Java tutorial
/* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the License is distributed on an * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. */ package org.apache.druid.indexing.kinesis; import com.amazonaws.AmazonServiceException; import com.amazonaws.ClientConfiguration; import com.amazonaws.auth.AWSCredentialsProvider; import com.amazonaws.auth.STSAssumeRoleSessionCredentialsProvider; import com.amazonaws.client.builder.AwsClientBuilder; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import com.amazonaws.util.AwsHostNameUtils; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import org.apache.druid.indexing.seekablestream.common.OrderedPartitionableRecord; import org.apache.druid.indexing.seekablestream.common.RecordSupplier; import org.apache.druid.indexing.seekablestream.common.StreamException; import org.apache.druid.indexing.seekablestream.common.StreamPartition; import; import; import; import; import javax.annotation.Nonnull; import javax.annotation.Nullable; import; import java.lang.invoke.MethodHandle; import java.lang.invoke.MethodHandles; import java.lang.reflect.Method; import java.nio.ByteBuffer; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import java.util.UUID; import java.util.concurrent.BlockingQueue; import java.util.concurrent.Callable; import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap; import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentMap; import java.util.concurrent.Executors; import java.util.concurrent.LinkedBlockingQueue; import java.util.concurrent.RejectedExecutionException; import java.util.concurrent.ScheduledExecutorService; import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; import; /** * This class implements a local buffer for storing fetched Kinesis records. Fetching is done * in background threads. */ public class KinesisRecordSupplier implements RecordSupplier<String, String> { private static final EmittingLogger log = new EmittingLogger(KinesisRecordSupplier.class); private static final long PROVISIONED_THROUGHPUT_EXCEEDED_BACKOFF_MS = 3000; private static final long EXCEPTION_RETRY_DELAY_MS = 10000; private static boolean isServiceExceptionRecoverable(AmazonServiceException ex) { final boolean isIOException = ex.getCause() instanceof IOException; final boolean isTimeout = "RequestTimeout".equals(ex.getErrorCode()); return isIOException || isTimeout; } private class PartitionResource { private final StreamPartition<String> streamPartition; // shardIterator points to the record that will be polled next by recordRunnable // can be null when shard is closed due to the user shard splitting or changing the number // of shards in the stream, in which case a 'EOS' marker is used by the KinesisRecordSupplier // to indicate that this shard has no more records to read @Nullable private volatile String shardIterator; private volatile boolean started; private volatile boolean stopRequested; PartitionResource(StreamPartition<String> streamPartition) { this.streamPartition = streamPartition; } void startBackgroundFetch() { if (started) { return; }"Starting scheduled fetch runnable for stream[%s] partition[%s]", streamPartition.getStream(), streamPartition.getPartitionId()); stopRequested = false; started = true; rescheduleRunnable(fetchDelayMillis); } void stopBackgroundFetch() {"Stopping scheduled fetch runnable for stream[%s] partition[%s]", streamPartition.getStream(), streamPartition.getPartitionId()); stopRequested = true; } private Runnable getRecordRunnable() { return () -> { if (stopRequested) { started = false; stopRequested = false;"Worker for partition[%s] has been stopped", streamPartition.getPartitionId()); return; } // used for retrying on InterruptedException GetRecordsResult recordsResult = null; OrderedPartitionableRecord<String, String> currRecord; try { if (shardIterator == null) {"shardIterator[%s] has been closed and has no more records", streamPartition.getPartitionId()); // add an end-of-shard marker so caller knows this shard is closed currRecord = new OrderedPartitionableRecord<>(streamPartition.getStream(), streamPartition.getPartitionId(), KinesisSequenceNumber.END_OF_SHARD_MARKER, null); recordsResult = null; if (!records.offer(currRecord, recordBufferOfferTimeout, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS)) { log.warn("OrderedPartitionableRecord