Java tutorial
/** * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.apache.falcon.adfservice; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils; import; import org.apache.falcon.adfservice.util.ADFJsonConstants; import org.apache.falcon.adfservice.util.FSUtils; import org.apache.falcon.entity.EntityUtil; import org.apache.falcon.entity.v0.Entity; import org.apache.falcon.entity.v0.EntityType; import org.apache.falcon.FalconException; import org.apache.falcon.resource.AbstractSchedulableEntityManager; import; import org.apache.hadoop.fs.Path; import org.json.JSONArray; import org.json.JSONException; import org.json.JSONObject; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; /** * Base class for Azure ADF jobs. */ public abstract class ADFJob { private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(ADFJob.class); // name prefix for all adf related entity, e.g. an adf hive process and the feeds associated with it public static final String ADF_ENTITY_NAME_PREFIX = "ADF-"; public static final int ADF_ENTITY_NAME_PREFIX_LENGTH = ADF_ENTITY_NAME_PREFIX.length(); // name prefix for all adf related job entity, i.e. adf hive/pig process and replication feed public static final String ADF_JOB_ENTITY_NAME_PREFIX = ADF_ENTITY_NAME_PREFIX + "JOB-"; public static final int ADF_JOB_ENTITY_NAME_PREFIX_LENGTH = ADF_JOB_ENTITY_NAME_PREFIX.length(); public static final String TEMPLATE_PATH_PREFIX = "/apps/falcon/adf/"; public static final String PROCESS_SCRIPTS_PATH = TEMPLATE_PATH_PREFIX + Path.SEPARATOR + "generatedscripts"; private static final String DEFAULT_FREQUENCY = "days(1)"; public static boolean isADFJobEntity(String entityName) { return entityName.startsWith(ADF_JOB_ENTITY_NAME_PREFIX); } public static String getSessionID(String entityName) throws FalconException { if (!isADFJobEntity(entityName)) { throw new FalconException("The entity, " + entityName + ", is not an ADF Job Entity."); } return entityName.substring(ADF_JOB_ENTITY_NAME_PREFIX_LENGTH); } /** * Enum for job type. */ public static enum JobType { HIVE, PIG, REPLICATION } private static enum RequestType { HADOOPMIRROR, HADOOPHIVE, HADOOPPIG } public static JobType getJobType(String msg) throws FalconException { try { JSONObject obj = new JSONObject(msg); JSONObject activity = obj.getJSONObject(ADFJsonConstants.ADF_REQUEST_ACTIVITY); if (activity == null) { throw new FalconException( "JSON object " + ADFJsonConstants.ADF_REQUEST_ACTIVITY + " not found in ADF" + " request."); } JSONObject activityProperties = activity.getJSONObject(ADFJsonConstants.ADF_REQUEST_TRANSFORMATION); if (activityProperties == null) { throw new FalconException("JSON object " + ADFJsonConstants.ADF_REQUEST_TRANSFORMATION + " not found " + "in ADF request."); } String type = activityProperties.getString(ADFJsonConstants.ADF_REQUEST_TYPE); if (StringUtils.isBlank(type)) { throw new FalconException(ADFJsonConstants.ADF_REQUEST_TYPE + " not found in ADF request msg"); } switch (RequestType.valueOf(type.toUpperCase())) { case HADOOPMIRROR: return JobType.REPLICATION; case HADOOPHIVE: return JobType.HIVE; case HADOOPPIG: return JobType.PIG; default: throw new FalconException("Unrecognized ADF job type: " + type); } } catch (JSONException e) { throw new FalconException("Error while parsing ADF JSON message: " + msg, e); } } public abstract void startJob() throws FalconException; public abstract void cleanup() throws FalconException; protected JSONObject message; protected JSONObject activity; protected JSONObject activityExtendedProperties; protected String id; protected JobType type; protected String startTime, endTime; protected String frequency; protected String proxyUser; protected long timeout; protected ADFJobManager jobManager = new ADFJobManager(); private