Java tutorial
/* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.apache.drill.yarn.scripts; import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals; import static org.junit.Assert.assertNotNull; import static org.junit.Assert.assertNull; import static org.junit.Assert.assertTrue; import static; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.nio.file.Files; import java.nio.file.StandardCopyOption; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import; public class ScriptUtils { private static ScriptUtils instance = new ScriptUtils(); public File distribDir; public File javaHome; public File testDir; public File testDrillHome; public File testSiteDir; public File testLogDir; public boolean externalLogDir; /** * Out-of-the-box command-line arguments when launching sqlline. * Order is not important here (though it is to Java.) */ public static String sqlLineArgs[] = makeSqlLineArgs(); private static String[] makeSqlLineArgs() { String args[] = { "-Dlog.path=/.*/drill/log/sqlline\\.log", "-Dlog.query.path=/.*/drill/log/sqlline_queries\\.json", "-XX:MaxPermSize=512M", "sqlline\\.SqlLine", "-d", "org\\.apache\\.drill\\.jdbc\\.Driver", "--maxWidth=10000", "--color=true" }; // Special handling if this machine happens to have the default // /var/log/drill log location. if (new File("/var/log/drill").exists()) { args[0] = "-Dlog\\.path=/var/log/drill/sqlline\\.log"; args[1] = "-Dlog\\.query\\.path=/var/log/drill/sqlline_queries\\.json"; } return args; } public static final boolean USE_SOURCE = true; public static final String TEMP_DIR = "/tmp"; public static boolean useSource = USE_SOURCE; private ScriptUtils() { String drillScriptsDir = System.getProperty("drillScriptDir"); assertNotNull(drillScriptsDir); distribDir = new File(drillScriptsDir); javaHome = new File(System.getProperty("java.home")); } public static ScriptUtils instance() { return instance; } public ScriptUtils fromSource(String sourceDir) { useSource = true; return this; } public ScriptUtils fromDistrib(String distrib) { distribDir = new File(distrib); useSource = false; return this; } /** * Out-of-the-box command-line arguments when launching Drill. * Order is not important here (though it is to Java.) */ public static String stdArgs[] = buildStdArgs(); private static String[] buildStdArgs() { String args[] = { "-Xms4G", "-Xmx4G", "-XX:MaxDirectMemorySize=8G", "-XX:MaxPermSize=512M", "-XX:ReservedCodeCacheSize=1G", // Removed in Drill 1.8 // "-Ddrill\\.exec\\.enable-epoll=true", "-XX:\\+CMSClassUnloadingEnabled", "-XX:\\+UseG1GC", "org\\.apache\\.drill\\.exec\\.server\\.Drillbit", "-Dlog\\.path=/.*/script-test/drill/log/drillbit\\.log", "-Dlog\\.query\\.path=/.*/script-test/drill/log/drillbit_queries\\.json", }; // Special handling if this machine happens to have the default // /var/log/drill log location. if (new File("/var/log/drill").exists()) { args[args.length - 2] = "-Dlog\\.path=/var/log/drill/drillbit\\.log"; args[args.length - 1] = "-Dlog\\.query\\.path=/var/log/drill/drillbit_queries\\.json"; } return args; }; /** * Out-of-the-box class-path before any custom additions. */ static String stdCp[] = { "conf", "jars/*", "jars/ext/*", "jars/3rdparty/*", "jars/classb/*" }; /** * Directories to create to simulate a Drill distribution. */ static String distribDirs[] = { "bin", "jars", "jars/3rdparty", "jars/ext", "conf" }; /** * Out-of-the-box Jar directories. */ static String jarDirs[] = { "jars", "jars/3rdparty", "jars/ext", }; /** * Scripts we must copy from the source tree to create a simulated * Drill bin directory. */ public static String scripts[] = { "", "drill-embedded", "drill-localhost", "", "", "drill-conf", //dumpcat //hadoop-excludes.txt "runbit", "sqlline", //sqlline.bat //submit_plan "" }; /** * Create the basic test directory. Tests add or remove details. */ public void initialSetup() throws IOException { File tempDir = new File(TEMP_DIR); testDir = new File(tempDir, "script-test"); testDrillHome = new File(testDir, "drill"); testSiteDir = new File(testDir, "site"); File varLogDrill = new File("/var/log/drill"); if (varLogDrill.exists()) { testLogDir = varLogDrill; externalLogDir = true; } else { testLogDir = new File(testDrillHome, "log"); } if (testDir.exists()) { FileUtils.forceDelete(testDir); } testDir.mkdirs(); testSiteDir.mkdir(); testLogDir.mkdir(); } public void createMockDistrib() throws IOException { if (ScriptUtils.useSource) { buildFromSource(); } else { buildFromDistrib(); } } /** * Build the Drill distribution directory directly from sources. */ private void buildFromSource() throws IOException { createMockDirs(); copyScripts(ScriptUtils.instance().distribDir); } /** * Build the shell of a Drill distribution directory by creating the required * directory structure. */ private void createMockDirs() throws IOException { if (testDrillHome.exists()) { FileUtils.forceDelete(testDrillHome); } testDrillHome.mkdir(); for (String path : ScriptUtils.distribDirs) { File subDir = new File(testDrillHome, path); subDir.mkdirs(); } for (String path : ScriptUtils.jarDirs) { makeDummyJar(new File(testDrillHome, path), "dist"); } } /** * The tests should not require jar files, but we simulate them to be a bit * more realistic. Since we dont' run Java, the jar files can be simulated. */ public File makeDummyJar(File dir, String prefix) throws IOException { String jarName = ""; if (prefix != null) { jarName += prefix + "-"; } jarName += dir.getName() + ".jar"; File jarFile = new File(dir, jarName); writeFile(jarFile, "Dummy jar"); return jarFile; } /** * Create a simple text file with the given contents. */ public void writeFile(File file, String contents) throws IOException { try (PrintWriter out = new PrintWriter(new FileWriter(file))) { out.println(contents); } } /** * Create a or file with the given environment in * the recommended format. */ public void createEnvFile(File file, Map<String, String> env) throws IOException { try (PrintWriter out = new PrintWriter(new FileWriter(file))) { out.println("#!/usr/bin/env bash"); for (String key : env.keySet()) { String value = env.get(key); out.print("export "); out.print(key); out.print("=${"); out.print(key); out.print(":-\""); out.print(value); out.println("\"}"); } } } /** * Copy the standard scripts from source location to the mock distribution * directory. */ private void copyScripts(File sourceDir) throws IOException { File binDir = new File(testDrillHome, "bin"); for (String script : ScriptUtils.scripts) { File source = new File(sourceDir, script); File dest = new File(binDir, script); copyFile(source, dest); dest.setExecutable(true); } // Create the "magic" wrapper script that simulates the Drillbit and // captures the output we need for testing. String wrapper = ""; File dest = new File(binDir, wrapper); try (InputStream is = getClass().getResourceAsStream("/" + wrapper)) { Files.copy(is, dest.toPath(), StandardCopyOption.REPLACE_EXISTING); } dest.setExecutable(true); } private void buildFromDistrib() { // TODO Auto-generated method stub } /** * Consume the input from a stream, specifically the stderr or stdout stream * from a process. * * @see */ private static class StreamGobbler extends Thread { InputStream is; public StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder(); private StreamGobbler(InputStream is) { = is; } @Override public void run() { try { InputStreamReader isr = new InputStreamReader(is); BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(isr); String line = null; while ((line = br.readLine()) != null) { buf.append(line); buf.append("\n"); } } catch (IOException ioe) { ioe.printStackTrace(); } } } /** * Handy run result class to capture the information we need for testing and * to do various kinds of validation on it. */ public static class RunResult { File logDir; File logFile; String stdout; String stderr; List<String> echoArgs; int returnCode; String classPath[]; String libPath[]; String log; public File pidFile; public File outFile; String out; /** * Split the class path into strings for easier validation. */ public void analyze() { if (echoArgs == null) { return; } for (int i = 0; i < echoArgs.size(); i++) { String arg = echoArgs.get(i); if (arg.equals("-cp")) { classPath = Pattern.compile(":").split((echoArgs.get(i + 1))); break; } } String probe = "-Djava.library.path="; for (int i = 0; i < echoArgs.size(); i++) { String arg = echoArgs.get(i); if (arg.startsWith(probe)) { assertNull(libPath); libPath = Pattern.compile(":").split((arg.substring(probe.length()))); break; } } } /** * Read the log file, if any, generated by the process. */ public void loadLog() throws IOException { log = loadFile(logFile); } private String loadFile(File file) throws IOException { StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder(); try (BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(file))) { String line; while ((line = reader.readLine()) != null) { buf.append(line); buf.append("\n"); } return buf.toString(); } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { return null; } } /** * Validate that the first argument invokes Java correctly. */ public void validateJava() { assertNotNull(echoArgs); String java = instance.javaHome + "/bin/java"; List<String> actual = echoArgs; assertEquals(java, actual.get(0)); } public boolean containsArg(String arg) { for (String actual : echoArgs) { if (actual.equals(arg)) { return true; } } return false; } public void validateStockArgs() { for (String arg : ScriptUtils.stdArgs) { assertTrue("Argument not found: " + arg + " in " + echoArgs, containsArgRegex(arg)); } } public void validateArg(String arg) { validateArgs(Collections.singletonList(arg)); } public void validateArgs(String args[]) { validateArgs(Arrays.asList(args)); } public void validateArgs(List<String> args) { validateJava(); for (String arg : args) { assertTrue(containsArg(arg)); } } public void validateArgRegex(String arg) { assertTrue(containsArgRegex(arg)); } public void validateArgsRegex(List<String> args) { assertTrue(containsArgsRegex(args)); } public boolean containsArgsRegex(List<String> args) { for (String arg : args) { if (!containsArgRegex(arg)) { return false; } } return true; } public boolean containsArgsRegex(String args[]) { for (String arg : args) { if (!containsArgRegex(arg)) { return false; } } return true; } public boolean containsArgRegex(String arg) { for (String actual : echoArgs) { if (actual.matches(arg)) { return true; } } return false; } public void validateClassPath(String expectedCP) { assertTrue(classPathContains(expectedCP)); } public void validateClassPath(String expectedCP[]) { assertTrue(classPathContains(expectedCP)); } public boolean classPathContains(String expectedCP[]) { for (String entry : expectedCP) { if (!classPathContains(entry)) { return false; } } return true; } public boolean classPathContains(String expectedCP) { if (classPath == null) { fail("No classpath returned"); } String tail = "/" + instance.testDir.getName() + "/" + instance.testDrillHome.getName() + "/"; String expectedPath; if (expectedCP.startsWith("/")) { expectedPath = expectedCP; } else { expectedPath = tail + expectedCP; } for (String entry : classPath) { if (entry.endsWith(expectedPath)) { return true; } } return false; } public void loadOut() throws IOException { out = loadFile(outFile); } /** * Ensure that the Drill log file contains at least the sample message * written by the wrapper. */ public void validateDrillLog() { assertNotNull(log); assertTrue(log.contains("Drill Log Message")); } /** * Validate that the stdout contained the expected message. */ public void validateStdOut() { assertTrue(stdout.contains("Starting drillbit on")); } /** * Validate that the stderr contained the sample error message from the * wrapper. */ public void validateStdErr() { assertTrue(stderr.contains("Stderr Message")); } public int getPid() throws IOException { try (BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(pidFile))) { return Integer.parseInt(reader.readLine()); } finally { } } } /** * The "business end" of the tests: runs and captures results. */ public static class ScriptRunner { // Drillbit commands public static String DRILLBIT_RUN = "run"; public static String DRILLBIT_START = "start"; public static String DRILLBIT_STATUS = "status"; public static String DRILLBIT_STOP = "stop"; public static String DRILLBIT_RESTART = "restart"; public File cwd = instance.testDir; public File drillHome = instance.testDrillHome; public String script; public List<String> args = new ArrayList<>(); public Map<String, String> env = new HashMap<>(); public File logDir; public File pidFile; public File outputFile; public boolean preserveLogs; public ScriptRunner(String script) { this.script = script; } public ScriptRunner(String script, String cmd) { this(script); args.add(cmd); } public ScriptRunner(String script, String cmdArgs[]) { this(script); for (String arg : cmdArgs) { args.add(arg); } } public ScriptRunner withArg(String arg) { args.add(arg); return this; } public ScriptRunner withSite(File siteDir) { if (siteDir != null) { args.add("--site"); args.add(siteDir.getAbsolutePath()); } return this; } public ScriptRunner