buffer full, retrying in [%,dms]", recordBufferFullWait); rescheduleRunnable(recordBufferFullWait); } return; } recordsResult = kinesis.getRecords( new GetRecordsRequest().withShardIterator(shardIterator).withLimit(recordsPerFetch)); // list will come back empty if there are no records for (Record kinesisRecord : recordsResult.getRecords()) { final List<byte[]> data; if (deaggregate) { if (deaggregateHandle == null || getDataHandle == null) { throw new ISE("deaggregateHandle or getDataHandle is null!"); } data = new ArrayList<>(); final List userRecords = (List) deaggregateHandle .invokeExact(Collections.singletonList(kinesisRecord)); for (Object userRecord : userRecords) { data.add(toByteArray((ByteBuffer) getDataHandle.invoke(userRecord))); } } else { data = Collections.singletonList(toByteArray(kinesisRecord.getData())); } currRecord = new OrderedPartitionableRecord<>(streamPartition.getStream(), streamPartition.getPartitionId(), kinesisRecord.getSequenceNumber(), data); log.trace("Stream[%s] / partition[%s] / sequenceNum[%s] / bufferRemainingCapacity[%d]: %s", currRecord.getStream(), currRecord.getPartitionId(), currRecord.getSequenceNumber(), records.remainingCapacity(), currRecord.getData().stream() .map(StringUtils::fromUtf8).collect(Collectors.toList())); // If the buffer was full and we weren't able to add the message, grab a new stream iterator starting // from this message and back off for a bit to let the buffer drain before retrying. if (!records.offer(currRecord, recordBufferOfferTimeout, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS)) { log.warn( "OrderedPartitionableRecord buffer full, storing iterator and retrying in [%,dms]", recordBufferFullWait); shardIterator = kinesis.getShardIterator(currRecord.getStream(), currRecord.getPartitionId(), ShardIteratorType.AT_SEQUENCE_NUMBER.toString(), currRecord.getSequenceNumber()).getShardIterator(); rescheduleRunnable(recordBufferFullWait); return; } } shardIterator = recordsResult.getNextShardIterator(); // will be null if the shard has been closed rescheduleRunnable(fetchDelayMillis); } catch (ProvisionedThroughputExceededException e) { log.warn(e, "encounted ProvisionedThroughputExceededException while fetching records, this means " + "that the request rate for the stream is too high, or the requested data is too large for " + "the available throughput. Reduce the frequency or size of your requests."); long retryMs = Math.max(PROVISIONED_THROUGHPUT_EXCEEDED_BACKOFF_MS, fetchDelayMillis); rescheduleRunnable(retryMs); } catch (InterruptedException e) { // may happen if interrupted while BlockingQueue.offer() is waiting log.warn(e, "Interrupted while waiting to add record to buffer, retrying in [%,dms]", EXCEPTION_RETRY_DELAY_MS); rescheduleRunnable(EXCEPTION_RETRY_DELAY_MS); } catch (ExpiredIteratorException e) { log.warn(e, "ShardIterator expired while trying to fetch records, retrying in [%,dms]", fetchDelayMillis); if (recordsResult != null) { shardIterator = recordsResult.getNextShardIterator(); // will be null if the shard has been closed rescheduleRunnable(fetchDelayMillis); } else { throw new ISE("can't reschedule fetch records runnable, recordsResult is null??"); } } catch (ResourceNotFoundException | InvalidArgumentException e) { // aws errors log.error(e, "encounted AWS error while attempting to fetch records, will not retry"); throw e; } catch (AmazonServiceException e) { if (isServiceExceptionRecoverable(e)) { log.warn(e, "encounted unknown recoverable AWS exception, retrying in [%,dms]", EXCEPTION_RETRY_DELAY_MS); rescheduleRunnable(EXCEPTION_RETRY_DELAY_MS); } else { log.warn(e, "encounted unknown unrecoverable AWS exception, will not retry"); throw new RuntimeException(e); } } catch (Throwable e) { // non transient errors log.error(e, "unknown getRecordRunnable exception, will not retry"); throw new RuntimeException(e); } }; } private void rescheduleRunnable(long delayMillis) { if (started && !stopRequested) { try { scheduledExec.schedule(getRecordRunnable(), delayMillis, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS); } catch (RejectedExecutionException e) { log.warn(e, "Caught RejectedExecutionException, KinesisRecordSupplier for partition[%s] has likely temporarily shutdown the ExecutorService." + "This is expected behavior after calling