Map<String, JSONObject> linkedServicesMap = new HashMap<String, JSONObject>(); protected Map<String, JSONObject> tablesMap = new HashMap<String, JSONObject>(); public ADFJob(String msg, String id) throws FalconException { = id; FSUtils.createDir(new Path(PROCESS_SCRIPTS_PATH)); try { message = new JSONObject(msg); frequency = DEFAULT_FREQUENCY; startTime = transformTimeFormat(message.getString(ADFJsonConstants.ADF_REQUEST_START_TIME)); endTime = transformTimeFormat(message.getString(ADFJsonConstants.ADF_REQUEST_END_TIME)); JSONArray linkedServices = message.getJSONArray(ADFJsonConstants.ADF_REQUEST_LINKED_SERVICES); for (int i = 0; i < linkedServices.length(); i++) { JSONObject linkedService = linkedServices.getJSONObject(i); linkedServicesMap.put(linkedService.getString(ADFJsonConstants.ADF_REQUEST_NAME), linkedService); } JSONArray tables = message.getJSONArray(ADFJsonConstants.ADF_REQUEST_TABLES); for (int i = 0; i < tables.length(); i++) { JSONObject table = tables.getJSONObject(i); tablesMap.put(table.getString(ADFJsonConstants.ADF_REQUEST_NAME), table); } // Set the activity extended properties activity = message.getJSONObject(ADFJsonConstants.ADF_REQUEST_ACTIVITY); if (activity == null) { throw new FalconException( "JSON object " + ADFJsonConstants.ADF_REQUEST_ACTIVITY + " not found in ADF" + " request."); } JSONObject policy = activity.getJSONObject(ADFJsonConstants.ADF_REQUEST_POLICY); /* IS policy mandatory */ if (policy == null) { throw new FalconException( "JSON object " + ADFJsonConstants.ADF_REQUEST_POLICY + " not found" + " in ADF request."); } String adfTimeout = policy.getString(ADFJsonConstants.ADF_REQUEST_TIMEOUT); if (StringUtils.isBlank(adfTimeout)) { throw new FalconException( "JSON object " + ADFJsonConstants.ADF_REQUEST_TIMEOUT + " not found" + " in ADF request."); } timeout = parseADFRequestTimeout(adfTimeout); JSONObject activityProperties = activity.getJSONObject(ADFJsonConstants.ADF_REQUEST_TRANSFORMATION); if (activityProperties == null) { throw new FalconException("JSON object " + ADFJsonConstants.ADF_REQUEST_TRANSFORMATION + " not found" + " in ADF request."); } activityExtendedProperties = activityProperties .getJSONObject(ADFJsonConstants.ADF_REQUEST_EXTENDED_PROPERTIES); if (activityExtendedProperties == null) { throw new FalconException("JSON object " + ADFJsonConstants.ADF_REQUEST_EXTENDED_PROPERTIES + " not" + " found in ADF request."); } // should be called after setting activityExtendedProperties proxyUser = getRunAsUser(); // log in the user CurrentUser.authenticate(proxyUser); } catch (JSONException e) { throw new FalconException("Error while parsing ADF JSON message: " + msg, e); } } public String jobEntityName() { return ADF_JOB_ENTITY_NAME_PREFIX + id; } public JobType jobType() { return type; } protected String getClusterName(String linkedServiceName) throws FalconException { JSONObject linkedService = linkedServicesMap.get(linkedServiceName); if (linkedService == null) { throw new FalconException("Linked service " + linkedServiceName + " not found in ADF request."); } try { return linkedService.getJSONObject(ADFJsonConstants.ADF_REQUEST_PROPERTIES) .getJSONObject(ADFJsonConstants.ADF_REQUEST_EXTENDED_PROPERTIES) .getString(ADFJsonConstants.ADF_REQUEST_CLUSTER_NAME); } catch (JSONException e) { throw new FalconException( "Error while parsing linked service " + linkedServiceName + " in ADF request."); } } protected String getRunAsUser() throws FalconException { if (activityExtendedProperties.has(ADFJsonConstants.ADF_REQUEST_RUN_ON_BEHALF_USER)) { String runAsUser = null; try { runAsUser = activityExtendedProperties.getString(ADFJsonConstants.ADF_REQUEST_RUN_ON_BEHALF_USER); } catch (JSONException e) { throw new FalconException("JSON object " + ADFJsonConstants.ADF_REQUEST_RUN_ON_BEHALF_USER + " not" + " found in ADF request."); } if (StringUtils.isBlank(runAsUser)) { throw new FalconException("JSON object " + ADFJsonConstants.ADF_REQUEST_RUN_ON_BEHALF_USER + " in" + " ADF request activity extended properties cannot be empty."); } return runAsUser; } else { String hadoopLinkedService = getHadoopLinkedService(); JSONObject linkedService = linkedServicesMap.get(hadoopLinkedService); if (linkedService == null) { throw new FalconException("JSON object " + hadoopLinkedService + " not" + " found in ADF request."); } try { return linkedService.getJSONObject(ADFJsonConstants.ADF_REQUEST_PROPERTIES) .getJSONObject(ADFJsonConstants.ADF_REQUEST_EXTENDED_PROPERTIES) .getString(ADFJsonConstants.ADF_REQUEST_RUN_ON_BEHALF_USER); } catch (JSONException e) { throw new FalconException("JSON object " + ADFJsonConstants.ADF_REQUEST_RUN_ON_BEHALF_USER + " not" + " found in ADF request."); } } } protected List<String> getInputTables() throws FalconException { List<String> tables = new ArrayList<String>(); try { JSONArray inputs = message.getJSONObject(ADFJsonConstants.ADF_REQUEST_ACTIVITY) .getJSONArray(ADFJsonConstants.ADF_REQUEST_INPUTS); for (int i = 0; i < inputs.length(); i++) { tables.add(inputs.getJSONObject(i).getString(ADFJsonConstants.ADF_REQUEST_NAME)); } } catch (JSONException e) { throw new FalconException("Error while reading input table names in ADF request."); } return tables; } protected List<String> getOutputTables() throws FalconException { List<String> tables = new ArrayList<String>(); try { JSONArray outputs = message.getJSONObject(ADFJsonConstants.ADF_REQUEST_ACTIVITY) .getJSONArray(ADFJsonConstants.ADF_REQUEST_OUTPUTS); for (int i = 0; i < outputs.length(); i++) { tables.add(outputs.getJSONObject(i).getString(ADFJsonConstants.ADF_REQUEST_NAME)); } } catch (JSONException e) { throw new FalconException("Error while reading output table names in ADF request."); } return tables; } protected String getADFTablePath(String tableName) throws FalconException { JSONObject table = tablesMap.get(tableName); if (table == null) { throw new FalconException("JSON object " + tableName + " not" + " found in ADF request."); } try { JSONObject location = table.getJSONObject(ADFJsonConstants.ADF_REQUEST_PROPERTIES) .getJSONObject(ADFJsonConstants.ADF_REQUEST_LOCATION); String requestType = location.getString(ADFJsonConstants.ADF_REQUEST_TYPE); if (requestType.equals(ADFJsonConstants.ADF_REQUEST_LOCATION_TYPE_AZURE_BLOB)) { String blobPath = location.getString(ADFJsonConstants.ADF_REQUEST_FOLDER_PATH); int index = blobPath.indexOf('/'); if (index == -1) { throw new FalconException("Invalid azure blob path: " + blobPath); } String linkedServiceName = location.getString(ADFJsonConstants.ADF_REQUEST_LINKED_SERVICE_NAME); JSONObject linkedService = linkedServicesMap.get(linkedServiceName); if (linkedService == null) { throw new FalconException("Can't find linked service " + linkedServiceName + " for azure blob"); } String connectionString = linkedService.getJSONObject(ADFJsonConstants.ADF_REQUEST_PROPERTIES) .getString(ADFJsonConstants.ADF_REQUEST_CONNECTION_STRING); int accountNameIndex = connectionString.indexOf(ADFJsonConstants.ADF_REQUEST_BLOB_ACCOUNT_NAME) + ADFJsonConstants.ADF_REQUEST_BLOB_ACCOUNT_NAME.length(); String accountName = connectionString.substring(accountNameIndex, connectionString.indexOf(';', accountNameIndex)); StringBuilder blobUrl = new StringBuilder("wasb://").append(blobPath.substring(0, index)) .append("@").append(accountName).append("") .append(blobPath.substring(index)); return blobUrl.toString(); } return location.getJSONObject(ADFJsonConstants.ADF_REQUEST_EXTENDED_PROPERTIES) .getString(ADFJsonConstants.ADF_REQUEST_FOLDER_PATH); } catch (JSONException e) { throw new