Java tutorial
/** * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the License is distributed on an * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. */ package org.apache.ctakes.ytex.R; import; import; import; import java.util.Properties; import java.util.SortedSet; import org.apache.commons.cli.CommandLine; import org.apache.commons.cli.CommandLineParser; import org.apache.commons.cli.GnuParser; import org.apache.commons.cli.HelpFormatter; import org.apache.commons.cli.OptionBuilder; import org.apache.commons.cli.Options; import org.apache.commons.cli.ParseException; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import org.apache.ctakes.ytex.kernel.FileUtil; import org.apache.ctakes.ytex.kernel.InstanceData; import org.apache.ctakes.ytex.kernel.KernelContextHolder; import org.apache.ctakes.ytex.kernel.KernelUtil; import org.apache.ctakes.ytex.kernel.dao.KernelEvaluationDao; import org.apache.ctakes.ytex.sparsematrix.InstanceDataExporter; public class RGramMatrixExporterImpl implements RGramMatrixExporter { private static final Log log = LogFactory.getLog(RGramMatrixExporter.class); @SuppressWarnings("static-access") public static void main(String args[]) throws IOException { Options options = new Options(); options.addOption(OptionBuilder.withArgName("prop").hasArg().isRequired() .withDescription("property file with queries and other kernel parameters").create("prop")); try { CommandLineParser parser = new GnuParser(); CommandLine line = parser.parse(options, args); RGramMatrixExporter exporter = (RGramMatrixExporter) KernelContextHolder.getApplicationContext() .getBean(RGramMatrixExporter.class); exporter.exportGramMatrix(FileUtil.loadProperties(line.getOptionValue("prop"), true)); } catch (ParseException pe) { HelpFormatter formatter = new HelpFormatter(); formatter.printHelp( "java " + RGramMatrixExporterImpl.class.getName() + " export gram matrix for use in R/Matlab", options); } } private InstanceDataExporter instanceDataExporter; private KernelEvaluationDao kernelEvaluationDao; private KernelUtil kernelUtil; private void exportGramMatrices(String name, String experiment, double param1, String param2, String splitName, String scope, String outdir, InstanceData instanceData) throws IOException { if (scope == null || scope.length() == 0) { exportGramMatrix(name, experiment, param1, param2, splitName, outdir, instanceData, null, 0, 0); } else { for (String label : instanceData.getLabelToInstanceMap().keySet()) { if ("label".equals(scope)) { exportGramMatrix(name, experiment, param1, param2, splitName, outdir, instanceData, label, 0, 0); } else if ("fold".equals(scope)) { for (int run : instanceData.getLabelToInstanceMap().get(label).keySet()) { for (int fold : instanceData.getLabelToInstanceMap().get(label).get(run).keySet()) { exportGramMatrix(name, experiment, param1, param2, splitName, outdir, instanceData, label, run, fold); } } } } } } private void exportGramMatrix(String name, String experiment, double param1, String param2, String splitName, String outdir, InstanceData instanceData, String label, int run, int fold) throws IOException { SortedSet<Long> instanceIds = instanceData.getAllInstanceIds(label, run, fold); String filePrefix = FileUtil.getDataFilePrefix(outdir, label, run, fold, null); double[][] gramMatrix = kernelUtil.loadGramMatrix(instanceIds, name, splitName, experiment, label, run, fold, param1, param2); if (gramMatrix != null) outputGramMatrix(gramMatrix, instanceIds, filePrefix); } // private KernelEvaluation getKernelEval(String name, String splitName, // String experiment, String label, int run, int fold, double param1, // String param2) { // int foldId = 0; // if (run != 0 && fold != 0) { // CrossValidationFold f = this.classifierEvaluationDao // .getCrossValidationFold(name, splitName, label, run, fold); // if (f != null) // foldId = f.getCrossValidationFoldId(); // } // KernelEvaluation kEval = this.kernelEvaluationDao.getKernelEval(name, // experiment, label, foldId, param1, param2); // if (kEval == null) { // log.warn("could not find kernelEvaluation. name=" + name // + ", experiment=" + experiment + ", label=" + label // + ", fold=" + fold + ", run=" + run); // } // return kEval; // } /* * (non-Javadoc) * * @see org.apache.ctakes.ytex.R.RGramMatrixExporter#exportGramMatrix(java.util.Properties) */ @Override public void exportGramMatrix(Properties props) throws IOException { String name = props.getProperty("org.apache.ctakes.ytex.corpusName"); String splitName = props.getProperty("org.apache.ctakes.ytex.splitName"); String experiment = props.getProperty("org.apache.ctakes.ytex.experiment"); String param2 = props.getProperty("org.apache.ctakes.ytex.param2"); double param1 = Double.parseDouble(props.getProperty("org.apache.ctakes.ytex.param1", "0")); String scope = props.getProperty("scope"); String outdir = props.getProperty("outdir"); InstanceData instanceData = this.getKernelUtil().loadInstances(props.getProperty("instanceClassQuery")); exportGramMatrices(name, experiment, param1, param2, splitName, scope, outdir, instanceData); instanceDataExporter.outputInstanceData(instanceData, FileUtil.addFilenameToDir(outdir, "instance.txt")); } // // private void exportGramMatrix(String name, String experiment, // double param1, String param2, String outdir, // InstanceData instanceData, String label, int foldId) // throws IOException { // SortedSet<Integer> instanceIds = getAllInstanceIdsForLabel( // instanceData, label); // double[][] gramMatrix = new double[instanceIds.size()][instanceIds // .size()]; // KernelEvaluation kernelEval = this.kernelEvaluationDao.getKernelEval( // name, experiment, label, 0, param1, param2); // if (kernelEval != null) { // kernelUtil.fillGramMatrix(kernelEval, instanceIds, gramMatrix, // null, null); // outputInstanceData(instanceData, label, outdir); // outputGramMatrix(kernelEval, gramMatrix, instanceIds, // FileUtil.getDataFilePrefix(outdir, label, 0, 0, null)); // } else { //"no kernel eval for label=" + label); // } // // } // /** // * get all instance ids for the specified label // * // * @param instanceData // * @param label // * @return // */ // private SortedSet<Integer> getAllInstanceIdsForLabel( // InstanceData instanceData, String label) { // SortedSet<Integer> instanceIds = new TreeSet<Integer>(); // for (int run : instanceData.getLabelToInstanceMap().get(label).keySet()) // { // for (int fold : instanceData.getLabelToInstanceMap().get(label) // .get(run).keySet()) { // for (SortedMap<Integer, String> instanceLabelMap : instanceData // .getLabelToInstanceMap().get(label).get(run).get(fold) // .values()) { // instanceIds.addAll(instanceLabelMap.keySet()); // } // } // } // return instanceIds; // } public InstanceDataExporter getInstanceDataExporter() { return instanceDataExporter; } public KernelEvaluationDao getKernelEvaluationDao() { return kernelEvaluationDao; } public KernelUtil getKernelUtil() { return kernelUtil; } private void outputGramMatrix(double[][] gramMatrix, SortedSet<Long> instanceIds, String dataFilePrefix) throws IOException { BufferedWriter w = null; BufferedWriter wId = null; try { w = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(dataFilePrefix + "data.txt")); wId = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(dataFilePrefix + "instance_id.txt")); Long instanceIdArray[] = instanceIds.toArray(new Long[] {}); // write instance id corresponding to row for (int h = 0; h < instanceIdArray.length; h++) { wId.write(Long.toString(instanceIdArray[h])); wId.write("\n"); } for (int i = 0; i < instanceIdArray.length; i++) { // write line from gram matrix for (int j = 0; j < instanceIdArray.length; j++) { w.write(Double.toString(gramMatrix[i][j])); if (j < instanceIdArray.length - 1) w.write(" "); } w.write("\n"); } } finally { if (w != null) { w.close(); } if (wId != null) { wId.close(); } } } public void setInstanceDataExporter(InstanceDataExporter instanceDataExporter) { this.instanceDataExporter = instanceDataExporter; } public void setKernelEvaluationDao(KernelEvaluationDao kernelEvaluationDao) { this.kernelEvaluationDao = kernelEvaluationDao; } public void setKernelUtil(KernelUtil kernelUtil) { this.kernelUtil = kernelUtil; } // private void exportGramMatrices(String name, String experiment, // String outdir, String instanceQuery) throws IOException { // SortedMap<Integer, SortedMap<Boolean, SortedMap<Integer, Integer>>> // instanceFolds = new TreeMap<Integer, SortedMap<Boolean, // SortedMap<Integer, Integer>>>(); // SortedMap<String, SortedMap<Integer, String>> instanceLabels = new // TreeMap<String, SortedMap<Integer, String>>(); // // } // // private void exportLabel(String name, String experiment, String outdir) { // } // // private static class InstanceFoldData { // SortedMap<Boolean, SortedMap<Integer, Integer>> folds; // // public void addEntry(boolean train, int fold, int run) { // SortedMap<Integer, Integer> foldToRun = folds.get(train); // if (foldToRun == null) { // if (fold != 0) { // foldToRun = new TreeMap<Integer, Integer>(); // foldToRun.put(fold, run); // } // } // folds.put(train, foldToRun); // } // } // // private void loadInstanceData( // String strQuery, // final SortedMap<Integer, SortedMap<Boolean, SortedMap<Integer, Integer>>> // instanceFolds, // final SortedMap<String, SortedMap<Integer, String>> instanceLabels) { // jdbcTemplate.query(strQuery, new RowCallbackHandler() { // // @Override // public void processRow(ResultSet rs) throws SQLException { // String label = ""; // int run = 0; // int fold = 0; // Boolean train = null; // int instanceId = rs.getInt(1); // String className = rs.getString(2); // if (rs.getMetaData().getColumnCount() >= 3) // train = rs.getBoolean(3); // if (rs.getMetaData().getColumnCount() >= 4) // label = rs.getString(4); // if (rs.getMetaData().getColumnCount() >= 5) // fold = rs.getInt(5); // if (rs.getMetaData().getColumnCount() >= 6) // run = rs.getInt(6); // // set instance className for label // SortedMap<Integer, String> instClassName = instanceLabels // .get(label); // if (instClassName == null) { // instClassName = new TreeMap<Integer, String>(); // instClassName.put(instanceId, labels); // } // labels.put(label, className); // // set fold data // if (train != null) { // // we split into train/test - save this in the instanceFolds // SortedMap<Boolean, SortedMap<Integer, Integer>> folds = instanceFolds // .get(instanceId); // if (folds == null) { // folds = new TreeMap<Boolean, SortedMap<Integer, Integer>>(); // instanceFolds.put(instanceId, folds); // } // // we split into folds / runs // SortedMap<Integer, Integer> foldToRun = folds.get(train); // if (foldToRun == null) { // if (fold != 0) { // foldToRun = new TreeMap<Integer, Integer>(); // foldToRun.put(fold, run); // } // } // // add train/test flag // // foldToRun is null if we don't have any folds // folds.put(train, foldToRun); // } // } // }); // } }