Java tutorial
/* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the License is distributed on an * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. */ package org.apache.druid.curator.inventory; import; import org.apache.curator.framework.CuratorFramework; import; import; import; import; import org.apache.curator.utils.ZKPaths; import org.apache.druid.curator.cache.PathChildrenCacheFactory; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Set; import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap; import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentMap; import java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicReference; import; /** * This class is deprecated. Use {@link org.apache.druid.client.HttpServerInventoryView} for segment discovery. * * An InventoryManager watches updates to inventory on Zookeeper (or some other discovery-like service publishing * system). It is built up on two object types: containers and inventory objects. * <p/> * The logic of the InventoryManager just maintains a local cache of the containers and inventory it sees on ZK. It * provides methods for getting at the container objects, which house the actual individual pieces of inventory. * <p/> * A Strategy is provided to the constructor of an Inventory manager, this strategy provides all of the * object-specific logic to serialize, deserialize, compose and alter the container and inventory objects. */ @Deprecated public class CuratorInventoryManager<ContainerClass, InventoryClass> { private static final Logger log = new Logger(CuratorInventoryManager.class); private final Object lock = new Object(); private final CuratorFramework curatorFramework; private final InventoryManagerConfig config; private final CuratorInventoryManagerStrategy<ContainerClass, InventoryClass> strategy; private final ConcurrentMap<String, ContainerHolder> containers; private final Set<ContainerHolder> uninitializedInventory; private final PathChildrenCacheFactory cacheFactory; private final ExecutorService pathChildrenCacheExecutor; private volatile PathChildrenCache childrenCache; public CuratorInventoryManager(CuratorFramework curatorFramework, InventoryManagerConfig config, ExecutorService exec, CuratorInventoryManagerStrategy<ContainerClass, InventoryClass> strategy) { this.curatorFramework = curatorFramework; this.config = config; this.strategy = strategy; this.containers = new ConcurrentHashMap<>(); this.uninitializedInventory = Sets.newConcurrentHashSet(); this.pathChildrenCacheExecutor = exec; this.cacheFactory = new PathChildrenCacheFactory.Builder() //NOTE: cacheData is temporarily set to false and we get data directly from ZK on each event. //this is a workaround to solve curator's out-of-order events problem // .withCacheData(false).withCompressed(true).withExecutorService(pathChildrenCacheExecutor) .withShutdownExecutorOnClose(false).build(); } @LifecycleStart public void start() throws Exception { synchronized (lock) { if (childrenCache != null) { return; } childrenCache = cacheFactory.make(curatorFramework, config.getContainerPath()); } childrenCache.getListenable().addListener(new ContainerCacheListener()); try { childrenCache.start(PathChildrenCache.StartMode.POST_INITIALIZED_EVENT); } catch (Exception e) { synchronized (lock) { try { stop(); } catch (IOException e1) { log.error(e1, "Exception when stopping InventoryManager that couldn't start."); } } throw e; } } @LifecycleStop public void stop() throws IOException { synchronized (lock) { if (childrenCache == null) { return; } // This close() call actually calls shutdownNow() on the executor registered with the Cache object... childrenCache.close(); childrenCache = null; } Closer closer = Closer.create(); for (ContainerHolder containerHolder : containers.values()) { closer.register(containerHolder.getCache()); } try { closer.close(); } finally { pathChildrenCacheExecutor.shutdown(); } } public InventoryManagerConfig getConfig() { return config; } public ContainerClass getInventoryValue(String containerKey) { final ContainerHolder containerHolder = containers.get(containerKey); return containerHolder == null ? null : containerHolder.getContainer(); } public Collection<ContainerClass> getInventory() { return containers.values().stream().map(ContainerHolder::getContainer).collect(Collectors.toList()); } private byte[] getZkDataForNode(String path) { try { return curatorFramework.getData().decompressed().forPath(path); } catch (Exception ex) { log.warn(ex, "Exception while getting data for node %s", path); return null; } } private class ContainerHolder { private final AtomicReference<ContainerClass> container; private final PathChildrenCache cache; private boolean initialized = false; ContainerHolder(ContainerClass container, PathChildrenCache cache) { this.container = new AtomicReference<ContainerClass>(container); this.cache = cache; } private ContainerClass getContainer() { return container.get(); } private void setContainer(ContainerClass newContainer) { container.set(newContainer); } private PathChildrenCache getCache() { return cache; } } private class ContainerCacheListener implements PathChildrenCacheListener { private volatile boolean containersInitialized = false; private volatile boolean doneInitializing = false; @Override public void childEvent(CuratorFramework client, PathChildrenCacheEvent event) throws Exception { switch (event.getType()) { case CHILD_ADDED: synchronized (lock) { final ChildData child = event.getData(); byte[] data = getZkDataForNode(child.getPath()); if (data == null) {"Ignoring event: Type - %s , Path - %s , Version - %s", event.getType(), child.getPath(), child.getStat().getVersion()); return; } final String containerKey = ZKPaths.getNodeFromPath(child.getPath()); final ContainerClass container = strategy.deserializeContainer(data); // This would normally be a race condition, but the only thing that should be mutating the containers // map is this listener, which should never run concurrently. If the same container is going to disappear // and come back, we expect a removed event in between. if (containers.containsKey(containerKey)) { log.error("New node[%s] but there was already one. That's not good, ignoring new one.", child.getPath()); } else { final String inventoryPath = StringUtils.format("%s/%s", config.getInventoryPath(), containerKey); PathChildrenCache inventoryCache = cacheFactory.make(curatorFramework, inventoryPath); inventoryCache.getListenable() .addListener(new InventoryCacheListener(containerKey, inventoryPath)); containers.put(containerKey, new ContainerHolder(container, inventoryCache)); log.debug("Starting inventory cache for %s, inventoryPath %s", containerKey, inventoryPath); inventoryCache.start(PathChildrenCache.StartMode.POST_INITIALIZED_EVENT); strategy.newContainer(container); } } break; case CHILD_REMOVED: synchronized (lock) { final ChildData child = event.getData(); final String containerKey = ZKPaths.getNodeFromPath(child.getPath()); final ContainerHolder removed = containers.remove(containerKey); if (removed == null) { log.warn("Container[%s] removed that wasn't a container!?", child.getPath()); break; } // This close() call actually calls shutdownNow() on the executor registered with the Cache object, it // better have its own executor or ignore shutdownNow() calls... log.debug("Closing inventory cache for %s. Also removing listeners.", containerKey); removed.getCache().getListenable().clear(); removed.getCache().close(); strategy.deadContainer(removed.getContainer()); // also remove node from uninitilized, in case a nodes gets removed while we are starting up synchronized (removed) { markInventoryInitialized(removed); } } break; case CHILD_UPDATED: synchronized (lock) { final ChildData child = event.getData(); byte[] data = getZkDataForNode(child.getPath()); if (data == null) {"Ignoring event: Type - %s , Path - %s , Version - %s", event.getType(), child.getPath(), child.getStat().getVersion()); return; } final String containerKey = ZKPaths.getNodeFromPath(child.getPath()); final ContainerClass container = strategy.deserializeContainer(data); log.debug("Container[%s] updated.", child.getPath()); ContainerHolder holder = containers.get(containerKey); if (holder == null) { log.warn("Container update[%s], but the old container didn't exist!? Ignoring.", child.getPath()); } else { synchronized (holder) { holder.setContainer(strategy.updateContainer(holder.getContainer(), container)); } } } break; case INITIALIZED: synchronized (lock) { // must await initialized of all containerholders for (ContainerHolder holder : containers.values()) { synchronized (holder) { if (!holder.initialized) { uninitializedInventory.add(holder); } } } containersInitialized = true; maybeDoneInitializing(); } break; case CONNECTION_SUSPENDED: case CONNECTION_RECONNECTED: case CONNECTION_LOST: // do nothing } } // must be run in synchronized(lock) { synchronized(holder) { ... } } block private void markInventoryInitialized(final ContainerHolder holder) { holder.initialized = true; uninitializedInventory.remove(holder); maybeDoneInitializing(); } private void maybeDoneInitializing() { if (doneInitializing) { return; } // only fire if we are done initializing the parent PathChildrenCache if (containersInitialized && uninitializedInventory.isEmpty()) { doneInitializing = true; strategy.inventoryInitialized(); } } private class InventoryCacheListener implements PathChildrenCacheListener { private final String containerKey; private final String inventoryPath; public InventoryCacheListener(String containerKey, String inventoryPath) { this.containerKey = containerKey; this.inventoryPath = inventoryPath;"Created new InventoryCacheListener for %s", inventoryPath); } @Override public void childEvent(CuratorFramework client, PathChildrenCacheEvent event) { final ContainerHolder holder = containers.get(containerKey); if (holder == null) { return; } switch (event.getType()) { case CHILD_ADDED: { final ChildData child = event.getData(); byte[] data = getZkDataForNode(child.getPath()); if (data == null) {"Ignoring event: Type - %s , Path - %s , Version - %s", event.getType(), child.getPath(), child.getStat().getVersion()); return; } final String inventoryKey = ZKPaths.getNodeFromPath(child.getPath()); log.debug("CHILD_ADDED[%s] with version[%s]", child.getPath(), event.getData().getStat().getVersion()); final InventoryClass addedInventory = strategy.deserializeInventory(data); synchronized (holder) { holder.setContainer( strategy.addInventory(holder.getContainer(), inventoryKey, addedInventory)); } break; } case CHILD_UPDATED: { final ChildData child = event.getData(); byte[] data = getZkDataForNode(child.getPath()); if (data == null) {"Ignoring event: Type - %s , Path - %s , Version - %s", event.getType(), child.getPath(), child.getStat().getVersion()); return; } final String inventoryKey = ZKPaths.getNodeFromPath(child.getPath()); log.debug("CHILD_UPDATED[%s] with version[%s]", child.getPath(), event.getData().getStat().getVersion()); final InventoryClass updatedInventory = strategy.deserializeInventory(data); synchronized (holder) { holder.setContainer( strategy.updateInventory(holder.getContainer(), inventoryKey, updatedInventory)); } break; } case CHILD_REMOVED: { final ChildData child = event.getData(); final String inventoryKey = ZKPaths.getNodeFromPath(child.getPath()); log.debug("CHILD_REMOVED[%s] with version[%s]", child.getPath(), event.getData().getStat().getVersion()); synchronized (holder) { holder.setContainer(strategy.removeInventory(holder.getContainer(), inventoryKey)); } break; } case INITIALIZED: { // make sure to acquire locks in (lock -> holder) order synchronized (lock) { synchronized (holder) { markInventoryInitialized(holder); } } break; } case CONNECTION_SUSPENDED: case CONNECTION_RECONNECTED: case CONNECTION_LOST: // do nothing } } } } }