Source code

Java tutorial


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 * The Apache Software License, Version 1.1
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 * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
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 * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
 *    notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
 * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
 *    notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in
 *    the documentation and/or other materials provided with the
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 * 3. The end-user documentation included with the redistribution, if
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 * [Additional notices, if required by prior licensing conditions]

package org.apache.coyote.tomcat5;

import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Iterator;


import org.apache.catalina.Connector;
import org.apache.catalina.Container;
import org.apache.catalina.Lifecycle;
import org.apache.catalina.LifecycleException;
import org.apache.catalina.LifecycleListener;
import org.apache.catalina.Logger;
import org.apache.catalina.Request;
import org.apache.catalina.Response;
import org.apache.catalina.Service;
import org.apache.catalina.core.StandardEngine;
import org.apache.catalina.util.LifecycleSupport;
import org.apache.catalina.util.StringManager;
import org.apache.commons.logging.Log;
import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory;
import org.apache.commons.modeler.Registry;
import org.apache.coyote.Adapter;
import org.apache.coyote.ProtocolHandler;
import org.apache.tomcat.util.IntrospectionUtils;
import org.apache.tomcat.util.http.mapper.Mapper;

 * Implementation of a Coyote connector for Tomcat 5.x.
 * @author Craig R. McClanahan
 * @author Remy Maucherat
 * @version $Revision: 1.35 $ $Date: 2004/01/10 20:39:50 $

public class CoyoteConnector implements Connector, Lifecycle, MBeanRegistration {
    private static Log log = LogFactory.getLog(CoyoteConnector.class);

    // ----------------------------------------------------- Instance Variables

     * Holder for our configured properties.
    private HashMap properties = new HashMap();

     * The <code>Service</code> we are associated with (if any).
    private Service service = null;

     * The accept count for this Connector.
    private int acceptCount = 10;

     * The IP address on which to bind, if any.  If <code>null</code>, all
     * addresses on the server will be bound.
    private String address = null;

     * Do we allow TRACE ?
    private boolean allowTrace = false;

     * The input buffer size we should create on input streams.
    private int bufferSize = 2048;

     * The Container used for processing requests received by this Connector.
    protected Container container = null;

     * Compression value.
    private String compression = "off";

     * The debugging detail level for this component.
    private int debug = 0;

     * The "enable DNS lookups" flag for this Connector.
    private boolean enableLookups = false;

     * The server socket factory for this component.
    private ServerSocketFactory factory = null;

     * Is generation of X-Powered-By response header enabled/disabled?
    private boolean xpoweredBy;

     * Descriptive information about this Connector implementation.
    private static final String info = "org.apache.coyote.tomcat5.CoyoteConnector/2.0";

     * The lifecycle event support for this component.
    protected LifecycleSupport lifecycle = new LifecycleSupport(this);

     * The minimum number of processors to start at initialization time.
    protected int minProcessors = 5;

     * The maximum number of processors allowed, or <0 for unlimited.
    private int maxProcessors = 20;

     * Linger value on the incoming connection.
     * Note : a value inferior to 0 means no linger.
    private int connectionLinger = Constants.DEFAULT_CONNECTION_LINGER;

     * Timeout value on the incoming connection.
     * Note : a value of 0 means no timeout.
    private int connectionTimeout = Constants.DEFAULT_CONNECTION_TIMEOUT;

     * Timeout value on the incoming connection during request processing.
     * Note : a value of 0 means no timeout.
    private int connectionUploadTimeout = Constants.DEFAULT_CONNECTION_UPLOAD_TIMEOUT;

     * Timeout value on the server socket.
     * Note : a value of 0 means no timeout.
    private int serverSocketTimeout = Constants.DEFAULT_SERVER_SOCKET_TIMEOUT;

     * The port number on which we listen for requests.
    private int port = 0;

     * The server name to which we should pretend requests to this Connector
     * were directed.  This is useful when operating Tomcat behind a proxy
     * server, so that redirects get constructed accurately.  If not specified,
     * the server name included in the <code>Host</code> header is used.
    private String proxyName = null;

     * The server port to which we should pretent requests to this Connector
     * were directed.  This is useful when operating Tomcat behind a proxy
     * server, so that redirects get constructed accurately.  If not specified,
     * the port number specified by the <code>port</code> property is used.
    private int proxyPort = 0;

     * The redirect port for non-SSL to SSL redirects.
    private int redirectPort = 443;

