Java tutorial
/* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0 * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.apache.eagle.alert.metadata.impl; import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.DeserializationFeature; import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper; import; import com.mongodb.Block; import com.mongodb.Function; import com.mongodb.MongoClient; import com.mongodb.MongoClientURI; import com.mongodb.client.MongoCollection; import com.mongodb.client.MongoDatabase; import com.mongodb.client.MongoIterable; import com.mongodb.client.model.CreateCollectionOptions; import com.mongodb.client.model.IndexOptions; import com.mongodb.client.model.UpdateOptions; import com.mongodb.client.result.DeleteResult; import com.mongodb.client.result.UpdateResult; import com.typesafe.config.Config; import org.apache.eagle.alert.coordination.model.*; import org.apache.eagle.alert.coordination.model.internal.MonitoredStream; import org.apache.eagle.alert.coordination.model.internal.PolicyAssignment; import org.apache.eagle.alert.coordination.model.internal.ScheduleStateBase; import org.apache.eagle.alert.coordination.model.internal.Topology; import org.apache.eagle.alert.engine.coordinator.*; import org.apache.eagle.alert.engine.model.AlertPublishEvent; import org.apache.eagle.alert.metadata.IMetadataDao; import org.apache.eagle.alert.metadata.MetadataUtils; import org.apache.eagle.alert.metadata.resource.Models; import org.apache.eagle.alert.metadata.resource.OpResult; import org.bson.BsonDocument; import org.bson.BsonInt32; import org.bson.BsonString; import org.bson.Document; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import; import java.util.*; import; /** * @since Apr 11, 2016. */ public class MongoMetadataDaoImpl implements IMetadataDao { private static final String DB_NAME = "ump_alert_metadata"; private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(MongoMetadataDaoImpl.class); private static final ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper(); private static final int DEFAULT_CAPPED_MAX_SIZE = 500 * 1024 * 1024; private static final int DEFAULT_CAPPED_MAX_DOCUMENTS = 20000; static { mapper.configure(DeserializationFeature.FAIL_ON_UNKNOWN_PROPERTIES, false); } private final String connection; private final MongoClient client; private final int cappedMaxSize; private final int cappedMaxDocuments; private MongoDatabase db; private MongoCollection<Document> cluster; private MongoCollection<Document> schema; private MongoCollection<Document> datasource; private MongoCollection<Document> policy; private MongoCollection<Document> publishment; private MongoCollection<Document> publishmentType; private MongoCollection<Document> topologies; private MongoCollection<Document> alerts; // scheduleStates splits to several collections private MongoCollection<Document> scheduleStates; private MongoCollection<Document> spoutSpecs; private MongoCollection<Document> alertSpecs; private MongoCollection<Document> groupSpecs; private MongoCollection<Document> publishSpecs; private MongoCollection<Document> policySnapshots; private MongoCollection<Document> streamSnapshots; private MongoCollection<Document> monitoredStreams; private MongoCollection<Document> assignments; @Inject public MongoMetadataDaoImpl(Config config) { this.connection = config.getString("connection"); this.cappedMaxSize = config.hasPath("cappedMaxSize") ? config.getInt("cappedMaxSize") : DEFAULT_CAPPED_MAX_SIZE; this.cappedMaxDocuments = config.hasPath("cappedMaxDocuments") ? config.getInt("cappedMaxDocuments") : DEFAULT_CAPPED_MAX_DOCUMENTS; this.client = new MongoClient(new MongoClientURI(this.connection)); init(); } private boolean isCollectionExists(String collectionName) { boolean result = false; MongoIterable<String> allCollections = db.listCollectionNames(); for (String collection : allCollections) { if (collection.equals(collectionName)) { result = true; break; } } return result; } private MongoCollection<Document> getCollection(String collectionName) { // first check if collection exists, if not then create a new collection with cappedSize if (!isCollectionExists(collectionName)) { CreateCollectionOptions option = new