Java tutorial
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one // or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file // distributed with this work for additional information // regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file // to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the // "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance // with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at // // // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, // software distributed under the License is distributed on an // "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY // KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the // specific language governing permissions and limitations // under the License. package org.apache.cloudstack.saml; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import org.apache.cloudstack.api.command.AuthorizeSAMLSSOCmd; import org.apache.cloudstack.api.command.GetServiceProviderMetaDataCmd; import org.apache.cloudstack.api.command.ListAndSwitchSAMLAccountCmd; import org.apache.cloudstack.api.command.ListIdpsCmd; import org.apache.cloudstack.api.command.ListSamlAuthorizationCmd; import org.apache.cloudstack.api.command.SAML2LoginAPIAuthenticatorCmd; import org.apache.cloudstack.api.command.SAML2LogoutAPIAuthenticatorCmd; import org.apache.cloudstack.framework.config.ConfigKey; import org.apache.cloudstack.framework.config.Configurable; import; import; import org.apache.commons.codec.binary.Base64; import org.apache.commons.httpclient.HttpClient; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import org.opensaml.DefaultBootstrap; import org.opensaml.common.xml.SAMLConstants; import org.opensaml.saml2.metadata.ContactPerson; import org.opensaml.saml2.metadata.EmailAddress; import org.opensaml.saml2.metadata.EntitiesDescriptor; import org.opensaml.saml2.metadata.EntityDescriptor; import org.opensaml.saml2.metadata.IDPSSODescriptor; import org.opensaml.saml2.metadata.KeyDescriptor; import org.opensaml.saml2.metadata.OrganizationDisplayName; import org.opensaml.saml2.metadata.OrganizationName; import org.opensaml.saml2.metadata.OrganizationURL; import org.opensaml.saml2.metadata.SingleLogoutService; import org.opensaml.saml2.metadata.SingleSignOnService; import org.opensaml.saml2.metadata.provider.AbstractReloadingMetadataProvider; import org.opensaml.saml2.metadata.provider.FilesystemMetadataProvider; import org.opensaml.saml2.metadata.provider.HTTPMetadataProvider; import org.opensaml.saml2.metadata.provider.MetadataProviderException; import org.opensaml.xml.ConfigurationException; import org.opensaml.xml.XMLObject; import org.opensaml.xml.parse.BasicParserPool; import; import; import org.springframework.stereotype.Component; import javax.inject.Inject; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Timer; import java.util.TimerTask; @Component public class SAML2AuthManagerImpl extends AdapterBase implements SAML2AuthManager, Configurable { private static final Logger s_logger = Logger.getLogger(SAML2AuthManagerImpl.class); private SAMLProviderMetadata _spMetadata = new SAMLProviderMetadata(); private Map<String, SAMLProviderMetadata> _idpMetadataMap = new HashMap<String, SAMLProviderMetadata>(); private String idpSingleSignOnUrl; private String idpSingleLogOutUrl; private Timer _timer; private int _refreshInterval = SAMLPluginConstants.SAML_REFRESH_INTERVAL; private AbstractReloadingMetadataProvider _idpMetaDataProvider; public String getSAMLIdentityProviderMetadataURL() { return