     * The request scheme that will be set on all requests received
     * through this connector.
    private String scheme = "http";

     * The secure connection flag that will be set on all requests received
     * through this connector.
    private boolean secure = false;

    /** For jk, do tomcat authentication if true, trust server if false 
    private boolean tomcatAuthentication = true;

     * The string manager for this package.
    private StringManager sm = StringManager.getManager(Constants.Package);

     * Flag to disable setting a seperate time-out for uploads.
     * If <code>true</code>, then the <code>timeout</code> parameter is
     * ignored.  If <code>false</code>, then the <code>timeout</code>
     * parameter is used to control uploads.
    private boolean disableUploadTimeout = false;

     * Maximum number of Keep-Alive requests to honor per connection.
    private int maxKeepAliveRequests = 100;

     * Maximum size of a POST which will be automatically parsed by the 
     * container. 2MB by default.
    private int maxPostSize = 2 * 1024 * 1024;

     * Has this component been initialized yet?
    private boolean initialized = false;

     * Has this component been started yet?
    private boolean started = false;

     * The shutdown signal to our background thread
    private boolean stopped = false;

     * The background thread.
    private Thread thread = null;

     * Use TCP no delay ?
    private boolean tcpNoDelay = true;

     * Coyote Protocol handler class name.
     * Defaults to the Coyote HTTP/1.1 protocolHandler.
    private String protocolHandlerClassName = "org.apache.coyote.http11.Http11Protocol";

     * Coyote protocol handler.
    private ProtocolHandler protocolHandler = null;

     * Coyote adapter.
    private Adapter adapter = null;

     * Mapper.
    private Mapper mapper = new Mapper();

     * Mapper listener.
    private MapperListener mapperListener = new MapperListener(mapper);

     * URI encoding.
    private String URIEncoding = null;

     * URI encoding as body.
    private boolean useBodyEncodingForURI = false;

    // ------------------------------------------------------------- Properties

     * Return a configured property.
    public Object getProperty(String name) {
        return properties.get(name);

     * Set a configured property.
    public void setProperty(String name, Object value) {
        properties.put(name, value);

     * remove a configured property.
    public void removeProperty(String name) {

     * Return the <code>Service</code> with which we are associated (if any).
    public Service getService() {

        return (this.service);


     * Set the <code>Service</code> with which we are associated (if any).
     * @param service The service that owns this Engine
    public void setService(Service service) {

        this.service = service;
        setProperty("service", service);


     * Get the value of compression.
    public String getCompression() {

        return (compression);


     * Set the value of compression.
     * @param compression The new compression value, which can be "on", "off"
     * or "force"
    public void setCompression(String compression) {

        this.compression = compression;
        setProperty("compression", compression);


     * Return the connection linger for this Connector.
    public int getConnectionLinger() {

        return (connectionLinger);


     * Set the connection linger for this Connector.
     * @param count The new connection linge
    public void setConnectionLinger(int connectionLinger) {

        this.connectionLinger = connectionLinger;
        setProperty("soLinger", String.valueOf(connectionLinger));


     * Return the connection timeout for this Connector.
    public int getConnectionTimeout() {

        return (connectionTimeout);


     * Set the connection timeout for this Connector.
     * @param count The new connection timeout
    public void setConnectionTimeout(int connectionTimeout) {

        this.connectionTimeout = connectionTimeout;
        setProperty("soTimeout", String.valueOf(connectionTimeout));


     * Return the connection upload timeout for this Connector.
    public int getConnectionUploadTimeout() {

        return (connectionUploadTimeout);


     * Set the connection upload timeout for this Connector.
     * @param connectionUploadTimeout The new connection upload timeout
    public void setConnectionUploadTimeout(int connectionUploadTimeout) {

        this.connectionUploadTimeout = connectionUploadTimeout;
        setProperty("timeout", String.valueOf(connectionUploadTimeout));


     * Return the server socket timeout for this Connector.
    public int getServerSocketTimeout() {

        return (serverSocketTimeout);


     * Set the server socket timeout for this Connector.
     * @param connectionUploadTimeout The new server socket timeout
    public void setServerSocketTimeout(int serverSocketTimeout) {

        this.serverSocketTimeout = serverSocketTimeout;
        setProperty("serverSoTimeout", String.valueOf(serverSocketTimeout));


     * Return the accept count for this Connector.
    public int getAcceptCount() {

        return (acceptCount);


