Java tutorial
/** * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.apache.crunch.impl.spark.collect; import; import; import; import org.apache.crunch.CreateOptions; import org.apache.crunch.CrunchRuntimeException; import org.apache.crunch.MapFn; import org.apache.crunch.Pair; import org.apache.crunch.ReadableData; import org.apache.crunch.impl.dist.collect.PCollectionImpl; import org.apache.crunch.impl.dist.collect.PTableBase; import org.apache.crunch.impl.spark.ByteArray; import org.apache.crunch.impl.spark.SparkCollection; import org.apache.crunch.impl.spark.SparkPipeline; import org.apache.crunch.impl.spark.SparkRuntime; import org.apache.crunch.impl.spark.SparkRuntimeContext; import org.apache.crunch.impl.spark.serde.SerDe; import org.apache.crunch.impl.spark.serde.SerDeFactory; import org.apache.crunch.types.PTableType; import org.apache.crunch.types.PType; import; import; import; import; import scala.Tuple2; import; import java.util.List; /** * Represents a Spark-based PTable that was created from a Java {@code Iterable} of * key-value pairs. */ public class CreatedTable<K, V> extends PTableBase<K, V> implements SparkCollection { private final Iterable<Pair<K, V>> contents; private final PTableType<K, V> ptype; private final int parallelism; private JavaPairRDD<K, V> rdd; public CreatedTable(SparkPipeline pipeline, Iterable<Pair<K, V>> contents, PTableType<K, V> ptype, CreateOptions options) { super(options.getName(), pipeline); this.contents = contents; this.ptype = ptype; this.parallelism = options.getParallelism(); } @Override protected void acceptInternal(Visitor visitor) { // No-op } @Override public List<PCollectionImpl<?>> getParents() { return ImmutableList.of(); } @Override protected ReadableData<Pair<K, V>> getReadableDataInternal() { try { return ptype.createSourceTarget(pipeline.getConfiguration(), pipeline.createTempPath(), contents, parallelism).asReadable(); } catch (IOException e) { throw new CrunchRuntimeException(e); } } @Override protected long getSizeInternal() { return Iterables.size(contents); } @Override public long getLastModifiedAt() { return -1; } @Override public PTableType<K, V> getPTableType() { return ptype; } @Override public PType<Pair<K, V>> getPType() { return ptype; } @Override public JavaRDDLike<?, ?> getJavaRDDLike(SparkRuntime runtime) { if (!runtime.isValid(rdd)) { rdd = getJavaRDDLikeInternal(runtime); rdd.rdd().setName(getName()); StorageLevel sl = runtime.getStorageLevel(this); if (sl != null) { rdd.rdd().persist(sl); } } return rdd; } private JavaPairRDD<K, V> getJavaRDDLikeInternal(SparkRuntime runtime) { ptype.initialize(runtime.getConfiguration()); PType keyType = ptype.getKeyType(); PType valueType = ptype.getValueType(); SerDe keySerde = SerDeFactory.create(keyType, runtime.getConfiguration()); SerDe valueSerde = SerDeFactory.create(valueType, runtime.getConfiguration()); List<Tuple2<ByteArray, ByteArray>> res = Lists.newLinkedList(); try { for (Pair<K, V> p : contents) { ByteArray key = keySerde.toBytes(keyType.getOutputMapFn().map(p.first())); ByteArray value = valueSerde.toBytes(valueType.getOutputMapFn().map(p.second())); res.add(new Tuple2<ByteArray, ByteArray>(key, value)); } } catch (Exception e) { throw new CrunchRuntimeException(e); } return runtime.getSparkContext().parallelizePairs(res, parallelism) .mapToPair(new MapPairInputFn<K, V>(keySerde, valueSerde, keyType.getInputMapFn(), valueType.getInputMapFn(), runtime.getRuntimeContext())); } static class MapPairInputFn<K, V> implements PairFunction<Tuple2<ByteArray, ByteArray>, K, V> { private final SerDe keySerde; private final SerDe valueSerde; private final MapFn<Object, K> keyFn; private final MapFn<Object, V> valueFn; private final SparkRuntimeContext context; private boolean initialized; public MapPairInputFn(SerDe keySerde, SerDe valueSerde, MapFn<Object, K> keyFn, MapFn<Object, V> valueFn, SparkRuntimeContext context) { this.keySerde = keySerde; this.valueSerde = valueSerde; this.keyFn = keyFn; this.valueFn = valueFn; this.context = context; this.initialized = false; } @Override public Tuple2<K, V> call(Tuple2<ByteArray, ByteArray> in) throws Exception { if (!initialized) { context.initialize(keyFn, -1); context.initialize(valueFn, -1); initialized = true; } return new Tuple2<K, V>(,; } } }