Java tutorial
/** * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.apache.bookkeeper.util; import io.netty.buffer.ByteBuf; import java.nio.ByteBuffer; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Map.Entry; import java.util.PrimitiveIterator; import java.util.TreeMap; import org.apache.commons.lang3.mutable.MutableInt; import org.apache.commons.lang3.mutable.MutableLong; import org.apache.commons.lang3.mutable.MutableObject; /** * Ordered collection of SequenceGroups will represent entries of the ledger * residing in a bookie. * * <p>In the byte array representation of AvailabilityOfEntriesOfLedger, for the * sake of future extensibility it would be helpful to have reserved space for * header at the beginning. So the first 64 bytes will be used for header, with * the first four bytes specifying the int version number, next four bytes * specifying the number of sequencegroups for now and the rest of the bytes in * the reserved space will be 0's. The encoded format will be represented after * the first 64 bytes. The ordered collection of SequenceGroups will be appended * sequentially to this byte array, with each SequenceGroup taking 24 bytes. */ public class AvailabilityOfEntriesOfLedger { public static final long INVALID_ENTRYID = -1; /* * * Nomenclature: * * - Continuous entries are grouped as a Sequence. - Number of continuous * entries in a Sequence is called sequenceSize. - Gap between * Consecutive sequences is called sequencePeriod. - Consecutive sequences * with same sequenceSize and same sequencePeriod in between consecutive * sequences are grouped as a SequenceGroup. - firstSequenceStart is the * first entry in the first sequence of the SequenceGroup. - * lastSequenceStart is the first entry in the last sequence of the * SequenceGroup. * * To represent a SequenceGroup, two long values and two int values are * needed, so each SequenceGroup can be represented with (2 * 8 + 2 * 4 = 24 * bytes). */ private static class SequenceGroup { private static final int SEQUENCEGROUP_BYTES = 2 * Long.BYTES + 2 * Integer.BYTES; private final long firstSequenceStart; private final int sequenceSize; private long lastSequenceStart = INVALID_ENTRYID; private int sequencePeriod; private boolean isSequenceGroupClosed = false; private long numOfEntriesInSequenceGroup = 0; private SequenceGroup(long firstSequenceStart, int sequenceSize) { this.firstSequenceStart = firstSequenceStart; this.lastSequenceStart = firstSequenceStart; this.sequenceSize = sequenceSize; this.sequencePeriod = 0; } private SequenceGroup(byte[] serializedSequenceGroup) { ByteBuffer buffer = ByteBuffer.wrap(serializedSequenceGroup); firstSequenceStart = buffer.getLong(); lastSequenceStart = buffer.getLong(); sequenceSize = buffer.getInt(); sequencePeriod = buffer.getInt(); setSequenceGroupClosed(); } private boolean isSequenceGroupClosed() { return isSequenceGroupClosed; } private void setSequenceGroupClosed() { this.isSequenceGroupClosed = true; numOfEntriesInSequenceGroup = (lastSequenceStart - firstSequenceStart) == 0 ? sequenceSize : (((lastSequenceStart - firstSequenceStart) / sequencePeriod) + 1) * sequenceSize; } private long getNumOfEntriesInSequenceGroup() { if (!isSequenceGroupClosed()) { throw new IllegalStateException( "SequenceGroup is not yet closed, it is illegal to call getNumOfEntriesInSequenceGroup"); } return numOfEntriesInSequenceGroup; } private long