     * Set the accept count for this Connector.
     * @param count The new accept count
    public void setAcceptCount(int count) {

        this.acceptCount = count;
        setProperty("backlog", String.valueOf(count));


     * Return the bind IP address for this Connector.
    public String getAddress() {

        return (this.address);


     * Set the bind IP address for this Connector.
     * @param address The bind IP address
    public void setAddress(String address) {

        this.address = address;
        setProperty("address", address);


     * True if the TRACE method is allowed.  Default value is "false".
    public boolean getAllowTrace() {

        return (this.allowTrace);


     * Set the allowTrace flag, to disable or enable the TRACE HTTP method.
     * @param allowTrace The new allowTrace flag
    public void setAllowTrace(boolean allowTrace) {

        this.allowTrace = allowTrace;
        setProperty("allowTrace", String.valueOf(allowTrace));


     * Is this connector available for processing requests?
    public boolean isAvailable() {

        return (started);


     * Return the input buffer size for this Connector.
    public int getBufferSize() {

        return (this.bufferSize);


     * Set the input buffer size for this Connector.
     * @param bufferSize The new input buffer size.
    public void setBufferSize(int bufferSize) {

        this.bufferSize = bufferSize;
        setProperty("bufferSize", String.valueOf(bufferSize));


     * Return the Container used for processing requests received by this
     * Connector.
    public Container getContainer() {
        if (container == null) {
            // Lazy - maybe it was added later
        return (container);


     * Set the Container used for processing requests received by this
     * Connector.
     * @param container The new Container to use
    public void setContainer(Container container) {

        this.container = container;


     * Return the debugging detail level for this component.
    public int getDebug() {

        return (debug);


     * Set the debugging detail level for this component.
     * @param debug The new debugging detail level
    public void setDebug(int debug) {

        this.debug = debug;


     * Return the "enable DNS lookups" flag.
    public boolean getEnableLookups() {

        return (this.enableLookups);


     * Set the "enable DNS lookups" flag.
     * @param enableLookups The new "enable DNS lookups" flag value
    public void setEnableLookups(boolean enableLookups) {

        this.enableLookups = enableLookups;
        setProperty("enableLookups", String.valueOf(enableLookups));


     * Return the server socket factory used by this Container.
    public ServerSocketFactory getFactory() {

        return (this.factory);


     * Set the server socket factory used by this Container.
     * @param factory The new server socket factory
    public void setFactory(ServerSocketFactory factory) {

        this.factory = factory;


     * Return descriptive information about this Connector implementation.
    public String getInfo() {

        return (info);


     * Return the mapper.
    public Mapper getMapper() {

        return (mapper);


     * Return the minimum number of processors to start at initialization.
    public int getMinProcessors() {

        return (minProcessors);


     * Set the minimum number of processors to start at initialization.
     * @param minProcessors The new minimum processors
    public void setMinProcessors(int minProcessors) {

        this.minProcessors = minProcessors;
        setProperty("minProcessors", String.valueOf(minProcessors));


     * Return the maximum number of processors allowed, or <0 for unlimited.
    public int getMaxProcessors() {

        return (maxProcessors);


     * Set the maximum number of processors allowed, or <0 for unlimited.
     * @param maxProcessors The new maximum processors
    public void setMaxProcessors(int maxProcessors) {

        this.maxProcessors = maxProcessors;
        setProperty("maxThreads", String.valueOf(maxProcessors));


     * Return the maximum size of a POST which will be automatically
     * parsed by the container.
    public int getMaxPostSize() {

        return (maxPostSize);


     * Set the maximum size of a POST which will be automatically
     * parsed by the container.
     * @param maxPostSize The new maximum size in bytes of a POST which will 
     * be automatically parsed by the container
    public void setMaxPostSize(int maxPostSize) {

        this.maxPostSize = maxPostSize;
        setProperty("maxPostSize", String.valueOf(maxPostSize));

     * Return the port number on which we listen for requests.
    public int getPort() {

        return (this.port);


     * Set the port number on which we listen for requests.
     * @param port The new port number
    public void setPort(int port) {

        this.port = port;
        setProperty("port", String.valueOf(port));


     * Return the Coyote protocol handler in use.
    public String getProtocol() {

        if ("org.apache.coyote.http11.Http11Protocol".equals(getProtocolHandlerClassName())) {
            return "HTTP/1.1";
        } else if ("org.apache.jk.server.JkCoyoteHandler".equals(getProtocolHandlerClassName())) {
            return "AJP/1.3";
        return null;


