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 * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
 * contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
 * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
 * The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0
 * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
 * the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.
package org.apache.calcite.sql.validate;

import org.apache.calcite.linq4j.Linq4j;
import org.apache.calcite.linq4j.Ord;
import org.apache.calcite.rel.type.RelDataType;
import org.apache.calcite.sql.SqlCall;
import org.apache.calcite.sql.SqlNode;
import org.apache.calcite.sql.SqlNodeList;
import org.apache.calcite.sql.SqlSelect;
import org.apache.calcite.util.ImmutableBitSet;
import org.apache.calcite.util.Litmus;
import org.apache.calcite.util.Pair;


import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;

import static org.apache.calcite.sql.SqlUtil.stripAs;

 * Scope for resolving identifiers within a SELECT statement that has a
 * GROUP BY clause.
 * <p>The same set of identifiers are in scope, but it won't allow access to
 * identifiers or expressions which are not group-expressions.
public class AggregatingSelectScope extends DelegatingScope implements AggregatingScope {
    //~ Instance fields --------------------------------------------------------

    private final SqlSelect select;
    private final boolean distinct;

    /** Use while under construction. */
    private List<SqlNode> temporaryGroupExprList;

    public final Supplier<Resolved> resolved = Suppliers.memoize(new Supplier<Resolved>() {
        public Resolved get() {
            assert temporaryGroupExprList == null;
            temporaryGroupExprList = new ArrayList<>();
            try {
                return resolve();
            } finally {
                temporaryGroupExprList = null;

    //~ Constructors -----------------------------------------------------------

     * Creates an AggregatingSelectScope
     * @param selectScope Parent scope
     * @param select      Enclosing SELECT node
     * @param distinct    Whether SELECT is DISTINCT
    AggregatingSelectScope(SqlValidatorScope selectScope, SqlSelect select, boolean distinct) {
        // The select scope is the parent in the sense that all columns which
        // are available in the select scope are available. Whether they are
        // valid as aggregation expressions... now that's a different matter.
        super(selectScope); = select;
        this.distinct = distinct;

    //~ Methods ----------------------------------------------------------------

    private Resolved resolve() {
        final ImmutableList.Builder<ImmutableList<ImmutableBitSet>> builder = ImmutableList.builder();
        List<SqlNode> extraExprs = ImmutableList.of();
        Map<Integer, Integer> groupExprProjection = ImmutableMap.of();
        if (select.getGroup() != null) {
            final SqlNodeList groupList = select.getGroup();
            final SqlValidatorUtil.GroupAnalyzer groupAnalyzer = new SqlValidatorUtil.GroupAnalyzer(
            for (SqlNode groupExpr : groupList) {
                SqlValidatorUtil.analyzeGroupItem(this, groupAnalyzer, builder, groupExpr);
            extraExprs = groupAnalyzer.extraExprs;
            groupExprProjection = groupAnalyzer.groupExprProjection;

        final Set<ImmutableBitSet> flatGroupSets = Sets.newTreeSet(ImmutableBitSet.COMPARATOR);
        for (List<ImmutableBitSet> groupSet : Linq4j.product( {

        // For GROUP BY (), we need a singleton grouping set.
        if (flatGroupSets.isEmpty()) {

        return new Resolved(extraExprs, temporaryGroupExprList, flatGroupSets, groupExprProjection);

     * Returns the expressions that are in the GROUP BY clause (or the SELECT
     * DISTINCT clause, if distinct) and that can therefore be referenced
     * without being wrapped in aggregate functions.
     * <p>The expressions are fully-qualified, and any "*" in select clauses are
     * expanded.
     * @return list of grouping expressions
    private Pair<ImmutableList<SqlNode>, ImmutableList<SqlNode>> getGroupExprs() {
        if (distinct) {
            // Cannot compute this in the constructor: select list has not been
            // expanded yet.
            assert select.isDistinct();

