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 * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
 * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
 * distributed with this work for additional information
 * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
 * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
 * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
 * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
 * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
 * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
 * specific language governing permissions and limitations
 * under the License.

package org.apache.druid.metadata;

import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper;
import org.apache.druid.client.DataSourcesSnapshot;
import org.apache.druid.client.ImmutableDruidDataSource;
import org.apache.druid.guice.ManageLifecycle;
import org.apache.druid.timeline.DataSegment;
import org.apache.druid.timeline.SegmentId;
import org.apache.druid.timeline.VersionedIntervalTimeline;
import org.checkerframework.checker.nullness.qual.MonotonicNonNull;
import org.joda.time.DateTime;
import org.joda.time.Duration;
import org.joda.time.Interval;
import org.skife.jdbi.v2.BaseResultSetMapper;
import org.skife.jdbi.v2.Batch;
import org.skife.jdbi.v2.FoldController;
import org.skife.jdbi.v2.Handle;
import org.skife.jdbi.v2.Query;
import org.skife.jdbi.v2.StatementContext;
import org.skife.jdbi.v2.TransactionCallback;
import org.skife.jdbi.v2.TransactionStatus;
import org.skife.jdbi.v2.tweak.ResultSetMapper;

import javax.annotation.Nullable;
import java.sql.ResultSet;
import java.sql.SQLException;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Objects;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.concurrent.CompletableFuture;
import java.util.concurrent.Future;
import java.util.concurrent.ScheduledExecutorService;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
import java.util.concurrent.locks.ReentrantReadWriteLock;

public class SQLMetadataSegmentManager implements MetadataSegmentManager {
    private static final EmittingLogger log = new EmittingLogger(SQLMetadataSegmentManager.class);

     * Marker interface for objects stored in {@link #latestDatabasePoll}. See the comment for that field for details.
    private interface DatabasePoll {

    /** Represents periodic {@link #poll}s happening from {@link #exec}. */
    private static class PeriodicDatabasePoll implements DatabasePoll {
         * This future allows to wait until {@link #dataSourcesSnapshot} is initialized in the first {@link #poll()}
         * happening since {@link #startPollingDatabasePeriodically()} is called for the first time, or since the last
         * visible (in happens-before terms) call to {@link #startPollingDatabasePeriodically()} in case of Coordinator's
         * leadership changes.
        final CompletableFuture<Void> firstPollCompletionFuture = new CompletableFuture<>();

     * Represents on-demand {@link #poll} initiated at periods of time when SqlSegmentsMetadata doesn't poll the database
     * periodically.
    private static class OnDemandDatabasePoll implements DatabasePoll {
        final long initiationTimeNanos = System.nanoTime();
        final CompletableFuture<Void> pollCompletionFuture = new CompletableFuture<>();

        long nanosElapsedFromInitiation() {
            return System.nanoTime() - initiationTimeNanos;

     * Use to synchronize {@link #startPollingDatabasePeriodically}, {@link #stopPollingDatabasePeriodically}, {@link
     * #poll}, and {@link #isPollingDatabasePeriodically}. These methods should be synchronized to prevent from being
     * called at the same time if two different threads are calling them. This might be possible if Coordinator gets and
     * drops leadership repeatedly in quick succession.
     * This lock is also used to synchronize {@link #awaitOrPerformDatabasePoll} for times when SqlSegmentsMetadata
     * is not polling the database periodically (in other words, when the Coordinator is not the leader).
    private final ReentrantReadWriteLock startStopPollLock = new ReentrantReadWriteLock();

     * Used to ensure that {@link #poll()} is never run concurrently. It should already be so (at least in production
     * code), where {@link #poll()} is called only from the task created in {@link #createPollTaskForStartOrder} and is
     * scheduled in a single-threaded {@link #exec}, so this lock is an additional safety net in case there are bugs in
     * the code, and for tests, where {@link #poll()} is called from the outside code.
     * Not using {@link #startStopPollLock}.writeLock() in order to still be able to run {@link #poll()} concurrently
     * with {@link #isPollingDatabasePeriodically()}.
    private final Object pollLock = new Object();

    private final ObjectMapper jsonMapper;
    private final Duration periodicPollDelay;
    private final Supplier<MetadataStorageTablesConfig> dbTables;
    private final SQLMetadataConnector connector;

