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 * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
 * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
 * distributed with this work for additional information
 * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
 * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
 * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
 * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.
package org.apache.cassandra.db.partitions;

import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;

import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;

import org.apache.cassandra.db.*;
import org.apache.cassandra.db.filter.ColumnFilter;
import org.apache.cassandra.db.rows.*;
import org.apache.cassandra.index.IndexRegistry;
import org.apache.cassandra.schema.ColumnMetadata;
import org.apache.cassandra.schema.Schema;
import org.apache.cassandra.schema.TableId;
import org.apache.cassandra.schema.TableMetadata;
import org.apache.cassandra.utils.FBUtilities;
import org.apache.cassandra.utils.btree.BTree;
import org.apache.cassandra.utils.btree.UpdateFunction;

 * Stores updates made on a partition.
 * <p>
 * A PartitionUpdate object requires that all writes/additions are performed before we
 * try to read the updates (attempts to write to the PartitionUpdate after a read method
 * has been called will result in an exception being thrown). In other words, a Partition
 * is mutable while it's written but becomes immutable as soon as it is read.
 * <p>
 * A typical usage is to create a new update ({@code new PartitionUpdate(metadata, key, columns, capacity)})
 * and then add rows and range tombstones through the {@code add()} methods (the partition
 * level deletion time can also be set with {@code addPartitionDeletion()}). However, there
 * is also a few static helper constructor methods for special cases ({@code emptyUpdate()},
 * {@code fullPartitionDelete} and {@code singleRowUpdate}).
public class PartitionUpdate extends AbstractBTreePartition {
    protected static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(PartitionUpdate.class);

    public static final PartitionUpdateSerializer serializer = new PartitionUpdateSerializer();

    private final Holder holder;
    private final DeletionInfo deletionInfo;
    private final TableMetadata metadata;

    private final boolean canHaveShadowedData;

    private PartitionUpdate(TableMetadata metadata, DecoratedKey key, Holder holder,
            MutableDeletionInfo deletionInfo, boolean canHaveShadowedData) {
        this.metadata = metadata;
        this.holder = holder;
        this.deletionInfo = deletionInfo;
        this.canHaveShadowedData = canHaveShadowedData;

     * Creates a empty immutable partition update.
     * @param metadata the metadata for the created update.
     * @param key the partition key for the created update.
     * @return the newly created empty (and immutable) update.
    public static PartitionUpdate emptyUpdate(TableMetadata metadata, DecoratedKey key) {
        MutableDeletionInfo deletionInfo =;
        Holder holder = new Holder(RegularAndStaticColumns.NONE, BTree.empty(), deletionInfo, Rows.EMPTY_STATIC_ROW,
        return new PartitionUpdate(metadata, key, holder, deletionInfo, false);

     * Creates an immutable partition update that entirely deletes a given partition.
     * @param metadata the metadata for the created update.
     * @param key the partition key for the partition that the created update should delete.
     * @param timestamp the timestamp for the deletion.
     * @param nowInSec the current time in seconds to use as local deletion time for the partition deletion.
     * @return the newly created partition deletion update.
    public static PartitionUpdate fullPartitionDelete(TableMetadata metadata, DecoratedKey key, long timestamp,
            int nowInSec) {
        MutableDeletionInfo deletionInfo = new MutableDeletionInfo(timestamp, nowInSec);
        Holder holder = new Holder(RegularAndStaticColumns.NONE, BTree.empty(), deletionInfo, Rows.EMPTY_STATIC_ROW,
        return new PartitionUpdate(metadata, key, holder, deletionInfo, false);

     * Creates an immutable partition update that contains a single row update.
     * @param metadata the metadata for the created update.
     * @param key the partition key for the partition to update.
     * @param row the row for the update (may be null).
     * @param row the static row for the update (may be null).
     * @return the newly created partition update containing only {@code row}.
    public static PartitionUpdate singleRowUpdate(TableMetadata metadata, DecoratedKey key, Row row,
            Row staticRow) {
        MutableDeletionInfo deletionInfo =;
        Holder holder = new Holder(
                new RegularAndStaticColumns(staticRow == null ? Columns.NONE : Columns.from(staticRow.columns()),
                        row == null ? Columns.NONE : Columns.from(row.columns())),
                row == null ? BTree.empty() : BTree.singleton(row), deletionInfo,
                staticRow == null ? Rows.EMPTY_STATIC_ROW : staticRow, EncodingStats.NO_STATS);
        return new PartitionUpdate(metadata, key, holder, deletionInfo, false);