SAMLIdentityProviderMetadataURL.value(); } @Inject private KeystoreDao _ksDao; @Inject private SAMLTokenDao _samlTokenDao; @Inject private UserDao _userDao; @Inject DomainManager _domainMgr; @Override public boolean start() { if (isSAMLPluginEnabled()) {"SAML auth plugin loaded"); return setup(); } else {"SAML auth plugin not enabled so not loading"); return super.start(); } } @Override public boolean stop() { if (_timer != null) { _timer.cancel(); } return super.stop(); } protected boolean initSP() { KeystoreVO keyStoreVO = _ksDao.findByName(SAMLPluginConstants.SAMLSP_KEYPAIR); if (keyStoreVO == null) { try { KeyPair keyPair = SAMLUtils.generateRandomKeyPair();, SAMLUtils.savePrivateKey(keyPair.getPrivate()), SAMLUtils.savePublicKey(keyPair.getPublic()), "samlsp-keypair"); keyStoreVO = _ksDao.findByName(SAMLPluginConstants.SAMLSP_KEYPAIR);"No SAML keystore found, created and saved a new Service Provider keypair"); } catch (NoSuchProviderException | NoSuchAlgorithmException e) { s_logger.error("Unable to create and save SAML keypair: " + e.toString()); } } String spId = SAMLServiceProviderID.value(); String spSsoUrl = SAMLServiceProviderSingleSignOnURL.value(); String spSloUrl = SAMLServiceProviderSingleLogOutURL.value(); String spOrgName = SAMLServiceProviderOrgName.value(); String spOrgUrl = SAMLServiceProviderOrgUrl.value(); String spContactPersonName = SAMLServiceProviderContactPersonName.value(); String spContactPersonEmail = SAMLServiceProviderContactEmail.value(); KeyPair spKeyPair = null; X509Certificate spX509Key = null; if (keyStoreVO != null) { PrivateKey privateKey = SAMLUtils.loadPrivateKey(keyStoreVO.getCertificate()); PublicKey publicKey = SAMLUtils.loadPublicKey(keyStoreVO.getKey()); if (privateKey != null && publicKey != null) { spKeyPair = new KeyPair(publicKey, privateKey); KeystoreVO x509VO = _ksDao.findByName(SAMLPluginConstants.SAMLSP_X509CERT); if (x509VO == null) { try { spX509Key = SAMLUtils.generateRandomX509Certificate(spKeyPair); ByteArrayOutputStream bos = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); ObjectOutput out = new ObjectOutputStream(bos); out.writeObject(spX509Key); out.flush();, Base64.encodeBase64String(bos.toByteArray()), "", "samlsp-x509cert"); bos.close(); } catch (NoSuchAlgorithmException | NoSuchProviderException | CertificateEncodingException | SignatureException | InvalidKeyException | IOException e) { s_logger.error("SAML Plugin won't be able to use X509 signed authentication"); } } else { try { ByteArrayInputStream bi = new ByteArrayInputStream( Base64.decodeBase64(x509VO.getCertificate())); ObjectInputStream si = new ObjectInputStream(bi); spX509Key = (X509Certificate) si.readObject(); bi.close(); } catch (IOException | ClassNotFoundException ignored) { s_logger.error( "SAML Plugin won't be able to use X509 signed authentication. Failed to load X509 Certificate from Database."); } } } } if (spKeyPair != null && spX509Key != null && spId != null && spSsoUrl != null && spSloUrl != null && spOrgName != null && spOrgUrl != null && spContactPersonName != null && spContactPersonEmail != null) { _spMetadata.setEntityId(spId); _spMetadata.setOrganizationName(spOrgName); _spMetadata.setOrganizationUrl(spOrgUrl); _spMetadata.setContactPersonName(spContactPersonName); _spMetadata.setContactPersonEmail(spContactPersonEmail); _spMetadata.setSsoUrl(spSsoUrl); _spMetadata.setSloUrl(spSloUrl); _spMetadata.setKeyPair(spKeyPair); _spMetadata.setSigningCertificate(spX509Key); _spMetadata.setEncryptionCertificate(spX509Key); return