     * This field is made volatile to avoid "ghost secondary reads" that may result in NPE, see
     * (note that dataSourcesSnapshot resembles
     * a lazily initialized field). Alternative is to always read the field in a snapshot local variable, but it's too
     * easy to forget to do.
     * This field may be updated from {@link #exec}, or from whatever thread calling {@link #doOnDemandPoll} via {@link
     * #awaitOrPerformDatabasePoll()} via one of the public methods of SqlSegmentsMetadata.
    private volatile @MonotonicNonNull DataSourcesSnapshot dataSourcesSnapshot = null;

     * The latest {@link DatabasePoll} represent {@link #poll()} calls which update {@link #dataSourcesSnapshot}, either
     * periodically (see {@link PeriodicDatabasePoll}, {@link #startPollingDatabasePeriodically}, {@link
     * #stopPollingDatabasePeriodically}) or "on demand" (see {@link OnDemandDatabasePoll}), when one of the methods that
     * accesses {@link #dataSourcesSnapshot}'s state (such as {@link #getImmutableDataSourceWithUsedSegments}) is
     * called when the Coordinator is not the leader and therefore SqlSegmentsMetadata isn't polling the database
     * periodically.
     * Note that if there is a happens-before relationship between a call to {@link #startPollingDatabasePeriodically()}
     * (on Coordinators' leadership change) and one of the methods accessing the {@link #dataSourcesSnapshot}'s state in
     * this class the latter is guaranteed to await for the initiated periodic poll. This is because when the latter
     * method calls to {@link #awaitLatestDatabasePoll()} via {@link #awaitOrPerformDatabasePoll}, they will
     * see the latest {@link PeriodicDatabasePoll} value (stored in this field, latestDatabasePoll, in {@link
     * #startPollingDatabasePeriodically()}) and to await on its {@link PeriodicDatabasePoll#firstPollCompletionFuture}.
     * However, the guarantee explained above doesn't make any actual semantic difference, because on both periodic and
     * on-demand database polls the same invariant is maintained that the results not older than {@link
     * #periodicPollDelay} are used. The main difference is in performance: since on-demand polls are irregular and happen
     * in the context of the thread wanting to access the {@link #dataSourcesSnapshot}, that may cause delays in the
     * logic. On the other hand, periodic polls are decoupled into {@link #exec} and {@link
     * #dataSourcesSnapshot}-accessing methods should be generally "wait free" for database polls.
     * The notion and the complexity of "on demand" database polls was introduced to simplify the interface of {@link
     * MetadataSegmentManager} and guarantee that it always returns consistent and relatively up-to-date data from methods
     * like {@link #getImmutableDataSourceWithUsedSegments}, while avoiding excessive repetitive polls. The last part
     * is achieved via "hooking on" other polls by awaiting on {@link PeriodicDatabasePoll#firstPollCompletionFuture} or
     * {@link OnDemandDatabasePoll#pollCompletionFuture}, see {@link #awaitOrPerformDatabasePoll} method
     * implementation for details.
     * Note: the overall implementation of periodic/on-demand polls is not completely optimal: for example, when the
     * Coordinator just stopped leading, the latest periodic {@link #poll} (which is still "fresh") is not considered
     * and a new on-demand poll is always initiated. This is done to simplify the implementation, while the efficiency
     * during Coordinator leadership switches is not a priority.
     * This field is {@code volatile} because it's checked and updated in a double-checked locking manner in {@link
     * #awaitOrPerformDatabasePoll()}.
    private volatile @Nullable DatabasePoll latestDatabasePoll = null;

    /** Used to cancel periodic poll task in {@link #stopPollingDatabasePeriodically}. */
    private @Nullable Future<?> periodicPollTaskFuture = null;

    /** The number of times {@link #startPollingDatabasePeriodically} was called. */
    private long startPollingCount = 0;

