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 * Copyright 2013 Lyor Goldstein
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

package org.apache.commons.collections15;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Comparator;
import java.util.Enumeration;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.SortedSet;

import org.apache.commons.collections15.collection.IndexedReader;
import org.apache.commons.lang3.ArrayUtils;
import org.apache.commons.lang3.AsymmetricComparator;
import org.apache.commons.lang3.ExtendedArrayUtils;
import org.apache.commons.lang3.ExtendedObjectUtils;
import org.apache.commons.lang3.ExtendedValidate;
import org.apache.commons.lang3.ObjectUtils;
import org.apache.commons.lang3.Validate;
import org.apache.commons.lang3.tuple.Triplet;

 * @author lgoldstein
public class ExtendedCollectionUtils extends CollectionUtils {
    public ExtendedCollectionUtils() {

    public static final <V> Collection<V> emptyCollection() {
        return EMPTY_COLLECTION;

      * @param c The {@link Collection} to be accessed
      * @return The 1st member in the collection - if not empty, or <code>null</code> otherwise
    public static final <T> T getFirstMember(Collection<? extends T> c) {
        if (isEmpty(c)) {
            return null;
        } else {
            return (T) get(c, 0);

    public static final <T> T getFirstMember(IndexedReader<T> reader) {
        if (reader == null) {
            return null;
        } else {
            return reader.get(0);

    // for some reason it is not provided in the generic-collections artifact
    public static final boolean isEmpty(Collection<?> c) {
        return (c == null) || c.isEmpty();

    public static final int size(Collection<?> c) {
        return (c == null) ? 0 : c.size();

     * @param coll The {@linkplain Collection} to add the item to
     * @param item The item to be added
     * @return The collection after item added
    public static final <E, C extends Collection<E>> C append(C coll, E item) {
        return coll;

     * @param coll The {@linkplain Collection} to add the items to
     * @param items The items to be added - ignored if {@code null}/empty
     * @return The collection after all items added
    public static final <E, C extends Collection<E>> C append(C coll, E... items) {
        return append(coll, ExtendedArrayUtils.asList(items));

     * @param coll The {@linkplain Collection} to add the items to
     * @param items The items to be added - ignored if {@code null}/empty
     * @return The collection after all items added
    public static final <E, C extends Collection<E>> C append(C coll, Collection<? extends E> items) {
        if (isEmpty(items)) {
            return coll;

        return coll;

     * @param coll The {@linkplain Collection} to add the items to
     * @param items The {@link Iterable} items to be added - ignored if {@code null}
     * @return The collection after all items added
    public static final <E, C extends Collection<E>> C append(C coll, Iterable<? extends E> items) {
        return append(coll, (items == null) ? null : items.iterator());

     * @param coll The {@linkplain Collection} to add the items to
     * @param items The {@link Iterator} containing the items to be added - ignored if {@code null}
     * @return The collection after all items added
    public static final <E, C extends Collection<E>> C append(C coll, Iterator<? extends E> items) {
        if (items == null) {
            return coll;

        while (items.hasNext()) {

        return coll;

     * Iterates over all members and invokes {@link ObjectUtils#hashCode(Object)}
     * on each
     * @param coll The {@link Collection} to be hashed - may be <code>null</code>
     * @return The calculated hash code
    public static final int hashCode(Collection<?> coll) {
        return ExtendedIteratorUtils.hashCode(ExtendedIteratorUtils.iteratorOf(coll));

     * Iterates over all members and invokes {@link ExtendedObjectUtils#deepHash(Object)}
     * on each
     * @param coll The {@link Collection} of items to be hashed - may be <code>null</code>
     * @return The calculated hash code
    public static final int deepHash(Collection<?> coll) {
        return ExtendedIteratorUtils.deepHash((coll == null) ? null : coll.iterator());

     * Adds all elements in the {@link Iterable} to the given collection.
     * @param coll the collection to add to
     * @param items {@link Iterable} elements to add, ignored if {@code null}
     * @return Number of items for which {@link Collection#add(Object)} returned {@code true}
     * @throws NullPointerException if the collection is {@code null}
    public static final <E> int addAllItems(Collection<? super E> coll, Iterable<? extends E> items) {
        return addAllItems(coll, ExtendedIteratorUtils.iteratorOf(items));