true; } return false; } private void addIdpToMap(EntityDescriptor descriptor, Map<String, SAMLProviderMetadata> idpMap) { SAMLProviderMetadata idpMetadata = new SAMLProviderMetadata(); idpMetadata.setEntityId(descriptor.getEntityID()); s_logger.debug("Adding IdP to the list of discovered IdPs: " + descriptor.getEntityID()); if (descriptor.getOrganization() != null) { if (descriptor.getOrganization().getDisplayNames() != null) { for (OrganizationDisplayName orgName : descriptor.getOrganization().getDisplayNames()) { if (orgName != null && orgName.getName() != null) { idpMetadata.setOrganizationName(orgName.getName().getLocalString()); break; } } } if (idpMetadata.getOrganizationName() == null && descriptor.getOrganization().getOrganizationNames() != null) { for (OrganizationName orgName : descriptor.getOrganization().getOrganizationNames()) { if (orgName != null && orgName.getName() != null) { idpMetadata.setOrganizationName(orgName.getName().getLocalString()); break; } } } if (descriptor.getOrganization().getURLs() != null) { for (OrganizationURL organizationURL : descriptor.getOrganization().getURLs()) { if (organizationURL != null && organizationURL.getURL() != null) { idpMetadata.setOrganizationUrl(organizationURL.getURL().getLocalString()); break; } } } } if (descriptor.getContactPersons() != null) { for (ContactPerson person : descriptor.getContactPersons()) { if (person == null || (person.getGivenName() == null && person.getSurName() == null) || person.getEmailAddresses() == null) { continue; } if (person.getGivenName() != null) { idpMetadata.setContactPersonName(person.getGivenName().getName()); } else if (person.getSurName() != null) { idpMetadata.setContactPersonName(person.getSurName().getName()); } for (EmailAddress emailAddress : person.getEmailAddresses()) { if (emailAddress != null && emailAddress.getAddress() != null) { idpMetadata.setContactPersonEmail(emailAddress.getAddress()); } } if (idpMetadata.getContactPersonName() != null && idpMetadata.getContactPersonEmail() != null) { break; } } } IDPSSODescriptor idpDescriptor = descriptor.getIDPSSODescriptor(SAMLConstants.SAML20P_NS); if (idpDescriptor != null) { if (idpDescriptor.getSingleSignOnServices() != null) { for (SingleSignOnService ssos : idpDescriptor.getSingleSignOnServices()) { if (ssos.getBinding().equals(SAMLConstants.SAML2_REDIRECT_BINDING_URI)) { idpMetadata.setSsoUrl(ssos.getLocation()); } } } if (idpDescriptor.getSingleLogoutServices() != null) { for (SingleLogoutService slos : idpDescriptor.getSingleLogoutServices()) { if (slos.getBinding().equals(SAMLConstants.SAML2_REDIRECT_BINDING_URI)) { idpMetadata.setSloUrl(slos.getLocation()); } } } X509Certificate unspecifiedKey = null; if (idpDescriptor.getKeyDescriptors() != null) { for (KeyDescriptor kd : idpDescriptor.getKeyDescriptors()) { if (kd.getUse() == UsageType.SIGNING) { try { idpMetadata .setSigningCertificate(KeyInfoHelper.getCertificates(kd.getKeyInfo()).get(0)); } catch (CertificateException ignored) {"[ignored] encountered invalid certificate signing.", ignored); } } if (kd.getUse() == UsageType.ENCRYPTION) { try { idpMetadata.setEncryptionCertificate( KeyInfoHelper.getCertificates(kd.getKeyInfo()).get(0)); } catch (CertificateException ignored) {"[ignored] encountered invalid certificate encryption.", ignored); } } if (kd.getUse() == UsageType.UNSPECIFIED) { try { unspecifiedKey = KeyInfoHelper.getCertificates(kd.getKeyInfo()).get(0); } catch (CertificateException ignored) {"[ignored] encountered invalid certificate.", ignored); } } } } if (idpMetadata.getSigningCertificate() == null && unspecifiedKey != null) { idpMetadata.setSigningCertificate(unspecifiedKey); } if (idpMetadata.getEncryptionCertificate() == null && unspecifiedKey != null) { idpMetadata.setEncryptionCertificate(unspecifiedKey); } if (idpMap.containsKey(idpMetadata.getEntityId())) { s_logger.warn("Duplicate IdP metadata found with entity Id: " + idpMetadata.getEntityId()); } idpMap.put(idpMetadata.getEntityId(), idpMetadata); } } private void discoverAndAddIdp(XMLObject metadata, Map<String, SAMLProviderMetadata> idpMap) { if (metadata instanceof EntityDescriptor) { EntityDescriptor entityDescriptor = (EntityDescriptor) metadata; addIdpToMap(entityDescriptor, idpMap); } else if (metadata instanceof EntitiesDescriptor) { EntitiesDescriptor entitiesDescriptor = (EntitiesDescriptor) metadata; if (entitiesDescriptor.getEntityDescriptors() != null) { for (EntityDescriptor entityDescriptor : entitiesDescriptor.getEntityDescriptors()) { addIdpToMap(entityDescriptor, idpMap); } } if (entitiesDescriptor.getEntitiesDescriptors() != null) { for (EntitiesDescriptor entitiesDescriptorInner : entitiesDescriptor.getEntitiesDescriptors()) { discoverAndAddIdp(entitiesDescriptorInner, idpMap); } } } } class MetadataRefreshTask extends TimerTask { @Override public void run() { if (_idpMetaDataProvider == null) { return; } s_logger.debug("Starting SAML IDP Metadata Refresh Task"); Map<String, SAMLProviderMetadata> metadataMap = new HashMap<String, SAMLProviderMetadata>(); try { discoverAndAddIdp(_idpMetaDataProvider.getMetadata(), metadataMap); _idpMetadataMap = metadataMap; expireTokens(); s_logger.debug("Finished refreshing SAML Metadata and expiring old auth tokens"); } catch (MetadataProviderException e) { s_logger.warn("SAML Metadata Refresh task failed with exception: " + e.getMessage()); } } } private boolean setup() { if (!initSP()) { s_logger.error( "SAML Plugin failed to initialize, please fix the configuration and restart management server"); return false; } _timer = new Timer(); final HttpClient client = new HttpClient(); final String idpMetaDataUrl = getSAMLIdentityProviderMetadataURL(); if (SAMLTimeout.value() != null && SAMLTimeout.value() > SAMLPluginConstants.SAML_REFRESH_INTERVAL) { _refreshInterval = SAMLTimeout.value(); } try { DefaultBootstrap.bootstrap(); if (idpMetaDataUrl.startsWith("http")) { _idpMetaDataProvider = new HTTPMetadataProvider(_timer, client, idpMetaDataUrl); } else { File metadataFile = PropertiesUtil.findConfigFile(idpMetaDataUrl); if (metadataFile == null) { s_logger.error( "Provided Metadata is not a URL, Unable to locate metadata file from local path: " + idpMetaDataUrl); return false; } else { s_logger.debug("Provided Metadata is not a URL, trying to read metadata file from local path: " + metadataFile.getAbsolutePath()); _idpMetaDataProvider = new FilesystemMetadataProvider(_timer, metadataFile); } } _idpMetaDataProvider.setRequireValidMetadata(true); _idpMetaDataProvider.setParserPool(new BasicParserPool()); _idpMetaDataProvider.initialize(); _timer.scheduleAtFixedRate(new MetadataRefreshTask(), 0, _refreshInterval * 1000); } catch (MetadataProviderException e) { s_logger.error("Unable to read SAML2 IDP MetaData URL, error:" + e.getMessage()); s_logger.error("SAML2 Authentication may be unavailable"); return false; } catch (ConfigurationException | FactoryConfigurationError e) { s_logger.error("OpenSAML bootstrapping failed: error: " + e.getMessage()); return false; } catch (NullPointerException e) { s_logger.error("Unable