FalconException("Error while parsing ADF JSON message: " + tableName, e); } } protected String getTableCluster(String tableName) throws FalconException { JSONObject table = tablesMap.get(tableName); if (table == null) { throw new FalconException("Table " + tableName + " not found in ADF request."); } try { String linkedServiceName = table.getJSONObject(ADFJsonConstants.ADF_REQUEST_PROPERTIES) .getJSONObject(ADFJsonConstants.ADF_REQUEST_LOCATION) .getString(ADFJsonConstants.ADF_REQUEST_LINKED_SERVICE_NAME); return getClusterName(linkedServiceName); } catch (JSONException e) { throw new FalconException("Error while parsing table cluster " + tableName + " in ADF request."); } } protected boolean activityHasScriptPath() throws FalconException { if (JobType.REPLICATION == jobType()) { return false; } return activityExtendedProperties.has(ADFJsonConstants.ADF_REQUEST_SCRIPT_PATH); } protected String getScriptPath() throws FalconException { if (!activityHasScriptPath()) { throw new FalconException( "JSON object does not have object: " + ADFJsonConstants.ADF_REQUEST_SCRIPT_PATH); } try { String scriptPath = activityExtendedProperties.getString(ADFJsonConstants.ADF_REQUEST_SCRIPT_PATH); if (StringUtils.isBlank(scriptPath)) { throw new FalconException("JSON object " + ADFJsonConstants.ADF_REQUEST_SCRIPT_PATH + " not" + " found or empty in ADF request."); } return scriptPath; } catch (JSONException jsonException) { throw new FalconException("Error while parsing ADF JSON object: " + activityExtendedProperties, jsonException); } } protected String getScriptContent() throws FalconException { if (activityHasScriptPath()) { throw new FalconException("JSON object does not have object: " + ADFJsonConstants.ADF_REQUEST_SCRIPT); } try { String script = activityExtendedProperties.getString(ADFJsonConstants.ADF_REQUEST_SCRIPT); if (StringUtils.isBlank(script)) { throw new FalconException("JSON object " + ADFJsonConstants.ADF_REQUEST_SCRIPT + " cannot" + " be empty in ADF request."); } return script; } catch (JSONException jsonException) { throw new FalconException("Error while parsing ADF JSON object: " + activityExtendedProperties, jsonException); } } protected String getClusterNameToRunProcessOn() throws FalconException { return getClusterName(getHadoopLinkedService()); } protected Entity submitAndScheduleJob(String entityType, String msg) throws FalconException { Entity entity = jobManager.submitJob(entityType, msg); jobManager.scheduleJob(entityType, jobEntityName()); return entity; } private String getHadoopLinkedService() throws FalconException { String hadoopLinkedService; try { hadoopLinkedService = activity.getString(ADFJsonConstants.ADF_REQUEST_LINKED_SERVICE_NAME); } catch (JSONException jsonException) { throw new FalconException("Error while parsing ADF JSON object: " + activity, jsonException); } if (StringUtils.isBlank(hadoopLinkedService)) { throw new FalconException("JSON object " + ADFJsonConstants.ADF_REQUEST_LINKED_SERVICE_NAME + " in the activity cannot be empty in ADF request."); } return hadoopLinkedService; } protected void startProcess(Feed inputFeed, Feed outputFeed, String engineType, String scriptPath) throws FalconException { // submit input/output feeds"submitting input feed {} for {} process", inputFeed.getName(), engineType); jobManager.submitJob(, inputFeed.getEntityxml());"submitting output feed {} for {} process", outputFeed.getName(), engineType); jobManager.submitJob(, outputFeed.getEntityxml()); // submit and schedule process String processRequest = new Process.Builder().withProcessName(jobEntityName()).withFrequency(frequency) .withStartTime(startTime).withEndTime(endTime).withClusterName(getClusterNameToRunProcessOn()) .withInputFeedName(inputFeed.getName()).withOutputFeedName(outputFeed.getName()) .withEngineType(engineType).withWFPath(scriptPath).withAclOwner(proxyUser).build().getEntityxml();"submitting/scheduling {} process: {}", engineType, processRequest); submitAndScheduleJob(, processRequest);"submitted and scheduled {} process: {}", engineType, jobEntityName()); } protected void cleanupProcess(Feed inputFeed, Feed outputFeed) throws FalconException { // delete the entities. Should be called after the job execution success/failure. jobManager.deleteEntity(, jobEntityName()); jobManager.deleteEntity(, inputFeed.getName()); jobManager.deleteEntity(, outputFeed.getName()); // delete script file FSUtils.removeDir(new Path(ADFJob.PROCESS_SCRIPTS_PATH, jobEntityName())); } protected String createScriptFile(String fileExt) throws FalconException { String content = getScriptContent(); // create dir; dir path is unique as job name is always unique final Path dir = new Path(ADFJob.PROCESS_SCRIPTS_PATH, jobEntityName()); FSUtils.createDir(dir); // create script file final Path path = new Path(dir, jobEntityName() + fileExt); return FSUtils.createFile(path, content); } private static long parseADFRequestTimeout(String timeout) throws FalconException { timeout = timeout.trim(); // [ws][-]{ d | d.hh:mm[:ss[.ff]] | hh:mm[:ss[.ff]] }[ws] if (timeout.startsWith("-")) { return -1; } long totalMinutes = 0; String[] dotParts = timeout.split(Pattern.quote(".")); if (dotParts.length == 1) { // no d or ff // chk if only d // Formats can be d|hh:mm[:ss] String[] parts = timeout.split(":"); if (parts.length == 1) { // only day. Convert days to minutes return Integer.parseInt(parts[0]) * 1440; } else { // hh:mm[:ss] return computeMinutes(parts); } } // if . is present, formats can be d.hh:mm[:ss[.ff]] | hh:mm[:ss[.ff]] if (dotParts.length == 2) { // can be d.hh:mm[:ss] or hh:mm[:ss[.ff] // check if first part has colons String[] parts = dotParts[0].split(":"); if (parts.length == 1) { // format is d.hh:mm[:ss] totalMinutes = Integer.parseInt(dotParts[0]) * 1440; parts = dotParts[1].split(":"); totalMinutes += computeMinutes(parts); return totalMinutes; } else { // format is hh:mm[:ss[.ff] parts = dotParts[0].split(":"); totalMinutes += computeMinutes(parts); // round off ff totalMinutes += 1; return totalMinutes; } } else if (dotParts.length == 3) { // will be d.hh:mm[:ss[.ff] totalMinutes = Integer.parseInt(dotParts[0]) * 1440; String[] parts = dotParts[1].split(":"); totalMinutes += computeMinutes(parts); // round off ff totalMinutes += 1; return totalMinutes; } else { throw new FalconException("Error parsing policy timeout: " + timeout); } } // format hh:mm[:ss] private static long computeMinutes(String[] parts) { // hh:mm[:ss] int totalMinutes = Integer.parseInt(parts[0]) * 60; totalMinutes += Integer.parseInt(parts[1]); if (parts.length == 3) { // Second round off to minutes totalMinutes += 1; } return totalMinutes; } private static String transformTimeFormat(String adfTime) { return adfTime.substring(0, adfTime.length() - 4) + "Z"; } protected class ADFJobManager extends AbstractSchedulableEntityManager { public Entity submitJob(String entityType, String msg) throws FalconException { try { InputStream stream = IOUtils.toInputStream(msg); Entity entity = submitInternal(stream, entityType, proxyUser); return entity; } catch (Exception e) {; throw new FalconException("Error when submitting job: " + e.toString()); } } public void scheduleJob(String entityType, String entityName) throws FalconException { try { scheduleInternal(entityType, entityName, null, EntityUtil.getPropertyMap(null)); } catch (Exception e) {; throw new FalconException("Error when scheduling job: " + e.toString()); } } public void deleteEntity(String entityType, String entityName) throws FalconException { delete(entityType, entityName, null); } } }