     * Adds all elements in the {@link Enumeration} to the given collection.
     * @param coll the collection to add to
     * @param e {@link Enumeration} of elements to add, ignored if {@code null}
     * @return Number of items for which {@link Collection#add(Object)} returned {@code true}
     * @throws NullPointerException if the collection is {@code null}
    public static final <E> int addAllItems(Collection<? super E> coll, Enumeration<? extends E> e) {
        return addAllItems(coll, (e == null) ? null : IteratorUtils.asIterator(e));

     * Adds all elements in the {@link Iterator} to the given collection.
     * @param coll the collection to add to
     * @param iter {@link Iterator} of elements to add, ignored if {@code null}
     * @return Number of items for which {@link Collection#add(Object)} returned {@code true}
     * @throws NullPointerException if the collection is {@code null}
    public static final <E> int addAllItems(Collection<? super E> coll, Iterator<? extends E> iter) {
        ExtendedValidate.notNull(coll, "No target collection");
        if (iter == null) {
            return 0;

        int numAdded = 0;
        while (iter.hasNext()) {
            E item =;
            if (coll.add(item)) {

        return numAdded;

    public static final <I, O> List<O> collectToList(Collection<? extends I> inputCollection,
            Transformer<? super I, ? extends O> transformer) {
        if (isEmpty(inputCollection)) {
            return Collections.emptyList();
        } else {
            return collect(inputCollection, transformer, new ArrayList<O>(inputCollection.size()));

    public static final <I, O> Set<O> collectToSet(Collection<? extends I> inputCollection,
            Transformer<? super I, ? extends O> transformer) {
        if (isEmpty(inputCollection)) {
            return Collections.emptySet();
        } else {
            return collect(inputCollection, transformer, new HashSet<O>(inputCollection.size()));

    public static final <I, O, C extends Collection<O>> C collect(Collection<? extends I> inputCollection,
            Transformer<? super I, ? extends O> transformer, Factory<? extends C> factory) {
        C result = factory.create();
        if (isEmpty(inputCollection)) {
            return result;
        } else {
            return collect(inputCollection, transformer, result);

    public static final <I, O extends Comparable<O>> SortedSet<O> collectToSortedSet(
            Collection<? extends I> inputCollection, Transformer<? super I, ? extends O> transformer) {
        return collectToSortedSet(inputCollection, transformer, ExtendedComparatorUtils.<O>comparableComparator());

    public static final <I, O> SortedSet<O> collectToSortedSet(Collection<? extends I> inputCollection,
            Transformer<? super I, ? extends O> transformer, Comparator<? super O> comp) {
        if (isEmpty(inputCollection)) {
            return ExtendedSetUtils.emptySortedSet();
        } else {
            return collect(inputCollection, transformer, ExtendedSetUtils.sortedSet(comp));

    public static final <E> List<E> accumulateToList(List<E> current, Collection<? extends E> delta) {
        return accumulate(current, delta, ExtendedCollectionUtils.<E>arrayListFactory());

    public static final <E> Set<E> accumulateToSet(Set<E> current, Collection<? extends E> delta) {
        return accumulate(current, delta, ExtendedSetUtils.<E>hashSetFactory());

    public static final <E extends Comparable<E>> SortedSet<E> accumulateToSortedSet(SortedSet<E> current,
            Collection<? extends E> delta) {
        return accumulate(current, delta, ExtendedSetUtils.<E>sortedSetFactory());

    public static final <E> Collection<E> accumulateToCollection(Collection<E> current,
            Collection<? extends E> delta) {
        return accumulate(current, delta, ExtendedCollectionUtils.<E>linkedListFactory());

