Java tutorial
/* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0 * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package; import; import; import com.typesafe.config.Config; import org.apache.commons.lang.time.StopWatch; import; import org.apache.eagle.common.DateTimeUtil; import org.apache.eagle.common.mail.AlertEmailConstants; import org.apache.eagle.common.mail.AlertEmailContext; import org.apache.eagle.jpm.util.Constants; import org.apache.eagle.log.entity.GenericServiceAPIResponseEntity; import org.apache.eagle.metadata.model.ApplicationEntity; import org.apache.eagle.metadata.service.ApplicationEntityService; import org.apache.eagle.service.client.EagleServiceClientException; import org.apache.eagle.service.client.IEagleServiceClient; import org.apache.eagle.service.client.impl.EagleServiceClientImpl; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import; import java.util.*; import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; import static org.apache.eagle.common.config.EagleConfigConstants.EAGLE_TIME_ZONE; import static org.apache.eagle.common.config.EagleConfigConstants.SERVICE_HOST; import static org.apache.eagle.common.config.EagleConfigConstants.SERVICE_PORT; public class MRHistoryJobDailyReporter extends AbstractScheduledService { private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(MRHistoryJobDailyReporter.class); private static final String DAILY_SENT_HOUROFDAY = "application.dailyJobReport.reportHourTime"; private static final String DAILY_SENT_PERIOD = "application.dailyJobReport.reportPeriodInHour"; private static final String NUM_TOP_USERS = "application.dailyJobReport.numTopUsers"; private static final String JOB_OVERTIME_LIMIT_HOUR = "application.dailyJobReport.jobOvertimeLimitInHour"; public static final String SERVICE_PATH = "application.dailyJobReport"; protected static final String APP_TYPE = "MR_HISTORY_JOB_APP"; // alert context keys protected static final String NUM_TOP_USERS_KEY = "numTopUsers"; protected static final String JOB_OVERTIME_LIMIT_KEY = "jobOvertimeLimit"; protected static final String ALERT_TITLE_KEY = "alertTitle"; protected static final String REPORT_RANGE_KEY = "reportRange"; protected static final String SUMMARY_INFO_KEY = "summaryInfo"; protected static final String FAILED_JOB_USERS_KEY = "failedJobUsers"; protected static final String SUCCEEDED_JOB_USERS_KEY = "succeededJobUsers"; protected static final String FINISHED_JOB_USERS_KEY = "finishedJobUsers"; protected static final String EAGLE_JOB_LINK_KEY = "eagleJobLink"; // queries private static final String STATUS_QUERY = "%s[@site=\"%s\" and @endTime<=%s]<@currentState>{count}.{count desc}"; private static final String FAILED_JOBS_QUERY = "%s[@site=\"%s\" and @currentState=\"FAILED\" and @endTime<=%s]<@user>{count}.{count desc}"; private static final String SUCCEEDED_JOB_QUERY = "%s[@site=\"%s\" and @currentState=\"SUCCEEDED\" and @durationTime>%s and @endTime<=%s]<@user>{count}.{count desc}"; private static final String FINISHED_JOB_QUERY = "%s[@site=\"%s\" and @endTime<=%s]<@user>{count}.{count desc}"; private final Config config; private IEagleServiceClient client; private ApplicationEmailService emailService; private boolean isDailySent = false; private long lastSentTime; private int dailySentHour; private int dailySentPeriod; private int numTopUsers = 10; private int jobOvertimeLimit = 6; // scheduler private int initialDelayMin = 5; private int periodInMin = 60; private TimeZone timeZone; @Inject private ApplicationEntityService applicationEntityService; public MRHistoryJobDailyReporter(Config config) { this.config = config; this.timeZone = TimeZone.getTimeZone(config.getString(EAGLE_TIME_ZONE)); if (config.hasPath(SERVICE_PATH) && config.hasPath(AlertEmailConstants.EAGLE_APPLICATION_EMAIL_SERVICE)) { this.emailService = new ApplicationEmailService(config, SERVICE_PATH); } if (config.hasPath(DAILY_SENT_HOUROFDAY)) { this.dailySentHour = config.getInt(DAILY_SENT_HOUROFDAY); } if (config.hasPath(DAILY_SENT_PERIOD)) { this.dailySentPeriod = config.getInt(DAILY_SENT_PERIOD); } if (config.hasPath(NUM_TOP_USERS)) { this.numTopUsers = config.getInt(NUM_TOP_USERS); } if (config.hasPath(JOB_OVERTIME_LIMIT_HOUR)) { this.jobOvertimeLimit = config.getInt(JOB_OVERTIME_LIMIT_HOUR); } } private boolean isSentHour(int currentHour) { return Math.abs(currentHour - dailySentHour) % dailySentPeriod == 0; } private Collection<String> loadSites(String appType) { Set<String> sites = new HashSet<>(); Collection<ApplicationEntity> apps = applicationEntityService.findAll(); for (ApplicationEntity app : apps) { if (app.getDescriptor().getType().equalsIgnoreCase(appType) && app.getStatus().equals(ApplicationEntity.Status.RUNNING)) { sites.add(app.getSite().getSiteId()); } }"Detected {} sites where MR_HISTORY_JOB_APP is Running: {}", sites.size(), sites); return sites; } @Override protected void runOneIteration() throws Exception { GregorianCalendar calendar = new GregorianCalendar(timeZone); int currentHour = calendar.get(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY); long currentTimestamp = calendar.getTimeInMillis(); if (!isSentHour(currentHour)) { isDailySent = false; } else if (!isDailySent) { isDailySent = true;"last job report time is {} %s", DateTimeUtil.millisecondsToHumanDateWithSeconds(lastSentTime), timeZone.getID()); try { Collection<String> sites = loadSites(APP_TYPE); if (sites == null || sites.isEmpty()) { LOG.warn("application MR_HISTORY_JOB_APP does not run on any sites!"); return; } for (String site : sites) { int reportHour = currentHour / dailySentPeriod * dailySentPeriod; calendar.set(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY, reportHour); long endTime = calendar.getTimeInMillis() / DateTimeUtil.ONEHOUR * DateTimeUtil.ONEHOUR; long startTime = endTime - DateTimeUtil.ONEHOUR * dailySentPeriod; String subject = buildAlertSubject(site, startTime, endTime); Map<String, Object> alertData = buildAlertData(site, startTime, endTime); sendByEmailWithSubject(alertData, subject); } } catch (Exception ex) { LOG.error("Fail to get job summery info due to {}", ex.getMessage(), ex); } lastSentTime = currentTimestamp; } } protected void sendByEmail(Map<String, Object> alertData) { emailService.onAlert(alertData); } protected void sendByEmailWithSubject(Map<String, Object> alertData, String subject) { AlertEmailContext alertContext = emailService.buildEmailContext(subject); emailService.onAlert(alertContext, alertData); } protected String buildAlertSubject(String site, long startTime, long endTime) { String subjectFormat = "[%s] Job Report by %s"; String date = DateTimeUtil.format(endTime, "yyyyMMdd HH:mm"); //String startHour = DateTimeUtil.format(startTime, "HH:mm"); //String endHour = DateTimeUtil.format(endTime, "kk:mm"); return String.format(subjectFormat, site.toUpperCase(), date); } private Map<String, Object> buildAlertData(String site, long startTime, long endTime) { StopWatch watch = new StopWatch(); Map<String, Object> data = new HashMap<>(); this.client = new EagleServiceClientImpl(config); String startTimeStr = DateTimeUtil.millisecondsToHumanDateWithSeconds(startTime); String endTimeStr = DateTimeUtil.millisecondsToHumanDateWithSeconds(endTime);"Going to report job summery info for site {} from {} to {}", site, startTimeStr, endTimeStr); try { watch.start(); data.putAll(buildJobSummery(site, startTime, endTime)); data.put(NUM_TOP_USERS_KEY, numTopUsers); data.put(JOB_OVERTIME_LIMIT_KEY, jobOvertimeLimit); data.put(ALERT_TITLE_KEY, String.format("[%s] Job Report for 12 Hours", site.toUpperCase())); data.put(REPORT_RANGE_KEY, String.format("%s ~ %s %s", startTimeStr, endTimeStr, DateTimeUtil.CURRENT_TIME_ZONE.getID())); data.put(EAGLE_JOB_LINK_KEY, String.format("http://%s:%d/#/site/%s/jpm/list?startTime=%s&endTime=%s", config.getString(SERVICE_HOST), config.getInt(SERVICE_PORT), site, startTimeStr, endTimeStr)); watch.stop();"Fetching DailyJobReport tasks {} seconds", watch.getTime() / DateTimeUtil.ONESECOND); } finally { try { client.close(); } catch (IOException e) {"fail to close eagle service client"); } } return data; } private Map<String, Object> buildJobSummery(String site, long startTime, long endTime) { Map<String, Object> data = new HashMap<>(); String query = String.format(STATUS_QUERY, Constants.JPA_JOB_EXECUTION_SERVICE_NAME, site, endTime); Map<String, Long> jobSummery = queryGroupByMetrics(query, startTime, endTime, Integer.MAX_VALUE); if (jobSummery == null || jobSummery.isEmpty()) { LOG.warn("Result set is empty for query={}", query); return data; } Long totalJobs = jobSummery.values().stream().reduce((a, b) -> a + b).get(); String finishedJobQuery = String.format(FINISHED_JOB_QUERY, Constants.JPA_JOB_EXECUTION_SERVICE_NAME, site, endTime); String failedJobQuery = String.format(FAILED_JOBS_QUERY, Constants.JPA_JOB_EXECUTION_SERVICE_NAME, site, endTime); String succeededJobQuery = String.format(SUCCEEDED_JOB_QUERY, Constants.JPA_JOB_EXECUTION_SERVICE_NAME, site, jobOvertimeLimit * DateTimeUtil.ONEHOUR, endTime); data.put(SUMMARY_INFO_KEY, processResult(jobSummery, totalJobs)); data.put(FAILED_JOB_USERS_KEY, buildJobSummery(failedJobQuery, startTime, endTime, jobSummery.get(Constants.JobState.FAILED.toString()))); data.put(SUCCEEDED_JOB_USERS_KEY, buildJobSummery(succeededJobQuery, startTime, endTime, jobSummery.get(Constants.JobState.SUCCEEDED.toString()))); data.put(FINISHED_JOB_USERS_KEY, buildJobSummery(finishedJobQuery, startTime, endTime, totalJobs)); return data; } private List<JobSummaryInfo> buildJobSummery(String query, long startTime, long endTime, long totalJobs) { Map<String, Long> jobUsers = queryGroupByMetrics(query, startTime, endTime, numTopUsers); if (jobUsers == null || jobUsers.isEmpty()) { LOG.warn("Result set is empty for query={}", query); return null; } return processResult(jobUsers, totalJobs); } private List<JobSummaryInfo> processResult(Map<String, Long> parsedResult, long totalJobs) { List<JobSummaryInfo> summaryInfoList = new ArrayList<>(); for (Map.Entry<String, Long> entry : parsedResult.entrySet()) { JobSummaryInfo summaryInfo = new JobSummaryInfo(); summaryInfo.key = entry.getKey(); summaryInfo.numOfJobs = entry.getValue(); summaryInfo.ratio = Double.parseDouble(String.format("%.2f", summaryInfo.numOfJobs * 100d / totalJobs)); summaryInfoList.add(summaryInfo); } return summaryInfoList; } private Map<String, Long> parseQueryResult(List<Map<List<String>, List<Double>>> result, int limit) { Map<String, Long> stateCount = new LinkedHashMap<>(); for (Map<List<String>, List<Double>> map : result) { if (stateCount.size() >= limit) { break; } String key = String.valueOf(map.get("key").get(0)); Long value = map.get("value").get(0).longValue(); stateCount.put(key, value); } return stateCount; } private Map<String, Long> queryGroupByMetrics(String condition, long startTime, long endTime, int limit) { try { GenericServiceAPIResponseEntity response = .startTime(startTime).endTime(endTime).send(); if (!response.isSuccess()) { LOG.error(response.getException()); return null; } List<Map<List<String>, List<Double>>> result = response.getObj(); return parseQueryResult(result, limit); } catch (EagleServiceClientException e) { LOG.error(e.getMessage(), e); return new HashMap<>(); } } @Override protected Scheduler scheduler() { return Scheduler.newFixedRateSchedule(initialDelayMin, periodInMin, TimeUnit.MINUTES); } public static class JobSummaryInfo { public String key; public long numOfJobs; public double ratio; public String getKey() { return key; } public long getNumOfJobs() { return numOfJobs; } public double getRatio() { return ratio; } } }