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 * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
 * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
 * distributed with this work for additional information
 * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
 * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
 * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
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 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
 * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
 * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
 * specific language governing permissions and limitations
 * under the License.

package org.apache.druid.indexing.common.task;

import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonCreator;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonIgnore;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonProperty;
import org.apache.druid.indexer.TaskStatus;
import org.apache.druid.indexing.common.TaskToolbox;
import org.apache.druid.indexing.common.actions.SegmentInsertAction;
import org.apache.druid.indexing.common.actions.SegmentListUsedAction;
import org.apache.druid.indexing.common.actions.TaskActionClient;
import org.apache.druid.segment.writeout.SegmentWriteOutMediumFactory;
import org.apache.druid.segment.IndexIO;
import org.apache.druid.segment.IndexSpec;
import org.apache.druid.segment.loading.SegmentLoadingException;
import org.apache.druid.timeline.DataSegment;
import org.joda.time.Interval;

import javax.annotation.Nullable;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;

 * This task takes a segment and attempts to reindex it in the latest version with the specified indexSpec.
 * <p/>
 * Only datasource must be specified. `indexSpec` and `force` are highly suggested but optional. The rest get
 * auto-configured and should only be modified with great care
public class ConvertSegmentTask extends AbstractFixedIntervalTask {
    private static final String TYPE = "convert_segment";
    private static final Integer CURR_VERSION_INTEGER = IndexIO.CURRENT_VERSION_ID;

    private static final Logger log = new Logger(ConvertSegmentTask.class);

     * Create a segment converter task to convert a segment to the most recent version including the specified indexSpec
     * @param dataSource The datasource to which this update should be applied
     * @param interval   The interval in the datasource which to apply the update to
     * @param indexSpec  The IndexSpec to use in the updated segments
     * @param force      Force an update, even if the task thinks it doesn't need to update.
     * @param validate   Validate the new segment compared to the old segment on a row by row basis
     * @return A SegmentConverterTask for the datasource's interval with the indexSpec specified.
    public static ConvertSegmentTask create(String dataSource, Interval interval, IndexSpec indexSpec,
            boolean force, boolean validate, @Nullable SegmentWriteOutMediumFactory segmentWriteOutMediumFactory,
            Map<String, Object> context) {
        final String id = makeId(dataSource, interval);
        return new ConvertSegmentTask(id, dataSource, interval, null, indexSpec, force, validate,
                segmentWriteOutMediumFactory, context);

     * Create a task to update the segment specified to the most recent binary version with the specified indexSpec
     * @param segment   The segment to which this update should be applied
     * @param indexSpec The IndexSpec to use in the updated segments
     * @param force     Force an update, even if the task thinks it doesn't need to update.
     * @param validate  Validate the new segment compared to the old segment on a row by row basis
     * @return A SegmentConverterTask for the segment with the indexSpec specified.
    public static ConvertSegmentTask create(DataSegment segment, IndexSpec indexSpec, boolean force,
            boolean validate, @Nullable SegmentWriteOutMediumFactory segmentWriteOutMediumFactory,
            Map<String, Object> context) {
        final Interval interval = segment.getInterval();
        final String dataSource = segment.getDataSource();
        final String id = makeId(dataSource, interval);
        return new ConvertSegmentTask(id, dataSource, interval, segment, indexSpec, force, validate,
                segmentWriteOutMediumFactory, context);

    protected static String makeId(String dataSource, Interval interval) {
        Preconditions.checkNotNull(dataSource, "dataSource");
        Preconditions.checkNotNull(interval, "interval");
        return joinId(TYPE, dataSource, interval.getStart(), interval.getEnd(), DateTimes.nowUtc());

    private static ConvertSegmentTask createFromJson(@JsonProperty("id") String id,
            @JsonProperty("dataSource") String dataSource, @JsonProperty("interval") Interval interval,
            @JsonProperty("segment") DataSegment segment, @JsonProperty("indexSpec") IndexSpec indexSpec,
            @JsonProperty("force") Boolean force, @JsonProperty("validate") Boolean validate,
            @JsonProperty("context") Map<String, Object> context,
            @JsonProperty("segmentWriteOutMediumFactory") @Nullable SegmentWriteOutMediumFactory segmentWriteOutMediumFactory) {
        final boolean isForce = force == null ? false : force;
        final boolean isValidate = validate == null ? true : validate;
        if (id == null) {
            if (segment == null) {
                return create(dataSource, interval, indexSpec, isForce, isValidate, segmentWriteOutMediumFactory,
            } else {
                return create(segment, indexSpec, isForce, isValidate, segmentWriteOutMediumFactory, context);
        return new ConvertSegmentTask(id, dataSource, interval, segment, indexSpec, isForce, isValidate,
                segmentWriteOutMediumFactory, context);

    private final DataSegment segment;
    private final IndexSpec indexSpec;
    private final boolean force;
    private final boolean validate;
    private final SegmentWriteOutMediumFactory segmentWriteOutMediumFactory;

