) { current = this.state; if (current == JobStatus.RUNNING) { if (transitionState(current, JobStatus.FINISHED)) { postRunCleanup(); break; } } else if (current == JobStatus.CANCELLING) { if (transitionState(current, JobStatus.CANCELED)) { postRunCleanup(); break; } } else if (current == JobStatus.FAILING) { if (tryRestartOrFail()) { break; } // concurrent job status change, let's check again } else if (current == JobStatus.SUSPENDED) { // we've already cleaned up when entering the SUSPENDED state break; } else if (current.isGloballyTerminalState()) { LOG.warn("Job has entered globally terminal state without waiting for all " + "job vertices to reach final state."); break; } else { fail(new Exception("ExecutionGraph went into final state from state " + current)); break; } } // done transitioning the state // also, notify waiters progressLock.notifyAll(); } } } /** * Try to restart the job. If we cannot restart the job (e.g. no more restarts allowed), then * try to fail the job. This operation is only permitted if the current state is FAILING or * RESTARTING. * * @return true if the operation could be executed; false if a concurrent job status change occurred */ private boolean tryRestartOrFail() { JobStatus currentState = state; if (currentState == JobStatus.FAILING || currentState == JobStatus.RESTARTING) { synchronized (progressLock) { if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { LOG.debug("Try to restart or fail the job {} ({}) if no longer possible.", getJobName(), getJobID(), failureCause); } else {"Try to restart or fail the job {} ({}) if no longer possible.", getJobName(), getJobID()); } final boolean isFailureCauseAllowingRestart = !(failureCause instanceof SuppressRestartsException); final boolean isRestartStrategyAllowingRestart = restartStrategy.canRestart(); boolean isRestartable = isFailureCauseAllowingRestart && isRestartStrategyAllowingRestart; if (isRestartable && transitionState(currentState, JobStatus.RESTARTING)) {"Restarting the job {} ({}).", getJobName(), getJobID()); restartStrategy.restart(this); return true; } else if (!isRestartable && transitionState(currentState, JobStatus.FAILED, failureCause)) { final List<String> reasonsForNoRestart = new ArrayList<>(2); if (!isFailureCauseAllowingRestart) { reasonsForNoRestart.add("a type of SuppressRestartsException was thrown"); } if (!isRestartStrategyAllowingRestart) { reasonsForNoRestart.add("the restart strategy prevented it"); }"Could not restart the job {} ({}) because {}.", getJobName(), getJobID(), StringUtils.join(reasonsForNoRestart, " and "), failureCause); postRunCleanup(); return true; } else { // we must have changed the state concurrently, thus we cannot complete this operation return false; } } } else { // this operation is only allowed in the state FAILING or RESTARTING return false; } } private void postRunCleanup() { try { CheckpointCoordinator coord = this.checkpointCoordinator; this.checkpointCoordinator = null; if (coord != null) { coord.shutdown(state); } } catch (Exception e) { LOG.error("Error while cleaning up after execution", e); } } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Callbacks and Callback Utilities // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Updates the state of one of the ExecutionVertex's Execution attempts. * If the new status if "FINISHED", this also updates the accumulators. * * @param state The state update. * @return True, if the task update was properly applied, false, if the execution attempt was not found. */ public boolean updateState(TaskExecutionState state) { Execution attempt = this.currentExecutions.get(state.getID()); if (attempt != null) { switch (state.getExecutionState()) { case RUNNING: return attempt.switchToRunning(); case FINISHED: try { Map<String, Accumulator<?, ?>> userAccumulators = deserializeAccumulators(state); attempt.markFinished(userAccumulators, state.getIOMetrics()); } catch (Exception e) { LOG.error("Failed to deserialize final accumulator results.", e); attempt.markFailed(e); } return true; case CANCELED: Map<String, Accumulator<?, ?>> userAcc1 = deserializeAccumulators(state); attempt.cancelingComplete(userAcc1, state.getIOMetrics()); return true; case FAILED: Map<String, Accumulator<?, ?>> userAcc2 = deserializeAccumulators(state); attempt.markFailed(state.getError(userClassLoader), userAcc2, state.getIOMetrics()); return true; default: // we mark as failed and return false, which triggers the TaskManager // to remove the task Exception("TaskManager sent illegal state update: " + state.getExecutionState())); return false; } } else { return false; } } private Map<String, Accumulator<?, ?>> deserializeAccumulators(TaskExecutionState state) { AccumulatorSnapshot serializedAccumulators = state.getAccumulators(); Map<String, Accumulator<?, ?>> accumulators = null; if (serializedAccumulators != null) { try { accumulators = serializedAccumulators.deserializeUserAccumulators(userClassLoader); } catch (Exception e) { LOG.error("Failed to deserialize final accumulator results.", e); } } return accumulators; } /** * Schedule or updates consumers of the given result partition. * * @param partitionId specifying the result partition whose consumer shall be scheduled or updated * @throws ExecutionGraphException if the schedule or update consumers operation could not be executed */ public void scheduleOrUpdateConsumers(ResultPartitionID partitionId) throws ExecutionGraphException { final Execution execution = currentExecutions.get(partitionId.getProducerId()); if (execution == null) { throw new ExecutionGraphException( "Cannot find execution for execution Id " + partitionId.getPartitionId() + '.'); } else if (execution.getVertex() == null) { throw