     * Equal to the current {@link #startPollingCount} value if the SqlSegmentsMetadata is currently started; -1 if
     * currently stopped.
     * This field is used to implement a simple stamp mechanism instead of just a boolean "started" flag to prevent
     * the theoretical situation of two or more tasks scheduled in {@link #startPollingDatabasePeriodically()} calling
     * {@link #isPollingDatabasePeriodically()} and {@link #poll()} concurrently, if the sequence of {@link
     * #startPollingDatabasePeriodically()} - {@link #stopPollingDatabasePeriodically()} - {@link
     * #startPollingDatabasePeriodically()} actions occurs quickly.
     * {@link SQLMetadataRuleManager} also has a similar issue.
    private long currentStartPollingOrder = -1;

    private @Nullable ScheduledExecutorService exec = null;

    public SQLMetadataSegmentManager(ObjectMapper jsonMapper, Supplier<MetadataSegmentManagerConfig> config,
            Supplier<MetadataStorageTablesConfig> dbTables, SQLMetadataConnector connector) {
        this.jsonMapper = jsonMapper;
        this.periodicPollDelay = config.get().getPollDuration().toStandardDuration();
        this.dbTables = dbTables;
        this.connector = connector;

     * Don't confuse this method with {@link #startPollingDatabasePeriodically}. This is a lifecycle starting method to
     * be executed just once for an instance of SqlSegmentsMetadata.
    public void start() {
        ReentrantReadWriteLock.WriteLock lock = startStopPollLock.writeLock();
        try {
            if (exec != null) {
                return; // Already started
            exec = Execs.scheduledSingleThreaded(getClass().getName() + "-Exec--%d");
        } finally {

     * Don't confuse this method with {@link #stopPollingDatabasePeriodically}. This is a lifecycle stopping method to
     * be executed just once for an instance of SqlSegmentsMetadata.
    public void stop() {
        ReentrantReadWriteLock.WriteLock lock = startStopPollLock.writeLock();
        try {
            exec = null;
        } finally {

    public void startPollingDatabasePeriodically() {
        ReentrantReadWriteLock.WriteLock lock = startStopPollLock.writeLock();
        try {
            if (exec == null) {
                throw new IllegalStateException(getClass().getName() + " is not started");
            if (isPollingDatabasePeriodically()) {

            PeriodicDatabasePoll periodicPollUpdate = new PeriodicDatabasePoll();
            latestDatabasePoll = periodicPollUpdate;

            currentStartPollingOrder = startPollingCount;
            final long localStartOrder = currentStartPollingOrder;

            periodicPollTaskFuture = exec.scheduleWithFixedDelay(
                    createPollTaskForStartOrder(localStartOrder, periodicPollUpdate), 0,
                    periodicPollDelay.getMillis(), TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);
        } finally {

    private Runnable createPollTaskForStartOrder(long startOrder, PeriodicDatabasePoll periodicPollUpdate) {
        return () -> {
            // poll() is synchronized together with startPollingDatabasePeriodically(), stopPollingDatabasePeriodically() and
            // isPollingDatabasePeriodically() to ensure that when stopPollingDatabasePeriodically() exits, poll() won't
            // actually run anymore after that (it could only enter the synchronized section and exit immediately because the
            // localStartedOrder doesn't match the new currentStartPollingOrder). It's needed to avoid flakiness in
            // SqlSegmentsMetadataTest. See
            ReentrantReadWriteLock.ReadLock lock = startStopPollLock.readLock();
            try {
                if (startOrder == currentStartPollingOrder) {
                } else {
                    log.debug("startOrder = currentStartPollingOrder = %d, skipping poll()", startOrder);
            } catch (Throwable t) {
                log.makeAlert(t, "Uncaught exception in %s's polling thread", SQLMetadataSegmentManager.class)
                // Swallow the exception, so that scheduled polling goes on. Leave firstPollFutureSinceLastStart uncompleted
                // for now, so that it may be completed during the next poll.
                if (!(t instanceof Exception)) {
                    // Don't try to swallow a Throwable which is not an Exception (that is, a Error).
                    throw t;
            } finally {

    public boolean isPollingDatabasePeriodically() {
        // isPollingDatabasePeriodically() is synchronized together with startPollingDatabasePeriodically(),
        // stopPollingDatabasePeriodically() and poll() to ensure that the latest currentStartPollingOrder is always
        // visible. readLock should be used to avoid unexpected performance degradation of DruidCoordinator.
        ReentrantReadWriteLock.ReadLock lock = startStopPollLock.readLock();
        try {
            return currentStartPollingOrder >= 0;
        } finally {

    public void stopPollingDatabasePeriodically() {
        ReentrantReadWriteLock.WriteLock lock = startStopPollLock.writeLock();
        try {
            if (!isPollingDatabasePeriodically()) {

            latestDatabasePoll = null;