getLastSequenceStart() { return lastSequenceStart; } private void setLastSequenceStart(long lastSequenceStart) { this.lastSequenceStart = lastSequenceStart; } private int getSequencePeriod() { return sequencePeriod; } private void setSequencePeriod(int sequencePeriod) { this.sequencePeriod = sequencePeriod; } private long getFirstSequenceStart() { return firstSequenceStart; } private void serializeSequenceGroup(byte[] byteArrayForSerialization) { if (!isSequenceGroupClosed()) { throw new IllegalStateException( "SequenceGroup is not yet closed, it is illegal to call serializeSequenceGroup"); } ByteBuffer buffer = ByteBuffer.wrap(byteArrayForSerialization); buffer.putLong(firstSequenceStart); buffer.putLong(lastSequenceStart); buffer.putInt(sequenceSize); buffer.putInt(sequencePeriod); } private boolean isEntryAvailable(long entryId) { if (!isSequenceGroupClosed()) { throw new IllegalStateException( "SequenceGroup is not yet closed, it is illegal to call isEntryAvailable"); } if ((entryId >= firstSequenceStart) && (entryId <= (lastSequenceStart + sequenceSize))) { if (sequencePeriod == 0) { return ((entryId - firstSequenceStart) < sequenceSize); } else { return (((entryId - firstSequenceStart) % sequencePeriod) < sequenceSize); } } else { return false; } } } public static final int HEADER_SIZE = 64; public static final int V0 = 0; // current version of AvailabilityOfEntriesOfLedger header is V0 public static final int CURRENT_HEADER_VERSION = V0; private final TreeMap<Long, SequenceGroup> sortedSequenceGroups = new TreeMap<Long, SequenceGroup>(); private MutableObject<SequenceGroup> curSequenceGroup = new MutableObject<SequenceGroup>(null); private MutableLong curSequenceStartEntryId = new MutableLong(INVALID_ENTRYID); private MutableInt curSequenceSize = new MutableInt(0); private boolean availabilityOfEntriesOfLedgerClosed = false; private long totalNumOfAvailableEntries = 0; public AvailabilityOfEntriesOfLedger(PrimitiveIterator.OfLong entriesOfLedgerItr) { while (entriesOfLedgerItr.hasNext()) { this.addEntryToAvailabileEntriesOfLedger(entriesOfLedgerItr.nextLong()); } this.closeStateOfEntriesOfALedger(); } public AvailabilityOfEntriesOfLedger(byte[] serializeStateOfEntriesOfLedger) { byte[] header = new byte[HEADER_SIZE]; byte[] serializedSequenceGroupByteArray = new byte[SequenceGroup.SEQUENCEGROUP_BYTES]; System.arraycopy(serializeStateOfEntriesOfLedger, 0, header, 0, HEADER_SIZE); ByteBuffer headerByteBuf = ByteBuffer.wrap(header); int headerVersion = headerByteBuf.getInt(); if (headerVersion > CURRENT_HEADER_VERSION) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unsupported Header Version: " + headerVersion); } int numOfSequenceGroups = headerByteBuf.getInt(); SequenceGroup newSequenceGroup; for (int i = 0; i < numOfSequenceGroups; i++) { Arrays.fill(serializedSequenceGroupByteArray, (byte) 0); System.arraycopy(serializeStateOfEntriesOfLedger, HEADER_SIZE + (i * SequenceGroup.SEQUENCEGROUP_BYTES), serializedSequenceGroupByteArray, 0, SequenceGroup.SEQUENCEGROUP_BYTES); newSequenceGroup = new SequenceGroup(serializedSequenceGroupByteArray); sortedSequenceGroups.put(newSequenceGroup.getFirstSequenceStart(), newSequenceGroup); } setAvailabilityOfEntriesOfLedgerClosed(); } public AvailabilityOfEntriesOfLedger(ByteBuf byteBuf) { byte[] header = new byte[HEADER_SIZE]; byte[] serializedSequenceGroupByteArray = new byte[SequenceGroup.SEQUENCEGROUP_BYTES]; int