     * <P>Adds a collection of items to an existing one, allocating a new collection
     * if necessary:</P></BR>
     * <UL>
     *     <LI>
     *     If the collection of items to be added is {@code null}/empty then
     *     it is ignored and the current collection reference is returned as-is
     *     </LI>
     *     <LI>
     *     If the current collection of items is non-{@code null} then the
     *     delta is added to it.
     *     </LI>
     *     <LI>
     *     Otherwise, a <U>new</U> collection is created (via the factory)
     *     and initialized with the items to be added
     *     </LI>
     * </UL>
     * @param current The current collection of items
     * @param delta The items to add - ignored if {@code null}/empty
     * @param factory A {@link Factory} to create the current collection of
     * items if necessary
     * @return The allocated/updated collection of items
    public static final <E, C extends Collection<E>> C accumulate(C current, Collection<? extends E> delta,
            Factory<? extends C> factory) {
        if (isEmpty(delta)) {
            return current;

        if (current != null) {
            return current;

        C allocated = factory.create();
        return allocated;

    public static final <I, O> Set<O> aggregateToSortedSet(Collection<? extends I> inputCollection,
            Transformer<? super I, ? extends Collection<? extends O>> transformer, Comparator<? super O> comp) {
        if (isEmpty(inputCollection)) {
            return ExtendedSetUtils.emptySortedSet();
        } else {
            return aggregate(inputCollection, transformer, ExtendedSetUtils.sortedSet(comp));

    public static final <I, O> Set<O> aggregateToSet(Collection<? extends I> inputCollection,
            Transformer<? super I, ? extends Collection<? extends O>> transformer) {
        if (isEmpty(inputCollection)) {
            return Collections.emptySet();
        } else {
            return aggregate(inputCollection, transformer, new HashSet<O>(inputCollection.size() * 2));

    public static final <I, O> List<O> aggregateToList(Collection<? extends I> inputCollection,
            Transformer<? super I, ? extends Collection<? extends O>> transformer) {
        if (isEmpty(inputCollection)) {
            return Collections.emptyList();
        } else {
            return aggregate(inputCollection, transformer, new ArrayList<O>(inputCollection.size() * 2));

     * @param inputCollection The input {@link Collection} to be scanned
     * @param transformer The {@link Transformer} to use on the scanned input
     * items to generate a collection of output values
     * @param factory The {@link Factory} to use to generate the output collection
     * @return The result of adding all intermediate collections generated by
     * the transformer to the output
    public static final <I, O, C extends Collection<O>> C aggregate(Collection<? extends I> inputCollection,
            Transformer<? super I, ? extends Collection<? extends O>> transformer, Factory<? extends C> factory) {
        return aggregate(inputCollection, transformer, factory.create());

    public static final <I, O, C extends Collection<O>> C aggregate(Collection<? extends I> inputCollection,
            Transformer<? super I, ? extends Collection<? extends O>> transformer, C result) {
        ExtendedValidate.notNull(transformer, "No transformer provided");
        if (isEmpty(inputCollection)) {
            return result;

        for (I item : inputCollection) {
            Collection<? extends O> values = transformer.transform(item);
            if (isEmpty(values)) {

            if (!result.addAll(values)) {
                continue; // debug breakpoint

        return result;

    public static final <E> List<E> selectToList(Collection<? extends E> inputCollection,
            Predicate<? super E> selector) {
        if (isEmpty(inputCollection)) {
            return Collections.emptyList();
        } else {
            return select(inputCollection, selector, new ArrayList<E>(inputCollection.size()));

    public static final <E> Set<E> selectToSet(Collection<? extends E> inputCollection,
            Predicate<? super E> selector) {
        if (isEmpty(inputCollection)) {
            return Collections.emptySet();
        } else {
            return select(inputCollection, selector, new HashSet<E>(inputCollection.size()));

    public static final <E extends Comparable<E>> SortedSet<E> selectToSortedSet(
            Collection<? extends E> inputCollection, Predicate<? super E> selector) {
        return selectToSortedSet(inputCollection, selector, ExtendedComparatorUtils.<E>comparableComparator());

    public static final <E> SortedSet<E> selectToSortedSet(Collection<? extends E> inputCollection,
            Predicate<? super E> selector, Comparator<? super E> comp) {
        if (isEmpty(inputCollection)) {
            return ExtendedSetUtils.emptySortedSet();
        } else {
            return select(inputCollection, selector, ExtendedSetUtils.sortedSet(comp));

    public static final <E, C extends Collection<E>> C select(Collection<? extends E> inputCollection,
            Predicate<? super E> selector, Factory<? extends C> factory) {
        C result = ExtendedValidate.notNull(factory, "No factory").create();
        if (isEmpty(inputCollection)) {
            return result;
        } else {
            return select(inputCollection, selector, result);

    public static final <E> void filterAccepted(Iterable<E> iterable, Predicate<? super E> predicate) {
        filter(iterable, PredicateUtils.notPredicate(predicate));

    public static final <E> Set<E> asSet(E... items) {
        if (ExtendedArrayUtils.length(items) <= 0) {
            return Collections.emptySet();