            // NOT nulling dataSourcesSnapshot, allowing to query the latest polled data even when this SegmentsMetadata
            // object is stopped.

            currentStartPollingOrder = -1;
        } finally {

    private void awaitOrPerformDatabasePoll() {
        // Double-checked locking with awaitLatestDatabasePoll() call playing the role of the "check".
        if (awaitLatestDatabasePoll()) {
        ReentrantReadWriteLock.WriteLock lock = startStopPollLock.writeLock();
        try {
            if (awaitLatestDatabasePoll()) {
            OnDemandDatabasePoll newOnDemandUpdate = new OnDemandDatabasePoll();
            this.latestDatabasePoll = newOnDemandUpdate;
        } finally {

     * If the latest {@link DatabasePoll} is a {@link PeriodicDatabasePoll}, or an {@link OnDemandDatabasePoll} that is
     * made not longer than {@link #periodicPollDelay} from now, awaits for it and returns true; returns false otherwise,
     * meaning that a new on-demand database poll should be initiated.
    private boolean awaitLatestDatabasePoll() {
        DatabasePoll latestDatabasePoll = this.latestDatabasePoll;
        if (latestDatabasePoll instanceof PeriodicDatabasePoll) {
            Futures.getUnchecked(((PeriodicDatabasePoll) latestDatabasePoll).firstPollCompletionFuture);
            return true;
        if (latestDatabasePoll instanceof OnDemandDatabasePoll) {
            long periodicPollDelayNanos = TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS.toNanos(periodicPollDelay.getMillis());
            OnDemandDatabasePoll latestOnDemandPoll = (OnDemandDatabasePoll) latestDatabasePoll;
            boolean latestUpdateIsFresh = latestOnDemandPoll.nanosElapsedFromInitiation() < periodicPollDelayNanos;
            if (latestUpdateIsFresh) {
                return true;
            // Latest on-demand update is not fresh. Fall through to return false from this method.
        } else {
            assert latestDatabasePoll == null;
            // No periodic updates and no on-demand database poll have been done yet, nothing to await for.
        return false;

    private void doOnDemandPoll(OnDemandDatabasePoll onDemandPoll) {
        try {
        } catch (Throwable t) {
            throw t;

    public boolean markSegmentAsUsed(final String segmentId) {
        try {
            int numUpdatedDatabaseEntries = connector.getDBI()
                    .withHandle((Handle handle) -> handle.createStatement(
                            StringUtils.format("UPDATE %s SET used=true WHERE id = :id", getSegmentsTable()))
                            .bind("id", segmentId).execute());
            // Unlike bulk markAsUsed methods: markAsUsedAllNonOvershadowedSegmentsInDataSource(),
            // markAsUsedNonOvershadowedSegmentsInInterval(), and markAsUsedNonOvershadowedSegments() we don't put the marked
            // segment into the respective data source, because we don't have it fetched from the database. It's probably not
            // worth complicating the implementation and making two database queries just to add the segment because it will
            // be anyway fetched during the next poll(). Segment putting that is done in the bulk markAsUsed methods is a nice
            // to have thing, but doesn't formally affects the external guarantees of SegmentsMetadata class.
            return numUpdatedDatabaseEntries > 0;
        } catch (RuntimeException e) {
            log.error(e, "Exception marking segment %s as used", segmentId);
            throw e;

    public int markAsUsedAllNonOvershadowedSegmentsInDataSource(final String dataSource) {
        return doMarkAsUsedNonOvershadowedSegments(dataSource, null);

    public int markAsUsedNonOvershadowedSegmentsInInterval(final String dataSource, final Interval interval) {
        return doMarkAsUsedNonOvershadowedSegments(dataSource, interval);