CreateCollectionOptions(); option.capped(true); option.maxDocuments(cappedMaxDocuments); option.sizeInBytes(cappedMaxSize); db.createCollection(collectionName, option); } return db.getCollection(collectionName); } private void init() { db = client.getDatabase(DB_NAME); IndexOptions io = new IndexOptions().background(true).name("nameIndex"); BsonDocument doc = new BsonDocument(); doc.append("name", new BsonInt32(1)); cluster = db.getCollection("clusters"); cluster.createIndex(doc, io); { BsonDocument doc2 = new BsonDocument(); doc2.append("streamId", new BsonInt32(1)); schema = db.getCollection("schemas"); schema.createIndex(doc2, io); } datasource = db.getCollection("datasources"); datasource.createIndex(doc, io); policy = db.getCollection("policies"); policy.createIndex(doc, io); publishment = db.getCollection("publishments"); publishment.createIndex(doc, io); topologies = db.getCollection("topologies"); topologies.createIndex(doc, io); publishmentType = db.getCollection("publishmentTypes"); { IndexOptions io1 = new IndexOptions().background(true).unique(true).name("pubTypeIndex"); BsonDocument doc1 = new BsonDocument(); doc1.append("type", new BsonInt32(1)); publishmentType.createIndex(doc1, io1); } alerts = db.getCollection("alerts"); { IndexOptions io1 = new IndexOptions().background(true).unique(true).name("alertIndex"); BsonDocument doc1 = new BsonDocument(); doc1.append("alertId", new BsonInt32(1)); alerts.createIndex(doc1, io1); } // below is for schedule_specs and its splitted collections BsonDocument doc1 = new BsonDocument(); IndexOptions io1 = new IndexOptions().background(true).name("versionIndex"); doc1.append("version", new BsonInt32(1)); scheduleStates = getCollection("schedule_specs"); scheduleStates.createIndex(doc1, io1); spoutSpecs = getCollection("spoutSpecs"); { IndexOptions ioInternal = new IndexOptions().background(true).name("topologyIdIndex"); BsonDocument docInternal = new BsonDocument(); docInternal.append("topologyId", new BsonInt32(1)); spoutSpecs.createIndex(docInternal, ioInternal); } alertSpecs = getCollection("alertSpecs"); { IndexOptions ioInternal = new IndexOptions().background(true).name("topologyNameIndex"); BsonDocument docInternal = new BsonDocument(); docInternal.append("topologyName", new BsonInt32(1)); alertSpecs.createIndex(docInternal, ioInternal); } groupSpecs = getCollection("groupSpecs"); groupSpecs.createIndex(doc1, io1); publishSpecs = getCollection("publishSpecs"); publishSpecs.createIndex(doc1, io1); policySnapshots = getCollection("policySnapshots"); policySnapshots.createIndex(doc1, io); streamSnapshots = getCollection("streamSnapshots"); streamSnapshots.createIndex(doc1, io); monitoredStreams = getCollection("monitoredStreams"); monitoredStreams.createIndex(doc1, io); assignments = getCollection("assignments"); assignments.createIndex(doc1, io1); } @Override public List<StreamingCluster> listClusters() { return list(cluster, StreamingCluster.class); } private <T> OpResult addOrReplace(MongoCollection<Document> collection, T t) { BsonDocument filter = new BsonDocument(); if (t instanceof StreamDefinition) { filter.append("streamId", new BsonString(MetadataUtils.getKey(t))); } else if (t instanceof PublishmentType) { filter.append("type", new BsonString(MetadataUtils.getKey(t))); } else if (t instanceof AlertPublishEvent) { filter.append("alertId", new BsonString(MetadataUtils.getKey(t))); } else { filter.append("name", new BsonString(MetadataUtils.getKey(t))); } String json = ""; OpResult result = new OpResult(); try { json = mapper.writeValueAsString(t); UpdateOptions options = new UpdateOptions(); options.upsert(true); UpdateResult ur = collection.replaceOne(filter, Document.parse(json), options); // FIXME: could based on matched count do better matching... if (ur.getModifiedCount() > 0 || ur.getUpsertedId() != null) { result.code = 200; result.message = String.format("update %d configuration item.", ur.getModifiedCount()); } else { result.code = 500; result.message = "no configuration item create/updated."; } } catch (Exception e) { result.code = 500; result.message = e.getMessage(); LOG.error("", e); } return result; } private <T> OpResult remove(MongoCollection<Document> collection, String name) { return removeObject(collection, "name", name); } private <T> OpResult removeObject(MongoCollection<Document> collection, String nameField, String name) { BsonDocument filter = new BsonDocument(); filter.append(nameField, new BsonString(name)); DeleteResult dr = collection.deleteOne(filter); OpResult result = new OpResult(); result.code = 200; result.message = String.format(" %d config item removed!", dr.getDeletedCount()); return result; } @Override public OpResult addCluster(StreamingCluster cluster) { return addOrReplace(this.cluster, cluster); } @Override public OpResult removeCluster(String clusterId) { return remove(cluster, clusterId); } @Override public List<StreamDefinition> listStreams() { return list(schema, StreamDefinition.class); } @Override public OpResult createStream(StreamDefinition stream) { return addOrReplace(this.schema, stream); } @Override public OpResult removeStream(String streamId) { return removeObject(schema, "streamId", streamId); } @Override public List<Kafka2TupleMetadata> listDataSources() { return list(datasource, Kafka2TupleMetadata.class); } @Override public OpResult addDataSource(Kafka2TupleMetadata dataSource) { return addOrReplace(this.datasource, dataSource); } @Override public OpResult removeDataSource(String datasourceId) { return remove(datasource, datasourceId); } @Override public List<PolicyDefinition> listPolicies() { return list(policy, PolicyDefinition.class); } @Override public OpResult addPolicy(PolicyDefinition policy) { return addOrReplace(this.policy, policy); } @Override public OpResult removePolicy(String policyId) { return remove(policy, policyId); } @Override public List<Publishment> listPublishment() { return list(publishment, Publishment.class); } @Override public OpResult addPublishment(Publishment publishment) { return addOrReplace(this.publishment, publishment); } @Override public OpResult removePublishment(String pubId) { return remove(publishment, pubId); } @Override public List<PublishmentType> listPublishmentType() { return list(publishmentType, PublishmentType.class); } @Override public OpResult addPublishmentType(PublishmentType pubType) { return addOrReplace(this.publishmentType, pubType); } @Override public OpResult removePublishmentType(String pubType) { return remove(publishmentType, pubType); } @Override public List<AlertPublishEvent> listAlertPublishEvent(int size) { return list(alerts, AlertPublishEvent.class); } @Override public AlertPublishEvent getAlertPublishEvent(String alertId) { List<AlertPublishEvent> results = list(alerts, AlertPublishEvent.class); Optional<AlertPublishEvent> op = -> alert.getAlertId().equals(alertId)) .findAny(); if (op.isPresent()) { return op.get(); } return null; } @Override public List<AlertPublishEvent> getAlertPublishEventByPolicyId(String policyId) { List<AlertPublishEvent> results = list(alerts, AlertPublishEvent.class); List<AlertPublishEvent> ret = -> alert.getPolicyId().equals(policyId)) .collect(Collectors.toList()); return ret; } @Override public OpResult addAlertPublishEvent(AlertPublishEvent event) { return addOrReplace(alerts, event); } private <T> OpResult addOne(MongoCollection<Document> collection, T t) { OpResult result = new OpResult(); String json = ""; try { json = mapper.writeValueAsString(t); collection.insertOne(Document.parse(json)); result.code = 200; result.message = String.format("add one document [%s] to collection [%s] succeed!", json, collection.getNamespace());; } catch (Exception e) { result.code = 400; result.message = e.getMessage(); LOG.error(String.format("Add one document [%s] to collection [%s] failed!", json, collection.getNamespace()), e); } return result; } /** * Due to some field name in SpoutSpec contains dot(.) which is invalid Mongo Field name, we need to transform the * format to store in Mongo. * @return opresult */ private <T> OpResult addOneSpoutSpec(T t) { OpResult result = new OpResult(); String json = ""; try { json = mapper.writeValueAsString(t); Document doc = Document.parse(json); String[] metadataMapArrays = { "kafka2TupleMetadataMap", "tuple2StreamMetadataMap", "streamRepartitionMetadataMap" }; for (String metadataMapName : metadataMapArrays) { Document _metadataMapDoc = (Document) doc.get(metadataMapName); doc.remove(metadataMapName); ArrayList<Document> _metadataMapArray = new ArrayList<>(); for (String key : _metadataMapDoc.keySet()) { Document _subDoc = new Document(); _subDoc.put("topicName", key); _subDoc.put(metadataMapName, _metadataMapDoc.get(key)); _metadataMapArray.add(_subDoc); } doc.append(metadataMapName, _metadataMapArray); } spoutSpecs.insertOne(doc); result.code = 200; result.message = String.format("add one document [%s] to collection [%s] succeed!", doc.toJson(), spoutSpecs.getNamespace());; } catch (Exception e) { result.code = 400; result.message = e.getMessage(); LOG.error(String.format("Add one document [%s] to collection [%s] failed!", json, spoutSpecs.getNamespace()), e); } return result; } @Override public ScheduleState getScheduleState(String versionId) { BsonDocument doc = new BsonDocument(); doc.append("version", new BsonString(versionId)); ScheduleState state = scheduleStates.find(doc).map(new Function<Document, ScheduleState>() { @Override public ScheduleState apply(Document t) { String json = t.toJson(); try { return mapper.readValue(json, ScheduleState.class); } catch (IOException e) { LOG.error("deserialize config item failed!", e); } return null; } }).first(); if (state != null) { // based on version, to add content from collections of spoutSpecs/alertSpecs/etc.. state = addDetailForScheduleState(state, versionId); } return state; } /** * get the basic ScheduleState, and then based on the version to get all sub-part(spoutSpecs/alertSpecs/etc) * to form a completed ScheduleState. * @return the latest ScheduleState */ @Override public ScheduleState getScheduleState() { BsonDocument sort = new BsonDocument(); sort.append("generateTime", new BsonInt32(-1)); ScheduleState state = scheduleStates.find().sort(sort).map(new Function<Document, ScheduleState>() { @Override public ScheduleState apply(Document t) { String json = t.toJson(); try { return mapper.readValue(json, ScheduleState.class); } catch (IOException e) { LOG.error("deserialize config item failed!", e); } return null; } }).first(); if (state != null) { String version = state.getVersion(); // based on version, to add content from collections of spoutSpecs/alertSpecs/etc.. state = addDetailForScheduleState(state, version); } return state; } private ScheduleState addDetailForScheduleState(ScheduleState state, String version) { Map<String, SpoutSpec> spoutMaps = maps(spoutSpecs, SpoutSpec.class, version); if (spoutMaps.size() != 0) { state.setSpoutSpecs(spoutMaps); } Map<String, AlertBoltSpec> alertMaps = maps(alertSpecs, AlertBoltSpec.class, version); if (alertMaps.size() != 0) { state.setAlertSpecs(alertMaps); } Map<String, RouterSpec> groupMaps = maps(groupSpecs, RouterSpec.class, version); if (groupMaps.size() != 0) { state.setGroupSpecs(groupMaps); } Map<String, PublishSpec> publishMaps = maps(publishSpecs, PublishSpec.class, version); if (publishMaps.size() != 0) { state.setPublishSpecs(publishMaps); } List<VersionedPolicyDefinition> policyLists = list(policySnapshots, VersionedPolicyDefinition.class, version); if (policyLists.size() != 0) { state.setPolicySnapshots(policyLists); } List<VersionedStreamDefinition> streamLists = list(streamSnapshots, VersionedStreamDefinition.class, version); if (streamLists.size() != 0) { state.setStreamSnapshots(streamLists); } List<MonitoredStream> monitorLists = list(monitoredStreams, MonitoredStream.class, version); if (monitorLists.size() != 0) { state.setMonitoredStreams(monitorLists); } List<PolicyAssignment> assignmentLists = list(assignments, PolicyAssignment.class, version); if (assignmentLists.size() != 0) { state.setAssignments(assignmentLists); } return state; } private <T> Map<String, T> maps(MongoCollection<Document> collection, Class<T> clz, String version) { BsonDocument doc = new BsonDocument(); doc.append("version", new BsonString(version)); Map<String, T> maps = new HashMap<String, T>(); String mapKey = (clz == SpoutSpec.class) ? "topologyId" : "topologyName"; collection.find(doc).forEach(new Block<Document>() { @Override public void apply(Document document) { String json = document.toJson(); try { //Due to some field name in SpoutSpec contains dot(.) which is invalid Mongo Field name, // we need to transform the format while reading from Mongo. if (clz == SpoutSpec.class) { Document doc = Document.parse(json); String[] metadataMapArrays = { "kafka2TupleMetadataMap", "tuple2StreamMetadataMap", "streamRepartitionMetadataMap" }; for (String metadataMapName : metadataMapArrays) { ArrayList<Document> subDocs = (ArrayList) doc.get(metadataMapName); doc.remove(metadataMapName); Document replaceDoc = new Document(); for (Document subDoc : subDocs) { replaceDoc.put((String) subDoc.get("topicName"), subDoc.get(metadataMapName)); } doc.put(metadataMapName, replaceDoc); } json = doc.toJson(); } T t = mapper.readValue(json, clz); maps.put(document.getString(mapKey), t); } catch (IOException e) { LOG.error("deserialize config item failed!", e); } } }); return maps; } private <T> List<T> list(MongoCollection<Document> collection, Class<T> clz, String version) { BsonDocument doc = new BsonDocument(); doc.append("version", new BsonString(version)); List<T> result = new LinkedList<T>(); collection.find(doc).map(new Function<Document, T>() { @Override public T apply(Document t) { String json = t.toJson(); try { return mapper.readValue(json, clz); } catch (IOException e) { LOG.error("deserialize config item failed!", e); } return null; } }).into(result); return result; } private <T> List<T> list(MongoCollection<Document> collection, Class<T> clz) { List<T> result = new LinkedList<T>(); collection.find().map(new Function<Document, T>() { @Override public T apply(Document t) { String json = t.toJson(); try { return mapper.readValue(json, clz); } catch (IOException e) { LOG.error("deserialize config item failed!", e); } return null; } }).into(result); return result; } /** * write ScheduleState to several collections. basic info writes to ScheduleState, other writes to collections * named by spoutSpecs/alertSpecs/etc. * * @param state * @return */ @Override public OpResult addScheduleState(ScheduleState state) { OpResult result = new OpResult(); try { for (String key : state.getSpoutSpecs().keySet()) { SpoutSpec spoutSpec = state.getSpoutSpecs().get(key); addOneSpoutSpec(spoutSpec); } for (String key : state.getAlertSpecs().keySet()) { AlertBoltSpec alertBoltSpec = state.getAlertSpecs().get(key); addOne(alertSpecs, alertBoltSpec); } for (String key : state.getGroupSpecs().keySet()) { RouterSpec groupSpec = state.getGroupSpecs().get(key); addOne(groupSpecs, groupSpec); } for (String key : state.getPublishSpecs().keySet()) { PublishSpec publishSpec = state.getPublishSpecs().get(key); addOne(publishSpecs, publishSpec); } for (VersionedPolicyDefinition policySnapshot : state.getPolicySnapshots()) { addOne(policySnapshots, policySnapshot); } for (VersionedStreamDefinition streamSnapshot : state.getStreamSnapshots()) { addOne(streamSnapshots, streamSnapshot); } for (MonitoredStream monitoredStream : state.getMonitoredStreams()) { addOne(monitoredStreams, monitoredStream); } for (PolicyAssignment assignment : state.getAssignments()) { addOne(assignments, assignment); } ScheduleStateBase stateBase = new ScheduleStateBase(state.getVersion(), state.getGenerateTime(), state.getCode(), state.getMessage(), state.getScheduleTimeMillis()); addOne(scheduleStates, stateBase); result.code = 200; result.message = "add document to collection schedule_specs succeed"; } catch (Exception e) { result.code = 400; result.message = e.getMessage(); LOG.error("", e); } return result; } @Override public List<PolicyAssignment> listAssignments() { return list(assignments, PolicyAssignment.class); } @Override public OpResult addAssignment(PolicyAssignment assignment) { return addOne(assignments, assignment); } @Override public List<Topology> listTopologies() { return list(topologies, Topology.class); } @Override public OpResult addTopology(Topology t) { return addOrReplace(this.topologies, t); } @Override public OpResult removeTopology(String topologyName) { return remove(topologies, topologyName); } @Override public OpResult clear() { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("clear not support!"); } @Override public Models export() { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("export not support!"); } @Override public OpResult importModels(Models models) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("importModels not support!"); } @Override public void close() throws IOException { client.close(); } }