Java tutorial
/* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the License is distributed on an * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. */ package org.apache.druid.query.aggregation.datasketches.theta; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import org.apache.commons.codec.binary.Base64; import; import; import; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Comparator; /** */ public class SketchHolder { public static final SketchHolder EMPTY = SketchHolder .of(Sketches.updateSketchBuilder().build().compact(true, null)); public static final Comparator<Object> COMPARATOR = Ordering.from(new Comparator() { @Override public int compare(Object o1, Object o2) { SketchHolder h1 = (SketchHolder) o1; SketchHolder h2 = (SketchHolder) o2; if (h1.obj instanceof Sketch || h1.obj instanceof Union) { if (h2.obj instanceof Sketch || h2.obj instanceof Union) { return, h2.getSketch()); } else { return -1; } } if (h1.obj instanceof Memory) { if (h2.obj instanceof Memory) { return h1.obj, (Memory) h2.obj); } else { return 1; } } throw new IAE("Unknwon types [%s] and [%s]", h1.obj.getClass().getName(), h2.obj.getClass().getName()); } }).nullsFirst(); private static final Comparator<Sketch> SKETCH_COMPARATOR = new Comparator<Sketch>() { @Override public int compare(Sketch o1, Sketch o2) { return, o2.getEstimate()); } }; private static final Comparator<Memory> MEMORY_COMPARATOR = new Comparator<Memory>() { @Override public int compare(Memory o1, Memory o2) { // We have two Ordered Compact sketches, so just compare their last entry if they have the size. // This is to produce a deterministic ordering, though it might not match the actual estimate // ordering, but that's ok because this comparator is only used by GenericIndexed int retVal =, o2.getCapacity()); if (retVal == 0) { retVal = - 8), o2.getLong(o2.getCapacity() - 8)); } return retVal; } }; private final Object obj; private volatile Double cachedEstimate = null; private volatile Sketch cachedSketch = null; private SketchHolder(Object obj) { Preconditions.checkArgument(obj instanceof Sketch || obj instanceof Union || obj instanceof Memory, "unknown sketch representation type [%s]", obj.getClass().getName()); this.obj = obj; } public static SketchHolder of(Object obj) { return new SketchHolder(obj); } public void updateUnion(Union union) { if (obj instanceof Memory) { union.update((Memory) obj); } else { union.update(getSketch()); } } public Sketch getSketch() { if (cachedSketch != null) { return cachedSketch; } if (obj instanceof Sketch) { cachedSketch = (Sketch) obj; } else if (obj instanceof Union) { cachedSketch = ((Union) obj).getResult(); } else if (obj instanceof Memory) { cachedSketch = deserializeFromMemory((Memory) obj); } else { throw new ISE("Can't get sketch from object of type [%s]", obj.getClass().getName()); } return cachedSketch; } public double getEstimate() { if (cachedEstimate == null) { cachedEstimate = getSketch().getEstimate(); } return cachedEstimate.doubleValue(); } public SketchEstimateWithErrorBounds getEstimateWithErrorBounds(int errorBoundsStdDev) { Sketch sketch = getSketch(); SketchEstimateWithErrorBounds result = new SketchEstimateWithErrorBounds(getEstimate(), sketch.getUpperBound(errorBoundsStdDev), sketch.getLowerBound(errorBoundsStdDev), errorBoundsStdDev); return result; } public static SketchHolder combine(Object o1, Object o2, int nomEntries) { SketchHolder holder1 = (SketchHolder) o1; SketchHolder holder2 = (SketchHolder) o2; if (holder1.obj instanceof Union) { Union union = (Union) holder1.obj; holder2.updateUnion(union); holder1.invalidateCache(); return holder1; } else if (holder2.obj instanceof Union) { Union union = (Union) holder2.obj; holder1.updateUnion(union); holder2.invalidateCache(); return holder2; } else { Union union = (Union) SetOperation.builder().setNominalEntries(nomEntries).build(Family.UNION); holder1.updateUnion(union); holder2.updateUnion(union); return SketchHolder.of(union); } } void invalidateCache() { cachedEstimate = null; cachedSketch = null; } public static SketchHolder deserialize(Object serializedSketch) { if (serializedSketch instanceof String) { return SketchHolder.of(deserializeFromBase64EncodedString((String) serializedSketch)); } else if (serializedSketch instanceof byte[]) { return SketchHolder.of(deserializeFromByteArray((byte[]) serializedSketch)); } else if (serializedSketch instanceof SketchHolder) { return (SketchHolder) serializedSketch; } else if (serializedSketch instanceof Sketch || serializedSketch instanceof Union || serializedSketch instanceof Memory) { return SketchHolder.of(serializedSketch); } throw new ISE("Object is not of a type[%s] that can be deserialized to sketch.", serializedSketch.getClass()); } private static Sketch deserializeFromBase64EncodedString(String str) { return deserializeFromByteArray(Base64.decodeBase64(StringUtils.toUtf8(str))); } private static Sketch deserializeFromByteArray(byte[] data) { return deserializeFromMemory(Memory.wrap(data)); } private static Sketch deserializeFromMemory(Memory mem) { if (Sketch.getSerializationVersion(mem) < 3) { return Sketches.heapifySketch(mem); } else { return Sketches.wrapSketch(mem); } } public enum Func { UNION, INTERSECT, NOT } public static SketchHolder sketchSetOperation(Func func, int sketchSize, Object... holders) { //in the code below, I am returning SetOp.getResult(false, null) //"false" gets us an unordered sketch which is faster to build //"true" returns an ordered sketch but slower to compute. advantage of ordered sketch //is that they are faster to "union" later but given that this method is used in //the final stages of query processing, ordered sketch would be of no use. switch (func) { case UNION: Union union = (Union) SetOperation.builder().setNominalEntries(sketchSize).build(Family.UNION); for (Object o : holders) { ((SketchHolder) o).updateUnion(union); } return SketchHolder.of(union); case INTERSECT: Intersection intersection = (Intersection) SetOperation.builder().setNominalEntries(sketchSize) .build(Family.INTERSECTION); for (Object o : holders) { intersection.update(((SketchHolder) o).getSketch()); } return SketchHolder.of(intersection.getResult(false, null)); case NOT: if (holders.length < 1) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("A-Not-B requires atleast 1 sketch"); } if (holders.length == 1) { return (SketchHolder) holders[0]; } Sketch result = ((SketchHolder) holders[0]).getSketch(); for (int i = 1; i < holders.length; i++) { AnotB anotb = (AnotB) SetOperation.builder().setNominalEntries(sketchSize).build(Family.A_NOT_B); anotb.update(result, ((SketchHolder) holders[i]).getSketch()); result = anotb.getResult(false, null); } return SketchHolder.of(result); default: throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unknown sketch operation " + func); } } /** * Ideally make use of Sketch's equals and hashCode methods but which are not value based implementations. * And yet need value based equals and hashCode implementations for SketchHolder. * Hence using Arrays.equals() and Arrays.hashCode(). */ @Override public boolean equals(Object o) { if (this == o) { return true; } if (o == null || getClass() != o.getClass()) { return false; } return Arrays.equals(this.getSketch().toByteArray(), ((SketchHolder) o).getSketch().toByteArray()); } @Override public int hashCode() { return 31 * Arrays.hashCode(this.getSketch().toByteArray()); } }