Java tutorial
/** * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.apache.distributedlog.impl.logsegment; import static; import; import; import io.netty.util.ReferenceCountUtil; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Enumeration; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import java.util.concurrent.CompletableFuture; import java.util.concurrent.CopyOnWriteArraySet; import java.util.concurrent.LinkedBlockingQueue; import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicIntegerFieldUpdater; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicLongFieldUpdater; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicReferenceFieldUpdater; import org.apache.bookkeeper.client.AsyncCallback; import org.apache.bookkeeper.client.BKException; import org.apache.bookkeeper.client.BookKeeper; import org.apache.bookkeeper.client.LedgerEntry; import org.apache.bookkeeper.client.LedgerHandle; import org.apache.bookkeeper.common.concurrent.FutureUtils; import org.apache.bookkeeper.common.util.OrderedScheduler; import org.apache.bookkeeper.common.util.SafeRunnable; import org.apache.bookkeeper.stats.Counter; import org.apache.bookkeeper.stats.StatsLogger; import org.apache.distributedlog.DistributedLogConfiguration; import org.apache.distributedlog.Entry; import org.apache.distributedlog.LogSegmentMetadata; import org.apache.distributedlog.exceptions.BKTransmitException; import org.apache.distributedlog.exceptions.DLIllegalStateException; import org.apache.distributedlog.exceptions.DLInterruptedException; import org.apache.distributedlog.exceptions.EndOfLogSegmentException; import org.apache.distributedlog.exceptions.ReadCancelledException; import org.apache.distributedlog.injector.AsyncFailureInjector; import org.apache.distributedlog.logsegment.LogSegmentEntryReader; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; /** * BookKeeper ledger based log segment entry reader. */ public class BKLogSegmentEntryReader implements SafeRunnable, LogSegmentEntryReader, AsyncCallback.OpenCallback { private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(BKLogSegmentEntryReader.class); private class CacheEntry implements SafeRunnable, AsyncCallback.ReadCallback, AsyncCallback.ReadLastConfirmedAndEntryCallback { protected final long entryId; private boolean done; private LedgerEntry entry; private int rc; private CacheEntry(long entryId) { this.entryId = entryId; this.entry = null; this.rc = BKException.Code.UnexpectedConditionException; this.done = false; } long getEntryId() { return entryId; } synchronized boolean isDone() { return done; } synchronized void release() { if (null != this.entry) { this.entry.getEntryBuffer().release(); this.entry = null; } } void release(LedgerEntry entry) { if (null != entry) { entry.getEntryBuffer().release(); } } void complete(LedgerEntry entry) { // the reader is already closed if (isClosed()) { release(entry); } synchronized (this) { if (done) { return; } this.rc = BKException.Code.OK; this.entry = entry; } setDone(true); } void completeExceptionally(int rc) { synchronized (this) { if (done) { return; } this.rc = rc; } setDone(false); } void setDone(boolean success) { synchronized (this) { this.done = true; } onReadEntryDone(success); } synchronized boolean isSuccess() { return BKException.Code.OK == rc; } synchronized LedgerEntry getEntry() { // retain reference for the caller this.entry.getEntryBuffer().retain(); return this.entry; } synchronized int getRc() { return rc; } @Override public void readComplete(int rc, LedgerHandle lh, Enumeration<LedgerEntry> entries, Object ctx) { if (failureInjector.shouldInjectCorruption(entryId, entryId)) { rc = BKException.Code.DigestMatchException; } processReadEntries(rc, lh, entries, ctx); } void processReadEntries(int rc, LedgerHandle lh, Enumeration<LedgerEntry> entries, Object ctx) { if (isDone()) { return; } if (!checkReturnCodeAndHandleFailure(rc, false)) { return; } LedgerEntry entry = null; while (entries.hasMoreElements()) { // more entries are returned if (null != entry) { completeExceptionally(BKException.Code.UnexpectedConditionException); return; } entry = entries.nextElement(); } if (null == entry || entry.getEntryId() != entryId) { completeExceptionally(BKException.Code.UnexpectedConditionException); return; } complete(entry); } @Override public void readLastConfirmedAndEntryComplete(int rc, long entryId, LedgerEntry entry, Object ctx) { if (failureInjector.shouldInjectCorruption(this.entryId, this.entryId)) { rc = BKException.Code.DigestMatchException; } processReadEntry(rc, entryId, entry, ctx); } void processReadEntry(int rc, long entryId, LedgerEntry entry, Object ctx) { if (isDone()) { return; } if (!checkReturnCodeAndHandleFailure(rc, true)) { return; } if (null != entry && this.entryId == entryId) { complete(entry); return; } // the long poll is timeout or interrupted; we will retry it again. issueRead(this); } /** * Check return code and retry if needed. * * @param rc the return code * @param isLongPoll is it a long poll request * @return is the request successful or not */ boolean checkReturnCodeAndHandleFailure(int rc, boolean isLongPoll) { if (BKException.Code.OK == rc) { numReadErrorsUpdater.set(BKLogSegmentEntryReader.this, 0); return true; } if (BKException.Code.BookieHandleNotAvailableException == rc || (isLongPoll && BKException.Code.NoSuchLedgerExistsException == rc)) { int numErrors = Math.max(1, numReadErrorsUpdater.incrementAndGet(BKLogSegmentEntryReader.this)); int nextReadBackoffTime = Math.min(numErrors * readAheadWaitTime, maxReadBackoffTime); scheduler.scheduleOrdered(getSegment().getLogSegmentId(), this, nextReadBackoffTime, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS); } else { completeExceptionally(rc); } return false; } @Override public void safeRun() { issueRead(this); } } private class PendingReadRequest { private final int numEntries; private final List<Entry.Reader> entries; private final CompletableFuture<List<Entry.Reader>> promise; PendingReadRequest(int numEntries) { this.numEntries = numEntries; if (numEntries == 1) { this.entries = new ArrayList<Entry.Reader>(1); } else { this.entries = new ArrayList<Entry.Reader>(); } this.promise = new CompletableFuture<List<Entry.Reader>>(); } CompletableFuture<List<Entry.Reader>> getPromise() { return promise; } void completeExceptionally(Throwable throwable) { FutureUtils.completeExceptionally(promise, throwable); } void addEntry(Entry.Reader entry) { entries.add(entry); } void complete() { FutureUtils.complete(promise, entries); onEntriesConsumed(entries.size()); } boolean hasReadEntries() { return entries.size() > 0; } boolean hasReadEnoughEntries() { return entries.size() >= numEntries; } } private final BookKeeper bk; private final DistributedLogConfiguration conf; private final OrderedScheduler scheduler; private final long lssn; private final long startSequenceId; private final boolean envelopeEntries; private final boolean deserializeRecordSet; private final int numPrefetchEntries; private final int maxPrefetchEntries; // state private CompletableFuture<Void> closePromise = null; private LogSegmentMetadata metadata; private LedgerHandle lh; private final List<LedgerHandle> openLedgerHandles; private CacheEntry outstandingLongPoll; private long nextEntryId; private static final AtomicReferenceFieldUpdater<BKLogSegmentEntryReader, Throwable> lastExceptionUpdater = AtomicReferenceFieldUpdater .newUpdater(BKLogSegmentEntryReader.class, Throwable.class, "lastException"); private volatile Throwable lastException = null; private static final AtomicLongFieldUpdater<BKLogSegmentEntryReader> scheduleCountUpdater = AtomicLongFieldUpdater .newUpdater(BKLogSegmentEntryReader.class, "scheduleCount"); private volatile long scheduleCount = 0L; private volatile boolean hasCaughtupOnInprogress = false; private final CopyOnWriteArraySet<StateChangeListener> stateChangeListeners = new CopyOnWriteArraySet<StateChangeListener>(); // read retries private int readAheadWaitTime; private final int maxReadBackoffTime; private static final AtomicIntegerFieldUpdater<BKLogSegmentEntryReader> numReadErrorsUpdater = AtomicIntegerFieldUpdater .newUpdater(BKLogSegmentEntryReader.class, "numReadErrors"); private volatile int numReadErrors = 0; private final boolean skipBrokenEntries; // readahead cache int cachedEntries = 0; int numOutstandingEntries = 0; final LinkedBlockingQueue<CacheEntry> readAheadEntries; // request queue final LinkedList<PendingReadRequest> readQueue; // failure injector private final AsyncFailureInjector failureInjector; // Stats private final Counter skippedBrokenEntriesCounter; BKLogSegmentEntryReader(LogSegmentMetadata metadata, LedgerHandle lh, long startEntryId, BookKeeper bk, OrderedScheduler scheduler, DistributedLogConfiguration conf, StatsLogger statsLogger, AsyncFailureInjector failureInjector) { this.metadata = metadata; this.lssn = metadata.getLogSegmentSequenceNumber(); this.startSequenceId = metadata.getStartSequenceId(); this.envelopeEntries = metadata.getEnvelopeEntries(); this.deserializeRecordSet = conf.getDeserializeRecordSetOnReads(); this.lh = lh; this.nextEntryId = Math.max(startEntryId, 0); this.bk = bk; this.conf = conf; this.numPrefetchEntries = conf.getNumPrefetchEntriesPerLogSegment(); this.maxPrefetchEntries = conf.getMaxPrefetchEntriesPerLogSegment(); this.scheduler = scheduler; this.openLedgerHandles = Lists.newArrayList(); this.openLedgerHandles.add(lh); this.outstandingLongPoll = null; // create the readahead queue this.readAheadEntries = new LinkedBlockingQueue<CacheEntry>(); // create the read request queue this.readQueue = new LinkedList<PendingReadRequest>(); // read backoff settings this.readAheadWaitTime = conf.getReadAheadWaitTime(); this.maxReadBackoffTime = 4 * conf.getReadAheadWaitTime(); // other read settings this.skipBrokenEntries = conf.getReadAheadSkipBrokenEntries(); // Failure Injection this.failureInjector = failureInjector; // Stats this.skippedBrokenEntriesCounter = statsLogger.getCounter("skipped_broken_entries"); } @VisibleForTesting public synchronized CacheEntry getOutstandingLongPoll() { return outstandingLongPoll; } @VisibleForTesting LinkedBlockingQueue<CacheEntry> getReadAheadEntries() { return this.readAheadEntries; } synchronized LedgerHandle getLh() { return lh; } @Override public synchronized LogSegmentMetadata getSegment() { return metadata; } @VisibleForTesting synchronized long getNextEntryId() { return nextEntryId; } @Override public void start() { prefetchIfNecessary(); } @Override public boolean hasCaughtUpOnInprogress() { return hasCaughtupOnInprogress; } @Override public LogSegmentEntryReader registerListener(StateChangeListener listener) { stateChangeListeners.add(listener); return this; } @Override public LogSegmentEntryReader unregisterListener(StateChangeListener listener) { stateChangeListeners.remove(listener); return this; } private void notifyCaughtupOnInprogress() { for (StateChangeListener listener : stateChangeListeners) { listener.onCaughtupOnInprogress(); } } // // Process on Log Segment Metadata Updates // @Override public synchronized void onLogSegmentMetadataUpdated(LogSegmentMetadata segment) { if (metadata == segment ||, segment) == 0 || !(metadata.isInProgress() && !segment.isInProgress())) { return; } // segment is closed from inprogress, then re-open the log segment bk.asyncOpenLedger(segment.getLogSegmentId(), BookKeeper.DigestType.CRC32, conf.getBKDigestPW().getBytes(UTF_8), this, segment); } @Override public void openComplete(int rc, LedgerHandle lh, Object ctx) { LogSegmentMetadata segment = (LogSegmentMetadata) ctx; if (BKException.Code.OK != rc) { // fail current reader or retry opening the reader failOrRetryOpenLedger(rc, segment); return; } // switch to new ledger handle if the log segment is moved to completed. CacheEntry longPollRead = null; synchronized (this) { if (isClosed()) { lh.asyncClose(new AsyncCallback.CloseCallback() { @Override public void closeComplete(int rc, LedgerHandle lh, Object ctx) { logger.debug("Close the open ledger {} since the log segment reader is already closed", lh.getId()); } }, null); return; } this.metadata = segment; this.lh = lh; this.openLedgerHandles.add(lh); longPollRead = outstandingLongPoll; } if (null != longPollRead) { // reissue the long poll read when the log segment state is changed issueRead(longPollRead); } // notify readers notifyReaders(); } private void failOrRetryOpenLedger(int rc, final LogSegmentMetadata segment) { if (isClosed()) { return; } if (isBeyondLastAddConfirmed()) { // if the reader is already caught up, let's fail the reader immediately // as we need to pull the latest metadata of this log segment. completeExceptionally( new BKTransmitException("Failed to open ledger for reading log segment " + getSegment(), rc), true); return; } // the reader is still catching up, retry opening the log segment later scheduler.scheduleOrdered(segment.getLogSegmentId(), () -> onLogSegmentMetadataUpdated(segment), conf.getZKRetryBackoffStartMillis(), TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS); } // // Change the state of this reader // private boolean checkClosedOrInError() { Throwable cause = lastExceptionUpdater.get(this); if (null != cause) { cancelAllPendingReads(cause); return true; } return false; } /** * Set the reader into error state with return code <i>rc</i>. * * @param throwable exception indicating the error * @param isBackground is the reader set exception by background reads or foreground