Java tutorial
/* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0 * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ /** * */ package org.apache.eagle.jpm.util.resourcefetch; import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils; import org.apache.eagle.common.DateTimeUtil; import org.apache.eagle.jpm.util.Constants; import org.apache.eagle.jpm.util.resourcefetch.connection.InputStreamUtils; import org.apache.eagle.jpm.util.resourcefetch.ha.HAURLSelector; import org.apache.eagle.jpm.util.resourcefetch.ha.HAURLSelectorImpl; import org.apache.eagle.jpm.util.resourcefetch.model.AppInfo; import org.apache.eagle.jpm.util.resourcefetch.model.AppsWrapper; import org.apache.eagle.jpm.util.resourcefetch.model.ClusterInfo; import org.apache.eagle.jpm.util.resourcefetch.model.ClusterInfoWrapper; import org.apache.eagle.jpm.util.resourcefetch.url.*; import com.fasterxml.jackson.core.JsonParser; import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; public class RMResourceFetcher implements ResourceFetcher<AppInfo> { private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(RMResourceFetcher.class); private final HAURLSelector selector; //private final ServiceURLBuilder jobListServiceURLBuilder; //private final ServiceURLBuilder sparkCompleteJobServiceURLBuilder; private static final ObjectMapper OBJ_MAPPER = new ObjectMapper(); static { OBJ_MAPPER.configure(JsonParser.Feature.ALLOW_NON_NUMERIC_NUMBERS, true); } public RMResourceFetcher(String[] rmBasePaths) { //this.jobListServiceURLBuilder = new JobListServiceURLBuilderImpl(); //this.sparkCompleteJobServiceURLBuilder = new SparkCompleteJobServiceURLBuilderImpl(); this.selector = new HAURLSelectorImpl(rmBasePaths, Constants.CompressionType.NONE); } public HAURLSelector getSelector() { return selector; } private List<AppInfo> doFetchApplicationsList(String urlString, Constants.CompressionType compressionType) throws Exception { List<AppInfo> result = new ArrayList<>(); InputStream is = null; try {"Going to query {}", urlString); is = InputStreamUtils.getInputStream(urlString, null, compressionType); final AppsWrapper appWrapper = OBJ_MAPPER.readValue(is, AppsWrapper.class); if (appWrapper != null && appWrapper.getApps() != null && appWrapper.getApps().getApp() != null) { result = appWrapper.getApps().getApp(); }"Successfully fetched {} AppInfos from {}", result.size(), urlString); } finally { if (is != null) { try { is.close(); } catch (Exception e) { LOG.warn("{}", e); } } } return result; } public String getRunningJobURL(Constants.JobType jobType, String startTime, String endTime, String limit) { String condition = ""; limit = ((limit == null || limit.isEmpty()) ? "" : "&limit=" + limit); if (startTime == null && endTime == null) { condition = String.format("applicationTypes=%s%s&", jobType, limit); } else if (startTime == null) { condition = String.format("applicationTypes=%s&startedTimeEnd=%s%s&", jobType, endTime, limit); } else if (endTime == null) { condition = String.format("applicationTypes=%s&startedTimeBegin=%s%s&", jobType, startTime, limit); } else { condition = String.format("applicationTypes=%s&startedTimeBegin=%s&startedTimeEnd=%s%s&", jobType, startTime, endTime, limit); } String url = URLUtil.removeTrailingSlash(selector.getSelectedUrl()); return String.format("%s/%s?%sstate=RUNNING&%s", url, Constants.V2_APPS_URL, condition, Constants.ANONYMOUS_PARAMETER); } private String getFinishedJobURL(Constants.JobType jobType, Object... parameter) { String url = URLUtil.removeTrailingSlash(selector.getSelectedUrl()); String lastFinishedTime = (String) parameter[0]; String limit = ""; if (parameter.length > 1) { limit = (String) parameter[1]; } limit = ((limit == null || limit.isEmpty()) ? "" : "&limit=" + limit); return String.format("%s/%s?applicationTypes=%s%s&state=FINISHED&finishedTimeBegin=%s&%s", url, Constants.V2_APPS_URL, jobType, limit, lastFinishedTime, Constants.ANONYMOUS_PARAMETER); } private String getAcceptedAppURL(Object... parameter) { String limit = ""; if (parameter.length > 0) { limit = (String) parameter[0]; } limit = ((limit == null || limit.isEmpty()) ? "" : "&limit=" + limit); String baseUrl = URLUtil.removeTrailingSlash(selector.getSelectedUrl()); return String.format("%s/%s?state=ACCEPTED%s&%s", baseUrl, Constants.V2_APPS_URL, limit, Constants.ANONYMOUS_PARAMETER); } private List<AppInfo> doFetchRunningApplicationsList(Constants.JobType jobType, Constants.CompressionType compressionType, Object... parameter) throws Exception { String limit = ""; int requests = 1; int timeRangePerRequestInMin = 60; switch (parameter.length) { case 0: String urlString = getRunningJobURL(jobType, null, null, null); return doFetchApplicationsList(urlString, compressionType); case 1: limit = String.valueOf(parameter[0]); break; case 2: limit = String.valueOf(parameter[0]); requests = (int) parameter[1]; break; case 3: limit = String.valueOf(parameter[0]); requests = (int) parameter[1]; timeRangePerRequestInMin = (int) parameter[2]; break; default: throw new InvalidParameterException("parameter list: limit, requests, requestTimeRange"); } if (requests <= 1) { String urlString = getRunningJobURL(jobType, null, null, limit); return doFetchApplicationsList(urlString, compressionType); } long interval = timeRangePerRequestInMin * DateTimeUtil.ONEMINUTE; long currentTime = System.currentTimeMillis() - interval; List<String> requestUrls = new ArrayList<>(); requestUrls.add(getRunningJobURL(jobType, String.valueOf(currentTime), null, limit)); for (int cnt = 2; cnt < requests; cnt++) { long start = currentTime - interval; requestUrls.add(getRunningJobURL(jobType, String.valueOf(start), String.valueOf(currentTime), limit)); currentTime -= interval; } requestUrls.add(getRunningJobURL(jobType, null, String.valueOf(currentTime), limit));"{} requests to fetch running MapReduce applications: \n{}", requestUrls.size(), StringUtils.join(requestUrls, "\n")); Map<String, AppInfo> result = new HashMap(); for (String query : requestUrls) { doFetchApplicationsList(query, compressionType).forEach(app -> result.put(app.getId(), app)); } List<AppInfo> apps = new ArrayList<>(); apps.addAll(result.values()); return apps; } private List<AppInfo> doFetchAcceptedApplicationList(Constants.CompressionType compressionType, Object... parameter) throws Exception { String url = getAcceptedAppURL(parameter); return doFetchApplicationsList(url, compressionType); } private List<AppInfo> getResource(Constants.ResourceType resourceType, Constants.CompressionType compressionType, Object... parameter) throws Exception { selector.checkUrl(); switch (resourceType) { case COMPLETE_SPARK_JOB: return doFetchApplicationsList(getFinishedJobURL(Constants.JobType.SPARK, parameter), compressionType); case RUNNING_SPARK_JOB: return doFetchRunningApplicationsList(Constants.JobType.SPARK, compressionType, parameter); case RUNNING_MR_JOB: return doFetchRunningApplicationsList(Constants.JobType.MAPREDUCE, compressionType, parameter); case COMPLETE_MR_JOB: return doFetchApplicationsList(getFinishedJobURL(Constants.JobType.MAPREDUCE, parameter), compressionType); case ACCEPTED_JOB: return doFetchAcceptedApplicationList(compressionType, parameter); default: throw new Exception("Not support resourceType :" + resourceType); } } public List<AppInfo> getResource(Constants.ResourceType resourceType, Object... parameter) throws Exception { try { return getResource(resourceType, Constants.CompressionType.GZIP, parameter); } catch ( ex) { return getResource(resourceType, Constants.CompressionType.NONE, parameter); } } private String getClusterInfoURL() { return selector.getSelectedUrl() + "/" + Constants.YARN_API_CLUSTER_INFO + "?" + Constants.ANONYMOUS_PARAMETER; } public ClusterInfo getClusterInfo() throws Exception { InputStream is = null; try { selector.checkUrl(); final String urlString = getClusterInfoURL();"Calling yarn api to fetch cluster info: " + urlString); is = InputStreamUtils.getInputStream(urlString, null, Constants.CompressionType.GZIP); final ClusterInfoWrapper clusterInfoWrapper = OBJ_MAPPER.readValue(is, ClusterInfoWrapper.class); if (clusterInfoWrapper != null && clusterInfoWrapper.getClusterInfo() != null) { return clusterInfoWrapper.getClusterInfo(); } return null; } finally { if (is != null) { try { is.close(); } catch (Exception e) { LOG.warn("{}", e); } } } } }