     * Creates an immutable partition update that contains a single row update.
     * @param metadata the metadata for the created update.
     * @param key the partition key for the partition to update.
     * @param row the row for the update (may be static).
     * @return the newly created partition update containing only {@code row}.
    public static PartitionUpdate singleRowUpdate(TableMetadata metadata, DecoratedKey key, Row row) {
        return singleRowUpdate(metadata, key, row.isStatic() ? null : row, row.isStatic() ? row : null);

     * Creates an immutable partition update that contains a single row update.
     * @param metadata the metadata for the created update.
     * @param key the partition key for the partition to update.
     * @param row the row for the update.
     * @return the newly created partition update containing only {@code row}.
    public static PartitionUpdate singleRowUpdate(TableMetadata metadata, ByteBuffer key, Row row) {
        return singleRowUpdate(metadata, metadata.partitioner.decorateKey(key), row);

     * Turns the given iterator into an update.
     * @param iterator the iterator to turn into updates.
     * @param filter the column filter used when querying {@code iterator}. This is used to make
     * sure we don't include data for which the value has been skipped while reading (as we would
     * then be writing something incorrect).
     * Warning: this method does not close the provided iterator, it is up to
     * the caller to close it.
    public static PartitionUpdate fromIterator(UnfilteredRowIterator iterator, ColumnFilter filter) {
        iterator = UnfilteredRowIterators.withOnlyQueriedData(iterator, filter);
        Holder holder = build(iterator, 16);
        MutableDeletionInfo deletionInfo = (MutableDeletionInfo) holder.deletionInfo;
        return new PartitionUpdate(iterator.metadata(), iterator.partitionKey(), holder, deletionInfo, false);

     * Turns the given iterator into an update.
     * @param iterator the iterator to turn into updates.
     * @param filter the column filter used when querying {@code iterator}. This is used to make
     * sure we don't include data for which the value has been skipped while reading (as we would
     * then be writing something incorrect).
     * Warning: this method does not close the provided iterator, it is up to
     * the caller to close it.
    public static PartitionUpdate fromIterator(RowIterator iterator, ColumnFilter filter) {
        iterator = RowIterators.withOnlyQueriedData(iterator, filter);
        MutableDeletionInfo deletionInfo =;
        Holder holder = build(iterator, deletionInfo, true, 16);
        return new PartitionUpdate(iterator.metadata(), iterator.partitionKey(), holder, deletionInfo, false);

    protected boolean canHaveShadowedData() {
        return canHaveShadowedData;

     * Deserialize a partition update from a provided byte buffer.
     * @param bytes the byte buffer that contains the serialized update.
     * @param version the version with which the update is serialized.
     * @return the deserialized update or {@code null} if {@code bytes == null}.
    public static PartitionUpdate fromBytes(ByteBuffer bytes, int version) {
        if (bytes == null)
            return null;

        try {
            return serializer.deserialize(new DataInputBuffer(bytes, true), version,
        } catch (IOException e) {
            throw new RuntimeException(e);

     * Serialize a partition update as a byte buffer.
     * @param update the partition update to serialize.
     * @param version the version to serialize the update into.
     * @return a newly allocated byte buffer containing the serialized update.
    public static ByteBuffer toBytes(PartitionUpdate update, int version) {
        try (DataOutputBuffer out = new DataOutputBuffer()) {
            serializer.serialize(update, out, version);
            return out.buffer();
        } catch (IOException e) {
            throw new RuntimeException(e);

     * Creates a partition update that entirely deletes a given partition.
     * @param metadata the metadata for the created update.
     * @param key the partition key for the partition that the created update should delete.
     * @param timestamp the timestamp for the deletion.
     * @param nowInSec the current time in seconds to use as local deletion time for the partition deletion.
     * @return the newly created partition deletion update.
    public static PartitionUpdate fullPartitionDelete(TableMetadata metadata, ByteBuffer key, long timestamp,
            int nowInSec) {
        return fullPartitionDelete(metadata, metadata.partitioner.decorateKey(key), timestamp, nowInSec);

     * Merges the provided updates, yielding a new update that incorporates all those updates.
     * @param updates the collection of updates to merge. This shouldn't be empty.
     * @return a partition update that include (merge) all the updates from {@code updates}.
    public static PartitionUpdate merge(List<PartitionUpdate> updates) {
        assert !updates.isEmpty();
        final int size = updates.size();

        if (size == 1)
            return Iterables.getOnlyElement(updates);