readerIndex = byteBuf.readerIndex(); byteBuf.getBytes(readerIndex, header, 0, HEADER_SIZE); ByteBuffer headerByteBuf = ByteBuffer.wrap(header); int headerVersion = headerByteBuf.getInt(); if (headerVersion > CURRENT_HEADER_VERSION) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unsupported Header Version: " + headerVersion); } int numOfSequenceGroups = headerByteBuf.getInt(); SequenceGroup newSequenceGroup; for (int i = 0; i < numOfSequenceGroups; i++) { Arrays.fill(serializedSequenceGroupByteArray, (byte) 0); byteBuf.getBytes(readerIndex + HEADER_SIZE + (i * SequenceGroup.SEQUENCEGROUP_BYTES), serializedSequenceGroupByteArray, 0, SequenceGroup.SEQUENCEGROUP_BYTES); newSequenceGroup = new SequenceGroup(serializedSequenceGroupByteArray); sortedSequenceGroups.put(newSequenceGroup.getFirstSequenceStart(), newSequenceGroup); } setAvailabilityOfEntriesOfLedgerClosed(); } private void initializeCurSequence(long curSequenceStartEntryIdValue) { curSequenceStartEntryId.setValue(curSequenceStartEntryIdValue); curSequenceSize.setValue(1); } private void resetCurSequence() { curSequenceStartEntryId.setValue(INVALID_ENTRYID); curSequenceSize.setValue(0); } private boolean isCurSequenceInitialized() { return curSequenceStartEntryId.longValue() != INVALID_ENTRYID; } private boolean isEntryExistingInCurSequence(long entryId) { return (curSequenceStartEntryId.longValue() <= entryId) && (entryId < (curSequenceStartEntryId.longValue() + curSequenceSize.intValue())); } private boolean isEntryAppendableToCurSequence(long entryId) { return ((curSequenceStartEntryId.longValue() + curSequenceSize.intValue()) == entryId); } private void incrementCurSequenceSize() { curSequenceSize.increment(); } private void createNewSequenceGroupWithCurSequence() { SequenceGroup curSequenceGroupValue = curSequenceGroup.getValue(); curSequenceGroupValue.setSequenceGroupClosed(); sortedSequenceGroups.put(curSequenceGroupValue.getFirstSequenceStart(), curSequenceGroupValue); curSequenceGroup .setValue(new SequenceGroup(curSequenceStartEntryId.longValue(), curSequenceSize.intValue())); } private boolean isCurSequenceGroupInitialized() { return curSequenceGroup.getValue() != null; } private void initializeCurSequenceGroupWithCurSequence() { curSequenceGroup .setValue(new SequenceGroup(curSequenceStartEntryId.longValue(), curSequenceSize.intValue())); } private boolean doesCurSequenceBelongToCurSequenceGroup() { long curSequenceStartEntryIdValue = curSequenceStartEntryId.longValue(); int curSequenceSizeValue = curSequenceSize.intValue(); boolean belongsToThisSequenceGroup = false; SequenceGroup curSequenceGroupValue = curSequenceGroup.getValue(); if ((curSequenceGroupValue.sequenceSize == curSequenceSizeValue) && ((curSequenceGroupValue.getLastSequenceStart() == INVALID_ENTRYID) || ((curSequenceStartEntryIdValue - curSequenceGroupValue.getLastSequenceStart()) == curSequenceGroupValue .getSequencePeriod()))) { belongsToThisSequenceGroup = true; } return belongsToThisSequenceGroup; } private void appendCurSequenceToCurSequenceGroup() { SequenceGroup curSequenceGroupValue = curSequenceGroup.getValue(); curSequenceGroupValue.setLastSequenceStart(curSequenceStartEntryId.longValue()); if (curSequenceGroupValue.getSequencePeriod() == 0) { curSequenceGroupValue.setSequencePeriod(((int) (curSequenceGroupValue.getLastSequenceStart() - curSequenceGroupValue.firstSequenceStart))); } } private