     * Set the Coyote protocol which will be used by the connector.
     * @param protocol The Coyote protocol name
    public void setProtocol(String protocol) {

        if (protocol.equals("HTTP/1.1")) {
        } else if (protocol.equals("AJP/1.3")) {
        } else {


     * Return the class name of the Coyote protocol handler in use.
    public String getProtocolHandlerClassName() {

        return (this.protocolHandlerClassName);


     * Set the class name of the Coyote protocol handler which will be used
     * by the connector.
     * @param protocolHandlerClassName The new class name
    public void setProtocolHandlerClassName(String protocolHandlerClassName) {

        this.protocolHandlerClassName = protocolHandlerClassName;


     * Return the protocol handler associated with the connector.
    public ProtocolHandler getProtocolHandler() {

        return (this.protocolHandler);


     * Return the proxy server name for this Connector.
    public String getProxyName() {

        return (this.proxyName);


     * Set the proxy server name for this Connector.
     * @param proxyName The new proxy server name
    public void setProxyName(String proxyName) {

        if (proxyName != null && proxyName.length() > 0) {
            this.proxyName = proxyName;
            setProperty("proxyName", proxyName);
        } else {
            this.proxyName = null;


     * Return the proxy server port for this Connector.
    public int getProxyPort() {

        return (this.proxyPort);


     * Set the proxy server port for this Connector.
     * @param proxyPort The new proxy server port
    public void setProxyPort(int proxyPort) {

        this.proxyPort = proxyPort;
        setProperty("proxyPort", String.valueOf(proxyPort));


     * Return the port number to which a request should be redirected if
     * it comes in on a non-SSL port and is subject to a security constraint
     * with a transport guarantee that requires SSL.
    public int getRedirectPort() {

        return (this.redirectPort);


     * Set the redirect port number.
     * @param redirectPort The redirect port number (non-SSL to SSL)
    public void setRedirectPort(int redirectPort) {

        this.redirectPort = redirectPort;
        setProperty("redirectPort", String.valueOf(redirectPort));


     * Return the flag that specifies upload time-out behavior.
    public boolean getDisableUploadTimeout() {
        return disableUploadTimeout;

     * Set the flag to specify upload time-out behavior.
     * @param isDisabled If <code>true</code>, then the <code>timeout</code>
     * parameter is ignored.  If <code>false</code>, then the
     * <code>timeout</code> parameter is used to control uploads.
    public void setDisableUploadTimeout(boolean isDisabled) {
        disableUploadTimeout = isDisabled;
        setProperty("disableUploadTimeout", String.valueOf(isDisabled));

     * Return the Keep-Alive policy for the connection.
    public boolean getKeepAlive() {
        return ((maxKeepAliveRequests != 0) && (maxKeepAliveRequests != 1));

     * Set the keep-alive policy for this connection.
    public void setKeepAlive(boolean keepAlive) {
        if (!keepAlive) {

     * Return the maximum number of Keep-Alive requests to honor 
     * per connection.
    public int getMaxKeepAliveRequests() {
        return maxKeepAliveRequests;

     * Set the maximum number of Keep-Alive requests to honor per connection.
    public void setMaxKeepAliveRequests(int mkar) {
        maxKeepAliveRequests = mkar;
        setProperty("maxKeepAliveRequests", String.valueOf(mkar));

     * Return the scheme that will be assigned to requests received
     * through this connector.  Default value is "http".
    public String getScheme() {

        return (this.scheme);


     * Set the scheme that will be assigned to requests received through
     * this connector.
     * @param scheme The new scheme
    public void setScheme(String scheme) {

        this.scheme = scheme;
        setProperty("scheme", scheme);


     * Return the secure connection flag that will be assigned to requests
     * received through this connector.  Default value is "false".
    public boolean getSecure() {

        return (;


     * Set the secure connection flag that will be assigned to requests
     * received through this connector.
     * @param secure The new secure connection flag
    public void setSecure(boolean secure) { = secure;
        setProperty("secure", String.valueOf(secure));


    public boolean getTomcatAuthentication() {
        return tomcatAuthentication;

    public void setTomcatAuthentication(boolean tomcatAuthentication) {
        this.tomcatAuthentication = tomcatAuthentication;
        setProperty("tomcatAuthentication", String.valueOf(tomcatAuthentication));