        List<UnfilteredRowIterator> asIterators = Lists.transform(updates,
        return fromIterator(UnfilteredRowIterators.merge(asIterators), ColumnFilter.all(updates.get(0).metadata()));

    // We override this, because the version in the super-class calls holder(), which build the update preventing
    // further updates, but that's not necessary here and being able to check at least the partition deletion without
    // "locking" the update is nice (and used in DataResolver.RepairMergeListener.MergeListener).
    public DeletionInfo deletionInfo() {
        return deletionInfo;

     * The number of "operations" contained in the update.
     * <p>
     * This is used by {@code Memtable} to approximate how much work this update does. In practice, this
     * count how many rows are updated and how many ranges are deleted by the partition update.
     * @return the number of "operations" performed by the update.
    public int operationCount() {
        return rowCount() + (staticRow().isEmpty() ? 0 : 1) + deletionInfo.rangeCount()
                + (deletionInfo.getPartitionDeletion().isLive() ? 0 : 1);

     * The size of the data contained in this update.
     * @return the size of the data contained in this update.
    public int dataSize() {
        int size = 0;

        if (holder.staticRow != null) {
            for (ColumnData cd : holder.staticRow.columnData()) {
                size += cd.dataSize();

        for (Row row : this) {
            size += row.clustering().dataSize();
            for (ColumnData cd : row)
                size += cd.dataSize();
        return size;

    public TableMetadata metadata() {
        return metadata;

    public RegularAndStaticColumns columns() {
        // The superclass implementation calls holder(), but that triggers a build of the PartitionUpdate. But since
        // the columns are passed to the ctor, we know the holder always has the proper columns even if it doesn't have
        // the built rows yet, so just bypass the holder() method.
        return holder.columns;

    protected Holder holder() {
        return holder;

    public EncodingStats stats() {
        return holder().stats;

     * Validates the data contained in this update.
     * @throws org.apache.cassandra.serializers.MarshalException if some of the data contained in this update is corrupted.
    public void validate() {
        for (Row row : this) {
            for (ColumnData cd : row)

     * The maximum timestamp used in this update.
     * @return the maximum timestamp used in this update.
    public long maxTimestamp() {
        long maxTimestamp = deletionInfo.maxTimestamp();
        for (Row row : this) {
            maxTimestamp = Math.max(maxTimestamp, row.primaryKeyLivenessInfo().timestamp());
            for (ColumnData cd : row) {
                if (cd.column().isSimple()) {
                    maxTimestamp = Math.max(maxTimestamp, ((Cell) cd).timestamp());
                } else {
                    ComplexColumnData complexData = (ComplexColumnData) cd;
                    maxTimestamp = Math.max(maxTimestamp, complexData.complexDeletion().markedForDeleteAt());
                    for (Cell cell : complexData)
                        maxTimestamp = Math.max(maxTimestamp, cell.timestamp());

        if (this.holder.staticRow != null) {
            for (ColumnData cd : this.holder.staticRow.columnData()) {
                if (cd.column().isSimple()) {
                    maxTimestamp = Math.max(maxTimestamp, ((Cell) cd).timestamp());
                } else {
                    ComplexColumnData complexData = (ComplexColumnData) cd;
                    maxTimestamp = Math.max(maxTimestamp, complexData.complexDeletion().markedForDeleteAt());
                    for (Cell cell : complexData)
                        maxTimestamp = Math.max(maxTimestamp, cell.timestamp());
        return maxTimestamp;

     * For an update on a counter table, returns a list containing a {@code CounterMark} for
     * every counter contained in the update.
     * @return a list with counter marks for every counter in this update.
    public List<CounterMark> collectCounterMarks() {
        assert metadata().isCounter();
        // We will take aliases on the rows of this update, and update them in-place. So we should be sure the
        // update is now immutable for all intent and purposes.
        List<CounterMark> marks = new ArrayList<>();
        addMarksForRow(staticRow(), marks);
        for (Row row : this)
            addMarksForRow(row, marks);
        return marks;

    private static void addMarksForRow(Row row, List<CounterMark> marks) {
        for (Cell cell : row.cells()) {
            if (cell.isCounterCell())
                marks.add(new CounterMark(row, cell.column(), cell.path()));

