Java tutorial
/** * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the License is distributed on an * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. */ package org.apache.ctakes.ytex.kernel.pagerank; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Properties; import java.util.Set; import org.apache.commons.cli.CommandLine; import org.apache.commons.cli.CommandLineParser; import org.apache.commons.cli.GnuParser; import org.apache.commons.cli.HelpFormatter; import org.apache.commons.cli.OptionBuilder; import org.apache.commons.cli.OptionGroup; import org.apache.commons.cli.Options; import org.apache.commons.cli.ParseException; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import org.apache.ctakes.ytex.kernel.KernelContextHolder; import org.apache.ctakes.ytex.kernel.dao.ConceptDao; import org.apache.ctakes.ytex.kernel.model.ConcRel; import org.apache.ctakes.ytex.kernel.model.ConceptGraph; public class PageRankServiceImpl implements PageRankService { private static final Log log = LogFactory.getLog(PageRankServiceImpl.class); private double[] rankInternal(Map<Integer, Double> dampingVector, ConceptGraph cg, int iter, double threshold, double dampingFactor) { Map<Integer, Double> scoreMapCurrent = dampingVector; double N = (double) cg.getConceptList().size(); double scoresCurrent[] = new double[cg.getConceptList().size()]; double diff = 1d; for (int i = 0; i < iter; i++) { double[] scoresOld = scoresCurrent; long timeBegin = 0; if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { timeBegin = System.currentTimeMillis(); } scoresCurrent = pagerankIter(scoresOld, dampingVector, cg, dampingFactor, N); if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("iter " + i + " " + Long.toString(System.currentTimeMillis() - timeBegin)); } if ((diff = difference(scoresOld, scoresCurrent)) <= threshold) break; } if (log.isDebugEnabled() && diff > threshold) { log.debug("did not converge, diff = " + diff + ", dampingVector = " + dampingVector); } return scoresCurrent; } /** * difference between 2 vectors * * @param a * @param b * @return a-b */ private <T> double difference(Map<T, Double> a, Map<T, Double> b) { double diff = 0d; for (Map.Entry<T, Double> aiEntry : a.entrySet()) { Double bi = b.get(aiEntry.getKey()); diff += Math.pow(aiEntry.getValue() - (bi != null ? bi.doubleValue() : 0d), 2); } for (Map.Entry<T, Double> biEntry : b.entrySet()) { if (!a.containsKey(biEntry.getKey())) { diff += Math.pow(biEntry.getValue(), 2); } } return diff; } /** * * @param u * @param v * @return norm(u-v) */ private double difference(double[] u, double[] v) { double diff = 0d; for (int i = 0; i < u.length; i++) { double d = (u[i] - v[i]); diff += d * d; } return Math.sqrt(diff); } private double cosine(double[] u, double[] v) { double uu = 0; double vv = 0; double uv = 0; for (int i = 0; i < u.length; i++) { uu += u[i] * u[i]; vv += v[i] * v[i]; uv += u[i] * v[i]; } return uv / Math.sqrt(uu * vv); } public double[] pagerankIter(double[] currentScores, Map<Integer, Double> dampingVector, ConceptGraph cg, double dampingFactor, double N, Set<Integer> activeNodes) { double newScores[] = new double[(int) N]; Arrays.fill(newScores, 0d); Integer[] activeNodeArr = new Integer[activeNodes.size()]; activeNodes.toArray(activeNodeArr); for (int index : activeNodeArr) { // pagerank with non-uniform damping vector (topic vector). // because of the non-uniform damping vector, few nodes will have a // non-zero pagerank. // optimized so that we only iterate over nodes with non-zero // pagerank. // propagate from non-zero nodes to linked nodes // we assume currentScores is non-null - it is initialized to the // damping vector. // iterate over nodes that have a pagerank, and propagate the // pagerank to out-links. // pagerank double score = currentScores[index]; // get concept id ConcRel cr = cg.getConceptList().get(index); // get number of out-links double nOutlinks = (double) cr.getChildren().size(); if (nOutlinks > 0) { // propagate pagerank to out-links (children) for (ConcRel crOut : cr.getChildren()) { int targetIndex = crOut.getNodeIndex(); // get current pagerank value for target page double childScore = newScores[targetIndex]; // add the pagerank/|links| childScore += (score / nOutlinks); newScores[targetIndex] = childScore; activeNodes.add(targetIndex); } } } // we just added the contribution of pages to newScores sum(score). // adjust: convert to (d)*sum(score) + (1-d)*v_i for (int index : activeNodes) { // personalized pagerank double adjusted = (newScores[index] * dampingFactor); // v_i Double v_i = dampingVector.get(index); // 1-c * v_i if (v_i != null) adjusted += v_i; newScores[index] = adjusted; } return newScores; } public double[] pagerankIter(double[] currentScores, Map<Integer, Double> dampingVector, ConceptGraph cg, double dampingFactor, double N) { double newScores[] = new double[(int) N]; double jump = ((1 - dampingFactor) / N); for (int i = 0; i < currentScores.length; i++) { double score = 0d; ConcRel c = cg.getConceptList().get(i); // get nodes pointing at node c for (int parentIndex : c.getParentsArray()) { ConcRel p = cg.getConceptList().get(parentIndex); // get the pagerank for node p which is pointing at c // if this is the first iteration, currentScores is null so // use the initial pagerank double prIn = currentScores[parentIndex]; // add the pagerank divided by the number of nodes p is // pointing at score += (prIn / (double) p.getChildrenArray().length); } if (dampingVector == null) { // uniform damping newScores[i] = (score * dampingFactor) + jump; } else { // personalized pagerank double adjusted = (score * dampingFactor); // get the random jump for this node Double v_i = dampingVector.get(i); // if not null, add it if (v_i != null) adjusted += v_i; newScores[i] = adjusted; } } return newScores; } @Override public double[] rank2(Map<Integer, Double> dampingVector, ConceptGraph cg, int iter, double threshold, double dampingFactor) { double N = (double) cg.getConceptMap().size(); double scoresCurrent[] = new double[cg.getConceptMap().size()]; Map<Integer, Double> dampingVectorAdj = null; // Set<Integer> activeNodes = null; if (dampingVector != null) { // for personalized page rank, put together a map of possibilities // of randomly jumping to a specific node dampingVectorAdj = new HashMap<Integer, Double>(dampingVector.size()); // // initialize set of active nodes // activeNodes = new HashSet<Integer>(dampingVector.keySet()); Arrays.fill(scoresCurrent, 0d); for (Map.Entry<Integer, Double> dvEntry : dampingVector.entrySet()) { // set the random jump for the node dampingVectorAdj.put(dvEntry.getKey(), dvEntry.getValue() * (1 - dampingFactor)); // set the initial weight for the node scoresCurrent[dvEntry.getKey()] = dvEntry.getValue(); } } else { // for static page rank, all nodes have same weight initially Arrays.fill(scoresCurrent, 1d / N); } double diff = 1d; for (int i = 0; i < iter; i++) { double scoresOld[] = scoresCurrent; long timeBegin = 0; if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { timeBegin = System.currentTimeMillis(); } // if (activeNodes == null) { scoresCurrent = pagerankIter(scoresCurrent, dampingVectorAdj, cg, dampingFactor, N); // } else { // scoresCurrent = pagerankIter(scoresCurrent, dampingVectorAdj, // cg, dampingFactor, N, activeNodes); // } if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("iter " + i + " time(ms) " + Long.toString(System.currentTimeMillis() - timeBegin)); } if ((diff = difference(scoresCurrent, scoresOld)) <= threshold) break; } if (log.isDebugEnabled() && diff > threshold) { log.debug("did not converge, diff = " + diff + ", dampingVector = " + dampingVector); } return scoresCurrent; } /** * perform one iteration of pagerank * * @param currentScores * @param cg * @return */ public Map<Integer, Double> pagerankIter(Map<Integer, Double> currentScores, Map<Integer, Double> dampingVector, ConceptGraph cg, double dampingFactor, double N) { Map<Integer, Double> newScores = new HashMap<Integer, Double>(); if (dampingVector == null) { // the constant probability of