     * Implementation for both {@link #markAsUsedAllNonOvershadowedSegmentsInDataSource} (if the given interval is null)
     * and {@link #markAsUsedNonOvershadowedSegmentsInInterval}.
    private int doMarkAsUsedNonOvershadowedSegments(String dataSourceName, @Nullable Interval interval) {
        List<DataSegment> usedSegmentsOverlappingInterval = new ArrayList<>();
        List<DataSegment> unusedSegmentsInInterval = new ArrayList<>();
        connector.inReadOnlyTransaction((handle, status) -> {
            String queryString = StringUtils.format("SELECT used, payload FROM %1$s WHERE dataSource = :dataSource",
            if (interval != null) {
                queryString += StringUtils.format(" AND start < :end AND %1$send%1$s > :start",
            Query<?> query = handle.createQuery(queryString).setFetchSize(connector.getStreamingFetchSize())
                    .bind("dataSource", dataSourceName);
            if (interval != null) {
                query = query.bind("start", interval.getStart().toString()).bind("end",
            query = index, ResultSet resultSet, StatementContext context) -> {
                try {
                    DataSegment segment = jsonMapper.readValue(resultSet.getBytes("payload"), DataSegment.class);
                    if (resultSet.getBoolean("used")) {
                    } else {
                        if (interval == null || interval.contains(segment.getInterval())) {
                    return null;
                } catch (IOException e) {
                    throw new RuntimeException(e);
            // Consume the query results to ensure usedSegmentsOverlappingInterval and unusedSegmentsInInterval are
            // populated.
            return null;

        VersionedIntervalTimeline<String, DataSegment> versionedIntervalTimeline = VersionedIntervalTimeline

        return markNonOvershadowedSegmentsAsUsed(unusedSegmentsInInterval, versionedIntervalTimeline);

    private static void consume(Iterator<?> iterator) {
        while (iterator.hasNext()) {

    private int markNonOvershadowedSegmentsAsUsed(List<DataSegment> unusedSegments,
            VersionedIntervalTimeline<String, DataSegment> timeline) {
        List<String> segmentIdsToMarkAsUsed = new ArrayList<>();
        for (DataSegment segment : unusedSegments) {
            if (timeline.isOvershadowed(segment.getInterval(), segment.getVersion(), segment)) {

        return markSegmentsAsUsed(segmentIdsToMarkAsUsed);

    public int markAsUsedNonOvershadowedSegments(final String dataSource, final Set<String> segmentIds)
            throws UnknownSegmentIdException {
        try {
            Pair<List<DataSegment>, VersionedIntervalTimeline<String, DataSegment>> unusedSegmentsAndTimeline = connector
                    .inReadOnlyTransaction((handle, status) -> {
                        List<DataSegment> unusedSegments = retrieveUnusedSegments(dataSource, segmentIds, handle);
                        List<Interval> unusedSegmentsIntervals = JodaUtils.condenseIntervals(
                        Iterator<DataSegment> usedSegmentsOverlappingUnusedSegmentsIntervals = retrieveUsedSegmentsOverlappingIntervals(
                                dataSource, unusedSegmentsIntervals, handle);
                        VersionedIntervalTimeline<String, DataSegment> timeline = VersionedIntervalTimeline
                        return new Pair<>(unusedSegments, timeline);

            List<DataSegment> unusedSegments = unusedSegmentsAndTimeline.lhs;
            VersionedIntervalTimeline<String, DataSegment> timeline = unusedSegmentsAndTimeline.rhs;
            return markNonOvershadowedSegmentsAsUsed(unusedSegments, timeline);
        } catch (Exception e) {
            Throwable rootCause = Throwables.getRootCause(e);
            if (rootCause instanceof UnknownSegmentIdException) {
                throw (UnknownSegmentIdException) rootCause;
            } else {
                throw e;