     * Creates a new simple partition update builder.
     * @param metadata the metadata for the table this is a partition of.
     * @param partitionKeyValues the values for partition key columns identifying this partition. The values for each
     * partition key column can be passed either directly as {@code ByteBuffer} or using a "native" value (int for
     * Int32Type, string for UTF8Type, ...). It is also allowed to pass a single {@code DecoratedKey} value directly.
     * @return a newly created builder.
    public static SimpleBuilder simpleBuilder(TableMetadata metadata, Object... partitionKeyValues) {
        return new SimpleBuilders.PartitionUpdateBuilder(metadata, partitionKeyValues);

    public void validateIndexedColumns() {

     * Interface for building partition updates geared towards human.
     * <p>
     * This should generally not be used when performance matters too much, but provides a more convenient interface to
     * build an update than using the class constructor when performance is not of the utmost importance.
    public interface SimpleBuilder {
         * The metadata of the table this is a builder on.
        public TableMetadata metadata();

         * Sets the timestamp to use for the following additions to this builder or any derived (row) builder.
         * @param timestamp the timestamp to use for following additions. If that timestamp hasn't been set, the current
         * time in microseconds will be used.
         * @return this builder.
        public SimpleBuilder timestamp(long timestamp);

         * Sets the ttl to use for the following additions to this builder or any derived (row) builder.
         * @param ttl the ttl to use for following additions. If that ttl hasn't been set, no ttl will be used.
         * @return this builder.
        public SimpleBuilder ttl(int ttl);

         * Sets the current time to use for the following additions to this builder or any derived (row) builder.
         * @param nowInSec the current time to use for following additions. If the current time hasn't been set, the current
         * time in seconds will be used.
         * @return this builder.
        public SimpleBuilder nowInSec(int nowInSec);

         * Adds the row identifier by the provided clustering and return a builder for that row.
         * @param clusteringValues the value for the clustering columns of the row to add to this build. There may be no
         * values if either the table has no clustering column, or if you want to edit the static row. Note that as a
         * shortcut it is also allowed to pass a {@code Clustering} object directly, in which case that should be the
         * only argument.
         * @return a builder for the row identified by {@code clusteringValues}.
        public Row.SimpleBuilder row(Object... clusteringValues);

         * Deletes the partition identified by this builder (using a partition level deletion).
         * @return this builder.
        public SimpleBuilder delete();

         * Adds a new range tombstone to this update, returning a builder for that range.
         * @return the range tombstone builder for the newly added range.
        public RangeTombstoneBuilder addRangeTombstone();

         * Adds a new range tombstone to this update
         * @return this builder
        public SimpleBuilder addRangeTombstone(RangeTombstone rt);

         * Build the update represented by this builder.
         * @return the built update.
        public PartitionUpdate build();

         * As shortcut for {@code new Mutation(build())}.
         * @return the built update, wrapped in a {@code Mutation}.
        public Mutation buildAsMutation();

         * Interface to build range tombstone.
         * By default, if no other methods are called, the represented range is inclusive of both start and end and
         * includes everything (its start is {@code BOTTOM} and it's end is {@code TOP}).
        public interface RangeTombstoneBuilder {
             * Sets the start for the built range using the provided values.
             * @param values the value for the start of the range. They act like the {@code clusteringValues} argument
             * of the {@link SimpleBuilder#row(Object...)} method, except that it doesn't have to be a full
             * clustering, it can only be a prefix.
             * @return this builder.
            public RangeTombstoneBuilder start(Object... values);

             * Sets the end for the built range using the provided values.
             * @param values the value for the end of the range. They act like the {@code clusteringValues} argument
             * of the {@link SimpleBuilder#row(Object...)} method, except that it doesn't have to be a full
             * clustering, it can only be a prefix.
             * @return this builder.
            public RangeTombstoneBuilder end(Object... values);

             * Sets the start of this range as inclusive.
             * <p>
             * This is the default and don't need to be called, but can for explicitness.
             * @return this builder.
            public RangeTombstoneBuilder inclStart();

             * Sets the start of this range as exclusive.
             * @return this builder.
            public RangeTombstoneBuilder exclStart();

             * Sets the end of this range as inclusive.
             * <p>
             * This is the default and don't need to be called, but can for explicitness.
             * @return this builder.
            public RangeTombstoneBuilder inclEnd();

             * Sets the end of this range as exclusive.
             * @return this builder.
            public RangeTombstoneBuilder exclEnd();

    public static class PartitionUpdateSerializer {
        public void serialize(PartitionUpdate update, DataOutputPlus out, int version) throws IOException {
            try (UnfilteredRowIterator iter = update.unfilteredIterator()) {
                assert !iter.isReverseOrder();

