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 * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
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 * distributed with this work for additional information
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 * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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package org.apache.druid.query.vector;

import org.apache.druid.segment.StorageAdapter;
import org.apache.druid.segment.column.ColumnHolder;
import org.apache.druid.segment.vector.VectorCursor;
import org.apache.druid.segment.vector.VectorValueSelector;
import org.joda.time.DateTime;
import org.joda.time.Interval;

import javax.annotation.Nullable;

 * Class that helps vectorized query engines handle "granularity" parameters. Nonvectorized engines have it handled
 * for them by the StorageAdapter. Vectorized engines don't, because they can get efficiency gains by pushing
 * granularity handling into the engine layer.
public class VectorCursorGranularizer {
    // And a cursor that has been made from it.
    private final VectorCursor cursor;

    // Iterable that iterates over time buckets.
    private final Iterable<Interval> bucketIterable;

    // Vector selector for the "__time" column.
    private final VectorValueSelector timeSelector;

    // Current time vector.
    private long[] timestamps = null;

    // Offset into the vector that we should start reading from.
    private int startOffset = 0;

    // Offset into the vector that is one past the last one we should read.
    private int endOffset = 0;

    private VectorCursorGranularizer(VectorCursor cursor, Iterable<Interval> bucketIterable,
            @Nullable VectorValueSelector timeSelector) {
        this.cursor = cursor;
        this.bucketIterable = bucketIterable;
        this.timeSelector = timeSelector;

    public static VectorCursorGranularizer create(final StorageAdapter storageAdapter, final VectorCursor cursor,
            final Granularity granularity, final Interval queryInterval) {
        final DateTime minTime = storageAdapter.getMinTime();
        final DateTime maxTime = storageAdapter.getMaxTime();

        final Interval storageAdapterInterval = new Interval(minTime, granularity.bucketEnd(maxTime));
        final Interval clippedQueryInterval = queryInterval.overlap(storageAdapterInterval);

        if (clippedQueryInterval == null) {
            return null;

        final Iterable<Interval> bucketIterable = granularity.getIterable(clippedQueryInterval);
        final Interval firstBucket = granularity.bucket(clippedQueryInterval.getStart());

        final VectorValueSelector timeSelector;
        if (firstBucket.contains(clippedQueryInterval)) {
            // Only one bucket, no need to read the time column.
            assert Iterables.size(bucketIterable) == 1;
            timeSelector = null;
        } else {
            // Multiple buckets, need to read the time column to know when we move from one to the next.
            timeSelector = cursor.getColumnSelectorFactory().makeValueSelector(ColumnHolder.TIME_COLUMN_NAME);

        return new VectorCursorGranularizer(cursor, bucketIterable, timeSelector);

    public void setCurrentOffsets(final Interval bucketInterval) {
        final long timeStart = bucketInterval.getStartMillis();
        final long timeEnd = bucketInterval.getEndMillis();

        int vectorSize = cursor.getCurrentVectorSize();
        endOffset = 0;

        if (timeSelector != null) {
            if (timestamps == null) {
                timestamps = timeSelector.getLongVector();

            // Skip "offset" to start of bucketInterval.
            while (startOffset < vectorSize && timestamps[startOffset] < timeStart) {

            // Find end of bucketInterval.
            for (endOffset = vectorSize - 1; endOffset >= startOffset
                    && timestamps[endOffset] >= timeEnd; endOffset--) {
                // nothing needed, "for" is doing the work.

            // Adjust: endOffset is now pointing at the last row to aggregate, but we want it
            // to be one _past_ the last row.
        } else {
            endOffset = vectorSize;

     * Return true, and advances the cursor, if it can be advanced within the current time bucket. Otherwise, returns
     * false and does nothing else.
    public boolean advanceCursorWithinBucket() {
        if (endOffset == cursor.getCurrentVectorSize()) {

            if (timeSelector != null && !cursor.isDone()) {
                timestamps = timeSelector.getLongVector();

            startOffset = 0;

            return true;
        } else {
            return false;

    public Iterable<Interval> getBucketIterable() {
        return bucketIterable;

    public int getStartOffset() {
        return startOffset;

    public int getEndOffset() {
        return endOffset;