Java tutorial
/** * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import; import; import; import; import; import; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import org.apache.crunch.Pair; import org.apache.crunch.SourceTarget; import org.apache.crunch.Target; import org.apache.crunch.impl.dist.collect.PCollectionImpl; import; import; /** * Writes <a href="">Graphviz</a> dot files to illustrate * the topology of Crunch pipelines. */ public class DotfileWriter { // Maximum length that a node name may have in the produced dot file static final int MAX_NODE_NAME_LENGTH = 300; /** The types of tasks within a MapReduce job. */ enum MRTaskType { MAP, REDUCE } private Set<JobPrototype> jobPrototypes = Sets.newHashSet(); private HashMultimap<Pair<JobPrototype, MRTaskType>, String> jobNodeDeclarations = HashMultimap.create(); private Set<String> globalNodeDeclarations = Sets.newHashSet(); private Set<String> nodePathChains = Sets.newHashSet(); /** * Format the declaration of a node based on a PCollection. * * @param pcollectionImpl PCollection for which a node will be declared * @param jobPrototype The job containing the PCollection * @return The node declaration */ String formatPCollectionNodeDeclaration(PCollectionImpl<?> pcollectionImpl, JobPrototype jobPrototype) { String shape = "box"; if (pcollectionImpl instanceof InputCollection) { shape = "folder"; } return String.format("%s [label=\"%s\" shape=%s];", formatPCollection(pcollectionImpl, jobPrototype), limitNodeNameLength(pcollectionImpl.getName()), shape); } /** * Format a Target as a node declaration. * * @param target A Target used within a MapReduce pipeline * @return The global node declaration for the Target */ String formatTargetNodeDeclaration(Target target) { String nodeName = limitNodeNameLength(target.toString()); return String.format("\"%s\" [label=\"%s\" shape=folder];", nodeName, nodeName); } /** * Format a PCollectionImpl into a format to be used for dot files. * * @param pcollectionImpl The PCollectionImpl to be formatted * @param jobPrototype The job containing the PCollection * @return The dot file formatted representation of the PCollectionImpl */ String formatPCollection(PCollectionImpl<?> pcollectionImpl, JobPrototype jobPrototype) { if (pcollectionImpl instanceof InputCollection) { InputCollection<?> inputCollection = (InputCollection<?>) pcollectionImpl; return String.format("\"%s\"", limitNodeNameLength(inputCollection.getSource().toString())); } return String.format("\"%s\"", limitNodeNameLength(String.format("%s@%d@%d", pcollectionImpl.getName(), pcollectionImpl.hashCode(), jobPrototype.hashCode()))); } /** * Format a collection of node strings into dot file syntax. * * @param nodeCollection Collection of chained node strings * @return The dot-formatted chain of nodes */ String formatNodeCollection(List<String> nodeCollection) { return formatNodeCollection(nodeCollection, ImmutableMap.<String, String>of()); } /** * Limit a node name length down to {@link #MAX_NODE_NAME_LENGTH}, to ensure valid (and readable) dot files. If the * name is already less than or equal to the maximum length, it will be returned untouched. * * @param nodeName node name to be limited in length * @return the abbreviated node name if it was longer than the given maximum allowable length */ static String limitNodeNameLength(String nodeName) { if (nodeName.length() <= MAX_NODE_NAME_LENGTH) { return nodeName; } String hashString = Integer.toString(nodeName.hashCode()); return String.format("%s@%s", StringUtils.abbreviate(nodeName, MAX_NODE_NAME_LENGTH - (hashString.length() + 1)), hashString); } /** * Format a collection of node strings into dot file syntax. * * @param nodeCollection Collection of chained node strings * @param edgeAttributes map of attribute names and values to be applied to the edge * @return The dot-formatted chain of nodes */ String formatNodeCollection(List<String> nodeCollection, Map<String, String> edgeAttributes) { String edgeAttributeString = ""; if (!edgeAttributes.isEmpty()) { edgeAttributeString = String.format(" [%s]", Joiner.on(' ').withKeyValueSeparator("=").join(edgeAttributes)); } return String.format("%s%s;", Joiner.on(" -> ").join(nodeCollection), edgeAttributeString); } /** * Format a NodePath in dot file syntax. * * @param nodePath The node path to be formatted * @param jobPrototype The job containing the NodePath * @return The dot file representation of the node path */ List<String> formatNodePath(NodePath nodePath, JobPrototype jobPrototype) { List<String> formattedNodePaths = Lists.newArrayList(); List<PCollectionImpl<?>> pcollections = ImmutableList.copyOf(nodePath); for (int collectionIndex = 1; collectionIndex < pcollections.size(); collectionIndex++) { String fromNode = formatPCollection(pcollections.get(collectionIndex - 1), jobPrototype); String toNode = formatPCollection(pcollections.get(collectionIndex), jobPrototype); formattedNodePaths.add(formatNodeCollection(ImmutableList.of(fromNode, toNode))); } // Add SourceTarget dependencies, if any for (PCollectionImpl<?