        Set<E> itemSet = new HashSet<E>(items.length);
        addAll(itemSet, items);
        return itemSet;

    public static final <E extends Comparable<E>> SortedSet<E> asSortedSet(E... items) {
        return asSortedSet(ExtendedComparatorUtils.<E>comparableComparator(), items);

    public static final <E> SortedSet<E> asSortedSet(Comparator<? super E> comp, E... items) {
        return asSortedSet(comp, ExtendedArrayUtils.asList(items));

    public static final <E extends Comparable<E>> SortedSet<E> asSortedSet(Collection<? extends E> items) {
        return asSortedSet(ExtendedComparatorUtils.<E>comparableComparator(), items);

    public static final <E> SortedSet<E> asSortedSet(Comparator<? super E> comp, Collection<? extends E> items) {
        if (isEmpty(items)) {
            return ExtendedSetUtils.emptySortedSet();

        SortedSet<E> itemSet = ExtendedSetUtils.sortedSet(comp);
        return itemSet;

    private static final Factory linkedListFactory = new Factory() {
        public Collection create() {
            return new LinkedList();

     * @return A {@link Factory} that returns a new {@link LinkedList} every
     * time the {@link Factory#create()} method is invoked
    public static final <V> Factory<Collection<V>> linkedListFactory() {
        return linkedListFactory;

    private static final Factory arrayListFactory = new Factory() {
        public List create() {
            return new ArrayList();

     * @return A {@link Factory} that returns a new {@link ArrayList} every
     * time the {@link Factory#create()} method is invoked
    public static final <V> Factory<List<V>> arrayListFactory() {
        return arrayListFactory;

     * Locates a matching entry using a comparator
     * @param iter The {@link Iterable} instance to scan
     * @param value The value to compare with
     * @param comp The {@link Comparator} to use
     * @return <code>true</code> if a match was found
     * @see #find(Iterable, Object, Comparator)
    public static final <E> boolean exists(Iterable<? extends E> iter, E value, Comparator<? super E> comp) {
        E match = find(iter, value, comp);
        if (match == null) {
            return false;
        } else {
            return true;

     * Locates a matching entry using a comparator
     * @param iter The {@link Iterable} instance to scan
     * @param value The value to compare with
     * @param comp The {@link Comparator} to use
     * @return The matching entry - <code>null</code> if not found
    public static final <E> E find(Iterable<? extends E> iter, E value, Comparator<? super E> comp) {
        return find(iter, ExtendedPredicateUtils.equals(value, comp));

     * Checks if 2 collections contain the same members in the same <U>order</U>
     * @param iter1 1st {@link Iterable} - may be <code>null</code>
     * @param iter2 2nd {@link Iterable} - may be <code>null</code>
     * @return <code>true</code> if both collections contain the same members
     * in the same order
     * @see #findFirstDifference(Iterable, Iterable)
    public static final <E> boolean isSameOrderCollection(Iterable<? extends E> iter1,
            Iterable<? extends E> iter2) {
        return isSameOrderCollection(iter1, iter2, ExtendedComparatorUtils.OBJECT_EQUALITY_COMPARATOR);

    public static final <E extends Comparable<E>> boolean isSameComparableOrderCollection(
            Iterable<? extends E> iter1, Iterable<? extends E> iter2) {
        return isSameOrderCollection(iter1, iter2, ExtendedComparatorUtils.<E>comparableComparator());

    public static final <E> boolean isSameOrderCollection(Iterable<? extends E> iter1, Iterable<? extends E> iter2,
            Comparator<? super E> comp) {
        return findFirstDifference(iter1, iter2, comp) == null;

    public static final <E> Triplet<E, E, Integer> findFirstDifference(Iterable<? extends E> iter1,
            Iterable<? extends E> iter2) {
        return findFirstDifference(iter1, iter2, ExtendedComparatorUtils.OBJECT_EQUALITY_COMPARATOR);

    public static final <E extends Comparable<E>> Triplet<E, E, Integer> findFirstComparableDifference(
            Iterable<? extends E> iter1, Iterable<? extends E> iter2) {
        return findFirstDifference(iter1, iter2, ExtendedComparatorUtils.<E>comparableComparator());