to setup SAML Auth Plugin due to NullPointerException" + " please check the SAML global settings: " + e.getMessage()); return false; } return true; } @Override public SAMLProviderMetadata getSPMetadata() { return _spMetadata; } @Override public SAMLProviderMetadata getIdPMetadata(String entityId) { if (entityId != null && _idpMetadataMap.containsKey(entityId)) { return _idpMetadataMap.get(entityId); } String defaultIdpId = SAMLDefaultIdentityProviderId.value(); if (defaultIdpId != null && _idpMetadataMap.containsKey(defaultIdpId)) { return _idpMetadataMap.get(defaultIdpId); } // In case of a single IdP, return that as default if (_idpMetadataMap.size() == 1) { return _idpMetadataMap.values().iterator().next(); } return null; } @Override public Collection<SAMLProviderMetadata> getAllIdPMetadata() { return _idpMetadataMap.values(); } @Override public boolean isUserAuthorized(Long userId, String entityId) { UserVO user = _userDao.getUser(userId); if (user != null) { if (user.getSource().equals(User.Source.SAML2) && user.getExternalEntity().equalsIgnoreCase(entityId)) { return true; } } return false; } @Override public boolean authorizeUser(Long userId, String entityId, boolean enable) { UserVO user = _userDao.getUser(userId); if (user != null) { if (enable) { user.setExternalEntity(entityId); user.setSource(User.Source.SAML2); } else { if (user.getSource().equals(User.Source.SAML2)) { user.setSource(User.Source.SAML2DISABLED); } else { return false; } } _userDao.update(user.getId(), user); return true; } return false; } @Override public void saveToken(String authnId, String domainPath, String entity) { Long domainId = null; if (domainPath != null) { Domain domain = _domainMgr.findDomainByPath(domainPath); if (domain != null) { domainId = domain.getId(); } } SAMLTokenVO token = new SAMLTokenVO(authnId, domainId, entity); if (_samlTokenDao.findByUuid(authnId) == null) { _samlTokenDao.persist(token); } else { s_logger.warn( "Duplicate SAML token for entity=" + entity + " token id=" + authnId + " domain=" + domainPath); } } @Override public SAMLTokenVO getToken(String authnId) { return _samlTokenDao.findByUuid(authnId); } @Override public void expireTokens() { _samlTokenDao.expireTokens(); } public Boolean isSAMLPluginEnabled() { return SAMLIsPluginEnabled.value(); } @Override public String getConfigComponentName() { return "SAML2-PLUGIN"; } @Override public List<Class<?>> getAuthCommands() { List<Class<?>> cmdList = new ArrayList<Class<?>>(); if (!isSAMLPluginEnabled()) { return cmdList; } cmdList.add(SAML2LoginAPIAuthenticatorCmd.class); cmdList.add(SAML2LogoutAPIAuthenticatorCmd.class); cmdList.add(GetServiceProviderMetaDataCmd.class); cmdList.add(ListIdpsCmd.class); cmdList.add(ListAndSwitchSAMLAccountCmd.class); return cmdList; } @Override public List<Class<?>> getCommands() { List<Class<?>> cmdList = new ArrayList<Class<?>>(); if (!isSAMLPluginEnabled()) { return cmdList; } cmdList.add(AuthorizeSAMLSSOCmd.class); cmdList.add(ListSamlAuthorizationCmd.class); return cmdList; } @Override public ConfigKey<?>[] getConfigKeys() { return new ConfigKey<?>[] { SAMLIsPluginEnabled, SAMLServiceProviderID, SAMLServiceProviderContactPersonName, SAMLServiceProviderContactEmail, SAMLServiceProviderOrgName, SAMLServiceProviderOrgUrl, SAMLServiceProviderSingleSignOnURL, SAMLServiceProviderSingleLogOutURL, SAMLCloudStackRedirectionUrl, SAMLUserAttributeName, SAMLIdentityProviderMetadataURL, SAMLDefaultIdentityProviderId, SAMLSignatureAlgorithm, SAMLAppendDomainSuffix, SAMLTimeout }; } }