Java tutorial
/* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the License is distributed on an * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. */ package org.apache.brooklyn.location.jclouds; import static; import static org.apache.brooklyn.util.JavaGroovyEquivalents.groovyTruth; import static; import static; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Properties; import org.apache.brooklyn.core.config.Sanitizer; import; import org.apache.brooklyn.core.mgmt.persist.DeserializingJcloudsRenamesProvider; import org.apache.brooklyn.util.core.config.ConfigBag; import org.apache.brooklyn.util.text.Strings; import org.apache.brooklyn.util.time.Duration; import org.jclouds.Constants; import org.jclouds.compute.config.ComputeServiceProperties; import org.jclouds.ec2.reference.EC2Constants; import org.jclouds.location.reference.LocationConstants; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import; import; public class JCloudsPropertiesBuilder implements JcloudsLocationConfig { private ConfigBag conf; private Properties properties = new Properties(); private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(JCloudsPropertiesBuilder.class); public JCloudsPropertiesBuilder(ConfigBag conf) { this.conf = conf; } public JCloudsPropertiesBuilder setCommonJcloudsProperties() { properties.setProperty(Constants.PROPERTY_TRUST_ALL_CERTS, Boolean.toString(true)); properties.setProperty(Constants.PROPERTY_RELAX_HOSTNAME, Boolean.toString(true)); properties.setProperty("jclouds.ssh.max-retries", conf.getStringKey("jclouds.ssh.max-retries") != null ? conf.getStringKey("jclouds.ssh.max-retries").toString() : "50"); if (conf.get(OAUTH_ENDPOINT) != null) properties.setProperty(OAUTH_ENDPOINT.getName(), conf.get(OAUTH_ENDPOINT)); /* * See * For retries, the backoff times are: * Math.min(2^failureCount * retryDelayStart, retryDelayStart * 10) + random(10%) * The overridden Brooklyn defaults give backoffs of: * 2s, 4s, 8s, 16s, 20s, 20s, 20s, 20s, 20s, 20s * (i.e. we'll keep trying for approx 2mins 30secs). * * The jclouds defaults (if not overridden here) are 50ms and 5 retires. This gives backoff * times of: * 50ms, 100ms, 200ms, 400ms, 500ms * That is only a total of 1.25s, which is not long when you're being rate-limited * and there are multiple thread all retrying their API calls. * * Further improvements/considerations include: * - Users with huge deployments may want to backoff for even longer, e.g. setting: * jclouds.retries-delay-start: 3s * jclouds.max-retries: 20 * - The jitter could be improved to include more randomness, but that is not yet * configurable in jclouds. See: * - * - * - */ properties.setProperty(Constants.PROPERTY_RETRY_DELAY_START, "2000"); properties.setProperty(Constants.PROPERTY_MAX_RETRIES, "10"); /* * Controls polling for the VM status as 'running', when provisioning a new VM. * The backoff times are calculated as: * Math.min(1.5^(attempt-1) * initialPeriod, maxPeriod) * See: * * The overridden Brooklyn defaults give backoffs of: * 1s, 1.5s, 2s, 2s, ... * * Defaults in jclouds are initial 50ms, backing off to max 1s. That would give backoffs of: * 50ms, 75ms, 112ms, 169ms, 253ms, 380ms, 570ms, 854ms, 1s, ... * i.e. approx 5 calls in the first second, and another 2 calls in the next second, etc. * For detecting completion of VM provisioning (which even in a fast cloud currently * takes > 10s), that is far more load than is sensible with default settings. */ properties.setProperty(ComputeServiceProperties.POLL_INITIAL_PERIOD, "1000"); properties.setProperty(ComputeServiceProperties.POLL_MAX_PERIOD, "2000"); return this; } public JCloudsPropertiesBuilder setAWSEC2Properties() { // TODO convert AWS-only flags to config keys if (groovyTruth(conf.get(IMAGE_ID))) { properties.setProperty(PROPERTY_EC2_AMI_QUERY, ""); properties.setProperty(PROPERTY_EC2_CC_AMI_QUERY, ""); } else if (groovyTruth(conf.getStringKey("imageOwner"))) { properties.setProperty(PROPERTY_EC2_AMI_QUERY, "owner-id=" + conf.getStringKey("imageOwner") + ";state=available;image-type=machine"); } else if (groovyTruth(conf.getStringKey("anyOwner"))) { // set `anyOwner: true` to override the default query (which is restricted to certain owners as per below), // allowing the AMI query to bind to any machine // (note however, we sometimes pick defaults in JcloudsLocationFactory); // (and be careful, this can give a LOT of data back, taking several minutes, // and requiring extra memory allocated on the command-line) properties.setProperty(PROPERTY_EC2_AMI_QUERY, "state=available;image-type=machine"); /* * by default the following filters are applied: * Filter.1.Name=owner-id&Filter.1.Value.1=137112412989& * Filter.1.Value.2=063491364108& * Filter.1.Value.3=099720109477& * Filter.1.Value.4=411009282317& * Filter.2.Name=state&Filter.2.Value.1=available& * Filter.3.Name=image-type&Filter.3.Value.1=machine& */ } // See String region = conf.get(CLOUD_REGION_ID); if (Strings.isNonBlank(region)) { /* * Drop availability zone suffixes. Without this deployments to regions like us-east-1b fail * because jclouds throws an IllegalStateException complaining that: location id us-east-1b * not found in: [{scope=PROVIDER, id=aws-ec2, description=, * iso3166Codes=[US-VA, US-CA, US-OR, BR-SP, IE, DE-HE, SG, AU-NSW, JP-13]}]. The exception is * thrown by org.jclouds.compute.domain.internal.TemplateBuilderImpl#locationId(String). */ if (Character.isLetter(region.charAt(region.length() - 1))) { region = region.substring(0, region.length() - 1); } properties.setProperty(LocationConstants.PROPERTY_REGIONS, region); } // occasionally can get java.lang.RuntimeException: // security group eu-central-1/jclouds#brooklyn-bxza-alex-eu-central-shoul-u2jy-nginx-ielm is not available after creating // the default timeout was 500ms so let's raise it in case that helps properties.setProperty(EC2Constants.PROPERTY_EC2_TIMEOUT_SECURITYGROUP_PRESENT, "" + Duration.seconds(30).toMilliseconds()); return this; } public JCloudsPropertiesBuilder setAzureComputeArmProperties() { String region = conf.get(CloudLocationConfig.CLOUD_REGION_ID); if (Strings.isNonBlank(region)) { properties.setProperty(LocationConstants.PROPERTY_REGIONS, region); } return this; } public JCloudsPropertiesBuilder setCustomJcloudsProperties() { Map<String, Object> extra = Maps.filterKeys(conf.getAllConfig(), Predicates.containsPattern("^jclouds\\.")); if (extra.size() > 0) { String provider = getProviderFromConfig(conf); LOG.debug("Configuring custom jclouds property overrides for {}: {}", provider, Sanitizer.sanitize(extra)); } properties.putAll(Maps.filterValues(extra, Predicates.notNull())); return this; } public JCloudsPropertiesBuilder setEndpointProperty() { String endpoint = conf.get(CloudLocationConfig.CLOUD_ENDPOINT); if (!groovyTruth(endpoint)) endpoint = getDeprecatedProperty(conf, Constants.PROPERTY_ENDPOINT); if (groovyTruth(endpoint)) properties.setProperty(Constants.PROPERTY_ENDPOINT, endpoint); return this; } public Properties build() { return properties; } private String getDeprecatedProperty(ConfigBag conf, String key) { if (conf.containsKey(key)) { LOG.warn("Jclouds using deprecated brooklyn-jclouds property " + key + ": " + Sanitizer.sanitize(conf.getAllConfig())); return (String) conf.getStringKey(key); } else { return null; } } private String getProviderFromConfig(ConfigBag conf) { String rawProvider = checkNotNull(conf.get(CLOUD_PROVIDER), "provider must not be null"); return DeserializingJcloudsRenamesProvider.INSTANCE.applyJcloudsRenames(rawProvider); } }