randomly surfing into this node, // adjusted by damping factor double jump = ((1 - dampingFactor) / N); double initialValue = 1 / N; // the basic pagerank iteration with uniform damping vector // iterate over all nodes for (ConcRel c : cg.getConceptList()) { double score = 0d; // get nodes pointing at node c for (ConcRel in : c.getParents()) { // get the pagerank for node p which is pointing at c // if this is the first iteration, currentScores is null so // use the initial pagerank double prIn = currentScores == null ? initialValue : currentScores.get(in.getNodeIndex()); // add the pagerank divided by the number of nodes p is // pointing at score += (prIn / (double) in.getChildren().size()); } // adjust for uniform damping double adjusted = (score * dampingFactor) + jump; newScores.put(c.getNodeIndex(), adjusted); } // for (ConcRel c : cg.getConceptMap().values()) { // double score = 0d; // // get nodes pointing at node c // for (ConcRel in : c.getParents()) { // // get the pagerank for node p which is pointing at c // // if this is the first iteration, currentScores is null so // // use the initial pagerank // double prIn = currentScores == null ? initialValue // : currentScores.get(in.getConceptID()); // // add the pagerank divided by the number of nodes p is // // pointing at // score += (prIn / (double) in.getChildren().size()); // } // // adjust for uniform damping // double adjusted = (score * dampingFactor) + jump; // newScores.put(c.getConceptID(), adjusted); // } } else { // pagerank with non-uniform damping vector (topic vector). // because of the non-uniform damping vector, few nodes will have a // non-zero pagerank. // optimized so that we only iterate over nodes with non-zero // pagerank. // propagate from non-zero nodes to linked nodes // we assume currentScores is non-null - it is initialized to the // damping vector. // iterate over nodes that have a pagerank, and propagate the // pagerank to out-links. for (Map.Entry<Integer, Double> scoreEntry : currentScores.entrySet()) { // page (concept id) Integer index = scoreEntry.getKey(); // pagerank double score = scoreEntry.getValue(); // get concept id ConcRel cr = cg.getConceptList().get(index); // get number of out-links double nOutlinks = (double) cr.getChildren().size(); if (nOutlinks > 0) { // propagate pagerank to out-links (children) for (ConcRel crOut : cr.getChildren()) { // get current pagerank value for target page double childScore = 0d; Double childScoreD = newScores.get(crOut.getNodeIndex()); if (childScoreD != null) childScore = childScoreD.doubleValue(); // add the pagerank/|links| childScore += (score / nOutlinks); newScores.put(crOut.getNodeIndex(), childScore); } } } // we just added the contribution of pages to newScores sum(score). // adjust: convert to (d)*sum(score) + (1-d)*v_i for (Map.Entry<Integer, Double> scoreEntry : newScores.entrySet()) { // v_i Double v_i = dampingVector.get(scoreEntry.getKey()); // 1-c * v_i double v_i_adj = v_i != null ? v_i * (1 - dampingFactor) : 0d; double adjusted = (scoreEntry.getValue() * dampingFactor) + v_i_adj; scoreEntry.setValue(adjusted); } // // // for (Map.Entry<String, Double> scoreEntry : currentScores // .entrySet()) { // // page (concept id) // String page = scoreEntry.getKey(); // // pagerank // double score = scoreEntry.getValue(); // // get concept id // ConcRel cr = cg.getConceptMap().get(page); // // get number of out-links // double nOutlinks = (double) cr.getChildren().size(); // if (nOutlinks > 0) { // // propagate pagerank to out-links (children) // for (ConcRel crOut : cr.getChildren()) { // // get current pagerank value for target page // double childScore = 0d; // Double childScoreD = newScores // .get(crOut.getConceptID()); // if (childScoreD != null) // childScore = childScoreD.doubleValue(); // // add the pagerank/|links| // childScore += (score / nOutlinks); // newScores.put(crOut.getConceptID(), childScore); // } // } // } // // we just added the contribution of pages to newScores // sum(score). // // adjust: convert to (d)*sum(score) + (1-d)*v_i // for (Map.Entry<String, Double> scoreEntry : newScores.entrySet()) // { // // v_i // Double v_i = dampingVector.get(scoreEntry.getKey()); // // 1-c * v_i // double v_i_adj = v_i != null ? v_i * (1 - dampingFactor) : 0d; // double adjusted = (scoreEntry.getValue() * dampingFactor) // + v_i_adj; // scoreEntry.setValue(adjusted); // } } return newScores; } /** * compute similarity using personalized page rank, as documented in <a * href= * "" * >Exploring Knowledge Bases for Similarity</a> * * @param concept1 * @param concept2 * @param cg * @param iter * @param threshold * @param dampingFactor * @return */ @Override public double sim(String concept1, String concept2, ConceptGraph cg, int iter, double threshold, double dampingFactor) { Map<Integer, Double> c1dv = new HashMap<Integer, Double>(1); ConcRel c1 = cg.getConceptMap().get(concept1); ConcRel c2 = cg.getConceptMap().get(concept2); if (c1 == null || c2 == null) return 0d; c1dv.put(c1.getNodeIndex(), 1d); double[] c1pr = this.rank2(c1dv, cg, iter, threshold, dampingFactor); Map<Integer, Double> c2dv = new HashMap<Integer, Double>(1); c2dv.put(c2.getNodeIndex(), 1d); double[] c2pr = this.rank2(c2dv, cg, iter, threshold, dampingFactor); return cosine(c1pr, c2pr); } /** * cosine of two vectors * * @param u * @param v * @return */ private <T> double cosine(Map<T, Double> u, Map<T, Double> v) { double uu = 0d; double uv = 0d; double vv = 0d; if (u.isEmpty() || v.isEmpty()) return 0d; // in this loop compute u*u, and u*v for (Map.Entry<T, Double> uEntry : u.entrySet()) { double ui = uEntry.getValue(); T uC = uEntry.getKey(); uu += ui * ui; Double vi = v.get(uC); if (vi != null) uv += ui * vi.doubleValue(); } if (uv == 0) return 0d; // in this loop, compute v*v for (double vi : v.values()) { vv += vi * vi; } // u*v/sqrt(v*v)*sqrt(u*u) return uv / Math.sqrt(vv * uu); } public static void main(String args[]) { Options options = new Options(); OptionGroup og = new OptionGroup(); og.addOption(OptionBuilder.withArgName("concept1,concept2").hasArg() .withDescription("compute similarity for specified concept pair").create("sim")); og.addOption(OptionBuilder.withArgName("concept1,concept2,...").hasArg() .withDescription("personalized pagerank vector for specified concepts ").create("ppr")); og.setRequired(true); options.addOptionGroup(og); try { CommandLineParser parser = new GnuParser(); CommandLine line = parser.parse(options, args); Properties ytexProps = new Properties(); ytexProps.putAll((Properties) KernelContextHolder.getApplicationContext().getBean("ytexProperties")); ytexProps.putAll(System.getProperties()); ConceptDao conceptDao = KernelContextHolder.getApplicationContext().getBean(ConceptDao.class); PageRankService pageRankService = KernelContextHolder.getApplicationContext() .getBean(PageRankService.class); ConceptGraph cg = conceptDao .getConceptGraph(ytexProps.getProperty("org.apache.ctakes.ytex.conceptGraphName")); if (line.hasOption("sim")) { String cs = line.getOptionValue("sim"); String concept[] = cs.split(","); System.out.println(pageRankService.sim(concept[0], concept[1], cg, 30, 1e-4, 0.85)); } else if (line.hasOption("ppr")) { String cs = line.getOptionValue("ppr"); String concept[] = cs.split(","); double weight = 1 / (double) concept.length; Map<String, Double> ppv = new HashMap<String, Double>(); for (String c : concept) { ppv.put(c, weight); } System.out.println(pageRankService.rank(ppv, cg)); } } catch (ParseException pe) { HelpFormatter formatter = new HelpFormatter(); formatter.printHelp("java " + PageRankServiceImpl.class.getName() + " compute personalized page rank or similarity. used for testing purposes", options); } } @Override public double[] rank(Map<String, Double> dampingVector, ConceptGraph cg, int iter, double threshold, double dampingFactor) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub return null; } @Override public double[] rank(Map<String, Double> dampingVector, ConceptGraph cg) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub return null; } }