                UnfilteredRowIteratorSerializer.serializer.serialize(iter, null, out, version, update.rowCount());

        public PartitionUpdate deserialize(DataInputPlus in, int version, SerializationHelper.Flag flag)
                throws IOException {
            TableMetadata metadata = Schema.instance.getExistingTableMetadata(TableId.deserialize(in));
            UnfilteredRowIteratorSerializer.Header header = UnfilteredRowIteratorSerializer.serializer
                    .deserializeHeader(metadata, null, in, version, flag);
            if (header.isEmpty)
                return emptyUpdate(metadata, header.key);

            assert !header.isReversed;
            assert header.rowEstimate >= 0;

            MutableDeletionInfo.Builder deletionBuilder = MutableDeletionInfo.builder(header.partitionDeletion,
                    metadata.comparator, false);
            BTree.Builder<Row> rows = BTree.builder(metadata.comparator, header.rowEstimate);

            try (UnfilteredRowIterator partition = UnfilteredRowIteratorSerializer.serializer.deserialize(in,
                    version, metadata, flag, header)) {
                while (partition.hasNext()) {
                    Unfiltered unfiltered =;
                    if (unfiltered.kind() == Unfiltered.Kind.ROW)
                        rows.add((Row) unfiltered);
                        deletionBuilder.add((RangeTombstoneMarker) unfiltered);

            MutableDeletionInfo deletionInfo =;
            return new PartitionUpdate(metadata, header.key, new Holder(header.sHeader.columns(),,
                    deletionInfo, header.staticRow, header.sHeader.stats()), deletionInfo, false);

        public long serializedSize(PartitionUpdate update, int version) {
            try (UnfilteredRowIterator iter = update.unfilteredIterator()) {
                return + UnfilteredRowIteratorSerializer.serializer
                        .serializedSize(iter, null, version, update.rowCount());

     * A counter mark is basically a pointer to a counter update inside this partition update. That pointer allows
     * us to update the counter value based on the pre-existing value read during the read-before-write that counters
     * do. See {@link CounterMutation} to understand how this is used.
    public static class CounterMark {
        private final Row row;
        private final ColumnMetadata column;
        private final CellPath path;

        private CounterMark(Row row, ColumnMetadata column, CellPath path) {
            this.row = row;
            this.column = column;
            this.path = path;

        public Clustering clustering() {
            return row.clustering();

        public ColumnMetadata column() {
            return column;

        public CellPath path() {
            return path;

        public ByteBuffer value() {
            return path == null ? row.getCell(column).value() : row.getCell(column, path).value();

        public void setValue(ByteBuffer value) {
            // This is a bit of a giant hack as this is the only place where we mutate a Row object. This makes it more efficient
            // for counters however and this won't be needed post-#6506 so that's probably fine.
            assert row instanceof BTreeRow;
            ((BTreeRow) row).setValue(column, path, value);

     * Builder for PartitionUpdates
     * This class is not thread safe, but the PartitionUpdate it produces is (since it is immutable).
    public static class Builder {
        private final TableMetadata metadata;
        private final DecoratedKey key;
        private final MutableDeletionInfo deletionInfo;
        private final boolean canHaveShadowedData;
        private Object[] tree = BTree.empty();
        private final BTree.Builder<Row> rowBuilder;
        private Row staticRow = Rows.EMPTY_STATIC_ROW;
        private final RegularAndStaticColumns columns;
        private boolean isBuilt = false;

        public Builder(TableMetadata metadata, DecoratedKey key, RegularAndStaticColumns columns,
                int initialRowCapacity, boolean canHaveShadowedData) {
            this(metadata, key, columns, initialRowCapacity, canHaveShadowedData, Rows.EMPTY_STATIC_ROW,
          , BTree.empty());

        private Builder(TableMetadata metadata, DecoratedKey key, RegularAndStaticColumns columns,
                int initialRowCapacity, boolean canHaveShadowedData, Holder holder) {
            this(metadata, key, columns, initialRowCapacity, canHaveShadowedData, holder.staticRow,
                    holder.deletionInfo, holder.tree);

