Java tutorial
/* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.apache.cassandra.cql3.subquery; import java.nio.ByteBuffer; import java.nio.charset.CharacterCodingException; import java.sql.Types; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import org.apache.cassandra.cql3.QueryOptions; import org.apache.cassandra.cql3.statements.ParsedStatement; import org.apache.cassandra.exceptions.RequestExecutionException; import org.apache.cassandra.exceptions.RequestValidationException; import org.apache.cassandra.thrift.Column; import org.apache.cassandra.thrift.Compression; import org.apache.cassandra.thrift.ConsistencyLevel; import org.apache.cassandra.thrift.CqlMetadata; import org.apache.cassandra.thrift.CqlPreparedResult; import org.apache.cassandra.thrift.CqlResult; import org.apache.cassandra.thrift.CqlRow; import org.apache.cassandra.thrift.InvalidRequestException; import org.apache.cassandra.thrift.ThriftClientState; import org.apache.cassandra.thrift.ThriftConversion; import org.apache.cassandra.thrift.TimedOutException; import org.apache.cassandra.thrift.UnavailableException; import org.apache.cassandra.tracing.Tracing; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; public class SubQueryProcessor { private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(SubQueryProcessor.class); private static HashMap<Integer, SubQuery> preparedSubqery = new HashMap<>(1); public SubQuery getSlipttedQueries(String queryString, int level) { SubQuery sq = new SubQuery(); int subQueryStartIndex = 0; int subQueryEndIndex = 0; String tempQueryString = queryString; String childQuery = ""; if (level == 1) sq.setLast(true); int length = (StringUtils.countMatches(tempQueryString, "SELECT")) + (StringUtils.countMatches(tempQueryString, "select")); if (length > 1) { boolean isContainSubQuery = true; while (isContainSubQuery) { // All child subqueries will be created inside this loop subQueryStartIndex = findStartIndex(subQueryStartIndex, tempQueryString); subQueryEndIndex = findEndIndex(subQueryStartIndex, subQueryEndIndex, tempQueryString); childQuery = tempQueryString.substring(subQueryStartIndex, subQueryEndIndex - 1).trim(); sq.getSubQuery().add(getSlipttedQueries(childQuery, 0)); tempQueryString = replaceString(tempQueryString, subQueryStartIndex, subQueryEndIndex - 1); length = (StringUtils.countMatches(tempQueryString, "SELECT")) + (StringUtils.countMatches(tempQueryString, "select")); if (length == 1) isContainSubQuery = false; } sq.setQuery(tempQueryString); } else { sq.setQuery(queryString); } return sq; } public int findEndIndex(int subQueryStartIndex, int subQueryEndIndex, String tempQueryString) { int end = 0; subQueryEndIndex = tempQueryString.indexOf(")", subQueryStartIndex) + 1; while (end == 0) { if (subQueryEndIndex < tempQueryString.length() - 1) { char c = tempQueryString.charAt(subQueryEndIndex); if ((c != ')')) { if ((c + "").equals(" ")) subQueryEndIndex++; end = 1; } else subQueryEndIndex++; } else end = 1; } return subQueryEndIndex; } public int findStartIndex(int subQueryStartIndex, String tempQueryString) { subQueryStartIndex = tempQueryString.indexOf("(") + 1; int end = 0; while (end == 0) { char c = tempQueryString.charAt(subQueryStartIndex); if (c != '#') { end = 1; } else { subQueryStartIndex = tempQueryString.indexOf("(", subQueryStartIndex) + 1; } } return subQueryStartIndex; } public String replaceString(String string, int subQueryStartsIndex, int subQueryEndsIndex) { String a = string.substring(0, subQueryStartsIndex); String b = string.substring(subQueryEndsIndex, string.length()); int i = a.lastIndexOf("="); int j = b.lastIndexOf("in"); if (j == 0) { j = b.lastIndexOf("IN"); } if (i > j) { a = a.substring(0, i + 1); b = b.substring(1, b.length()); } return a.trim() + "#" + b.trim(); } public String executeChildQueryAndFillParent(SubQuery sq, ConsistencyLevel cLevel, ThriftClientState cState) throws InvalidRequestException, UnavailableException, TimedOutException { String queryString = sq.getQuery(); List<SubQuery> subQueryList = sq.getSubQuery(); if (subQueryList != null) { for (SubQuery subQuery : subQueryList) { queryString = queryString.replaceFirst("#", executeChildQueryAndFillParent(subQuery, cLevel, cState)); } } if (sq.isLast() == false) return execute(queryString, cLevel, cState); // Execute and return // value as string else return queryString;// return final query } public String execute(String queryString, ConsistencyLevel cLevel, ThriftClientState cState) throws UnavailableException, TimedOutException, InvalidRequestException { List<TypedColumn> values = new ArrayList<TypedColumn>(); String valueString = ""; try { // Execute query CqlResult cr = cState.getCQLQueryHandler() .process(queryString, cState.getQueryState(), QueryOptions.fromProtocolV2( ThriftConversion.fromThrift(cLevel), Collections.<ByteBuffer>emptyList())) .toThriftResult(); Iterator<CqlRow> rowsIterator = cr.getRowsIterator(); populateColumns(rowsIterator, values, cr.schema, queryString); AbstractJdbcType absJdbcType; int typeNo; for (TypedColumn tc : values) { absJdbcType = tc.getValueType(); typeNo = absJdbcType.getJdbcType(); if (typeNo == Types.INTEGER || typeNo == Types.BIGINT || typeNo == Types.DECIMAL || typeNo == Types.FLOAT || typeNo == Types.NUMERIC || typeNo == Types.DOUBLE) { valueString = valueString + tc.getValueString() + ","; } else { /** * Values apart from Integer,Decimal,Float are need to be wrapped with single quotes(' ')[This is * from the assumption that, the column type of parent query is same as reference column selected by * child query] **/ valueString = valueString + "'" + tc.getValueString() + "',"; } } if (valueString.contains(",")) { valueString = valueString.substring(0, valueString.lastIndexOf(',')); } else { // Return error with query string if no value returned throw new InvalidRequestException("SubQuery is not returning any values" + " for the query [" + queryString.toUpperCase() + "] "); } } catch (RequestExecutionException e) { ThriftConversion.rethrow(e); return null; } catch (RequestValidationException e) { // Return error with query string throw new InvalidRequestException( e.getMessage() + " for the query [" + queryString.toUpperCase() + "] "); } catch (CharacterCodingException e) { throw new InvalidRequestException( e.getMessage() + " for the query [" + queryString.toUpperCase() + "] "); } return valueString; } public void populateColumns(Iterator<CqlRow> rowsIterator, List<TypedColumn> values, CqlMetadata schema, String queryString) throws InvalidRequestException, CharacterCodingException { TypedColumn c; int i = 0; CqlRow row; List<Column> cols; while (rowsIterator.hasNext()) { row =; cols = row.getColumns(); // loop through the columns [For sub query the child queries only // have to select single column] i = 0; for (Column col : cols) { i++; c = createColumn(col, schema); values.add(c); } if (i > 1) { throw new InvalidRequestException("The child query [" + queryString + "] selected more than one columns,For sub query the child queries only have to select single column"); } } } public TypedColumn createColumn(Column column, CqlMetadata schema) throws CharacterCodingException { String nameType = schema.name_types.get(; if (nameType == null) nameType = "AsciiType"; String valueType = schema.value_types.get(; TypedColumn tc = new TypedColumn(column, valueType); return tc; } public String prepareStatementForChildQueries(SubQuery sq, ThriftClientState cState) throws RequestValidationException { String queryString = sq.getQueryWithMarker(); List<SubQuery> subQueryList = sq.getSubQuery(); for (SubQuery subQuery : subQueryList) { CqlPreparedResult cqlPreparedResult = cState.getCQLQueryHandler() .prepare(subQuery.getQueryWithMarker(), cState.getQueryState()).toThriftPreparedResult(); subQuery.setItemId(cqlPreparedResult.itemId); prepareStatementForChildQueries(subQuery, cState); } if (sq.isLast() == true) return queryString; else { return null; } } public synchronized static int getPreparedSubqerySize() { return SubQueryProcessor.preparedSubqery.size(); } // Used for eviction public synchronized static void removeOneEntryFromPreparedSubqery() { if (SubQueryProcessor.preparedSubqery.size() > 1000) { int anyKey = SubQueryProcessor.preparedSubqery.entrySet().iterator().next().getKey(); SubQueryProcessor.preparedSubqery.remove(anyKey); } } public synchronized static SubQuery getPreparedSubqery(int itemId) { return SubQueryProcessor.preparedSubqery.get(itemId); } public synchronized static void putPreparedSubqery(int index, SubQuery preparedSubqery) { SubQueryProcessor.preparedSubqery.put(index, preparedSubqery); } public synchronized static boolean isPreparedSubquery(int itemId) { return SubQueryProcessor.preparedSubqery.containsKey(itemId); } public void assignBindVariablesToSubquery(List<ByteBuffer> bindVariables, SubQuery sq) { List<ByteBuffer> tempList = new ArrayList<ByteBuffer>(); String temp = sq.getQuery(); int i = 0; while (temp.contains("?")) { temp = temp.replace("?", "#"); tempList.add(bindVariables.get(i)); bindVariables.remove(i); } sq.setBindVariables(tempList); for (SubQuery subQuery : sq.getSubQuery()) { assignBindVariablesToSubquery(bindVariables, subQuery); } } public int setMarkerString(SubQuery sq) { int totalMarkerCont = 0; String queryString = sq.getQuery(); totalMarkerCont = StringUtils.countMatches(queryString, "?"); queryString = queryString.replaceAll("#", "?"); sq.setQueryWithMarker(queryString); List<SubQuery> subQueryList = sq.getSubQuery(); for (SubQuery subQuery : subQueryList) { totalMarkerCont = totalMarkerCont + setMarkerString(subQuery); } return totalMarkerCont; } public List<ByteBuffer> PreparedQuery_executeChilAndFillParent(SubQuery sq, ConsistencyLevel cLevel, ThriftClientState cState) throws InvalidRequestException, RequestExecutionException, RequestValidationException { List<SubQuery> subQueryList = sq.getSubQuery(); List<List<ByteBuffer>> childReturedRowsAsListOfList = new ArrayList<List<ByteBuffer>>(); List<ByteBuffer> tempList = new ArrayList<ByteBuffer>(); if (subQueryList != null) { for (SubQuery subQuery : subQueryList) { tempList = PreparedQuery_executeChilAndFillParent(subQuery, cLevel, cState); childReturedRowsAsListOfList.add(tempList); } sq.setChildReturedRowsAsList(childReturedRowsAsListOfList); } if (sq.isLast() == false) return executePreparedSubqery(sq, cLevel, cState); // Execute child else return null; } public List<ByteBuffer> executePreparedSubqery(SubQuery sq, ConsistencyLevel cLevel, ThriftClientState cState) throws InvalidRequestException, RequestExecutionException, RequestValidationException { List<ByteBuffer> queryResultList = new ArrayList<ByteBuffer>(); List<ByteBuffer> bindValriables = new ArrayList<ByteBuffer>(); List<ByteBuffer> bindValueAndChildQueryResultsTogether = new ArrayList<ByteBuffer>(); List<List<ByteBuffer>> childReturedRowsAsListOfList = new ArrayList<List<ByteBuffer>>(); bindValriables = sq.getBindVariables(); childReturedRowsAsListOfList = sq.childReturedRowsAsList; int iteration = 1; if (childReturedRowsAsListOfList.size() != 0) { if (childReturedRowsAsListOfList.get(0).size() >= 0) { iteration = childReturedRowsAsListOfList.get(0).size(); } } ParsedStatement.Prepared prepared = cState.getCQLQueryHandler().getPreparedForThrift(sq.getItemId()); if (prepared == null) throw new InvalidRequestException(String.format("Prepared query with ID %d not found" + " (either the query was not prepared on this host (maybe the host has been restarted?)" + " or you have prepared too many queries and it has been evicted from the internal cache)", sq.getItemId())); logger.trace("Retrieved prepared statement #{} with {} bind markers", sq.getItemId(), prepared.statement.getBoundTerms()); for (int i = 0; i < iteration; i++) { bindValueAndChildQueryResultsTogether.clear(); String tempQuery = sq.getQuery(); String tempQueryWithMarker = sq.getQueryWithMarker(); int childListChooser = 0; int bindVariableChooser = 0; while (tempQueryWithMarker.contains("?")) { if (tempQuery.charAt(tempQueryWithMarker.indexOf("?")) == '?') { tempQueryWithMarker = StringUtils.replaceOnce(tempQueryWithMarker, "?", "#"); bindValueAndChildQueryResultsTogether.add(bindValriables.get(bindVariableChooser)); } else { bindValueAndChildQueryResultsTogether .add(childReturedRowsAsListOfList.get(childListChooser).get(i)); tempQueryWithMarker = StringUtils.replaceOnce(tempQueryWithMarker, "?", "#"); childListChooser++; } } CqlResult cqlResult = cState.getCQLQueryHandler() .processPrepared(prepared.statement, cState.getQueryState(), QueryOptions.fromProtocolV2( ThriftConversion.fromThrift(cLevel), bindValueAndChildQueryResultsTogether)) .toThriftResult(); List<CqlRow> cqlRows = cqlResult.getRows(); for (CqlRow cqlRow : cqlRows) { queryResultList.add(ByteBuffer.wrap(cqlRow.getColumns().get(0).getValue())); } } return queryResultList; } public CqlResult executeParentQery(SubQuery sq, ConsistencyLevel cLevel, ThriftClientState cState) throws InvalidRequestException, RequestExecutionException, RequestValidationException { CqlResult cqlResult = null; List<CqlRow> allCqlRows = new ArrayList<CqlRow>(); List<ByteBuffer> bindValriables = new ArrayList<ByteBuffer>(); List<ByteBuffer> bindValueAndChildQueryResultsTogether = new ArrayList<ByteBuffer>(); List<List<ByteBuffer>> childReturedRowsAsListOfList = new ArrayList<List<ByteBuffer>>(); bindValriables = sq.getBindVariables(); childReturedRowsAsListOfList = sq.childReturedRowsAsList; int iteration = 1; if (childReturedRowsAsListOfList.get(0).size() >= 0) { iteration = childReturedRowsAsListOfList.get(0).size(); } ParsedStatement.Prepared prepared = cState.getCQLQueryHandler().getPreparedForThrift(sq.getItemId()); if (prepared == null) throw new InvalidRequestException(String.format("Prepared query with ID %d not found" + " (either the query was not prepared on this host (maybe the host has been restarted?)" + " or you have prepared too many queries and it has been evicted from the internal cache)", sq.getItemId())); logger.trace("Retrieved prepared statement #{} with {} bind markers", sq.getItemId(), prepared.statement.getBoundTerms()); for (int i = 0; i < iteration; i++) { bindValueAndChildQueryResultsTogether.clear(); String tempQuery = sq.getQuery(); String tempQueryWithMarker = sq.getQueryWithMarker(); int childListChooser = 0; while (tempQueryWithMarker.contains("?")) { if (tempQuery.charAt(tempQueryWithMarker.indexOf("?")) == '?') { tempQueryWithMarker = StringUtils.replaceOnce(tempQueryWithMarker, "?", "#"); bindValueAndChildQueryResultsTogether.add(bindValriables.get(i)); } else { bindValueAndChildQueryResultsTogether .add(childReturedRowsAsListOfList.get(childListChooser).get(i)); tempQueryWithMarker = StringUtils.replaceOnce(tempQueryWithMarker, "?", "#"); childListChooser++; } } cqlResult = cState.getCQLQueryHandler() .processPrepared(prepared.statement, cState.getQueryState(), QueryOptions.fromProtocolV2( ThriftConversion.fromThrift(cLevel), bindValueAndChildQueryResultsTogether)) .toThriftResult(); List<CqlRow> cqlRows = cqlResult.getRows(); for (CqlRow cqlRow : cqlRows) { allCqlRows.add(cqlRow); } } cqlResult.setRows(allCqlRows); return cqlResult; } public CqlResult process(String queryString, Compression compression, ConsistencyLevel cLevel, ThriftClientState cState) throws InvalidRequestException, UnavailableException, TimedOutException, RequestExecutionException, RequestValidationException { /** * Parse the query into sub queries. A class SubQuery is created for each query and it also contains its child * queries and an identifier for to be executed at last. **/ SubQuery sq = this.getSlipttedQueries(queryString, 1); /** * Execute all child queries and fill values to its parent query,the final query will be returned without * execute **/ String finalQuery = this.executeChildQueryAndFillParent(sq, cLevel, cState); /** Final query goes here **/ return cState.getCQLQueryHandler() .process(finalQuery, cState.getQueryState(), QueryOptions .fromProtocolV2(ThriftConversion.fromThrift(cLevel), Collections.<ByteBuffer>emptyList())) .toThriftResult(); } public CqlPreparedResult prepare(String queryString, ThriftClientState cState) throws RequestValidationException { /** * Parse the query into sub queries. A class SubQuery is created for each query and it also contains its child * queries and an identifier for to be executed at last. **/ SubQuery sq = this.getSlipttedQueries(queryString, 1); int totalMarkerCont = this.setMarkerString(sq); String parentQuery = this.prepareStatementForChildQueries(sq, cState); CqlPreparedResult cqlPreparedResult = cState.getCQLQueryHandler() .prepare(parentQuery, cState.getQueryState()).toThriftPreparedResult(); sq.setItemId(cqlPreparedResult.getItemId()); int uniqueHashCodeForSubQuery = (parentQuery + "PreparedSubQuery" + sq.subQuery.get(0).queryWithMarker) .hashCode(); SubQueryProcessor.removeOneEntryFromPreparedSubqery(); SubQueryProcessor.putPreparedSubqery(uniqueHashCodeForSubQuery, sq); cqlPreparedResult.setItemId(uniqueHashCodeForSubQuery); cqlPreparedResult.setCount(totalMarkerCont); return cqlPreparedResult; } public CqlResult processPrepared(int itemId, List<ByteBuffer> bindVariables, ConsistencyLevel cLevel, ThriftClientState cState) throws InvalidRequestException, RequestExecutionException, RequestValidationException { SubQuery sq = SubQueryProcessor.getPreparedSubqery(itemId); if (sq == null) throw new InvalidRequestException(String.format("Prepared query with ID %d not found" + " (either the query was not prepared on this host (maybe the host has been restarted?)" + " or you have prepared too many queries and it has been evicted from the internal cache)", itemId)); this.assignBindVariablesToSubquery(bindVariables, sq); /** * Execute all child queries and fill values to its parent // query,the final query will be returned without * execute **/ this.PreparedQuery_executeChilAndFillParent(sq, cLevel, cState); /* Execute parent query and return */ ParsedStatement.Prepared prepared = cState.getCQLQueryHandler().getPreparedForThrift(sq.getItemId()); return this.executeParentQery(sq, cLevel, cState); } }