> pcollection : pcollections) { Set<SourceTarget<?>> targetDeps = pcollection.getParallelDoOptions().getSourceTargets(); if (!targetDeps.isEmpty()) { String toNode = formatPCollection(pcollection, jobPrototype); for (Target target : targetDeps) { globalNodeDeclarations.add(formatTargetNodeDeclaration(target)); String fromNode = String.format("\"%s\"", limitNodeNameLength(target.toString())); formattedNodePaths.add(formatNodeCollection(ImmutableList.of(fromNode, toNode), ImmutableMap.of("style", "dashed"))); } } } return formattedNodePaths; } /** * Add a NodePath to be formatted as a list of node declarations within a * single job. * * @param jobPrototype The job containing the node path * @param nodePath The node path to be formatted */ void addNodePathDeclarations(JobPrototype jobPrototype, NodePath nodePath) { boolean groupingEncountered = false; for (PCollectionImpl<?> pcollectionImpl : nodePath) { if (pcollectionImpl instanceof InputCollection) { globalNodeDeclarations.add(formatPCollectionNodeDeclaration(pcollectionImpl, jobPrototype)); } else { if (!groupingEncountered) { groupingEncountered = (pcollectionImpl instanceof PGroupedTableImpl); } MRTaskType taskType = groupingEncountered ? MRTaskType.REDUCE : MRTaskType.MAP; jobNodeDeclarations.put(Pair.of(jobPrototype, taskType), formatPCollectionNodeDeclaration(pcollectionImpl, jobPrototype)); } } } /** * Add the chaining of a NodePath to the graph. * * @param nodePath The path to be formatted as a node chain in the dot file * @param jobPrototype The job containing the NodePath */ void addNodePathChain(NodePath nodePath, JobPrototype jobPrototype) { for (String nodePathChain : formatNodePath(nodePath, jobPrototype)) { this.nodePathChains.add(nodePathChain); } } /** * Get the graph attributes for a task-specific subgraph. * * @param taskType The type of task in the subgraph * @return Graph attributes */ String getTaskGraphAttributes(MRTaskType taskType) { if (taskType == MRTaskType.MAP) { return "label = Map; color = blue;"; } else { return "label = Reduce; color = red;"; } } private void processNodePaths(JobPrototype jobPrototype, HashMultimap<Target, NodePath> nodePaths) { if (nodePaths != null) { for (Target target : nodePaths.keySet()) { globalNodeDeclarations.add(formatTargetNodeDeclaration(target)); for (NodePath nodePath : nodePaths.get(target)) { addNodePathDeclarations(jobPrototype, nodePath); addNodePathChain(nodePath, jobPrototype); nodePathChains.add(formatNodeCollection(Lists.newArrayList( formatPCollection(nodePath.descendingIterator().next(), jobPrototype), String.format("\"%s\"", limitNodeNameLength(target.toString()))))); } } } } /** * Add the contents of a {@link JobPrototype} to the graph describing a * pipeline. * * @param jobPrototype A JobPrototype representing a portion of a MapReduce * pipeline */ public void addJobPrototype(JobPrototype jobPrototype) { jobPrototypes.add(jobPrototype); if (!jobPrototype.isMapOnly()) { for (NodePath nodePath : jobPrototype.getMapNodePaths()) { addNodePathDeclarations(jobPrototype, nodePath); addNodePathChain(nodePath, jobPrototype); } processNodePaths(jobPrototype, jobPrototype.getMapSideNodePaths()); } processNodePaths(jobPrototype, jobPrototype.getTargetsToNodePaths()); } /** * Build up the full dot file containing the description of a MapReduce * pipeline. * * @return Graphviz dot file contents */ public String buildDotfile() { StringBuilder stringBuilder = new StringBuilder(); stringBuilder.append("digraph G {\n"); for (String globalDeclaration : globalNodeDeclarations) { stringBuilder.append(String.format(" %s\n", globalDeclaration)); } for (JobPrototype jobPrototype : jobPrototypes) { // Must prefix subgraph name with "cluster", otherwise its border won't render. I don't know why. StringBuilder jobProtoStringBuilder = new StringBuilder(); jobProtoStringBuilder .append(String.format(" subgraph \"cluster-job%d\" {\n", jobPrototype.getJobID())); jobProtoStringBuilder.append(String.format(" label=\"Crunch Job %d\";\n", jobPrototype.getJobID())); for (MRTaskType taskType : MRTaskType.values()) { Pair<JobPrototype, MRTaskType> jobTaskKey = Pair.of(jobPrototype, taskType); if (jobNodeDeclarations.containsKey(jobTaskKey)) { jobProtoStringBuilder.append(String.format(" subgraph \"cluster-job%d-%s\" {\n", jobPrototype.getJobID(),; jobProtoStringBuilder.append(String.format(" %s\n", getTaskGraphAttributes(taskType))); for (String declarationEntry : jobNodeDeclarations.get(jobTaskKey)) { jobProtoStringBuilder.append(String.format(" %s\n", declarationEntry)); } jobProtoStringBuilder.append(" }\n"); } } jobProtoStringBuilder.append(" }\n"); stringBuilder.append(jobProtoStringBuilder.toString()); } for (String nodePathChain : nodePathChains) { stringBuilder.append(String.format(" %s\n", nodePathChain)); } stringBuilder.append("}\n"); return stringBuilder.toString(); } }