     * Return the TCP no delay flag value.
    public boolean getTcpNoDelay() {

        return (this.tcpNoDelay);


     * Set the TCP no delay flag which will be set on the socket after
     * accepting a connection.
     * @param tcpNoDelay The new TCP no delay flag
    public void setTcpNoDelay(boolean tcpNoDelay) {

        this.tcpNoDelay = tcpNoDelay;
        setProperty("tcpNoDelay", String.valueOf(tcpNoDelay));


     * Return the character encoding to be used for the URI.
    public String getURIEncoding() {

        return (this.URIEncoding);


     * Set the URI encoding to be used for the URI.
     * @param URIEncoding The new URI character encoding.
    public void setURIEncoding(String URIEncoding) {

        this.URIEncoding = URIEncoding;
        setProperty("uRIEncoding", URIEncoding);


     * Return the true if the entity body encoding should be used for the URI.
    public boolean getUseBodyEncodingForURI() {

        return (this.useBodyEncodingForURI);


     * Set if the entity body encoding should be used for the URI.
     * @param useBodyEncodingForURI The new value for the flag.
    public void setUseBodyEncodingForURI(boolean useBodyEncodingForURI) {

        this.useBodyEncodingForURI = useBodyEncodingForURI;
        setProperty("useBodyEncodingForURI", String.valueOf(useBodyEncodingForURI));


     * Indicates whether the generation of an X-Powered-By response header for
     * servlet-generated responses is enabled or disabled for this Connector.
     * @return true if generation of X-Powered-By response header is enabled,
     * false otherwise
    public boolean isXpoweredBy() {
        return xpoweredBy;

     * Enables or disables the generation of an X-Powered-By header (with value
     * Servlet/2.4) for all servlet-generated responses returned by this
     * Connector.
     * @param xpoweredBy true if generation of X-Powered-By response header is
     * to be enabled, false otherwise
    public void setXpoweredBy(boolean xpoweredBy) {
        this.xpoweredBy = xpoweredBy;
        setProperty("xpoweredBy", String.valueOf(xpoweredBy));

    // --------------------------------------------------------- Public Methods

     * Create (or allocate) and return a Request object suitable for
     * specifying the contents of a Request to the responsible Container.
    public Request createRequest() {

        CoyoteRequest request = new CoyoteRequest();
        return (request);


     * Create (or allocate) and return a Response object suitable for
     * receiving the contents of a Response from the responsible Container.
    public Response createResponse() {

        CoyoteResponse response = new CoyoteResponse();
        return (response);


    // -------------------------------------------------------- Private Methods

     * Log a message on the Logger associated with our Container (if any).
     * @param message Message to be logged
    private void log(String message) {

        Logger logger = container.getLogger();
        String localName = "CoyoteConnector";
        if (logger != null)
            logger.log(localName + " " + message);
            System.out.println(localName + " " + message);


     * Log a message on the Logger associated with our Container (if any).
     * @param message Message to be logged
     * @param throwable Associated exception
    private void log(String message, Throwable throwable) {

        Logger logger = container.getLogger();
        String localName = "CoyoteConnector";
        if (logger != null)
            logger.log(localName + " " + message, throwable);
        else {
            System.out.println(localName + " " + message);


    // ------------------------------------------------------ Lifecycle Methods

     * Add a lifecycle event listener to this component.
     * @param listener The listener to add
    public void addLifecycleListener(LifecycleListener listener) {



     * Get the lifecycle listeners associated with this lifecycle. If this
     * Lifecycle has no listeners registered, a zero-length array is returned.
    public LifecycleListener[] findLifecycleListeners() {

        return null;//lifecycle.findLifecycleListeners();


     * Remove a lifecycle event listener from this component.
     * @param listener The listener to add
    public void removeLifecycleListener(LifecycleListener listener) {



     * Initialize this connector (create ServerSocket here!)
    public void initialize() throws LifecycleException {
        if (initialized) {

        this.initialized = true;

        if (oname == null && (container instanceof StandardEngine)) {
            try {
                // we are loaded directly, via API - and no name was given to us
                StandardEngine cb = (StandardEngine) container;
                String encodedAddr = null;
                if (getAddress() != null) {
                    encodedAddr = URLEncoder.encode(getAddress());
                String addSuffix = (getAddress() == null) ? "" : ",address=" + encodedAddr;
                oname = new ObjectName(cb.getName() + ":type=Connector,port=" + getPort() + addSuffix);
                Registry.getRegistry().registerComponent(this, oname, null);
                controller = oname;
            } catch (Exception e) {
                log.error("Error registering connector ", e);
            log.debug("Creating name for connector " + oname);