            // Remove the AS operator so the expressions are consistent with
            // OrderExpressionExpander.
            ImmutableList.Builder<SqlNode> groupExprs = ImmutableList.builder();
            final SelectScope selectScope = (SelectScope) parent;
            for (SqlNode selectItem : selectScope.getExpandedSelectList()) {
            return Pair.of(ImmutableList.<SqlNode>of(),;
        } else if (select.getGroup() != null) {
            if (temporaryGroupExprList != null) {
                // we are in the middle of resolving
                return Pair.of(ImmutableList.<SqlNode>of(), ImmutableList.copyOf(temporaryGroupExprList));
            } else {
                final Resolved resolved = this.resolved.get();
                return Pair.of(resolved.extraExprList, resolved.groupExprList);
        } else {
            return Pair.of(ImmutableList.<SqlNode>of(), ImmutableList.<SqlNode>of());

    public SqlNode getNode() {
        return select;

    private static boolean allContain(List<ImmutableBitSet> bitSets, int bit) {
        for (ImmutableBitSet bitSet : bitSets) {
            if (!bitSet.get(bit)) {
                return false;
        return true;

    public RelDataType nullifyType(SqlNode node, RelDataType type) {
        final Resolved r = this.resolved.get();
        for (Ord<SqlNode> groupExpr : {
            if (groupExpr.e.equalsDeep(node, Litmus.IGNORE)) {
                if (r.isNullable(groupExpr.i)) {
                    return validator.getTypeFactory().createTypeWithNullability(type, true);
        return type;

    public SqlValidatorScope getOperandScope(SqlCall call) {
        if (call.getOperator().isAggregator()) {
            // If we're the 'SUM' node in 'select a + sum(b + c) from t
            // group by a', then we should validate our arguments in
            // the non-aggregating scope, where 'b' and 'c' are valid
            // column references.
            return parent;
        } else {
            // Check whether expression is constant within the group.
            // If not, throws. Example, 'empno' in
            //    SELECT empno FROM emp GROUP BY deptno
            // If it perfectly matches an expression in the GROUP BY
            // clause, we validate its arguments in the non-aggregating
            // scope. Example, 'empno + 1' in
            //   SELECT empno + 1 FROM emp GROUP BY empno + 1

            final boolean matches = checkAggregateExpr(call, false);
            if (matches) {
                return parent;
        return super.getOperandScope(call);

    public boolean checkAggregateExpr(SqlNode expr, boolean deep) {
        // Fully-qualify any identifiers in expr.
        if (deep) {
            expr = validator.expand(expr, this);

        // Make sure expression is valid, throws if not.
        Pair<ImmutableList<SqlNode>, ImmutableList<SqlNode>> pair = getGroupExprs();
        final AggChecker aggChecker = new AggChecker(validator, this, pair.left, pair.right, distinct);
        if (deep) {

        // Return whether expression exactly matches one of the group
        // expressions.
        return aggChecker.isGroupExpr(expr);

    public void validateExpr(SqlNode expr) {
        checkAggregateExpr(expr, true);

    /** Information about an aggregating scope that can only be determined
     * after validation has occurred. Therefore it cannot be populated when
     * the scope is created. */
    public class Resolved {
        public final ImmutableList<SqlNode> extraExprList;
        public final ImmutableList<SqlNode> groupExprList;
        public final ImmutableBitSet groupSet;
        public final ImmutableList<ImmutableBitSet> groupSets;
        public final boolean indicator;
        public final Map<Integer, Integer> groupExprProjection;

        Resolved(List<SqlNode> extraExprList, List<SqlNode> groupExprList, Iterable<ImmutableBitSet> groupSets,
                Map<Integer, Integer> groupExprProjection) {
            this.extraExprList = ImmutableList.copyOf(extraExprList);
            this.groupExprList = ImmutableList.copyOf(groupExprList);
            this.groupSet = ImmutableBitSet.range(groupExprList.size());
            this.groupSets = ImmutableList.copyOf(groupSets);
            this.indicator = !this.groupSets.equals(ImmutableList.of(groupSet));
            this.groupExprProjection = ImmutableMap.copyOf(groupExprProjection);

        /** Returns whether a field should be nullable due to grouping sets. */
        public boolean isNullable(int i) {
            return i < groupExprList.size() && !allContain(groupSets, i);

        /** Returns whether a given expression is equal to one of the grouping
         * expressions. Determines whether it is valid as an operand to GROUPING. */
        public boolean isGroupingExpr(SqlNode operand) {
            return lookupGroupingExpr(operand) >= 0;

        public int lookupGroupingExpr(SqlNode operand) {
            for (Ord<SqlNode> groupExpr : {
                if (operand.equalsDeep(groupExpr.e, Litmus.IGNORE)) {
                    return groupExpr.i;
            return -1;

// End