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package org.apache.edgent.connectors.http;

import org.apache.edgent.connectors.http.runtime.HttpRequester;
import org.apache.edgent.function.BiFunction;
import org.apache.edgent.function.Function;
import org.apache.edgent.function.Supplier;
import org.apache.edgent.function.UnaryOperator;
import org.apache.edgent.topology.TStream;
import org.apache.http.HttpEntity;
import org.apache.http.client.methods.CloseableHttpResponse;
import org.apache.http.client.methods.HttpDelete;
import org.apache.http.client.methods.HttpGet;
import org.apache.http.client.methods.HttpPost;
import org.apache.http.client.methods.HttpPut;
import org.apache.http.entity.ByteArrayEntity;
import org.apache.http.impl.client.CloseableHttpClient;


 * HTTP streams.
public class HttpStreams {

     * Make an HTTP GET request with JsonObject. <br>
     * Method specifically works with JsonObjects. For each JsonObject in the stream, 
     * HTTP GET request is executed on provided uri. As a result, Response is added to
     * the response TStream.
     * <br>
     * Sample usage:<br>
     * <pre>
     * {@code
     *     DirectProvider ep = new DirectProvider();
     *     Topology topology = ep.newTopology();
     *     final String url = "";
     *     JsonObject request1 = new JsonObject();
     *     request1.addProperty("a", "abc");
     *     request1.addProperty("b", "42");
     *     TStream<JsonObject> stream = topology.collection(Arrays.asList(request1));
     *     TStream<JsonObject> rc = HttpStreams.getJson(stream,
     *             HttpClients::noAuthentication,
     *             t -> url + "a=" + t.get("a").getAsString() + "&b="
     *                     + t.get("b").getAsString());
     * }
     * </pre>
     * <br>
     * See <i>HttpTest</i> for example. <br>
     * @param stream - JsonObject TStream.
     * @param clientCreator - CloseableHttpClient supplier preferably created using {@link HttpClients}
     * @param uri - URI function which returns URI string
     * @return TStream of JsonObject which contains responses of GET requests
     * @see HttpStreams#requests(TStream, Supplier, Function, Function, BiFunction)
    public static TStream<JsonObject> getJson(TStream<JsonObject> stream,
            Supplier<CloseableHttpClient> clientCreator, Function<JsonObject, String> uri) {

        return HttpStreams.<JsonObject, JsonObject>requests(stream, clientCreator, t -> HttpGet.METHOD_NAME, uri,

     * Make an HTTP DELETE request with JsonObject. <br>
     * Method specifically works with JsonObjects. For each JsonObject in the
     * stream, HTTP DELETE request is executed on provided uri. As a result,
     * Response is added to the response TStream. <br>
     * Sample usage:<br>
     * <pre>
     * {@code
     *     DirectProvider ep = new DirectProvider();
     *     Topology topology = ep.newTopology();
     *     final String url = "";
     *     JsonObject request = new JsonObject();
     *     request.addProperty("a", "abc");
     *     request.addProperty("b", "42");
     *     TStream<JsonObject> stream = topology.collection(Arrays.asList(request));
     *     TStream<JsonObject> rc = HttpStreams.deleteJson(stream,
     *             HttpClients::noAuthentication,
     *             t -> url + "a=" + t.get("a").getAsString() + "&b="
     *                     + t.get("b").getAsString());
     * }
     * </pre>
     * <br>
     * See <i>HttpTest</i> for example. <br>
     * @param stream - JsonObject TStream.
     * @param clientCreator - CloseableHttpClient supplier preferably created using {@link HttpClients}
     * @param uri - URI function which returns URI string
     * @return TStream of JsonObject which contains responses of DELETE requests
     * @see HttpStreams#requests(TStream, Supplier, Function, Function, BiFunction)
    public static TStream<JsonObject> deleteJson(TStream<JsonObject> stream,
            Supplier<CloseableHttpClient> clientCreator, Function<JsonObject, String> uri) {

        return HttpStreams.<JsonObject, JsonObject>requests(stream, clientCreator, t -> HttpDelete.METHOD_NAME, uri,

     * Make an HTTP POST request with JsonObject. <br>
     * Method specifically works with JsonObjects. For each JsonObject in the stream, 
     * HTTP POST request is executed on provided uri. Request body is filled using
     * HttpEntity provided by body function. As a result, Response is added to
     * the response TStream.<br>
     * Sample usage:<br>
     * <pre>
     * {@code
     *     DirectProvider ep = new DirectProvider();
     *     Topology topology = ep.newTopology();
     *     final String url = "";
     *     JsonObject body = new JsonObject();
     *     body.addProperty("foo", "abc");
     *     body.addProperty("bar", 42);
     *     TStream<JsonObject> stream = topology.collection(Arrays.asList(body));
     *     TStream<JsonObject> rc = HttpStreams.postJson(stream,
     *             HttpClients::noAuthentication, t -> url, t -> t);
     * }
     * </pre>
     * <br>
     * See HttpTest for example. <br>
     * @param stream - JsonObject TStream.
     * @param clientCreator - CloseableHttpClient supplier preferably created using {@link HttpClients}
     * @param uri - URI function which returns URI string
     * @param body - Function that returns JsonObject which will be set as a body for the request.
     * @return TStream of JsonObject which contains responses of POST requests
     * @see HttpStreams#requestsWithBody(TStream, Supplier, Function, Function, Function, BiFunction)
    public static TStream<JsonObject> postJson(TStream<JsonObject> stream,
            Supplier<CloseableHttpClient> clientCreator, Function<JsonObject, String> uri,
            UnaryOperator<JsonObject> body) {

        return HttpStreams.<JsonObject, JsonObject>requestsWithBody(stream, clientCreator,
                t -> HttpPost.METHOD_NAME, uri, t -> new ByteArrayEntity(body.apply(t).toString().getBytes()),