        // Initializa adapter
        adapter = new CoyoteAdapter(this);

        // Instantiate protocol handler
        try {
            Class clazz = Class.forName(protocolHandlerClassName);
            protocolHandler = (ProtocolHandler) clazz.newInstance();
        } catch (Exception e) {
            throw new LifecycleException(sm.getString("coyoteConnector.protocolHandlerInstantiationFailed", e));

        IntrospectionUtils.setProperty(protocolHandler, "jkHome", System.getProperty("catalina.base"));

        // Configure secure socket factory
        // XXX For backwards compatibility only.
        if (factory instanceof CoyoteServerSocketFactory) {
            IntrospectionUtils.setProperty(protocolHandler, "secure", "" + true);
            CoyoteServerSocketFactory ssf = (CoyoteServerSocketFactory) factory;
            IntrospectionUtils.setProperty(protocolHandler, "algorithm", ssf.getAlgorithm());
            if (ssf.getClientAuth()) {
                IntrospectionUtils.setProperty(protocolHandler, "clientauth", "" + ssf.getClientAuth());
            IntrospectionUtils.setProperty(protocolHandler, "keystore", ssf.getKeystoreFile());
            IntrospectionUtils.setProperty(protocolHandler, "randomfile", ssf.getRandomFile());
            IntrospectionUtils.setProperty(protocolHandler, "rootfile", ssf.getRootFile());

            IntrospectionUtils.setProperty(protocolHandler, "keypass", ssf.getKeystorePass());
            IntrospectionUtils.setProperty(protocolHandler, "keytype", ssf.getKeystoreType());
            IntrospectionUtils.setProperty(protocolHandler, "protocol", ssf.getProtocol());
            IntrospectionUtils.setProperty(protocolHandler, "protocols", ssf.getProtocols());
            IntrospectionUtils.setProperty(protocolHandler, "sSLImplementation", ssf.getSSLImplementation());
            IntrospectionUtils.setProperty(protocolHandler, "ciphers", ssf.getCiphers());
            IntrospectionUtils.setProperty(protocolHandler, "keyAlias", ssf.getKeyAlias());
        } else {
            IntrospectionUtils.setProperty(protocolHandler, "secure", "" + secure);

        /* Set the configured properties.  This only sets the ones that were
         * explicitly configured.  Default values are the responsibility of
         * the protocolHandler.
        Iterator keys = properties.keySet().iterator();
        while (keys.hasNext()) {
            String name = (String);
            String value = properties.get(name).toString();
            String trnName = translateAttributeName(name);
            IntrospectionUtils.setProperty(protocolHandler, trnName, value);

        try {
        } catch (Exception e) {
            throw new LifecycleException(sm.getString("coyoteConnector.protocolHandlerInitializationFailed", e));

     * Translate the attribute name from the legacy Factory names to their
     * internal protocol names.
    private String translateAttributeName(String name) {
        if ("clientAuth".equals(name)) {
            return "clientauth";
        } else if ("keystoreFile".equals(name)) {
            return "keystore";
        } else if ("randomFile".equals(name)) {
            return "randomfile";
        } else if ("rootFile".equals(name)) {
            return "rootfile";
        } else if ("keystorePass".equals(name)) {
            return "keypass";
        } else if ("keystoreType".equals(name)) {
            return "keytype";
        } else if ("sslProtocol".equals(name)) {
            return "protocol";
        } else if ("sslProtocols".equals(name)) {
            return "protocols";
        return name;

     * Begin processing requests via this Connector.
     * @exception LifecycleException if a fatal startup error occurs
    public void start() throws LifecycleException {
        if (!initialized)

        // Validate and update our current state
        if (started) {
        lifecycle.fireLifecycleEvent(START_EVENT, null);
        started = true;