    private List<DataSegment> retrieveUnusedSegments(final String dataSource, final Set<String> segmentIds,
            final Handle handle) throws UnknownSegmentIdException {
        List<String> unknownSegmentIds = new ArrayList<>();
        List<DataSegment> segments = -> {
            Iterator<DataSegment> segmentResultIterator = handle
                            "SELECT used, payload FROM %1$s WHERE dataSource = :dataSource AND id = :id",
                    .bind("dataSource", dataSource).bind("id", segmentId)
                    .map((int index, ResultSet resultSet, StatementContext context) -> {
                        try {
                            if (!resultSet.getBoolean("used")) {
                                return jsonMapper.readValue(resultSet.getBytes("payload"), DataSegment.class);
                            } else {
                                // We emit nulls for used segments. They are filtered out below in this method.
                                return null;
                        } catch (IOException e) {
                            throw new RuntimeException(e);
            if (!segmentResultIterator.hasNext()) {
                return null;
            } else {
                DataSegment segment =;
                if (segmentResultIterator.hasNext()) {
                            "There is more than one row corresponding to segment id [%s] in data source [%s] in the database",
                            segmentId, dataSource);
                return segment;
        }).filter(Objects::nonNull) // Filter nulls corresponding to used segments.
        if (!unknownSegmentIds.isEmpty()) {
            throw new UnknownSegmentIdException(unknownSegmentIds);
        return segments;

    private Iterator<DataSegment> retrieveUsedSegmentsOverlappingIntervals(final String dataSource,
            final Collection<Interval> intervals, final Handle handle) {
        return -> {
            Iterable<DataSegment> segmentResultIterable = () -> handle
                    .createQuery(StringUtils.format("SELECT payload FROM %1$s "
                            + "WHERE dataSource = :dataSource AND start < :end AND %2$send%2$s > :start AND used = true",
                            getSegmentsTable(), connector.getQuoteString()))
                    .setFetchSize(connector.getStreamingFetchSize()).bind("dataSource", dataSource)
                    .bind("start", interval.getStart().toString()).bind("end", interval.getEnd().toString())
                    .map((int index, ResultSet resultSet, StatementContext context) -> {
                        try {
                            return jsonMapper.readValue(resultSet.getBytes("payload"), DataSegment.class);
                        } catch (IOException e) {
                            throw new RuntimeException(e);
            return, false);

    private int markSegmentsAsUsed(final List<String> segmentIds) {
        if (segmentIds.isEmpty()) {
  "No segments found to update!");
            return 0;

        return connector.getDBI().withHandle(handle -> {
            Batch batch = handle.createBatch();
            segmentIds.forEach(segmentId -> batch.add(
                    StringUtils.format("UPDATE %s SET used=true WHERE id = '%s'", getSegmentsTable(), segmentId)));
            int[] segmentChanges = batch.execute();
            return computeNumChangedSegments(segmentIds, segmentChanges);

    public int markAsUnusedAllSegmentsInDataSource(final String dataSource) {
        try {
            final int numUpdatedDatabaseEntries = connector.getDBI()
                    .withHandle((Handle handle) -> handle
                                    "UPDATE %s SET used=false WHERE dataSource = :dataSource", getSegmentsTable()))
                            .bind("dataSource", dataSource).execute());

            return numUpdatedDatabaseEntries;
        } catch (RuntimeException e) {
            log.error(e, "Exception marking all segments as unused in data source [%s]", dataSource);
            throw e;

     * This method does not update {@link #dataSourcesSnapshot}, see the comments in {@link #doPoll()} about
     * snapshot update. The update of the segment's state will be reflected after the next {@link DatabasePoll}.
    public boolean markSegmentAsUnused(final String segmentId) {
        try {
            return markSegmentAsUnusedInDatabase(segmentId);
        } catch (RuntimeException e) {
            log.error(e, "Exception marking segment [%s] as unused", segmentId);
            throw e;

    public int markSegmentsAsUnused(String dataSourceName, Set<String> segmentIds) {
        if (segmentIds.isEmpty()) {
            return 0;
        final List<String> segmentIdList = new ArrayList<>(segmentIds);
        try {
            return connector.getDBI().withHandle(handle -> {
                Batch batch = handle.createBatch();
                segmentIdList.forEach(segmentId -> batch
                        .add(StringUtils.format("UPDATE %s SET used=false WHERE datasource = '%s' AND id = '%s'",
                                getSegmentsTable(), dataSourceName, segmentId)));
                final int[] segmentChanges = batch.execute();
                return computeNumChangedSegments(segmentIdList, segmentChanges);
        } catch (Exception e) {
            throw new RuntimeException(e);