     * Make an HTTP PUT request with JsonObject. <br>
     * Method specifically works with JsonObjects. For each JsonObject in the
     * stream, HTTP PUT request is executed on provided uri. Request body is
     * filled using HttpEntity provided by body function. As a result, Response
     * is added to the response TStream.<br>
     * Sample usage:<br>
     * <pre>
     * {@code
     *     DirectProvider ep = new DirectProvider();
     *     Topology topology = ep.newTopology();
     *     final String url = "";
     *     JsonObject body = new JsonObject();
     *     body.addProperty("foo", "abc");
     *     body.addProperty("bar", 42);
     *     TStream<JsonObject> stream = topology.collection(Arrays.asList(body));
     *     TStream<JsonObject> rc = HttpStreams.putJson(stream,
     *             HttpClients::noAuthentication, t -> url, t -> t);
     * }
     * </pre>
     * <br>
     * See HttpTest for example. <br>
     * @param stream - JsonObject TStream.
     * @param clientCreator - CloseableHttpClient supplier preferably created using {@link HttpClients}
     * @param uri - URI function which returns URI string
     * @param body - Function that returns JsonObject which will be set as a body for the request.
     * @return TStream of JsonObject which contains responses of PUT requests
     * @see HttpStreams#requestsWithBody(TStream, Supplier, Function, Function, Function, BiFunction)
    public static TStream<JsonObject> putJson(TStream<JsonObject> stream,
            Supplier<CloseableHttpClient> clientCreator, Function<JsonObject, String> uri,
            UnaryOperator<JsonObject> body) {
        return HttpStreams.<JsonObject, JsonObject>requestsWithBody(stream, clientCreator, t -> HttpPut.METHOD_NAME,
                uri, t -> new ByteArrayEntity(body.apply(t).toString().getBytes()), HttpResponders.json());

     * Make an HTTP request for each tuple on a stream.
     * <UL>
     * <LI>{@code clientCreator} is invoked once to create a new HTTP client
     * to make the requests.
     * </LI>
     *  <LI>
     * {@code method} is invoked for each tuple to define the method
     * to be used for the HTTP request driven by the tuple. A fixed method
     * can be declared using a function such as:
     * <UL style="list-style-type:none"><LI>{@code t -> HttpGet.METHOD_NAME}</LI></UL>
     *  </LI>
     *  <LI>
     * {@code uri} is invoked for each tuple to define the URI
     * to be used for the HTTP request driven by the tuple. A fixed method
     * can be declared using a function such as:
     * <UL style="list-style-type:none"><LI>{@code t -> ""}</LI></UL>
     *  </LI>
     *  <LI>
     *  {@code response} is invoked after each request that did not throw an exception.
     *  It is passed the input tuple and the HTTP response. The function must completely
     *  consume the entity stream for the response. The return value is present on
     *  the stream returned by this method if it is non-null. A null return results
     *  in no tuple on the returned stream.
     *  </LI>
     *  </UL>
     * @param <T> Tuple type for input stream
     * @param <R> Tuple type for output stream
     * @param stream Stream to invoke HTTP requests.
     * @param clientCreator Function to create a HTTP client.
     * @param method Function to define the HTTP method.
     * @param uri Function to define the URI.
     * @param response Function to process the response.
     * @return Stream containing HTTP responses processed by the {@code response} function.
     * @see HttpClients
     * @see HttpResponders
    public static <T, R> TStream<R> requests(TStream<T> stream, Supplier<CloseableHttpClient> clientCreator,
            Function<T, String> method, Function<T, String> uri, BiFunction<T, CloseableHttpResponse, R> response) {

        return HttpRequester<T, R>(clientCreator, method, uri, response));

     * Make an HTTP request with body for each tuple.<br>
     * @param <T> Tuple type for input stream
     * @param <R> Tuple type for output stream
     * @param stream Stream to invoke HTTP requests.
     * @param clientCreator Function to create a HTTP client.
     * @param method Function to define the HTTP method.
     * @param uri Function to define the URI.
     * @param body Function to define the HTTP request body
     * @param response Function to process the response.
     * @return Stream containing HTTP responses processed by the {@code response} function.
     * @see HttpStreams#requests(TStream, Supplier, Function, Function, BiFunction)
     * @see HttpClients
     * @see HttpResponders
    public static <T, R> TStream<R> requestsWithBody(TStream<T> stream, Supplier<CloseableHttpClient> clientCreator,
            Function<T, String> method, Function<T, String> uri, Function<T, HttpEntity> body,
            BiFunction<T, CloseableHttpResponse, R> response) {

        return HttpRequester<T, R>(clientCreator, method, uri, body, response));