     * @param iter1 1st {@link Iterable} - may be <code>null</code>
     * @param iter2 2nd {@link Iterable} - may be <code>null</code>
     * @param comp The {@link Comparator} to use to check if 2 members are equal
     * @return A {@link Triplet} representing the 1st difference - where:</BR>
     * <UL>
     *      <LI>
     *      V1 - the value from the 1st iterator that did not match (<B>Note:</B>
     *      may be <code>null</code> if the iterator ran out of values but the
     *      other one still has values)
     *      </LI>
     *      <LI>
     *      V2 - the value from the 2nd iterator that did not match (<B>Note:</B>
     *      may be <code>null</code> if the iterator ran out of values but the
     *      other one still has values)
     *      </LI>
     *      <LI>
     *      V3 - The {@link Integer} &quot;offset&quot; of the difference - i.e.,
     *      how many successful {@link Iterator#next()} calls where executed on
     *      <U>both</U> iterators until the difference was found
     *      </LI>
     * </UL>
     * If no difference then returns <code>null</code>
     * @see ExtendedIteratorUtils#findFirstDifference(Iterator, Iterator, Comparator)
    public static final <E> Triplet<E, E, Integer> findFirstDifference(Iterable<? extends E> iter1,
            Iterable<? extends E> iter2, Comparator<? super E> comp) {
        return ExtendedIteratorUtils.findFirstDifference(ExtendedIteratorUtils.iteratorOf(iter1),
                ExtendedIteratorUtils.iteratorOf(iter2), comp);

     * Locates an element in a {@link List} of elements
     * @param <T> Type of elements in the {@link List}
     * @param v Element to be located using {@link Object#equals(Object)} - <code>if null</code>, then failure result returned
     * @param vals The {@link List} values
     * @return Index of element in the {@link List} - negative if not found
    public static final <T> int indexOf(T v, List<? extends T> vals) {
        if ((v == null) || isEmpty(vals)) {
            return (-1);
        } else {
            return vals.indexOf(v);

     * Locates an element in a {@link List} of elements
     * @param <T> Type of {@link List} elements
     * @param v Element to be located - if {@code null}, then failure result returned
     * @param c The {@link Comparator} to use to check if elements are equal
     * to the sought value. If {@code null}, then only reference equality and the
     * {@link Object#equals(Object)} method are used. 
     * @param vals The {@link List} values
     * @return Index of element in the {@link List} - negative if not found
    public static final <T> int indexOf(T v, Comparator<? super T> c, List<? extends T> vals) {
        return indexOf(v, c, 0, vals);

     * Locates an element in a {@link List} of elements
     * @param <T> Type of {@link List} elements
     * @param v Element to be located - if {@code null}, then failure result returned
     * @param c The {@link Comparator} to use to check if elements are equal
     * to the sought value. If {@code null}, then only reference equality and the
     * {@link Object#equals(Object)} method are used. 
     * @param startIndex Index to start looking for the element (inclusive)
     * @param vals The {@link List} values
     * @return Index of element in the {@link List} - negative if not found
    public static final <T> int indexOf(T v, Comparator<? super T> c, int startIndex, List<? extends T> vals) {
        return indexOf(v, c, startIndex, size(vals), vals);