        private Builder(TableMetadata metadata, DecoratedKey key, RegularAndStaticColumns columns,
                int initialRowCapacity, boolean canHaveShadowedData, Row staticRow, DeletionInfo deletionInfo,
                Object[] tree) {
            this.metadata = metadata;
            this.key = key;
            this.columns = columns;
            this.rowBuilder = rowBuilder(initialRowCapacity);
            this.canHaveShadowedData = canHaveShadowedData;
            this.deletionInfo = deletionInfo.mutableCopy();
            this.staticRow = staticRow;
            this.tree = tree;

        public Builder(TableMetadata metadata, DecoratedKey key, RegularAndStaticColumns columnDefinitions,
                int size) {
            this(metadata, key, columnDefinitions, size, true);

        public Builder(PartitionUpdate base, int initialRowCapacity) {
            this(base.metadata, base.partitionKey, base.columns(), initialRowCapacity, base.canHaveShadowedData,

        public Builder(TableMetadata metadata, ByteBuffer key, RegularAndStaticColumns columns,
                int initialRowCapacity) {
            this(metadata, metadata.partitioner.decorateKey(key), columns, initialRowCapacity, true);

         * Adds a row to this update.
         * There is no particular assumption made on the order of row added to a partition update. It is further
         * allowed to add the same row (more precisely, multiple row objects for the same clustering).
         * Note however that the columns contained in the added row must be a subset of the columns used when
         * creating this update.
         * @param row the row to add.
        public void add(Row row) {
            if (row.isEmpty())

            if (row.isStatic()) {
                // this assert is expensive, and possibly of limited value; we should consider removing it
                // or introducing a new class of assertions for test purposes
                assert columns().statics.containsAll(row.columns()) : columns().statics + " is not superset of "
                        + row.columns();
                staticRow = staticRow.isEmpty() ? row : Rows.merge(staticRow, row);
            } else {
                // this assert is expensive, and possibly of limited value; we should consider removing it
                // or introducing a new class of assertions for test purposes
                assert columns().regulars.containsAll(row.columns()) : columns().regulars + " is not superset of "
                        + row.columns();

        public void addPartitionDeletion(DeletionTime deletionTime) {

        public void add(RangeTombstone range) {
            deletionInfo.add(range, metadata.comparator);

        public DecoratedKey partitionKey() {
            return key;

        public TableMetadata metadata() {
            return metadata;

        public PartitionUpdate build() {
            // assert that we are not calling build() several times
            assert !isBuilt : "A PartitionUpdate.Builder should only get built once";
            Object[] add =;
            Object[] merged = BTree.<Row>merge(tree, add, metadata.comparator,

            EncodingStats newStats = EncodingStats.Collector.collect(staticRow, BTree.iterator(merged),

            isBuilt = true;
            return new PartitionUpdate(metadata, partitionKey(),
                    new Holder(columns, merged, deletionInfo, staticRow, newStats), deletionInfo,

        public RegularAndStaticColumns columns() {
            return columns;

        public DeletionTime partitionLevelDeletion() {
            return deletionInfo.getPartitionDeletion();

        private BTree.Builder<Row> rowBuilder(int initialCapacity) {
            return BTree.<Row>builder(metadata.comparator, initialCapacity).setQuickResolver(Rows::merge);

         * Modify this update to set every timestamp for live data to {@code newTimestamp} and
         * every deletion timestamp to {@code newTimestamp - 1}.
         * There is no reason to use that expect on the Paxos code path, where we need ensure that
         * anything inserted use the ballot timestamp (to respect the order of update decided by
         * the Paxos algorithm). We use {@code newTimestamp - 1} for deletions because tombstones
         * always win on timestamp equality and we don't want to delete our own insertions
         * (typically, when we overwrite a collection, we first set a complex deletion to delete the
         * previous collection before adding new elements. If we were to set that complex deletion
         * to the same timestamp that the new elements, it would delete those elements). And since
         * tombstones always wins on timestamp equality, using -1 guarantees our deletion will still
         * delete anything from a previous update.
        public Builder updateAllTimestamp(long newTimestamp) {
            deletionInfo.updateAllTimestamp(newTimestamp - 1);
            tree = BTree.<Row>transformAndFilter(tree, (x) -> x.updateAllTimestamp(newTimestamp));
            staticRow = this.staticRow.updateAllTimestamp(newTimestamp);
            return this;

        public String toString() {
            return "Builder{" + "metadata=" + metadata + ", key=" + key + ", deletionInfo=" + deletionInfo
                    + ", canHaveShadowedData=" + canHaveShadowedData + ", staticRow=" + staticRow + ", columns="
                    + columns + ", isBuilt=" + isBuilt + '}';