new ExecutionGraphException( "Execution with execution Id " + partitionId.getPartitionId() + " has no vertex assigned."); } else { execution.getVertex().scheduleOrUpdateConsumers(partitionId); } } public Map<ExecutionAttemptID, Execution> getRegisteredExecutions() { return Collections.unmodifiableMap(currentExecutions); } void registerExecution(Execution exec) { Execution previous = currentExecutions.putIfAbsent(exec.getAttemptId(), exec); if (previous != null) { fail(new Exception( "Trying to register execution " + exec + " for already used ID " + exec.getAttemptId())); } } void deregisterExecution(Execution exec) { Execution contained = currentExecutions.remove(exec.getAttemptId()); if (contained != null && contained != exec) { fail(new Exception( "De-registering execution " + exec + " failed. Found for same ID execution " + contained)); } } /** * Updates the accumulators during the runtime of a job. Final accumulator results are transferred * through the UpdateTaskExecutionState message. * @param accumulatorSnapshot The serialized flink and user-defined accumulators */ public void updateAccumulators(AccumulatorSnapshot accumulatorSnapshot) { Map<String, Accumulator<?, ?>> userAccumulators; try { userAccumulators = accumulatorSnapshot.deserializeUserAccumulators(userClassLoader); ExecutionAttemptID execID = accumulatorSnapshot.getExecutionAttemptID(); Execution execution = currentExecutions.get(execID); if (execution != null) { execution.setAccumulators(userAccumulators); } else { LOG.debug("Received accumulator result for unknown execution {}.", execID); } } catch (Exception e) { LOG.error("Cannot update accumulators for job {}.", getJobID(), e); } } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Listeners & Observers // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- public void registerJobStatusListener(JobStatusListener listener) { if (listener != null) { jobStatusListeners.add(listener); } } public void registerExecutionListener(ExecutionStatusListener listener) { if (listener != null) { executionListeners.add(listener); } } private void notifyJobStatusChange(JobStatus newState, Throwable error) { if (jobStatusListeners.size() > 0) { final long timestamp = System.currentTimeMillis(); final Throwable serializedError = error == null ? null : new SerializedThrowable(error); for (JobStatusListener listener : jobStatusListeners) { try { listener.jobStatusChanges(getJobID(), newState, timestamp, serializedError); } catch (Throwable t) { LOG.warn("Error while notifying JobStatusListener", t); } } } } void notifyExecutionChange(JobVertexID vertexId, int subtask, ExecutionAttemptID executionID, ExecutionState newExecutionState, Throwable error) { ExecutionJobVertex vertex = getJobVertex(vertexId); if (executionListeners.size() > 0) { final String message = error == null ? null : ExceptionUtils.stringifyException(error); final long timestamp = System.currentTimeMillis(); for (ExecutionStatusListener listener : executionListeners) { try { listener.executionStatusChanged(getJobID(), vertexId, vertex.getJobVertex().getName(), vertex.getParallelism(), subtask, executionID, newExecutionState, timestamp, message); } catch (Throwable t) { LOG.warn("Error while notifying ExecutionStatusListener", t); } } } // see what this means for us. currently, the first FAILED state means -> FAILED if (newExecutionState == ExecutionState.FAILED) { fail(error); } } /** * Gauge which returns the last restarting time. Restarting time is the time between * JobStatus.RESTARTING and JobStatus.RUNNING or a terminal state if JobStatus.RUNNING was not * reached. If the job has not yet reached either of these states, then the time is measured * since reaching JobStatus.RESTARTING. If it is still the initial job execution, then the * gauge will return 0. */ private class RestartTimeGauge implements Gauge<Long> { @Override public Long getValue() { long restartingTimestamp = stateTimestamps[JobStatus.RESTARTING.ordinal()]; if (restartingTimestamp <= 0) { // we haven't yet restarted our job return 0L; } else if (stateTimestamps[JobStatus.RUNNING.ordinal()] >= restartingTimestamp) { // we have transitioned to RUNNING since the last restart return stateTimestamps[JobStatus.RUNNING.ordinal()] - restartingTimestamp; } else if (state.isTerminalState()) { // since the last restart we've switched to a terminal state without touching // the RUNNING state (e.g. failing from RESTARTING) return stateTimestamps[state.ordinal()] - restartingTimestamp; } else { // we're still somwhere between RESTARTING and RUNNING return System.currentTimeMillis() - restartingTimestamp; } } } @Override public ArchivedExecutionGraph archive() { Map<JobVertexID, ArchivedExecutionJobVertex> archivedTasks = new HashMap<>(); List<ArchivedExecutionJobVertex> archivedVerticesInCreationOrder = new ArrayList<>(); for (ExecutionJobVertex task : verticesInCreationOrder) { ArchivedExecutionJobVertex archivedTask = task.archive(); archivedVerticesInCreationOrder.add(archivedTask); archivedTasks.put(task.getJobVertexId(), archivedTask); } Map<String, SerializedValue<Object>> serializedUserAccumulators; try { serializedUserAccumulators = getAccumulatorsSerialized(); } catch (Exception e) { LOG.warn("Error occurred while archiving user accumulators.", e); serializedUserAccumulators = Collections.emptyMap(); } return new ArchivedExecutionGraph(getJobID(), getJobName(), archivedTasks, archivedVerticesInCreationOrder, stateTimestamps, getState(), getFailureCauseAsString(), getJsonPlan(), getAccumulatorResultsStringified(), serializedUserAccumulators, getArchivedExecutionConfig(), isStoppable(), getJobSnapshottingSettings(), getCheckpointStatsSnapshot()); } }