    public int markAsUnusedSegmentsInInterval(String dataSourceName, Interval interval) {
        try {
            Integer numUpdatedDatabaseEntries = connector.getDBI()
                    .withHandle(handle -> handle
                                    "UPDATE %s SET used=false WHERE datasource = :datasource "
                                            + "AND start >= :start AND %2$send%2$s <= :end",
                                    getSegmentsTable(), connector.getQuoteString()))
                            .bind("datasource", dataSourceName).bind("start", interval.getStart().toString())
                            .bind("end", interval.getEnd().toString()).execute());
            return numUpdatedDatabaseEntries;
        } catch (Exception e) {
            throw new RuntimeException(e);

    private boolean markSegmentAsUnusedInDatabase(String segmentId) {
        final int numUpdatedRows = connector.getDBI().withHandle(handle -> handle
                        StringUtils.format("UPDATE %s SET used=false WHERE id = :segmentID", getSegmentsTable()))
                .bind("segmentID", segmentId).execute());
        if (numUpdatedRows < 0) {
            log.assertionError("Negative number of rows updated for segment id [%s]: %d", segmentId,
        } else if (numUpdatedRows > 1) {
                    "More than one row updated for segment id [%s]: %d, "
                            + "there may be more than one row for the segment id in the database",
                    segmentId, numUpdatedRows);
        return numUpdatedRows > 0;

    private static int computeNumChangedSegments(List<String> segmentIds, int[] segmentChanges) {
        int numChangedSegments = 0;
        for (int i = 0; i < segmentChanges.length; i++) {
            int numUpdatedRows = segmentChanges[i];
            if (numUpdatedRows < 0) {
                log.assertionError("Negative number of rows updated for segment id [%s]: %d", segmentIds.get(i),
            } else if (numUpdatedRows > 1) {
                        "More than one row updated for segment id [%s]: %d, "
                                + "there may be more than one row for the segment id in the database",
                        segmentIds.get(i), numUpdatedRows);
            if (numUpdatedRows > 0) {
                numChangedSegments += 1;
        return numChangedSegments;

    public @Nullable ImmutableDruidDataSource getImmutableDataSourceWithUsedSegments(String dataSourceName) {
        return getSnapshotOfDataSourcesWithAllUsedSegments().getDataSource(dataSourceName);

    public Collection<ImmutableDruidDataSource> getImmutableDataSourcesWithAllUsedSegments() {
        return getSnapshotOfDataSourcesWithAllUsedSegments().getDataSourcesWithAllUsedSegments();

    public Set<SegmentId> getOvershadowedSegments() {
        return getSnapshotOfDataSourcesWithAllUsedSegments().getOvershadowedSegments();

    public DataSourcesSnapshot getSnapshotOfDataSourcesWithAllUsedSegments() {
        return dataSourcesSnapshot;

    public Iterable<DataSegment> iterateAllUsedSegments() {
        return () -> dataSourcesSnapshot.getDataSourcesWithAllUsedSegments().stream()
                .flatMap(dataSource -> dataSource.getSegments().stream()).iterator();

    public Collection<String> retrieveAllDataSourceNames() {
        return connector.getDBI().withHandle(handle -> handle
                .createQuery(StringUtils.format("SELECT DISTINCT(datasource) FROM %s", getSegmentsTable()))
                .fold(new ArrayList<>(), (List<String> druidDataSources, Map<String, Object> stringObjectMap,
                        FoldController foldController, StatementContext statementContext) -> {
                    druidDataSources.add(MapUtils.getString(stringObjectMap, "datasource"));
                    return druidDataSources;

    public void poll() {
        // See the comment to the pollLock field, explaining this synchronized block
        synchronized (pollLock) {

    /** This method is extracted from {@link #poll()} solely to reduce code nesting. */
    private void doPoll() {
        log.debug("Starting polling of segment table");

        // some databases such as PostgreSQL require auto-commit turned off
        // to stream results back, enabling transactions disables auto-commit
        // setting connection to read-only will allow some database such as MySQL
        // to automatically use read-only transaction mode, further optimizing the query
        final List<DataSegment> segments = connector
                .inReadOnlyTransaction(new TransactionCallback<List<DataSegment>>() {
                    public List<DataSegment> inTransaction(Handle handle, TransactionStatus status) {
                        return handle
                                .createQuery(StringUtils.format("SELECT payload FROM %s WHERE used=true",
                                .map(new ResultSetMapper<DataSegment>() {
                                    public DataSegment map(int index, ResultSet r, StatementContext ctx)
                                            throws SQLException {
                                        try {
                                            DataSegment segment = jsonMapper.readValue(r.getBytes("payload"),
                                            return replaceWithExistingSegmentIfPresent(segment);
                                        } catch (IOException e) {
                                            log.makeAlert(e, "Failed to read segment from db.").emit();
                                            // If one entry in database is corrupted doPoll() should continue to work overall. See
                                            // filter by `Objects::nonNull` below in this method.
                                            return null;