     * Locates an element in a {@link List} of elements
     * @param <T> Type of {@link List} elements
     * @param v Element to be located - ignored (i.e., not-found) if {@code null}
     * @param c The {@link Comparator} to use to check if elements are equal
     * to the sought value. If <code>null</code>, then only reference equality and the
     * {@link Object#equals(Object)} method are used. 
     * @param startIndex Index to start looking for the element (inclusive)
     * @param endIndex Index to stop looking for the element (exclusive)
     * @param vals The {@link List} values
     * @return Index of element in the {@link List} - negative if not found
    public static final <T> int indexOf(T v, Comparator<? super T> c, int startIndex, int endIndex,
            List<? extends T> vals) {
        if ((v == null) || isEmpty(vals)) {
            return (-1);

        for (int vIndex = startIndex; vIndex < endIndex; vIndex++) {
            T cv = vals.get(vIndex);
            if (c != null) {
                if (0 ==, v)) {
                    return vIndex;
            } else {
                if (ObjectUtils.equals(v, cv)) {
                    return vIndex;

        return (-1);

     * @param items The {@link List} of items to evaluate
     * @return The index of the item that comes first in the &quot;natural&quot
     * order imposed by the {@link Comparable#compareTo(Object)} contract - negative
     * if no items evaluated
    public static final <T extends Comparable<T>> int minValueIndex(List<? extends T> items) {
        return minValueIndex(items, 0);

     * @param items The {@link List} of items to evaluate
     * @param startIndex Index to start evaluation (inclusive)
     * @return The index of the item that comes first in the &quot;natural&quot
     * order imposed by the {@link Comparable#compareTo(Object)} contract - negative
     * if no items evaluated
    public static final <T extends Comparable<T>> int minValueIndex(List<? extends T> items, int startIndex) {
        return minValueIndex(items, startIndex, size(items));

     * @param items The {@link List} of items to evaluate
     * @param startIndex Index to start evaluation (inclusive)
     * @param endIndex Index to end evaluation (exclusive)
     * @return The index of the item that comes first in the &quot;natural&quot
     * order imposed by the {@link Comparable#compareTo(Object)} contract - negative
     * if no items evaluated
    public static final <T extends Comparable<T>> int minValueIndex(List<? extends T> items, int startIndex,
            int endIndex) {
        return minValueIndex(items, startIndex, endIndex, ExtendedComparatorUtils.<T>comparableComparator());

     * @param items The {@link List} of items to evaluate
     * @param c The {@link Comparator} to use to decide which item comes first
     * @return The index of the item that comes first in the order imposed
     * by the {@link Comparator#compare(Object, Object)} contract - negative
     * if no items evaluated
    public static final <T> int minValueIndex(List<? extends T> items, Comparator<? super T> c) {
        return minValueIndex(items, 0, c);

     * @param items The {@link List} of items to evaluate
     * @param startIndex Index to start evaluation (inclusive)
     * @param c The {@link Comparator} to use to decide which item comes first
     * @return The index of the item that comes first in the order imposed
     * by the {@link Comparator#compare(Object, Object)} contract - negative
     * if no items evaluated
    public static final <T> int minValueIndex(List<? extends T> items, int startIndex, Comparator<? super T> c) {
        return minValueIndex(items, startIndex, size(items), c);

     * @param items The {@link List} of items to evaluate
     * @param startIndex Index to start evaluation (inclusive)
     * @param endIndex Index to end evaluation (exclusive)
     * @param c The {@link Comparator} to use to decide which item comes first
     * @return The index of the item that comes first in the order imposed
     * by the {@link Comparator#compare(Object, Object)} contract - negative
     * if no items evaluated
    public static final <T> int minValueIndex(List<? extends T> items, int startIndex, int endIndex,
            Comparator<? super T> c) {
        ExtendedValidate.notNull(c, "No comparator");
        if (isEmpty(items)) {
            return (-1);

        int cIndex = (-1);
        T candidate = null;
        for (int vIndex = startIndex; vIndex < endIndex; vIndex++) {
            T value = items.get(vIndex);
            if (candidate != null) { // check if can improve
                int nRes =, value);
                if (nRes <= 0) {

            candidate = value;
            cIndex = vIndex;

        return cIndex;

     * @param items The {@link List} of items to evaluate
     * @return The index of the item that comes last in the &quot;natural&quot
     * order imposed by the {@link Comparable#compareTo(Object)} contract - negative
     * if no items evaluated
    public static final <T extends Comparable<T>> int maxValueIndex(List<? extends T> items) {
        return maxValueIndex(items, 0);