seek(), seekToEarliest() and seekToLatest()", streamPartition.getPartitionId()); } } else {"Worker for partition[%s] has been stopped", streamPartition.getPartitionId()); } } } // used for deaggregate private final MethodHandle deaggregateHandle; private final MethodHandle getDataHandle; private final AmazonKinesis kinesis; private final int recordsPerFetch; private final int fetchDelayMillis; private final boolean deaggregate; private final int recordBufferOfferTimeout; private final int recordBufferFullWait; private final int fetchSequenceNumberTimeout; private final int maxRecordsPerPoll; private final int fetchThreads; private final int recordBufferSize; private ScheduledExecutorService scheduledExec; private final ConcurrentMap<StreamPartition<String>, PartitionResource> partitionResources = new ConcurrentHashMap<>(); private BlockingQueue<OrderedPartitionableRecord<String, String>> records; private volatile boolean checkPartitionsStarted = false; private volatile boolean closed = false; public KinesisRecordSupplier(AmazonKinesis amazonKinesis, int recordsPerFetch, int fetchDelayMillis, int fetchThreads, boolean deaggregate, int recordBufferSize, int recordBufferOfferTimeout, int recordBufferFullWait, int fetchSequenceNumberTimeout, int maxRecordsPerPoll) { Preconditions.checkNotNull(amazonKinesis); this.kinesis = amazonKinesis; this.recordsPerFetch = recordsPerFetch; this.fetchDelayMillis = fetchDelayMillis; this.deaggregate = deaggregate; this.recordBufferOfferTimeout = recordBufferOfferTimeout; this.recordBufferFullWait = recordBufferFullWait; this.fetchSequenceNumberTimeout = fetchSequenceNumberTimeout; this.maxRecordsPerPoll = maxRecordsPerPoll; this.fetchThreads = fetchThreads; this.recordBufferSize = recordBufferSize; // the deaggregate function is implemented by the amazon-kinesis-client, whose license is not compatible with Apache. // The work around here is to use reflection to find the deaggregate function in the classpath. See details on the // docs page for more information on how to use deaggregation if (deaggregate) { try { Class<?> kclUserRecordclass = Class .forName(""); MethodHandles.Lookup lookup = MethodHandles.publicLookup(); Method deaggregateMethod = kclUserRecordclass.getMethod("deaggregate", List.class); Method getDataMethod = kclUserRecordclass.getMethod("getData"); deaggregateHandle = lookup.unreflect(deaggregateMethod); getDataHandle = lookup.unreflect(getDataMethod); } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) { throw new ISE(e, "cannot find class[], " + "note that when using deaggregate=true, you must provide the Kinesis Client Library jar in the classpath"); } catch (Exception e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } } else { deaggregateHandle = null; getDataHandle = null; }"Creating fetch thread pool of size [%d] (Runtime.availableProcessors=%d)", fetchThreads, Runtime.getRuntime().availableProcessors()); scheduledExec = Executors.newScheduledThreadPool(fetchThreads, Execs.makeThreadFactory("KinesisRecordSupplier-Worker-%d")); records = new LinkedBlockingQueue<>(recordBufferSize); } public static AmazonKinesis getAmazonKinesisClient(String endpoint, AWSCredentialsConfig awsCredentialsConfig, String awsAssumedRoleArn, String awsExternalId) { AWSCredentialsProvider awsCredentialsProvider = AWSCredentialsUtils .defaultAWSCredentialsProviderChain(awsCredentialsConfig); if (awsAssumedRoleArn != null) {"Assuming role [%s] with externalId [%s]", awsAssumedRoleArn, awsExternalId); STSAssumeRoleSessionCredentialsProvider.Builder builder = new STSAssumeRoleSessionCredentialsProvider.Builder( awsAssumedRoleArn, StringUtils.format("druid-kinesis-%s", UUID.randomUUID().toString())) .withStsClient(AWSSecurityTokenServiceClientBuilder.standard() .withCredentials(awsCredentialsProvider).build()); if (awsExternalId != null) { builder.withExternalId(awsExternalId); } awsCredentialsProvider =; } return AmazonKinesisClientBuilder.standard().withCredentials(awsCredentialsProvider) .withClientConfiguration(new ClientConfiguration()) .withEndpointConfiguration(new AwsClientBuilder.EndpointConfiguration(endpoint, AwsHostNameUtils.parseRegion(endpoint, null))) .build(); } @VisibleForTesting public void start() { checkIfClosed(); if (checkPartitionsStarted) { partitionResources.values().forEach(PartitionResource::startBackgroundFetch); checkPartitionsStarted = false; } } @Override public void assign(Set<StreamPartition<String>> collection) { checkIfClosed(); collection.forEach(streamPartition -> partitionResources.putIfAbsent(streamPartition, new PartitionResource(streamPartition))); for (Iterator<Map.Entry<StreamPartition<String>, PartitionResource>> i = partitionResources.entrySet() .iterator(); i.hasNext();) { Map.Entry<StreamPartition<String>, PartitionResource> entry =; if (!collection.contains(entry.getKey())) { i.remove(); entry.getValue().stopBackgroundFetch(); } } } @Override public void seek(StreamPartition<String> partition, String sequenceNumber) throws InterruptedException { checkIfClosed(); filterBufferAndResetFetchRunnable(ImmutableSet.of(partition)); seekInternal(partition, sequenceNumber, ShardIteratorType.AT_SEQUENCE_NUMBER); } @Override public void seekToEarliest(Set<StreamPartition<String>> partitions) throws InterruptedException { checkIfClosed(); filterBufferAndResetFetchRunnable(partitions); partitions.forEach(partition -> seekInternal(partition, null, ShardIteratorType.TRIM_HORIZON)); } @Override public void seekToLatest(Set<StreamPartition<String>> partitions) throws InterruptedException { checkIfClosed(); filterBufferAndResetFetchRunnable(partitions); partitions.forEach(partition -> seekInternal(partition, null, ShardIteratorType.LATEST)); } @Override public Collection<StreamPartition<String>> getAssignment() { return partitionResources.keySet(); } @Nonnull @Override public List<OrderedPartitionableRecord<String, String>> poll(long timeout) { checkIfClosed(); if (checkPartitionsStarted) { partitionResources.values().forEach(PartitionResource::startBackgroundFetch); checkPartitionsStarted = false; } try { int expectedSize = Math.min(Math.max(records.size(), 1), maxRecordsPerPoll); List<OrderedPartitionableRecord<String, String>> polledRecords = new ArrayList<>(expectedSize); Queues.drain(records, polledRecords, expectedSize, timeout, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS); polledRecords = .filter(x -> partitionResources.containsKey(x.getStreamPartition())) .collect(Collectors.toList()); return polledRecords; } catch (InterruptedException e) { log.warn(e, "Interrupted while polling"); return Collections.emptyList(); } } @Nullable @Override public String getLatestSequenceNumber(StreamPartition<String> partition) { checkIfClosed(); return getSequenceNumberInternal(partition, ShardIteratorType.LATEST); } @Nullable @Override public String getEarliestSequenceNumber(StreamPartition<String> partition) { checkIfClosed(); return getSequenceNumberInternal(partition, ShardIteratorType.TRIM_HORIZON); } @Nullable @Override public String getPosition(StreamPartition<String> partition) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("getPosition() is not supported in Kinesis"); } @Override public Set<String> getPartitionIds(String stream) { return wrapExceptions(() -> { final Set<String> retVal = new HashSet<>(); DescribeStreamRequest request = new DescribeStreamRequest(); request.setStreamName(stream); while (request != null) { final DescribeStreamResult result = kinesis.describeStream(request); final StreamDescription streamDescription = result.getStreamDescription(); final List<Shard> shards = streamDescription.getShards(); for (Shard shard : shards) { retVal.add(shard.getShardId()); } if (streamDescription.isHasMoreShards()) { request.setExclusiveStartShardId(Iterables.getLast(shards).getShardId()); } else { request = null; } } return retVal; }); } @Override public void close() { if (this.closed) { return; } assign(ImmutableSet.of()); scheduledExec.shutdown(); try { if (!scheduledExec.awaitTermination(EXCEPTION_RETRY_DELAY_MS, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS)) { scheduledExec.shutdownNow(); } } catch (InterruptedException e) { log.warn(e, "InterruptedException while shutting down"); throw new RuntimeException(e); } this.closed = true; } private void seekInternal(StreamPartition<String> partition, String sequenceNumber, ShardIteratorType iteratorEnum) { PartitionResource resource = partitionResources.get(partition); if (resource == null) { throw new ISE("Partition [%s] has not been assigned", partition); } log.debug("Seeking partition [%s] to [%s]", partition.getPartitionId(), sequenceNumber != null ? sequenceNumber : iteratorEnum.toString()); resource.shardIterator = wrapExceptions(() -> kinesis.getShardIterator(partition.getStream(), partition.getPartitionId(), iteratorEnum.toString(), sequenceNumber).getShardIterator()); checkPartitionsStarted = true; } private void filterBufferAndResetFetchRunnable(Set<StreamPartition<String>> partitions) throws InterruptedException { scheduledExec.shutdown(); try { if (!scheduledExec.awaitTermination(EXCEPTION_RETRY_DELAY_MS, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS)) { scheduledExec.shutdownNow(); } } catch (InterruptedException e) { log.warn(e, "InterruptedException while shutting down"); throw e; } scheduledExec = Executors.newScheduledThreadPool(fetchThreads, Execs.makeThreadFactory("KinesisRecordSupplier-Worker-%d")); // filter records in buffer and only retain ones whose partition was not seeked BlockingQueue<OrderedPartitionableRecord<String, String>> newQ = new LinkedBlockingQueue<>( recordBufferSize); -> !partitions.contains(x.getStreamPartition())).forEachOrdered(newQ::offer); records = newQ; // restart fetching threads partitionResources.values().forEach(x -> x.started = false); checkPartitionsStarted = true; } @Nullable private String getSequenceNumberInternal(StreamPartition<String> partition, ShardIteratorType iteratorEnum) { return wrapExceptions(() -> getSequenceNumberInternal(partition, kinesis.getShardIterator(partition.getStream(), partition.getPartitionId(), iteratorEnum.toString()) .getShardIterator())); } @Nullable private String getSequenceNumberInternal(StreamPartition<String> partition, String shardIterator) { long timeoutMillis = System.currentTimeMillis() + fetchSequenceNumberTimeout; while (shardIterator != null && System.currentTimeMillis() < timeoutMillis) { if (closed) {"KinesisRecordSupplier closed while fetching sequenceNumber"); return null; } GetRecordsResult recordsResult; try { // we call getRecords with limit 1000 to make sure that we can find the first (earliest) record in the shard. // In the case where the shard is constantly removing records that are past their retention period, it is possible // that we never find the first record in the shard if we use a limit of 1. recordsResult = kinesis .getRecords(new GetRecordsRequest().withShardIterator(shardIterator).withLimit(1000)); } catch (ProvisionedThroughputExceededException e) { log.warn(e, "encountered ProvisionedThroughputExceededException while fetching records, this means " + "that the request rate for the stream is too high, or the requested data is too large for " + "the available throughput. Reduce the frequency or size of your requests. Consider increasing " + "the number of shards to increase throughput."); try { Thread.sleep(PROVISIONED_THROUGHPUT_EXCEEDED_BACKOFF_MS); continue; } catch (InterruptedException e1) { log.warn(e1, "Thread interrupted!"); Thread.currentThread().interrupt(); break; } } List<Record> records = recordsResult.getRecords(); if (!records.isEmpty()) { return records.get(0).getSequenceNumber(); } shardIterator = recordsResult.getNextShardIterator(); } if (shardIterator == null) {"Partition[%s] returned a null shard iterator, is the shard closed?", partition.getPartitionId()); return KinesisSequenceNumber.END_OF_SHARD_MARKER; } // if we reach here, it usually means either the shard has no more records, or records have not been // added to this shard log.warn("timed out while trying to fetch position for shard[%s], likely no more records in shard", partition.getPartitionId()); return null; } private void checkIfClosed() { if (closed) { throw new ISE("Invalid operation - KinesisRecordSupplier has already been closed"); } } /** * Returns an array with the content between the position and limit of "buffer". This may be the buffer's backing * array itself. Does not modify position or limit of the buffer. */ private static byte[] toByteArray(final ByteBuffer buffer) { if (buffer.hasArray() && buffer.arrayOffset() == 0 && buffer.position() == 0 && buffer.array().length == buffer.limit()) { return buffer.array(); } else { final byte[] retVal = new byte[buffer.remaining()]; buffer.duplicate().get(retVal); return retVal; } } private static <T> T wrapExceptions(Callable<T> callable) { try { return; } catch (Exception e) { throw new StreamException(e); } } @VisibleForTesting public int bufferSize() { return records.size(); } }