        // We can't register earlier - the JMX registration of this happens
        // in Server.start callback
        if (this.oname != null) {
            // We are registred - register the adapter as well.
            try {
                Registry.getRegistry().registerComponent(protocolHandler, this.domain, "protocolHandler",
                        "type=protocolHandler,className=" + protocolHandlerClassName);
            } catch (Exception ex) {
                log.error(sm.getString("coyoteConnector.protocolRegistrationFailed"), ex);
        } else {

        try {
        } catch (Exception e) {
            throw new LifecycleException(sm.getString("coyoteConnector.protocolHandlerStartFailed", e));

        if (this.domain != null) {
            //mapperListener.setEngine( service.getContainer().getName() );
            try {
                Registry.getRegistry().registerComponent(mapper, this.domain, "Mapper", "type=Mapper");
            } catch (Exception ex) {
                log.error(sm.getString("coyoteConnector.protocolRegistrationFailed"), ex);

     * Terminate processing requests via this Connector.
     * @exception LifecycleException if a fatal shutdown error occurs
    public void stop() throws LifecycleException {

        // Validate and update our current state
        if (!started) {

        lifecycle.fireLifecycleEvent(STOP_EVENT, null);
        started = false;

        try {
            Registry.getRegistry().unregisterComponent(new ObjectName(domain, "type", "Mapper"));
                    new ObjectName(domain + ":type=protocolHandler,className=" + protocolHandlerClassName));
        } catch (MalformedObjectNameException e) {
  "Error unregistering mapper ", e);
        try {
        } catch (Exception e) {
            throw new LifecycleException(sm.getString("coyoteConnector.protocolHandlerDestroyFailed", e));


    // -------------------- Management methods --------------------

    public boolean getClientAuth() {
        boolean ret = false;

        String prop = (String) getProperty("clientauth");
        if (prop != null) {
            ret = Boolean.valueOf(prop).booleanValue();
        } else {
            ServerSocketFactory factory = this.getFactory();
            if (factory instanceof CoyoteServerSocketFactory) {
                ret = ((CoyoteServerSocketFactory) factory).getClientAuth();

        return ret;

    public void setClientAuth(boolean clientAuth) {
        setProperty("clientauth", String.valueOf(clientAuth));
        ServerSocketFactory factory = this.getFactory();
        if (factory instanceof CoyoteServerSocketFactory) {
            ((CoyoteServerSocketFactory) factory).setClientAuth(clientAuth);

    public String getKeystoreFile() {
        String ret = (String) getProperty("keystore");
        if (ret == null) {
            ServerSocketFactory factory = this.getFactory();
            if (factory instanceof CoyoteServerSocketFactory) {
                ret = ((CoyoteServerSocketFactory) factory).getKeystoreFile();

        return ret;

    public void setKeystoreFile(String keystoreFile) {
        setProperty("keystore", keystoreFile);
        ServerSocketFactory factory = this.getFactory();
        if (factory instanceof CoyoteServerSocketFactory) {
            ((CoyoteServerSocketFactory) factory).setKeystoreFile(keystoreFile);

     * Return keystorePass
    public String getKeystorePass() {
        String ret = (String) getProperty("keypass");
        if (ret == null) {
            ServerSocketFactory factory = getFactory();
            if (factory instanceof CoyoteServerSocketFactory) {
                return ((CoyoteServerSocketFactory) factory).getKeystorePass();

        return ret;

     * Set keystorePass
    public void setKeystorePass(String keystorePass) {
        setProperty("keypass", keystorePass);
        ServerSocketFactory factory = getFactory();
        if (factory instanceof CoyoteServerSocketFactory) {
            ((CoyoteServerSocketFactory) factory).setKeystorePass(keystorePass);

     * Gets the list of SSL cipher suites that are to be enabled
     * @return Comma-separated list of SSL cipher suites, or null if all
     * cipher suites supported by the underlying SSL implementation are being
     * enabled
    public String getCiphers() {
        String ret = (String) getProperty("ciphers");
        if (ret == null) {
            ServerSocketFactory factory = getFactory();
            if (factory instanceof CoyoteServerSocketFactory) {
                ret = ((CoyoteServerSocketFactory) factory).getCiphers();

        return ret;

     * Sets the SSL cipher suites that are to be enabled.
     * Only those SSL cipher suites that are actually supported by
     * the underlying SSL implementation will be enabled.
     * @param ciphers Comma-separated list of SSL cipher suites
    public void setCiphers(String ciphers) {
        setProperty("ciphers", ciphers);
        ServerSocketFactory factory = getFactory();
        if (factory instanceof CoyoteServerSocketFactory) {
            ((CoyoteServerSocketFactory) factory).setCiphers(ciphers);