     * @param items The {@link List} of items to evaluate
     * @param startIndex Index to start evaluation (inclusive)
     * @return The index of the item that comes last in the &quot;natural&quot
     * order imposed by the {@link Comparable#compareTo(Object)} contract - negative
     * if no items evaluated
    public static final <T extends Comparable<T>> int maxValueIndex(List<? extends T> items, int startIndex) {
        return maxValueIndex(items, startIndex, size(items));

     * @param items The {@link List} of items to evaluate
     * @param startIndex Index to start evaluation (inclusive)
     * @param endIndex Index to end evaluation (exclusive)
     * @return The index of the item that comes last in the &quot;natural&quot
     * order imposed by the {@link Comparable#compareTo(Object)} contract - negative
     * if no items evaluated
    public static final <T extends Comparable<T>> int maxValueIndex(List<? extends T> items, int startIndex,
            int endIndex) {
        return maxValueIndex(items, startIndex, endIndex, ExtendedComparatorUtils.<T>comparableComparator());

     * @param items The {@link List} of items to evaluate
     * @param c The {@link Comparator} to use to decide which item comes first
     * @return The index of the item that comes last in the order imposed
     * by the {@link Comparator#compare(Object, Object)} contract - negative
     * if no items evaluated
    public static final <T> int maxValueIndex(List<? extends T> items, Comparator<? super T> c) {
        return maxValueIndex(items, 0, c);

     * @param items The {@link List} of items to evaluate
     * @param startIndex Index to start evaluation (inclusive)
     * @param c The {@link Comparator} to use to decide which item comes first
     * @return The index of the item that comes last in the order imposed
     * by the {@link Comparator#compare(Object, Object)} contract - negative
     * if no items evaluated
    public static final <T> int maxValueIndex(List<? extends T> items, int startIndex, Comparator<? super T> c) {
        return maxValueIndex(items, startIndex, size(items), c);

     * @param items The {@link List} of items to evaluate
     * @param startIndex Index to start evaluation (inclusive)
     * @param endIndex Index to end evaluation (exclusive)
     * @param c The {@link Comparator} to use to decide which item comes first
     * @return The index of the item that comes last in the order imposed
     * by the {@link Comparator#compare(Object, Object)} contract - negative
     * if no items evaluated
    public static final <T> int maxValueIndex(List<? extends T> items, int startIndex, int endIndex,
            Comparator<? super T> c) {
        ExtendedValidate.notNull(c, "No comparator");
        if (isEmpty(items)) {
            return (-1);

        int cIndex = (-1);
        T candidate = null;
        for (int vIndex = startIndex; vIndex < endIndex; vIndex++) {
            T value = items.get(vIndex);
            if (candidate != null) { // check if can improve
                int nRes =, value);
                if (nRes >= 0) {

            candidate = value;
            cIndex = vIndex;

        return cIndex;

     * Uses null safe comparison of objects
     * @param <T> type of the values processed by this method
     * @param values the values to be processed, may be {@code null}/empty and contain {@code null}s
     * @param comp the {@link Comparator} to use - <B>Note:</B> must be provided
     * even if no values or no non-{@code null} values exist
     * @return
     *  <ul>
     *   <li>If no objects provided then {@code null} is returned
     *   <li>If any objects are non-{@code null} and unequal, the lesser object.
     *   <li>If all objects are non-{@code null} and equal, the first.
     *   <li>If any of the objects are {@code null}, the lesser of the non-null objects.
     *   <li>If all the objects are {@code null}, {@code null} is returned.
     *  </ul>
    public static <T extends Comparable<? super T>> T minValue(Comparator<? super T> comp,
            Collection<? extends T> values) {
        Validate.notNull(comp, "No comparator", ArrayUtils.EMPTY_OBJECT_ARRAY);
        if (isEmpty(values)) {
            return null;

        T result = null;
        for (T value : values) {
            if (, result, comp, true) < 0) {
                result = value;

        return result;