reads */ private void completeExceptionally(Throwable throwable, boolean isBackground) { lastExceptionUpdater.compareAndSet(this, null, throwable); if (isBackground) { notifyReaders(); } } /** * Notify the readers with the state change. */ private void notifyReaders() { processReadRequests(); } private void cancelAllPendingReads(Throwable throwExc) { List<PendingReadRequest> requestsToCancel; synchronized (readQueue) { requestsToCancel = Lists.newArrayListWithExpectedSize(readQueue.size()); requestsToCancel.addAll(readQueue); readQueue.clear(); } for (PendingReadRequest request : requestsToCancel) { request.completeExceptionally(throwExc); } } private void releaseAllCachedEntries() { synchronized (this) { CacheEntry entry = readAheadEntries.poll(); while (null != entry) { entry.release(); entry = readAheadEntries.poll(); } } } // // Background Read Operations // private void onReadEntryDone(boolean success) { // we successfully read an entry synchronized (this) { --numOutstandingEntries; } // notify reader that there is entry ready notifyReaders(); // stop prefetch if we already encountered exceptions if (success) { prefetchIfNecessary(); } } private void onEntriesConsumed(int numEntries) { synchronized (this) { cachedEntries -= numEntries; } prefetchIfNecessary(); } private void prefetchIfNecessary() { List<CacheEntry> entriesToFetch; synchronized (this) { if (cachedEntries >= maxPrefetchEntries) { return; } // we don't have enough entries, do prefetch int numEntriesToFetch = numPrefetchEntries - numOutstandingEntries; if (numEntriesToFetch <= 0) { return; } entriesToFetch = new ArrayList<CacheEntry>(numEntriesToFetch); for (int i = 0; i < numEntriesToFetch; i++) { if (cachedEntries >= maxPrefetchEntries) { break; } if ((isLedgerClosed() && nextEntryId > getLastAddConfirmed()) || (!isLedgerClosed() && nextEntryId > getLastAddConfirmed() + 1)) { break; } CacheEntry entry = new CacheEntry(nextEntryId); entriesToFetch.add(entry); readAheadEntries.add(entry); ++numOutstandingEntries; ++cachedEntries; ++nextEntryId; } } for (CacheEntry entry : entriesToFetch) { issueRead(entry); } } private void issueRead(CacheEntry cacheEntry) { if (isClosed()) { return; } if (isLedgerClosed()) { if (isNotBeyondLastAddConfirmed(cacheEntry.getEntryId())) { issueSimpleRead(cacheEntry); return; } else { // Reach the end of stream notifyReaders(); } } else { // the ledger is still in progress if (isNotBeyondLastAddConfirmed(cacheEntry.getEntryId())) { issueSimpleRead(cacheEntry); } else { issueLongPollRead(cacheEntry); } } } private void issueSimpleRead(CacheEntry cacheEntry) { getLh().asyncReadEntries(cacheEntry.entryId, cacheEntry.entryId, cacheEntry, null); } private void issueLongPollRead(CacheEntry cacheEntry) { // register the read as outstanding reads synchronized (this) { this.outstandingLongPoll = cacheEntry; } if (!hasCaughtupOnInprogress) { hasCaughtupOnInprogress = true; notifyCaughtupOnInprogress(); } getLh().asyncReadLastConfirmedAndEntry(cacheEntry.entryId, conf.getReadLACLongPollTimeout(), false, cacheEntry, null); } // // Foreground Read Operations // Entry.Reader processReadEntry(LedgerEntry entry) throws IOException { return Entry.newBuilder().setLogSegmentInfo(lssn, startSequenceId).setEntryId(entry.getEntryId()) .setEnvelopeEntry(envelopeEntries).deserializeRecordSet(deserializeRecordSet) .setEntry(entry.getEntryBuffer()).buildReader(); } @Override public CompletableFuture<List<Entry.Reader>> readNext(int numEntries) { final PendingReadRequest readRequest = new PendingReadRequest(numEntries); if (checkClosedOrInError()) { readRequest.completeExceptionally(lastExceptionUpdater.get(this)); } else { boolean wasQueueEmpty; synchronized (readQueue) { wasQueueEmpty = readQueue.isEmpty(); readQueue.add(readRequest); } if (wasQueueEmpty) { processReadRequests(); } } return readRequest.getPromise(); } private void processReadRequests() { if (isClosed()) { // the reader is already closed. return; } long prevCount = scheduleCountUpdater.getAndIncrement(this); if (0 == prevCount) { scheduler.executeOrdered(getSegment().getLogSegmentId(), this); } } /** * The core function to propagate fetched entries to read requests. */ @Override public void safeRun() { long scheduleCountLocal = scheduleCountUpdater.get(this); while (true) { PendingReadRequest nextRequest = null; synchronized (readQueue) { nextRequest = readQueue.peek(); } // if read queue is empty, nothing to read, return if (null == nextRequest) { scheduleCountUpdater.set(this, 