withEnvironment(Map<String, String> env) { if (env != null) { this.env.putAll(env); } return this; } public ScriptRunner addEnv(String key, String value) { env.put(key, value); return this; } public ScriptRunner withLogDir(File logDir) { this.logDir = logDir; return this; } public ScriptRunner preserveLogs() { preserveLogs = true; return this; } public RunResult run() throws IOException { File binDir = new File(drillHome, "bin"); File scriptFile = new File(binDir, script); assertTrue(scriptFile.exists()); outputFile = new File(instance.testDir, "output.txt"); outputFile.delete(); if (logDir == null) { logDir = instance.testLogDir; } if (!preserveLogs) { cleanLogs(logDir); } Process proc = startProcess(scriptFile); RunResult result = runProcess(proc); if (result.returnCode == 0) { captureOutput(result); captureLog(result); } return result; } private void cleanLogs(File logDir) throws IOException { if (logDir == instance.testLogDir && instance.externalLogDir) { return; } if (logDir.exists()) { FileUtils.forceDelete(logDir); } } private Process startProcess(File scriptFile) throws IOException { outputFile.delete(); List<String> cmd = new ArrayList<>(); cmd.add(scriptFile.getAbsolutePath()); cmd.addAll(args); ProcessBuilder pb = new ProcessBuilder().command(cmd).directory(cwd); Map<String, String> pbEnv = pb.environment(); pbEnv.clear(); pbEnv.putAll(env); File binDir = new File(drillHome, "bin"); File wrapperCmd = new File(binDir, ""); // Set the magic wrapper to capture output. pbEnv.put("_DRILL_WRAPPER_", wrapperCmd.getAbsolutePath()); pbEnv.put("JAVA_HOME", instance.javaHome.getAbsolutePath()); return pb.start(); } private RunResult runProcess(Process proc) { StreamGobbler errorGobbler = new StreamGobbler(proc.getErrorStream()); StreamGobbler outputGobbler = new StreamGobbler(proc.getInputStream()); outputGobbler.start(); errorGobbler.start(); try { proc.waitFor(); } catch (InterruptedException e) { // Won't occur. } RunResult result = new RunResult(); result.stderr = errorGobbler.buf.toString(); result.stdout = outputGobbler.buf.toString(); result.returnCode = proc.exitValue(); return result; } private void captureOutput(RunResult result) throws IOException { // Capture the Java arguments which the wrapper script wrote to a file. try (BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(outputFile))) { result.echoArgs = new ArrayList<>(); String line; while ((line = reader.readLine()) != null) { result.echoArgs.add(line); } result.analyze(); } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { ; } } private void captureLog(RunResult result) throws IOException { result.logDir = logDir; result.logFile = new File(logDir, "drillbit.log"); if (result.logFile.exists()) { result.loadLog(); } else { result.logFile = null; } } } public static class DrillbitRun extends ScriptRunner { public File pidDir; public DrillbitRun() { super(""); } public DrillbitRun(String cmd) { super("", cmd); } public DrillbitRun withPidDir(File pidDir) { this.pidDir = pidDir; return this; } public DrillbitRun asDaemon() { addEnv("KEEP_RUNNING", "1"); return this; } public RunResult start() throws IOException { if (pidDir == null) { pidDir = drillHome; } pidFile = new File(pidDir, ""); // pidFile.delete(); asDaemon(); RunResult result = run(); if (result.returnCode == 0) { capturePidFile(result); captureDrillOut(result); } return result; } private void capturePidFile(RunResult result) { assertTrue(pidFile.exists()); result.pidFile = pidFile; } private void captureDrillOut(RunResult result) throws IOException { // Drillbit.out result.outFile = new File(result.logDir, "drillbit.out"); if (result.outFile.exists()) { result.loadOut(); } else { result.outFile = null; } } } /** * Build a "starter" conf or site directory by creating a mock * drill-override.conf file. */ public void createMockConf(File siteDir) throws IOException { createDir(siteDir); File override = new File(siteDir, "drill-override.conf"); writeFile(override, "# Dummy override"); } public void removeDir(File dir) throws IOException { if (dir.exists()) { FileUtils.forceDelete(dir); } } /** * Remove, then create a directory. */ public File createDir(File dir) throws IOException { removeDir(dir); dir.mkdirs(); return dir; } public void copyFile(File source, File dest) throws IOException { Files.copy(source.toPath(), dest.toPath(), StandardCopyOption.REPLACE_EXISTING); } }