     * Gets the alias name of the keypair and supporting certificate chain
     * used by this Connector to authenticate itself to SSL clients.
     * @return The alias name of the keypair and supporting certificate chain
    public String getKeyAlias() {
        String ret = (String) getProperty("keyAlias");
        if (ret == null) {
            ServerSocketFactory factory = getFactory();
            if (factory instanceof CoyoteServerSocketFactory) {
                ret = ((CoyoteServerSocketFactory) factory).getKeyAlias();

        return ret;

     * Sets the alias name of the keypair and supporting certificate chain
     * used by this Connector to authenticate itself to SSL clients.
     * @param alias The alias name of the keypair and supporting certificate
     * chain
    public void setKeyAlias(String alias) {
        setProperty("keyAlias", alias);
        ServerSocketFactory factory = getFactory();
        if (factory instanceof CoyoteServerSocketFactory) {
            ((CoyoteServerSocketFactory) factory).setKeyAlias(alias);

     * Gets the SSL protocol variant to be used.
     * @return SSL protocol variant
    public String getSslProtocol() {
        String ret = (String) getProperty("sslProtocol");
        if (ret == null) {
            ServerSocketFactory factory = getFactory();
            if (factory instanceof CoyoteServerSocketFactory) {
                ret = ((CoyoteServerSocketFactory) factory).getProtocol();

        return ret;

     * Sets the SSL protocol variant to be used.
     * @param sslProtocol SSL protocol variant
    public void setSslProtocol(String sslProtocol) {
        setProperty("sslProtocol", sslProtocol);
        ServerSocketFactory factory = getFactory();
        if (factory instanceof CoyoteServerSocketFactory) {
            ((CoyoteServerSocketFactory) factory).setProtocol(sslProtocol);

     * Gets the SSL protocol variants to be enabled.
     * @return Comma-separated list of SSL protocol variants
    public String getSslProtocols() {
        String ret = (String) getProperty("sslProtocols");
        if (ret == null) {
            ServerSocketFactory factory = getFactory();
            if (factory instanceof CoyoteServerSocketFactory) {
                ret = ((CoyoteServerSocketFactory) factory).getProtocols();

        return ret;

     * Sets the SSL protocol variants to be enabled.
     * @param sslProtocols Comma-separated list of SSL protocol variants
    public void setSslProtocols(String sslProtocols) {
        setProperty("sslProtocols", sslProtocols);
        ServerSocketFactory factory = getFactory();
        if (factory instanceof CoyoteServerSocketFactory) {
            ((CoyoteServerSocketFactory) factory).setProtocols(sslProtocols);

    // -------------------- JMX registration  --------------------
    protected String domain;
    protected ObjectName oname;
    protected MBeanServer mserver;
    ObjectName controller;

    public ObjectName getController() {
        return controller;

    public void setController(ObjectName controller) {
        this.controller = controller;

    public ObjectName getObjectName() {
        return oname;

    public String getDomain() {
        return domain;

    public ObjectName preRegister(MBeanServer server, ObjectName name) throws Exception {
        oname = name;
        mserver = server;
        domain = name.getDomain();
        return name;

    public void postRegister(Boolean registrationDone) {

    public void preDeregister() throws Exception {

    public void postDeregister() {
        try {
            if (started) {
        } catch (Throwable t) {
            log.error("Unregistering - can't stop", t);

    private void findContainer() {
        try {
            // Register to the service
            ObjectName parentName = new ObjectName(domain + ":" + "type=Service");

            log.debug("Adding to " + parentName);
            if (mserver.isRegistered(parentName)) {
                mserver.invoke(parentName, "addConnector", new Object[] { this },
                        new String[] { "org.apache.catalina.Connector" });
                // As a side effect we'll get the container field set
                // Also initialize will be called
            // XXX Go directly to the Engine
            // initialize(); - is called by addConnector
            ObjectName engName = new ObjectName(domain + ":" + "type=Engine");
            if (mserver.isRegistered(engName)) {
                Object obj = mserver.getAttribute(engName, "managedResource");
                log.debug("Found engine " + obj + " " + obj.getClass());
                container = (Container) obj;

                // Internal initialize - we now have the Engine

                // As a side effect we'll get the container field set
                // Also initialize will be called
        } catch (Exception ex) {
            log.error("Error finding container " + ex);

    public void init() throws Exception {

        if (this.getService() != null) {
            log.debug("Already configured");
        if (container == null) {

    public void destroy() throws Exception {
        if (oname != null && controller == oname) {
            log.debug("Unregister itself " + oname);
        if (getService() == null)