    ConvertSegmentTask(String id, String dataSource, Interval interval, DataSegment segment, IndexSpec indexSpec,
            boolean force, boolean validate, @Nullable SegmentWriteOutMediumFactory segmentWriteOutMediumFactory,
            Map<String, Object> context) {
        super(id, dataSource, interval, context);
        this.segment = segment;
        this.indexSpec = indexSpec == null ? new IndexSpec() : indexSpec;
        this.force = force;
        this.validate = validate;
        this.segmentWriteOutMediumFactory = segmentWriteOutMediumFactory;

    public boolean isForce() {
        return force;

    public boolean isValidate() {
        return validate;

    public IndexSpec getIndexSpec() {
        return indexSpec;

    public String getType() {
        return TYPE;

    public DataSegment getSegment() {
        return segment;

    public SegmentWriteOutMediumFactory getSegmentWriteOutMediumFactory() {
        return segmentWriteOutMediumFactory;

    public TaskStatus run(TaskToolbox toolbox) throws Exception {
        final Iterable<DataSegment> segmentsToUpdate;
        if (segment == null) {
            final List<DataSegment> segments = toolbox.getTaskActionClient()
                    .submit(new SegmentListUsedAction(getDataSource(), getInterval(), null));
            segmentsToUpdate = FunctionalIterable.create(segments).filter(new Predicate<DataSegment>() {
                public boolean apply(DataSegment segment) {
                    final Integer segmentVersion = segment.getBinaryVersion();
                    if (!CURR_VERSION_INTEGER.equals(segmentVersion)) {
                        return true;
                    } else if (force) {
              "Segment[%s] already at version[%s], forcing conversion", segment.getIdentifier(),
                        return true;
                    } else {
              "Skipping[%s], already version[%s]", segment.getIdentifier(), segmentVersion);
                        return false;
        } else {
  "I'm in a subless mood.");
            segmentsToUpdate = Collections.singleton(segment);
        // Vestigial from a past time when this task spawned subtasks.
        for (final Task subTask : generateSubTasks(getGroupId(), segmentsToUpdate, indexSpec, force, validate,
                getContext())) {
            final TaskStatus status =;
            if (!status.isSuccess()) {
                return TaskStatus.fromCode(getId(), status.getStatusCode());
        return success();

    protected Iterable<Task> generateSubTasks(final String groupId, final Iterable<DataSegment> segments,
            final IndexSpec indexSpec, final boolean force, final boolean validate,
            final Map<String, Object> context) {
        return Iterables.transform(segments, new Function<DataSegment, Task>() {
            public Task apply(DataSegment input) {
                return new SubTask(groupId, input, indexSpec, force, validate, segmentWriteOutMediumFactory,

    public boolean equals(Object o) {
        if (this == o) {
            return true;
        if (o == null || getClass() != o.getClass()) {
            return false;

        ConvertSegmentTask that = (ConvertSegmentTask) o;

        if (segment != null ? !segment.equals(that.segment) : that.segment != null) {
            return false;

        return super.equals(o);

    public static class SubTask extends AbstractFixedIntervalTask {
        private final DataSegment segment;
        private final IndexSpec indexSpec;
        private final boolean force;
        private final boolean validate;
        private final SegmentWriteOutMediumFactory segmentWriteOutMediumFactory;

        public SubTask(@JsonProperty("groupId") String groupId, @JsonProperty("segment") DataSegment segment,
                @JsonProperty("indexSpec") IndexSpec indexSpec, @JsonProperty("force") Boolean force,
                @JsonProperty("validate") Boolean validate,
                @JsonProperty("segmentWriteOutMediumFactory") @Nullable SegmentWriteOutMediumFactory segmentWriteOutMediumFactory,
                @JsonProperty("context") Map<String, Object> context) {
            super(joinId(groupId, "sub", segment.getInterval().getStart(), segment.getInterval().getEnd(),
                    segment.getShardSpec().getPartitionNum()), groupId, segment.getDataSource(),
                    segment.getInterval(), context);
            this.segment = segment;
            this.indexSpec = indexSpec == null ? new IndexSpec() : indexSpec;
            this.force = force == null ? false : force;
            this.validate = validate == null ? true : validate;
            this.segmentWriteOutMediumFactory = segmentWriteOutMediumFactory;

        public boolean isValidate() {
            return validate;

        public boolean isForce() {
            return force;

        public DataSegment getSegment() {
            return segment;

        public String getType() {
            return "version_converter_sub";

        public TaskStatus run(TaskToolbox toolbox) throws Exception {
  "Subs are good!  Italian BMT and Meatball are probably my favorite.");
            try {
            } catch (Exception e) {
                log.error(e, "Conversion failed.");
                throw e;
            return success();

        private void convertSegment(TaskToolbox toolbox) throws SegmentLoadingException, IOException {
  "Converting segment[%s]", segment);
            final TaskActionClient actionClient = toolbox.getTaskActionClient();
            final List<DataSegment> currentSegments = actionClient
                    .submit(new SegmentListUsedAction(segment.getDataSource(), segment.getInterval(), null));

            for (DataSegment currentSegment : currentSegments) {
                final String version = currentSegment.getVersion();
                final Integer binaryVersion = currentSegment.getBinaryVersion();

                if (!force && (version.startsWith(segment.getVersion())
                        && CURR_VERSION_INTEGER.equals(binaryVersion))) {
          "Skipping already updated segment[%s].", segment);

            final Map<DataSegment, File> localSegments = toolbox.fetchSegments(Collections.singletonList(segment));

            final File location = localSegments.get(segment);
            final File outLocation = new File(location, "v9_out");
            IndexIO indexIO = toolbox.getIndexIO();
            if (indexIO.convertSegment(location, outLocation, indexSpec, force, validate,
                    segmentWriteOutMediumFactory)) {
                final int outVersion = IndexIO.getVersionFromDir(outLocation);

                // Appending to the version makes a new version that inherits most comparability parameters of the original
                // version, but is "newer" than said original version.
                DataSegment updatedSegment = segment
                        .withVersion(StringUtils.format("%s_v%s", segment.getVersion(), outVersion));

                updatedSegment = toolbox.getSegmentPusher().push(outLocation, updatedSegment, false);

                actionClient.submit(new SegmentInsertAction(Sets.newHashSet(updatedSegment)));
            } else {
      "Conversion failed.");