     * Uses null safe comparison of objects
     * @param <T> type of the values processed by this method
     * @param values the values to be processed, may be {@code null}/empty and contain {@code null}s
     * @param comp the {@link Comparator} to use - <B>Note:</B> must be provided
     * even if no values or no non-{@code null} values exist
     * @return
     *  <ul>
     *   <li>If no objects provided then {@code null} is returned</li>
     *   <li>If any objects are non-null and unequal, the greater object.</li>
     *   <li>If all objects are non-null and equal, the first.</li>
     *   <li>If any of the objects are null, the greater of the non-null objects.</li>
     *   <li>If all the objects are null, null is returned.</li>
     *  </ul>
    public static <T extends Comparable<? super T>> T maxValue(Comparator<? super T> comp,
            Collection<? extends T> values) {
        Validate.notNull(comp, "No comparator", ArrayUtils.EMPTY_OBJECT_ARRAY);
        if (isEmpty(values)) {
            return null;

        T result = null;
        for (T value : values) {
            if (, result, comp, false) > 0) {
                result = value;

        return result;

    public static final <T, V> int indexOf(final List<? extends T> list, final V value,
            final AsymmetricComparator<? super T, ? super V> c) {
        final int listSize = size(list);
        if (listSize <= 0)
            return (-1);
        if (c == null)
            return (-1);

        for (int index = 0; index < listSize; index++) {
            final T member = list.get(index);
            if (, value) == 0)
                return index;

        return (-1);

    public static final <T, V> T matchOf(final List<? extends T> list, final V value,
            final AsymmetricComparator<? super T, ? super V> c) {
        final int index = indexOf(list, value, c);
        if (index < 0)
            return null;
            return list.get(index);

    public static final <T, V> T sortedMatchOf(final List<? extends T> list, final V value,
            final AsymmetricComparator<? super T, ? super V> c) {
        final int index = sortedIndexOf(list, value, c);
        if (index < 0)
            return null;
            return list.get(index);

    // stops if member > value
    public static final <T, V> int sortedIndexOf(final List<? extends T> list, final V value,
            final AsymmetricComparator<? super T, ? super V> c) {
        final int listSize = size(list);
        if (listSize <= 0)
            return (-1);
        if (c == null)
            return (-1);

        for (int index = 0; index < listSize; index++) {
            final T member = list.get(index);
            final int nRes =, value);
            if (nRes == 0)
                return index;
            if (nRes > 0) // if member beyond value then stop
                return (-1);

        return (-1);

    public static final <T, V> T binaryMatchOf(final List<? extends T> list, final V value,
            final AsymmetricComparator<? super T, ? super V> c) {
        final int listSize = size(list);
        if (listSize <= 0)
            return null;

        return binaryMatchOf(list, value, 0, listSize, c);

    public static final <T, V> T binaryMatchOf(final List<? extends T> list, final V value,
            final int /* inclusive */ fromIndex, final int /* exclusive */ toIndex,
            final AsymmetricComparator<? super T, ? super V> c) {
        final int index = binaryIndexOf(list, value, fromIndex, toIndex, c);
        if (index < 0)
            return null;
            return list.get(index);

    public static final <T, V> int binaryIndexOf(final List<? extends T> list, final V value,
            final AsymmetricComparator<? super T, ? super V> c) {
        final int listSize = size(list);
        if (listSize <= 0)
            return (-1);

        return binaryIndexOf(list, value, 0, listSize, c);

    public static final <T, V> int binaryIndexOf(final List<? extends T> list, final V value,
            final int /* inclusive */ fromIndex, final int /* exclusive */ toIndex,
            final AsymmetricComparator<? super T, ? super V> c) {
        final int listSize = size(list);
        if ((fromIndex < 0) || (toIndex > listSize))
            throw new ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException("binaryIndexOf(" + fromIndex + "-" + toIndex + ")"
                    + " indices out of available range: 0-" + listSize);
        if (fromIndex >= toIndex)
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("binaryIndexOf(" + fromIndex + "-" + toIndex + ") inversion N/A");

        // see Arrays.sort code...
        int low = fromIndex, high = toIndex - 1;
        while (low <= high) {
            final int mid = (low + high) >>> 1;
            final T midVal = list.get(mid);
            final int cmp =, value);

            if (cmp < 0)
                low = mid + 1;
            else if (cmp > 0)
                high = mid - 1;
                return mid; // key found

        return 0 - (low + 1); // key not found but show where it should have been