0L); return; } // if the oldest pending promise is interrupted then we must // mark the reader in error and abort all pending reads since // we don't know the last consumed read if (null == lastExceptionUpdater.get(this)) { if (nextRequest.getPromise().isCancelled()) { completeExceptionally(new DLInterruptedException("Interrupted on reading log segment " + getSegment() + " : " + nextRequest.getPromise().isCancelled()), false); } } // if the reader is in error state, stop read if (checkClosedOrInError()) { return; } // read entries from readahead cache to satisfy next read request readEntriesFromReadAheadCache(nextRequest); // check if we can satisfy the read request if (nextRequest.hasReadEntries()) { PendingReadRequest request; synchronized (readQueue) { request = readQueue.poll(); } if (null != request && nextRequest == request) { request.complete(); } else { DLIllegalStateException ise = new DLIllegalStateException( "Unexpected condition at reading from " + getSegment()); nextRequest.completeExceptionally(ise); if (null != request) { request.completeExceptionally(ise); } completeExceptionally(ise, false); } } else { if (0 == scheduleCountLocal) { return; } scheduleCountLocal = scheduleCountUpdater.decrementAndGet(this); } } } private void readEntriesFromReadAheadCache(PendingReadRequest nextRequest) { while (!nextRequest.hasReadEnoughEntries()) { CacheEntry entry; boolean hitEndOfLogSegment; synchronized (this) { entry = readAheadEntries.peek(); hitEndOfLogSegment = (null == entry) && isEndOfLogSegment(); } // reach end of log segment if (hitEndOfLogSegment) { completeExceptionally(new EndOfLogSegmentException(getSegment().getZNodeName()), false); return; } if (null == entry) { return; } // entry is not complete yet. if (!entry.isDone()) { // we already reached end of the log segment if (isEndOfLogSegment(entry.getEntryId())) { completeExceptionally(new EndOfLogSegmentException(getSegment().getZNodeName()), false); } return; } if (entry.isSuccess()) { CacheEntry removedEntry = readAheadEntries.poll(); try { if (entry != removedEntry) { DLIllegalStateException ise = new DLIllegalStateException( "Unexpected condition at reading from " + getSegment()); completeExceptionally(ise, false); return; } try { // the reference is retained on `entry.getEntry()`. // Entry.Reader is responsible for releasing it. nextRequest.addEntry(processReadEntry(entry.getEntry())); } catch (IOException e) { completeExceptionally(e, false); return; } } finally { ReferenceCountUtil.safeRelease(removedEntry); } } else if (skipBrokenEntries && BKException.Code.DigestMatchException == entry.getRc()) { // skip this entry and move forward; CacheEntry removedEntry = readAheadEntries.poll(); removedEntry.release(); continue; } else { completeExceptionally(new BKTransmitException("Encountered issue on reading entry " + entry.getEntryId() + " @ log segment " + getSegment(), entry.getRc()), false); return; } } } // // State Management // private synchronized boolean isEndOfLogSegment() { return isEndOfLogSegment(nextEntryId); } private boolean isEndOfLogSegment(long entryId) { return isLedgerClosed() && entryId > getLastAddConfirmed(); } @Override public synchronized boolean isBeyondLastAddConfirmed() { return isBeyondLastAddConfirmed(nextEntryId); } private boolean isBeyondLastAddConfirmed(long entryId) { return entryId > getLastAddConfirmed(); } private boolean isNotBeyondLastAddConfirmed(long entryId) { return entryId <= getLastAddConfirmed(); } private boolean isLedgerClosed() { return getLh().isClosed(); } @Override public long getLastAddConfirmed() { return getLh().getLastAddConfirmed(); } synchronized boolean isClosed() { return null != closePromise; } @Override public CompletableFuture<Void> asyncClose() { final CompletableFuture<Void> closeFuture; ReadCancelledException exception; LedgerHandle[] lhsToClose; synchronized (this) { if (null != closePromise) { return closePromise; } closeFuture = closePromise = new CompletableFuture<Void>(); lhsToClose = openLedgerHandles.toArray(new LedgerHandle[openLedgerHandles.size()]); // set the exception to cancel pending and subsequent reads exception = new ReadCancelledException(getSegment().getZNodeName(), "Reader was closed"); completeExceptionally(exception, false); } // release the cached entries releaseAllCachedEntries(); // cancel all pending reads cancelAllPendingReads(exception); // close all the open ledger FutureUtils.proxyTo(BKUtils.closeLedgers(lhsToClose), closeFuture); return closeFuture; } }