void addCurSequenceToSequenceGroup() { if (!isCurSequenceGroupInitialized()) { initializeCurSequenceGroupWithCurSequence(); } else if (doesCurSequenceBelongToCurSequenceGroup()) { appendCurSequenceToCurSequenceGroup(); } else { createNewSequenceGroupWithCurSequence(); } } private void addEntryToAvailabileEntriesOfLedger(long entryId) { if (!isCurSequenceInitialized()) { initializeCurSequence(entryId); } else if (isEntryExistingInCurSequence(entryId)) { /* this entry is already added so do nothing */ } else if (isEntryAppendableToCurSequence(entryId)) { incrementCurSequenceSize(); } else { addCurSequenceToSequenceGroup(); initializeCurSequence(entryId); } } private void closeStateOfEntriesOfALedger() { if (isCurSequenceInitialized()) { addCurSequenceToSequenceGroup(); resetCurSequence(); } SequenceGroup curSequenceGroupValue = curSequenceGroup.getValue(); if (curSequenceGroupValue != null) { curSequenceGroupValue.setSequenceGroupClosed(); sortedSequenceGroups.put(curSequenceGroupValue.getFirstSequenceStart(), curSequenceGroupValue); } setAvailabilityOfEntriesOfLedgerClosed(); } private boolean isAvailabilityOfEntriesOfLedgerClosed() { return availabilityOfEntriesOfLedgerClosed; } private void setAvailabilityOfEntriesOfLedgerClosed() { this.availabilityOfEntriesOfLedgerClosed = true; for (Entry<Long, SequenceGroup> seqGroupEntry : sortedSequenceGroups.entrySet()) { totalNumOfAvailableEntries += seqGroupEntry.getValue().getNumOfEntriesInSequenceGroup(); } } public byte[] serializeStateOfEntriesOfLedger() { if (!isAvailabilityOfEntriesOfLedgerClosed()) { throw new IllegalStateException("AvailabilityOfEntriesOfLedger is not yet closed," + "it is illegal to call serializeStateOfEntriesOfLedger"); } byte[] header = new byte[HEADER_SIZE]; ByteBuffer headerByteBuf = ByteBuffer.wrap(header); byte[] serializedSequenceGroupByteArray = new byte[SequenceGroup.SEQUENCEGROUP_BYTES]; byte[] serializedStateByteArray = new byte[HEADER_SIZE + (sortedSequenceGroups.size() * SequenceGroup.SEQUENCEGROUP_BYTES)]; final int numOfSequenceGroups = sortedSequenceGroups.size(); headerByteBuf.putInt(CURRENT_HEADER_VERSION); headerByteBuf.putInt(numOfSequenceGroups); System.arraycopy(header, 0, serializedStateByteArray, 0, HEADER_SIZE); int seqNum = 0; for (Entry<Long, SequenceGroup> seqGroupEntry : sortedSequenceGroups.entrySet()) { SequenceGroup seqGroup = seqGroupEntry.getValue(); Arrays.fill(serializedSequenceGroupByteArray, (byte) 0); seqGroup.serializeSequenceGroup(serializedSequenceGroupByteArray); System.arraycopy(serializedSequenceGroupByteArray, 0, serializedStateByteArray, HEADER_SIZE + ((seqNum++) * SequenceGroup.SEQUENCEGROUP_BYTES), SequenceGroup.SEQUENCEGROUP_BYTES); } return serializedStateByteArray; } public boolean isEntryAvailable(long entryId) { if (!isAvailabilityOfEntriesOfLedgerClosed()) { throw new IllegalStateException( "AvailabilityOfEntriesOfLedger is not yet closed, it is illegal to call isEntryAvailable"); } Entry<Long, SequenceGroup> seqGroup = sortedSequenceGroups.floorEntry(entryId); if (seqGroup == null) { return false; } return seqGroup.getValue().isEntryAvailable(entryId); } public long getTotalNumOfAvailableEntries() { if (!isAvailabilityOfEntriesOfLedgerClosed()) { throw new IllegalStateException("AvailabilityOfEntriesOfLedger is not yet closed," + " it is illegal to call getTotalNumOfAvailableEntries"); } return totalNumOfAvailableEntries; } }