                "Unexpected 'null' when polling segments from the db, aborting snapshot update.");

        // dataSourcesSnapshot is updated only here and the DataSourcesSnapshot object is immutable. If data sources or
        // segments are marked as used or unused directly (via markAs...() methods in MetadataSegmentManager), the
        // dataSourcesSnapshot can become invalid until the next database poll.
        // DataSourcesSnapshot computes the overshadowed segments, which makes it an expensive operation if the
        // snapshot was invalidated on each segment mark as unused or used, especially if a user issues a lot of single
        // segment mark calls in rapid succession. So the snapshot update is not done outside of database poll at this time.
        // Updates outside of database polls were primarily for the user experience, so users would immediately see the
        // effect of a segment mark call reflected in MetadataResource API calls.

        ImmutableMap<String, String> dataSourceProperties = createDefaultDataSourceProperties();
        if (segments.isEmpty()) {
  "No segments found in the database!");
        } else {
  "Polled and found %,d segments in the database", segments.size());
        dataSourcesSnapshot = DataSourcesSnapshot.fromUsedSegments(Iterables.filter(segments, Objects::nonNull), // Filter corrupted entries (see above in this method).

    private static ImmutableMap<String, String> createDefaultDataSourceProperties() {
        return ImmutableMap.of("created", DateTimes.nowUtc().toString());

     * For the garbage collector in Java, it's better to keep new objects short-living, but once they are old enough
     * (i. e. promoted to old generation), try to keep them alive. In {@link #poll()}, we fetch and deserialize all
     * existing segments each time, and then replace them in {@link #dataSourcesSnapshot}. This method allows to use
     * already existing (old) segments when possible, effectively interning them a-la {@link String#intern} or {@link
     *}, aiming to make the majority of {@link DataSegment} objects garbage soon after
     * they are deserialized and to die in young generation. It allows to avoid fragmentation of the old generation and
     * full GCs.
    private DataSegment replaceWithExistingSegmentIfPresent(DataSegment segment) {
        DataSourcesSnapshot dataSourcesSnapshot = this.dataSourcesSnapshot;
        if (dataSourcesSnapshot == null) {
            return segment;
        ImmutableDruidDataSource dataSource = dataSourcesSnapshot.getDataSource(segment.getDataSource());
        if (dataSource == null) {
            return segment;
        DataSegment alreadyExistingSegment = dataSource.getSegment(segment.getId());
        return alreadyExistingSegment != null ? alreadyExistingSegment : segment;

    private String getSegmentsTable() {
        return dbTables.get().getSegmentsTable();

    public List<Interval> getUnusedSegmentIntervals(final String dataSource, final DateTime maxEndTime,
            final int limit) {
        return connector.inReadOnlyTransaction(new TransactionCallback<List<Interval>>() {
            public List<Interval> inTransaction(Handle handle, TransactionStatus status) {
                Iterator<Interval> iter = handle
                                "SELECT start, %2$send%2$s FROM %1$s WHERE dataSource = :dataSource AND "
                                        + "%2$send%2$s <= :end AND used = false ORDER BY start, %2$send%2$s",
                                getSegmentsTable(), connector.getQuoteString()))
                        .bind("dataSource", dataSource).bind("end", maxEndTime.toString())
                        .map(new BaseResultSetMapper<Interval>() {
                            protected Interval mapInternal(int index, Map<String, Object> row) {
                                return new Interval(DateTimes.of((String) row.get("start")),
                                        DateTimes.of((String) row.get("end")));

                List<Interval> result = Lists.newArrayListWithCapacity(limit);
                for (int i = 0; i < limit && iter.hasNext(); i++) {
                    try {
                    } catch (Exception e) {
                        throw new RuntimeException(e);
                return result;