Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for


package org.apache.commons.crypto.random;

import org.apache.commons.crypto.Crypto;
import org.apache.commons.crypto.cipher.CryptoCipher;
import org.apache.commons.crypto.utils.ReflectionUtils;
import org.apache.commons.crypto.utils.Utils;

import java.util.List;
import java.util.Properties;

 * Version 1.0
 * Created by lll on 17/9/5.
 * Description
 * <p>
 * This is the javapattern.factory class used for creating {@link CryptoRandom} instances
 * </p>
 * * copyright
public class CryptoRandomFactory {

     * The configuration key of the file path for secure random device.
    public static final String DEVICE_FILE_PATH_KEY = Crypto.CONF_PREFIX + "secure.random.device.file.path";

     * The default value ({@value}) of the file path for secure random device.
    // Note: this is public mainly for use by the Javadoc
    public static final String DEVICE_FILE_PATH_DEFAULT = "/dev/urandom";

     * The configuration key of the algorithm of secure random.
    public static final String JAVA_ALGORITHM_KEY = Crypto.CONF_PREFIX + "";

     * The default value ({@value}) of the algorithm of secure random.
    // Note: this is public mainly for use by the Javadoc
    public static final String JAVA_ALGORITHM_DEFAULT = "SHA1PRNG";

     * The configuration key of the CryptoRandom implementation class.
     * <p>
     * The value of the CLASSES_KEY needs to be the full name of a
     * class that implements the
     * {@link org.apache.commons.crypto.random.CryptoRandom CryptoRandom} interface
     * The internal classes are listed in the enum
     * {@link RandomProvider RandomProvider}
     * which can be used to obtain the full class name.
     * <p>
     * The value can also be a comma-separated list of class names in
     * order of descending priority.
    public static final String CLASSES_KEY = Crypto.CONF_PREFIX + "secure.random.classes";

    public enum RandomProvider {
         * The OpenSSL Random implementation (using JNI)
         * <p>
         * No properties are used for configuration, but they
         * are passed to the {@link RandomProvider#JAVA} backup implementation
        // Please ensure the property description agrees with the implementation

         * The SecureRandom implementation from the JVM
         * <p>
         * Uses the property with key
         * {@link #JAVA_ALGORITHM_KEY}
         * with the default of
         * {@link #JAVA_ALGORITHM_DEFAULT}
        // Please ensure the property description agrees with the implementation

         * The OS random device implementation. May not be available on some OSes.
         * <p>
         * Uses {@link #DEVICE_FILE_PATH_KEY} to determine the
         * path to the random device, default is
         * {@link #DEVICE_FILE_PATH_DEFAULT}
        // Please ensure the property description agrees with the implementation

        private final Class<? extends CryptoRandom> klass;

        private final String className;

         * The private constructor.
         * @param klass the Class of CryptoRandom
        private RandomProvider(Class<? extends CryptoRandom> klass) {
            this.klass = klass;
            this.className = klass.getName();

         * Gets the class name of the provider.
         * @return the name of the provider class
        public String getClassName() {
            return className;

         * Gets the implementation class of the provider.
         * @return the implementation class of the provider
        public Class<? extends CryptoRandom> getImplClass() {
            return klass;

     * The default value (OPENSSL,JAVA) used when creating a {@link CryptoCipher}.
    private static final String CLASSES_DEFAULT = RandomProvider.OPENSSL.getClassName().concat(",")

     * The private constructor of {@link CryptoRandomFactory}.
    private CryptoRandomFactory() {

     * Gets a CryptoRandom instance using the default implementation
     * as defined by {@link #CLASSES_DEFAULT}
     * @return CryptoRandom  the cryptoRandom object.
     * @throws GeneralSecurityException if cannot create the {@link CryptoRandom} class
    public static CryptoRandom getCryptoRandom() throws GeneralSecurityException {
        Properties properties = new Properties();
        return getCryptoRandom(properties);

     * Gets a CryptoRandom instance for specified props.
     * Uses the SECURE_RANDOM_CLASSES_KEY from the provided
     * properties.
     * If it is not set, then it checks the System properties.
     * Failing that, it defaults to OpenSslCryptoRandom,JavaCryptoRandom
     * The properties are passed to the generated class.
     * @param props the configuration properties.
     * @return CryptoRandom  the cryptoRandom object.
     * @throws GeneralSecurityException if cannot create the {@link CryptoRandom} class
     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if no classname(s) are provided
    public static CryptoRandom getCryptoRandom(Properties props) throws GeneralSecurityException {
        final List<String> names = Utils.splitClassNames(getRandomClassString(props), ",");
        if (names.size() == 0) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("No classname(s) provided");
        StringBuilder errorMessage = new StringBuilder();
        CryptoRandom random = null;
        Exception lastException = null;
        for (String klassName : names) {
            try {
                final Class<?> klass = ReflectionUtils.getClassByName(klassName);
                random = (CryptoRandom) ReflectionUtils.newInstance(klass, props);
                if (random != null) {
            } catch (ClassCastException e) {
                lastException = e;
                errorMessage.append("Class: [" + klassName + "] is not a CryptoRandom.");
            } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
                lastException = e;
                errorMessage.append("CryptoRandom: [" + klassName + "] not found.");
            } catch (Exception e) {
                lastException = e;
                errorMessage.append("CryptoRandom: [" + klassName + "] failed with " + e.getMessage());
        if (random != null) {
            return random;
        throw new GeneralSecurityException(errorMessage.toString(), lastException);

     * Gets the CryptoRandom class.
     * @param props The <code>Properties</code> class represents a set of
     *              properties.
     * @return the CryptoRandom class based on the props.
    private static String getRandomClassString(Properties props) {
        String randomClassString = props.getProperty(CryptoRandomFactory.CLASSES_KEY, CLASSES_DEFAULT);
        if (randomClassString.isEmpty()) { // TODO does it make sense to treat the empty string as the default?
            randomClassString = CLASSES_DEFAULT;
        return randomClassString;
